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Pn READING TEST In the Reading test, you will ead a variety oftexts and answer several ferent types of reading comprehension questions. The entre Reading test wil ast 75 minutes. There are three pars, and rections are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possibe within the time allowes. ‘You must mark your answers onthe separate answer sheet, Do not write your answers in your tast book. PART 5 Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each ofthe sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence, Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark he ltter (A) (®) (©), or (D)on your answer sheet, 101. The Pangea Company willsond——an 405. Building management ——~ asks e-mail cnfming rca of the aplication, ‘employees fo avoid socializing in the lobby. () your (A) respects () yourseves (G) respectes (©) yourset (©) respectul (@) you @) respectuly 402. Me. Yamamoto’ farewell party was — 106. The theater districts located —~- walking ‘he cafeteria on Tuesday. Aistance ofthe Yafeh Hotel (A) meant (9 within walking distance: gn ogi (& hele (@) along () taken (©) below (©) buit (©) down 103. Tours run everyday, but there may be — ‘107. As consumers buy more products onine, valebiity on weekends, retailers are finding ways -—— orders more (A) iit ui. (©) limits (A) nave detveres (Ghlimites () are detvanng (©) limitation (S to aiver (0) delivers 4104, Bentoc Shoes has a loyal customer base =i provides high-qualiy seve. 4108, Please —— that environmental inspectors (4 because ‘must renew ther certifeation yearly (B) rather (A) process (©) not onty (8) secure (©) aswell ©) note (0) keep ‘nprorinty to dist gh (oA Huong oc, tei) +108. 110, am. 112. 1, 114, Me. is calendar is —— open for Interviews flam 3:0 ps. 10:00 Pa. on Tuesdays hy usually (@) during (©) soverat ent TOFE 1 (0) longer The load roe -——~ the fm Sunpocket was crested esrecialy or Ms. Abebe. (A) by Be (jas ‘Your currert online banking session — 50 please log on to your account again. (m) has expies (8) expiring (©) expiraton (©) wexpie XAG Motors recommends checking your ‘yeicle's of at ——~ intervals (A) heavy (5) genuine mths 46) regular (0) immediate Me. Wu was responsible forthe latest Gesign ~~ at Shu Faucet Company. (8) innovative (@) novatvely (©) innovate @) sroveton Rincon Data has just opened a new facity ‘hat is —— larger than ls previous one. @) soar (B) signiicany (C) prominent ait be x sega, (©) historically 115, 116, 7 118, 19, 120. Each year, the relationship between what people eat and the state of —~ ‘more fuly understood (A) they (ther (©) theirs (©) them ——- om customers is valuable in Getermining where we need to improve. (@) Inventory (G) Feedback (C) Possnity (0) Distbution Poet Yoshino Nagao will read from her latest ——- collection at Argyl Library on Frcay. (A) publisher (6) publish (©) published (©) publishes [An ingpection of the Cottier Busing identified several ~~~ defects (A) private (@) lstructional (©) complimentary (©) structural Retalers have been reporting —~ strong Seles of swimwear fr this ime of year (A) surprised (6) suprises (©) suprise (0) surersinay heath is ® Curtour Travel fers —— throughout Asa ay ae ome (a) SETS ETS endo dt cal, dango, resent aia ) improvements () instistons 1B ebb ge vi — 1s 3 121 1m. 123, 124 125, As te city's largest ~—. Balin Hospital provides more than 1,000 jobs at ts west Campus alone (A) employment (@) employable (C) employing (@) employer ‘The venue's small, s0 not —— who requests a licket tothe play wil be able to atena (a) the otner (6) one another (G) evenone (©) someone Both the Atkinson Times and the Mactilan Record nave sizable eaderships, —— ‘cach targets a ciferent demographic. (A) unless (B) although (C) once (0) whether =~ the acquisition ofa competitor, Plautna Eletic has become the biggest appliance retailer in the city. (a) win (8) Wherever (C) Togethe (©) Above ‘The shipment delay was —— caused by ‘miscommunication within our dopariment. (As) peimariy ah 8) ocr at (©) hasty (©) rouczanty reat in th dla ba, 126. var. 128, 129, 130, ‘Because of an ordering error, Vival Market recewed an ~~ of 200 bags af rice. (A) exceeding (6) exceedingly (@) excess (©) excessive Ms. Chol reports thatthe new accounting Sofware works wel, -—~ he computer’ operating sytem has been updated (A) provides tat (2) no sooner (©) soasto, (0) ie of esi gh Researchers mus ign inst he vstor registration table upon —— the Biston Literary archive, (A) entered (B) entering (C)enty (©) enter (Over the years, Garnet Advertsing has —— supported ts employees volunteer work for enantable organzations. (A) currently (@) upwarcly (©) severely Rabe Bh, Khe mgt (©) actvely Ma, Rekate new Stockholm offee tower ie sure tobe recogrizee as ahighight of architecture. (A) instant (@) associates (©) contemporary (©) simulioneous ag that PART 6 Directions: Reat the texts het follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the txt. Then mark the letter (A), (8) (C). oF (D) on your anewer sheet, Barely ‘Questions 131-134 refer to the following job advertisement Berestt Lic. 75 a professional procurement oftcer to oversee bing and procurement processes Ins company departments, This employee wil draft advertisements, prepare contract documents, process bids, 5 provde training on poley and procedures to company personnel ‘The poston require 2 two-year degree in business administration or @ eat Flo, The 5- ‘must have @ minimum of three years experience as an office manager ina corporate environment, including recert experience in procurement 181, (0) cooks 4134, (A) Likewise, company-owned cars are 2 @) hires major expense for fms such 38 ours. () offers (8) Moreover, excellent organizational skis (0) tains ‘are essential (©) The top candidate forthe postion has 132. (A) so been offered a one-year contract. (@) while (0) Allemployees have been notified cf the (C) noe poly change, (©) ana 183. (8) application (@) applicant (©) applying (0) apaly st) 53 ‘Questions 195-138 far to the following &-mll. ‘To: Hong Kong Office Stat From: Wai-Lun Yeung Date: Monday, 4 January ‘Subject Interns Dear Colleagues, | em witing “73g you that wo university students wil be arvng next week nc begining their ‘week intersnios inthe Hong Kong ofee. Ther des wil paz consist of helping the Corporate Social Responsibility tem organise ther plans forthe coming year. Both interns have ‘tong backgrounds in responsible business practices. AS such they wil be well suited to their cc “The nts willbe using the vacant ofa inthe east wing. 735~ Please let me know you have any questions or concerns. Allbest, We-Lun Yeung 135. (A) information 138, (A) They were fer away from our office, (8) informed (B) That time is usually crcl to our wor () informs (€) The room wil be theirs for six weoks. (0) 010m (0) Itwit be forsale in the new cafeteria. 136. (A) cautiously (es) paventy (@) largely (©) quiewy 187. (8) roles (6) donations (C) ariciss (0) locations Questions 199-142 refer othe following meme. To:Al sat From: Management Date: October 10 Re: Move to new ofce rer Preparations forthe move to our new office are scheduled to take place on Thurscay and Friday of next week, ~5~fr tis are going to be distriouted to each employee's cubicle in advance. ie. vite your name and employee number on the tp and sides of each box. z~A human resources employee wal come arouné and record this number to ensure that al of your boxes are | | | retumed to you. | Please take eny valuables home with you by Wednesday. The company wil nt be responsible for the loss of any tems during the move. No ggen food items may be pecked. a5. ungusua, | packaged food, suchas candy and crackers, may be boxed. ‘Thank you for your cooperation 159. (A) tneraros a ech eh di ich 142. (A) Moreover (@) Proposals (8) However (©) Materas (©) Simiary () Licenses (©) Previously 10. (8) were povicing (@) wil be provices (©) wl provide (0) are provicing 4161. (A) Make anote of your otal count (B) He wilwant to know how many of each you have. (C) Boxes wil be shipped atthe company’s ‘expense, (0) Extra boxes and tape can be found inthe ‘front nbby. est? 55 ‘Questions 143-146 refer tothe folowing e-mal. To: Rudotf Crowley From: Dafina Néashe Subject: Decision on proposal Date: 12 August Dear Mr. Crowiey: |'am please to inform you that at the Tuesday night meeting the iy councl approved your 2 formal eter of approval this week. “az: Sveciealy, hey were concerned about noise and on-street parking. However, your =~ ‘that the inn woul only serve breakfast to quests and would nat have @ restaurant apan to tha ‘general public heloecto persuade them. gg~. they were leased thatthe smal parking area is ‘uoked no he back fe prope So pate pking along the set shoud not be afated. Please lot me know if you have any questions. Sineacly, Define Ndashe (Clerk, Maview City Counc 143, (A) receiver 148. (A) assure (8) receiving (@) assures (C) had receves (C) assured (G) should receive (@) assurance ‘144, (A) The cy council erections are quickly 148. (ay Inaction ‘spproasning, (8) Inconvast (6) Indisputaby, Dickinson Streets one of the {(C) Unfortunately loveliest streets in the oy. (©) Normal (G) As you know, there ware some objections ‘rom tha people in te neighbernocd (0) Many smal oteis ofr complimentary ‘ndispambly thd pat nga ‘breakfasts to thelr quest, PART 7 Directions: In his part you wil read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper atte, ‘emails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts i flowed by several questions. Selectthe best answer foreach question and mark the latter (A, (8), (C),or (2) on your answer shest Barer Questions 147-188 refer tote flowing notes, REGULATIONS Per state aw, all employees at this fcity are required to wear long pants, long sieeves, socks, {and stee-toe shoes. Employees who work with ‘chemicals are also requied to wear masks and safety gloves. Eating and drinking are prohibited ‘except inthe cafeteria, 4147. Where would the notice most iksly appear? 148. Whatissus does the notice discuss? (A) Ina tboratory (A) Workplace ceaniness (8) ina restaurant (@) Lunch breaks (©) Ina cloting sore (C) Week schecules (©) inalawottce (2) Workplace safety rest 57 ‘Questions 149-150 refer to the folowing e-mail. ‘soreply Geleiimarnores com, “wuamowsli@ Febrorny > ‘Subject: | [Repur request 989257 Dear Mr. Tarnow, Bw We are sory to hear you are having trouble with the washing machine you purchased at an Elerman store. Your fepat request has Been received. Within the next B# hours. We ‘wl call you to et up a service appointment in your home, Note that st the ime of ervic, dr technician will ak se the orginal receipt given to ou when You Purchased the machine. Please have i available ‘Thank you for using our online communication form. We look forward to serving you Etectrimax Customer Service Team +49, Why oid Me. Tamonsii use the online form? 150, What is Mr. Tamnowski asked to do? se (A) To ask for a product replacement (A) Recister a poguct {B) To inquire about delivery optons (8) Provide his home address (@) To request a sence appointment (G) Present proof ofhis purchase (©) To posta customer review (©) Vist an Blecirimax sore ‘Questions 181-182 refer to the folowing information. [New Policy for Remote Participation (On Monday, the board of directors of Heart & Health Charity adopted a remote participation policy for committees, boards, and working Groups ‘operaiing under the organization's umbrella. The policy authorizes the Chaitperson of the particular committee to permit a member to participate by telephone or videoconference when the member cannot physically attend the meeting. There are forms to fil out and procedures 10 follow, SO ‘check the Web site for details on how to take advantage of tis new policy. Barer 151. Whatis the nformation primarily about? 182. According tothe information, how can (A) The charity's mutiple offices people fd out more? (B) Attendance at meetings (A) By going onine (©) Technobical improvements (6) By speaking win a charperson (©) Amostiag schedule (©) By joining a videoconference (©) By reading @ manual Questions 153-154 refer to the folowing text message chain = Fabien Vahle (8:43 A.M.) Sita, are you sill atthe warehouse? Sita Singh (8:46 A.) ‘es. Do youneed something? Fabien Vahle (8:47 A.M.) Could you bring over some medium-sized cardooara gif boxes? You can put them in {the closet on the sezand ocr. Sita Singh (8:48 A.M.) How many? Fabien Vahle (8:49 A.M.) dozen or so Sita Singh (8:52 A.M.) ‘That's about how many are left here Fabien Vahle (8:58, guess i's te to feBREtsh the inventory. Misend out an e-mail. o> Cc 153, A854 an, what does Me Vahle mean 4154, What will Ms, Singh probably do next? ‘whan hevwetes, “i send out an e-mail? aise eset atesee (A) He will ask warehouse staf to help (G) Prepare a gt or Mr. Vaio Ms, Singh, (C) Organize 2 messy cioset (B) He wil place an order for more boxes. (@) Bring boxes tothe second foor (©) He wil inform a coleague about anew oy (©) He wil rank Ms. Singh fora job wall ‘done, ‘Questions 155-157 refer othe folowing rtice. 158. 158, “Attention All Employees [At 30 AM tay the main serve fit lot poser dusing segue secusity testing lt] — Power wis restored les chan one hout later and the company Web ste nov fly functional. — [2] — Howeves, many services ae sil dow. Among these fre the main databoze and all desktop phone services, inclalng voice mA this ‘ime, you ean acces email fiom mobile devices bur not fom your office computes. (Our technicians are working to bring all stems back online. However, may tke uncles afternoon for everything ro resume working normally. — [4] — ‘We understand the imporaance of these services to your work, and we will isue pst: as more information becomes available Patsy Whats the purpose ofthe notice? 4157. Inwhich ofthe postions marked (1.2). 3). {09 Boenplan hewn socenn a Web sh ‘and [6] does the folowing sentence bast (8) To provide instructions for using voice belong? mall We humby 28k for your patience unt that (©) To infor employoas ofa technology time adv @ (0) To advise employees of revisions io @ @ 2 catabace © 8) ‘What i incizated about the company oe emai? (A) Its ony avaliable on offce computers. (@) Its accassie on mobile devices. (©) Oniy offce technicians can use it curcerty (©) Ithas been updated to provide more ‘secu. sonenor noes Tes? 61 Questions 158-160 refer othe following lator. 158. 159. Peake Painting Ld. © 375 Fox Road * Toronto, ON MSB2CI + 416-555-0101 Sune Ms, Pit Parekh, Manager Point Apartments 23 Concordia La ‘Toronto, ON MSH AL Dect Ma. Parekh This lier ia follow-up to our telephone conversation of6 June. As I mentioned ‘then, we have hewn succesfully serving many apartment complexes nthe Toronto ars or the pst fifeen years would Be happy to supply references, [alo discused with you the various benefits our service agreement offers, These include priority scheduling preventive maintenance, sevice discounts and advice ‘fom our expert painters. Our service agreement aso covers the repainting of sparements Vacated by tenants and a one-year guarantee on paint ad laboue Enclose cony of our stander contract, which canbe adjusted o your specie ‘eal reguiements. Please let me know if you need any further information, Hook oral eo hearing from you soon. Sincerely Nuruddin Abdulla Noraddin Absullabs, Osmer Peale Painting Led Enclosure ‘Why cid Mr Abdullah send the letter to 4160, What cid Mr. Abculah send wih the letter? Ms. Pareen? (A) Information for tenants (i To give some detas about his business () Abiltor services: (8) To describe some avaliable apartments (Q) A sample contact (C) To inquire abouts service provides (0) Anestimate of costs (0) To askfore rterence ‘What is NOT mentioned asa feature covered by the service agreement? (A) Price reductions (B) Annual evaluations (C) Recommendations by epacisists (0) Periodicaly performed maintenance Questions 181-163 refer othe following report ‘Web site trafic report Prepared by Takani nalts For Te following repr breaks down how vos towne com found Based on he resus, a oa fur sei dia ree Web ste baie ro sal SRS SSP IO SCCSESS than tat of Saar Web es. Tai Souces Direct ati 17% > These ae wsltors who typed in your Web adres or ha it bookmarte Redirected Taf 53% thesare visors we followed link rom an advertisement fund on another compory Web ste. » Popua tera sites: grcensanchomes com, modershousolé.com Search Engine Trafic: 22% > These fe vio who se a sarch engine to search for spac infermaton or proud » Four search engines: Local, River > Papua serch tr: chat fo, ele, books. desk Sect Meier ——— > These sre ators who flowed lnk rom an advisement posted on social media » Popul outlets myfl arople Barely From home page to sale 32% of tal users never let the home page 4488 visited individual product pages without purchasing an item 20% purchased an tern 161. What Web site afc source does Tekani 163, Whats indicated about Aralyis rezommend increasing? (A) Itadverises on other Web sites (A) Direct tfc {@) Itgets more sirect wai than simiar (@) Redirected wae Wb sites do. (C) Search ongine rate () Ithas redesigned its home page (6) Soci! mecia trafic (©) ithas increased is Internet ses. 162. Whattype of products does wu ost kal 98? (A) Books (@) Furniture (©) Advertisements (©) Gardenng equipment Test? 63 Questions 164-167 refer to the folowing arte, CAPE TOWN (18 May)—The Cape Town Museums of Aa hit stnounged the appointment of Mi Simphive Nyambi as cad vof the_museum’s Dighal Media Deparment. effective on 1 Jone. — [I] —- ‘The dcparent is responsible for managing Aigial conten fo the documentation and ‘eterpetaton ofthe museum's collection. In hor ole a chief digi aes, Ms. Nya ‘wll explore ne distal oppartanitis forthe “Sys, Nyambi sud journalism in South Africa and” Seodand. [2]. Until Fecently she lived in Nuirbi, Kenya, where She ws he dial editor for African Arte 164. What is 2 purpose of ig a? ag bin (A) Te invoduce a new peprealon (6) To describe parnerships between ‘museums end univarstias (©) To discuss new methods of ‘seoumentaon (@) Te annaunce the hiking of a mesia specialist 165. According to the article, where is one place Ms. Nyambi stuied? (A) Canada (8) Kenye (6) Scotiana (©) The United States 4166, What is true about Me. Nyambi? (a She can see the museum from her home. (B) She grew up near Nairobi (C) She earned a depree in computer (0) She ouns s large collection of ar. Cltare Quarters. — {3} —. Before working forthe joural, ake taught journalism at colleges in the United Staos fd Canada Tam éelighed to be back in my hometown.” Ms. Nyambi said ia a recent inversow with this policion.— [4] "1 fee lewed to have te opportunity 1 work fortis wonderul museu, Holds spec place in my Beart dating back to hildhood. Ad as of two wesks ago, T have clear view of the building ftom partment. I look forward to sharing the ruscum’s amazing collection withthe World through digital media.” 167. In which of the postions marked [1,2 3, ‘and [2] does the following sentence best belong? “She replaces Mi. Arthur Maseko, who resigned in March.” 10) ®@ 2 5) (0) Questions 168-171 refer to the folowing onine chat eiscussion ‘Sara Davis (9:40A.M.) Don’ forget that our brainstorming meeting today sat 1:30 in room 142, Please bring your suggestions fr the Alder presentation, ‘Ron Chou (3:41 AM.) Mlb there, Sara. Wil you be available after the meeting to is facilities work request? Gara Davis (41 AM.) ‘Absolutely Let's talkin my office immediately afterwards “Tania Watson (8:42 A.M) (Can you incude Patrick Martin inthe meeting? He has some good ideas for communicating with the new clients Parey ‘Aidan Reynoids (8:43 A.M.) Ihave some advertising and promotional concepts that I've drafted ling them, Dane. Good idee, Tana Ron chou (8:45 A.M.) Great. ve been waiting to see those, Aidan. Tria Watson SAN] How long 6 you thin the meeting list? Fm supposes to bret te iat on ti Scon ketnedy ot 230 on the results of the Slaccnaas oreseniaton, _\| shetwclagh Sara Davis (8:47 A.M.) |We're scheduled for an hour anda haf in the room, but feel ree to leave whenever you need to. 168. Why does Ws. Davis invite the writers tothe 170, AtO:44 Aut, what does Ms. avis most atteroan meting? Tkely mean when she writes, Done"? (N) To generate now ideas (A) She has completes the Blackwood (8) To even a cient survey resentation (©) To daciss a work request (@) She as sent a mestng invitation to (©) To finalize tha Alcer presentation Mr Marin (©) She nas trees up time for a meeting 168. What will Mc Reynolds contribute to the (©) She has finished her work forthe day. afleroan meeting? 14) Schedlng Information 4174, Why does Mis, Watson need o Joave the {e) conmrare reciente afternoon meeting early? (©) Glent stategies (A) She is leaving for a business trip. () Markating plane (@) She has to provie information to @ coleague () She must propere for 2 presanaton. (©) She is scheculed to greet new cients Questions 172-175 refer tothe folowing article. Quester Expands Marketplace DUBLIN (23 July}—Quester Lid, the details ofthe companies” open positions. company that operates the groundbreaking Job seekers create a skillet profile and (Quester Wed site fr job seekers and ‘denity opportunities of inezest o them, employers, has announced that it will now Candidates and employers iter. include technolo clad assay scling links ad bsges between skills i markerplac. Sprabteejeb jobs Vs onthe Gnesi sie ach mor than Sve years ao, Quester’s propery algrtim matches has ocaed sll on sang’ employers and job seen and then nian nth halite secs, ties both Using a snple messaging Like health crete ecology sectors anchedling to jo nse can rin enplvecs iho inet thle tre in ao oping Sis han belp tnd ployer can send ericw segues Erploer ar ign a pessonal guide walk tem tugh he proves and ensure te maximum iit fom nc cxpesence Cont 1 job seks The employment mi of technology professionals aleady gue high Set Jos inthe Indust a pote to grow ‘igitcanty cach your ovr te nxt is get for bh ends of the kink sd ead Mima fpuming employment make” id Ms. Mis page of Qa Sob seskers cam easily fd the mow aaa enging nb aesten emt Opparnitintn enplysr ‘together with recruiters and hiring eo te heute tee managers. When companies contract with ficiently acquire in-demand talent, Guest job Ising re ces with Shin ess than a mon ‘be prnected to Vi dar dog 6 172, 13, 1m, Ay Boy mf gh vo ey vpsae Where woud he arile most ay appa? (2) ina cia oul {B) na beanese nagzie {6) Inatocmalogy tne nvelter {5} Graneapeatavie ste ‘The word “nest in paragraph 2, fine 7,8 osestin reaning to (a) ta ip ing ) jon (©) tna (©) contact ‘What i inccated about Ms. Misra? (A) She werked as a macical professional in the past (B) She hebed to create Quester. (©) Shes charge of hing at Quester (0) She expects the heat-care sectors profs to grow. 475. Whatis suggested about Questor's system? (A) Is tecnnology needs to be upgraded. (@) It quarantegs joo seekers a match wine tays (©) Itofers postions in many ciferent industes. (@) is costs are covered by emaloyers. sy ‘Questions 176-180 refer to the folowing arile and e-mail LONDON G0 Mayy—Navalls «marine "Tanspot company based in Le Havre, Francs, Shnounced last eek thai has once again ded to i cargo feet. A Danish vessel hbo the Epsilon, ws parciced from CCopeshagen-hasedcombny to be Narvalis Jgugecghp. It wl be docked in a separate | ‘Geafon for cleaning and inspection before oily entering service out of Le Havre Narvalis maintins a fet of twenty medium- aan largesizad vessel ransporiog primarily fains and iron oe between inteations) Aesnaions, “Our board unanimously decided to invent in tig sesondhand veel 19 expand ‘our operations aTcompany president Enimanvel Brodeur “We believe "at the ‘stantial cle ofthis vessel wil allow 0 alive conan shipments more efit” From: | (ghemani@nanaife ——_____________] To: (ahanns@ dawuecoaniy Date: a | Subject: Dear Mr. Sharma, a ‘Thank you for contacting me. I think tha the Epsilon would be the best option for your sompay'saaeds. Given is sie, it would take fnger to arrive in Memba than our other | Sostis However, provide unparalleled cargo space, which wil allow Tor Your goods to 1e'tanspored t's Megle shipment This wil greatly simplify logistice onthe receiving nd Following its purchase in Copenhagen, the Epsilon was routed to Amsterdam in the ‘Netherlands for severat days. The Pan is ha it wil next ed to our headguares in LaHaye However, we can casly send it directly on to Bilbao, Spa, for lading. Please IePmeLnow how you would ike to proceed. Zachatie Bernard Client Services. Narvalis 178. a7. 178. What is the Epsilon ? (A) Acontaner ship (8) Atransport truck (©) Atreigh rain (©) Acergoplane \What is mentoned about the Epsilon ? (A) twos bult by Narvals. {@) Ithed aprevious owner (©) Its trecuenty used. (0) Ithas passed inspection Inthe atl, the word "scale" in paragraph Zine 8, is closest in meaning to (A) portion (B) level (C) degree (0) size 479, Why did Mr. Berard write the e-mail? (A) Tofnaize a purchase (B) To apologize fora delay () To advise a cient (0) Torepiy to colleague +180, Whore was the Epsilon most ikaly inspected? (A) In Copenhagen (@) Inamstercem (©) InLe Hewe (©) InBibao TET ceanro nen poe ‘Questions 181-188 rafarto the follwing memo and frm, ‘To: Fanoula Graphics employees From: Accounting Department Re: Expense reimbursement form Date: December 15 Beginning on January 2, Fanoula Graphics will implement a new process for reimbursement of business-travel expenses. The new procedure will be easier to foes, and employees can expeet to receive reimbursements mush ‘mare quickly than they do under the eurrent system, Employees will no longer book their own flights and hotels. All travel arrangements will instead be made by Allison Weber and her team in Operations. Employees should submit an clectronic request form to Ms. Websrs team atleast two weeks before the frst day of travel. IF travel plans are Known far in advance, itis preferable to submit requests yell before the submission deadline. Request forms can be found onthe employee portal of the company’s Web site Aer tne emplyes shld obit an dale rbasemeat fom for all other reimbursable expenses, including meals, Hf taxi service, gasoline, laundry services at hotels, and other expenses that are outlined in the employee portal on the Web site. Please note that photocopying is no longer considered a reimbursable expense. We ask that ‘employees prepare copies using our own office equipment before traveling "Thank you for your compliance, Please refer any questions to Ms. Weber. Fonoula Graphics expense Reimbursement Form Name and department: [Martin Santos, Sales Please remember o sean and attach all receipts and/or creditcard statements, Date of sub January 29 Purpose of trav To visita client from Mayfurrow, Inc, in Wellfleet, MA Date of Expense | Payee Purpose Amount January Photocopies | Client meeting | $12.74 January3__ | Mary's Restaurant | Dinner $45.93 January3-4__| Len’sCarRental_ | Transportation | $78.24 January 4 Wellfleet Diner | Breakfast $13.35 [6a Transportation | $18.42 Total: $168.68 oy 101. 182. 108. According tp the memo, whet will happen fon danuary2 7 (A) AWab ste willbe uadated, () Anew procedure wil go into fect. (C) Anew operations diector willbe hired. (0) Ameetng about travel potciee wil take place ‘What is inccatad about reimbursement forme? (A) They a1 avaliable in Ms, Webar's ofc. (@) They require a managers signature (@) They must be submited electronical. () They shoud be submited monty. Inthe memo, the word "wel" in paragranh 2, line 5 is ceaest in meaning to 9 sight (8) much (©) cosely (0) succeestuly 14. 185. What amount will NOT be reimbursed to Me. Santos? wy si274 @ siaaz (©) $4593, (0) s7824 ‘What dd Mr. Santos most kay do? (A) Buy lunch fora cient (B) Use a taxi for vansportation (6) Attach receipt rom restaurants (0) Hosta cient at Fanouia Graphics’ ofice rest? 74 Easy {Questions 186-190 refer tothe folowing Web page, notice, and e-mail n Jacinto Business Institute JBI) Whether you are just starting out inthe business world or looking for ways to expand your operations, JBI olfers a variety of low-priced seminars tught by successful enrepreneurs from top businesses inthe repion. Cheek out our upcoming seminars that will meet weekly in Febuary Basic Financing for Small Businesses This seminar wil review traditional and practical ways to Finance your business Saturdays, 12:30 px ta 3:00 PM, Starting Out in Leadership For those new to management, this seminar will examine essential techniques that fous on roduetivity and positive worktoree motivation, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 rat to 9:30 Px Promoting Your Business Explore strategies for effectively advertising and expanding your business. Mondays, 6:00 3, 0 9:00 Ps Planning a Successful Start-Up Before you open lor business prepare ¢ detailed plan of your concept using time-honored. Tuesdays, $:00 8:00 Notice Ting Yang to lead JBI seminar We are delighted to have Ms. Ting Yang joining us in February. She earned a master’s degree in marketing from Julem University and started out at Wiser Point nc, where se oe the postion of marketing director The company’s revenue increased greatly during Ms. Yang’ tenure. After fiftcen years at Wister Point, Ms.Yangjoined the successful advertising | consulting frm Marvin and Rhodes Advisers, Take advantage ofthis i i : { al ‘opportunity to benefit from her considerable expertise and sign up for her seminar today! To Ticino Business Iatite From: Gavia Tones comes fosenypibrelacon> a [Bubjoct —— a | “The semi I atended proved valuable. Ihave long admire’ Ms. Yang. nf, she was | Aeparment treo athe ware rm where int wovaaa ater univers Now tht a {otking © grow the businss I rocently sand the chance fo far fom her ings ax | been ver ep T hope se wil rein fo ead the mints a you stu ETE All the ost, atria Tores 186. Whats indicated about JBI? 4109. Why did Me, Torres write the e-mail? (A) lis somnars are proved for tree. (A) To respond to an opportunity (@) lisinstuctors have business (B) Toinqure about registration for @ ‘experence, seminar (©) tspeciizes in the retail industry. (©) To ask for advice about a business (©) ltwas established soveral years ago. (©) To povice eedaack about a seminar 4187, Forwhomis the notice mainyy intended? 190, What ls most Ikely true about Ms. Torres? (A) Potential JB students (a) She has a degree in fnance. (@) Current JBI facuity (B) She was employed at Wister Point, nc (C) Gradstes of Julem University (C) She willsoon teach a seminar at Jt (©) Clients at a consuiting fm (0) She recently moved to new town. 4188. What seminar ci Ms, Yang most ikely teach? (A) Basic Financing for Small Businesses (@) Staring Out in Lescership () Promoting Your Business (0) Planning @ Successful Star-Up 1s? 78 Questions 191-195 refer to the folowing Web page, online form. and search results. | tts wwccopychaser.con ® Tone GurSenis | Propet DescitonFom [GiertReveve|_CorctUs_] Our Services At Copychaser, we understand that skillflly writen content is essential to athriv business, That's why’ aver the past Uae decades we have continued to increase our pool a skilled sand fvelance writers representing a wide range of expertise, And now we afer you the opportunity te complement your text with artwork developed by our eam oF graphic sti, Let Copyehater take care ofall your company’s + Service I: Marketi raduets and servic Copy: We wil erat the perfoet message to promote your ‘pulling your company ahead of the eompetiton, + Service 2: Content Development. Whether you need general informational oF techniealartieles, we will atch you with the exper sriter you need + Service 3: Translation. We work with international translation agencies that will "your Weh site conten he local Mavor you need in order io sel to diverse markets and populations, + Service 4: Trin general wrt ona speci in Writing. We provide in-person workshops and webinars on ils aswell as coaching sessions for individuals o small groups of writing or project Fill out out projet description form and we will get back 19 you within 24 hours with aserviee proposal to suit your needs } Ci enery—] Project Description: ‘mlaakng fr an expat wh fins rlcid tha pavlnum hosinase “This would ba for cine BAR edirond oubish The ‘deal writer hos SrETOETed background in perochen ese art etonomics os i elotes the international of market. A degree ino Red relted to fos fuels or economics is preted | ned someone who con communicate complex topics cea whie maintaining scientific cecuracy, eL Tels) 7” CCopychaser search results for Project 981: Name Degree and Experts Analia Almeida Master of Business Administration. Experience in agricultural commodity pricing. Consultant in food packazing (Cara Pont Doctorate in Physics. Expert in subatomic particle theory and light spectrum analysis of distant space objects ‘Armand Mk>aliphi ‘Masier of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Experience in area design and quality contol. Export in aghesives sed in areatt assembly ‘Wayne Bryfeld Doctorate in Chemical Engineering. Exper in fuel and lbri formulation. Presenter on topics related tothe oil and gas indus 491, 192. 193. ‘What does the Web page suggest about 194, What Copychaser sence does Conychaser (Ms. Takahashi nese? (A) Its a relatively new business. (A) Service + {@) Itotters video content development (@) Sonice2 () works exctusively with reetancers. (©) Senice 3 (©) Ithas expanded ts team of writers. (©) Senice 4 What has Copychaser added recenty? 495. Who best fs Ms. Tekahash's ctea? (A) Web-site hosting (A) Ms. Almeida (@) Printing (8) Dr Pont (G) Graphic desion (©) Me. Minapri () Data storage (@ Dr Bryfed Whats indsated about Ms. Takahashi? (a) Sharam a Waban pian aghla, {@) Sho works fora petrol {6} Shomer used Copyonaser inthe past. (©) She needs some work done quick. ‘Apo! of site 1 née. ‘compliment: Len nag ‘complement: 6d emg Garey ‘Questions 196-200 refer tothe folowing yer and e-mails, Grenfell Landscaping Make sure your company’s nararal features look chete best. A tidy frst impression is important. Greenfell Landscaping can help you keep your company’s greenery green! We have muleple tiers of service designed especially for our commercial clients ~ Eco Keeper Standards weckly lawn mowing with detailed gras trimming by walkways. and buildings ~ Eco Keeper Plus: weckly mowing and trimming, organic ferlizer aplication, and weed removal. Our most popular service = Master Green Golds all the lawn-care services of our Eco Keeper Plus plan with the ided benefit of seasonal flower plantings and flower bed maintenance ~ Master Green Platinum: all che services of our Master Green Gold plan but with care for your small trees and shrubs included. Twice-yearly pruning and trimming. Insect control. We can even bring ornamental porced tres to brighten your entryways Contact servicegogreenfllcom co request an estimate. Costs are based on plan, lawn size, and type of plantings. Se Te: aT | Date: subject | Cagg J My company has scently decide to outsource the lawn cate at both out worksite, and "Thwve besn tke w slit bids for a contrat todo the work sum your Grenfell Lindeaping jer and wanted to reach out tp you a we would prefer to work with a Icey sued company rather than Tange franchise We have 1a prpenios with are Iswns. Our mi offces se on Langley Boulevard, near the Croatud Shopping Plz, and our shipping nachout fe komt from the {uss be Kept shor for alow” but fair cost. We do not have any flower gardens or hedges, nthe mowing is very saighforward 1 you ar interested in submitng a bid, please let me know, Daphne Mizuno, Facilities Manager Patten Products LLC 78 SS 1 Dae: Sebjece [RE Tapp ‘vctmens (GReemee Dear Mi. Mizuno, ‘Thank you for contacting Grenfell Landscaping about this opportunity. We would like {o bid on this work, Plegue forward the specifications, ang Lal begin working up the te lS 1 you need references as part of your process, you can contact Mr. Fred Sol. the ‘owner ef Dynamo Machine Sop, whichis loested just dows the stet from your Storehouse, Fred has been & Grenfell Landscaping customer for over eight Yeas. His (etal attached ‘Greenft Landscaping is fully licensed and insured. You can count on us to provide ‘excelort, aiable serice Since, Brian Karpyak, Owner Greenfl Landscaping 196. Forwhom i the fyer specifically intended? 198, Accorcng othe second e-mail, what (A) Prvatehomeouners should Ma Mizu 0? (8) Partie tandscapers (A) Submit a compete bia (©) Business overs (B) Provise the name of reference (0) Environmental researchers (©) Arrange a meeting wath Mr. Karpyak (G) Send Wr. Karpyak te detals of 200 197. Why did Ms, Mizuno contact Greenfell Landscaping in particular? 200, Whatis most icely ru about Mr. Stolz? (A) Because she saw a discount offer (A) He used to work for Pamatum (@) Because itis a local company Products. (©) Because she recently mat the owner (@) His insurance payments ae up-to-date, (©) Because i uses highly epeciaized (©) He los near the Crossroads Shopping ‘equipment Plaza, {B) His shop i located on Kempton Road, 198, What level of service wil Ms. Mizuno most lkaly choose? (A) Eco Keaper Standard (8) Eco Kesper Plus (©) MasterGreen Gold (©) Master Green Planum ‘Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may go ‘back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work. rere

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