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Digitally signed by Rajkumari Chhabria

Date: 2022.08.22 09:18:22 +05:30

Reason: Policy Encryption
Location: SBI Life Insurance Ltd, CPC

Date : 19 Aug, 2022

4098870 / 4235 / YES / BlueDart / NRI / 64
Customer No. : 681235290

Policy No. : 2X383813010

Mrs. Vincy Varghese Product Name : SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus
BLOCK NO 2, STREET NO 143 UIN : 111N133V01

Contact Details : 8606043832

Dear Mrs. Vincy Varghese,

We welcome you to the SBI Life family and thank you for your trust in our products.
Joining SBI Life family will give you access to the best customer service and a wide range of products which cater to most of your life insurance needs.
Please note that you have opted for a LIMITED premium payment insurance policy. Your premium due dates are : 19/08 of every year during
Premium Payment Term

1. For any information/clarification, please contact : your local SBI Life service branch:
SREE THEATRE, THRISSUR KERALA India 680020, +91-4876459608
2. Your Corporate Agent is THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD (IA/CIF Code 990819652 ) , Phone +91-4842933560
3. In case you have any complaint/grievance you may contact the following official for resolution:
4. We enclose the following as a part of the Policy booklet:
4.1 Policy Document.
4.2 First Premium Receipt.
4.3 Copy of proposal form signed by you.
4.4 Copy of KYC and other documents as follows:
Particulars Documents Received
Age Proof Passport
Identity Proof Passport
Address Proof Passport
Consent & Revised Benefit Illustration No
Medical Reports No
5. In case of any clarification / discrepancy, call us toll free on our customer service helpline 1800 267 9090 or email us at, also you
may visit us at
6. Register on our Customer Self Service portal, SBI Life Smart Care, to avail various online services available.
7. All your servicing requests should be submitted to your local SBI Life service branch as mentioned above or nearest SBI Life branch only.
8. Please note that the digitally signed copy of your policy document is available on our website This can be viewed in a secure
manner through one time password. Please visit our website for details.
Please check all details. Please make sure that the policy document is kept safely.

Free Look Option

You can review the terms and conditions of the policy, within 15 days, from the date of receipt of the policy document, for policies other than electronic
policies and policies sourced through any channel other than Distance Marketing and within 30 days , from the date of receipt of the policy document,
for electronic policies and policies sourced through Distance Marketing Channel, and if you disagree with any of the terms and conditions, you have the
option to return the policy, stating the reasons for your objection. We will then refund the premium paid after deducting the stamp duty paid and medical
expenses, incurred, if any, and applicable tax and/or any other statutory levies/ duty/ surcharges. The proportionate risk premium along with the
applicable tax and/or any other statutory levies/duty/surcharges for the period of cover will also be deducted.
The Free look period applicable under this policy is 15 days. Your request for cancellation of this policy under the free look option must
reach your nearest SBI Life Office within a period of 15 days.

We always look forward to be your preferred Life Insurance Company for all your Life Insurance needs.
Yours truly,

Authorised Signatory
New Business Processing
Note: The translated version of this letter in the regional language is printed overleaf for your convenience. However, should there be any ambiguity or
conflict between these two versions, the English version shall prevail.

628 Page 1 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

Date : 19 Aug, 2022
Customer No. : 681235290

Policy No. : 2X383813010

Mrs. Vincy Varghese Product Name : SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus
BLOCK NO 2, STREET NO 143 UIN : 111N133V01

Contact Details : 8606043832

Dear Mrs. Vincy Varghese,

Eg~rAmB© bmB’$ n[adma ‘| AmnH$m ñdmJV h¡. h‘mao CËnmX ‘| AmnZo {dœmg {XIm¶m, {OgHo$ {bE h‘ AmnH$m YݶdmX H$aVo h¢.
Eg~rAmB© bmB’$ n[adma ‘| em{‘b hmoH$a Amn loîR> J«mhH$ godm Am¡a h‘mao {d{^ÝZ CËnmX nm gH|$Jo Omo AmnHo$ OrdZ go Ow‹S>r A{YH$m§e B§í`moa|g g§~§Yr µOê$aVm| H$mo nyam H$aVo h¢.
H¥$n¶m ܶmZ X| {H AmnZo LIMITED àr{_`_ ^wJVmZ B§í`moa|g nm°{bgr H$m M`Z {H$`m h¡. àr{‘¶‘ ^wJVmZ Ad{Y H$o Xm¡amZ AmnHo$ àr{‘¶‘ H$s {Z¶V {V{W¶m± h¡ : 19/08 of every year
1. {H$gr ^r OmZH$mar/ñnï>rH$aU Ho$ {bE H¥$n`m AnZr ñWmZr` Eg~rAmB© bmB\$ g{d©g emIm go g§nH©$ H$a| :
NEAR KAIRALI andamp; SREE THEATRE, THRISSUR KERALA India 680020, +91-4876459608 `m,
2. Your Corporate Agent is THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD (IA/CIF Code 990819652 ) , Phone +91-4842933560
3. ¶{X AmnH$s H$moB© {eH$m¶V/Ag§Vmof hmo Vmo Amn g‘mYmZ Ho$ {bE {ZåZ{b{IV A{YH$mar go g§nH©$ H$a gH$Vo h¢ :
4. nm°{bgr nwpñVH$m Ho$ {hñgo Ho$ ê$n _| h_ {ZåZ{b{IV H$mo g§b½Z H$a aho h¢:
4.1 nm°{bgr XñVmdoO
4.2 nhbr àr{_`_ agrX
4.3 Amn Ûmam hñVmj[aV àñVmd \$m°_© H$s à{V
4.4 Ho$dmB©gr Am¡a AÝ` XñVmdoOm| H$s à{V ZrMo {XE AZwgma h¡ :
{ddaU àmßV XñVmdoO
Am`w à_mU Passport
nhMmZ à_mU Passport
nVm à_mU Passport
gh_{V Am¡a g§emo{YV bm^ H$m CXmhaU No
_o{S>H$b [anmoQ²>©g No
5. {H$gr ^r nyN>VmN>/_V^oX Ho$ _m_bo _| h_mar H$ñQ>_a g{d©g hoënbmBZ 1800 267 9090 na h_| {Z:ewëH$ H$m°b H$a| `m h_| na B©_ob H$a|. h_mar do~gmBQ> na ^r {d{OQ> H$a|.
6. CnbãY {d{^ÝZ Am°ZbmBZ godmE± nmZo Ho$ {bE h‘mao H$ñQ>_a goë\$ g{d©g nmoQ>©b, Eg~rAmB© bmB’$ ñ‘mQ>© Ho$¶a na a{OñQ>a H$a|.
7. AmnHo$ g^r {ZdoXZ ñWmZr¶ Eg~rAmB© bmB’$ g{d©g emIm ‘| ¶m {ZH$Q>V‘ Eg~rAmB© bmB’$ emIm ‘| hr O‘m H$amE OmZo Mm{hE.
8. H¥$n`m Ü`mZ X| {H$ AmnH$s nm°{bgr H$s {S>{OQ>br hñVmj[aV à{V h_mar do~gmBQ na CnbãY h¡. Bgo dZ Q>mB_ nmgdS>© Ho$ _mÜ`_ go gwa{jV VarHo$ go XoIm Om
gH$Vm h¡. H¥$n`m {ddaUm| Ho$ {bE h_mar do~gmBQ> na {d{OQ> H$a|.
H¥$n`m gmao {ddaU Om±M b|. H¥$n`m gw{ZpíMV H$a| {H$ nm°{bgr XñVmdoO gwa{jV ê$n go aIm J`m hmo.
’«$s bwH$ {dH$ën
Amn BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ Abmdm br JB© nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ {bE Am¡a {S>ñQ>¢g ‘mH}$qQ>J Ho$ Abmdm {H$gr ^r M¡Zb ‘moS> Ho$ µO[aE àmßV nm°{b{g¶m| Ho$ {bE nm°{bgr XñVmdoO nmZo Ho$ {XZm§H$ go 15
{XZ Ho$ ^rVa Am¡a BboŠQ´>m°{ZH$ nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ {bE Am¡a {S>ñQ>¢g ‘mH}$qQ>J M¡Zb Ho$ µO[aE nm°{b{g`m| Ho$ {bE 30 {XZ Ho$ ^rVa nm°{bgr Ho$ {Z¶‘m| Am¡a eVm] H$s g‘rjm H$a gH$Vo h¢. ¶{X Amn CZ‘|
go {H$gr ^r {Z¶‘ Am¡a eVm] go Agh‘V h¢, Vmo AmnHo$ nmg AnZr Amn{Îm H$m H$maU ~VmVo hþE nm°{bgr H$mo dmng H$aZo H$m {dH$ën hmoJm.
\«$s-bwH$ {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V nm°{bgr Ho$ {ZañVrH$aU hoVw {ZdoXZ H$mo AmnHo$ {ZH$Q>V_ Eg~rAmB© bmB\$ H$m`m©b` _|, Cnamo³V dU©Z Ho$ AZwgma 15 {XZ `m 30 {XZ H$s Ad{Y O¡gm _m_bm hmo Ho$
A§Xa Adí` nhþ±M OmZm Mm{hE. Amn Ûmam AXm {H$E JE àr{_`_m| H$mo ñQ>¢n S>çyQ>r Am¡a {H$E JE _o{S>H$b IM©, `{X hm|, VWm bmJy H$a Am¡a/`m H$moB© AÝ` d¡Ym{ZH$ bo{d`m±/S>çyQ>r/gaMmO© H$mQ>Zo Ho$
~mX bm¡Q>m {X`m OmEJm. H$da H$s Ad{Y Ho$ {bE AmZwnm{VH$ Omo{I_ àr{_`_ H$mo ^r bmJy H$a Am¡a/`m H$moB© AÝ` d¡Ym{ZH$ bo{d`m±/S>çyQ>r/gaMmO© Ho$ gmW H$mQ> {b`m OmEJm.
Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ A§VJ©V bmJy CnbãY \«$s bwH$ Ad{Y 15 {XZ h¡. \«$s-bwH$ {dH$ën Ho$ A§VJ©V Bg nm°{bgr Ho$ {ZañVrH$aU hoVw AmnHo$ {ZdoXZ H$mo AmnHo$ {ZH$Q>V_ Eg~rAmB© bmB\$ H$m`m©b` _| 15
{XZ H$s Ad{Y Ho$ A§Xa Adí` nhþ±M OmZm Mm{hE.
AmnH$s OrdZ ~r‘m g§~§Yr gmar µOê$aVm| Ho$ {bE h_ h‘oem AmnH$s ng§XrXm OrdZ ~r‘m H§$nZr ~Zo ahZo H$s Amem H$aVo h¢.
AmnH$m ew^{MÝVH$,

A{YH¥$V hñVmjar
ݶy {~µOZog àmogoqgJ

628 Page 2 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd CIN:L99999MH2000PLC129113
Central Processing Centre 7th Level (D Wing) & 8th Level,
Seawoods Grand Central Tower 2, Plot No R-1,
Sector-40, Seawoods, Nerul Node, Dist. Thane,
Navi Mumbai-400 706 Phone Number: 022 6645 6000
Proposal No : 2XYE176965 Invoice No : KLI082200048247
Invoice date : August 19, 2022
Policy No : 2X383813010
Sequence No : 67
Channel Code : 990819652

Policy Holder Servicing Branch Address:

_OTHERS, Kuwait
Place of Supply : _OTHERS/36
Premium Payer Name : Mrs. Vincy Varghese
Premium Payer Relationship : Self

Mode : Annual Product/Plan : SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus

Date of Commencement of Policy : August 19, 2022
Sum Assured : Rs. 22,00,000.00 /-
HSN code : 997132
HSN Description : Life Insurance Services
Due date of Premium Payment : August 19, 2022 Installment Premium : Rs. 2,00,000.00 /-
Payment Method : EFT - Debit by Voucher Taxable Value : Rs. 50,000.00 /-
Integrated GST 18% : Rs. 0.00 /-
State / UT GST 9% : Rs. 0.00 /-
Central GST 9% : Rs. 0.00 /-
Total Premium Amount : Rs. 2,00,000.00 /-
No. of Premium Paid : 01
Total Amount Received : Rs. 2,09,000.00 /-
Excess : Rs. 9,000.00 /-
Whether the tax is payable under Reverse charge : No
Next premium due on Aug 19, 2023
Amount of initial/first premium paid : Rs. 2,00,000.00/-
Rupees Two Lakh Only
Received the amount as above.
Date of Commencement of Risk : August 19, 2022
Note : In case of any discrepancies, you are kindly requested to advise us immediately. Call us toll free at our customer service helpline
1800 267 9090 /
No interest is payable on excess payments, if any, made by the policyholder.
Premium paid under this policy is eligible for tax rebates under section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961, as applicable.
TDS shall be deducted from the benefit proceeds (i.e. maturity, surrender etc) , as applicable, which are considered as taxable under the Income Tax Laws.
Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for further details.

Goods & Service Tax (GST)/ Cess and/or any other statutory levy/ duty/ surcharge, at the rate notified by the Central Government/ State Government/
Union Territories of India from time to time, shall be levied on premium / charges (as applicable) as per the provisions of the prevalent tax laws.
As per GOI notification, GST has been levied on your insurance policy @ 18% on premium or charges. (or as applicable) w.e.f 01.07.2017. In the case
of endowment policy, the taxable value is 25% of the premium for first year and 12.5% for second & subsequent year. For single premium annuity
policy, the taxable value is 10% of the premium. Please refer SBI Life website for details.
Supply meant for Export/Supply to Sez Unit or Sez Developer for authorised operations under bond or letter of undertaking without payment of
integrated tax.
'This Premium receipt is issued subject to realization of cheque'
GST Registration No. 32AAFCS2530P1ZA. SAC code of Life Insurance Services: 997132
The Consolidated Revenue stamp duty paid vide Letter of Authorisation No. LOA/CSD/400/2022/3028 dated 11 Jul, 2022 issued by Pradhan
Mudrank Karyalay.

Authorized Signatory

628 Page 3 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

Page 4 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Part A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product


Congratulations on your purchase. SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01) offers you life cover and other
benefits as stated in the policy

SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus is an individual, non-linked, non-participating life insurance
1 Aim of policy savings product which provides financial protection against death of the life assured during the
policy term and provides guaranteed income during the payout period

The Death Benefit under the two income options for an inforce policy are as follows:

1. Life Income: On death of the life assured at any time during the policy term, Sum assured
on death is payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case
may be and the policy terminates and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy.

2. Guaranteed Income:
 On death of the life assured before the commencement of the payout period, Sum
assured on death is payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life
assured, as the case may be and the policy terminates and there will be no further
benefits payable under the policy.
 On death of the Life Assured after the commencement of the payout period, Sum
Benefits of the assured on death is payable lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured,
policy as the case may be and they shall continue to receive the future Guaranteed Income
during the payout period, as chosen by the policyholder. The nominee or legal heir, as
the case may be, shall have an option to receive the discounted value of the future
Guaranteed Income in the form of a lump sum, at anytime during the Payout Period,
discounted at 8.25% per annum and thereafter there will be no further benefits

Survival Benefit: Guaranteed income will be paid during the payout period depending on the
income payout frequency chosen provided the Life assured is surviving and the policy is inforce.

Maturity Benefit: Upon survival of the life assured till the end of the policy term, the maturity
benefit of 110% of the Total Premiums paid would be refunded at the end of the policy term.
The policy will acquire Surrender Value only if premiums have been paid in full, for at least
Policy Surrender
first 2 policy years’
3 Value
On surrender, Guaranteed Surrender value (GSV) or Special Surrender Value (SSV), whichever
is higher, will be paid.
If the policy has acquired Surrender Value and no further premiums are paid then it can be
Reduced Paid-Up converted to a reduced paid-up policy. Please refer section 7.Non-forfeiture Benefits of the
Value policy document for details on the benefits payable for a reduced paid-up policy.

Loans on the Loans will be available, subject to maximum of 50% of the Surrender Value during the policy
Policy term, only after the policy acquires surrender value

In case of death of the life assured due to suicide during the policy term, within 12 months:
i) from the date of commencement of risk under the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of the
policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death,
provided the policy is in force and no other death benefit shall be payable or
ii) from the date of revival of the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be
entitled to an amount higher of 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the
surrender value as available on the date of death, provided the policy is in force and no other
death benefits shall be payable.

A grace period of 30 days from the premium due date will be allowed for payment of yearly and
7 Grace period
half yearly premiums and 15 days for monthly premiums. The policy will remain in force during

Form: 628
Page 5 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Part A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

the grace period. In case of death of the life assured during grace period, the balance of
premiums, if any, till the next Policy anniversary, as on the date of death shall be deducted from
the benefits payable under the Policy.
If premiums are not paid within the period of grace and the policy is not surrendered, the policy
8 Revival may be revived for full benefits within five consecutive years from the date of the first unpaid
premium while the life assured is still alive.
You can review the terms and conditions of the policy, within 15 days from the date of the
receipt of the policy document for policies sourced through any mode other than Distance
Marketing and electronic policies and within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the policy
document for electronic policies and policies sourced through Distance Marketing, from the date
of the receipt of the policy document and where you disagree with any of those terms and
9 Free look provision
conditions; you have the option to return the policy stating the reasons for your objection.

Premiums paid by you will be refunded after deducting stamp duty and the expenses incurred
on medical examination of the proposer. The proportionate risk premium for the period of cover
will also be deducted.

You may be eligible for Income Tax benefits as per the applicable income tax laws in India,
10 Tax
which are subject to change from time to time. You may visit our website for further details.
You may consult your tax advisor for details.
The details are mentioned in the Policy Document. You may contact the Company or your
11 Claim Procedure
advisor or bank branch, for further details.

Note: This document contains brief information about the key features of the plan. The same shall not be construed as
terms and conditions of the Policy or part thereof. For detailed terms and conditions governing the Policy, please read
all parts of the Policy document. In case of any conflict between the information given in the Key Features document
and the terms and conditions of the policy document, the terms and conditions of the Policy document shall prevail.

Form: 628
Page 6 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Policy Document


UIN: 111N133V01
(An Individual Non-Linked Non-Participating Life
Insurance Savings Product)

SBI Life Insurance Company Limited

Registration Number: 111 Regulated by IRDAI

Registered & Corporate Office: SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd, “Natraj”, M.V. Road & Western
Express Highway Junction, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069.

Website: | Email: | CIN: L99999MH2000PLC129113

Toll Free: 1800 267 9090 (Between 9.00 am & 9.00 pm)

Page 7 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

Form : 628
PART A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-Linked Non-Participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Policy Preamble

Welcome to your SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus policy and thank you for preferring SBI Life Insurance Company Limited to provide you
with insurance solutions. The UIN allotted by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India for this product is 111N133V01.

The information you have given in your proposal form, your personal statement together with any reports or other documents and
declarations given by you shall form part of this contract of insurance with us. Your policy document, comprising this policy schedule along
with the policy booklet and endorsements, if any, is evidence of the contract. You should read these documents carefully to make sure that
you are satisfied. Please keep these in a safe place.

We request you to read this policy schedule along with the policy booklet. If you find any errors, please return your policy document for
effecting corrections.

SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus provides a fine combination of insurance cover and guaranteed benefits.

Your Policy is an Individual, Non- linked, Non-participating, Life Insurance savings product and your policy shall not have a share in the
profits or surplus of the Company.

In return for your premiums we will provide you the benefits as described in the Part C and D of the policy document. The benefits available
under this policy are subject to the payment of premiums as and when due.

The benefits will be paid to the person(s) entitled as set out in the policy document, if, such benefits have become payable and subject to the
title of the persons claiming the payments.

Please communicate any change in your mailing address or any other communication details as soon as possible.

If you require further information, please contact us or the Intermediary/Agent, as mentioned below.

Intermediary/Agent Details : THE SOUTH INDIAN BANK LTD (IA/CIF Code

990819652 ) , Phone +91-4842933560

Policy Schedule
1 Policy Number 2X383813010
2 Proposal No. 2XYE176965
3 Proposal Date 09/08/2022
4 Customer ID 681235290

Personal Information

5 Name of the Life Assured Mrs. Vincy Varghese

6 Name of Proposer / Policyholder Mrs. Vincy Varghese
Life Assured Policy Holder
7 Date of Birth
21/05/1985 21/05/1985
Life Assured Policy Holder
8 Age at Entry
37 37
Life Assured Policy Holder
9 Gender
Female Female


_OTHERS - Kuwait

11 Telephone Number with STD Code Not Available

12 Mobile Number 8606043832
13 E-Mail ID of the Policyholder Not Available

Page 8 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

Form : 628
PART A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-Linked Non-Participating Life Insurance Savings Product

14 Name of the Nominee(s) Relationship with the life assured Gender Age % share

Mr. Robin Raju Husband Male 38 100%

15 Name of the Appointee(s) Relationship with nominee Gender Age

N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

Important Dates

16 Date of Commencement of Policy 19/08/2022

17 Date of Commencement of Risk 19/08/2022
18 Policy Anniversary Date 19/08
19 Premium Due Dates 19/08 of every year
20 Due Date of Last Premium 19/08/2031
21 Date of Maturity of Policy 19/08/2058
22 Date of First Guaranteed Income Payout 19/08/2034
23 Date of last Guaranteed Income Payout and refund of 110% of Total Premiums payable 19/08/2058

Basic Policy Information

24 Income Plan Option Life Income

25 Basic Sum Assured (र) 2200000.00
26 Minimum Sum Assured on Death 2200000.00
27 Annualized Premium (र) 200000.00
28 Premium Frequency Annual
29 Installment Premium (र) 200000.00
30 Frequency of Income Benefit Annually
31 Income Amount Payable during payout period* Rs. 183900.00 payable Annually
32 Benefit payable at the end of Payout period Rs. 2383900.00 payable
33 Guaranteed Income Payout period 25 years
*Indicates the amount payable if all due premiums are paid & policy is in-force till maturity. See policy conditions in the booklet for
maturity amount payable under paid up policies

Page 9 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010

Form : 628
PART A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-Linked Non-Participating Life Insurance Savings Product
Base Policy
Policy Premium
Basic Due Date of Last
Benefit Term Payment Term Installment Premium Date of Maturity
Sum Assured Premium
(Years) (Years) (र)

Base Policy 2200000.00 36 10 200000.00 19/08/2031 19/08/2058

Total Installment
Premium (र) 200000.00
(excluding applicable

Applicable taxes (र) 9000.00 in the first year

Total Installment
Premium, including 209000.00 in the first year
applicable taxes (र)

Applicable Rate of First Year : 4.50%

Tax** Second Year onwards : 2.25%
** includes Applicable Taxes and/ or any other Statutory levy/ duty/ surcharge, as notified by the Central and/or State Government from
time to time as per the provisions of the prevalent tax laws.

Applicable Clauses
This policy is issued under NRI clause
The premium paid by the policyholder is Rs. 200000.00.
As per applicable GST laws, waiver has/will be granted under export of service for eligible NRI customers on the production of prescribed
documents at the time of payment of premium.

Signed for and on behalf of SBI Life Insurance Company Limited,

Authorised Signatory

Name Rajkumari Chhabria

Designation Senior Vice President - New Business Processing
Date 19/08/2022 Place Mumbai
Stamp Duty of Rs. 440.00/- (Rupees Four Hundred Forty Only) is paid as provided under Article 47(D) of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and included
in Consolidated Stamp Duty Paid to the Government of Maharashtra Treasury vide Order of Addl. Controller Of Stamps, Mumbai at General
Stamp Office, Fort, Mumbai - 400001., vide this Order No.(LOA/CSD/314/2022/1567 Validity Period Dt. 31/12/2023 To Dt. 08/04/2022 (O/w.
No. 2022/1567.)/Date : 07/04/2022).

Proper Officer
We request you to read this policy schedule along with the policy booklet. If you find any errors, please return your policy document for
effecting corrections.
*********************************************** End of Policy Schedule ***********************************************

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Form : 628
Part A SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Policy Booklet

Table of Contents

Part B 13

1. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 13

2. Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................... 15

Part C 16

3. Policy Benefits ............................................................................................................................................ 16

3.1. Participation in Profits and Bonus ............................................................................................................. 16

3.2. Death Benefit ............................................................................................................................................... 16

3.3. Survival Benefit .......................................................................................................................................... 16

3.4. Maturity Benefit ........................................................................................................................................... 16

4. Guaranteed Income .................................................................................................................................... 17

4.1. Guaranteed income ........................................................................................................................................ 17

5. Premiums ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

6. Grace Period ................................................................................................................................................ 18

Part D 19

7. Non-forfeiture Benefits ............................................................................................................................... 19

8. Revival .......................................................................................................................................................... 23

9. Termination .................................................................................................................................................. 23

9.1. Termination of your Policy ......................................................................................................................... 23

10. General Terms ............................................................................................................................................. 23

10.1. Free look Period .......................................................................................................................................... 23

10.2. Suicide Exclusion....................................................................................................................24

10.3. Policy loan .................................................................................................................................................... 24

11. Claims ........................................................................................................................................................... 25

11.1. Death Claim ................................................................................................................................................ 25

11.2. Maturity Claim ............................................................................................................................................. 25

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An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Part E 26

12. Charges ........................................................................................................................................................ 26

12.1. Charges ........................................................................................................................................................ 26

Part F 27

13. General Terms - Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................. 27

13.1. Nomination ................................................................................................................................................... 27

13.2. Assignment .................................................................................................................................................. 27

13.3. Surrender ..................................................................................................................................................... 27

13.4. Non Disclosure............................................................................................................................................. 28

13.5. Misstatement of age ................................................................................................................................... 28

13.6. Taxation........................................................................................................................................................ 28

13.7. Date formats ................................................................................................................................................ 28

13.8. Electronic transactions ............................................................................................................................... 28

13.9. Communications .......................................................................................................................................... 28

Part G 30

14. Complaints ................................................................................................................................................... 30

14.1. Grievance redressal procedure ................................................................................................................. 30

15. Relevant Statutes ........................................................................................................................................ 31

15.1. Governing laws and jurisdiction ................................................................................................................ 31

15.2. Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time .............................................. 31

15.3. Rule 13 of Ombudsman Rules, 2017........................................................................................................ 31

15.4. Rule 14 of Ombudsman Rules, 2017........................................................................................................ 31

15.5. Protection of Policyholders’ Interest......................................................................................................... 32

Annexure-I................................................................................................................................................................... 33

Annexure-II ................................................................................................................................................................. 35

Annexure-III ................................................................................................................................................................ 37

Annexure IV ................................................................................................................................................................ 39

Annexure V ................................................................................................................................................................. 42

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Part B SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Part B

This is your policy booklet containing the various terms and conditions governing your policy. This policy booklet should be read in
conjunction with the policy schedule and other related documents of your policy.

If you find any errors, please return the policy for effecting corrections.

1. Definitions

These definitions apply throughout your policy document.

The definitions are listed alphabetically.

Expressions Meanings
1. Age is the age last birthday; i.e., the age in completed years.
2. Age at Entry is the age last birthday on the date of commencement of your policy.
means the premium amount payable in a year, chosen by the policyholder excluding
3. Annualized Premium
applicable taxes, underwriting extra premiums and loading for modal premiums, if any.
is the person who is so named in the proposal form or subsequently changed by an
4. Appointee endorsement, who has the right to give a valid discharge to the policy monies in case of
death of the Life Assured during the term of the policy while the nominee is a minor.
is the person to whom the rights and benefits are transferred by virtue of an assignment
5. Assignee
under section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
6. Base Policy is that part of your Policy referring to basic benefit.
Is the amount of insurance cover granted under the Base Policy at the time of the inception
7. Basic Sum Assured
of policy. Basic Sum Assured = the Annualized Premium multiplied by 11
Is a standard measure for interest rates representing one-one hundredth of one percent i.e.
8. Basis Point One basis point is equal to 1/100th of 1%, or 0.01%, or 0.0001 or it can also be said that
1% is equal to 100 basis points (bps).
the person[s] nominated by the policy owner to receive the insurance benefits under the
provisions of your policy. The Beneficiary/Claimant may be you, or the nominee or the
assignee or the legal heirs as the case may be. The beneficiary/Claimant may be stated in
9. Beneficiary/Claimant the policy schedule or may be changed or added subsequently. In case the
Beneficiary/Claimant is not stated in the policy or becomes invalid for any reason whatsoever,
the Beneficiary/Claimant will be the person[s] as certified by a court of competent jurisdiction
The terms beneficiary or claimant are interchangeable.
is the conventional Birthday. If it is on 29th February, it will be considered as falling on the
10. Birthday
last day of February.
11. Date of Commencement of Policy is the start date of the policy.
12. Date of Commencement of Risk is the date from which the insurance cover under the policy commences.
13. Date of Maturity of Policy is the date on which the term of the policy expires in case the policy is not terminated earlier.
14. Date of Revival is the date on which the policy benefits are restored at the conclusion of the revival process.
is the date on which we receive a communication from you requesting for surrender of the
policy with all the necessary requirements. In case the requirements are not received in full,
15. Date of Surrender
the date of surrender will be the date on which the last requirement for surrender of policy
is received.
16. Death benefit is the benefit payable on death of the life assured as stated in the policy document.
a change in any of the terms and conditions of your policy, agreed to or issued by us, in
17. Endorsement
is the period during which the policyholder has the option to return the policy and cancel the
18. Free-look Period
contract, if he/she is not satisfied with the terms and conditions of the policy.
is the period beyond the premium due date during which you can pay the premium without
19. Grace Period interest and other requirements and during which time the policy is considered to be in-force
with the risk cover without any interruption as per the terms & conditions of the policy.

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Part B SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Expressions Meanings
is the minimum guaranteed amount of Surrender Value of the Policy, if any, payable to the
20. Guaranteed Surrender Value policyholder on the surrender of the Policy.

is the amount that is a certain percentage of annualized premium amount multiplied by modal
21. Guaranteed Income factor based on the income frequency chosen. The percentage varies based on age at entry,
premium payment term , payout period , income plan option & the annualized premium.
is the benefit payable in the form of income at the end of each income frequency chosen
22. Guaranteed Income Benefit
during the payout period.
23. Income Frequency The income frequency allowed are yearly, half-yearly, quarterly and monthly
24. In-force is the status of the policy when all the due premiums have been paid upto date.
is the contractual amount payable by you on each Premium Due Date in order to keep the
25. Installment premium /Premium insurance cover in force under the provisions of your policy. Applicable taxes and levies if
any, is payable in addition.
26. Instrument cheque, demand draft, pay order etc.
means coverage for Insured Event. On occurrence of the insured event, the contingent
27. Insurance Cover benefits are payable to the Policyholder or Nominee or assignee or legal heir, as the case
may be, and the insurance cover will cease thereafter.
28. Lapse is the status of the policy when a due premium is not paid before the expiry of grace period.
means the person(s) legally eligible to receive the insurance benefits under the provisions of
29. Legal Heir
the policy.
is the person in relation to whose life, insurance and other benefits are granted under the
30. Life assured
is the Installment Premium payable over the Premium Payment Term at the chosen Premium
31. Premium
32. Maturity Benefit is the benefit payable on maturity of the policy.
33. Minor is a person who has not completed 18 years of age.
is the person who is named as the Nominee in the proposal form or subsequently changed
by an Endorsement, as per Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to
34. Nominee
time, who has the right to give a valid discharge to the policy monies in case of the death of
the Life Assured, during the term of the policy if such nomination is not disputed.
35. Non-participating means that your policy does not have a share in our profits.
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited or its successors.
36. Our, Us, We , Company We are regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).
The registration number allotted by IRDAI is 111.
is the status of the policy if premiums have been paid for at least first 2 full policy years and
37. Paid-up
subsequent premiums are not paid.
The paid-up sum assured on death is equal to the sum assured payable on death multiplied
38. Paid-up sum assured on death
by the ratio of number of premiums paid to the number of premiums originally payable.
The Reduced Guaranteed Income is equal to Guaranteed Income multiplied by the ratio of
39. Reduced Guaranteed Income
number of premiums paid to the number of premiums originally payable.
Is the period during which the Income benefit is paid. Any Payout period will start only after
40. Payout period one year from the date of end of the Premium Payment Term, provided such benefit is
is the same date each year during the policy term as the date of commencement.
41. Policy Anniversary
If the date of commencement is on 29th of February, the policy anniversary will be the last
date of February.
means the policy schedule, policy booklet, endorsements (if any), rider documents (if any).
42. Policy Document Any subsequent written agreements (if any) mutually agreed by you and us during the term
of the policy also forms a part of the Policy document.
43. Policyholder is the owner of the policy and is referred to as the proposer in the proposal form.
44. Policy Schedule is the document that sets out the details of your policy.
is the period commencing with the Date of Commencement of the Policy and terminating
45. Policy Term
with the Date of Maturity

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Part B SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Expressions Meanings
is the period between two consecutive policy anniversaries; by convention, this period
46. Policy Year
includes the first day and excludes the next policy anniversary day.
is the period between two consecutive premium due dates for regular premium policy; the
47. Premium Frequency
premium frequency will be Yearly , Half-yearly or monthly.
48. Premium Payment Term(PPT) is the period, in years, over which premiums are payable.

means restoration of the policy, which was discontinued due to the non-payment of
premium, with all the benefits mentioned in the policy document, upon the receipt of all
the premiums due and other charges or late fee if any, as per the terms and conditions
49. Revival of the policy and other documents proving continued insurability of the life assured, upon
the company being satisfied as to the continued insurability of the insured or policyholder
on the basis of the information, documents and reports furnished by the policyholder, in
accordance with Board approved Underwriting policy.
50. Revival period is a period of 5 consecutive years from the due date of first unpaid premium .
51. Surrender is the complete withdrawal or voluntary termination of the entire policy.
is an amount, if any , that becomes payable in case of surrender, in accordance with the
52. Surrender Value
terms and conditions of the policy.
is the benefit payable on Survival of the Life assured at the end of each income frequency
53. Survival Benefit
interval chosen during the payout period
54. Total Premiums paid is the total of all the premiums received, excluding any extra premium and applicable taxes.
- is the process of classification of lives into appropriate homogeneous groups based on the
risks covered.
55. Underwriting
- based on underwriting, a decision is taken on whether a risk cover can be granted and if
so at what rates of premium and under what terms.
56. You, Your is the person named as the Policyholder.

The above definitions are provided only for the purpose of proper comprehension of the terms & phrases used in the policy document.
The actual benefits under the policy are payable strictly as per the terms and conditions of the policy only.

2. Abbreviations

Abbreviation Stands for

IRDAI Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
Rs./ र Indian Rupees
UIN Unique Identification Number (allotted by IRDAI for this product)
GSV Guaranteed Surrender Value
SSV Special Surrender Value
PPT Premium Payment Term
KYC Know Your Customer

These abbreviations bear the meanings assigned to them elsewhere in the policy booklet

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Part C SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
Part C

3. Policy Benefits
Your policy has three terms:
1. Premium payment term during which the premiums are payable
2. Payout Period which starts after one year from the end of Premium payment term and during Payout period Guaranteed Income
benefits are payable and the quantum of installment income depends on the annualized premium, income option chosen and
the income frequency. If life income option is chosen, the Guaranteed Income will cease from the date of death of the Life
Assured and if Guaranteed Income option is chosen, the Guaranteed Income will be paid over the payout period.
3. Policy term during which death benefit is payable in case of death of life assured. The Policy term is equal to Premium Payment
Term + one year + Payout Period

3.1. Participation in Profits and Bonus

3.1.1. Your Policy does not participate in any profits of the company.

3.2. Death Benefit

3.2.1. The death benefit depends on the income option chosen and the death benefit payable under the two income options is
as follows: Life Income: On death of the life assured at any time during the policy term, Sum assured on death is payable as
lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case may be, and the policy terminates and there
will be no further benefits payable under the policy. Guaranteed Income: The death benefit payable before the commencement of the payout period and during the
payout period are different. On death of the life assured before the commencement of the payout period, Sum assured on death is
payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured as the case may be, and the policy
terminates and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy. On death of the life assured after the commencement of the payout period, Sum assured on death is payable
as lumpsum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured as the case may be, and the nominee or legal
heir as the case may be, shall continue to receive the future Guaranteed Income during the payout period. The nominee or legal heir as the case may be, shall have an option to receive the discounted value of the
future Guaranteed Income, in the form of a lumpsum, anytime during the Payout Period, discounted at 8.25%
per annum and thereafter there will be no further benefits payable.

3.2.2. The Sum assured on death is: Basic Sum Assured = 11 times Annualized premium OR Annual Guaranteed Income * Death Benefit Factor for Guaranteed Income + Maturity Benefit * Death Benefit
Factor for Maturity Benefit OR 105% of total premiums paid upto the date of death, whichever is higher.

3.2.3. The Death Benefit Factors are provided in Annexure V

3.2.4. Under the Life Income option, in case if a survival payout is made post the date of death of the life assured but before
the claim settlement, the amount will be recoverable from the Death Benefit payable.

3.3. Survival Benefit

3.3.1. If the Policy is in-force and the Life Assured survives till the end of each due date for payment of installment depending
on the income frequency chosen during the payout period, the following will be payable Guaranteed Income will be paid at the end of income frequency chosen during the Payout period (please refer
‘Basic policy information’ of Policy Schedule). The frequency can be monthly or quarterly or half-yearly or yearly. first guaranteed income payout will be paid after the expiry of one month or three months or
six months or one year, as the case may be, from the date of expiry of the premium payment term plus one
year, depending on the income payout frequency chosen.

3.4. Maturity Benefit

3.4.1. If the Policy is in-force and the Life Assured survives till the end of the policy term, then 110% of the Total Premiums
paid would be refunded at the end of the policy term. In case the life assured does not survive the policy term, no benefit
shall be payable at the end of the policy term.

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Part C SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
4. Guaranteed Income

4.1. There are two income plan options under the product. Income plan option once chosen at inception cannot be changed

4.1.1. We will pay you guaranteed income during the payout period, at the frequency chosen by you, provided your policy
is in-force. The payout happens at the end of each income frequency chosen for the payout period. In life Income option, future income payouts would stop on death of the life assured. In Guaranteed
Income Option, future income payouts would continue during payout period even after the death of the life assured. You may change the income payout frequency selected at inception within nine months from the date of
expiry of Premium Payment Term, by writing to us. The option to change the income payout frequency will be available only once, i.e. within nine months
from the date of expiry of Premium Payment Term

4.1.2. If your policy has lapsed and has acquired paid-up value then we will pay you Reduced Guaranteed Income, at the
end of income frequency chosen for the Payout period and 110% of Total Premiums paid would be refunded at the
end of the payout period . The reduced guaranteed income would be equal to Guaranteed Income multiplied by the ratio of number
of premiums paid to the number of premiums originally payable If your policy has lapsed without acquiring any paid-up value, no benefits shall be payable under the policy.

5. Premiums

5.1. You have to pay the premiums on or before the premium due dates or within the grace period.

5.2. You have to pay the premiums even if you do not receive renewal premium notice. We are not liable to send you any premium
notices, whatsoever.

5.3. In addition to the premium, you are liable to pay Applicable Taxes and/or any other statutory levy/ duty/ surcharge, on the
premiums paid, at the rate notified by the Central Government/ State Government / Union Territories of India from time to time,
as per the applicable tax laws and any other charge as per the product features.

5.4. If we receive any amount in excess of the required premium, we will refund the excess. We will not pay any interest on this excess

5.5. If we receive any amount less than the required premium, we will not adjust the said amount towards premiums till you pay the
balance of premium. We will not pay any interest on the amount received earlier.

5.6. The premium should always be paid in advance for full policy year. However, for your convenience, we may allow you other
modes of payment of premium.

5.7. If your Policy is in force and it results into death claim, the balance of premiums, if any, till the next Policy anniversary, as on the
date of death shall be deducted from the benefits payable under the Policy, in case the claim is found admissible and payable.

5.8. The premium frequency can be changed only on a policy anniversary by sending a written request at least one month in advance.
Change in premium frequency is subject to:
5.8.1. Minimum premium requirement for the requested premium frequency
5.8.2. Availability of the requested premium frequency on the day of change in premium frequency;
5.8.3. Premium rates/ tables applicable for the changed premium frequency will be the same as the premium rates/ tables
applicable on the date of commencement of policy
5.8.4. The installment premium may change depending upon the frequency chosen.

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Part C SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
6. Grace Period

6.1. You can pay your premiums within a grace period of 30 days from the premium due date in case of yearly and half-yearly premium
payment frequency and 15 days for monthly premium payment frequency.

6.2. If you do not pay your due premiums before the end of grace period, your policy lapses or becomes reduced paid-up, as the case
may be.

6.3 Policy will remain in-force during the grace period.

6.4 In case of death of the life assured during grace period, the balance of premiums, if any, till the next Policy anniversary, as on
the date of death shall be deducted from the benefits payable under the Policy.

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Part D SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Part D

7. Non-forfeiture Benefits

7.1. Reduced Paid –up Value

7.1.1. Your policy will acquire reduced paid-up value only if you have paid at least first 2 full policy years’ premiums.
7.1.2. If your policy lapses without acquiring paid-up value, no benefits shall become payable under your policy. The benefits
for reduced paid-up policy are given hereunder:

7.1.3. Death Benefit for Reduced paid-up policy under the two income options would be as follows: Life income : On death of the life assured at any time during the policy term, Paid-up Sum Assured on death is
payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case may be, and the policy terminates
and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy. Guaranteed Income : The death benefit payable before the commencement of the payout period and during the
payout period are different. On death of the life assured before the commencement of the payout period, Paid-up Sum assured on death
is payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured as the case may be, and the policy
terminates and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy. On death of the life assured after the commencement of the payout period, Paid-up Sum assured on death
is payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured as the case may be, and the nominee
or legal heir as the case may be, shall continue to receive the future Reduced Guaranteed Income during the
payout period. The nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, shall have an option to receive the discounted
value of the future Reduced Guaranteed Income, in the form of a lump sum, anytime during the Payout
Period, discounted at 8.25% per annum.
7.1.4. Under the Life Income, in case if a survival payout is made post the date of death of the life assured but before the claim
settlement, the amount will be recoverable from the Death Benefit payable.

7.1.5. Survival Benefit for Reduced paid-up policy would be Reduced Guaranteed Income, payable at the end of income
frequency chosen during the payout period on survival of the life assured at the end of income frequency chosen.

7.1.6. Maturity Benefit for Reduced paid-up policy would be equal to 110% of the Total Premiums paid and this reduced paid-
up amount shall be payable at the end of policy term, on survival of the life assured till the end of the policy term.

7.1.7. The paid-up sum assured on death is equal to the sum assured on death multiplied by the ratio of number of premiums
paid to the number of premiums originally payable.

7.1.8. The Reduced Guaranteed Income is equal to Guaranteed Income multiplied by the ratio of number of premiums paid
to the number of premiums originally payable.

7.1.9. You may terminate your paid-up policy before maturity by surrendering the policy for surrender value.

7.1.10. If your policy has not acquired any paid up value and is in lapsed status, we will not be liable to pay you any amount
either on maturity or on death or on surrender

7.2. Surrender Value

7.2.1. You may surrender your policy during the term of the policy if you have paid all the premiums in full for the first 2
policy years at least. If you have not paid premiums in full for the first two policy years at least, your policy shall not
acquire any surrender value’

7.2.2. We will pay you either Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) or Non-Guaranteed Special Surrender Value (SSV) whichever
is higher, if you decide to surrender your Policy.

7.2.3. The GSV is equal to (GSV factors multiplied by the total premiums paid) less survival benefits paid, if any. The GSV
factors for various policy durations are given below:

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Part D SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
Policy Term (years)
Year 23 24 26 28 29 31 33 34 36 38 39
1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
2 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
3 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
4 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
5 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
6 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
7 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
8 53% 53% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 52% 51% 51% 51%
9 55% 55% 54% 54% 54% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53% 53%
10 58% 58% 57% 56% 56% 55% 55% 55% 54% 54% 54%
11 61% 60% 59% 58% 58% 57% 56% 56% 56% 55% 55%
12 63% 63% 61% 60% 60% 59% 58% 58% 57% 57% 56%
13 66% 65% 63% 62% 61% 60% 60% 59% 59% 58% 58%
14 69% 68% 66% 64% 63% 62% 61% 61% 60% 59% 59%
15 71% 70% 68% 66% 65% 64% 63% 62% 61% 61% 60%
16 74% 73% 70% 68% 67% 66% 64% 64% 63% 62% 62%
17 77% 75% 72% 70% 69% 67% 66% 65% 64% 63% 63%
18 79% 78% 74% 72% 71% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65% 64%
19 82% 80% 77% 74% 73% 71% 69% 68% 67% 66% 65%
20 85% 83% 79% 76% 75% 73% 71% 70% 69% 67% 67%
21 87% 85% 81% 78% 77% 74% 72% 72% 70% 69% 68%
22 90% 88% 83% 80% 79% 76% 74% 73% 71% 70% 69%
23 90% 90% 86% 82% 80% 78% 76% 75% 73% 71% 71%
24 90% 88% 84% 82% 80% 77% 76% 74% 73% 72%
25 90% 86% 84% 81% 79% 78% 76% 74% 73%
26 90% 88% 86% 83% 80% 79% 77% 75% 75%
27 90% 88% 85% 82% 81% 79% 77% 76%
28 90% 90% 87% 84% 82% 80% 78% 77%
29 90% 88% 85% 84% 81% 79% 78%
30 90% 87% 85% 83% 81% 80%
31 90% 88% 87% 84% 82% 81%
32 90% 88% 86% 83% 82%
33 90% 90% 87% 85% 84%
34 90% 89% 86% 85%
35 90% 87% 86%

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Part D SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
36 90% 89% 87%
37 90% 89%
38 90% 90%
39 90%

7.2.4. The Special surrender value (SSV) = SSV Factor * (Total Outstanding Reduced Guaranteed Income + 110% of the Total
Premiums paid)
7.2.5. The SSV factors are given below:

Year /
Term 23 24 26 28 29 31 33 34 36 38 39

1 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

2 20.00% 19.00% 17.00% 16.00% 15.00% 14.00% 12.00% 11.00% 10.00% 9.00% 9.00%

3 22.00% 20.00% 18.00% 17.00% 16.00% 15.00% 13.00% 12.00% 11.00% 10.00% 10.00%

4 24.00% 22.00% 19.00% 18.00% 17.00% 16.00% 14.00% 13.00% 12.00% 11.00% 11.00%

5 26.00% 24.00% 20.00% 19.00% 18.00% 17.00% 15.00% 14.00% 13.00% 12.00% 12.00%

6 28.00% 26.00% 22.00% 20.00% 19.00% 18.00% 16.00% 15.00% 14.00% 13.00% 13.00%

7 30.00% 28.00% 24.00% 21.00% 20.00% 19.00% 17.00% 16.00% 15.00% 14.00% 14.00%

8 32.00% 30.00% 26.00% 23.00% 21.00% 20.00% 18.00% 17.00% 16.00% 15.00% 15.00%

9 34.00% 32.00% 28.00% 25.00% 23.00% 21.00% 19.00% 18.00% 17.00% 16.00% 16.00%

10 37.00% 34.00% 30.00% 27.00% 25.00% 22.00% 20.00% 19.00% 18.00% 17.00% 17.00%

11 40.00% 37.00% 32.00% 29.00% 27.00% 24.00% 21.00% 20.00% 19.00% 18.00% 18.00%

12 43.00% 40.00% 34.00% 31.00% 29.00% 26.00% 22.00% 21.00% 20.00% 19.00% 19.00%

13 46.00% 43.00% 37.00% 33.00% 31.00% 28.00% 24.00% 22.00% 21.00% 20.00% 20.00%

14 50.00% 46.00% 40.00% 35.00% 33.00% 30.00% 26.00% 24.00% 22.00% 21.00% 21.00%

15 54.00% 50.00% 43.00% 38.00% 35.00% 32.00% 28.00% 26.00% 23.00% 22.00% 22.00%

16 58.00% 54.00% 46.00% 41.00% 38.00% 34.00% 30.00% 28.00% 25.00% 23.00% 23.00%

17 63.00% 58.00% 50.00% 44.00% 41.00% 36.00% 32.00% 30.00% 27.00% 24.00% 24.00%

18 68.00% 63.00% 54.00% 47.00% 44.00% 39.00% 34.00% 32.00% 29.00% 25.00% 25.00%

19 73.00% 68.00% 58.00% 51.00% 47.00% 42.00% 36.00% 34.00% 31.00% 27.00% 26.00%

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An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

20 79.00% 73.00% 63.00% 55.00% 51.00% 45.00% 39.00% 36.00% 33.00% 29.00% 28.00%

21 85.00% 79.00% 68.00% 59.00% 55.00% 48.00% 42.00% 39.00% 35.00% 31.00% 30.00%

22 92.00% 85.00% 73.00% 63.00% 59.00% 51.00% 45.00% 42.00% 37.00% 33.00% 32.00%

23 100.00% 92.00% 79.00% 68.00% 63.00% 55.00% 48.00% 45.00% 39.00% 35.00% 34.00%

24 100.00% 85.00% 73.00% 68.00% 59.00% 51.00% 48.00% 42.00% 37.00% 36.00%

25 92.00% 79.00% 73.00% 63.00% 55.00% 51.00% 45.00% 39.00% 38.00%

26 100.00% 85.00% 79.00% 68.00% 59.00% 55.00% 48.00% 42.00% 40.00%

27 92.00% 85.00% 73.00% 63.00% 59.00% 51.00% 45.00% 43.00%

28 100.00% 92.00% 79.00% 68.00% 63.00% 55.00% 48.00% 46.00%

29 100.00% 85.00% 73.00% 68.00% 59.00% 51.00% 49.00%

30 92.00% 79.00% 73.00% 63.00% 55.00% 52.00%

31 100.00% 85.00% 79.00% 68.00% 59.00% 56.00%

32 92.00% 85.00% 73.00% 63.00% 60.00%

33 100.00% 92.00% 79.00% 68.00% 64.00%

34 100.00% 85.00% 73.00% 69.00%

35 92.00% 79.00% 74.00%

36 100.00% 85.00% 79.00%

37 92.00% 85.00%

38 100.00% 92.00%

39 100.00%

7.2.6. SSV factors would be modified subject to prior approval by IRDAI

7.2.7. The surrender of the Policy shall extinguish all rights and benefits under your Policy.

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Part D SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
8. Revival

8.1. If premiums are not paid within the grace period, your policy lapses or becomes paid-up. No benefits are then payable under
your policy if your Policy has not acquired paid-up value.

8.2. You can revive your policy during its revival period of 5 consecutive years from the date of the First Unpaid Premium and before
the expiry of policy term.

8.3. You should write to us during the revival period requesting revival of your policy.

8.4. You have to submit Good Health Declaration and satisfy other underwriting requirements, if any. We may charge extra premium
based on Company’s board approved underwriting policy.

8.5. We may accept or reject your revival request. We will inform you about the same.

8.6. You have to pay all due premiums, not paid during the revival period, till the date of revival, along with interest. The due
premiums would include installment premium including any extra premiums, if any.

8.7. The interest will be charged at a rate declared by the company from time to time and any revision in the basis of interest rate
calculation will be with the prior approval of IRDAI. The nominal interest rate per annum is 200 basis points greater than the
benchmark yield of 10 year government security as on 1st April of each of the Financial Year and it will be compounding on a
half-yearly basis. The 10 year benchmark G-Sec rate as on 1st April 2021 is 6.15%. The interest rate would be rounded to
nearest multiple of 25 basis points and interest amount would be rounded nearest to Re 1. For Financial Year 2021-22, the
revival interest rate applicable is 8.25% p.a.

8.8. You cannot revive your policy after the expiry of the revival period.

8.9. Revival shall not be effective unless we accept the revival and intimate you the same in writing.

8.10. Once the revival is accepted and effected, your policy shall be eligible for all the benefits as applicable for an in
force policy.

9. Termination

9.1. Termination of your Policy

9.1.1. Your policy will terminate at the earliest of the following: on payment of death benefit for Life Income option OR on the date of payout of Maturity benefit i.e., last guaranteed income and maturity benefit of 110% of
total premiums paid OR on payment of surrender value. OR on payment of free-look cancellation amount. OR On your policy being in a lapsed status without acquiring any paid up value and after expiry of the
revival period. However, death cover will terminate automatically if you fail to pay any renewal premium
before the expiry of the grace period, provided the policy hasn’t acquired paid up value

10. General Terms

10.1. Free look Period

10.1.1. If you have purchased an electronic policy or a policy through distance marketing mode, you have free look period
of 30 days from the date of the receipt of this policy document to review its terms and conditions. If you are not
satisfied, you can return the policy to the company for cancellation stating the reasons for objection.

10.1.2. For policies purchased through a channel or mode other than that mentioned in 10.1.1 above, you have a free look
period of 15 days from the date of receipt of this policy document to review its terms and conditions. If you are not
satisfied, you can return the policy to the company for cancellation stating the reasons for objection.

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An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

10.1.3. We will then refund the premium paid subject only to deduction of the proportionate risk premium for the period of
cover and the stamp duty charges paid and the expenses incurred on medical examination of the proposer incurred, if

10.1.4. You cannot revive or restore your policy once you have returned your policy.

10.2. Suicide Exclusion

10.2.1. If the life assured, commits suicide, within 12 months, we will not pay the death benefit.

10.2.2. We will calculate 12 months from the date of commencement of risk or from the date of revival of policy, whichever
is applicable.

10.2.3. We will pay atleast 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death, if death due to suicide occurs within 12
months from the date of commencement of risk, provided the policy is in force and thereafter the contract would

10.2.4. In case of suicide within 12 months from the date of revival of the policy, we will pay higher of 80% of the total
premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value available on date of death, provided the policy is in force
and thereafter the contract would cease.

10.3. Policy loan

10.3.1. You may apply for a loan against your Policy if your policy has acquired the Surrender Value.

10.3.2. Policy loan will not exceed 50% of the Surrender Value.

10.3.3. The interest to be charged on the loan will be declared by the Company from time to time. Any change in the basis
for determination of the interest rate calculation for policy loan would be subject to prior approval of IRDAI.

10.3.4. Your policy will be assigned to us and the assignment shall be in force till the entire loan with the interest thereon is

10.3.5. We reserve the right to determine the loan amount to be granted and to defer the granting of a loan for a period not
exceeding six months from the date of request for such a loan.

10.3.6. Interest shall accrue on the outstanding policy loan and would be updated by the company from time to time. The
nominal interest rate per annum is 150 basis points greater than the 10 year benchmark government security as on 1st
April of each of the Financial Year and it will be compounding on a half-yearly basis. The 10 year benchmark G-Sec rate
as on 1st April 2021 is 6.15%. . The interest rate would be rounded to nearest multiple of 25 basis points and interest
amount would be rounded nearest to Re 1..

10.3.7. The interest rate applicable for Financial Year 2021-22 is 7.75%.

10.3.8. We will recover the unpaid loan, if any along with outstanding interest due from the benefits payable under your
policy at the time of any payment made under the policy.

10.3.9. If you fail to pay the loan interest and the policy is in-force or fully paid up, your policy would not be terminated even
if the outstanding loan along with the interest exceeds the surrender value.

10.3.10. If you fail to pay the loan interest on the due dates and the policy is not in-force or fully paid up and if the outstanding
loan along with the interest exceeds the surrender value: your Policy will be foreclosed after giving intimation and reasonable opportunity to the policyholder to
continue the policy;

10.3.11. Before any benefits are paid out, loan outstanding together with the interest thereon will be deducted from such
benefits and the balance amount, if any, will be payable.

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Part D SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
11. Claims
11.1. Death Claim

11.1.1. The policyholder, nominee or the legal heir, as the case may be, should intimate us about the death of the life assured
in writing, stating at least the policy number, cause of death and date of death.

11.1.2. We will require the following documents to process the claim: Original policy document Original death certificate from municipal / local authorities Claimant’s statement and claim forms in prescribed formats Hospital records including discharge summary, etc, wherever applicable Any other documents including post-mortem report, first information report where applicable Any other document which SBI Life may call, if found necessary in support of the claim

11.1.3. Claim under the policy may be filed with us within 90 days of date of claim event.
11.1.4. However, without prejudice, in case of delay in intimation or submission of claim documents beyond the stipulated
period in the policy document or in the Statutes, We, may condone such delay and examine the admissibility or
otherwise of the claim, if such delay is proved to be for reasons beyond the control of the nominee/claimant.
11.1.5. We will pay the claim, if found admissible, To the assignee, if the policy is assigned.
11.1.6. If the policy is not assigned, and you are not the life assured, we will pay you or your legal heir you are the life assured, we will pay the nominee, if the nominee is not a minor the appointee, if the nominee is a minor your legal heir, as certified by a court of competent jurisdiction if there is no nomination or
if the nomination is not valid or challenged.
11.1.7. We may ask for additional information related to the claim
11.1.8. You can claim only once under this plan
11.1.9. If there is any dispute about the title under the policy, the benefits shall be paid only to the person[s] as certified by a
court of competent jurisdiction
11.1.10. For any claim related assistance, call us at our Claims Helpline on Toll free Number – 18002679090 (9a.m. to 9p.m.).

11.2. Maturity Claim

11.2.1. You will be required to submit the original policy document, and KYC documents to any of our offices. Discharge form
may also be submitted.

11.2.2. If you assign your policy, we will pay claim to the Assignee.

11.2.3. If the policy is not assigned, we will pay the claim to you.

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Part E SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
Part E

12. Charges

12.1. Charges

Being a non-linked insurance product, there are no explicit charges under this policy.

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Part F SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

Part F

13. General Terms - Miscellaneous

13.1. Nomination
13.1.1. If you are the policyholder and the life insurance cover is on your own life, you may, when effecting the
policy or at any time before the policy matures for payment, nominate person or persons to whom the money
secured by the policy shall be paid in the event of the death of the life assured.
13.1.2. If the nominee is a minor, you may appoint a person, competent to contract, as an appointee in the manner
laid down by us, to receive the money secured by the policy in the event of death of the life assured during
the minority of the nominee.
13.1.3. You may cancel or change the existing nomination.
13.1.4. An assignment or transfer of your policy under section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time
to time, shall cancel the nomination except under certain circumstances. Please refer to clause 9 under
Section 39 – Nomination by Policyholder – Annexure II.
13.1.5. Your nomination should be registered in our records so as to make it binding on us.
13.1.6. For complete details about the nomination, please refer to Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended
from time to time.

[A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 38 & Section 39 is enclosed as Annexure – (I
& II, respectively) for reference]

13.2. Assignment
13.2.1. You may assign the policy subject to the provisions of Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended
from time to time.

13.2.2. We may decline to act upon any endorsement or deed of assignment if we have sufficient reasons and we
will let you know in writing the reasons for such refusal.

13.2.3. You may prefer a claim to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India within 30 days of
receipt of our communication intimating you about our declining to act upon the transfer or assignment of
your policy.

13.2.4. You may assign your policy wholly or in part.

13.2.5. You may assign your policy either absolutely or conditionally, and at any point of time there can be only one
assignment under your policy.

13.2.6. The assignment or reassignment of your policy should be registered with us so as to make it binding on us.

13.2.7. For complete details about the Assignment or transfer of the policy, please refer to Section 38 of the
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
[A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 38 is enclosed in Annexure – (I) for reference]

13.3. Surrender

13.3.1. We will require the original policy document to process the surrender claim. Discharge form may also be

13.3.2. If the policy is assigned, we will pay the assignee, the surrender value.

13.3.3. If the policy is not assigned, we will pay the surrender value to

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Part F SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product You or Your legal heir, in case of death of policyholder subsequent to the date of submission of request
for surrender of the policy but before payment of surrender value.

13.4. Non Disclosure

13.4.1. We have issued your policy based on the statements in your proposal form, personal statement, medical
reports and any other documents that are submitted to us.

13.4.2. If we find that any of this information is inaccurate or false or you have withheld any material information
or in case of fraud, we will have a right to cancel your policy as per the provisions of Section 45 of the
Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time.

[A leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 45 is enclosed in Annexure – III for reference.]

13.5. Misstatement of age

13.5.1. If we find that the correct age of the life assured is different from that mentioned in the proposal form, we
will check the insured’s eligibility for the life cover as on the date of commencement of policy.

13.5.2. If eligible, If the correct age is found to be higher, we will revise the benefits (as applicable). We will terminate your policy by paying the surrender value, if any, if you disagree with the
reduced benefits. If the correct age is found to be lower, we will revise the benefits (as applicable)

13.5.3. If not eligible, We will terminate your policy. We will pay you the Total Premiums paid without interest and after deducting all
applicable survival benefits paid, expenses like Medical expenses, Stamp duty, Proportionate Risk
premium along with applicable taxes, cesses and levies, etc., incurred by us under the Policy.

13.6. Taxation
13.6.1. You are liable to pay the Applicable Taxes and/or any other statutory levy/duty/ surcharge, at the rate
notified by the State Government or Central Government of India from time to time, as per the
applicable tax laws on premium and/or other charges (if any) as per the product features.

13.6.2. You may be eligible for Income Tax benefits/exemptions as per the applicable income tax laws in India,
which are subject to change from time to time. You may visit our website for further details. you may
consult your tax advisor for details.

13.6.3. We shall deduct income tax at source (TDS) on payments made under the policy as per the applicable
income tax laws in India

13.7. Date formats

Unless otherwise stated, all dates described and used in the policy schedule are in dd/mm/yyyy formats.

13.8. Electronic transactions

We shall accept premiums and pay benefits through any approved modes including electronic transfers.

13.9. Communications

13.9.1. We will communicate to you in writing and deliver the correspondence by hand, post, facsimile, e-mail
or any other approved mode.

13.9.2. We will send correspondence to the mailing address you have provided in the proposal form or to the
address subsequently changed and registered by you with us.

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An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
13.9.3. You should also communicate in writing and deliver the correspondence by hand, post, facsimile, e-
mail or any other approved mode.

13.9.4. Your correspondence can be addressed to any of SBI Life branch offices or to its Central Processing
Centre at the address below:

SBI Life Insurance Company Limited,

Central Processing Centre,
7th Level (D Wing) & 8th Level,
Seawoods Grand Central
Tower 2, Plot No R-1,Sector-40,
Seawoods, Nerul Node, Dist. Thane,
Navi Mumbai - 400 706
Telephone No.: + 91 - 22 - 6645 6785

13.9.5. It is important that you keep us informed of your change in address and any other communication

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Part G SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product
Part G

14. Complaints

14.1. Grievance redressal procedure

14.1.1 If you have any query, complaint or grievance, you may approach any of our offices.
14.1.2 You can also call us on our toll-free number: 1800 267 9090 (9 am to 9 pm and these timings are subject
to change)
14.1.3 You can also send an email to us on
14.1.4 If you are not satisfied with our decision or have not received any response within 15 days, you may write
to us at:
Head – Client Relationship,
SBI Life Insurance Company Limited
Central Processing Centre,
7th Level (D Wing) & 8th Level,
Seawoods Grand Central
Tower 2, Plot No R-1, Sector-40,
Seawoods, Nerul Node, Dist. Thane,
Navi Mumbai- 400 706.
Telephone No.: +91 - 22 – 6645 6785
E-mail Id:
14.1.5 In case the complaint is not fully attended by us within 15 days of lodging the complaint through our
Grievance Redressal Mechanism; you may escalate the complaint to IRDAI through the Integrated
Grievance Management System (IGMS) website: (Other Links >> Online
Registration of Policyholder Complaints) or contact IRDAI Grievance Call Centre on toll-free number :
155255 / 1800 4254 732 or alternatively you may send an email on
14.1.6 The postal address of IRDAI for communication for complaints by paper is as follows: Consumer Affairs
Department, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, SY No 115/1, Financial district,
Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500032.
14.1.7 In case you are not satisfied with our decision or not received a response within 30 days from the date of
filing your complaints with us and the issue pertains to Rule 13 of Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017,
you may approach the Insurance Ombudsman. You can make the complaint to the Ombudsman as per
provision 13 and 14(3) of the said rules. The relevant provisions have been mentioned in the section
“Relevant Statutes”.
14.1.8 The address of the Insurance Ombudsman and the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017, are, available on
the website of IRDAI, and in our website http://www. The address
of the ombudsman at Mumbai is:
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman
3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe,
S.V. Road, Santa Cruz (W),
Mumbai – 400 054.
Telephone No.: +91 – 22 – 69038821/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31
Fax No. : +91 – 22 – 2610 6052
E-mail :
12.1.9 We have also enclosed a list of addresses of insurance ombudsmen in Annexure IV for reference.

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Part G SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01)
An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

15. Relevant Statutes

15.1. Governing laws and jurisdiction

15.1.1. This is subject to prevailing Indian Laws. Any dispute that may arise in connection with this shall be subject to
the jurisdiction of the competent Indian Courts.

15.2. Section 41 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time
1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take
or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy,
nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as
may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer

Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of commission in connection with a policy of life insurance
taken out by himself on his own life shall not be deemed to be acceptance of a rebate of premium within
the meaning of this sub-section if at the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies the prescribed
conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed by the insurer.

2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for penalty which
may extend to ten lakh rupees

15.3. Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time
[A Leaflet containing the simplified version of the provisions of Section 45 is enclosed in Annexure – (III) for reference.]

15.4. Rule 13 of Ombudsman Rules, 2017

1. The Ombudsman may receive and consider complaints or disputes relating to:
a) delay in settlement of claims, beyond the time specified in the regulations, framed under the Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority of India Act, 1999;
b) any partial or total repudiation of claims by the life insurer, General insurer or the health insurer;
c) disputes over premium paid or payable in terms of insurance policy;
d) misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions at any time in the policy document or policy contract;
e) legal construction of insurance policies in so far as the dispute relates to claim;
f) policy servicing related grievances against insurers and their agents and intermediaries;
g) issuance of life insurance policy, general insurance policy including health insurance policy which is not
inconformity with the proposal form submitted by the proposer;
h) non-issuance of insurance policy after receipt of premium in life insurance and general insurance including health
insurance; and
i) any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to
time or the regulations, circulars, guidelines or instructions issued by the IRDAI from time to time or the terms
and conditions of the policy contract, in so far as they relate to issues mentioned at clauses (a) to (f).

2. The Ombudsman shall act as counselor and mediator relating to matters specified in sub-rule (1) provided there is
written consent of the parties to the dispute.
3. The Ombudsman shall be precluded from handling any matter if he is an interested party or having conflict of

4. The Central Government or as the case may be, the IRDAI may, at any time refer any complaint or dispute relating
to insurance matters specified in sub-rule (1), to the Insurance Ombudsman and such complaint or dispute shall be
entertained by the Insurance Ombudsman and be dealt with as if it is a complaint made under Rule 14.

15.5. Rule 14 of Ombudsman Rules, 2017

(1) Any person who has a grievance against an insurer, may himself or through his legal heirs, nominee or assignee, make
a complaint in writing to the Insurance Ombudsman within whose territorial jurisdiction the branch or office of the
insurer complained against or the residential address or place of residence of the complainant is located.

(2) The complaint shall be in writing, duly signed by the complainant or through his legal heirs, nominee or assignee
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An Individual Non-linked Non-participating Life Insurance Savings Product

and shall state clearly the name and address of the complainant, the name of the branch or office of the insurer
against whom the complaint is made, the facts giving rise to complaint, supported by documents, the nature and
extent of the loss caused to the complainant and the relief sought from the Insurance Ombudsman.

(3) No complaint to the Ombudsman shall lie unless –

a) The complainant makes a written representation to the insurer named in the complaint and
a. Either the insurer had rejected the complaint; or
b. the complainant had not received any reply within a period of one month after the insurer received
his representation; or
c. the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by the insurer
b) the complaint is made within one year
a. after the order of the insurer rejecting the representation is received; or
b. after receipt of decision of the insurer which is not to the satisfaction of the complainant;
c. after expiry of a period of one month from the date of sending the written representation to the insurer
if the insurer named fails to furnish reply to the complainant
(4) The Ombudsman shall be empowered to condone the delay in such cases as he may consider necessary, after calling
for objections of the insurer against the proposed condonation and after recording reasons for condoning the delay
and in case the delay is condoned, the date of condonation of delay shall be deemed to be the date of filing of the
complaint, for further proceedings under these rules.

(5) No complaint before the Insurance Ombudsman shall be maintainable on the same subject matter on which
proceedings are pending before or disposed of by any court or consumer forum or arbitrator.

15.6. Protection of Policyholders’ Interest

The IRDAI (Protection of Policyholders’ Interest) Regulation, 2017, provide for protection of the interests of the
policyholders. The provisions of this regulations will be applicable and subject to the prevailing law, as amended from
time to time.

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A. Section 38 - Assignment and Transfer of Insurance Policies

Assignment or transfer of a policy should be in accordance with Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to
time and as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:

01. This policy may be transferred/assigned, wholly or in part, with or without consideration.

02. An Assignment may be effected in a policy by an endorsement upon the policy itself or by a separate instrument under notice
to the Insurer.

03. The instrument of assignment should indicate the fact of transfer or assignment and the reasons for the assignment or
transfer, antecedents of the assignee and terms on which assignment is made.

04. The assignment must be signed by the transferor or assignor or duly authorized agent and attested by at least one witness.

05. The transfer of assignment shall not be operative as against an insurer until a notice in writing of the transfer or assignment
and either the said endorsement or instrument itself or copy there of certified to be correct by both transferor and transferee
or their duly authorised agents have been delivered to the insurer.

06. Fee to be paid for assignment or transfer can be specified by the Authority through Regulations.

07. On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should Grant a written acknowledgement of receipt of notice. Such notice shall be
conclusive evidence against the insurer of duly receiving the notice.

08. If the insurer maintains one or more places of business, such notices shall be delivered only at the place where the policy is
being serviced.

09. The insurer may accept or decline to act upon any transfer or assignment or endorsement, if it has sufficient reasons to
believe that it is
a. not bonafide or
b. not in the interest of the policyholder or
c. not in public interest or
d. is for the purpose of trading of the insurance policy.

10. Before refusing to act upon endorsement, the Insurer should record the reasons in writing and communicate the same in
writing to Policyholder within 30 days from the date of policyholder giving a notice of transfer or assignment.

11. In case of refusal to act upon the endorsement by the Insurer, any person aggrieved by the refusal may prefer a claim to
IRDAI within 30 days of receipt of the refusal letter from the Insurer.

12. The priority of claims of persons interested in an insurance policy would depend on the date on which the notices of
assignment or transfer is delivered to the insurer; where there are more than one instruments of transfer or assignment,
the priority will depend on dates of delivery of such notices. Any dispute in this regard as to priority should be referred to
13. Every assignment or transfer shall be deemed to be absolute assignment or transfer and the assignee or transferee shall be
deemed to be absolute assignee or transferee, except
a. where assignment or transfer is subject to terms and conditions of transfer or assignment OR
b. where the transfer or assignment is made upon condition that
i. the proceeds under the policy shall become payable to policyholder or nominee(s) in the event of assignee or
transferee dying before the insured OR
ii. the insured surviving the term of the policy

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Such conditional assignee will not be entitled to obtain a loan on policy or surrender the policy. This provision will prevail
notwithstanding any law or custom having force of law which is contrary to the above position.

14. In other cases, the insurer shall, subject to terms and conditions of assignment, recognize the transferee or assignee named
in the notice as the absolute transferee or assignee and such person
a. shall be subject to all liabilities and equities to which the transferor or assignor was subject to at the date of transfer
or assignment and
b. may institute any proceedings in relation to the policy
c. obtain loan under the policy or surrender the policy without obtaining the consent of the transferor or assignor or
making him a party to the proceedings

15. Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a life insurance policy under an assignment or transfer effected
before commencement of the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 shall not be affected by this section.

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act,2015 and only
a simplified version prepared for general information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to Original Gazette
Notification for complete and accurate details.]

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B. Section 39 - Nomination by policyholder

Nomination of a life insurance Policy is as below in accordance with Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from
time to time and as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:

01. The policyholder of a life insurance on his own life may nominate a person or persons to whom money secured by the policy
shall be paid in the event of his death.

02. Where the nominee is a minor, the policyholder may appoint any person to receive the money secured by the policy in the
event of policyholder’s death during the minority of the nominee. The manner of appointment to be laid down by the

03. Nomination can be made at any time before the maturity of the policy.

04. Nomination may be incorporated in the text of the policy itself or may be endorsed on the policy communicated to the
insurer and can be registered by the insurer in the records relating to the policy.

05. Nomination can be cancelled or changed at any time before policy matures, by an endorsement or a further endorsement
or a will as the case may be.

06. A notice in writing of Change or Cancellation of nomination must be delivered to the insurer for the insurer to be liable to
such nominee. Otherwise, insurer will not be liable if a bonafide payment is made to the person named in the text of the
policy or in the registered records of the insurer.

07. Fee to be paid to the insurer for registering change or cancellation of a nomination can be specified by the Authority through

08. On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should grant a written acknowledgement to the policyholder of having registered
a nomination or cancellation or change thereof.

09. A transfer or assignment made in accordance with Section 38 shall automatically cancel the nomination except in case of
assignment to the insurer or other transferee or assignee for purpose of loan or against security or its reassignment after
repayment. In such case, the nomination will not get cancelled to the extent of insurer’s or transferee’s or assignee’s
interest in the policy. The nomination will get revived on repayment of the loan.

10. The right of any creditor to be paid out of the proceeds of any policy of life insurance shall not be affected by the nomination.

11. In case of nomination by policyholder whose life is insured, if the nominees die before the policyholder, the proceeds are
payable to policyholder or his heirs or legal representatives or holder of succession certificate.

12. In case nominee(s) survive the person whose life is insured, the amount secured by the policy shall be paid to such

13. Where the policyholder whose life is insured nominates his

a. parents or
b. spouse or
c. children or
d. spouse and children
e. or any of them

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the nominees are beneficially entitled to the amount payable by the insurer to the policyholder unless it is proved that
policyholder could not have conferred such beneficial title on the nominee having regard to the nature of his title.

14. If nominee(s) die after the policyholder but before his share of the amount secured under the policy is paid, the share of
the expired nominee(s) shall be payable to the heirs or legal representative of the nominee or holder of succession
certificate of such nominee(s).

15. The provisions of sub-section 7 and 8 (13 and 14 above) shall apply to all life insurance policies maturing for payment after
the commencement of Insurance (Amendment) Act, 2015

16. If policyholder dies after maturity but the proceeds and benefit of the policy has not been paid to him because of his death,
his nominee(s) shall be entitled to the proceeds and benefit of the policy.

17. The provisions of Section 39 are not applicable to any life insurance policy to which Section 6 of Married Women’s Property
Act, 1874 applies or has at any time applied except where before or after Insurance Amendment) Act 2015, a nomination
is made in favour of spouse or children or spouse and children whether or not on the face of the policy it is mentioned
that it is made under Section 39. Where nomination is intended to be made to spouse or children or spouse and children
under Section 6 of MWP Act, it should be specifically mentioned on the policy. In such a case only, the provisions of Section
39 will not apply.

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 and only
a simplified version prepared for general information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to Original Gazette
Notification for complete and accurate details.]

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C. Section 45 – Policy shall not be called in question on the ground of mis-statement after three years

Provisions regarding policy not being called into question in terms of Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended
from time to time and as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 are as follows:

01. No Policy of Life Insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after expiry of 3 yrs from
a. the date of issuance of policy or
b. the date of commencement of risk or
c. the date of revival of policy or
d. the date of rider to the policy

whichever is later.

02. On the ground of fraud, a policy of Life Insurance may be called in question within 3 years from
a. the date of issuance of policy or
b. the date of commencement of risk or
c. the date of revival of policy or
d. the date of rider to the policy

whichever is later.

For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to the insured or legal representative or nominee or assignees
of insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and materials on which such decision is based.

03. Fraud means any of the following acts committed by insured or by his agent, with the intent to deceive the insurer
or to induce the insurer to issue a life insurance policy:
a. The suggestion, as a fact of that which is not true and which the insured does not believe to be true;
b. The active concealment of a fact by the insured having knowledge or belief of the fact;
c. Any other act fitted to deceive; and
d. Any such act or omission as the law specifically declares to be fraudulent.

04. Mere silence is not fraud unless, depending on circumstances of the case, it is the duty of the insured or his agent
keeping silence to speak or silence is in itself equivalent to speak.

05. No Insurer shall repudiate a life insurance Policy on the ground of Fraud, if the Insured / beneficiary can prove that
the misstatement was true to the best of his knowledge and there was no deliberate intention to suppress the
fact or that such mis-statement of or suppression of material fact are within the knowledge of the insurer. Onus
of disproving is upon the policyholder, if alive, or beneficiaries.

06. Life insurance Policy can be called in question within 3 years on the ground that any statement of or suppression
of a fact material to expectancy of life of the insured was incorrectly made in the proposal or other document
basis which policy was issued or revived or rider issued. For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to
the insured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and
materials on which decision to repudiate the policy of life insurance is based.

07. In case repudiation is on ground of mis-statement and not on fraud, the premium collected on policy till the date
of repudiation shall be paid to the insured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of insured, within a
period of 90 days from the date of repudiation.

08. Fact shall not be considered material unless it has a direct bearing on the risk undertaken by the insurer. The onus
is on insurer to show that if the insurer had been aware of the said fact, no life insurance policy would have been
issued to the insured.

09. The insurer can call for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so and no policy shall be deemed to be called
in question merely because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof of age of life insured. So,

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this Section will not be applicable for questioning age or adjustment based on proof of age submitted

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act,2015
and only a simplified version prepared for general information. Policy Holders are advised to refer to
Original Gazette Notification for complete and accurate details]

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Annexure IV

List of Ombudsman Centres with Address

Office of the Jurisdiction of Office

Contact Details
Ombudsman Union Territory, District)
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Prakash Building, 6th floor,
Tilak Marg, Relief Road,
AHMEDABAD Dadra & Nagar Haveli,
Ahmedabad – 380 001.
Daman and Diu.
Tel.: 079 - 25501201/02/05/06
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Soudha Building,PID No. 57-27-N-19
Ground Floor, 19/19, 24th Main Road,
BENGALURU JP Nagar, Ist Phase, Karnataka.
Bengaluru – 560 078.
Tel.: 080 - 26652048 / 26652049
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Janak Vihar Complex, 2nd Floor,
6, Malviya Nagar, Opp. Airtel Office,
BHOPAL Near New Market, Madhya Pradesh
Bhopal – 462 003. Chattisgarh.
Tel.: 0755 - 2769201 / 2769202
Fax: 0755 - 2769203
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
62, Forest park,
Bhubneshwar – 751 009.
Tel.: 0674 - 2596461 /2596455
Fax: 0674 - 2596429
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Punjab,
S.C.O. No. 101, 102 & 103, 2nd Floor, Haryana(excluding Gurugram,
Batra Building, Sector 17 – D, Faridabad, Sonepat and
CHANDIGARH Chandigarh – 160 017. Bahadurgarh)
Tel.: 0172 - 2706196 / 2706468 Himachal Pradesh, Union Territories
Fax: 0172 - 2708274 of Jammu & Kashmir,
Email: Ladakh & Chandigarh.
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th Floor, 453, Tamil Nadu,
Anna Salai, Teynampet, Tamil Nadu
CHENNAI CHENNAI – 600 018. PuducherryTown and
Tel.: 044 - 24333668 / 24335284 Karaikal (which are part of
Fax: 044 - 24333664 Puducherry).
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2/2 A, Universal Insurance Building,
Asaf Ali Road, Delhi &
New Delhi – 110 002. Following Districts of Haryana -
Tel.: 011 - 23232481/23213504 Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonepat &
Email: Bahadurgarh.

Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Assam,

Jeevan Nivesh, 5th Floor, Meghalaya,
Nr. Panbazar over bridge, S.S. Road, Manipur,
Guwahati – 781001(ASSAM). Mizoram,
Tel.: 0361 - 2632204 / 2602205 Arunachal Pradesh,
Email: Nagaland and Tripura.
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Andhra Pradesh,
6-2-46, 1st floor, "Moin Court", Telangana,
Lane Opp. Saleem Function Palace, Yanam and
A. C. Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, part of Union Territory ofPuducherry.

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Hyderabad - 500 004.
Tel.: 040 - 23312122
Fax: 040 - 23376599
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Nidhi – II Bldg., Gr. Floor,
Bhawani Singh Marg,
JAIPUR Rajasthan.
Jaipur - 302 005.
Tel.: 0141 - 2740363
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
2nd Floor, Pulinat Bldg.,
Opp. Cochin Shipyard, M. G. Road,
ERNAKULAM Ernakulam - 682 015.
Mahe-a part of Union Territory of
Tel.: 0484 - 2358759 / 2359338
Fax: 0484 - 2359336
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Hindustan Bldg. Annexe, 4th Floor,
4, C.R. Avenue, West Bengal,
KOLKATA KOLKATA - 700 072. Sikkim,
Tel.: 033 - 22124339 / 22124340 Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Fax : 033 - 22124341
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, Districts of Uttar Pradesh :Lalitpur,
6th Floor, Jeevan Bhawan, Phase-II, Jhansi, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Banda,
Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj, Chitrakoot, Allahabad, Mirzapur,
Lucknow - 226 001. Sonbhabdra, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh,
Tel.: 0522 - 2231330 / 2231331 Jaunpur,Varanasi, Gazipur, Jalaun,
Fax: 0522 - 2231310 Kanpur, Lucknow, Unnao, Sitapur,
Email: Lakhimpur, Bahraich, Barabanki,
Raebareli, Sravasti, Gonda, Faizabad,
Amethi, Kaushambi, Balrampur, Basti,
Ambedkarnagar, Sultanpur,
Maharajgang, Santkabirnagar, Azamgarh,
Kushinagar, Gorkhpur, Deoria, Mau,
Ghazipur, Chandauli, Ballia,
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe,
S. V. Road, Santacruz (W),
Mumbai - 400 054. Goa,
MUMBAI Tel.: 022 - Mumbai Metropolitan Region
69038821/23/24/25/26/27/28/28/29/30/31 excluding Navi Mumbai & Thane.
Fax: 022 - 26106052

Office of the Insurance Ombudsman, State of Uttaranchal and the following

Bhagwan Sahai Palace Districts of Uttar Pradesh:
4th Floor, Main Road, Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat, Bareilly, Bijnor,
Naya Bans, Sector 15, Budaun, Bulandshehar, Etah, Kanooj,
Distt: Gautam Buddh Nagar, Mainpuri, Mathura, Meerut, Moradabad,
NOIDA U.P-201301. Muzaffarnagar, Oraiyya, Pilibhit,
Tel.: 0120- 2514252 / 2514253 Etawah, Farrukhabad, Firozbad,
Email: Gautambodhanagar, Ghaziabad, Hardoi,
Shahjahanpur, Hapur, Shamli, Rampur,
Kashganj, Sambhal, Amroha, Hathras,
Kanshiramnagar, Saharanpur.
Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,

2nd Floor, Lalit Bhawan,

PATNA Bailey Road,
Patna 800 001.
Tel.: 0612-2547068

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Office of the Insurance Ombudsman,
Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor,
C.T.S. No.s. 195 to 198, Maharashtra,
PUNE N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, Area of Navi Mumbai and Thane
Pune – 411 030. excluding Mumbai Metropolitan Region.
Tel.: 020-41312555

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Annexure V

Death Benefit Factor for Guaranteed Income

Payment 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 10 10
Term (years)
Period 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 15 20 25
Policy Term
23 28 33 38 24 29 34 39 26 31 36

1 5.5173 6.4412 7.1077 7.5884 5.1684 6.0339 6.6582 7.1086 4.5355 5.2950 5.8428

2 5.5474 6.4763 7.1465 7.6299 5.1966 6.0668 6.6946 7.1474 4.5602 5.3239 5.8747

3 5.5777 6.5117 7.1855 7.6715 5.2250 6.0999 6.7311 7.1864 4.5851 5.3529 5.9068

4 5.6081 6.5472 7.2247 7.7134 5.2535 6.1332 6.7679 7.2256 4.6101 5.3821 5.9390

5 5.6387 6.5830 7.2641 7.7555 5.2822 6.1667 6.8048 7.2651 4.6353 5.4115 5.9714

6 5.6695 6.6189 7.3038 7.7978 5.3110 6.2004 6.8419 7.3047 4.6606 5.4410 6.0040

7 5.7005 6.6550 7.3436 7.8404 5.3400 6.2342 6.8793 7.3446 4.6861 5.4707 6.0368

8 5.7316 6.6914 7.3837 7.8832 5.3692 6.2682 6.9168 7.3847 4.7116 5.5006 6.0698

9 5.7629 6.7279 7.4240 7.9262 5.3985 6.3025 6.9546 7.4250 4.7373 5.5306 6.1029

10 5.7943 6.7646 7.4645 7.9694 5.4279 6.3369 6.9925 7.4655 4.7632 5.5608 6.1362

11 5.8259 6.8015 7.5053 8.0129 5.4576 6.3714 7.0307 7.5063 4.7892 5.5912 6.1697

12 5.8577 6.8386 7.5462 8.0567 5.4874 6.4062 7.0691 7.5472 4.8153 5.6217 6.2034

13 5.8897 6.8760 7.5874 8.1007 5.5173 6.4412 7.1077 7.5884 4.8416 5.6524 6.2372

14 5.9219 6.9135 7.6288 8.1449 5.5474 6.4763 7.1465 7.6299 4.8680 5.6832 6.2713

15 5.9542 6.9512 7.6705 8.1893 5.5777 6.5117 7.1855 7.6715 4.8946 5.7142 6.3055

16 5.9867 6.9892 7.7123 8.2340 5.6081 6.5472 7.2247 7.7134 4.9213 5.7454 6.3399

17 6.0194 7.0273 7.7544 8.2790 5.6387 6.5830 7.2641 7.7555 4.9482 5.7768 6.3745

18 6.0522 7.0657 7.7968 8.3242 5.6695 6.6189 7.3038 7.7978 4.9752 5.8083 6.4093

19 6.0853 7.1042 7.8393 8.3696 5.7005 6.6550 7.3436 7.8404 5.0024 5.8400 6.4443

20 6.1185 7.1430 7.8821 8.4153 5.7316 6.6914 7.3837 7.8832 5.0297 5.8719 6.4795

21 6.1519 7.1820 7.9251 8.4612 5.7629 6.7279 7.4240 7.9262 5.0571 5.9039 6.5148

22 6.1854 7.2212 7.9684 8.5074 5.7943 6.7646 7.4645 7.9694 5.0847 5.9362 6.5504

23 6.2192 7.2606 8.0119 8.5538 5.8259 6.8015 7.5053 8.0129 5.1125 5.9686 6.5861

24 6.2531 7.3003 8.0556 8.6005 5.8577 6.8386 7.5462 8.0567 5.1404 6.0011 6.6221

25 6.2873 7.3401 8.0996 8.6474 5.8897 6.8760 7.5874 8.1007 5.1684 6.0339 6.6582

26 6.3216 7.3802 8.1438 8.6946 5.9219 6.9135 7.6288 8.1449 5.1966 6.0668 6.6946

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27 6.3561 7.4204 8.1882 8.7421 5.9542 6.9512 7.6705 8.1893 5.2250 6.0999 6.7311

28 6.3908 7.4609 8.2329 8.7898 5.9867 6.9892 7.7123 8.2340 5.2535 6.1332 6.7679

29 6.4257 7.5017 8.2779 8.8378 6.0194 7.0273 7.7544 8.2790 5.2822 6.1667 6.8048

30 6.4607 7.5426 8.3230 8.8860 6.0522 7.0657 7.7968 8.3242 5.3110 6.2004 6.8419

31 6.4960 7.5838 8.3685 8.9345 6.0853 7.1042 7.8393 8.3696 5.3400 6.2342 6.8793

32 6.5315 7.6252 8.4142 8.9833 6.1185 7.1430 7.8821 8.4153 5.3692 6.2682 6.9168

33 6.5671 7.6668 8.4601 9.0323 6.1519 7.1820 7.9251 8.4612 5.3985 6.3025 6.9546

34 6.6030 7.7086 8.5063 9.0816 6.1854 7.2212 7.9684 8.5074 5.4279 6.3369 6.9925

35 6.6390 7.7507 8.5527 9.1312 6.2192 7.2606 8.0119 8.5538 5.4576 6.3714 7.0307

36 6.6752 7.7930 8.5994 9.1810 6.2531 7.3003 8.0556 8.6005 5.4874 6.4062 7.0691

37 6.7117 7.8356 8.6463 9.2312 6.2873 7.3401 8.0996 8.6474 5.5173 6.4412 7.1077

38 6.7483 7.8783 8.6935 9.2815 6.3216 7.3802 8.1438 8.6946 5.5474 6.4763 7.1465

39 6.7851 7.9213 8.7409 9.3322 6.3561 7.4204 8.1882 8.7421 5.5777 6.5117 7.1855

40 6.8222 7.9646 8.7887 9.3831 6.3908 7.4609 8.2329 8.7898 5.6081 6.5472 7.2247

41 6.8594 8.0080 8.8366 9.4343 6.4257 7.5017 8.2779 8.8378 5.6387 6.5830 7.2641

42 6.8968 8.0517 8.8849 9.4858 6.4607 7.5426 8.3230 8.8860 5.6695 6.6189 7.3038

43 6.9345 8.0957 8.9333 9.5376 6.4960 7.5838 8.3685 8.9345 5.7005 6.6550 7.3436

44 6.9723 8.1399 8.9821 9.5897 6.5315 7.6252 8.4142 8.9833 5.7316 6.6914 7.3837

45 7.0104 8.1843 9.0311 9.6420 6.5671 7.6668 8.4601 9.0323 5.7629 6.7279 7.4240

46 7.0487 8.2290 9.0804 9.6946 6.6030 7.7086 8.5063 9.0816 5.7943 6.7646 7.4645

47 7.0871 8.2739 9.1300 9.7476 6.6390 7.7507 8.5527 9.1312 5.8259 6.8015 7.5053

48 7.1258 8.3190 9.1798 9.8008 6.6752 7.7930 8.5994 9.1810 5.8577 6.8386 7.5462

49 7.1647 8.3645 9.2299 9.8543 6.7117 7.8356 8.6463 9.2312 5.8897 6.8760 7.5874

50 7.2038 8.4101 9.2803 9.9080 6.7483 7.8783 8.6935 9.2815 5.9219 6.9135 7.6288

51 7.2431 8.4560 9.3310 9.9621 6.7851 7.9213 8.7409 9.3322 5.9542 6.9512 7.6705

52 7.2827 8.5022 9.3819 10.0165 6.8222 7.9646 8.7887 9.3831 5.9867 6.9892 7.7123

53 7.3224 8.5486 9.4331 10.0712 6.8594 8.0080 8.8366 9.4343 6.0194 7.0273 7.7544

54 7.3624 8.5952 9.4846 10.1261 6.8968 8.0517 8.8849 9.4858 6.0522 7.0657 7.7968

55 7.4026 8.6421 9.5364 10.1814 6.9345 8.0957 8.9333 9.5376 6.0853 7.1042 7.8393

56 7.4430 8.6893 9.5884 10.2370 6.9723 8.1399 8.9821 9.5897 6.1185 7.1430 7.8821

57 7.4836 8.7367 9.6407 10.2929 7.0104 8.1843 9.0311 9.6420 6.1519 7.1820 7.9251

58 7.5244 8.7844 9.6934 10.3490 7.0487 8.2290 9.0804 9.6946 6.1854 7.2212 7.9684

59 7.5655 8.8324 9.7463 10.4055 7.0871 8.2739 9.1300 9.7476 6.2192 7.2606 8.0119

60 7.6068 8.8806 9.7995 10.4623 7.1258 8.3190 9.1798 9.8008 6.2531 7.3003 8.0556

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61 7.6483 8.9291 9.8529 10.5194 7.1647 8.3645 9.2299 9.8543 6.2873 7.3401 8.0996

62 7.6901 8.9778 9.9067 10.5768 7.2038 8.4101 9.2803 9.9080 6.3216 7.3802 8.1438

63 7.7320 9.0268 9.9608 10.6346 7.2431 8.4560 9.3310 9.9621 6.3561 7.4204 8.1882

64 7.7742 9.0761 10.0152 10.6926 7.2827 8.5022 9.3819 10.0165 6.3908 7.4609 8.2329

65 7.8167 9.1256 10.0698 10.7510 7.3224 8.5486 9.4331 10.0712 6.4257 7.5017 8.2779

66 7.8593 9.1754 10.1248 10.8096 7.3624 8.5952 9.4846 10.1261 6.4607 7.5426 8.3230

67 7.9022 9.2255 10.1801 10.8687 7.4026 8.6421 9.5364 10.1814 6.4960 7.5838 8.3685

68 7.9454 9.2758 10.2356 10.9280 7.4430 8.6893 9.5884 10.2370 6.5315 7.6252 8.4142

69 7.9887 9.3265 10.2915 10.9876 7.4836 8.7367 9.6407 10.2929 6.5671 7.6668 8.4601

70 8.0323 9.3774 10.3477 11.0476 7.5244 8.7844 9.6934 10.3490 6.6030 7.7086 8.5063

71 8.0762 9.4286 10.4041 11.1079 7.5655 8.8324 9.7463 10.4055 6.6390 7.7507 8.5527

72 8.1203 9.4800 10.4609 11.1685 7.6068 8.8806 9.7995 10.4623 6.6752 7.7930 8.5994

73 8.1646 9.5318 10.5180 11.2295 7.6483 8.9291 9.8529 10.5194 6.7117 7.8356 8.6463

74 8.2091 9.5838 10.5754 11.2908 7.6901 8.9778 9.9067 10.5768 6.7483 7.8783 8.6935

75 8.2540 9.6361 10.6332 11.3524 7.7320 9.0268 9.9608 10.6346 6.7851 7.9213 8.7409

76 8.2990 9.6887 10.6912 11.4144 7.7742 9.0761 10.0152 10.6926 6.8222 7.9646 8.7887

77 8.3443 9.7416 10.7495 11.4767 7.8167 9.1256 10.0698 10.7510 6.8594 8.0080 8.8366

78 8.3898 9.7948 10.8082 11.5393 7.8593 9.1754 10.1248 10.8096 6.8968 8.0517 8.8849

79 8.4356 9.8482 10.8672 11.6023 7.9022 9.2255 10.1801 10.8687 6.9345 8.0957 8.9333

80 8.4817 9.9020 10.9265 11.6656 7.9454 9.2758 10.2356 10.9280 6.9723 8.1399 8.9821

81 8.5280 9.9560 10.9862 11.7293 7.9887 9.3265 10.2915 10.9876 7.0104 8.1843 9.0311

82 8.5745 10.0104 11.0461 11.7933 8.0323 9.3774 10.3477 11.0476 7.0487 8.2290 9.0804

83 8.6213 10.0650 11.1064 11.8577 8.0762 9.4286 10.4041 11.1079 7.0871 8.2739 9.1300

84 8.6684 10.1199 11.1670 11.9224 8.1203 9.4800 10.4609 11.1685 7.1258 8.3190 9.1798

85 8.7157 10.1752 11.2280 11.9875 8.1646 9.5318 10.5180 11.2295 7.1647 8.3645 9.2299

86 8.7633 10.2307 11.2893 12.0529 8.2091 9.5838 10.5754 11.2908 7.2038 8.4101 9.2803

87 8.8111 10.2865 11.3509 12.1187 8.2540 9.6361 10.6332 11.3524 7.2431 8.4560 9.3310

88 8.8592 10.3427 11.4128 12.1848 8.2990 9.6887 10.6912 11.4144 7.2827 8.5022 9.3819

89 8.9075 10.3991 11.4751 12.2513 8.3443 9.7416 10.7495 11.4767 7.3224 8.5486 9.4331

90 8.9562 10.4559 11.5378 12.3182 8.3898 9.7948 10.8082 11.5393 7.3624 8.5952 9.4846

91 9.0050 10.5130 11.6007 12.3854 8.4356 9.8482 10.8672 11.6023 7.4026 8.6421 9.5364

92 9.0542 10.5703 11.6641 12.4530 8.4817 9.9020 10.9265 11.6656 7.4430 8.6893 9.5884

93 9.1036 10.6280 11.7277 12.5210 8.5280 9.9560 10.9862 11.7293 7.4836 8.7367 9.6407

94 9.1533 10.6861 11.7917 12.5894 8.5745 10.0104 11.0461 11.7933 7.5244 8.7844 9.6934

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95 9.2033 10.7444 11.8561 12.6581 8.6213 10.0650 11.1064 11.8577 7.5655 8.8324 9.7463

96 9.2535 10.8030 11.9208 12.7272 8.6684 10.1199 11.1670 11.9224 7.6068 8.8806 9.7995

97 9.3040 10.8620 11.9859 12.7966 8.7157 10.1752 11.2280 11.9875 7.6483 8.9291 9.8529

98 9.3548 10.9213 12.0513 12.8665 8.7633 10.2307 11.2893 12.0529 7.6901 8.9778 9.9067

99 9.4058 10.9809 12.1171 12.9367 8.8111 10.2865 11.3509 12.1187 7.7320 9.0268 9.9608

100 9.4572 11.0408 12.1832 13.0073 8.8592 10.3427 11.4128 12.1848 7.7742 9.0761 10.0152

101 9.5088 11.1011 12.2497 13.0783 8.9075 10.3991 11.4751 12.2513 7.8167 9.1256 10.0698

102 9.5607 11.1617 12.3166 13.1497 8.9562 10.4559 11.5378 12.3182 7.8593 9.1754 10.1248

103 9.6129 11.2226 12.3838 13.2215 9.0050 10.5130 11.6007 12.3854 7.9022 9.2255 10.1801

104 9.6654 11.2838 12.4514 13.2936 9.0542 10.5703 11.6641 12.4530 7.9454 9.2758 10.2356

105 9.7181 11.3454 12.5193 13.3662 9.1036 10.6280 11.7277 12.5210 7.9887 9.3265 10.2915

106 9.7711 11.4074 12.5877 13.4391 9.1533 10.6861 11.7917 12.5894 8.0323 9.3774 10.3477

107 9.8245 11.4696 12.6564 13.5125 9.2033 10.7444 11.8561 12.6581 8.0762 9.4286 10.4041

108 9.8781 11.5322 12.7255 13.5862 9.2535 10.8030 11.9208 12.7272 8.1203 9.4800 10.4609

109 8.9266 10.5897 11.7895 12.6549 9.3040 10.8620 11.9859 12.7966 8.1646 9.5318 10.5180

110 8.9753 10.6475 11.8538 12.7240 9.3548 10.9213 12.0513 12.8665 8.2091 9.5838 10.5754

111 9.0243 10.7056 11.9185 12.7935 9.4058 10.9809 12.1171 12.9367 8.2540 9.6361 10.6332

112 9.0735 10.7641 11.9836 12.8633 9.4572 11.0408 12.1832 13.0073 8.2990 9.6887 10.6912

113 9.1231 10.8228 12.0490 12.9335 9.5088 11.1011 12.2497 13.0783 8.3443 9.7416 10.7495

114 9.1728 10.8819 12.1147 13.0041 9.5607 11.1617 12.3166 13.1497 8.3898 9.7948 10.8082

115 9.2229 10.9413 12.1809 13.0751 9.6129 11.2226 12.3838 13.2215 8.4356 9.8482 10.8672

116 9.2733 11.0010 12.2473 13.1464 9.6654 11.2838 12.4514 13.2936 8.4817 9.9020 10.9265

117 9.3239 11.0610 12.3142 13.2182 9.7181 11.3454 12.5193 13.3662 8.5280 9.9560 10.9862

118 9.3748 11.1214 12.3814 13.2903 9.7711 11.4074 12.5877 13.4391 8.5745 10.0104 11.0461

119 9.4259 11.1821 12.4490 13.3629 9.8245 11.4696 12.6564 13.5125 8.6213 10.0650 11.1064

120 9.4774 11.2432 12.5169 13.4358 9.8781 11.5322 12.7255 13.5862 8.6684 10.1199 11.1670

121 8.5236 10.2991 11.5798 12.5037 8.9266 10.5897 11.7895 12.6549 8.7157 10.1752 11.2280

122 8.5702 10.3553 11.6430 12.5719 8.9753 10.6475 11.8538 12.7240 8.7633 10.2307 11.2893

123 8.6169 10.4118 11.7065 12.6406 9.0243 10.7056 11.9185 12.7935 8.8111 10.2865 11.3509

124 8.6640 10.4686 11.7704 12.7095 9.0735 10.7641 11.9836 12.8633 8.8592 10.3427 11.4128

125 8.7113 10.5258 11.8347 12.7789 9.1231 10.8228 12.0490 12.9335 8.9075 10.3991 11.4751

126 8.7588 10.5832 11.8993 12.8487 9.1728 10.8819 12.1147 13.0041 8.9562 10.4559 11.5378

127 8.8066 10.6410 11.9642 12.9188 9.2229 10.9413 12.1809 13.0751 9.0050 10.5130 11.6007

128 8.8547 10.6991 12.0295 12.9893 9.2733 11.0010 12.2473 13.1464 9.0542 10.5703 11.6641

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129 8.9030 10.7575 12.0952 13.0602 9.3239 11.0610 12.3142 13.2182 9.1036 10.6280 11.7277

130 8.9516 10.8162 12.1612 13.1315 9.3748 11.1214 12.3814 13.2903 9.1533 10.6861 11.7917

131 9.0005 10.8752 12.2276 13.2032 9.4259 11.1821 12.4490 13.3629 9.2033 10.7444 11.8561

132 9.0496 10.9346 12.2943 13.2752 9.4774 11.2432 12.5169 13.4358 9.2535 10.8030 11.9208

133 8.0935 9.9888 11.3560 12.3422 8.5236 10.2991 11.5798 12.5037 9.3040 10.8620 11.9859

134 8.1377 10.0433 11.4180 12.4096 8.5702 10.3553 11.6430 12.5719 9.3548 10.9213 12.0513

135 8.1821 10.0981 11.4803 12.4773 8.6169 10.4118 11.7065 12.6406 9.4058 10.9809 12.1171

136 8.2268 10.1532 11.5429 12.5454 8.6640 10.4686 11.7704 12.7095 9.4572 11.0408 12.1832

137 8.2717 10.2087 11.6059 12.6139 8.7113 10.5258 11.8347 12.7789 9.5088 11.1011 12.2497

138 8.3168 10.2644 11.6693 12.6828 8.7588 10.5832 11.8993 12.8487 9.5607 11.1617 12.3166

139 8.3622 10.3204 11.7330 12.7520 8.8066 10.6410 11.9642 12.9188 9.6129 11.2226 12.3838

140 8.4079 10.3767 11.7970 12.8216 8.8547 10.6991 12.0295 12.9893 9.6654 11.2838 12.4514

141 8.4538 10.4334 11.8614 12.8916 8.9030 10.7575 12.0952 13.0602 9.7181 11.3454 12.5193

142 8.4999 10.4903 11.9262 12.9619 8.9516 10.8162 12.1612 13.1315 9.7711 11.4074 12.5877

143 8.5463 10.5476 11.9912 13.0327 9.0005 10.8752 12.2276 13.2032 9.8245 11.4696 12.6564

144 8.5929 10.6051 12.0567 13.1038 9.0496 10.9346 12.2943 13.2752 9.8781 11.5322 12.7255

145 7.6344 9.6576 11.1170 12.1699 8.0935 9.9888 11.3560 12.3422 8.9266 10.5897 11.7895

146 7.6761 9.7103 11.1777 12.2363 8.1377 10.0433 11.4180 12.4096 8.9753 10.6475 11.8538

147 7.7180 9.7633 11.2387 12.3031 8.1821 10.0981 11.4803 12.4773 9.0243 10.7056 11.9185

148 7.7601 9.8166 11.3001 12.3702 8.2268 10.1532 11.5429 12.5454 9.0735 10.7641 11.9836

149 7.8024 9.8702 11.3618 12.4378 8.2717 10.2087 11.6059 12.6139 9.1231 10.8228 12.0490

150 7.8450 9.9240 11.4238 12.5056 8.3168 10.2644 11.6693 12.6828 9.1728 10.8819 12.1147

151 7.8878 9.9782 11.4861 12.5739 8.3622 10.3204 11.7330 12.7520 9.2229 10.9413 12.1809

152 7.9309 10.0327 11.5488 12.6425 8.4079 10.3767 11.7970 12.8216 9.2733 11.0010 12.2473

153 7.9742 10.0874 11.6118 12.7115 8.4538 10.4334 11.8614 12.8916 9.3239 11.0610 12.3142

154 8.0177 10.1425 11.6752 12.7809 8.4999 10.4903 11.9262 12.9619 9.3748 11.1214 12.3814

155 8.0615 10.1978 11.7389 12.8507 8.5463 10.5476 11.9912 13.0327 9.4259 11.1821 12.4490

156 8.1055 10.2535 11.8030 12.9208 8.5929 10.6051 12.0567 13.1038 9.4774 11.2432 12.5169

157 7.1443 9.3040 10.8620 11.9859 7.6344 9.6576 11.1170 12.1699 8.5236 10.2991 11.5798

158 7.1832 9.3548 10.9213 12.0513 7.6761 9.7103 11.1777 12.2363 8.5702 10.3553 11.6430

159 7.2225 9.4058 10.9809 12.1171 7.7180 9.7633 11.2387 12.3031 8.6169 10.4118 11.7065

160 7.2619 9.4572 11.0408 12.1832 7.7601 9.8166 11.3001 12.3702 8.6640 10.4686 11.7704

161 7.3015 9.5088 11.1011 12.2497 7.8024 9.8702 11.3618 12.4378 8.7113 10.5258 11.8347

162 7.3414 9.5607 11.1617 12.3166 7.8450 9.9240 11.4238 12.5056 8.7588 10.5832 11.8993

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163 7.3814 9.6129 11.2226 12.3838 7.8878 9.9782 11.4861 12.5739 8.8066 10.6410 11.9642

164 7.4217 9.6654 11.2838 12.4514 7.9309 10.0327 11.5488 12.6425 8.8547 10.6991 12.0295

165 7.4622 9.7181 11.3454 12.5193 7.9742 10.0874 11.6118 12.7115 8.9030 10.7575 12.0952

166 7.5030 9.7711 11.4074 12.5877 8.0177 10.1425 11.6752 12.7809 8.9516 10.8162 12.1612

167 7.5439 9.8245 11.4696 12.6564 8.0615 10.1978 11.7389 12.8507 9.0005 10.8752 12.2276

168 7.5851 9.8781 11.5322 12.7255 8.1055 10.2535 11.8030 12.9208 9.0496 10.9346 12.2943

169 6.6210 8.9266 10.5897 11.7895 7.1443 9.3040 10.8620 11.9859 8.0935 9.9888 11.3560

170 6.6572 8.9753 10.6475 11.8538 7.1832 9.3548 10.9213 12.0513 8.1377 10.0433 11.4180

171 6.6935 9.0243 10.7056 11.9185 7.2225 9.4058 10.9809 12.1171 8.1821 10.0981 11.4803

172 6.7300 9.0735 10.7641 11.9836 7.2619 9.4572 11.0408 12.1832 8.2268 10.1532 11.5429

173 6.7668 9.1231 10.8228 12.0490 7.3015 9.5088 11.1011 12.2497 8.2717 10.2087 11.6059

174 6.8037 9.1728 10.8819 12.1147 7.3414 9.5607 11.1617 12.3166 8.3168 10.2644 11.6693

175 6.8408 9.2229 10.9413 12.1809 7.3814 9.6129 11.2226 12.3838 8.3622 10.3204 11.7330

176 6.8782 9.2733 11.0010 12.2473 7.4217 9.6654 11.2838 12.4514 8.4079 10.3767 11.7970

177 6.9157 9.3239 11.0610 12.3142 7.4622 9.7181 11.3454 12.5193 8.4538 10.4334 11.8614

178 6.9535 9.3748 11.1214 12.3814 7.5030 9.7711 11.4074 12.5877 8.4999 10.4903 11.9262

179 6.9914 9.4259 11.1821 12.4490 7.5439 9.8245 11.4696 12.6564 8.5463 10.5476 11.9912

180 7.0296 9.4774 11.2432 12.5169 7.5851 9.8781 11.5322 12.7255 8.5929 10.6051 12.0567

181 6.0625 8.5236 10.2991 11.5798 6.6210 8.9266 10.5897 11.7895 7.6344 9.6576 11.1170

182 6.0956 8.5702 10.3553 11.6430 6.6572 8.9753 10.6475 11.8538 7.6761 9.7103 11.1777

183 6.1289 8.6169 10.4118 11.7065 6.6935 9.0243 10.7056 11.9185 7.7180 9.7633 11.2387

184 6.1623 8.6640 10.4686 11.7704 6.7300 9.0735 10.7641 11.9836 7.7601 9.8166 11.3001

185 6.1959 8.7113 10.5258 11.8347 6.7668 9.1231 10.8228 12.0490 7.8024 9.8702 11.3618

186 6.2298 8.7588 10.5832 11.8993 6.8037 9.1728 10.8819 12.1147 7.8450 9.9240 11.4238

187 6.2638 8.8066 10.6410 11.9642 6.8408 9.2229 10.9413 12.1809 7.8878 9.9782 11.4861

188 6.2980 8.8547 10.6991 12.0295 6.8782 9.2733 11.0010 12.2473 7.9309 10.0327 11.5488

189 6.3323 8.9030 10.7575 12.0952 6.9157 9.3239 11.0610 12.3142 7.9742 10.0874 11.6118

190 6.3669 8.9516 10.8162 12.1612 6.9535 9.3748 11.1214 12.3814 8.0177 10.1425 11.6752

191 6.4016 9.0005 10.8752 12.2276 6.9914 9.4259 11.1821 12.4490 8.0615 10.1978 11.7389

192 6.4366 9.0496 10.9346 12.2943 7.0296 9.4774 11.2432 12.5169 8.1055 10.2535 11.8030

193 5.4663 8.0935 9.9888 11.3560 6.0625 8.5236 10.2991 11.5798 7.1443 9.3040 10.8620

194 5.4961 8.1377 10.0433 11.4180 6.0956 8.5702 10.3553 11.6430 7.1832 9.3548 10.9213

195 5.5261 8.1821 10.0981 11.4803 6.1289 8.6169 10.4118 11.7065 7.2225 9.4058 10.9809

196 5.5563 8.2268 10.1532 11.5429 6.1623 8.6640 10.4686 11.7704 7.2619 9.4572 11.0408

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197 5.5866 8.2717 10.2087 11.6059 6.1959 8.7113 10.5258 11.8347 7.3015 9.5088 11.1011

198 5.6171 8.3168 10.2644 11.6693 6.2298 8.7588 10.5832 11.8993 7.3414 9.5607 11.1617

199 5.6477 8.3622 10.3204 11.7330 6.2638 8.8066 10.6410 11.9642 7.3814 9.6129 11.2226

200 5.6786 8.4079 10.3767 11.7970 6.2980 8.8547 10.6991 12.0295 7.4217 9.6654 11.2838

201 5.7095 8.4538 10.4334 11.8614 6.3323 8.9030 10.7575 12.0952 7.4622 9.7181 11.3454

202 5.7407 8.4999 10.4903 11.9262 6.3669 8.9516 10.8162 12.1612 7.5030 9.7711 11.4074

203 5.7720 8.5463 10.5476 11.9912 6.4016 9.0005 10.8752 12.2276 7.5439 9.8245 11.4696

204 5.8036 8.5929 10.6051 12.0567 6.4366 9.0496 10.9346 12.2943 7.5851 9.8781 11.5322

205 4.8298 7.6344 9.6576 11.1170 5.4663 8.0935 9.9888 11.3560 6.6210 8.9266 10.5897

206 4.8561 7.6761 9.7103 11.1777 5.4961 8.1377 10.0433 11.4180 6.6572 8.9753 10.6475

207 4.8826 7.7180 9.7633 11.2387 5.5261 8.1821 10.0981 11.4803 6.6935 9.0243 10.7056

208 4.9093 7.7601 9.8166 11.3001 5.5563 8.2268 10.1532 11.5429 6.7300 9.0735 10.7641

209 4.9361 7.8024 9.8702 11.3618 5.5866 8.2717 10.2087 11.6059 6.7668 9.1231 10.8228

210 4.9630 7.8450 9.9240 11.4238 5.6171 8.3168 10.2644 11.6693 6.8037 9.1728 10.8819

211 4.9901 7.8878 9.9782 11.4861 5.6477 8.3622 10.3204 11.7330 6.8408 9.2229 10.9413

212 5.0173 7.9309 10.0327 11.5488 5.6786 8.4079 10.3767 11.7970 6.8782 9.2733 11.0010

213 5.0447 7.9742 10.0874 11.6118 5.7095 8.4538 10.4334 11.8614 6.9157 9.3239 11.0610

214 5.0723 8.0177 10.1425 11.6752 5.7407 8.4999 10.4903 11.9262 6.9535 9.3748 11.1214

215 5.1000 8.0615 10.1978 11.7389 5.7720 8.5463 10.5476 11.9912 6.9914 9.4259 11.1821

216 5.1278 8.1055 10.2535 11.8030 5.8036 8.5929 10.6051 12.0567 7.0296 9.4774 11.2432

217 4.1503 7.1443 9.3040 10.8620 4.8298 7.6344 9.6576 11.1170 6.0625 8.5236 10.2991

218 4.1730 7.1832 9.3548 10.9213 4.8561 7.6761 9.7103 11.1777 6.0956 8.5702 10.3553

219 4.1957 7.2225 9.4058 10.9809 4.8826 7.7180 9.7633 11.2387 6.1289 8.6169 10.4118

220 4.2187 7.2619 9.4572 11.0408 4.9093 7.7601 9.8166 11.3001 6.1623 8.6640 10.4686

221 4.2417 7.3015 9.5088 11.1011 4.9361 7.8024 9.8702 11.3618 6.1959 8.7113 10.5258

222 4.2648 7.3414 9.5607 11.1617 4.9630 7.8450 9.9240 11.4238 6.2298 8.7588 10.5832

223 4.2881 7.3814 9.6129 11.2226 4.9901 7.8878 9.9782 11.4861 6.2638 8.8066 10.6410

224 4.3115 7.4217 9.6654 11.2838 5.0173 7.9309 10.0327 11.5488 6.2980 8.8547 10.6991

225 4.3350 7.4622 9.7181 11.3454 5.0447 7.9742 10.0874 11.6118 6.3323 8.9030 10.7575

226 4.3587 7.5030 9.7711 11.4074 5.0723 8.0177 10.1425 11.6752 6.3669 8.9516 10.8162

227 4.3825 7.5439 9.8245 11.4696 5.1000 8.0615 10.1978 11.7389 6.4016 9.0005 10.8752

228 4.4064 7.5851 9.8781 11.5322 5.1278 8.1055 10.2535 11.8030 6.4366 9.0496 10.9346

229 3.4250 6.6210 8.9266 10.5897 4.1503 7.1443 9.3040 10.8620 5.4663 8.0935 9.9888

230 3.4437 6.6572 8.9753 10.6475 4.1730 7.1832 9.3548 10.9213 5.4961 8.1377 10.0433

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231 3.4625 6.6935 9.0243 10.7056 4.1957 7.2225 9.4058 10.9809 5.5261 8.1821 10.0981

232 3.4814 6.7300 9.0735 10.7641 4.2187 7.2619 9.4572 11.0408 5.5563 8.2268 10.1532

233 3.5004 6.7668 9.1231 10.8228 4.2417 7.3015 9.5088 11.1011 5.5866 8.2717 10.2087

234 3.5195 6.8037 9.1728 10.8819 4.2648 7.3414 9.5607 11.1617 5.6171 8.3168 10.2644

235 3.5387 6.8408 9.2229 10.9413 4.2881 7.3814 9.6129 11.2226 5.6477 8.3622 10.3204

236 3.5580 6.8782 9.2733 11.0010 4.3115 7.4217 9.6654 11.2838 5.6786 8.4079 10.3767

237 3.5775 6.9157 9.3239 11.0610 4.3350 7.4622 9.7181 11.3454 5.7095 8.4538 10.4334

238 3.5970 6.9535 9.3748 11.1214 4.3587 7.5030 9.7711 11.4074 5.7407 8.4999 10.4903

239 3.6166 6.9914 9.4259 11.1821 4.3825 7.5439 9.8245 11.4696 5.7720 8.5463 10.5476

240 3.6363 7.0296 9.4774 11.2432 4.4064 7.5851 9.8781 11.5322 5.8036 8.5929 10.6051

241 2.6507 6.0625 8.5236 10.2991 3.4250 6.6210 8.9266 10.5897 4.8298 7.6344 9.6576

242 2.6652 6.0956 8.5702 10.3553 3.4437 6.6572 8.9753 10.6475 4.8561 7.6761 9.7103

243 2.6798 6.1289 8.6169 10.4118 3.4625 6.6935 9.0243 10.7056 4.8826 7.7180 9.7633

244 2.6944 6.1623 8.6640 10.4686 3.4814 6.7300 9.0735 10.7641 4.9093 7.7601 9.8166

245 2.7091 6.1959 8.7113 10.5258 3.5004 6.7668 9.1231 10.8228 4.9361 7.8024 9.8702

246 2.7239 6.2298 8.7588 10.5832 3.5195 6.8037 9.1728 10.8819 4.9630 7.8450 9.9240

247 2.7387 6.2638 8.8066 10.6410 3.5387 6.8408 9.2229 10.9413 4.9901 7.8878 9.9782

248 2.7537 6.2980 8.8547 10.6991 3.5580 6.8782 9.2733 11.0010 5.0173 7.9309 10.0327

249 2.7687 6.3323 8.9030 10.7575 3.5775 6.9157 9.3239 11.0610 5.0447 7.9742 10.0874

250 2.7838 6.3669 8.9516 10.8162 3.5970 6.9535 9.3748 11.1214 5.0723 8.0177 10.1425

251 2.7990 6.4016 9.0005 10.8752 3.6166 6.9914 9.4259 11.1821 5.1000 8.0615 10.1978

252 2.8143 6.4366 9.0496 10.9346 3.6363 7.0296 9.4774 11.2432 5.1278 8.1055 10.2535

253 1.8242 5.4663 8.0935 9.9888 2.6507 6.0625 8.5236 10.2991 4.1503 7.1443 9.3040

254 1.8342 5.4961 8.1377 10.0433 2.6652 6.0956 8.5702 10.3553 4.1730 7.1832 9.3548

255 1.8442 5.5261 8.1821 10.0981 2.6798 6.1289 8.6169 10.4118 4.1957 7.2225 9.4058

256 1.8542 5.5563 8.2268 10.1532 2.6944 6.1623 8.6640 10.4686 4.2187 7.2619 9.4572

257 1.8644 5.5866 8.2717 10.2087 2.7091 6.1959 8.7113 10.5258 4.2417 7.3015 9.5088

258 1.8745 5.6171 8.3168 10.2644 2.7239 6.2298 8.7588 10.5832 4.2648 7.3414 9.5607

259 1.8848 5.6477 8.3622 10.3204 2.7387 6.2638 8.8066 10.6410 4.2881 7.3814 9.6129

260 1.8951 5.6786 8.4079 10.3767 2.7537 6.2980 8.8547 10.6991 4.3115 7.4217 9.6654

261 1.9054 5.7095 8.4538 10.4334 2.7687 6.3323 8.9030 10.7575 4.3350 7.4622 9.7181

262 1.9158 5.7407 8.4999 10.4903 2.7838 6.3669 8.9516 10.8162 4.3587 7.5030 9.7711

263 1.9263 5.7720 8.5463 10.5476 2.7990 6.4016 9.0005 10.8752 4.3825 7.5439 9.8245

264 1.9368 5.8036 8.5929 10.6051 2.8143 6.4366 9.0496 10.9346 4.4064 7.5851 9.8781

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265 0.9419 4.8298 7.6344 9.6576 1.8242 5.4663 8.0935 9.9888 3.4250 6.6210 8.9266

266 0.9470 4.8561 7.6761 9.7103 1.8342 5.4961 8.1377 10.0433 3.4437 6.6572 8.9753

267 0.9522 4.8826 7.7180 9.7633 1.8442 5.5261 8.1821 10.0981 3.4625 6.6935 9.0243

268 0.9574 4.9093 7.7601 9.8166 1.8542 5.5563 8.2268 10.1532 3.4814 6.7300 9.0735

269 0.9626 4.9361 7.8024 9.8702 1.8644 5.5866 8.2717 10.2087 3.5004 6.7668 9.1231

270 0.9679 4.9630 7.8450 9.9240 1.8745 5.6171 8.3168 10.2644 3.5195 6.8037 9.1728

271 0.9732 4.9901 7.8878 9.9782 1.8848 5.6477 8.3622 10.3204 3.5387 6.8408 9.2229

272 0.9785 5.0173 7.9309 10.0327 1.8951 5.6786 8.4079 10.3767 3.5580 6.8782 9.2733

273 0.9838 5.0447 7.9742 10.0874 1.9054 5.7095 8.4538 10.4334 3.5775 6.9157 9.3239

274 0.9892 5.0723 8.0177 10.1425 1.9158 5.7407 8.4999 10.4903 3.5970 6.9535 9.3748

275 0.9946 5.1000 8.0615 10.1978 1.9263 5.7720 8.5463 10.5476 3.6166 6.9914 9.4259

276 1.0000 5.1278 8.1055 10.2535 1.9368 5.8036 8.5929 10.6051 3.6363 7.0296 9.4774

277 - 4.1503 7.1443 9.3040 0.9419 4.8298 7.6344 9.6576 2.6507 6.0625 8.5236

278 - 4.1730 7.1832 9.3548 0.9470 4.8561 7.6761 9.7103 2.6652 6.0956 8.5702

279 - 4.1957 7.2225 9.4058 0.9522 4.8826 7.7180 9.7633 2.6798 6.1289 8.6169

280 - 4.2187 7.2619 9.4572 0.9574 4.9093 7.7601 9.8166 2.6944 6.1623 8.6640

281 - 4.2417 7.3015 9.5088 0.9626 4.9361 7.8024 9.8702 2.7091 6.1959 8.7113

282 - 4.2648 7.3414 9.5607 0.9679 4.9630 7.8450 9.9240 2.7239 6.2298 8.7588

283 - 4.2881 7.3814 9.6129 0.9732 4.9901 7.8878 9.9782 2.7387 6.2638 8.8066

284 - 4.3115 7.4217 9.6654 0.9785 5.0173 7.9309 10.0327 2.7537 6.2980 8.8547

285 - 4.3350 7.4622 9.7181 0.9838 5.0447 7.9742 10.0874 2.7687 6.3323 8.9030

286 - 4.3587 7.5030 9.7711 0.9892 5.0723 8.0177 10.1425 2.7838 6.3669 8.9516

287 - 4.3825 7.5439 9.8245 0.9946 5.1000 8.0615 10.1978 2.7990 6.4016 9.0005

288 - 4.4064 7.5851 9.8781 1.0000 5.1278 8.1055 10.2535 2.8143 6.4366 9.0496

289 - 3.4250 6.6210 8.9266 - 4.1503 7.1443 9.3040 1.8242 5.4663 8.0935

290 - 3.4437 6.6572 8.9753 - 4.1730 7.1832 9.3548 1.8342 5.4961 8.1377

291 - 3.4625 6.6935 9.0243 - 4.1957 7.2225 9.4058 1.8442 5.5261 8.1821

292 - 3.4814 6.7300 9.0735 - 4.2187 7.2619 9.4572 1.8542 5.5563 8.2268

293 - 3.5004 6.7668 9.1231 - 4.2417 7.3015 9.5088 1.8644 5.5866 8.2717

294 - 3.5195 6.8037 9.1728 - 4.2648 7.3414 9.5607 1.8745 5.6171 8.3168

295 - 3.5387 6.8408 9.2229 - 4.2881 7.3814 9.6129 1.8848 5.6477 8.3622

296 - 3.5580 6.8782 9.2733 - 4.3115 7.4217 9.6654 1.8951 5.6786 8.4079

297 - 3.5775 6.9157 9.3239 - 4.3350 7.4622 9.7181 1.9054 5.7095 8.4538

298 - 3.5970 6.9535 9.3748 - 4.3587 7.5030 9.7711 1.9158 5.7407 8.4999

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299 - 3.6166 6.9914 9.4259 - 4.3825 7.5439 9.8245 1.9263 5.7720 8.5463

300 - 3.6363 7.0296 9.4774 - 4.4064 7.5851 9.8781 1.9368 5.8036 8.5929

301 - 2.6507 6.0625 8.5236 - 3.4250 6.6210 8.9266 0.9419 4.8298 7.6344

302 - 2.6652 6.0956 8.5702 - 3.4437 6.6572 8.9753 0.9470 4.8561 7.6761

303 - 2.6798 6.1289 8.6169 - 3.4625 6.6935 9.0243 0.9522 4.8826 7.7180

304 - 2.6944 6.1623 8.6640 - 3.4814 6.7300 9.0735 0.9574 4.9093 7.7601

305 - 2.7091 6.1959 8.7113 - 3.5004 6.7668 9.1231 0.9626 4.9361 7.8024

306 - 2.7239 6.2298 8.7588 - 3.5195 6.8037 9.1728 0.9679 4.9630 7.8450

307 - 2.7387 6.2638 8.8066 - 3.5387 6.8408 9.2229 0.9732 4.9901 7.8878

308 - 2.7537 6.2980 8.8547 - 3.5580 6.8782 9.2733 0.9785 5.0173 7.9309

309 - 2.7687 6.3323 8.9030 - 3.5775 6.9157 9.3239 0.9838 5.0447 7.9742

310 - 2.7838 6.3669 8.9516 - 3.5970 6.9535 9.3748 0.9892 5.0723 8.0177

311 - 2.7990 6.4016 9.0005 - 3.6166 6.9914 9.4259 0.9946 5.1000 8.0615

312 - 2.8143 6.4366 9.0496 - 3.6363 7.0296 9.4774 1.0000 5.1278 8.1055

313 - 1.8242 5.4663 8.0935 - 2.6507 6.0625 8.5236 - 4.1503 7.1443

314 - 1.8342 5.4961 8.1377 - 2.6652 6.0956 8.5702 - 4.1730 7.1832

315 - 1.8442 5.5261 8.1821 - 2.6798 6.1289 8.6169 - 4.1957 7.2225

316 - 1.8542 5.5563 8.2268 - 2.6944 6.1623 8.6640 - 4.2187 7.2619

317 - 1.8644 5.5866 8.2717 - 2.7091 6.1959 8.7113 - 4.2417 7.3015

318 - 1.8745 5.6171 8.3168 - 2.7239 6.2298 8.7588 - 4.2648 7.3414

319 - 1.8848 5.6477 8.3622 - 2.7387 6.2638 8.8066 - 4.2881 7.3814

320 - 1.8951 5.6786 8.4079 - 2.7537 6.2980 8.8547 - 4.3115 7.4217

321 - 1.9054 5.7095 8.4538 - 2.7687 6.3323 8.9030 - 4.3350 7.4622

322 - 1.9158 5.7407 8.4999 - 2.7838 6.3669 8.9516 - 4.3587 7.5030

323 - 1.9263 5.7720 8.5463 - 2.7990 6.4016 9.0005 - 4.3825 7.5439

324 - 1.9368 5.8036 8.5929 - 2.8143 6.4366 9.0496 - 4.4064 7.5851

325 - 0.9419 4.8298 7.6344 - 1.8242 5.4663 8.0935 - 3.4250 6.6210

326 - 0.9470 4.8561 7.6761 - 1.8342 5.4961 8.1377 - 3.4437 6.6572

327 - 0.9522 4.8826 7.7180 - 1.8442 5.5261 8.1821 - 3.4625 6.6935

328 - 0.9574 4.9093 7.7601 - 1.8542 5.5563 8.2268 - 3.4814 6.7300

329 - 0.9626 4.9361 7.8024 - 1.8644 5.5866 8.2717 - 3.5004 6.7668

330 - 0.9679 4.9630 7.8450 - 1.8745 5.6171 8.3168 - 3.5195 6.8037

331 - 0.9732 4.9901 7.8878 - 1.8848 5.6477 8.3622 - 3.5387 6.8408

332 - 0.9785 5.0173 7.9309 - 1.8951 5.6786 8.4079 - 3.5580 6.8782

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333 - 0.9838 5.0447 7.9742 - 1.9054 5.7095 8.4538 - 3.5775 6.9157

334 - 0.9892 5.0723 8.0177 - 1.9158 5.7407 8.4999 - 3.5970 6.9535

335 - 0.9946 5.1000 8.0615 - 1.9263 5.7720 8.5463 - 3.6166 6.9914

336 - 1.0000 5.1278 8.1055 - 1.9368 5.8036 8.5929 - 3.6363 7.0296

337 - - 4.1503 7.1443 - 0.9419 4.8298 7.6344 - 2.6507 6.0625

338 - - 4.1730 7.1832 - 0.9470 4.8561 7.6761 - 2.6652 6.0956

339 - - 4.1957 7.2225 - 0.9522 4.8826 7.7180 - 2.6798 6.1289

340 - - 4.2187 7.2619 - 0.9574 4.9093 7.7601 - 2.6944 6.1623

341 - - 4.2417 7.3015 - 0.9626 4.9361 7.8024 - 2.7091 6.1959

342 - - 4.2648 7.3414 - 0.9679 4.9630 7.8450 - 2.7239 6.2298

343 - - 4.2881 7.3814 - 0.9732 4.9901 7.8878 - 2.7387 6.2638

344 - - 4.3115 7.4217 - 0.9785 5.0173 7.9309 - 2.7537 6.2980

345 - - 4.3350 7.4622 - 0.9838 5.0447 7.9742 - 2.7687 6.3323

346 - - 4.3587 7.5030 - 0.9892 5.0723 8.0177 - 2.7838 6.3669

347 - - 4.3825 7.5439 - 0.9946 5.1000 8.0615 - 2.7990 6.4016

348 - - 4.4064 7.5851 - 1.0000 5.1278 8.1055 - 2.8143 6.4366

349 - - 3.4250 6.6210 - - 4.1503 7.1443 - 1.8242 5.4663

350 - - 3.4437 6.6572 - - 4.1730 7.1832 - 1.8342 5.4961

351 - - 3.4625 6.6935 - - 4.1957 7.2225 - 1.8442 5.5261

352 - - 3.4814 6.7300 - - 4.2187 7.2619 - 1.8542 5.5563

353 - - 3.5004 6.7668 - - 4.2417 7.3015 - 1.8644 5.5866

354 - - 3.5195 6.8037 - - 4.2648 7.3414 - 1.8745 5.6171

355 - - 3.5387 6.8408 - - 4.2881 7.3814 - 1.8848 5.6477

356 - - 3.5580 6.8782 - - 4.3115 7.4217 - 1.8951 5.6786

357 - - 3.5775 6.9157 - - 4.3350 7.4622 - 1.9054 5.7095

358 - - 3.5970 6.9535 - - 4.3587 7.5030 - 1.9158 5.7407

359 - - 3.6166 6.9914 - - 4.3825 7.5439 - 1.9263 5.7720

360 - - 3.6363 7.0296 - - 4.4064 7.5851 - 1.9368 5.8036

361 - - 2.6507 6.0625 - - 3.4250 6.6210 - 0.9419 4.8298

362 - - 2.6652 6.0956 - - 3.4437 6.6572 - 0.9470 4.8561

363 - - 2.6798 6.1289 - - 3.4625 6.6935 - 0.9522 4.8826

364 - - 2.6944 6.1623 - - 3.4814 6.7300 - 0.9574 4.9093

365 - - 2.7091 6.1959 - - 3.5004 6.7668 - 0.9626 4.9361

366 - - 2.7239 6.2298 - - 3.5195 6.8037 - 0.9679 4.9630

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367 - - 2.7387 6.2638 - - 3.5387 6.8408 - 0.9732 4.9901

368 - - 2.7537 6.2980 - - 3.5580 6.8782 - 0.9785 5.0173

369 - - 2.7687 6.3323 - - 3.5775 6.9157 - 0.9838 5.0447

370 - - 2.7838 6.3669 - - 3.5970 6.9535 - 0.9892 5.0723

371 - - 2.7990 6.4016 - - 3.6166 6.9914 - 0.9946 5.1000

372 - - 2.8143 6.4366 - - 3.6363 7.0296 - 1.0000 5.1278

373 - - 1.8242 5.4663 - - 2.6507 6.0625 - - 4.1503

374 - - 1.8342 5.4961 - - 2.6652 6.0956 - - 4.1730

375 - - 1.8442 5.5261 - - 2.6798 6.1289 - - 4.1957

376 - - 1.8542 5.5563 - - 2.6944 6.1623 - - 4.2187

377 - - 1.8644 5.5866 - - 2.7091 6.1959 - - 4.2417

378 - - 1.8745 5.6171 - - 2.7239 6.2298 - - 4.2648

379 - - 1.8848 5.6477 - - 2.7387 6.2638 - - 4.2881

380 - - 1.8951 5.6786 - - 2.7537 6.2980 - - 4.3115

381 - - 1.9054 5.7095 - - 2.7687 6.3323 - - 4.3350

382 - - 1.9158 5.7407 - - 2.7838 6.3669 - - 4.3587

383 - - 1.9263 5.7720 - - 2.7990 6.4016 - - 4.3825

384 - - 1.9368 5.8036 - - 2.8143 6.4366 - - 4.4064

385 - - 0.9419 4.8298 - - 1.8242 5.4663 - - 3.4250

386 - - 0.9470 4.8561 - - 1.8342 5.4961 - - 3.4437

387 - - 0.9522 4.8826 - - 1.8442 5.5261 - - 3.4625

388 - - 0.9574 4.9093 - - 1.8542 5.5563 - - 3.4814

389 - - 0.9626 4.9361 - - 1.8644 5.5866 - - 3.5004

390 - - 0.9679 4.9630 - - 1.8745 5.6171 - - 3.5195

391 - - 0.9732 4.9901 - - 1.8848 5.6477 - - 3.5387

392 - - 0.9785 5.0173 - - 1.8951 5.6786 - - 3.5580

393 - - 0.9838 5.0447 - - 1.9054 5.7095 - - 3.5775

394 - - 0.9892 5.0723 - - 1.9158 5.7407 - - 3.5970

395 - - 0.9946 5.1000 - - 1.9263 5.7720 - - 3.6166

396 - - 1.0000 5.1278 - - 1.9368 5.8036 - - 3.6363

397 - - - 4.1503 - - 0.9419 4.8298 - - 2.6507

398 - - - 4.1730 - - 0.9470 4.8561 - - 2.6652

399 - - - 4.1957 - - 0.9522 4.8826 - - 2.6798

400 - - - 4.2187 - - 0.9574 4.9093 - - 2.6944

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401 - - - 4.2417 - - 0.9626 4.9361 - - 2.7091

402 - - - 4.2648 - - 0.9679 4.9630 - - 2.7239

403 - - - 4.2881 - - 0.9732 4.9901 - - 2.7387

404 - - - 4.3115 - - 0.9785 5.0173 - - 2.7537

405 - - - 4.3350 - - 0.9838 5.0447 - - 2.7687

406 - - - 4.3587 - - 0.9892 5.0723 - - 2.7838

407 - - - 4.3825 - - 0.9946 5.1000 - - 2.7990

408 - - - 4.4064 - - 1.0000 5.1278 - - 2.8143

409 - - - 3.4250 - - - 4.1503 - - 1.8242

410 - - - 3.4437 - - - 4.1730 - - 1.8342

411 - - - 3.4625 - - - 4.1957 - - 1.8442

412 - - - 3.4814 - - - 4.2187 - - 1.8542

413 - - - 3.5004 - - - 4.2417 - - 1.8644

414 - - - 3.5195 - - - 4.2648 - - 1.8745

415 - - - 3.5387 - - - 4.2881 - - 1.8848

416 - - - 3.5580 - - - 4.3115 - - 1.8951

417 - - - 3.5775 - - - 4.3350 - - 1.9054

418 - - - 3.5970 - - - 4.3587 - - 1.9158

419 - - - 3.6166 - - - 4.3825 - - 1.9263

420 - - - 3.6363 - - - 4.4064 - - 1.9368

421 - - - 2.6507 - - - 3.4250 - - 0.9419

422 - - - 2.6652 - - - 3.4437 - - 0.9470

423 - - - 2.6798 - - - 3.4625 - - 0.9522

424 - - - 2.6944 - - - 3.4814 - - 0.9574

425 - - - 2.7091 - - - 3.5004 - - 0.9626

426 - - - 2.7239 - - - 3.5195 - - 0.9679

427 - - - 2.7387 - - - 3.5387 - - 0.9732

428 - - - 2.7537 - - - 3.5580 - - 0.9785

429 - - - 2.7687 - - - 3.5775 - - 0.9838

430 - - - 2.7838 - - - 3.5970 - - 0.9892

431 - - - 2.7990 - - - 3.6166 - - 0.9946

432 - - - 2.8143 - - - 3.6363 - - 1.0000

433 - - - 1.8242 - - - 2.6507 - - -

434 - - - 1.8342 - - - 2.6652 - - -

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435 - - - 1.8442 - - - 2.6798 - - -

436 - - - 1.8542 - - - 2.6944 - - -

437 - - - 1.8644 - - - 2.7091 - - -

438 - - - 1.8745 - - - 2.7239 - - -

439 - - - 1.8848 - - - 2.7387 - - -

440 - - - 1.8951 - - - 2.7537 - - -

441 - - - 1.9054 - - - 2.7687 - - -

442 - - - 1.9158 - - - 2.7838 - - -

443 - - - 1.9263 - - - 2.7990 - - -

444 - - - 1.9368 - - - 2.8143 - - -

445 - - - 0.9419 - - - 1.8242 - - -

446 - - - 0.9470 - - - 1.8342 - - -

447 - - - 0.9522 - - - 1.8442 - - -

448 - - - 0.9574 - - - 1.8542 - - -

449 - - - 0.9626 - - - 1.8644 - - -

450 - - - 0.9679 - - - 1.8745 - - -

451 - - - 0.9732 - - - 1.8848 - - -

452 - - - 0.9785 - - - 1.8951 - - -

453 - - - 0.9838 - - - 1.9054 - - -

454 - - - 0.9892 - - - 1.9158 - - -

455 - - - 0.9946 - - - 1.9263 - - -

456 - - - 1.0000 - - - 1.9368 - - -

457 - - - - - - - 0.9419 - - -

458 - - - - - - - 0.9470 - - -

459 - - - - - - - 0.9522 - - -

460 - - - - - - - 0.9574 - - -

461 - - - - - - - 0.9626 - - -

462 - - - - - - - 0.9679 - - -

463 - - - - - - - 0.9732 - - -

464 - - - - - - - 0.9785 - - -

465 - - - - - - - 0.9838 - - -

466 - - - - - - - 0.9892 - - -

467 - - - - - - - 0.9946 - - -

468 - - - - - - - 1.0000 - - -

Form: 628
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Death Benefit Factor for Maturity Benefit

7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 10 10 10
Period 15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30 15 20 25
Term 23 28 33 38 24 29 34 39 26 31 36

1 0.2238 0.1615 0.1165 0.0840 0.2097 0.1512 0.1091 0.0787 0.1840 0.1327 0.0957

2 0.2250 0.1623 0.1171 0.0845 0.2108 0.1521 0.1097 0.0791 0.1850 0.1335 0.0963

3 0.2263 0.1632 0.1177 0.0849 0.2120 0.1529 0.1103 0.0796 0.1860 0.1342 0.0968

4 0.2275 0.1641 0.1184 0.0854 0.2131 0.1537 0.1109 0.0800 0.1870 0.1349 0.0973

5 0.2287 0.1650 0.1190 0.0859 0.2143 0.1546 0.1115 0.0804 0.1880 0.1356 0.0979

6 0.2300 0.1659 0.1197 0.0863 0.2155 0.1554 0.1121 0.0809 0.1891 0.1364 0.0984

7 0.2313 0.1668 0.1203 0.0868 0.2166 0.1563 0.1127 0.0813 0.1901 0.1371 0.0989

8 0.2325 0.1677 0.1210 0.0873 0.2178 0.1571 0.1133 0.0818 0.1911 0.1379 0.0995

9 0.2338 0.1686 0.1217 0.0878 0.2190 0.1580 0.1140 0.0822 0.1922 0.1386 0.1000

10 0.2351 0.1696 0.1223 0.0882 0.2202 0.1588 0.1146 0.0827 0.1932 0.1394 0.1006

11 0.2363 0.1705 0.1230 0.0887 0.2214 0.1597 0.1152 0.0831 0.1943 0.1402 0.1011

12 0.2376 0.1714 0.1237 0.0892 0.2226 0.1606 0.1158 0.0836 0.1953 0.1409 0.1017

13 0.2389 0.1724 0.1243 0.0897 0.2238 0.1615 0.1165 0.0840 0.1964 0.1417 0.1022

14 0.2402 0.1733 0.1250 0.0902 0.2250 0.1623 0.1171 0.0845 0.1975 0.1425 0.1028

15 0.2415 0.1742 0.1257 0.0907 0.2263 0.1632 0.1177 0.0849 0.1986 0.1432 0.1033

16 0.2429 0.1752 0.1264 0.0912 0.2275 0.1641 0.1184 0.0854 0.1996 0.1440 0.1039

17 0.2442 0.1762 0.1271 0.0917 0.2287 0.1650 0.1190 0.0859 0.2007 0.1448 0.1045

18 0.2455 0.1771 0.1278 0.0922 0.2300 0.1659 0.1197 0.0863 0.2018 0.1456 0.1050

19 0.2469 0.1781 0.1285 0.0927 0.2313 0.1668 0.1203 0.0868 0.2029 0.1464 0.1056

20 0.2482 0.1791 0.1292 0.0932 0.2325 0.1677 0.1210 0.0873 0.2040 0.1472 0.1062

21 0.2496 0.1800 0.1299 0.0937 0.2338 0.1686 0.1217 0.0878 0.2052 0.1480 0.1068

22 0.2509 0.1810 0.1306 0.0942 0.2351 0.1696 0.1223 0.0882 0.2063 0.1488 0.1073

23 0.2523 0.1820 0.1313 0.0947 0.2363 0.1705 0.1230 0.0887 0.2074 0.1496 0.1079

24 0.2537 0.1830 0.1320 0.0952 0.2376 0.1714 0.1237 0.0892 0.2085 0.1504 0.1085

25 0.2551 0.1840 0.1327 0.0957 0.2389 0.1724 0.1243 0.0897 0.2097 0.1512 0.1091

26 0.2564 0.1850 0.1335 0.0963 0.2402 0.1733 0.1250 0.0902 0.2108 0.1521 0.1097

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27 0.2578 0.1860 0.1342 0.0968 0.2415 0.1742 0.1257 0.0907 0.2120 0.1529 0.1103

28 0.2593 0.1870 0.1349 0.0973 0.2429 0.1752 0.1264 0.0912 0.2131 0.1537 0.1109

29 0.2607 0.1880 0.1356 0.0979 0.2442 0.1762 0.1271 0.0917 0.2143 0.1546 0.1115

30 0.2621 0.1891 0.1364 0.0984 0.2455 0.1771 0.1278 0.0922 0.2155 0.1554 0.1121

31 0.2635 0.1901 0.1371 0.0989 0.2469 0.1781 0.1285 0.0927 0.2166 0.1563 0.1127

32 0.2650 0.1911 0.1379 0.0995 0.2482 0.1791 0.1292 0.0932 0.2178 0.1571 0.1133

33 0.2664 0.1922 0.1386 0.1000 0.2496 0.1800 0.1299 0.0937 0.2190 0.1580 0.1140

34 0.2679 0.1932 0.1394 0.1006 0.2509 0.1810 0.1306 0.0942 0.2202 0.1588 0.1146

35 0.2693 0.1943 0.1402 0.1011 0.2523 0.1820 0.1313 0.0947 0.2214 0.1597 0.1152

36 0.2708 0.1953 0.1409 0.1017 0.2537 0.1830 0.1320 0.0952 0.2226 0.1606 0.1158

37 0.2723 0.1964 0.1417 0.1022 0.2551 0.1840 0.1327 0.0957 0.2238 0.1615 0.1165

38 0.2738 0.1975 0.1425 0.1028 0.2564 0.1850 0.1335 0.0963 0.2250 0.1623 0.1171

39 0.2753 0.1986 0.1432 0.1033 0.2578 0.1860 0.1342 0.0968 0.2263 0.1632 0.1177

40 0.2768 0.1996 0.1440 0.1039 0.2593 0.1870 0.1349 0.0973 0.2275 0.1641 0.1184

41 0.2783 0.2007 0.1448 0.1045 0.2607 0.1880 0.1356 0.0979 0.2287 0.1650 0.1190

42 0.2798 0.2018 0.1456 0.1050 0.2621 0.1891 0.1364 0.0984 0.2300 0.1659 0.1197

43 0.2813 0.2029 0.1464 0.1056 0.2635 0.1901 0.1371 0.0989 0.2313 0.1668 0.1203

44 0.2828 0.2040 0.1472 0.1062 0.2650 0.1911 0.1379 0.0995 0.2325 0.1677 0.1210

45 0.2844 0.2052 0.1480 0.1068 0.2664 0.1922 0.1386 0.1000 0.2338 0.1686 0.1217

46 0.2859 0.2063 0.1488 0.1073 0.2679 0.1932 0.1394 0.1006 0.2351 0.1696 0.1223

47 0.2875 0.2074 0.1496 0.1079 0.2693 0.1943 0.1402 0.1011 0.2363 0.1705 0.1230

48 0.2891 0.2085 0.1504 0.1085 0.2708 0.1953 0.1409 0.1017 0.2376 0.1714 0.1237

49 0.2907 0.2097 0.1512 0.1091 0.2723 0.1964 0.1417 0.1022 0.2389 0.1724 0.1243

50 0.2922 0.2108 0.1521 0.1097 0.2738 0.1975 0.1425 0.1028 0.2402 0.1733 0.1250

51 0.2938 0.2120 0.1529 0.1103 0.2753 0.1986 0.1432 0.1033 0.2415 0.1742 0.1257

52 0.2954 0.2131 0.1537 0.1109 0.2768 0.1996 0.1440 0.1039 0.2429 0.1752 0.1264

53 0.2971 0.2143 0.1546 0.1115 0.2783 0.2007 0.1448 0.1045 0.2442 0.1762 0.1271

54 0.2987 0.2155 0.1554 0.1121 0.2798 0.2018 0.1456 0.1050 0.2455 0.1771 0.1278

55 0.3003 0.2166 0.1563 0.1127 0.2813 0.2029 0.1464 0.1056 0.2469 0.1781 0.1285

56 0.3019 0.2178 0.1571 0.1133 0.2828 0.2040 0.1472 0.1062 0.2482 0.1791 0.1292

57 0.3036 0.2190 0.1580 0.1140 0.2844 0.2052 0.1480 0.1068 0.2496 0.1800 0.1299

58 0.3052 0.2202 0.1588 0.1146 0.2859 0.2063 0.1488 0.1073 0.2509 0.1810 0.1306

59 0.3069 0.2214 0.1597 0.1152 0.2875 0.2074 0.1496 0.1079 0.2523 0.1820 0.1313

60 0.3086 0.2226 0.1606 0.1158 0.2891 0.2085 0.1504 0.1085 0.2537 0.1830 0.1320

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61 0.3103 0.2238 0.1615 0.1165 0.2907 0.2097 0.1512 0.1091 0.2551 0.1840 0.1327

62 0.3120 0.2250 0.1623 0.1171 0.2922 0.2108 0.1521 0.1097 0.2564 0.1850 0.1335

63 0.3137 0.2263 0.1632 0.1177 0.2938 0.2120 0.1529 0.1103 0.2578 0.1860 0.1342

64 0.3154 0.2275 0.1641 0.1184 0.2954 0.2131 0.1537 0.1109 0.2593 0.1870 0.1349

65 0.3171 0.2287 0.1650 0.1190 0.2971 0.2143 0.1546 0.1115 0.2607 0.1880 0.1356

66 0.3188 0.2300 0.1659 0.1197 0.2987 0.2155 0.1554 0.1121 0.2621 0.1891 0.1364

67 0.3206 0.2313 0.1668 0.1203 0.3003 0.2166 0.1563 0.1127 0.2635 0.1901 0.1371

68 0.3223 0.2325 0.1677 0.1210 0.3019 0.2178 0.1571 0.1133 0.2650 0.1911 0.1379

69 0.3241 0.2338 0.1686 0.1217 0.3036 0.2190 0.1580 0.1140 0.2664 0.1922 0.1386

70 0.3259 0.2351 0.1696 0.1223 0.3052 0.2202 0.1588 0.1146 0.2679 0.1932 0.1394

71 0.3276 0.2363 0.1705 0.1230 0.3069 0.2214 0.1597 0.1152 0.2693 0.1943 0.1402

72 0.3294 0.2376 0.1714 0.1237 0.3086 0.2226 0.1606 0.1158 0.2708 0.1953 0.1409

73 0.3312 0.2389 0.1724 0.1243 0.3103 0.2238 0.1615 0.1165 0.2723 0.1964 0.1417

74 0.3330 0.2402 0.1733 0.1250 0.3120 0.2250 0.1623 0.1171 0.2738 0.1975 0.1425

75 0.3348 0.2415 0.1742 0.1257 0.3137 0.2263 0.1632 0.1177 0.2753 0.1986 0.1432

76 0.3367 0.2429 0.1752 0.1264 0.3154 0.2275 0.1641 0.1184 0.2768 0.1996 0.1440

77 0.3385 0.2442 0.1762 0.1271 0.3171 0.2287 0.1650 0.1190 0.2783 0.2007 0.1448

78 0.3404 0.2455 0.1771 0.1278 0.3188 0.2300 0.1659 0.1197 0.2798 0.2018 0.1456

79 0.3422 0.2469 0.1781 0.1285 0.3206 0.2313 0.1668 0.1203 0.2813 0.2029 0.1464

80 0.3441 0.2482 0.1791 0.1292 0.3223 0.2325 0.1677 0.1210 0.2828 0.2040 0.1472

81 0.3460 0.2496 0.1800 0.1299 0.3241 0.2338 0.1686 0.1217 0.2844 0.2052 0.1480

82 0.3478 0.2509 0.1810 0.1306 0.3259 0.2351 0.1696 0.1223 0.2859 0.2063 0.1488

83 0.3497 0.2523 0.1820 0.1313 0.3276 0.2363 0.1705 0.1230 0.2875 0.2074 0.1496

84 0.3517 0.2537 0.1830 0.1320 0.3294 0.2376 0.1714 0.1237 0.2891 0.2085 0.1504

85 0.3536 0.2551 0.1840 0.1327 0.3312 0.2389 0.1724 0.1243 0.2907 0.2097 0.1512

86 0.3555 0.2564 0.1850 0.1335 0.3330 0.2402 0.1733 0.1250 0.2922 0.2108 0.1521

87 0.3574 0.2578 0.1860 0.1342 0.3348 0.2415 0.1742 0.1257 0.2938 0.2120 0.1529

88 0.3594 0.2593 0.1870 0.1349 0.3367 0.2429 0.1752 0.1264 0.2954 0.2131 0.1537

89 0.3614 0.2607 0.1880 0.1356 0.3385 0.2442 0.1762 0.1271 0.2971 0.2143 0.1546

90 0.3633 0.2621 0.1891 0.1364 0.3404 0.2455 0.1771 0.1278 0.2987 0.2155 0.1554

91 0.3653 0.2635 0.1901 0.1371 0.3422 0.2469 0.1781 0.1285 0.3003 0.2166 0.1563

92 0.3673 0.2650 0.1911 0.1379 0.3441 0.2482 0.1791 0.1292 0.3019 0.2178 0.1571

93 0.3693 0.2664 0.1922 0.1386 0.3460 0.2496 0.1800 0.1299 0.3036 0.2190 0.1580

94 0.3713 0.2679 0.1932 0.1394 0.3478 0.2509 0.1810 0.1306 0.3052 0.2202 0.1588

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95 0.3734 0.2693 0.1943 0.1402 0.3497 0.2523 0.1820 0.1313 0.3069 0.2214 0.1597

96 0.3754 0.2708 0.1953 0.1409 0.3517 0.2537 0.1830 0.1320 0.3086 0.2226 0.1606

97 0.3774 0.2723 0.1964 0.1417 0.3536 0.2551 0.1840 0.1327 0.3103 0.2238 0.1615

98 0.3795 0.2738 0.1975 0.1425 0.3555 0.2564 0.1850 0.1335 0.3120 0.2250 0.1623

99 0.3816 0.2753 0.1986 0.1432 0.3574 0.2578 0.1860 0.1342 0.3137 0.2263 0.1632

100 0.3837 0.2768 0.1996 0.1440 0.3594 0.2593 0.1870 0.1349 0.3154 0.2275 0.1641

101 0.3857 0.2783 0.2007 0.1448 0.3614 0.2607 0.1880 0.1356 0.3171 0.2287 0.1650

102 0.3879 0.2798 0.2018 0.1456 0.3633 0.2621 0.1891 0.1364 0.3188 0.2300 0.1659

103 0.3900 0.2813 0.2029 0.1464 0.3653 0.2635 0.1901 0.1371 0.3206 0.2313 0.1668

104 0.3921 0.2828 0.2040 0.1472 0.3673 0.2650 0.1911 0.1379 0.3223 0.2325 0.1677

105 0.3942 0.2844 0.2052 0.1480 0.3693 0.2664 0.1922 0.1386 0.3241 0.2338 0.1686

106 0.3964 0.2859 0.2063 0.1488 0.3713 0.2679 0.1932 0.1394 0.3259 0.2351 0.1696

107 0.3986 0.2875 0.2074 0.1496 0.3734 0.2693 0.1943 0.1402 0.3276 0.2363 0.1705

108 0.4007 0.2891 0.2085 0.1504 0.3754 0.2708 0.1953 0.1409 0.3294 0.2376 0.1714

109 0.4029 0.2907 0.2097 0.1512 0.3774 0.2723 0.1964 0.1417 0.3312 0.2389 0.1724

110 0.4051 0.2922 0.2108 0.1521 0.3795 0.2738 0.1975 0.1425 0.3330 0.2402 0.1733

111 0.4073 0.2938 0.2120 0.1529 0.3816 0.2753 0.1986 0.1432 0.3348 0.2415 0.1742

112 0.4095 0.2954 0.2131 0.1537 0.3837 0.2768 0.1996 0.1440 0.3367 0.2429 0.1752

113 0.4118 0.2971 0.2143 0.1546 0.3857 0.2783 0.2007 0.1448 0.3385 0.2442 0.1762

114 0.4140 0.2987 0.2155 0.1554 0.3879 0.2798 0.2018 0.1456 0.3404 0.2455 0.1771

115 0.4163 0.3003 0.2166 0.1563 0.3900 0.2813 0.2029 0.1464 0.3422 0.2469 0.1781

116 0.4186 0.3019 0.2178 0.1571 0.3921 0.2828 0.2040 0.1472 0.3441 0.2482 0.1791

117 0.4208 0.3036 0.2190 0.1580 0.3942 0.2844 0.2052 0.1480 0.3460 0.2496 0.1800

118 0.4231 0.3052 0.2202 0.1588 0.3964 0.2859 0.2063 0.1488 0.3478 0.2509 0.1810

119 0.4255 0.3069 0.2214 0.1597 0.3986 0.2875 0.2074 0.1496 0.3497 0.2523 0.1820

120 0.4278 0.3086 0.2226 0.1606 0.4007 0.2891 0.2085 0.1504 0.3517 0.2537 0.1830

121 0.4301 0.3103 0.2238 0.1615 0.4029 0.2907 0.2097 0.1512 0.3536 0.2551 0.1840

122 0.4325 0.3120 0.2250 0.1623 0.4051 0.2922 0.2108 0.1521 0.3555 0.2564 0.1850

123 0.4348 0.3137 0.2263 0.1632 0.4073 0.2938 0.2120 0.1529 0.3574 0.2578 0.1860

124 0.4372 0.3154 0.2275 0.1641 0.4095 0.2954 0.2131 0.1537 0.3594 0.2593 0.1870

125 0.4396 0.3171 0.2287 0.1650 0.4118 0.2971 0.2143 0.1546 0.3614 0.2607 0.1880

126 0.4420 0.3188 0.2300 0.1659 0.4140 0.2987 0.2155 0.1554 0.3633 0.2621 0.1891

127 0.4444 0.3206 0.2313 0.1668 0.4163 0.3003 0.2166 0.1563 0.3653 0.2635 0.1901

128 0.4468 0.3223 0.2325 0.1677 0.4186 0.3019 0.2178 0.1571 0.3673 0.2650 0.1911

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129 0.4493 0.3241 0.2338 0.1686 0.4208 0.3036 0.2190 0.1580 0.3693 0.2664 0.1922

130 0.4517 0.3259 0.2351 0.1696 0.4231 0.3052 0.2202 0.1588 0.3713 0.2679 0.1932

131 0.4542 0.3276 0.2363 0.1705 0.4255 0.3069 0.2214 0.1597 0.3734 0.2693 0.1943

132 0.4567 0.3294 0.2376 0.1714 0.4278 0.3086 0.2226 0.1606 0.3754 0.2708 0.1953

133 0.4591 0.3312 0.2389 0.1724 0.4301 0.3103 0.2238 0.1615 0.3774 0.2723 0.1964

134 0.4617 0.3330 0.2402 0.1733 0.4325 0.3120 0.2250 0.1623 0.3795 0.2738 0.1975

135 0.4642 0.3348 0.2415 0.1742 0.4348 0.3137 0.2263 0.1632 0.3816 0.2753 0.1986

136 0.4667 0.3367 0.2429 0.1752 0.4372 0.3154 0.2275 0.1641 0.3837 0.2768 0.1996

137 0.4693 0.3385 0.2442 0.1762 0.4396 0.3171 0.2287 0.1650 0.3857 0.2783 0.2007

138 0.4718 0.3404 0.2455 0.1771 0.4420 0.3188 0.2300 0.1659 0.3879 0.2798 0.2018

139 0.4744 0.3422 0.2469 0.1781 0.4444 0.3206 0.2313 0.1668 0.3900 0.2813 0.2029

140 0.4770 0.3441 0.2482 0.1791 0.4468 0.3223 0.2325 0.1677 0.3921 0.2828 0.2040

141 0.4796 0.3460 0.2496 0.1800 0.4493 0.3241 0.2338 0.1686 0.3942 0.2844 0.2052

142 0.4822 0.3478 0.2509 0.1810 0.4517 0.3259 0.2351 0.1696 0.3964 0.2859 0.2063

143 0.4848 0.3497 0.2523 0.1820 0.4542 0.3276 0.2363 0.1705 0.3986 0.2875 0.2074

144 0.4875 0.3517 0.2537 0.1830 0.4567 0.3294 0.2376 0.1714 0.4007 0.2891 0.2085

145 0.4901 0.3536 0.2551 0.1840 0.4591 0.3312 0.2389 0.1724 0.4029 0.2907 0.2097

146 0.4928 0.3555 0.2564 0.1850 0.4617 0.3330 0.2402 0.1733 0.4051 0.2922 0.2108

147 0.4955 0.3574 0.2578 0.1860 0.4642 0.3348 0.2415 0.1742 0.4073 0.2938 0.2120

148 0.4982 0.3594 0.2593 0.1870 0.4667 0.3367 0.2429 0.1752 0.4095 0.2954 0.2131

149 0.5009 0.3614 0.2607 0.1880 0.4693 0.3385 0.2442 0.1762 0.4118 0.2971 0.2143

150 0.5037 0.3633 0.2621 0.1891 0.4718 0.3404 0.2455 0.1771 0.4140 0.2987 0.2155

151 0.5064 0.3653 0.2635 0.1901 0.4744 0.3422 0.2469 0.1781 0.4163 0.3003 0.2166

152 0.5092 0.3673 0.2650 0.1911 0.4770 0.3441 0.2482 0.1791 0.4186 0.3019 0.2178

153 0.5120 0.3693 0.2664 0.1922 0.4796 0.3460 0.2496 0.1800 0.4208 0.3036 0.2190

154 0.5147 0.3713 0.2679 0.1932 0.4822 0.3478 0.2509 0.1810 0.4231 0.3052 0.2202

155 0.5176 0.3734 0.2693 0.1943 0.4848 0.3497 0.2523 0.1820 0.4255 0.3069 0.2214

156 0.5204 0.3754 0.2708 0.1953 0.4875 0.3517 0.2537 0.1830 0.4278 0.3086 0.2226

157 0.5232 0.3774 0.2723 0.1964 0.4901 0.3536 0.2551 0.1840 0.4301 0.3103 0.2238

158 0.5261 0.3795 0.2738 0.1975 0.4928 0.3555 0.2564 0.1850 0.4325 0.3120 0.2250

159 0.5289 0.3816 0.2753 0.1986 0.4955 0.3574 0.2578 0.1860 0.4348 0.3137 0.2263

160 0.5318 0.3837 0.2768 0.1996 0.4982 0.3594 0.2593 0.1870 0.4372 0.3154 0.2275

161 0.5347 0.3857 0.2783 0.2007 0.5009 0.3614 0.2607 0.1880 0.4396 0.3171 0.2287

162 0.5377 0.3879 0.2798 0.2018 0.5037 0.3633 0.2621 0.1891 0.4420 0.3188 0.2300

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163 0.5406 0.3900 0.2813 0.2029 0.5064 0.3653 0.2635 0.1901 0.4444 0.3206 0.2313

164 0.5435 0.3921 0.2828 0.2040 0.5092 0.3673 0.2650 0.1911 0.4468 0.3223 0.2325

165 0.5465 0.3942 0.2844 0.2052 0.5120 0.3693 0.2664 0.1922 0.4493 0.3241 0.2338

166 0.5495 0.3964 0.2859 0.2063 0.5147 0.3713 0.2679 0.1932 0.4517 0.3259 0.2351

167 0.5525 0.3986 0.2875 0.2074 0.5176 0.3734 0.2693 0.1943 0.4542 0.3276 0.2363

168 0.5555 0.4007 0.2891 0.2085 0.5204 0.3754 0.2708 0.1953 0.4567 0.3294 0.2376

169 0.5585 0.4029 0.2907 0.2097 0.5232 0.3774 0.2723 0.1964 0.4591 0.3312 0.2389

170 0.5616 0.4051 0.2922 0.2108 0.5261 0.3795 0.2738 0.1975 0.4617 0.3330 0.2402

171 0.5647 0.4073 0.2938 0.2120 0.5289 0.3816 0.2753 0.1986 0.4642 0.3348 0.2415

172 0.5677 0.4095 0.2954 0.2131 0.5318 0.3837 0.2768 0.1996 0.4667 0.3367 0.2429

173 0.5708 0.4118 0.2971 0.2143 0.5347 0.3857 0.2783 0.2007 0.4693 0.3385 0.2442

174 0.5739 0.4140 0.2987 0.2155 0.5377 0.3879 0.2798 0.2018 0.4718 0.3404 0.2455

175 0.5771 0.4163 0.3003 0.2166 0.5406 0.3900 0.2813 0.2029 0.4744 0.3422 0.2469

176 0.5802 0.4186 0.3019 0.2178 0.5435 0.3921 0.2828 0.2040 0.4770 0.3441 0.2482

177 0.5834 0.4208 0.3036 0.2190 0.5465 0.3942 0.2844 0.2052 0.4796 0.3460 0.2496

178 0.5866 0.4231 0.3052 0.2202 0.5495 0.3964 0.2859 0.2063 0.4822 0.3478 0.2509

179 0.5898 0.4255 0.3069 0.2214 0.5525 0.3986 0.2875 0.2074 0.4848 0.3497 0.2523

180 0.5930 0.4278 0.3086 0.2226 0.5555 0.4007 0.2891 0.2085 0.4875 0.3517 0.2537

181 0.5962 0.4301 0.3103 0.2238 0.5585 0.4029 0.2907 0.2097 0.4901 0.3536 0.2551

182 0.5995 0.4325 0.3120 0.2250 0.5616 0.4051 0.2922 0.2108 0.4928 0.3555 0.2564

183 0.6028 0.4348 0.3137 0.2263 0.5647 0.4073 0.2938 0.2120 0.4955 0.3574 0.2578

184 0.6061 0.4372 0.3154 0.2275 0.5677 0.4095 0.2954 0.2131 0.4982 0.3594 0.2593

185 0.6094 0.4396 0.3171 0.2287 0.5708 0.4118 0.2971 0.2143 0.5009 0.3614 0.2607

186 0.6127 0.4420 0.3188 0.2300 0.5739 0.4140 0.2987 0.2155 0.5037 0.3633 0.2621

187 0.6160 0.4444 0.3206 0.2313 0.5771 0.4163 0.3003 0.2166 0.5064 0.3653 0.2635

188 0.6194 0.4468 0.3223 0.2325 0.5802 0.4186 0.3019 0.2178 0.5092 0.3673 0.2650

189 0.6228 0.4493 0.3241 0.2338 0.5834 0.4208 0.3036 0.2190 0.5120 0.3693 0.2664

190 0.6262 0.4517 0.3259 0.2351 0.5866 0.4231 0.3052 0.2202 0.5147 0.3713 0.2679

191 0.6296 0.4542 0.3276 0.2363 0.5898 0.4255 0.3069 0.2214 0.5176 0.3734 0.2693

192 0.6330 0.4567 0.3294 0.2376 0.5930 0.4278 0.3086 0.2226 0.5204 0.3754 0.2708

193 0.6365 0.4591 0.3312 0.2389 0.5962 0.4301 0.3103 0.2238 0.5232 0.3774 0.2723

194 0.6400 0.4617 0.3330 0.2402 0.5995 0.4325 0.3120 0.2250 0.5261 0.3795 0.2738

195 0.6435 0.4642 0.3348 0.2415 0.6028 0.4348 0.3137 0.2263 0.5289 0.3816 0.2753

196 0.6470 0.4667 0.3367 0.2429 0.6061 0.4372 0.3154 0.2275 0.5318 0.3837 0.2768

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197 0.6505 0.4693 0.3385 0.2442 0.6094 0.4396 0.3171 0.2287 0.5347 0.3857 0.2783

198 0.6540 0.4718 0.3404 0.2455 0.6127 0.4420 0.3188 0.2300 0.5377 0.3879 0.2798

199 0.6576 0.4744 0.3422 0.2469 0.6160 0.4444 0.3206 0.2313 0.5406 0.3900 0.2813

200 0.6612 0.4770 0.3441 0.2482 0.6194 0.4468 0.3223 0.2325 0.5435 0.3921 0.2828

201 0.6648 0.4796 0.3460 0.2496 0.6228 0.4493 0.3241 0.2338 0.5465 0.3942 0.2844

202 0.6684 0.4822 0.3478 0.2509 0.6262 0.4517 0.3259 0.2351 0.5495 0.3964 0.2859

203 0.6721 0.4848 0.3497 0.2523 0.6296 0.4542 0.3276 0.2363 0.5525 0.3986 0.2875

204 0.6758 0.4875 0.3517 0.2537 0.6330 0.4567 0.3294 0.2376 0.5555 0.4007 0.2891

205 0.6794 0.4901 0.3536 0.2551 0.6365 0.4591 0.3312 0.2389 0.5585 0.4029 0.2907

206 0.6832 0.4928 0.3555 0.2564 0.6400 0.4617 0.3330 0.2402 0.5616 0.4051 0.2922

207 0.6869 0.4955 0.3574 0.2578 0.6435 0.4642 0.3348 0.2415 0.5647 0.4073 0.2938

208 0.6906 0.4982 0.3594 0.2593 0.6470 0.4667 0.3367 0.2429 0.5677 0.4095 0.2954

209 0.6944 0.5009 0.3614 0.2607 0.6505 0.4693 0.3385 0.2442 0.5708 0.4118 0.2971

210 0.6982 0.5037 0.3633 0.2621 0.6540 0.4718 0.3404 0.2455 0.5739 0.4140 0.2987

211 0.7020 0.5064 0.3653 0.2635 0.6576 0.4744 0.3422 0.2469 0.5771 0.4163 0.3003

212 0.7058 0.5092 0.3673 0.2650 0.6612 0.4770 0.3441 0.2482 0.5802 0.4186 0.3019

213 0.7097 0.5120 0.3693 0.2664 0.6648 0.4796 0.3460 0.2496 0.5834 0.4208 0.3036

214 0.7136 0.5147 0.3713 0.2679 0.6684 0.4822 0.3478 0.2509 0.5866 0.4231 0.3052

215 0.7175 0.5176 0.3734 0.2693 0.6721 0.4848 0.3497 0.2523 0.5898 0.4255 0.3069

216 0.7214 0.5204 0.3754 0.2708 0.6758 0.4875 0.3517 0.2537 0.5930 0.4278 0.3086

217 0.7253 0.5232 0.3774 0.2723 0.6794 0.4901 0.3536 0.2551 0.5962 0.4301 0.3103

218 0.7293 0.5261 0.3795 0.2738 0.6832 0.4928 0.3555 0.2564 0.5995 0.4325 0.3120

219 0.7333 0.5289 0.3816 0.2753 0.6869 0.4955 0.3574 0.2578 0.6028 0.4348 0.3137

220 0.7373 0.5318 0.3837 0.2768 0.6906 0.4982 0.3594 0.2593 0.6061 0.4372 0.3154

221 0.7413 0.5347 0.3857 0.2783 0.6944 0.5009 0.3614 0.2607 0.6094 0.4396 0.3171

222 0.7453 0.5377 0.3879 0.2798 0.6982 0.5037 0.3633 0.2621 0.6127 0.4420 0.3188

223 0.7494 0.5406 0.3900 0.2813 0.7020 0.5064 0.3653 0.2635 0.6160 0.4444 0.3206

224 0.7535 0.5435 0.3921 0.2828 0.7058 0.5092 0.3673 0.2650 0.6194 0.4468 0.3223

225 0.7576 0.5465 0.3942 0.2844 0.7097 0.5120 0.3693 0.2664 0.6228 0.4493 0.3241

226 0.7617 0.5495 0.3964 0.2859 0.7136 0.5147 0.3713 0.2679 0.6262 0.4517 0.3259

227 0.7659 0.5525 0.3986 0.2875 0.7175 0.5176 0.3734 0.2693 0.6296 0.4542 0.3276

228 0.7701 0.5555 0.4007 0.2891 0.7214 0.5204 0.3754 0.2708 0.6330 0.4567 0.3294

229 0.7743 0.5585 0.4029 0.2907 0.7253 0.5232 0.3774 0.2723 0.6365 0.4591 0.3312

230 0.7785 0.5616 0.4051 0.2922 0.7293 0.5261 0.3795 0.2738 0.6400 0.4617 0.3330

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231 0.7827 0.5647 0.4073 0.2938 0.7333 0.5289 0.3816 0.2753 0.6435 0.4642 0.3348

232 0.7870 0.5677 0.4095 0.2954 0.7373 0.5318 0.3837 0.2768 0.6470 0.4667 0.3367

233 0.7913 0.5708 0.4118 0.2971 0.7413 0.5347 0.3857 0.2783 0.6505 0.4693 0.3385

234 0.7956 0.5739 0.4140 0.2987 0.7453 0.5377 0.3879 0.2798 0.6540 0.4718 0.3404

235 0.8000 0.5771 0.4163 0.3003 0.7494 0.5406 0.3900 0.2813 0.6576 0.4744 0.3422

236 0.8043 0.5802 0.4186 0.3019 0.7535 0.5435 0.3921 0.2828 0.6612 0.4770 0.3441

237 0.8087 0.5834 0.4208 0.3036 0.7576 0.5465 0.3942 0.2844 0.6648 0.4796 0.3460

238 0.8131 0.5866 0.4231 0.3052 0.7617 0.5495 0.3964 0.2859 0.6684 0.4822 0.3478

239 0.8176 0.5898 0.4255 0.3069 0.7659 0.5525 0.3986 0.2875 0.6721 0.4848 0.3497

240 0.8220 0.5930 0.4278 0.3086 0.7701 0.5555 0.4007 0.2891 0.6758 0.4875 0.3517

241 0.8265 0.5962 0.4301 0.3103 0.7743 0.5585 0.4029 0.2907 0.6794 0.4901 0.3536

242 0.8310 0.5995 0.4325 0.3120 0.7785 0.5616 0.4051 0.2922 0.6832 0.4928 0.3555

243 0.8356 0.6028 0.4348 0.3137 0.7827 0.5647 0.4073 0.2938 0.6869 0.4955 0.3574

244 0.8401 0.6061 0.4372 0.3154 0.7870 0.5677 0.4095 0.2954 0.6906 0.4982 0.3594

245 0.8447 0.6094 0.4396 0.3171 0.7913 0.5708 0.4118 0.2971 0.6944 0.5009 0.3614

246 0.8493 0.6127 0.4420 0.3188 0.7956 0.5739 0.4140 0.2987 0.6982 0.5037 0.3633

247 0.8540 0.6160 0.4444 0.3206 0.8000 0.5771 0.4163 0.3003 0.7020 0.5064 0.3653

248 0.8586 0.6194 0.4468 0.3223 0.8043 0.5802 0.4186 0.3019 0.7058 0.5092 0.3673

249 0.8633 0.6228 0.4493 0.3241 0.8087 0.5834 0.4208 0.3036 0.7097 0.5120 0.3693

250 0.8680 0.6262 0.4517 0.3259 0.8131 0.5866 0.4231 0.3052 0.7136 0.5147 0.3713

251 0.8728 0.6296 0.4542 0.3276 0.8176 0.5898 0.4255 0.3069 0.7175 0.5176 0.3734

252 0.8775 0.6330 0.4567 0.3294 0.8220 0.5930 0.4278 0.3086 0.7214 0.5204 0.3754

253 0.8823 0.6365 0.4591 0.3312 0.8265 0.5962 0.4301 0.3103 0.7253 0.5232 0.3774

254 0.8871 0.6400 0.4617 0.3330 0.8310 0.5995 0.4325 0.3120 0.7293 0.5261 0.3795

255 0.8920 0.6435 0.4642 0.3348 0.8356 0.6028 0.4348 0.3137 0.7333 0.5289 0.3816

256 0.8969 0.6470 0.4667 0.3367 0.8401 0.6061 0.4372 0.3154 0.7373 0.5318 0.3837

257 0.9017 0.6505 0.4693 0.3385 0.8447 0.6094 0.4396 0.3171 0.7413 0.5347 0.3857

258 0.9067 0.6540 0.4718 0.3404 0.8493 0.6127 0.4420 0.3188 0.7453 0.5377 0.3879

259 0.9116 0.6576 0.4744 0.3422 0.8540 0.6160 0.4444 0.3206 0.7494 0.5406 0.3900

260 0.9166 0.6612 0.4770 0.3441 0.8586 0.6194 0.4468 0.3223 0.7535 0.5435 0.3921

261 0.9216 0.6648 0.4796 0.3460 0.8633 0.6228 0.4493 0.3241 0.7576 0.5465 0.3942

262 0.9266 0.6684 0.4822 0.3478 0.8680 0.6262 0.4517 0.3259 0.7617 0.5495 0.3964

263 0.9317 0.6721 0.4848 0.3497 0.8728 0.6296 0.4542 0.3276 0.7659 0.5525 0.3986

264 0.9368 0.6758 0.4875 0.3517 0.8775 0.6330 0.4567 0.3294 0.7701 0.5555 0.4007

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265 0.9419 0.6794 0.4901 0.3536 0.8823 0.6365 0.4591 0.3312 0.7743 0.5585 0.4029

266 0.9470 0.6832 0.4928 0.3555 0.8871 0.6400 0.4617 0.3330 0.7785 0.5616 0.4051

267 0.9522 0.6869 0.4955 0.3574 0.8920 0.6435 0.4642 0.3348 0.7827 0.5647 0.4073

268 0.9574 0.6906 0.4982 0.3594 0.8969 0.6470 0.4667 0.3367 0.7870 0.5677 0.4095

269 0.9626 0.6944 0.5009 0.3614 0.9017 0.6505 0.4693 0.3385 0.7913 0.5708 0.4118

270 0.9679 0.6982 0.5037 0.3633 0.9067 0.6540 0.4718 0.3404 0.7956 0.5739 0.4140

271 0.9732 0.7020 0.5064 0.3653 0.9116 0.6576 0.4744 0.3422 0.8000 0.5771 0.4163

272 0.9785 0.7058 0.5092 0.3673 0.9166 0.6612 0.4770 0.3441 0.8043 0.5802 0.4186

273 0.9838 0.7097 0.5120 0.3693 0.9216 0.6648 0.4796 0.3460 0.8087 0.5834 0.4208

274 0.9892 0.7136 0.5147 0.3713 0.9266 0.6684 0.4822 0.3478 0.8131 0.5866 0.4231

275 0.9946 0.7175 0.5176 0.3734 0.9317 0.6721 0.4848 0.3497 0.8176 0.5898 0.4255

276 1.0000 0.7214 0.5204 0.3754 0.9368 0.6758 0.4875 0.3517 0.8220 0.5930 0.4278

277 - 0.7253 0.5232 0.3774 0.9419 0.6794 0.4901 0.3536 0.8265 0.5962 0.4301

278 - 0.7293 0.5261 0.3795 0.9470 0.6832 0.4928 0.3555 0.8310 0.5995 0.4325

279 - 0.7333 0.5289 0.3816 0.9522 0.6869 0.4955 0.3574 0.8356 0.6028 0.4348

280 - 0.7373 0.5318 0.3837 0.9574 0.6906 0.4982 0.3594 0.8401 0.6061 0.4372

281 - 0.7413 0.5347 0.3857 0.9626 0.6944 0.5009 0.3614 0.8447 0.6094 0.4396

282 - 0.7453 0.5377 0.3879 0.9679 0.6982 0.5037 0.3633 0.8493 0.6127 0.4420

283 - 0.7494 0.5406 0.3900 0.9732 0.7020 0.5064 0.3653 0.8540 0.6160 0.4444

284 - 0.7535 0.5435 0.3921 0.9785 0.7058 0.5092 0.3673 0.8586 0.6194 0.4468

285 - 0.7576 0.5465 0.3942 0.9838 0.7097 0.5120 0.3693 0.8633 0.6228 0.4493

286 - 0.7617 0.5495 0.3964 0.9892 0.7136 0.5147 0.3713 0.8680 0.6262 0.4517

287 - 0.7659 0.5525 0.3986 0.9946 0.7175 0.5176 0.3734 0.8728 0.6296 0.4542

288 - 0.7701 0.5555 0.4007 1.0000 0.7214 0.5204 0.3754 0.8775 0.6330 0.4567

289 - 0.7743 0.5585 0.4029 - 0.7253 0.5232 0.3774 0.8823 0.6365 0.4591

290 - 0.7785 0.5616 0.4051 - 0.7293 0.5261 0.3795 0.8871 0.6400 0.4617

291 - 0.7827 0.5647 0.4073 - 0.7333 0.5289 0.3816 0.8920 0.6435 0.4642

292 - 0.7870 0.5677 0.4095 - 0.7373 0.5318 0.3837 0.8969 0.6470 0.4667

293 - 0.7913 0.5708 0.4118 - 0.7413 0.5347 0.3857 0.9017 0.6505 0.4693

294 - 0.7956 0.5739 0.4140 - 0.7453 0.5377 0.3879 0.9067 0.6540 0.4718

295 - 0.8000 0.5771 0.4163 - 0.7494 0.5406 0.3900 0.9116 0.6576 0.4744

296 - 0.8043 0.5802 0.4186 - 0.7535 0.5435 0.3921 0.9166 0.6612 0.4770

297 - 0.8087 0.5834 0.4208 - 0.7576 0.5465 0.3942 0.9216 0.6648 0.4796

298 - 0.8131 0.5866 0.4231 - 0.7617 0.5495 0.3964 0.9266 0.6684 0.4822

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299 - 0.8176 0.5898 0.4255 - 0.7659 0.5525 0.3986 0.9317 0.6721 0.4848

300 - 0.8220 0.5930 0.4278 - 0.7701 0.5555 0.4007 0.9368 0.6758 0.4875

301 - 0.8265 0.5962 0.4301 - 0.7743 0.5585 0.4029 0.9419 0.6794 0.4901

302 - 0.8310 0.5995 0.4325 - 0.7785 0.5616 0.4051 0.9470 0.6832 0.4928

303 - 0.8356 0.6028 0.4348 - 0.7827 0.5647 0.4073 0.9522 0.6869 0.4955

304 - 0.8401 0.6061 0.4372 - 0.7870 0.5677 0.4095 0.9574 0.6906 0.4982

305 - 0.8447 0.6094 0.4396 - 0.7913 0.5708 0.4118 0.9626 0.6944 0.5009

306 - 0.8493 0.6127 0.4420 - 0.7956 0.5739 0.4140 0.9679 0.6982 0.5037

307 - 0.8540 0.6160 0.4444 - 0.8000 0.5771 0.4163 0.9732 0.7020 0.5064

308 - 0.8586 0.6194 0.4468 - 0.8043 0.5802 0.4186 0.9785 0.7058 0.5092

309 - 0.8633 0.6228 0.4493 - 0.8087 0.5834 0.4208 0.9838 0.7097 0.5120

310 - 0.8680 0.6262 0.4517 - 0.8131 0.5866 0.4231 0.9892 0.7136 0.5147

311 - 0.8728 0.6296 0.4542 - 0.8176 0.5898 0.4255 0.9946 0.7175 0.5176

312 - 0.8775 0.6330 0.4567 - 0.8220 0.5930 0.4278 1.0000 0.7214 0.5204

313 - 0.8823 0.6365 0.4591 - 0.8265 0.5962 0.4301 - 0.7253 0.5232

314 - 0.8871 0.6400 0.4617 - 0.8310 0.5995 0.4325 - 0.7293 0.5261

315 - 0.8920 0.6435 0.4642 - 0.8356 0.6028 0.4348 - 0.7333 0.5289

316 - 0.8969 0.6470 0.4667 - 0.8401 0.6061 0.4372 - 0.7373 0.5318

317 - 0.9017 0.6505 0.4693 - 0.8447 0.6094 0.4396 - 0.7413 0.5347

318 - 0.9067 0.6540 0.4718 - 0.8493 0.6127 0.4420 - 0.7453 0.5377

319 - 0.9116 0.6576 0.4744 - 0.8540 0.6160 0.4444 - 0.7494 0.5406

320 - 0.9166 0.6612 0.4770 - 0.8586 0.6194 0.4468 - 0.7535 0.5435

321 - 0.9216 0.6648 0.4796 - 0.8633 0.6228 0.4493 - 0.7576 0.5465

322 - 0.9266 0.6684 0.4822 - 0.8680 0.6262 0.4517 - 0.7617 0.5495

323 - 0.9317 0.6721 0.4848 - 0.8728 0.6296 0.4542 - 0.7659 0.5525

324 - 0.9368 0.6758 0.4875 - 0.8775 0.6330 0.4567 - 0.7701 0.5555

325 - 0.9419 0.6794 0.4901 - 0.8823 0.6365 0.4591 - 0.7743 0.5585

326 - 0.9470 0.6832 0.4928 - 0.8871 0.6400 0.4617 - 0.7785 0.5616

327 - 0.9522 0.6869 0.4955 - 0.8920 0.6435 0.4642 - 0.7827 0.5647

328 - 0.9574 0.6906 0.4982 - 0.8969 0.6470 0.4667 - 0.7870 0.5677

329 - 0.9626 0.6944 0.5009 - 0.9017 0.6505 0.4693 - 0.7913 0.5708

330 - 0.9679 0.6982 0.5037 - 0.9067 0.6540 0.4718 - 0.7956 0.5739

331 - 0.9732 0.7020 0.5064 - 0.9116 0.6576 0.4744 - 0.8000 0.5771

332 - 0.9785 0.7058 0.5092 - 0.9166 0.6612 0.4770 - 0.8043 0.5802

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333 - 0.9838 0.7097 0.5120 - 0.9216 0.6648 0.4796 - 0.8087 0.5834

334 - 0.9892 0.7136 0.5147 - 0.9266 0.6684 0.4822 - 0.8131 0.5866

335 - 0.9946 0.7175 0.5176 - 0.9317 0.6721 0.4848 - 0.8176 0.5898

336 - 1.0000 0.7214 0.5204 - 0.9368 0.6758 0.4875 - 0.8220 0.5930

337 - - 0.7253 0.5232 - 0.9419 0.6794 0.4901 - 0.8265 0.5962

338 - - 0.7293 0.5261 - 0.9470 0.6832 0.4928 - 0.8310 0.5995

339 - - 0.7333 0.5289 - 0.9522 0.6869 0.4955 - 0.8356 0.6028

340 - - 0.7373 0.5318 - 0.9574 0.6906 0.4982 - 0.8401 0.6061

341 - - 0.7413 0.5347 - 0.9626 0.6944 0.5009 - 0.8447 0.6094

342 - - 0.7453 0.5377 - 0.9679 0.6982 0.5037 - 0.8493 0.6127

343 - - 0.7494 0.5406 - 0.9732 0.7020 0.5064 - 0.8540 0.6160

344 - - 0.7535 0.5435 - 0.9785 0.7058 0.5092 - 0.8586 0.6194

345 - - 0.7576 0.5465 - 0.9838 0.7097 0.5120 - 0.8633 0.6228

346 - - 0.7617 0.5495 - 0.9892 0.7136 0.5147 - 0.8680 0.6262

347 - - 0.7659 0.5525 - 0.9946 0.7175 0.5176 - 0.8728 0.6296

348 - - 0.7701 0.5555 - 1.0000 0.7214 0.5204 - 0.8775 0.6330

349 - - 0.7743 0.5585 - - 0.7253 0.5232 - 0.8823 0.6365

350 - - 0.7785 0.5616 - - 0.7293 0.5261 - 0.8871 0.6400

351 - - 0.7827 0.5647 - - 0.7333 0.5289 - 0.8920 0.6435

352 - - 0.7870 0.5677 - - 0.7373 0.5318 - 0.8969 0.6470

353 - - 0.7913 0.5708 - - 0.7413 0.5347 - 0.9017 0.6505

354 - - 0.7956 0.5739 - - 0.7453 0.5377 - 0.9067 0.6540

355 - - 0.8000 0.5771 - - 0.7494 0.5406 - 0.9116 0.6576

356 - - 0.8043 0.5802 - - 0.7535 0.5435 - 0.9166 0.6612

357 - - 0.8087 0.5834 - - 0.7576 0.5465 - 0.9216 0.6648

358 - - 0.8131 0.5866 - - 0.7617 0.5495 - 0.9266 0.6684

359 - - 0.8176 0.5898 - - 0.7659 0.5525 - 0.9317 0.6721

360 - - 0.8220 0.5930 - - 0.7701 0.5555 - 0.9368 0.6758

361 - - 0.8265 0.5962 - - 0.7743 0.5585 - 0.9419 0.6794

362 - - 0.8310 0.5995 - - 0.7785 0.5616 - 0.9470 0.6832

363 - - 0.8356 0.6028 - - 0.7827 0.5647 - 0.9522 0.6869

364 - - 0.8401 0.6061 - - 0.7870 0.5677 - 0.9574 0.6906

365 - - 0.8447 0.6094 - - 0.7913 0.5708 - 0.9626 0.6944

366 - - 0.8493 0.6127 - - 0.7956 0.5739 - 0.9679 0.6982

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367 - - 0.8540 0.6160 - - 0.8000 0.5771 - 0.9732 0.7020

368 - - 0.8586 0.6194 - - 0.8043 0.5802 - 0.9785 0.7058

369 - - 0.8633 0.6228 - - 0.8087 0.5834 - 0.9838 0.7097

370 - - 0.8680 0.6262 - - 0.8131 0.5866 - 0.9892 0.7136

371 - - 0.8728 0.6296 - - 0.8176 0.5898 - 0.9946 0.7175

372 - - 0.8775 0.6330 - - 0.8220 0.5930 - 1.0000 0.7214

373 - - 0.8823 0.6365 - - 0.8265 0.5962 - - 0.7253

374 - - 0.8871 0.6400 - - 0.8310 0.5995 - - 0.7293

375 - - 0.8920 0.6435 - - 0.8356 0.6028 - - 0.7333

376 - - 0.8969 0.6470 - - 0.8401 0.6061 - - 0.7373

377 - - 0.9017 0.6505 - - 0.8447 0.6094 - - 0.7413

378 - - 0.9067 0.6540 - - 0.8493 0.6127 - - 0.7453

379 - - 0.9116 0.6576 - - 0.8540 0.6160 - - 0.7494

380 - - 0.9166 0.6612 - - 0.8586 0.6194 - - 0.7535

381 - - 0.9216 0.6648 - - 0.8633 0.6228 - - 0.7576

382 - - 0.9266 0.6684 - - 0.8680 0.6262 - - 0.7617

383 - - 0.9317 0.6721 - - 0.8728 0.6296 - - 0.7659

384 - - 0.9368 0.6758 - - 0.8775 0.6330 - - 0.7701

385 - - 0.9419 0.6794 - - 0.8823 0.6365 - - 0.7743

386 - - 0.9470 0.6832 - - 0.8871 0.6400 - - 0.7785

387 - - 0.9522 0.6869 - - 0.8920 0.6435 - - 0.7827

388 - - 0.9574 0.6906 - - 0.8969 0.6470 - - 0.7870

389 - - 0.9626 0.6944 - - 0.9017 0.6505 - - 0.7913

390 - - 0.9679 0.6982 - - 0.9067 0.6540 - - 0.7956

391 - - 0.9732 0.7020 - - 0.9116 0.6576 - - 0.8000

392 - - 0.9785 0.7058 - - 0.9166 0.6612 - - 0.8043

393 - - 0.9838 0.7097 - - 0.9216 0.6648 - - 0.8087

394 - - 0.9892 0.7136 - - 0.9266 0.6684 - - 0.8131

395 - - 0.9946 0.7175 - - 0.9317 0.6721 - - 0.8176

396 - - 1.0000 0.7214 - - 0.9368 0.6758 - - 0.8220

397 - - - 0.7253 - - 0.9419 0.6794 - - 0.8265

398 - - - 0.7293 - - 0.9470 0.6832 - - 0.8310

399 - - - 0.7333 - - 0.9522 0.6869 - - 0.8356

400 - - - 0.7373 - - 0.9574 0.6906 - - 0.8401

Form: 628
Page 67 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
401 - - - 0.7413 - - 0.9626 0.6944 - - 0.8447

402 - - - 0.7453 - - 0.9679 0.6982 - - 0.8493

403 - - - 0.7494 - - 0.9732 0.7020 - - 0.8540

404 - - - 0.7535 - - 0.9785 0.7058 - - 0.8586

405 - - - 0.7576 - - 0.9838 0.7097 - - 0.8633

406 - - - 0.7617 - - 0.9892 0.7136 - - 0.8680

407 - - - 0.7659 - - 0.9946 0.7175 - - 0.8728

408 - - - 0.7701 - - 1.0000 0.7214 - - 0.8775

409 - - - 0.7743 - - - 0.7253 - - 0.8823

410 - - - 0.7785 - - - 0.7293 - - 0.8871

411 - - - 0.7827 - - - 0.7333 - - 0.8920

412 - - - 0.7870 - - - 0.7373 - - 0.8969

413 - - - 0.7913 - - - 0.7413 - - 0.9017

414 - - - 0.7956 - - - 0.7453 - - 0.9067

415 - - - 0.8000 - - - 0.7494 - - 0.9116

416 - - - 0.8043 - - - 0.7535 - - 0.9166

417 - - - 0.8087 - - - 0.7576 - - 0.9216

418 - - - 0.8131 - - - 0.7617 - - 0.9266

419 - - - 0.8176 - - - 0.7659 - - 0.9317

420 - - - 0.8220 - - - 0.7701 - - 0.9368

421 - - - 0.8265 - - - 0.7743 - - 0.9419

422 - - - 0.8310 - - - 0.7785 - - 0.9470

423 - - - 0.8356 - - - 0.7827 - - 0.9522

424 - - - 0.8401 - - - 0.7870 - - 0.9574

425 - - - 0.8447 - - - 0.7913 - - 0.9626

426 - - - 0.8493 - - - 0.7956 - - 0.9679

427 - - - 0.8540 - - - 0.8000 - - 0.9732

428 - - - 0.8586 - - - 0.8043 - - 0.9785

429 - - - 0.8633 - - - 0.8087 - - 0.9838

430 - - - 0.8680 - - - 0.8131 - - 0.9892

431 - - - 0.8728 - - - 0.8176 - - 0.9946

432 - - - 0.8775 - - - 0.8220 - - 1.0000

433 - - - 0.8823 - - - 0.8265 - - -

434 - - - 0.8871 - - - 0.8310 - - -

Form: 628
Page 68 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
435 - - - 0.8920 - - - 0.8356 - - -

436 - - - 0.8969 - - - 0.8401 - - -

437 - - - 0.9017 - - - 0.8447 - - -

438 - - - 0.9067 - - - 0.8493 - - -

439 - - - 0.9116 - - - 0.8540 - - -

440 - - - 0.9166 - - - 0.8586 - - -

441 - - - 0.9216 - - - 0.8633 - - -

442 - - - 0.9266 - - - 0.8680 - - -

443 - - - 0.9317 - - - 0.8728 - - -

444 - - - 0.9368 - - - 0.8775 - - -

445 - - - 0.9419 - - - 0.8823 - - -

446 - - - 0.9470 - - - 0.8871 - - -

447 - - - 0.9522 - - - 0.8920 - - -

448 - - - 0.9574 - - - 0.8969 - - -

449 - - - 0.9626 - - - 0.9017 - - -

450 - - - 0.9679 - - - 0.9067 - - -

451 - - - 0.9732 - - - 0.9116 - - -

452 - - - 0.9785 - - - 0.9166 - - -

453 - - - 0.9838 - - - 0.9216 - - -

454 - - - 0.9892 - - - 0.9266 - - -

455 - - - 0.9946 - - - 0.9317 - - -

456 - - - 1.0000 - - - 0.9368 - - -

457 - - - - - - - 0.9419 - - -

458 - - - - - - - 0.9470 - - -

459 - - - - - - - 0.9522 - - -

460 - - - - - - - 0.9574 - - -

461 - - - - - - - 0.9626 - - -

462 - - - - - - - 0.9679 - - -

463 - - - - - - - 0.9732 - - -

464 - - - - - - - 0.9785 - - -

465 - - - - - - - 0.9838 - - -

466 - - - - - - - 0.9892 - - -

467 - - - - - - - 0.9946 - - -

468 - - - - - - - 1.0000 - - -

Form: 628
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Page 70 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Policy Number : 2X383813010
Customer ID : 681235290

Dear Policyholder,
Given herein is information critical for us to service your policy. You are requested to kindly note this information. In case of errors,
you are requested to bring the same to our notice immediately by contacting any SBI Life branch office for effecting corrections.

1 C-KYC Number N.A

2 PAN Number N.A
3 PEP* Status None
4 Resident Status NRI
5 Proof of Document Received
a. Age Proof Passport
b. Identity Proof Passport
c. Address Proof Passport
Bank Account Information
6 (Any credits such as refund of premium or payment of maturity benefits will be remitted to this account. In case you wish
to update this information at a later date, please contact us.)
a. Accountholder Name MRS VINCY VARGHESE
b. Account Number 0674050000000135
c. IFSC Code SIBL0000674
eInsurance Account Information
7 (Dematerialized Policy Document will be credited to this account. Please contact us in case you require a physical copy
of the same.)
a. eInsurance Account Number N.A
b. Repository Name N.A
FATCA/ CRS Declaration
(Based on authorization given by you, we may be required to report all or part of this information to tax authorities.
Please update us in case of any changes.)
8 Tax Residency Status (Countries other than India)

9 Other Document Received (Yes/No)

a. Benefit Illustration No
b. Revised Benefit Illustration (if any) No
c. Need Analysis No
*Politically Exposed Person
In the above table, “N.A.” stands for Not Available.
Note: In case there is a change of status or information; please notify us immediately.

New Business Processing
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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Page 72 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd
Registered & Corporate Office: 'Natraj', M.V. Road and Western Express, Highway Junction, Andheri(East),Mumbai 400069.IRDAI Registration No.
Website: | Email: | CIN: L99999MH2000PLC129113. Toll Free: 1800 267 9090 (Between 9.00 am & 9.00 pm)

Need Analysis Summary

Dear Madam,
We thank you for providing your personal and financial information, such as : age, income, assets, liabilities, risk profile, future
financial goals etc.

Personal Details Financial Details

Gender DOB Age Monthly Income Monthly Expenses Outstanding Home
Loan Amount
Female 21-05-1985 37
Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 5,000 Rs. 0

Martial Status No. of Minor Children

Outstanding Loan Expected Inflation Risk Appetite
Married 2 Amount (Others) Rates#
Rs. 0 6% Moderate

We have made the analysis below of your current circumstances and your insurance and financial needs, based
on the information recorded above. The products suggested for the various needs are also presented below.

Protection Retirement @ 60 Yrs Insurance with Savings

Dream Home Other
Total Protection Rs. 2,88,00,000 Total Corpus Rs. 31,21,911 Total Corpus Rs. 0 Rs. 0
Coverage Required Required Required
Gap Remaining Rs. 31,21,911 Gap Rs. 0 Rs. 0
Gap in Protection Rs. 2,88,00,000
(100%) Remaining (0%) (0%)
Coverage* (100%)
Monthly Investment Rs. 4,693 Monthly Rs. 0 Rs. 0
Current Protection Rs. 0 Investment
Coverage Required*
Years left to Retire 23 Years
No. of Years 0 Years 0 Years
Suggested Product(s) Suggested Product(s) to realise

SBI Life-Sampoorn Cancer Suraksha (UIN: Suggested Product(s)

SBI Life-Smart Shield (UIN : 111N067V07)
SBI Life-Saral Jeevan Bima (UIN :
Arogya Shield (UIN :
SBIHLIP22158V012122)Health Plus Life Combi

Child Future Planning

Age at Which money is Total Corpus Required Gap Remaining Monthly Investment
required Required*
ALVISS Education 18 Rs. 0.0 Rs. 0(0%) Rs. 0
Marriage 25 Rs. 0.0 Rs. 0 (0%) Rs. 0
ROBIN (8) yrs

ELON ROBIN (6) yrs Education 18 Rs. 0.0 Rs. 0 (0%) Rs. 0
Marriage 25 Rs. 0.0 Rs. 0 (0%) Rs. 0

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Page 73 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Suggested Products
SBI Life - Smart Champ Insurance (UIN : 111N098V03)
SBI Life - Smart Scholar# (UIN : 111L073V03)

# Inflation Rates are assumed & subjective in nature

*The Monthly Investment Required is the absolute amount required and does not include the Mortality Charge, Applicable Taxes & Other charges.

We request you to review the above analysis and set your priorities of the needs that you would like to address
now or in the near future and take a considered decision on the suggested insurance products that you would
wish to buy from us. As per your analysis of your needs, you may also review the other insurance products
offered by SBI Life.

Note: This is an illustrative projection of your future insurance and financial needs. All figures are calculated as per SBI Life's need analysis
calculator and are based on the information provided by you, estimated cost of living and assumed inflation rate.

I would like to purchase the following product/s which has not been recommended to me. I have gone through
the product literature and fully understand the product features,benefits,terms and conditions.

SBI Life- Smart Platina Plus ( 111N133V01 )

I have voluntarily chosen products based on my insurance needs and financial objectives.

This document is eSigned by Proposer.

Date :9-8-2022 (CAG code- 991481661)

Name of Corporate Agent- JEFFY JACOB ALEXANDER
Authenticated by Id & Password

For more details on the products, risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale. Trade logo displayed above
belongs to State Bank of India and is used by SBI Life under license.Registered and Corporate Office: SBI Life Insurance Company Limited, Natraj, M.V.Road &
Western Express Highway Junction, Andheri(East), Mumbai-400069. IRDAI Registration. No. 111. CIN: L99999MH2000PLC129113\ Website:\ Email id: \ Toll free no - 1800 267 9090(Between 9:00 am to 9.00 pm)

Authenticated via OTP shared for proposal no. 2XYE176965 on 09-08-2022 10:45:35 am
Page 74 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd
Registered & Corporate Office: 'Natraj', M.V.Road and Western Express Highway Junction, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400069
IRDAI Registration No. 111 | Website: | Email: | CIN: L99999MH2000PLC129113
Toll Free: 1800 267 9090 (Between 9.00 am & 9.00 pm)

Benefit Illustration (BI) : SBI Life -Smart Platina Plus (UIN : 111N133V01)| An Individual, Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Life Insurance
Savings Product

Proposal Number OL2X00099148166109082022082127 Channel / Intermediary : CAG

The main objective of the illustration is that the client is able to appreciate the features of the product and the flow of benefits in different circumstances
with some level of quantification. For further information on the product and its benefits, please refer to the sales brochure and/or policy document.

Proposer and Life Assured Details

Name of the Prospect/Policyholder Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

Age (Years)
Gender Female

Name of the Life Assured Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

Age (Years)
Gender Female
Staff No

This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.

Policy Details

Policy Option (Income Option) Life Income

Policy Term (Years) 36
Premium Payment Term (Years) 10
Mode / Frequency of Premium Payment Yearly
Guaranteed Income Payout Frequency Yearly

Amount of Installment Premium (Rs.) 200000.00

Sum Assured (Rs.) 2200000
Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the policy) (Rs.) 2200000
Rate of Applicable Taxes 4.5% in the 1st policy year and 2.25% from 2nd policy year onwards
Guaranteed Income (Rs.) 183900.00
Payout Period 25 years

Premium Summary

Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium

Installment Premium without Applicable Taxes (Rs.) 200000.00 Not Applicable 200000
Installment Premium with 1st Year Applicable Taxes (Rs.) 209000.00 Not Applicable 209000

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Installment Premium with Applicable Taxes 2nd Year onwards (Rs.) 204500.00 Not Applicable 204500

Please Note:
1. The premiums can also be paid by giving standing instruction to your bank or you can pay through your credit card.
2. Applicable Taxes (including surcharge/cess etc), at the rate notified by the Central Government/ State Government / Union Territories of India from
time to time and as per the provisions of the prevalent tax laws will be payable on premium as per the product features.

Benefit Illustration for SBI Life - Smart Platina Plus

Amount in Rupees

Policy Year Annualized Guaranteed Non- Guaranteed

Guaranteed Income Other Benefits Maturity Benefit Death benefit Minimum Special Surrender
Guaranteed Value
Surrender Value
1 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 0 0
2 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 120,000 135,950
3 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 210,000 224,318
4 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 400,000 326,280
5 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 500,000 441,838
6 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 600,000 570,990
7 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 700,000 713,738
8 200,000 0 0 0 2,200,000 816,000 870,080
9 200,000 0 0 0 2,300,840 954,000 1,040,018
10 200,000 0 0 0 2,456,211 1,080,000 1,223,550
11 0 0 0 0 2,621,895 1,120,000 1,291,525
12 0 183,900 0 0 2,798,919 1,140,000 1,359,500
13 0 183,900 0 0 2,791,578 996,100 1,388,856
14 0 183,900 0 0 2,783,642 832,200 1,414,534
15 0 183,900 0 0 2,775,367 668,300 1,436,534
16 0 183,900 0 0 2,766,332 524,400 1,515,475
17 0 183,900 0 0 2,756,792 360,500 1,587,060
18 0 183,900 0 0 2,746,544 216,600 1,651,289
19 0 183,900 0 0 2,735,553 52,700 1,708,162
20 0 183,900 0 0 2,724,018 0 1,757,679
21 0 183,900 0 0 2,711,499 0 1,799,840
22 0 183,900 0 0 2,698,123 0 1,834,645
23 0 183,900 0 0 2,684,054 0 1,862,094
24 0 183,900 0 0 2,668,961 0 1,928,094
25 0 183,900 0 0 2,652,734 0 1,983,060
26 0 183,900 0 0 2,635,481 0 2,026,992
27 0 183,900 0 0 2,617,000 0 2,059,890
28 0 183,900 0 0 2,597,343 0 2,120,305
29 0 183,900 0 0 2,576,291 0 2,166,008
30 0 183,900 0 0 2,554,042 0 2,196,999
31 0 183,900 0 0 2,530,082 0 2,246,312
32 0 183,900 0 0 2,504,557 0 2,277,235
33 0 183,900 0 0 2,477,116 0 2,319,124
34 0 183,900 0 0 2,448,050 0 2,338,945
35 0 183,900 0 0 2,417,138 0 2,362,376
36 0 183,900 0 2,200,000 2,383,900 0 2,383,900

Notes :
1. Annualized premium shall be the premium amount payable in a year chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, underwriting extra premiums
and loading for modal premiums, if any. Refer sales literature for explanation of terms used in this illustration.
2. All Benefit amount are derived on the assumption that the policies are 'in-force'
3. Death Benefit shown above is at the end of the policy year.
4. In life Income option, Guaranteed income would stop on death of the life assured. In Guaranteed Income Option, Guaranteed income would continue
during the payout period even after the death of the life assured.

Important :

You may receive a Welcome Call from our representative to confirm your proposal details like Date of Birth, Nominee Name, Address, Email ID, Sum
Assured, Premium amount, Premium Payment Term etc.

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Page 76 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
You may have to undergo Medical tests based on our underwriting requirements.

I, Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE having received the information with respect to the above, have understood the above statement before entering
into the contract.

This document is eSigned by Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

Date :9-8-2022

Marketing official's Signature & Company Seal

I, JEFFY JACOB ALEXANDER have explained the premiums and benefits under the product fully to the prospect/policyholder.

Place :MANJAPRA Date :9-8-2022 (CAG code- 991481661)

Name of Corporate Agent- JEFFY JACOB
Authenticated by Id & Password

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Page 77 of 94 4098870 Policy No. 2X383813010
Proposal Number 2XYE176965

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)/ Common Reporting Standard(CRS)/ C-KYC
Declaration Form – For Individual only (including sole proprietors)

(Please consult your professional tax advisor for further guidance on your tax residency, if required)

Registered & Corporate Office: SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd, Natraj, M.V. Road & Western Express Highway
Junction, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069.IRDAI Registration no. 111.
website: | Email: | CIN: L99999MH2000PLC129113 | Toll Free: 1800 267 9090
(Between 9:00 AM & 9:00 PM).
Trade logo displayed above belongs to State Bank of India and is used by SBI Life under license.

Proposal No. 2XYE176965

Proposer/Accountholder Name* Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

(* In case of joint name, declaration to be provided by both the proposers. An accountholder is person who is entitled to
receive the cash value or change the beneficiary of the contract)

Mother's Name Mrs MARY VARGHESE

Spouse's Name ROBIN RAJU

Residential Status Non Resident Indian
C-KYC number 40083720070718
Country of Birth India Place of Birth KOLENCHERY

Identification Passport Identification No L9540638 Expiry Date 21-05-2024

Address Proof Passport

In case you have selected “Service” as your occupation, Private Sector

please specify the nature of your Organization

Are you a tax resident of any country other than India? No

SI No Country/(ies) of Tax residency# Tax Identification number(TIN)/Functional Identification Type (TIN or other%,please
equivalent number% specify)



#To also include United States of America(USA), where the individual is a citizen/ green card holder of USA. %In case such number is not available,Kindly provide an explanation and attach it
to this form.

SI No Residence address/(es) for Tax Address Type Country code Telephone/ Mobile No



FATCA-CRS.ver 06-06-19 ADD ENG 1

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Proposal Number 2XYE176965

Certification - Under penalty of perjury, I certify that

• I am aware that Central Board of Direct Taxes (“CBDT”) has notified Rules 114F to 114H as part of the Income-tax
Rules, 1962, (read alongwith FATCA/CRS instructions given below) which require Indian financial institutions such as
SBI Life to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation
from all our proposers/ accountholders.
• I understand that SBI Life is relying on information provided in this form for the purpose of determining the status of the
accountholder in compliance with FATCA/CRS. SBI Life is not able to offer any tax advice on FATCA or CRS or its
impact on me.
• I acknowledge my responsibility to seek advice from professional tax advisor for any tax questions.I agree to submit a
new form within 30 days if any information or certification on this form changes or becomes incorrect.
• I agree that as may be required by domestic regulators/tax authorities, SBI Life may be required to report, reportable
details to CBDT or other authorities/agencies or may be required to provide informations to any institutions such as
withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the policy/(ies) or any proceeds in relation
thereto or even close or suspend my policy/(ies), as appropriate.
•I hereby declare that the details furnished in the proposal no. specified above and in this declaration are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform SBI Life of any changes there in, immediately. In case any
of information furnished in the proposal no. specified above and in this declaration is found to be false or untrue or
misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be liable.
•I hereby authorize SBI Life to consider details furnished in the proposal no. specified above and in this declaration for the
purpose of Central KYC Registry and to provide my details to CERSAI in the prescribed format. I further hereby consent
to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS/Email or registered mobile number/email address
mentioned in the proposal no. specified above.
•I hereby authorize the Company to provide my/our details to banks, financial institutions and third party service providers
that the Company may have tie-ups with, for verification of proposal details and for servicing of resulting policy/(ies).

Signature of the Proposer

This document is eSigned by Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

Place :MANJAPRA Date :09-08-2022

FATCA/CRS Instructions

In case Proposer/Accountholder has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares self to be non-
tax resident in the respective country,Proposer/Accountholder to provide relevant Curing Documents as mentioned below:

FATCA/ CRS Indicia observed (ticked) Documentation required for Cure of FATCA/ CRS indicia/n(If Proposer/Accountholder
does not agree to be Specified USA person/ reportable person status)

a) United States of America (“USA”) place of birth 1. Self-certification (as stated above) that the Proposer/Accountholder is neither a citizen of USA
nor a resident for tax purposes of USA;
2. Non-USA passport or any non-USA government issued document evidencing nationality or
citizenship (refer list below); AND
3. Any one of the following documents:
a. Certified Copy of “Certificate of Loss of Nationality or
b. Reasonable explanation of why the Proposer/Accountholder does not have such a certificate

FATCA-CRS.ver 06-06-19 ADD ENG 2

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Proposal Number 2XYE176965

despite renouncing USA citizenship; or Reason the Proposer/Accountholder did not obtain USA
citizenship at birth

b) Residence/mailing address in a country other than India 1. Self-certification (as stated above) that the Proposer/Accountholder is neither a citizen of USA
nor a resident for tax purposes ofUSA or any other foreign jurisdiction; AND
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

c) Telephone number in a country other than India (and no telephone number in India provided) 1. Self-certification ( as stated above) that the Proposer/Accountholder is neither a citizen of USA
nor a resident for tax purposes of USA or any other foreign jurisdiction; AND
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

d) Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in a country other than India 1. Self-certification ( as stated above) that the Proposer/Accountholder is neither a citizen of USA
nor a resident for tax purposes of USA or any other foreign jurisdiction; AND
2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:
1. Certificate of residence issued by an authorized government body**
2. Valid identification issued by an authorized government body**(e.g.Passport,National Identity card, etc.)
**Government/ agency thereof or a municipality of the country or territory inwhich the Proposer/Accountholder claims to
be a resident.

FATCA-CRS.ver 06-06-19 ADD ENG 3

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Unique Reference No./Proposal No. 2XYE176965


SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus (UIN: 111N133V01) offers you life cover and other benefits as stated in the policy

1 Aim of policy SBI Life – Smart Platina Plus is an individual, non-linked, non-participating life insurance savings
product which provides financial protection against death of the life assured during the policy term and
provides guaranteed income during the payout period.

2 Benefits of the policy The Death Benefit under the two income options for an inforce policy are as follows:
1. Life Income: On death of the life assured at any time during the policy term, Sum assured on death is
payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case may be and the policy
terminates and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy.
2. Guaranteed Income:
On death of the life assured before the commencement of the payout period, Sum assured on death is
payable as lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case may be and the policy
terminates and there will be no further benefits payable under the policy.
On death of the Life Assured after the commencement of the payout period, Sum assured on death is
payable lump sum to the nominee or legal heir of the life assured, as the case may be and they shall
continue to receive the future Guaranteed Income during the payout period, as chosen by the
policyholder. The nominee or legal heir, as the case may be, shall have an option to receive the
discounted value of the future Guaranteed Income in the form of a lump sum, at anytime during the
Payout Period, discounted at 8.25% per annum and thereafter there will be no further benefits payable.
Survival Benefit: Guaranteed income will be paid during the payout period depending on the income
payout frequency chosen provided the Life assured is surviving and the policy is inforce.
Maturity Benefit: Upon survival of the life assured till the end of the policy term, the maturity benefit of
110% of the Total Premiums paid would be refunded at the end of the policy term.

3 Policy Surrender Value The policy will acquire Surrender Value only if premiums have been paid in full, for at least first 2
policy years’
On surrender, Guaranteed Surrender value (GSV) or Special Surrender Value (SSV), whichever is
higher, will be paid.

4 Reduced Paid-Up Value If the policy has acquired Surrender Value and no further premiums are paid then it can be converted to
a reduced paid-up policy. Please refer sales literature for details on the benefits payable for a reduced
paid-up policy.

5 Loans on the Policy Loans will be available, subject to maximum of 50% of the Surrender Value during the policy term, only
after the policy acquires surrender value.

6 Exclusions In case of death of the life assured due to suicide during the policy term, within 12 months:
i) from the date of commencement of risk under the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of the
policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death, provided
the policy is in force and no other death benefit shall be payable or
ii) from the date of revival of the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled
to an amount higher of 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value as
available on the date of death, provided the policy is in force and no other death benefits shall be

7 Grace period A grace period of 30 days from the premium due date will be allowed for payment of yearly and half
yearly premiums and 15 days for monthly premiums. The policy will remain in force during the grace
period. In case of death of the life assured during grace period, the balance of premiums, if any, till the
next Policy anniversary, as on the date of death shall be deducted from the benefits payable under the

8 Revival If premiums are not paid within the period of grace and the policy is not surrendered, the policy may be
revived for full benefits within five consecutive years from the date of the first unpaid premium while
the life assured is still alive.

9 Free look provision You can review the terms and conditions of the policy, within 15 days from the date of the receipt of the
policy document for policies sourced through any mode other than Distance Marketing and electronic
policies and within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the policy document for electronic policies
and policies sourced through Distance Marketing, from the date of the receipt of the policy document
and where you disagree with any of those terms and conditions; you have the option to return the policy
stating the reasons for your objection.

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Premiums paid by you will be refunded after deducting stamp duty and the expenses incurred on
medical examination of the proposer. The proportionate risk premium for the period of cover will also
be deducted.

10 Tax You may be eligible for Income Tax benefits as per the applicable income tax laws in India, which are
subject to change from time to time. You may visit our website for further details. You may consult your
tax advisor for details.

11 Claim Procedure The details are mentioned in the Policy Document. You may contact the Company or your advisor or
bank branch, for further details.

Note: This document contains brief information about the key features of the plan. The same shall not be construed as terms and conditions of
the Policy or part thereof. For detailed terms and conditions governing the Policy, please read all parts of the Policy document. In case of any
conflict between the information given in the Key Features document and the terms and conditions of the policy document, the terms and
conditions of the Policy document shall prevail.

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Registered & Corporate Office: Natraj, M. V. Road, & Western Express Highway Junction, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069.
IRDAI Registration No. 111
Toll Free: 1800 267 9090(Between 9:00 AM & 9:00 PM) | Email: | Website: | CIN:
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. referred to as “SBI Life” or “ The Company”



Proposer (if different from Life Assured) / Life Assured / HUF Karta

First Name Mrs. VINCY

Middle Name NA


Gender Female Date of Birth 21-05-1985 Age 37

Marital Status Married

Father's Name K A VARGHESE

Mother’s Name Mrs MARY VARGHESE

Spouse’s Name ROBIN RAJU

C-KYC No. 40083720070718

PAN Card No. NA Form 60 Agriculture and Non-


Agriculture or Non-Agriculture Agriculture and Non-Agriculture

Age Proof Passport KYC OVD (Officially Valid Passport


Identification Number L9540638

Resident Status Non Resident Indian

Nationality NRI Current Country of Residence Kuwait

Mobile Number 8606043832 Email Id

I hereby authorize SBI LIFE to send, any information/communication relating to this proposal/or the resulting policy through SMS /Email /Phone
/Letter /WhatsApp /any other electronic mode of communication to my registered email id/mobile number.

Qualification Graduate




Communication address if different from above? (If Yes, then the Yes
following to be filled)

Communication Address (Address 2) C/O, ROOM NO 5 , FLOOR 2, BUILDING NO 325 , BLOCK NO 2,

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Occupation Details


Force Name NA

Employee / Force No NA

Designation NA

Current place of posting(City and State) NA

For Defence personnel- Are you currently engaged or trained for future NA
involvement in any of the following?

Name of Employer / Workplace JABER AL AHAMAD HOSPITAL KUWAIT

Specify the exact designation NURSE

Length of Service (Years) 6

Annual Total Income Rs. 2400000

Are you exposed to any special hazard No If Yes, please provide details NA
associated with your occupation which may
render you susceptible to injuries or illnesses?
(e.g. chemical factory, mines, explosives,
corrosives, combative duties, oil exploration,
high sea voyage etc.)

Are you a “Politically Exposed Person” (PEP) No If Yes, please provide details NA
or a close relative of PEP?
“Politically Exposed Persons” PEPs are
individuals who are or have been entrusted with
prominent public functions in a foreign country,
e.g., Heads of States/Governments, senior
politicians, senior government/judicial/military
officers, senior executives of state-owned
corporations, important political party officials,
If No, in case your PEP status changes in
future, you shall inform SBI Life Insurance Co.
Ltd. of such a change.

Do you have any Criminal proceedings initiated No If Yes,please provide details NA

against you?

If previous question is yes then, Do you have NA If Yes,please provide details NA

any history of conviction under any criminal
proceedings in India or abroad?


I want to receive the Insurance policy and all the information related to the proposed insurance No
policy through insurance repository.

Do you have e-Insurance account? NA

If Yes, provide e-Insurance Account NA Repository Name NA


• If No : Request to select any one insurance repository from below options:Repository Name : NA

NOMINEE DETAILS (Not applicable for Minor Life Assured / HUF Member)

S.No Name Date of Birth Gender Relationship with Life Percentage Share (%)* Address same as Life
Assured Assured’s Address
(Yes/No) If No, then
please provide

1 Mr.ROBIN RAJU 30-04-1984 Male Husband 100 C/O,


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683574, KERALA

*Percentage share total should be 100%

APPOINTEE DETAILS :(Applicable in case nominee is Minor)

S.No Name Date of Birth Gender Relationship with Life Relationship with Signature/ Consent of
Assured Nominee Appointee



Product Code 2X Product Name SBI Life-Smart Platina Plus

Do you want to apply for Whole NA Smoking Status NA

Life cover
In case Whole Life cover is
chosen, maximum maturity age is
100 years (last birthday of the life
assured). Applicable for SBI Life –
Shubh Nivesh (035) & SBI Life –
eShield Next (2N)

Plan Type Limited Premium Plan Option Life Income

Premium Frequency Yearly

(For Monthly mode, advance premium may be required, as mentioned in
the Benefit Illustration)

Are you or your No If Yes please state: NA Spouse :PF/Pension NA

spouse Self :PF/Pension Index/ Employee No.
working/retired from Index/ Employee No.
State Bank Group?(If
yes, please state name
of employer)

B-1 : Cover Details

Plan/Rider/option Policy Term(Yrs) Premium Payment Term(Yrs) Sum Assured(Rs) Premium Payable(Rs)

SBI Life-Smart Platina Plus- Life 36 10 2200000 200000


Modal Premium Payable(Rs.) 200000

Applicable Tax Amount(Rs.)* 9000

Backdating Interest, if any 0
Total Installment Premium 209000

* Taxes shall be applicable as mandated by Government of India from time to time.

BackDating : Upto a date within the same financial year in which the policy has been taken.
Do you wish to Backdate the policy? No If Yes, provide the Backdating Date NA

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SBI Life-Smart Platina Plus

Income Plan Option Life Income

Payout Period opted for 25 years

How do you wish to receive the Guaranteed Income payout under the Yearly

Maturity/ Annuity/ Any other NA Maturity/ Annuity/ Any other NA

option* option Frequency*

* Mandatory for Pension Products


Do you have any other individual existing life insurance policy (from SBI Life or any other No
life insurer) or have you applied for any cover other than this SBI Life proposal? If Yes,
please provide details below
Name of Insurance Co. Yearly Premium(Rs) Sum Assured(Rs) Self/Spouse/Parent(pls. Specify) Policy Status


Has any of your proposals for No If Yes, then provide the details NA
life/health/accident insurance ever
been declined /rejected, postponed,
withdrawn, or accepted with extra

No. Health Details of Life Assured Yes(Y)/No(N)

1 Height 5Feet 3inches Weight 61 Kgs Have you lost No
weight of 5Kgs or
more in last 6

2. Have you ever been treated, hospitalized, investigated or diagnosed or operated for any of the following (including but not limited to the specific
conditions mentioned under each category).Every point should be answered in “yes” or “no”

a. Diabetes Mellitus/ High Blood No b. Heart Disease of any kind : No

Sugar, High/Low Blood Pressure Chest pain, Angina, Coronary
or High Cholesterol Artery Disease, heart attack, valve
disorder, Rheumatic heart disease,
conduction problem, or any other
disease of Heart, or undergone
Angiography, Bypass, PTCA,
Pacemaker implant etc

c. Lung /Respiratory disorder of No d. Cancer/ Malignancy diagnosed No

any nature: Asthma, COPD, or suspected: Cancer, Overgrowth,
Tuberculosis (TB), Pneumonia, Cyst, Tumor, Malignant growth ,
Bronchitis, emphysema, or any Leukemia, enlarged lymph node,
other chest or lung disease etc Lymphoma, or undergone
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
FNAC, Biopsy, Scan etc

e. Kidney, Prostate or No f. Disorder of Liver or other No

genitourinary Diseases : Kidney digestive organs : Alcoholic and
failure, infection, Stone, Other Liver disease, Jaundice,
Obstruction, or any other disease, Hepatitis of any type, Liver failure,
Dialysis, Transplantation or infection, enlargement, Cirrhosis,
removal of kidney , Blood in urine, Ascites etc or Gastric
or enlarge prostate, adrenal gland ulcer/bleeding, vomiting of blood,
disorder etc blood in stools, Piles, hernia,
colitis, etc or any disease of
Esophagus, Pancreas, Gall bladder,
Spleen, Intestine, Rectum or any
digestive system or undergone
endoscopy, colonoscopy etc

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g. Joints & Bone disorder, Vision No h. Brain or Spinal cord: Disorder No

or Hearing disorder, Deformity, of brain and/or spinal cord or
loss of organ or any congenital Nervous system, Hemorrhage,
defect: Arthritis (rheumatoid, bleeding, Tumor, stroke, paralysis,
ankylosing, Osteomyelitis), gout, TIA, epilepsy/fits, seizures, coma,
deformity /disability, polio, any head injury, fainting loss of
disease of bone, joints, muscles, consciousness, tremors, impaired
spine , vertebral disc or, disorders movement of limbs, incontinence,
of eyes, ear, nose, throat, or or any other disorder of nerves or
amputation, absence or had MRI, CT scan etc
transplantation of organs etc

i. Psychiatric disorder: Mental No j. HIV or STD: Were you or your No

illness including, anxiety, spouse/partner test positive for
depression, schizophrenia, stress, HIV/AIDS or any other Sexually
Nervous breakdown, attempted Transmitted Disease?
suicide etc

k. Blood or hormonal No l. Current/ past general medical No

disorder(Thyroid etc) & others: condition Do you have any or in
Anemia, Bleeding or clotting last 5 years any, medical condition,
disorders, Autoimmune Disorder, symptoms , test results or
SLE, Lupus, thyroid disorder, procedure not asked above for
goiter, pituitary hormones disorder which you were/are under
etc treatment, observation or being
Hospitalized for more than 5 days
or were absent from work
continuously for more than 5
days, (excluding, common cold,
fever) or are you currently under
any medication?

o. Questions For Female Lives

1) Are you currently pregnant? No If YES, kindly state expected NA

delivery date

2) Have you ever consulted a doctor because of an irregularity at the breast, vagina, uterus, ovary, No
fallopian tubes, menstruation, complications during pregnancy or child delivery or undergone any
gynecological investigations for illness, internal checkups, breast checks such as smear Test,
mammogram or biopsy etc

If any of the above questions is ticked "Yes" (1 -2) then provide details in the below table. Also provide all related reports

Name of the disease/ disability/ deformity/ Date of Diagnosis Since when Currently under treatment / Recovered Date of hospitalisation/surgery done or if
procedure DD/MM/YYYY planned


3. Are any of your family members (include parents, brothers, sisters, spouse and No
children) suffering from/have suffered from/have died of heart disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes, stroke, cancer, kidney disease or any other hereditary/familial
disorder, before 55 years of age? If yes, please share details in the table below

Relation Alive(Yes/ No) Current Age/Age at Death Specify Nature of disorder








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4. Do you currently or have you in the past Smoked, Consumed Tobacco, No

Alcohol, any Narcotic or have ever been treated for complications arising
due to them?
If currently pursuing habit If Quitted
Habit Type Quantity Consuming since how long? Since how long? Consumed how long?
(Number of Years) (Number of Years) (Number of Years)
Smoking NA NA NA NA NA
Tobacco NA NA NA NA NA
Alcohol NA NA NA NA NA
Narcotic NA NA NA NA NA

5. Do you take part in or do you No If Yes, please specify NA

have any intention of taking part in
any hazardous sports, hobbies,
activities or pursuits (e.g.
mountaineering, diving, racing or
aviation other than as a fare paying
passenger) that could be dangerous
in any way?

SECTION ‘C-2b’ Additional Questions For Female Lives

1. Husband's Annual Income (Rs) 2400000

2. Husband's Insurance Details
Name of Insurance Co. Yearly Premium(Rs) Sum Assured(Rs) Policy status

SECTION ‘D’ CHANNEL DETAILS(For office use - to be filled by Sales Representative)

Channel Name Corporate Agency

Is this Proposal sourced through No If Yes, please state the Distance NA

Distance Marketing? Marketing Mode


Bank/Broker/CA/IMF Code 990819652 Bank/Broker/CA/IMF Name NA

Worksite Code NA

Sourcing Branch Code 674 Sourcing Branch Name MANJAPRA

For Institutional Alliances / Corporate Agency(SBG) only

Code 1 43433 Code 2 NA Code 3 NA

Code 4 NA Code 5 NA Code 6 NA



GSTIN of policyholder NA

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Is deposit for premium under this proposal paid by you Yes

If answer is No, please provide required information in the Proposal

Source of premium funding Salary

Please note that SBI Life branches and its sales team are not authorised to collect cash from its customers


^Please fill the Auto Debit Mandate available at the end of the form for seamless payment of Renewal premium.


Account Number 0674050000000135 Account Type NRE


Name of Account Holder Mrs VINCY VARGHESE

IFS Code SIBL0000674

Please submit any one of the below listed documents for direct credit of Copy of Bank Statement
any refunds / payouts if any, to this account.

I declare that the information given above is true and correct. I hereby authorize SBI Life to directly credit any payment/refund, if any, to the above
mentioned account.
Note: Please ensure that the Bank details provided are correct and complete. Please note that SBI Life shall not be responsible if any payments to the
Bank account number provided by you fail on the ground that the bank details provided are incorrect.
This document is eSigned by Mrs. VINCY VARGHESE

SECTION ‘F-2’ Declarations by the Proposer /Life Assured /HUF Karta :

• I hereby declare that I have answered the questions in the Proposal Form after having fully understood the nature of the questions and importance of
disclosing all correct information. I further declare that the statements, answers and/or particulars given by me are true and complete in all respects to the
best of my knowledge and I have not concealed any material information which may affect the decision of SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. (the
Company) to assess the risk. I understand that the information provided by me will form the basis of the insurance policy. All documents submitted by
me along with this Proposal Form are authentic, valid, and I declare that relevant true copies of originals for the purpose of this Proposal Form have been
• I understand and agree that the statements in this proposal constitute warranties. If there is any mis-statement or suppression of material information or
if any untrue statements are contained therein or in case of fraud, the said contract shall be treated as void subject to the provisions of section 45 of the
Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
• I declare that I have received and fully understood the Product Brochure and Benefit Illustration of the plan of insurance under which I have applied for
a Policy on the Life to be Assured. Further, I accept that the investment rates assumed under the Benefit Illustration are not guaranteed and the actual
benefits under the policy will vary from those shown in the Benefit Illustration.
• I agree that after the date of submission of this proposal but before the acceptance of risk or issue of the policy document by the Company (i) if there are
any adverse circumstances connected with my occupation, financial condition, health condition, or (ii) if a proposal for assurance on my life or on the
life to be assured made to any other insurance company has been withdrawn or dropped or accepted at an increased premium or on terms other than as
proposed by me, I shall forthwith intimate the same to the Company, in writing to reconsider the terms of acceptance of this proposal. Any omission on
my part to do so shall render the contract of assurance invalid. The Company reserves the right to accept, decline or offer alternate terms on my/our
proposal for Life/Health Insurance.
• I understand and agree that The risk cover under this proposal shall commence only after the risk under the Proposal Form is accepted by the Company
and such acceptance is communicated to me in writing by the Company. I agree that the amount held in proposal/policy deposit shall not earn any
interest except as may be provided in the relevant regulations.
• I hereby confirm that all premiums will be paid from my bonafide sources and in accordance with the provisions of the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act 2002 (as amended from time to time) or any other applicable laws.
• I also understand that I am liable to pay all the Applicable Taxes and/or any other statutory levy/duty/ surcharge, at the rate notified by the State
Government or Central Government of India from time to time, as per the applicable tax laws on premium and/or other charges (if any) as per the product

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• I hereby voluntarily give my consent to collect, process, receive, possess, store, deal or handle my/our sensitive personal data or information [as defined
in the Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules 2011 as amended from
time to time], and share Data with third parties/ vendors associated with the Company for various purposes and outsourced activities exclusively related
to issuance/servicing/settlement of claim as required under the Policy.
• I agree and authorize(i) my past and present employers / business associates, any doctor/medical examiner / hospital / laboratory / clinic / insurance
company (notwithstanding any usage or custom or rules/ regulations of such hospital or laboratory or clinic) to disclose and furnish such documents
regarding my employment/business, my health and habits or health and habits of the Life to be Assured (without taking the prior consent of my family or
of any member thereof) to the Company as it may require either for the purpose of processing my proposal for insurance or at any time thereafter for any
other purpose in relation to the Policy that may be issued in pursuance of this proposal for insurance (ii) the Company may, without any reference to me
or my family or any member thereof, furnish any details/ information furnished in this Proposal Form to any judicial or statutory or other authority or to
any insurer or reinsurer in connection with the processing of this proposal for insurance or for the purpose of servicing and settlement of claims of
resultant policy.
• I hereby authorize the Company to assess the health status and conduct screening / confirmation / telephonic verification/reconfirmation of the life/lives
to be assured including the health status through medical examinations which may include Laboratory tests, Cardiology, Radiological investigations and
other medical tests including blood tests to detect bacterial/viral/fungal infections if required by the Company. I hereby give my consent to undergo
HIV1/2 test. I am aware that this test is only for screening purpose and not confirmatory for HIV/AIDS.
• I understand and agree that the insurance contract will be governed by the provisions of the Insurance Act 1938, Information Technology Act 2000, and
the Indian Contract Act, 1872, as amended from time to time, and all other applicable statutes and prevailing laws in India as amended from time to time.
• I hereby authorize the Company to provide/receive my details to/from banks, financial institutions, credit bureaus, insurance repository, third party
service providers that the Company may have tie-ups with and insurance intermediary for this proposal/resulting policy for verification of the details of
this proposal and for servicing my policies or settlement of claims.
• I / We hereby authorise the Bank or financial institution to provide copy of my/ our KYC documents available with them to the Company.
• I hereby authorize SBI Life to consider details furnished in the proposal number specified above and in this declaration for the purpose of Central KYC
Registry and to provide my details to CERSAI in the prescribed format. I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through
sms/ email on the above registered number/email address.
• I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I undertake to inform you of any
changes in KYC related data therein, immediately. In case any of the information is found to be false or untrue or misleading or misrepresenting, I am
aware that I may be held liable for it.
• This consent shall hold good even if I register my number with the National Customer Preference Register (NCPR). I agree that the information
pertaining to my proposal or policy will be sent to the mobile number given in the proposal form or to the number subsequently changed by me.
• Notwithstanding the provision of any law, usage, custom or convention for the time being in force prohibiting any doctor, hospital and/or employer
from divulging any knowledge or information about me concerning my health, employment on the grounds of secrecy, I, my heirs, executors,
administrator or any other person or persons having interest of any kind whatsoever in the life insurance cover provided to me, hereby agree that such
authority, having such knowledge or information, shall be at any time at liberty to divulge any such knowledge or information to the Company.
•I am aware that SBI Life-Smart Platina Plus is a Limited premium policy and I am aware that I would need to pay premium for 10 years (Premium
Payment Term) and have selected the product & the options applicable/available for me.
• I agree that by submitting this application, I will be bound by all the statements/disclosures of material facts made through the electronic process in the
same manner and to the same extent, as if I have signed and submitted the written proposal for insurance to the Company. I accept and agree to affix my
signature (in electronic mode/tablet/mobile) here.
• I agree to the above declaration.
Signature of the Proposer
This document is eSigned by Mrs. VINCY

Witness by (CAG code- 991481661)

Name of Corporate Agent- JEFFY JACOB ALEXANDER
Authenticated by Id & Password
Place :MANJAPRA Date :09-08-2022

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Prohibition of Rebates : Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time,states
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in
respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium
shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.

Non-Disclosure : Extract of Section 45, as amended from time to time,states

a). No policy of life insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after the expiry of three years from the date of the policy. A policy of
life insurance may be called in question at anytime within three years from the date of the policy, on the ground of fraud or on the ground that any
statement of or suppression of a fact material to the expectancy of the life of the insured was incorrectly made in the proposal or other document on the
basis of which the policy was issued or revived or rider issued. The insurer shall have to communicate in writing to the insured or the legal representatives
or nominees or assignees of the insured, the grounds and materials on which such decision is based.
b). No insurer shall repudiate a life insurance policy on the ground of fraud if the insured can prove that the mis-statement or suppression of a material
fact was true to the best of his knowledge and belief or that there was no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or that such mis-statement or suppression
are within the knowledge of the insurer.
In case of fraud, the onus of disproving lies upon the beneficiaries, in case the policyholder is not alive.
c). In case of repudiation of the policy on the ground of misstatement or suppression of a material fact, and not on the grounds of fraud, the premiums
collected on the policy till the date of repudiation shall be paid.
d). Nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be deemed to be
called in question merely because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the
For complete details of the section and the definition of 'date of policy', please refer Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time.

Place MANJAPRA Date 09-08-2022

Section 41 and 45 have to be verified at your end from the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.

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• I hereby declare that the above statements, answers and/or particulars given by me are true and complete in all respects to the best of my knowledge. I
understand that the information provided by me will form the basis of the insurance policy.
• I also understand that I am liable to pay all the Applicable Taxes and/or any other statutory levy/duty/ surcharge, at the rate notified by the State
Government or Central Government of India from time to time, as per the applicable tax laws on premium and/or other charges (if any) as per the product
• I understand and agree that risk cover and other benefits will not commence until a written acceptance of this proposal is issued by the company and
THAT THE BENEFITS UNDER THE POLICY shall be strictly as per the terms and conditions of the policy.
• I agree that the amount held in proposal/policy deposit shall not earn any interest except as may be provided in the relevant regulations.
• I understand and agree that the statements in this proposal constitute warranties. If there is any mis-statement or suppression of material information or
if any untrue statements are contained therein or in case of fraud, the said contract shall be treated as per the provisions of section 45 of the Insurance Act,
1938, as amended from time to time.
• I understand that the insurance contract will be governed by the provisions of all the applicable Statutes, as amended from time to time.
• I undertake to undergo all medical tests as may be required by the Company for the grant of insurance.
• I authorize the company to share the information contained in my proposal and the medical records of the insured/proposer with others for the sole
purpose of underwriting the proposal and/or for the purpose of settlement of claims and with any Governmental and/or Regulatory authority.
• I hereby authorize the Company to provide my details to banks, financial institutions, credit bureaus and third party service providers that the Company
may have tie-ups with, for verification of the details of this proposal and for servicing my policies or settlement of claims.
• I hereby give my consent to receive any information relating to this proposal/resulting policy from SBI LIFE through SMS/Email/Phone /Letter and
hereby authorize SBI LIFE to send any communication pertaining to my policies through SMS/email/phone/letter . This consent shall hold good even if I
register my number with the National Customer Preference Register (NCPR).
• Notwithstanding the provision of any law, usage, custom or convention for the time being in force prohibiting any doctor, hospital and/or employer
from divulging any knowledge or information about me concerning my health, employment on the grounds of secrecy, I, my heirs, executors,
administrator or any other person or persons having interest of any kind whatsoever in the life insurance cover provided to me, hereby agree that such
authority, having such knowledge or information, shall be at any time at liberty to divulge any such knowledge or information to the Company.
• I declare that I am presently in India and I understand that the insurance contract entered into while not in India, will not be valid..
•I am aware that SBI Life-Smart Platina Plus is a Limited premium policy and I am aware that I would need to pay premium for 10 years (Premium
Payment Term).
• I agree that by submitting this application , I will be bound by all the statements/disclosures of material facts made through the electronic process in the
same manner and to the same extent, as if I have signed and submitted the written proposal for insurance to the Company. I accept and agree to affix my
signature (in electronic mode/tablet/mobile) here.
• I agree to the above declaration.
• I hereby authorize SBI Life to consider details furnished in the proposal number specified above and in this declaration for the purpose of Central KYC
Registry and to provide my details to CERSAI in the prescribed format. I further hereby consent to receiving information from CKYC Registry through
SMS/Email or registered mobile number/email address mentioned in the proposal no. specified above.
• I hereby declare that I have reviewed details in the Need Analysis,Benefit Illustration,FATCA and relevant questionaires provided. I have also
thoroughly scrutinized all pages of the proposal form . I declare that the information given above is true and correct.
• I understand and agree that by submitting this application through the tablet/mobile device, I shall be bound by such statements/disclosures of material
facts in the same manner and to the same extent, as if I have signed and submitted the written proposal for insurance to the company.
Signature of the Proposer
This document is eSigned by Mrs. VINCY

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Witness by (CAG code- 991481661)
Name of Corporate Agent- JEFFY JACOB ALEXANDER
Authenticated by Id & Password
Place :MANJAPRA Date :09-08-2022

Prohibition of Rebates : Section 41 of Insurance Act, 1938, as amended from time to time.
No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in
respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium
shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer.
Provided that acceptance by an insurance agent of commission in connection with a policy of life insurance taken out by himself on his own life shall not
be deemed to be acceptance of a rebate of premium within the meaning of this sub-section if at the time of such acceptance the insurance agent satisfies
the prescribed conditions establishing that he is a bona fide insurance agent employed by the insurer.

Non-Disclosure : Extract of Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time
1. No policy of life insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after the expiry of three years from the date of the policy. A policy of
life insurance may be called in question at anytime within three years from the date of the policy, on the ground of fraud or on the ground that any
statement of or suppression of a fact material to the expectancy of the life of the insured was incorrectly made in the proposal or other document on the
basis of which the policy was issued or revived or rider issued. The insurer shall have to communicate in writing to the insured or the legal representatives
or nominees or assignees of the insured, the grounds and materials on which such decision is based.
2. No insurer shall repudiate a life insurance policy on the ground of fraud if the insured can prove that the mis-statement or suppression of a material fact
was true to the best of his knowledge and belief or that there was no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or that such mis-statement or suppression are
within the knowledge of the insurer. In case of fraud, the onus of disproving lies upon the beneficiaries, in case the policyholder is not alive.
3. In case of repudiation of the policy on the ground of misstatement or suppression of a material fact, and not on the grounds of fraud, the premiums
collected on the policy till the date of repudiation shall be paid.
4. Nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so, and no policy shall be deemed to be
called in question merely because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was incorrectly stated in the
For complete details of the section and the definition of 'date of policy', please refer Section 45 of the Insurance Act 1938, as amended from time to time.

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