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Effect of
Ahmadullah Mangal 1st 1st 023MBR- greenery on
(Zaheen) 02-016 residential

Title Green
Residential Building
Abstract Recently, an increasing number of green residential buildings
have been developed worldwide owing to active promotion from
the authorities and increasing interest from customers.
However, in the same way as traditional residential buildings, the
construction of green residential buildings faces various risks.
The aims of this study are to identify and assess the diverse risks
in green residential building construction projects, compare their
risk criticalities with those in
traditional counterparts, and propose helpful risk mitigation
To achieve these goals, a comprehensive literature review was
first conducted, and a questionnaire was then administered to 30
construction companies in Singapore. Survey results showed that
“complex procedures to obtain approvals”, “overlooked high
initial cost”, “unclear requirements of owners”, “employment
constraint”, and “lack of availability of green materials and
equipment” were the top five critical risks in green residential
building construction projects. Survey results also showed that
green residential building projects were facing risks at a more
critical level than those traditional residential building projects.
Additionally, this study proposed fourteen risk mitigation
measures to tackle the risks in green residential building
construction projects.
This study has contributed to the body of knowledge by
identifying and evaluating the critical risks and mitigation
measures in green residential building construction projects.
Meanwhile, the findings from this study can also provide
an in-depth understanding of risk management in green
residential building construction projects to practitioners and
thus benefit the practice.
Keywords mitigation measures, critical risks, green residential building
construction projects.
Aim An Exploratory Analysis of Risks in Green
Residential Building Construction Projects:
The Case of Singapore
Introduction Today it is widely recognized that human activities are
accountable for various global crises such as climate change,
resource depletion, and environmental degradation, and one
representative of these activities is construction [1–5]. According
to the United Nations Environment Program [6],
the construction industry has become a big energy consumer
who uses 40–50 percent of global energy and 40 percent of
global raw materials; and also a principal waste contributor who
releases 40 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and
produces 40 percent of solid waste worldwide.
These anxiety-provoking numbers exert considerable pressure on
policy makers who eventually decide to adopt and promote
green buildings [7–9]. Thus, there has been a tremendous growth
in green buildings globally recently [7,9–11].
Research As an effective instrument to collect data based on a sample, the
Methods technique of questionnaire survey has been commonly adopted
in green construction management research [7–9,11,31,32].
Thus, likewise, this study administered a questionnaire survey to
assess risks and the relevant mitigation measures in
green residential building projects in Singapore. 42 risks and 14
risk mitigation measures obtained from the literature review
were utilized to form a questionnaire. Subsequently, two
industry experts who had at least five years of experiences in
both traditional and green building constructions were invited to
review the developed questionnaire, focusing on the statement
comprehensiveness, readability, and accuracy. Meanwhile,
experts were also encouraged to supplement new risks and
mitigation measures based on their practice experiences.
Referring to feedback from experts, questionnaire was finalized
after a few statements were slightly revised and a set of
footnotes were supplemented, as shown in Appendix A. The
finalized questionnaire consisted of questions meant (1) to
profile respondents and their affiliated companies, (2) to assess
the likelihood and impact of each risk in both green and
traditional residential building construction projects, and (3) to
evaluate the effectiveness of the risk mitigation measures.
Moreover, open-ended questions were also positioned in the
questionnaire, allowing for any supplement of new risks and
mitigation measures.
Conclusions Green residential buildings have achieved a rapid development
over recent years due to its positive efficacy of saving energy and
resources consumptions. However, risks embedded in the
construction of green residential buildings are not adequately
addressed. Thus, this study conducted an exploratory research to
investigate risks and the relevant mitigation measures in green
building construction projects.
A total of 42 risks and 14 mitigation measures were identified
from a comprehensive literature review first and then included in
a questionnaire that was administered to 30 Singapore-based
construction companies. Survey results showed that the top five
critical risks in green residential building projects were “complex
procedures to obtain approvals”, “overlooked high initial cost”,
“unclear requirements of owners”, “employment constraint”,
and “lack of availability of green materials and equipment”.
Survey results also revealed that 35 out of 39 identified risks
obtained significantly higher assessments in green residential
building construction projects than in traditional residential
building construction projects, suggesting that they are more
critical in the former. Moreover, survey results presented the top
five most effective risk mitigation measures in green residential
building construction projects, and they were “improving
communication and coordination among contracting
parties”, “understanding owner’s goal of the Green Mark
Standard”, “using past successful green
residential projects as references”, “developing training
programs to upgrade workers’ skill and knowledge of new
technologies and materials”, and “allowing for contingency
In spite of the detailed investigation of critical risks and the
relevant risk mitigation measures in green residential building
construction projects, some limitations are still present in this
First, the sample size of the survey in this study is relatively small.
Thus, cautions should be given when
the analysis results are interpreted and generalized. Second, the
risk criticality index calculated in this study is subjective to a
certain extent and may be biased subject to individual
experience and risk preference. Third, findings from this study
apply to Singapore exclusively, which may vary in other
different countries.
Title Green Residential Building
Abstract Green residential buildings (GRBs) are one of the effective
practices of energy saving and emission reduction in the
construction industry.
However, many real estate developers in China are less willing to
develop GRBs, because of the factors affecting green residential
building development (GRBD).
In order to promote the sustainable development of GRBs in
China, this paper, based on
the perspective of real estate developers, identifies the
influential and critical factors affecting GRBD, using the method
of social network analysis (SNA).
Firstly, 14 factors affecting GRBD are determined
from 64 preliminary factors of three main elements, and the
framework is established. Secondly, the relationships between
the 14 factors are analyzed by SNA.
Finally, four critical factors for GRBD, which are on the local
economy development level, development strategy and
innovation orientation, developer’s acknowledgement and
positioning for GRBD, and experience and ability for GRBD, are
identified by the social network centrality test. The findings
illustrate the key issues that affect the
development of GRBs, and provide references for policy making
by the government and strategy
formulation by real estate developers.
Keywords development strategy, green residential building; social network
analysis; influential factors; critical factors.
Aim Factors Affecting Green Residential Building
Development: Social Network Analysis
Introduction Resource shortage and environmental deterioration affect the
development of the construction
industry. It is estimated that, in China, the construction industry
consumes 40–50% of raw materials
and about 20% of energy [1]. Although many functions have
been submitted to reduce energy
consumption [2–4], there are great numbers of high-energy
consuming buildings in China, many of
which are currently under construction [1]. Green building (GB),
as one of the best practices of sustainable
development in the construction industry, has drawn much
attention [5–8]. Many researches of GB
have been analyzed from different aspects, for example:
Technological innovation [9–11], energy
saving [12–14], risk management [15–18], influential factors for
development [19–21], policy incentives
and regulations [22–24], and economical benefit [25–27] etc.
Literature GRB, which is one of the best practices of sustainable
Review development in the architectural field, is an
important branch of GB [40]. Many countries have done a lot of
research into the construction of GRBs,
for example: Singapore [44,45], UK [46], USA [40], China [47–49],
and India [50]. There are many
stakeholders in the process of GRBD, and the relationships
between influential factors are extremely
complex. The government actively promoting GRBD, the
residents having some knowledge on GRB,
and the maturing technology of GRB all affect GRBD uptake,
however obstacles to its widespread
adoption still exist [47,51]. In order to solve the obstacles, many
factors have been studied from
different elements.
A variety of environmental elements have a strong impact on
GRBD. The conservatism of
environmental policy and legal factors will affect the enthusiasm
of developers. Proper implementation
of fiscal incentives, preferential policy frameworks, and effective
evaluation mechanisms will have
beneficial effects on GRBD [32,52]. GRBs are different from
general residential buildings, therefore,
the natural environment and social environment will restrict site
selection, construction, and resource
utilization [53]. The implementation of GRB is also affected by
the development of the regional
economy and green technology [50].
Research Identification of Factors Influencing GRBD
Method This paper, according to the perspective of real estate
developers, explores the factors influencing
GRBD, from environmental elements, resource elements, and
capacity elements. Environmental elements
refer to the external factors that are generated in the process of
GRBD; resource elements refer to the
factors that influence how developers obtain possible resources
with personal effort during the whole
developing process; and capacity elements refer to developers’
evaluation, objective, and ability [44].
Conclusions This paper, based on the whole life cycle of GRBD and the
perspective of real estate developers,
identified 14 factors affecting development from 64 preliminary
factors of three main elements,
and established a framework. The 14 influential factors including
the following: Mandatory policy
for developing (U1), incentive policy for developing (U2),
strictness of examination and approval
(U3), local economy development level (U4), local cooperation
(U5), technology level of GRBs (U6),
design level of GRBs (U7), technology application in design and
construction (U8), consumers’
acknowledgement for GRBD (U9), consumers’ income (U10),
incentive policy for purchasing
(U11), development strategy and innovation orientation (U12),
developer’s acknowledgement and
positioning for GRBD (U13), and experience and ability for GRBD
Title green
competitive advantage in residential buildings
Abstract Green concern is making a profound impact on building green
competitive advantage (GCA) across the globe.
Apparel sector of Bangladesh is at crossroads regarding
sustainability of firms. Green initiatives are thus required for
ensuring the survival of apparel sector. The current study
attempts to examine the interplay among environmental
corporate social responsibility (ECSR) dimensions, green
corporate image (GCI), and green competitive advantage of
firms. To address the research topic, structural equation
modeling approach has been adopted. Based on prior
research findings, five hypotheses have been devised and finally
evaluated by collecting data from 53 apparel firms
enlisted with Dhaka Stock Exchange, Bangladesh. The study
findings reveal that the ECSR dimensions have critical
role to play over building GCI and GCA at the firm level. The
study attempted to integrate ECSR, GCI, and GCA and
contributes to the holistic understanding of the green anxieties
of the business world. Understanding the critical
role of ECSR, this study calls for proactive managerial actions
regarding organizational sustainability.
Keywords social responsibility dimensions, Green corporate , Green
advantage, Structural equation modeling in residential
Aim What is the effect of greenery on on residential buildings and
what is the advantage of greenery with residential buldings.
Introduction Firms are increasingly recognizing the strategic benefits
which stem from the integration of green concern in
their corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.
CSR (ECSR) and Building green corporate
image (GCI) and attaining green competitive advantage
(GCA) have become major areas of concentration
among the business scholars worldwide. Studies identified
building green image as a tool to help firms enhance
their green competitive capacity (Ambec & Lanoie, 2008;
Porter & van der Linde, 1995). In this connection, it is
observed that development of new environmentally
products and business operations result in
higher level of efficiency in terms of resources investment,
enhanced market, better corporate branding,
higher sales, and eventually sustained competitive
(Fraj-Andrés, Martinez-Salinas, & Matute-Vallejo,
2009). It has been revealed by CSR research that green
management has a pivotal role regarding establishing a
firm’s image in the core of the business. Green practices
have been considered as one of the very salient ingredients
that eventually determine green image and green
competitiveness of the firm (Schwaiger, 2004; Sellitto &
Hermann, 2019). Evaluation of the firm’s image, its repute,
and loyalty of customers are also affected substantially
by green management of firms (Dutta,
Umashankar, Choi, & Parsa, 2008).
Introducing green innovation.
Finding With a view to understanding the demographics of the
respondents, a list of relevant information has been obtained
from the questionnaire. Table 1 lists descriptive
statistics of the respondents. Among the respondents
83% of them are male and 17.3% are found female. Every
respondent had at least 5 years of experience at the
managerial position of the organization.
Literature The concept of green competitive advantage has been
review and described as the conditions of the firm that cannot be
hypothesis imitated by others under which the firm hold position
regarding ecological management or sustainable
innovation (Lin & Chen, 2017). Green capability is supposed
to be dynamic in nature within the organization
and in the business processes. This study holds that the
dimensions of ECSR significantly influence green competitive
advantage by means of ecological management.
Establishing these green dynamic abilities are supposed
to be reliable and permanent in the firms (Chen, 2008).
Intelligent firms utilize ecological strategies for shaping
their green competitiveness (Wang, Hu, Dai, & Burns,
2021). Firms can conduct green business processes as a
responsibility which has the ability to form green image
and effectively track sustainability in the organizations
(Famiyeh, Adaku, Amoako-Gyampah, Asante-Darko, &
Amoatey, 2018).
In order to develop sustainable competitive edge, firms
have to engage themselves in innovative and green
(Wysocki, 2021).
Methodology Data collection and the sample A self-administered
and questionnaire survey was carried out in July, 2019 on
measurement apparel
factories of Bangladesh. The study used random
sampling based on 53 apparel firms enlisted with Dhaka
Stock Exchange. A total of 340 questionnaires were sent
for collecting data. Mid and top-level management
were selected as respondents since they are expected
to possess knowledge about the concern for
green management and authoritative power to take relevant
operational and managerial decisions. Out of the
sent questionnaires 302 questionnaires were returned
and 268 were found to be useful for this empirical analysis
with a successful response rate of 78.30%. Apparel
industry has been selected for the research object because
this sector is obliged to strictly handle their environmental
waste to comply with environmental
Moreover, this sector is facing tremendous compliance
issues from different foreign buyers. Therefore, there is a
huge pressure on this sector both from home and
abroad. So, this study is expected to contribute to the
exploration of how green image can enhance green
of the apparel firms. Before the questionnaire
is administered to the potential respondents, five
experts in the field of study have been consulted for
identifying ambiguous terms and ensuring content validity.
Besides, to reduce common method variance (CMV)
(Lindell & Whitney, 2001), different respondents for
constructs have been considered.
Discussions Good fit for the research model and evidence for all the
hypotheses have been obtained. Hypotheses H1a and
H1b have been supported based on data analysis. E
positively influences green corporate image
and green competitive advantage in the context of
Bangladesh. E Philanthropy is popular among the ECSR
forms in the context of apparel sector of Bangladesh because
it is directly related to monetary contribution by
the firm to the society. Kim, Yin, & Lee (2020) also
similar findings and claim that E Philanthropy
can substantially contribute to building green corporate
image and providing green competitive advantage. In the
same line, Ramutsindela (2009) argued that firms can
avail the opportunities for understanding the association
among environmental agencies, various stakeholder
groups, and the settings based on which the associations
are created and maintained. These associations are
crucial for explaining the attributes of environmental
philanthropy and the implication of the
attributes for environmental philanthropy in the context
of building green corporate image and green competitive
advantage. Environmental philanthropy and businesses
are considered complementary to each other.
The hypotheses H2a and H2b of having positive impact
of E-community involvement on green corporate image
and green competitiveness have been validated by data
analysis. The positive association between E Community
involvement and corporate green image and green
advantage was found because, among the respondents,
E community involvement is considered as
one the critical means of communication between the
organization and the society. Different stakeholders of
the community find E community involvement in
different societal activity as a bonding between the business
community and the society which is found to be
conducive to building green corporate image and attaining
green corporate advantage (Lakin & Scheibel, 2017).
Firms engaged in corporate community involvement
with the objective of improving societal and environmental
settings by means of contributing to all types of
resources can achieve green corporate image and green
competitiveness (LaFrance & Lehmann, 2005). It is often
argued that corporate community involvement is supposed
to ensure green reputation and benefits to the
community while engaging in CCI. Firms should also
take initiatives to gauge the community engagement
aimed at holistic development.
Conclusion Considering the contemporary demand of being green,
modern organizations are nowadays trying to build
green corporate image to enhance green competitive
through environmental corporate social responsibilities.
Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the
determinants of green corporate image and green
advantage to attain competitive edge in the market.
This study attempted to devise a research
framework to examine the influence of ECSR dimensions
on green corporate image and green competitive
advantage. The results of the data analysis not only help
build corporate image and enhance green competitive
advantage but also contribute to the existing literature.
Aragón-Correa and Sharma (2003) argued that firms
should devise strategies for the transition from conventional
to highly proactive advanced ecological gesture
that are supposed to shield and preserve ecology and
consequently uphold the image and competitiveness of
the firm (Adomako, Ning, & Adu-Ameyaw, 2021). The
results of the present study reveal that green corporate
image has been instrumental to modern business settings
regarding attaining sustainable competitiveness in
the organization. In this connection, ECSR can play a
crucial role in building both green corporate image and
green competitiveness. The main managerial implications
and theoretical contributions are mentioned below:
Title Effects on indoor thermal in Residential buildings
1.Abstract To create healthy indoor environments, Chinese green
building evaluation standards recommend monitoring and
control of CO2 concentration in residential buildings.
Regulations of building airtightness levels and indoor
temperature will improve thermal comfort and energy
efficiency. However, indoor air quality (IAQ, e.g., CO2
concentration) may suffer, which adversely affects indoor
occupants’ health and productivity. To counteract these
negative effects, this work investigated indoor temperature
regulation effects on IAQ and energy consumption considering
a well-insulated full-scale room with a top-wall-mounted
ventilation heating system. Firstly, a series of experiments
were conducted with five indoor temperatures (in winter) and
constant CO2 sources. Next, corresponding simulations were
carried out (Air Change Rate, ACH equal to 4 and 12). It was
found that the higher the supplied air temperature, the
stronger the negative effects of thermal buoyancy, leading to
weaker turbulent diffusion and higher levels of indoor CO2
concentration. A 1°C increase would cause around 1.2%
increase of CO2 concentration along with 8.3% more of
energy consumption. Moreover, the influence of indoor
temperature on CO2 dispersion is more significant when ACH
is relatively small. Relevant findings will further facilitate the
design and regulation of green buildings in the perspectives of
indoor heath and energy efficiency.
2.Keywords Thermal comfort; Energy saving; Residential buildings
Indoor air temperature; CO2 concentration; Indoor air quality.
3.Aim Investigation of temperature regulation effects on indoor
thermal comfort, air quality and energy savings towards green
residential buildings
4.Introduction People may spent most of their time indoors, especially in the
developed countries (Robinson & Nelson, 1995), which have a
significant effect on human health (Bluyssen, 2017; S.-J. Cao,
Kong, et al., 2017; Hou et al., 2017; Sundell et al., 2011; Ye,
Gao, Zhang, & Yu, 2017) and work efficiency (Fan, Xie, Liu, &
Yoshino, 2017; Haverinen-Shaughnessy, Moschandreas, &
Shaughnessy, 2011; Sediso & Lee, 2016; Twardella et al.,
2012). The main factors affecting the indoor environmental
quality of the building include thermal, visual and acoustic
conditions as well as indoor air quality, etc. Recent literatures
survey of indoor environmental conditions indicated that the
thermal comfort seemed to have a higher degree of overall
satisfaction with indoor environmental quality compared with
the impact of other indoor environmental conditions
(Frontczak & Wargocki, 2011). Standard ISO 7730 provides an
index, i.e., predicted mean vote (PMV) proposed by Fanger
(1970) (Fanger, 1970), which is to predict the mean thermal
comfort. The standard defines the thermal environment as a
function of four physical variables (air temperature, mean
radiant temperature, relative air velocity and air humidity)
and two variables related to people (activity level and
clothing), where indoor air temperature in the occupied zone
is a dominant parameter for thermal comfort (S. Zhang,
Cheng, Fang, & Lin, 2018).
5.Problems -airflow and CO2 concentration from simulations.
- Experimental validation.
- Air temperature stratification
6.Methodology This section mainly consists of three components:
experiments, numerical simulations and PMV-IAQ analysis. A
full-scale chamber with popularly applied up-supply
ventilation mode (i.e., by considering a top-wall-mounted
ventilation heating system) was utilized along with CO2 to be
pollutant sources. In the first step, a series of experiments
were carried out with the indoor temperature of 28 C, using
constant CO2 pollutant sources, further for simulation
validation. Moreover, the CO2 generation rate in our study
was mainly calculated based on the total breathing rate of six
persons in the chamber, considering that the recommended
per capita occupancy area was two square meters. Therefore,
the release rate of indoor air pollutant (CO2) source could be
calculated as 194 g/h, corresponding to 0.0052L/s per person.
Next, for the further research, CFD simulations were
conducted to obtain the detailed distributions of velocity,
temperature and concentration to investigate the influence of
indoor temperature on CO2 concentration dispersion. Then,
for two cases (i.e., ACHs equal to 4 and 12), the values of PMV
and ventilation efficiency with different indoor temperatures
were calculated based on the numerical results. The
quantitative relationship between PMV and IAQ was also
7. Conclusions Considering a top-wall-mounted ventilation heating system and
well-insulated room chamber, this work aimed at studying the
influence of different indoor temperature settings on indoor
thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and energy consumption.
Firstly, a number of experiments were conducted with five
different indoor temperatures (i.e., 16 C; 20 C; 24 C;
28 C) inside the full-scale chamber, consisting of three top
inlets and bottom outlets. The experimental data was mainly
used to validate the simulated results, including indoor air
velocities, air temperatures and CO2 concentrations. Next,
CFD simulations were carried out to investigate the effects of
different indoor air temperatures on CO2 concentration
dispersion under two various air supply conditions (ACH equal
to 4 and 12 respectively) in up-supply ventilation. The
following conclusions can be drawn.
1) Within the regulation’s temperature range, the quantified
elaboration of PMV-IAQ graph showed that the higher the
temperature, the better the indoor thermal comfort. Besides,
when keeping increasing the supplied air temperature, more
obvious temperature stratification occurred due to strong
temperature gradient effects, which may lead to local thermal
2) The higher the air temperature from the top-side wall
heating, the stronger the negative effects of thermal buoyancy,
leading to the minor indoor air velocity variation and
noticeable effects (weaker) of turbulent diffusion. This further
affects the removal performance of indoor CO2 pollutant, i.e.,
the higher the air temperature, the higher the indoor CO2

Title The effect of greenery as a shading in residential


Abstract -Over the past decades, intense urbanization processes have

produced built environments with a
- low energy efficiency and a severe lack of green spaces, which
represent the main providers of
-ecosystem services in cities and play a relevant role in regulating
the local microclimate. Among the
- different natural processes involved in climate regulation, a
fundamental role is played by the
- shading effects of urban vegetation on buildings and built
- Consequently, urban planning strategies aimed at designing a
Green Infrastructure (GI) can have
- significant impacts on reducing the summer-time energy
demand of cities while providing new
- green spaces for the local community. This is particularly
relevant in high density settlements, where
- urban morphology types such as multi-storey apartment
buildings represent an important
- percentage of the entire built environment. For these
morphology types, the implementation of the
- GI depends on the different possibilities and limitation offered
by private open spaces around
- residential buildings. Despite its importance, the
implementation of a GI from public administrations
- must often challenge the lack of economic resources to acquire
and manage private land to be set as new urban green spaces.
- This article investigates the potential energy savings for multi-
storey apartment buildings that can be achieved by shading
effect of trees.
Particularly, building performance simulations are carried out
considering different configurations of key parameters, such as
trees species, distance to buildings, orientations of buildings and
actual room of open spaces beside buildings where to plant new
trees. The simulations are run for a real urban case study located
in the metropolitan area of Catania in southern Italy,
characterized by different types of urban morphologies.
Simulations of shading effect consider three species of trees and
41 different spatial configurations depending on actual
availability of open spaces around buildings.
- Results show that relevant energy savings can be obtained when
the entire façades of buildings are. shaded.
The range of reduction of cooling loads of buildings varies
between 2% and 50%, depending.
Introduction - There is a growing interest in using natural ecosystems to find
solutions to a variety of problems in cities and increase their
degree of sustainability [1]. Nature-based solutions provide
sustainable, cost-effective, multipurpose, and flexible alternatives
than other more conventional solutions traditionally used by
humans, such as built infrastructure systems [2,3]. By the design
of the built. environment with natural components, nature-based
solutions are able to enhance the inclusivity, equitability, and
livability of urban spaces, regenerate deprived districts through
urban regeneration programs, improve mental and physical
health and quality of life for the citizens, reduce urban violence,
and decrease social tensions [4]. Among Nature-based solutions,
Green Infrastructure (GI) is a network of natural, semi-natural or
even artificial multifunctional ecological systems [5,6] that can be
developed at different spatial scales in cities or broader
metropolitan contexts.

Literature particular emphasis on the ecological processes that are able to

view contribute positively to human health and wellbeing of residents.
The production of shade by vegetation (especially trees) is able to
reduce the amount of solar energy a building absorbs and
therefore can reduce its demand of energy for cooling purposes.
Vegetation also cools the air around buildings and this has an
indirect effect on the need of energy for cooling inside the
[29] Azhdari, A., Soltani, A., Alidadi, M. (2018) Urban morphology
and landscape structure effect on land surface
temperature: Evidence from Shiraz, a semi-arid city. Sustainable
Cities and [30] Hamin E M, Gurran N (2009). Urban form and
climate change: balancing adaptation and mitigation in the US
Australia Habitat Int. 33 238–45
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2017 Urban morphology detection and computation for urban
climate research Landscape Urban Plan. 167 212–24
[33] Palme, M., La Rosa, D., Privitera, R., Chiesa, G. (2019).
Evaluating the potential energy savings of an urban Green
Infrastructure through environmental simulation. Proceedings of
the Building Simulation Conference, Rome, September
[34] Levy, A. (1999). Urban morphology and the problem of the
modern urban fabric: some questions for research.
Urban Morphology, 3(2), 79-85.
[35] Energy Plus (2020). Weather file for Catania location in epw
format. Available: (last
accessed April 2020)
[36] Konarska, J., Lindberg, F., Larsson, A., Thorsson, S., Holmer,
B. (2014). Transmissivity of solar radiation through
crowns af single urban trees – application for outdoor thermal
comfort modelling. Theoretical and Applied Climatology
814 117 (3-4), 363-376
Problems Results of the BPS of the shadow generated by trees on the
statement buildings for all the spatial configurations investigated are
presented in the following sub-sections by looking at the
contributes of the different variables involved (types, distance,
orientations, and number of building floor) on the. reduction of
cooling loads.
Aim and The effect of greenery as a shading in residential
objectives buildigs.
-social statement.
-low gas Quality.
Method Secondry literature review.

Discousion The effect of Greenery on residential buldings.

conclusion The importance of urban Green Infrastructure in providing

ecosystem services is widely acknowledged and efforts are
increasingly being made to increase quality and quantity of
greenery in cities.
This is even more important for cities where green spaces are
lacking or where the access to green spaces is either low or
unevenly distributed. In such cases, green elements included in
private residential property (i.e. multi-storey apartment
buildings) play fundamental role in regulating local climate,
especially in hot seasons and for urban context located in hot-dry
climate zone.
This work has analyzed the complex relation between vegetation
and built environment, by simulating the cooling potential that
can be obtained by the shading effect of vegetation and exploring
the morphological relation between buildings and trees. We tried
to overcome some general limitations in current approaches to
assess the shading effect of vegetation, i.e. simulation run on
isolated and/or ideal buildings. We simulated the effect of
different trees on real urban morphology types and considered
different parameters (distance, buildings orientations, tree
species) involved in the shading process. Particularly, the results
from the simulations show that the percentage of reduction of
cooling was higher than 15% for more than half of the spatial
configurations analyzed.
From the planning and design perspectives, the method and
results of this work show that the morphological features of the
built environment should be taken into account to understand
the actual potential of trees to reduce energy consumptions of
buildings, and therefore evaluating the economic suitability of
tree planting policies and greening strategies. In real world
situation, different constraints and relations (actual room for
trees, distances from the buildings) must be considered when
planning and design if, where and to which extent new greenery
can be implemented.

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