Coin Quest

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Welcome to CoinQuest, a tabletop role-playing game where the flip of a coin determines the fate of your
adventure. In this compact one-page RPG system, you'll embark on epic quests, battle fearsome monsters, and
uncover hidden treasures, all through the simple act of coin flipping. Grab a coin, gather your friends, and let the
adventure begin!
Character Creation:

1. Choose Your Hero: Decide on your character's name, race, and class. Races could be human, elf, dwarf,
etc., while classes might include warrior, mage, rogue, and more.

2. Stats: Assign three attributes - Strength, Agility, and Magic - each ranging from 1 to 6, with 6 being the
highest. Every 2 points you flip one additional coin.

3. Equipment: Select one weapon and one piece of armor for your hero. These items will influence your
abilities in the game.
Game Mechanics:
• Coin Flips: Coin flips determine the outcomes of your actions. Whenever you attempt something
uncertain, flip a coin. Heads means success, tails means failure.
• Modifiers: Depending on your character's attributes and equipment, you might have modifiers to your
coin flips. For example, if your Strength is 4 and you're attempting a feat of strength, you could add 2
coins to your flip.
• Health: Your character starts with 10 health points (HP). Taking damage reduces your HP. If your HP
reaches 0, you fall unconscious. Three failures in a row in combat result in death.
• Combat: When engaging in combat, you flip a coin plus modifiers when attacking or when attacked. If
you win the attack, you deal damage equal to your weapon's strength. Attacks use strength modifier. If
you win the defense, you dodge the attack and take no damage. Defense use Agility modifiers.
Actions and Challenges:
• Simple Tasks: Tasks that don't require significant effort (e.g., searching a room) have a base 50-50
chance (1:1) of success.
• Challenging Tasks: Difficult actions (e.g., picking a lock) have a base chance of 1:2 for success. Modify
this with relevant attributes or equipment.
• Combat: In combat, flip for attack and defense against the enemy challenge rating.
Magic and Abilities:
• Spellcasting: Describe the spell you want to cast and flip a coin. Heads means success; tails means the
spell fails. Spells' effects can be creative and depend on the narrative.
• Class Abilities: Each class has a unique ability. Once per session, you can attempt a class ability with a
1:1 chance of success.
Experience and Advancement:
• Experience Points (XP): At the end of each session, you earn XP based on your accomplishments. You
can spend XP to improve attributes, gain new equipment, or unlock class-specific upgrades.
Quest Master (QM):
One player takes on the role of the Quest Master. The QM guides the story, controls non-player characters, and
decides the outcomes of coin flips for NPCs and the world.
Example Quest: The Cursed Amulet
Your party is tasked with retrieving a cursed amulet from a haunted forest. As you traverse the woods, you
encounter eerie sounds and ghostly apparitions. When you finally reach the amulet, you must flip a coin to
decide whether you can remove it without consequence.
Remember, in CoinQuest, the outcome is as unpredictable as the flip of a coin. Will you rise as heroes or fall
victim to fate? It's all in the hands of chance!

Feel free to modify this system as you see fit and have fun crafting your own epic stories through the flip of a
Remember, these starter characters are just templates. You can customize them further, adjust attributes,
equipment, and abilities, and even create entirely new characters to fit your storytelling preferences. Let your
imagination run wild and have a blast playing CoinQuest!
1. Elandra, the Elven Rogue:
• Race: Elf
• Class: Rogue
• Attributes: Strength 3, Agility 6, Magic 2
• Equipment: Dagger 1 Damage, Leather Armor +2 coins
• Class Ability: "Shadow Step" - Once per session, Elandra can attempt to instantly move to a nearby
shadowed location, granting her advantage on the next action.
2. Thrain, the Dwarven Warrior:
• Race: Dwarf
• Class: Warrior
• Attributes: Strength 6, Agility 3, Magic 1
• Equipment: Battleaxe 3 Damage, Plate Armor + 3 coins
• Class Ability: "Warrior’s Resilience" - Once per session, Thrain can shrug off an attack that would
normally hit him, reducing the damage to zero.
3. Lyra, the Human Mage:
• Race: Human
• Class: Mage
• Attributes: Strength 2, Agility 4, Magic 6
• Equipment: Staff 1 Damage, Robe +1 coin
• Class Ability: "Arcane Insight" - Once per session, Lyra can attempt to foresee the immediate future,
granting her an auto success her next action.

4. Gruff Ironheart, the Dwarven Blacksmith:

• Class: Craftsman
• Attributes: Strength 4, Agility 2, Magic 3
• Equipment: Hammer 2 damage, Leather Apron +1 coin
• Class Ability: "Masterwork Creation" - Once per session, Gruff can attempt to create a temporary item
or modify existing equipment, granting an auto success to the next relevant action.
5. Elara Brightleaf, the Elven Enchanter:
• Class: Enchanter
• Attributes: Strength 2, Agility 3, Magic 6
• Equipment: Enchanting Wand 1 damage, Gem-embellished Robes +1 coin
• Class Ability: "Mystic Infusion" - Once per session, Elara can attempt to imbue an object with
temporary magical properties, granting a an auto success to a specific action related to the enchanted
6. Kaelin Stormblade, the Human Battlemage:
• Class: Battlemage
• Attributes: Strength 5, Agility 4, Magic 4
• Equipment: Rune-etched Sword 3 damage, Reinforced Robes + 2 coin
• Class Ability: "Elemental Strike" - Once per session, Kaelin can channel elemental magic into a weapon
strike, dealing extra damage based on the chosen element (e.g., fire, ice, lightning).
7. Sylas Whisperwind, the Elven Bard:
• Class: Bard
• Attributes: Strength 2, Agility 5, Magic 4
• Equipment: Lute 1 damage, Colorful Garb +1 coin
• Class Ability: "Inspiring Melody" - Once per session, Sylas can play a captivating tune, granting an auto
success to the next action of an ally of his choice.
8. Freya Swiftfoot, the Halfling Scout:
• Class: Scout
• Attributes: Strength 3, Agility 6, Magic 1
• Equipment: Bow 3 damage, Camouflaged Clothing +1 coin
• Class Ability: "Evasive Maneuver" - Once per session, Freya can attempt a daring dodge, granting her
an auto success on her next fight action.
Feel free to mix and match attributes, equipment, and class abilities to create unique characters that suit your
storytelling style and the adventures you want to embark on in the world of CoinQuest!

Made By Nicholas Molaski

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