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au oP PART 5: PART 6 - PART 7 el | | esr oceauts evn awe BEE rest test we eT | | READING TEST Inthe easing tt, you wi read avery of torts and answer several ferent types of reading Comprehension quatios. The erie Reading ist wil lst 75 rine Tere ae thes pats, ard ‘rections ae given foreach part. Yu are engourapod fo arswer as mary questions as posible win the time alowed ‘You must mark your answers onthe spate answer shot Do not we your answer your et book PARTS Directions: A word or phrase smising in each of te sortncos below, Four answer ccces ste gan below each sortence. Select he best answer to comple be satence, Then mark ha ator ©) (£(0) on your answer sheet, 401. The national media ———- ignored the report 108, Applications forthe engineer pestion willbe on bids safety and reconmendatons. sozepted only March Si, so dnt foget Wame to stom yous. @laraest unit (sey witout (O)isuer (Ch againt (0) trougrout 102, Tos naw sacunty system can prov Dy phone when a window or doorhas been 108, Tha mechanic opened. vohicle wore heavy worn ann nae of @ alerty ‘eplocament Bast (A noting Garr roe Djaeried (©) notea (}torot6 +102, Employees wal be reimbursed ——-= forthe fxpenco thoy ineured dung the business. 107. Tho tuning whe sands of Sheridan Beach tie. ES ouands of tours vary yea (00 exne Bvery Bhatvact (chmany (©)improve (Dyabout (Oeaure 404, Ms, Hemera and Mi Loe sit up most ofthe 108, Before using any ingests nhs dishes, centerpieces forthe banquot ~~~ because (Chet montaguo checks that they are ~ the rst of tha team got stk in tate. from preservatives. wainors to too thar (Broo, (tna own (to (Dy toneaies (0) tesco 40. seor es ue oe re 10. 2 ‘Tne budget prepared by Me Eliot does not account === changes in Cray rates, soit ‘was considerd inaccurts. Wor @) trough Get @upen ‘The sata goverment recent formed “= to explore statogos fr proving aie pation, (A atatinship {B) commit (Qibamer © potician ‘swe have had some problems wth our ‘lstibutor the phone models ——- forthe ‘est ter wee (occupies (Gi rearanged (Gjunavatte (O)coneect Ms. Harvey, whose sculptures ae on display at tho gary, pas work as a profesional, Bt mere than fot yar, tor Bo Oat Oot ‘Mr Muller was surprise that the suggestion ‘moet favored by tha management farm wasn 118. 16. 10. 20. Many online retaiers may consider ~— thelr scurty measisos 20 tha sensitve oustomar tata cannot be stolen, 1) to mocy 8) meats imadiyng ) modified “he Carve Research Library houses the most ‘olction of manuscripts produed by rows Ann Oraga, (extends @edensie ‘Bhestondes O)extnsion the cy planer has alized the plans fr the roadwork, a mace accurate estat (9 Upon alte (2) Net ony ©) Wretner ‘he campaign manager beled that Joan ‘Moores wring sve ft the eds of tho speachutor re (routine (8 constanty (© perfectly (© vrgorty “The company was nominated for sovert ‘ard nt, an tia hes odo Stereaod inveetor = (0) entuse (8 enmuciatc (6) entosiasm (0 onmusistioay “Te database le password peotcted eo that i 20 only be accessed by employers who ae W compte (8) prefered (0 resoaroned (Ojautrorzea sea ro ne user, 421. The magazine costs $195 per issus via a subscription, roar ts tine tat amount. (a) wren jan (©) approximataty (@hwnoras 122, Six companies antras bids forthe ‘canstruton of th citys recreation center, and atthe raged ea ar the prof. both jar (anyone everyting 428, Ms, Lee contimad tht feen-oot cargo truck would be for moving her belongings and fortune, (@) occasional By fee (© suticion Preiiive 424, Most offs inthe ara only recycle paper ‘ass, and plate, but Logan in. has lection container fer cardboard (such as {By leng enovan (Qovwnso (ae wot 125, Visors to the Santa Rosa Resor ~ housekoopng sta $5 por rights stay. (mtu {@customaaty (@)sharpy (O)perecty tip te 42 wornsva mot tre 426, The Horace Instuto's ~—-—~ of lectures lor etme managers nas been extremely popular. 1A bahavir [B) movement (Cheers Drow 127, The scales develop by Condor Laborstoras ‘weigh both hquds and eos Unprecedented preston (around @uniks (©) toware enn 120. The now machina installa at Booty Manusacturing is capable of =~ huncrecs Of yards of aie par dy. (prose (@) producer {© producing (Dypresves 129, Fre department persomel wil check he buling thoroughly 9 =~ the structs ound belore alowing people back int (a caleuste Bjensuro (©) accept Dyratain 490, Tis new navigation eytom can recall the best route ~~~ by factoing in realine aife (a) automates (@) automaticaly (automation (Davtomaing PART 6 Directions: Read to texts tha follow. A word, paso, or setance missing n parts of each tet, Four ‘ower cheless fer each question are gvan below the txt. Salt ha esl answer to compas the et. ‘Ten mark the tar (9 (8) () oO) en your answer shee. ‘Questions 131-194 ofr to tho following let Daniel vance 1749 Oxford Gout This, OK 74106, Jenuary7 { rv ting egsrcng your recent ordr of Mtl stereo este, which wa suppose to be delivered on December 20 but ck nt arive ut Janay 2. We are very sry that this Rem Wo agree that you rs “ented to compensation du tothe 5. Fs, wo wil rfid a shipping charges forthe merhandios ‘We il ao crc your account nthe amour ot $50 to help make up fray sues hat resulted ‘he cre wil be posted on your acount by Jarusy 15. Siocerely, ‘Tha Fnwood Elocrnies Customer Service Team 434, (9) had to daly 133. 1) 0m ©) be delayeo Blonio {G)'3deleying| Bameng (©) was delayed Dyan 192, (absence 194, (9) Our warehouse tom wi check for he (@) disadvantage om {Gj inconvenionce 1B) To slo wl un for as long as suppios (©) shortage vast 10) Wo hope you wl be sated wan tha proposal. |B) Both payments are printed on last months ‘statement pavronenornuc, eels ‘Questions 196-198 refer to he folowing arn. {obs Report leased ‘anus Figures gathered by tho city's Department of Labo inate that the emptoyrent as up In Lawton tect is at an al ina lo or unemploymeat. Ti partly thanks tothe opening ofthe Marguete manufacturing fact ic month ago. The factory, wich employs neatly 190 pepe, Uses losor cutest ation custom made components outof ~~ such as wood, msl and ase. 5 “Thorlo, ne js become avalable regulary. Cy Oils pg the uptum the manufacturing stor ied to growth nother fea bulneaos as wo 135. (9 oMnerwise 187. (A) Reports on job condone are prepared intact ‘once por arr (0) Nonetheless (2) Tha factory provided data abouts stating (0) on the contrary procedures (op Esen procct comes wih a money-back 196, (9 productions ‘qarartes (@ exventages (0) Toe demand for he company’s goods has (Cherpenses been Hsing (© materais 198, (4) bleveg Bbateve (© ac bateved (O)bsteves 44 wens Ret ne Questions 139-142 eer to the following e-mal, “oA tat ca : Ft an li : ate: Noveniber 2 Subject Stat awards Heto Everena, “The yar has gons by quickly, and ti almost ine again fr our employees. This is the perfctapportunty =. ‘cormony to present awards to the hard Wok and daceation of our ttt meres, OF ‘course, we ca also enoy socializing together dvr dalicou meal. Our usual places Newton Hal, butts steady fay Booked for December Im ooking for another faoity that has 8 ~;--of one hundred pop, ‘the ont staf will bein attendance and some employees ay choose to ng Hs fous, Mos kay, \e wil seth bloom athe Vet Hotel, 5 Tha catring company wer using can seconodate | etarans, vegans, and mow. You willbe gen more nfrmation ashe event date approaches, Shear, Loni Jordan | vents Commits, Sandor 198. (closing 141. space (6) dab )capacty (anmal @resut (Djreoutment O) same 40. (9 wil recognize 142. () Tho foal seating chart can be downloaded. (8) to recoanze (©) This dtay wa not happen again. {) recognizing (©) Thank you forvotnteerng to ess with (Onaving coanizes the planning (0) Paes lat me know if you have itary perro nenoo nee, Questions 149-146 refer tote fllowing memo. “To: Al Sanoot Har Salon Employees From: Ganeva Cuts, Geral Manager ete: Wosneaday, May 1 Subject Hairwsshing oa “The plumb we hie t ntl wo new sinks in our ha-washing area has taken several sick days and wi gow compet tho work on June 4 stead of Je 1 ivan tls unexpocted ~~, we wil not be ae to eaiy hand the high vole of customers that have arty mad ecervatins To Keep up with the demand, please complet the halrvashing for you customers as ic as posible, especialy you aro lng tho high-pressure tap gz tothe storage dose. |g ay problems this ight cause wth your ‘ustomers, but we wil ony have to put up with it or afow 38. 143, (9 structure +5, (to rgiet (B)staton (By rearets {©)treatmont (ch vas egreting (Oyhestaton (byreoret 144, 19 fumibhed 148. (A Lt me know wht tye you pref: (@ adjacent {@) Preaz tl tom to come back soon (Chessentsl {© The chango wil be well worth tin the end. (D)comparable {D) Each session shoul eniytake afew 46 vores ue wat ne PART 7 Directions: nts part you wil rad a slacton of ets, sich as magazine end rewepape tices, ‘all, and instant messages. Each toto sto oes flowed by aera uations, Select ho bast answer Tor each questen and mark the ltr, or} on your anower she. ‘Questions 147-148 rofr to tho fosowing business care Elaine's Alterations Eine Sith Once custom alterations for sults cesses and more, ule emming Series Trouser here ila you wat Hon. Fi: 9 AM.-6 PM. /Sat-10 AM. -4 PM, 147. What sonics cen be performed vthin a short 148. What fe euggeted about E's Altrations? tine? (Wt offers a money-Deck guarantee, (A) Repaing tor suit jackets (8) Rony has one employes (B epacariig Suton noting (Gift sas 2 very of abe Adjusting tho length of trousers NDftis elated on Sundays (By Taking measurements for custom crosees ‘Questions 149-150 rfor tothe faowing mel “Jo: Lary Morgan From: Calaste Rose sroes.otereecertin com> Date: December 2 Subject Monthy Mostng eas Ms Moran, am tng t infor you thatthe monthly managers mech scheduled for Deerber 9 hasbeen ‘pushed back by haf an bout 0 wlbagin a 230, This due toa scheduling conc with te Confrence ror. esi expoct the mest tlt apprcxmataly one Now. here is ating Yeu think shou be covirecst he meeting plaaso emma by the srl ofthe dy. That way, ean foxy at to the apend ‘See you tomerrowt 149, what nas changed about a mesting? "150 wy shoul Me Morgan wit to Ms. Ross? (@Trocate {AY suggec a opi for scusson {B) The location {B) To confi his attendance ata meeting (Tho start ime (G Te provide a copy of the agenda 1D) The duzaton (0) To wars her about a schedung problem as seranan aire ‘Questions 184-182 refer to the flowing tent massage cain von Metieon (220 Ast] "sant yu an e-ailwith the busines propos for Seneca Hopital. wondering youre had’ chance to check tout ‘mina Bohano [923 AN) "have major customer vstng mye soo but can take a quick look now ean Matin (226 AM Thanks jast wat to maki sue that Ie coved everthing, ‘rina Behave (25 4 “here are ew austen tobe made, but ats normal 68 had to coach jour ther team members onthe same ies Les eet er neh Ivan Matloon 1:25AM) (tay, Fin fe nyt ‘Arsina Behave 27 AM) ‘That her no lea you when tm dane. 151, Whats implied about Ms, Bahan? 182. 419-27 AM. what doos Mo. Behane mean (A) Sho requested some updated gua. ‘iron she wes, “That's hor now"? 1B) she nad some ioubioreeavng an © al, (gyn important cent has ave (sre is Mr Mathiasors superssor (BA career coach is highly recommended {D) She used to werk for Soneoa Hoepally (@)A coleeguo can anawer quostone. (O)A coworker wil cover Ms. Bahanss cts, or) ‘Questions 150-194 refer tothe folowing netrctons Ho WAP PSPSPS SSSA © Don't ever miss another episode of your forte ticinion show again wits che Visio EID smarphone ap. The Vision ED smartphone app slime you to remofely program youssiast = "Teo record a prgrm ane ftean be used wp to seven days in arene. s {Vat aad downlat che app. This agp is fee to all wes, ‘but there are some optional pp parchases ame 2. Input your euggg mer fom your eable serve provide. You can find dhe niaber ot ‘he top of or bling atenent. ‘8, That all Begin unig dhe app and ex television on your own sheet 4159, what has the Vislen-HO smarpnone 154, What do customers need to provide when eatlon boon designed to do? signing up for tho service? eat a doica to ecard tlevsion sows Wanideas {B) Show reviews for popular TV programs {BA customer number {©) Stream videos rom tho niret (G An ovmal adress {©) Improve te mage qulty of videos (DA down payment Questions 155-167 reer othe flowing review ewer: Ruben hes | woud tai recomend Contos Fest rene whol consi having hardwood Fos instead ‘nen etecsng a conpary | ust went ir he ghaanast ane, £0 | waar aure whats te quay of the ‘ork woul be good enough. However, | wae leary sree, Il had Yo wa aw day to get ‘an eoponimet, nd te erew arved in tho morrng on ere and with all of ha tole they needed, They erormed the wok fet Wha | ely ought was amazing wae at hey canada leaned en ‘roi bole thoy lt No ene wuld wen be slo gue at hey had oan the Wo hed ho now ‘oor fortwo wooks, anit eke arn. m sre lok Gd row many Yours o como “Te on ng | woul cuppEt eo make sure your oni ae ito our acinar gto do th. weh made ringing fn he aun mart a he WERE we ang ery cath roto beak ang aang he wo 155 Wy dd Me es eslect Contos Flooring? 157, Maat dose Mas suggest dong? ad the lowest pics. 1) Booking a morning appointment Ik was recommended bya end (© chaoking the foe ater wo weeks (Ch ithad a good eputaon (@heroving tems from ahaaiay (O) was nearest 10 his home [Departing broken toms to th company 188. What impressed Mr ves most about the sevice? (2) twas avalable onthe caro aay ‘ordering. (5) The work comes wih a waranty. (Cyltwas complstedahesd of sone (Ryo cow cna eave behind 8 mess eave nena nee, were: 8 ‘uations 150-160 refer to te folowing atic Web Site Upgrade Rxpected to Boost Visits (eteuary 22}the Maywood city government has Isched an upgrade version of is Web ste to appeal 1 more residents This ithe fist nor change othe site i more than fiten years. [As before, vistors to the site can search for atts by date, as well as access a database of ‘commonity-celated documents, The st aoticeable new feature Is an online gallery where registred weer can upload images of community atvies. —(0— i — | some sealers exposed Concer about the coat oF upgrading the Web site a che cy spent | over $20.000 forthe project. With a population ax sll as ours, #5 iit to sy investing © im something that was already working perocly” sud Joshua Quentin, x business owner Ia | Maywood. -L- | iy otiats hope tat the new Web ste will rene a renewed interest in Maywood’ cal tetiviies, {SI For example, the anaul Suramer Singing Contest ad the Riverside Liner mie, Collection Bay ae opportsniis thi month fr residents fo get together. The We se also has the technology to broadcast live video steams, system tat wil debut daring neat week’ debate among candidates fr sate senator —[)— It will alse be used to xoadeast the regional fests hroughout dis year 158. What has been aed othe city's Web ste?” 160 In which of th poatons marked (1, [29 (ay cotection of photographs ‘2c [a] does the folowing sentence best {@) An interactive calendar Delong? (@ Asearch enging Nonatheles, most people tought he (Aveo ern etre Sho wa outdated at at th cng as 189, What is NOT indcstad as an upcoming event RNS in Maywood? win ‘usle common 5 a Srowene ob) (G)A potiie! debate or (0) Actoanup project uct: bo cht, btn beta minh {esti bo ‘Questions 161-163 refer to the folowing &-mal ‘To: Madison Seneca Date Janay 29 ‘Subject Professional Tang: Pebruaty Event Dea Ms. Seneca, 4s you know, Profesional Tring wil hold snes tang event on Friday, Febery 12, Wo Id scheduled you for two one-hour aks. Unfortunately one of them has bee removed fom the schedule due tolow enrolment gure. Mertore, you wll ony be ling he following tale "Using the Power of the Web to Advertize Your Business” According to the cont, yu ate ale to 50% ofthe speaking ee forthe tal that not ong fora, due to he late notice ‘You ae welcome to attend one ofthe other talks or worlahops on tha day to charge, and "highly encourage yu to do sn Please email me back by February 6 to let me know you op choice otha may ise vou a pas. Sincere, Davi Gamer ‘Be exited io wit Vi of qua o6 ca, hoge of sya A 161. Wy ld Me Goma een the e-mail? 169. Wat is Me, Sensca encouraged todo by (0) To chock erolirent figures Fosruary 6? {© Toapprove a presentation suggestion (@)Upleas a prosentaton fe AG) report a cancelation (Pian a rave soho 16) Toropitor or raining event (@)3aloct an actly to stona (O)Provde ast of palpate 162. What doos Ms. Sonsca mast key specialize i (0) Contract nagtistion {© Enea production (©) Busnaes tans QDnine mareting ‘Questions 164-167 refer othe folwing ate visitors to the state has dropped by 7.3 event cirpared ols yeat, wth fevemies Thom this sector caching sporoasmately 8.2 tiion, I= | varesy of businesses, such a hotels and fesauranie ae divestly affected by these Tigues, as they bewvly depend spending from tourats 0 keep them i business. — [B= my rooms are vacant says hotel ‘ener Mathew Tao, “Team' keep my Stall ‘working fulsine” ‘Tou Diver Kathleen Renlrow sald hat the rece release figures should be putin tent. "ast year was the 100th celebration tt the erection of the Human Freedom Monument she sid “That evea brow a fany more fours than aul, 303 not & 164, wnat et atte many about? A proposed taxon tour businesses ‘radeon in tourism (6) And campaign for ourats (0) Arew tourstatraction fs compro To ge ber lie of Conpare the figures to those of two Years go. Our fice is continual taking Foe vwaye to generate Interest in ov te, and wre have a variety of activities such as Toning festa ad aports tourmaments—10 ‘abe our prfle* In order to make these types of events 3 success, adequate funding is needed Torna, seem ely that the tourism Say wl be stop peony a budety oniderotions,AlLduee google rannig for Abarcz aad Dake Zinmerhave publicly fhown support for investing in the se income and enriching communes aos dhe ted 167. In which of th postions mad [1,8 tnd [i] does the following sentence best belong? swan doing #0, you se that hey ate aost oval 10s. kecortng to Ms Reon wat pecs UH coh ot ea (an tray ofa net 7 {B)Amusic awards show Ola Ganoasee vos nota! avers ouvamat {18g os hat ee. Ast vats crdae atett ona . (Gatun over Dee Dal atg sta {DA tourer doctor ‘Questions 168-171 refer to the following online chat dscuaton, eine ee ee Saletan @ ce a Shou jan ao career ‘Amatéo Guovera Of couse Everyone we spoke wth ely enjoyed the even. Asan added a9FM) bonus, brouatina ee ppl fom aut of town That's says good ‘Gsnaeh Bhagat Exh | ow tht ty reprearates ware tying ogi are stein iPM) ‘oroue eeraziy, ‘Sharon Moyer hope theres ofthe event goes snooty aaerm ‘Ganesh Bhagat Well, I's supposed to be rany forthe next few days, thet may (as5 Pia) regs att the rou. Heather Toodios Fortnaty, thy'e using allo the pice shoes athe event ste, so lest ena mostofthe boots aroprtectat @ rate cimvara The cty wear pat sat hr wil be seated stones, co army shatenot too baa, ‘cover: ban pl, ban gn ting el, cl 168, ho most thay Ms. Teodros? 170, What postve comment was made abut the (A) An event planner vont? (B)A profesional est (0) provided tecount o art cla members ‘Re journalist ha bho Bit atracted non-resident store, Dyacty oti {© its mission fo was reasonable (8) ts parking uation was wall ganized 100, At427 PM, what dose Ms. Taodros most aly maan wan she wie, "Td tke a copy of 174. What fp about Wyatt Pak? ‘at once ts ready"? (tis tho towns argost pak |G) She wou tke to rad an outinw of some 6) I recatved some negative reviews Intomation, @)lt lessee a ely opor, (©) She's inaretod In solng « complate set {GI hae some covered structures, ot prtipants. (0) Sho wants o create a feedback survey for the event (0) Showa send some cards to VP vistors ‘Questions 172-178 refer to the foiowing Job posting. Now Hiring Soni Administrative Assistant Salco Community Collage is seeking a fulltime senior administrative sistant. Preference wil be given to candidates who can start icimedlatly. ‘Te senor adsinistatve assistant is respomble for a varity of tasks to Delp keep the ofice running smoothly, and tis position would be ideal or person who kes changing actives Frequetly and who can work under pressure, Duties include responding to information requests from the community; booking Highs, hotels, and vehi rentals for staff members’ © business trips; conteibuting content to 4 monthly newsletter; and monitoring the offic’s expenditures. An annvalelary of approximately $28,000 (negotiable) i offered along ith four weeks of pad vacation and ‘medical insurance | ‘Te epply, send a nésumé and cover letter tohresaleoceeda on or before April 7. Our bising committee wil review the applications on April 8, snd sucreafl applicants willbe cong ello ag oot upon Interven: Interviews wil most key be heldon April 11 Those who come cifce for an interview wil alo be asked to take 3 computer bused eae ace oa ie apa ay eat the emall addres Hsted shove. We also acept inquires by phone at 59> 7991 during regular business hours. Se were aero ine 172, Whats implied about Saleo Commuvly 474. When wl auccessfu candidates hay be Ccoilegs? cnnlated? (is numberof full-time students nas eien, (0 Apa? (@) provides sarees at mer than one Aaa campus. ron9 (Gye auaget nas recently nes increased (Oyapar tt {0} rood to fia poaion qu, 178. Pocording t tho job posting, what wil some 479, What NOT mamioned asa dty ofthe pcan be recued 10.60? postion? Tako tat on sto “WH increasing a newsletters circulation {@) Submit loters of aoommendation {8} Proving intonation tothe pubic (© Preaont a porto of wore (6) Keeping tack of spancing {D} Compete sn onineapposton (© greg wml rancements cn tein cad > Is alerted, and ts members in ways to make the art of danea mere interesting Yo the goneal pubic | member watching a Fresh ow shaw ‘orto rst tine few yare apo. The precslon ofthe daners was amazing, an I fred he cages cslgned by te group's founder hime. Since tat pertormance, | have atended many oer Freon Faw sows, sometimes uang Te chreooraphy 3s or the moves that esep en ‘het yy cen ome GOOFS BATES SeACoen ogg Sa ot cn ‘gla. | thnk most poole petro pan awa rate han ust bay oes on & whi —Motssa Mash Se sont aa 478, Whats implied about Fresh Flow? (9) ew gio four woskond prtomances. (Its funded bythe oy. ‘Lm encourages auconoe partciation 1B) lt was founded tan years a0 17. vnatis sugested abou Sundey pevormances? (9 Saag evalaie on rt-come, ftet-aored be on. (8 The kets av terest lowe ie than oe (©) Tari aspect segment perormod by cron Ay cnces an coments aati for hon to wath 178, Vngt sips about Mr. Vara? as costume design ails. YE He used fo wor atthe Saidvar Schoo of re (0) He provides private dance lessons {Hos a porsonal fond of Ms. Nash 4179, Wate mostly tue about Me. Nash? (1) Sho grou up in Ashe. (Gyo works as a dance ntucto, {©} Sho had an ori with to Ashovilo Hera. (0) She has voted the Kenan Theater +10. What change would Ma, Nash most katy be a on romatng shows further advance (8) Gling autographs to audlence members (©) Aading more pertrmanoes on woukands 1D) Alowing ck! bookings by phone ‘Questions 181-185 refer to the flowing mall and text message, Dear Mir Voge! Thankyou for boklnga ight wth Fes Ae fi our iey bln femenger: alin Voge ight 250 Booting Contrmation: CS595867 seise Departie ant, May 6,732. Arta London, May 7,817 AML 5 he gine Bearing begins cine hour before departure. Asa Patinun Menber a sus REAR passengers ‘who traveled at least 10000 rile with us last yea, you are ene to earn 2,500 bonus frequent yer miles on thi fight, These willbe automaticaly add te your account onthe fight day. aggage Information: TGany-on | ist Checked tag [2nd Checked tag | 3rd Checked 8ag] Feonomy Class Free $25.0 $35.00 "$50.00 Busines Cass Fee Free 523.00 $35.0 ist Class Free Fee Fee $25.00 Passengers with flight delays between one and two hours willbe given complimentary dink (battled water, soda, cofee, and tea) at the gate. For dels of to how passengers will be issued a wucher for a free lunehidines, which can be usee-a part airport. resturants Io the ‘To: Colin Voge, 793-555-0899 ‘rom: Flores Al private number 8 Date: May 6,351 pam. ‘The departure of Flores Air's ight 980 with service a ‘London as ben postponed due to severe weather. wll, ‘ow depart ahaa later han orginally scheduled t 1632 PM, This aur only Might London departing toy, 20 sot ponbet tke erent Hight. Wee sory fr any inconvenience thie may case 60 seas ee ere 181. Whale indicated about Me, Vogel? (A) He charged the cost ofa fight ois cmpany’s aocount aro Hew over one andro thousand rales Test yar (0) Hs ofc is curently based in Atanta (0) Hi ight was partly pad for with owas pont. 182. How much wl Me Voge pay fra scone checked baa? Free $25.00 (€)835.00, Diss0.00 183. What is the purpose ofthe txt message? (4 Jp cutis a caealation play recur mg ay {070 explain agate change (0) To confer a aaa request 104, hat s Mc Vogel eligbie to receive? (A shut ticket (@)A partial etd ()A seat woarade (RY meal voucher 105. I tho toxt mossago, the word "tak" in pxcgraph 1 no is closest n meaning to (toe! on ay tea 1 tug bay (Bromove Eke (@eatehon comet, ‘Questions 196-190 refer to the following adversomont and e-mails foe Assistant Needed Wlenberg Raat Estate hos an opening fr a ral estate sistant to jln the team atthe Newport branch. A Fealentate cone Ie not required, 25 tis position does 400 cansats of setting up for cpen houses, posting new lenge on aur Wed sie, and gathoring eta about omos ané nd rhs rom governmental tabs tnd pubs recor. This peton spares ony, 2 uapgses. Please send résumés to Alce PrescoU at 2S, I + ——t ee ice esol ena Dear Ma Prescot, 1am etrestdn he real este sist pion that wa sent peste in the Clie Ads section of the Newport Herald. Although Ihave never worked fr el estate fmm, spent thre Years 3 & recent the ofc of Linden Insurance, 50 1am used to adminiatine gus 1 was patclely tfc othe jo at Wallenberg because am ing lates athe Monti Tint prime, shy ‘working conditions ae perf 9 £10 ving sonore ope 1m ard worker, ni Lam able om ew tasks bik, Ate i od ny cent suns tong with an ex file desig he sofas eras in vtich Lam ts of thre ls, {aleve would equi very ile ining 1 pt sie. hope we can meetin eon to discus the late for my future longterm ees, potion frhr as 1am considering Sines, Candace Stier 2 sora mot tne 106, 167. art Stage , Sth Mca <.crOarateberr. comm, osopt Duncan <}ureanwaaber cr ‘ls Presi poni24 ‘Sutject Open potion or eal eat astant God ering. ‘Thank you al ort the neo stn one eres is wak Sica we gb chance to make a fal dssion abut ha eb canes, hug we cad ty eal. Bev thal MSs woul be te bt prson fr tips, so ink we stad make nea Noh she was ey and eaeyong Inne itervew. os inpartny, gloat he cid he suplamanta ip x0 what we eed tossed hing oo tf rang: ESTE OT Tania ‘Aloe Prescot “Whats incest nth advertisement respons ofthe peiion? (@) Seting up contacts (G) Answering poones (GpAeccarching propertien (© Designing a Wed ste What re about Me. tener? (0 he tate wt sling homeowner ieeunce, (©) Stas curontyempoyed bya ral stata (© Shee eroted ns lensing program {Rss hs expec nan omen sting, ‘According to Me Stoney, whet attracted her to the poston? (The job cates Te be working ows } The conveniontleaton (©) The generous vacation te a 180. Wry di Mo. Prescot send the @-mal? (9) To ack about the avalblty of some inteniewers 6) Te nroduoe a newly hed sta member [© Tointorm coworkers ofan iterviw change (©) Torecommend a candidat fora postion 190. What character of Me Stanarie Ms. Precolt most intrested in? (0) Her expecenes in the real state fla {Sitter knowledge of sotware programs (© Her aba tw wore on shor noice (© Her strong peopl sae Questions 101-195 refer to the folowing artele, intaton, and e-mal, [STAUNTON (April 10}—Bringingtogsther his passion fer Stess and his natural people sil, Fabio Souza is Inunching 4 24-hour gyi inthe Valley Lane eeighborhood of Staunton. Mr. Souza has & swe experience aa certified personal trsne, ashe va employed by TOR Eines ils for ten yet He took not of the positive aspects of that busines and incorporated them into his own sym, “he new gym, which is called Loxley, wil feature Mater thet workout equipment, engaging group clases, and monthly heath seminars. The building, whichis located on Kyle Avenue is beautifully Fron: Bonne Tober

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