Ken Increasing Access To Inclusive and Responsive Governance at Grassroots

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Increasing access to inclusive and responsive governance at grassroots

General Information
Opportunity Record UNDEF Proposal Year of Application / R16 - 2021
Type Round

Created By Sputnik Moment, 12/11/2021 12:22 PM Application Stage Submitted

Close Date 12/11/2021 Edit Flag

Last Modified By Vincent Than, 1/24/2022 7:26 PM Recommended Grant

Amount (Scorecard)

Opportunity Owner Portal User - English

Proposal Information
Proposal Name Increasing access to inclusive and Proposal Validity Valid
responsive governance at grassroots
Proposal Name Proposal Status Long listed
Original (EN/FR)

Project Location Local - Kenya

Region Sub-Saharan Africa
Receipt # 54963_KEN


Organization Name St. John’s Community Centre Type of Applicant Civil Society or Non-Governmental
Organization SJCC First Time or Prior Applied before and awarded a grant
Acronym Applicant

Address Munyema Street, Off Meru Road, Enter previous UDF-KEN-14-590

Nairobi, Nairobi 16254-00610 Kenya UNDEF Project

Website Annual Expenditure $400,000 - $500,000

Social Media Page(s) WhatsApp +254723701945, Number of Staff 74
Year of Legal 1967

Financial Audits Yes

Organization Annual Yes

Organization Contacts Information

Head of Organization Mr. Key Contact Prefix Mr.

Name of Head of Peter Njuguna Name of Key Contact PeterNjuguna


Title of Head Director Title of Key Contact Director

Phone of Head +254 722 814319 Phone of Key Contact +254 723 701945
Email of Head Email of Key Contact

Organization Experience and Affiliations

Organization's Vision St. John’s Community Centre – Pumwani (SJCC) vision is to have a godly society with dignity and
sustainable livelihoods. SJCC mission is promoting a just healthy and transformed society through 1/7
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capacity building, social inclusion and accountable interventions. SJCC Strategic plan (2021-2025) aims
to improve access to quality education and vocational skills training for OVC and youth, second,
increased and sustainable household incomes, third enhanced human rights-centered governance in the
community, forth improved health and environment of the household , and fifth, transform institution
capacity for effective and efficient service delivery
Prior Experience of SJCC, with funds from various partners among them UNDEF,SJCC has built strong community structures
Your Organization engaged in lobby and advocacy within Kamukunji Sub County and Nairobi County. These are Peace
Monitors, Child Rights Protection volunteers, Budget Monitors, Community Health Workers, churches for
transformational community development, 120 Paralegals engaged in human rights advocacy, 195
Community Own Resource Persons advocating for local governance. Mentor Mothers/Fathers engaged in
rights protection of children ,voter educators, Existence of a strong Pumwani Integrated Groups Network
with a membership of 29 environment and sanitation groups
Prior Experience with SJCC has implemented 4 projects with UN; UNDEF supported holistic civic education and social
the UN transformation primarily targeting youth and women to fully participate in decision making in the informal
settlement. UN-Women supported 3 projects; Gender Based Violence (ending violence against women),
Gender and Governance Projects (II and III) – focusing on gender-responsive budgeting of public
resources and also enhancing the capacity of women to engage in the electoral and governance
Affiliation SJCC is affiliated to Community Based interest Organizations (Women/Youth/children), Kenya National
Human Rights Commission, Christian Health Association of Kenya, Nairobi Child Protection Team,
Anglican development Services Kenya, Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission, Nairobi Women
Hospital, Kenya National Hospital, Area Advisory Council of Kamukunji Sub County, Human Rights
Lawyers, Medicine San Frontiers - Kenya, Kenya Human Rights Commission and Independent Medical
Legal Unit
Other Grants Kindernothifle - Ute Luhr -, Tearfund(UK) - Gladys Wathanga -, Children Incorporated - Lius Bourdet -,
Drammen Senior School Norway- Jorne -


Project Title Increasing access to inclusive and responsive governance at grassroots
Requested Grant $276,000

Project Summary The overall goal of the project is to increase citizen participation and engagement in governance and
integrated development planning in the 5 wards of Kamukunji Sub County informal settlements targeting
9,000 women and 21,000 youth. Women and youth are mostly considered among the vulnerable groups.
This project, worth 25,000 USD, will engage women and youth in community activism for a period of 24
months. The objectives are; to increase the participation of women and youth for a more inclusive
governance in Nairobi County, to raise awareness of the legal provisions on and gender gap in the
practice of public participation and to build the capacity of county officials to engage women and youth on
inclusive public participation. The project strategies will offer citizens the power to engage and participate
in county development processes, promote behavior change and enhance a culture of public
participation, engage women and youth to secure inclusive accountability governance.

Project Location
Project Geographic Local (Country)

Local Scale: select Kenya


Regional Scale:
select region

Regional Scale:
select countries

Global Scale: select


Project Theme and Initiative

Project Focus Community Activism
Lessons Learned and SJCC previous interventions created pools of community based interest groups who have continuously
Innovation promoted democratic governance practices for the community to enjoy their rights and entitlements. The
lessons learnt will immensely contribute to the success of this project; first, the community good-will will
help in unfolding the potentials and capabilities of the local community to participate in the project.
Second, the social responsibility of the target community will ensure that they take charge and ownership
thereby seeking home grown solutions to address factors that may hamper the project implementation. 2/7
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Third, the previous project values of transparency and accountability will offer the target communities the
right to know the technical procedures in an open process while encouraging documentation, learning and
exchange of information. Fourth, community participatory approaches will ensure that all the target
audience- women and youth, including other marginalized groups in the project will take charge of their
situation when the project comes to an end. Fifth, women and youth groups, community based structures
such as issue based /common interest groups will engage the county government and lobby other
collaborators for inclusive governance. Six, the engagement with the government departments and other
collaborators will foster strong partnerships so as to handle major conflicts beyond project scope and
SJCC level


Democratic Context In the Kenyan context women and youth have stipulated benefits in the constitution. Citizens’
engagement and participation in making decisions on resource allocation and delivery of services at the
national and county levels of government is provided for under the Constitution. All 47 county
governments have registerd notable changes in key service delivery sectors such as improved rural
access roads, health facilities, pre-primary education facilities and general improvement in water
Problem Analysis The devolved system of government was envisioned as a tool to bring the power closer to the people,
expand the political space, and enhance the participation of people in the exercise of the powers of the
State and in making decisions affecting them. From the promulgation of the Kenyan Constitution, citizen
participation in public fora and development agendas has been increasing. However, this is not the case
in slums as most cases the women and youth participation and engagement in County Governments
processes is still ranked very low. Amkeni Wakenya mid-term evaluation report (2015-2020) revealed that;
80.3 per cent of citizens found it difficult participating in county budget and planning forums, 81.3 per cent
found it difficult to influence their county government decision making, while 73.6 per cent reported that
they did not access information on their county budgets, legislation, and project plans and getting
feedback after public engagement was a key concern. Therefore, meaningful public participation remains
elusive in close to 10 years of devolved system of governance in Kenya. This translates to very few
women and youth takin part in CIDP formulation due to lack of knowledge on CIDP, poor mobilization and
general apathy to county government.
This project will promote an informed citizenry in Kamukunji Sub County through improving the
awareness on inclusive public participation processes among 30,000 women and youth at grassroot level
by the end of 24 months.
Problem Analysis_P

Project Beneficiary Minorities, Marginalized & Vulnerable Groups

Project Objective Increased and meaningful participation of 30,000 women and youth in Nairobi County in democratic
governance capacity of county officials to engage women and youth will be enhanced
Project Objective_P

Expected Results and Key Deliverables

Outcome 1 Improved development outcomes and public participation rates for women and youth
Outcome 1X Improved development outcomes and public participation rates for women and youth
Performance i) No. of young women who express interest to vie for political position in the forth-coming general
Indicators for elections/vie for positions in decision making bodies/committees.
Outcome 1 ii) No. of community members actively participating in decision making and monitoring of use of public
iii) No. of reported cases of misappropriation of public resources
Outputs for Outcome 1.1.1 20 structured monthly discussions among the women and youth

Key Activities for 1.1.1 Conduct a baseline on the status of public participation among women and youth and the extent of
Outcome 1 meaningful, effective and inclusive participation in planning processes in Nairobi County
1.1.2 Undertake structured monthly discussions among the women and youth on social, gender and
health issues in relation to development and public participation

Outcome 2 Increased access to public participation forums by informed women and youth
Performance i) Proportion of young women who participate actively in public forums.
Indicators for ii) No of young women who possess the simplified/popular versions of their respective (?) public
Outcome 2 participation Act.
iii) No. of young women in leadership positions in public institutions
Outputs for Outcome 2.1 100 champions enlisted and trained to carry out civic education
2 3/7
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2.2 Consultative meetings held with the county government
Key Activities for 2.1.1 Enlist and train 100 champions for the promotion of citizen awareness in CIDP and budget
Outcome 2 processes and gender integration on public participation
2.1.2 100 champions facilitated to sensitize the 9,000 women and 21,000 youth on public participation
laws and policies in Nairobi County
2.2.1 Develop and disseminate simplified/popular versions of their respective public participation Act and
2.2.2 12 consultative meetings held with the county government

Outcome 3 Increased capacity of county government to engage women and youth on inclusive and rights-based
public participation
Performance i) No. of county officials who initiate credible forums with public participation.
Indicators for ii) Quality of participation by the public in county driven forums
Outcome 3

Outputs for Outcome 3.1 Capacity of county government officials built on engaging women and youth in public participation
3 3.2 Conduct Mass media radio sessions on public participation
Key Activities for 3.1.1 Conduct capacity building of 60 county government officials to engage women and youth in public
Outcome 3 participation
3.1.2 Implement a civic education campaign to increase in legal literacy on public participation and
promote integration of human rights principles in county planning and budget processes
3.2.1 Organize 20 community radio sessions on public participation being championed by county
government officials, youth and women leaders at community level.

Monitoring and Evaluation, other Key Considerations

Monitoring and Both partners will monitor the project, support and supervise the project at all levels, receive progress and
Evaluation financial reports every quarter, and send the progress and financial reports per UNDEF requirements. The
accountant will ensure that all requested funds are approved by management and all accounting
regulations adhered to. The implementation team will monitor the project using the developed indicators
while engaging the beneficiaries to gather data that informs the project implementation
Sustainability The close participation in the implementation of this project with the duty bearers from the county
government, in respect of their roles will provide opportunities for learning in engaging communities in all
government processes and agendas. The engagement of women and youth in this project will ensure
continued ownership of the project by the community since they will build trust to work with the county
government, enhance participation in government agendas thus secure inclusive governance
Gender Gender considerations are taken into account in the project design

Explain (gender) Gender will be mainstreamed at all project levels. Gender will be a core component of the project. Among
the targeted project beneficiaries 65% will be women and female youth while 35% will be male youth. The
project will also ensure that in all its outreaches gender norms and transformation will be the core
messaging to promote a balanced gender culture free from violence. The project will create functional
networks and referrals systems to benefit women and girls beyond project deliverables.
Marginalized or Addressing the needs of marginalized or vulnerable groups is a key objective of the project.
Vulnerable Groups

Explain (Vulnerable) The project will adopt do no harm approaches to safeguard the marginalized and vulnerable groups
before, during and after the project period. All persons such as disabled persons among others will be
given first priority in the project. Community engagements will be held within their surroundings to allow all
to attend and benefit. The mobilized stakeholders will support these groups where the project capacity
cannot address their felt needs while safeguarding confidentiality on their issues
Why UNDEF? UNDEF 2021 call for proposals coincides with low voter registration among the youth in Kenya. Women
are the best influencers and youth are the change makers within any society, thus strengthening their
participation, active engagement and their voices would influence democratic governance in Kenya

Proposed SJCC will co-implement with MenEngage Kenya Network (MENKEN), a knownNGO committed to
Implementing empower the women and girls in the project, address GBV issues while engaging men and boys in
Partner(s) promoting gender equality through address gender norms and transformation to secure positive
masculinity and fatherhood

Project Budget by Output 4/7
27/1/22 17:59 Increasing access to inclusive and responsive governance at grassroots ~ Salesforce - Enterprise Edition
Output 1 20 structured monthly discussions Output 2 100 champions enlisted and trained to
among the women and youth carry out civic education
1 - Amount in US$ $9,000 2 - Amount in US$ $50,000

Output 3 Consultative meetings held with the Output 4 Capacity of county government officials
county government built on engaging women and youth in
public participation
3 - Amount in US$ $48,000 4 - Amount in US$ $16,000

Output 5 Organize mass media radio sessions Output 6 Equipment

on public participation
5 - Amount in US$ $45,000 6 - Amount in US$ $4,000

Output 7 Monitoring and Evaluation Output 8 Administration Cost

7 - Amount in US$ $17,000 8 - Amount in US$ $29,000

Output 9 Personnel Costs & Staff Benefit Output 10

9 - Amount in US$ $58,000 10 - Amount in US$

Output Total Project $276,000.00

Costs (TPC)

Project Budget by Input

Staff/Personnel Costs $58,000
- Amount in US $

Supplies - Amount in $0
US $

Equipment/Furniture $4,000
- Amount in US$

Travel - Amount in US $0

Contractual Services $0
- Amount in US $

Direct Activity Costs - $185,000

Amount in US $

Transfers/Grants - $0
Amount in US $

Office/Admin Costs - $26,000

Amount in US $

Audit - Amount in US $3,000

$ 5/7
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Item Total Project $276,000.00
Costs (TPC)

Develop Project by

No intent to support

conform with Charter
of UN

Statutes/By-Laws for
Transparent Process

Provide Annual and

Financial Reports

Receipt Number KEN FA Form Language English


Request Number 21-44657



UN System Comments
UN RC Commentator

UN RC Comments

UN RC Comments

PCG Entity and


PCG Comments

PCG Comments

UNDEF Comments

UNDEF Comments

Organization Information

Organization Name St. John’s Community Centre Phone +254 723 701 945
Organization SJCC Fax


Number of grants 0
Grantee Overall 0
Performance Sum

Address Information
Address Munyema Street, Off Meru Road
Nairobi, Nairobi 16254-00610

Description Information
Description 6/7
27/1/22 17:59 Increasing access to inclusive and responsive governance at grassroots ~ Salesforce - Enterprise Edition

System Information
Created By Sputnik Moment, 12/11/2021 8:05 AM Last Modified By Sputnik Moment, 12/11/2021 12:22 PM
Migration ID - Organization Owner Sputnik Moment

Opportunity Team
Portal User - English
Member Role Account Manager


User Submitted Response Annual Reports 2019 &
Last Modified 12/11/2021 12:24 PM Last Modified 12/11/2021 12:23 PM
Created By Sputnik Moment Created By Sputnik Moment

Last Modified 12/11/2021 12:22 PM Last Modified 12/11/2021 12:22 PM
Created By Sputnik Moment Created By Sputnik Moment

Activity History
Email sent: new proposal submission (english)
Due Date 12/11/2021
Assigned To Christian Lamarre
Last Modified Date/Time 12/11/2021 12:24 PM 7/7

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