2marks Final Year

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February 2012
1. Name four types of pelvis.
• Gynaecoid pelvis
• Android pelvis
• Anthropoid pelvis
• Platypelloid pelvis
2. Name four varieties of breech presentation.
a) Complete breech
b) Incomplete breech
c) Others: breech with extended legs, footing
presentation, knee presentation
d) Clinical varieties: uncomplicated, complicated
3. Define precipitate labor.
A labour is called as precipitate when the
combined duration of first and second stage labour is
less than 3 hours
4. Name any two Tocolytic agents.
a) Ca+ channel blocker: Nifedipine , Nicardipine,
b) Betamimetics: Terbutaline, Ritodrine
c) Oxytocin antagonist: Atosiban
d) Nitric oxide donar: Gyceral trinitrate
e) Magnesium sulfate
f) Indomethacin

5. Name the four types of episiotomy.

a) Medio-lateral
b) Lateral
c) Median
d) ’J’ shaped
6. Phlegmasia albadolens.
It is a clinical pathological condition usually
caused by retrograde extention of pelvic
thrombophlebitis to involve the ilio-femoral vein .the
femoral vein maybe directly affected from the adjacent
7. Stall worthy’s sign.
Slowing of fetal heart rate on the pressing of
head down into the pelvis which soon recover
promptly as pressure released is suggestive of the
presence of low lying placenta especially of posterior
8. Name the parts of the fallopian tube.
• Intramural(or) interstitial
• Isthmus
• Infundibulum, Ampulla
9. Roll over test.
This screening test is done between 28_32
weeks BP is measured with the patient on her side first
and then the patient is asked to roll on her back to
check BP 0nce again .an increase of 20 mmhg in
diastolic pressure from the side to back position
indicate positive roll over test .about 33%of women
with positive roll over test later develop hypertension.
10. Name any two conditions where the maternal
serum Alpha fetoprotein level is elevated.
• Open neural tube defect
• Anencephaly
• Spina-bifida ( Meningomyelocele )

11. Any two aims of antenatal care.
• To screen high risk cases
• To detect (or)to prevent and treat any
• To ensure continued risk assessment and to
provide ongoing primary preventive health
• To educate the mother about the physiology
of pregnancy and labour
12. Emergency contraception.
✓ It is otherwise known as postcoital
✓ Eg. Hormone,IUD,antiprogestrone
✓ Hormone : levonorgestrel/0.75mg
✓ IUD:copper IUD insertion within 5 days
✓ Antiprogestrel :mifeprostone
Ru486/100mg/single dose.
13. Any two risk factors arising during pregnancy.
• High blood pressure,
• Diabetes,
• Thyroid disease
14. Difference between cord presentation and cord
• It is the presence of Umblical cord With the
fetal presenting part and cervix with (Or)
without intact membrane.
• It is the presence of cord through cervix
along side (Occult)or the part(overt)the
presenting part in the presence of ruptured
15. Any two causes of non-engaged head.
• Deflexed head,
• CPD,
• Loop of cord around the neck,
• Polyhydromnias,
• Placenta previa
16. Define Mauriceau-smellie-veit Manoeuvre.
• A technique of delivering the after coming
head in breech presentation in which
traction is applied to the baby’s maxilla
and shoulder until the occiput appear
under the symphysis-pubis the child body
is then raised to the mother abdomen
while mouth,nose,brow,and occiput are
successfully brought over the perineum.
17. Any two indicators of fetal wellbeing.
Fetal heart rate reactivity, breathing
movement, gross body movement, Muscular tone,
Quantitative estimation of amniotic fluid volume.
18. Define implantation bleeding.
It is a typically defined as a small amount of
light spotting or bleeding that occur about 10-14 days
after conception is normal. Implantation bleeding
thought to happen when the fertilized egg attaches to
the lining of uterus.
19. Define HELLP syndrome.
✓ Hemolysis elevated liver enzyme and low platelet
✓ It is a severe form of preeclampsia characterized
by hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme,
✓ Hemolysis : abnormal PBS>1.2mg/dl
✓ Thrombocytopenia: platelet<1 lakh/mm3
✓ Elevated liver enzyme: AST.70u/l,LDH500u/l
20. Four differential diagnosis of true and spurious
1. Spurious or “False” labour is a term commonly
used by obstetricians when referring to patient who
have been admitted to hospital with painful uterine
contractions but in whom progressive cervical dilatation
and delivery does not occur.
2. In true labour the contractions involve the entire
uterus and cause pressure and tightening in low back
persistent contractions.
21. Methods of expulsion of placenta
1) Expectant management
2) Assisted expulsion:
a) controlled cord traction (modified brand and
new method)
b) expression by fundal pressure
22. Advantages of ventouse over forceps
➢ Incase where moderate traction is required
forced will be more effective
➢ It is safe at any gestational age baby’s
➢ Forceps operation can quickly expedite the
delivery incase of fetal distress where
ventouse will be unsuitable and it take longer
➢ It can be employed in anterior face or after
coming head breech presentation where
forceps will be contra indicated.
23. Nidation
• Implantation is otherwise known as nidation.
• Implantation is occur in the anterior or
posterior wall of the body near the fundus on
6th day which is corresponded to 20th day of
regular menstural cycle.
• Implantation occur through 4 stages;
a)position, b)adhesion, c)penetration, d)invasion
24. Define normal labour
Labour is called as normal when it fulfills the
following character
1. Spontaneous in onset and at the term
2. With vertex presentation
3. Without undue prolongation
4. Natural termination with minimal aids
5. Without having any complication affecting the
health of the mother and the baby
25. Define puerperium
Puerperium is the period following child birth
during which of the body tissues especially the pelvic
organs revert back approximately to the pre
pregnant state both anatomically and
26. Lie
Relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long
axis of the maternal abdomen.
27. Types of breech presentation
• complete
• incomplete
• footling
• kneeling
28. What is macrosomia
Abnormally large size baby weighing more than 4
Kg is considered as macrosomia
29. Abnormalities of umblical cord:
a) Single umblical artery
b) Four vesselel umblical cord
c) Vasaprevia
d) Hypoplactic umblial artery
e) Umblical vein varices
f) Cord Cust
g) Umblical cord terratomas
h) Congenitad hernia of umblical cord

30. Difference between antepartum hemorrhage and

post partum hemorrhage
Hemorrhage occur during Hemorrhage occur after
pregnancy delivery
Major causes are placenta Major causes are utetrine
previa,abrubtion of placenta atony,trauma, uterine rupture
Leading cause of perinatal Leading causes of maternal
and maternal mortality mortaliy
Less blood loss compared More blood loss comparing
with pph with aph
31. List two positive signs of pregnancy
• Fetal movement felt by the doctor
• Electronic device detect the FHR
• The delivery of the baby
• Ultra sound detects the fetus
• Palpation of the fetus

32. Engagement
Engagement is defined as the descent of the bi parietal
diameter of the head to the level of pelvic inlet .
33. Physiological anemia
The propotionate increase in the plasma and RBC
volume produce a state of hemodilution (fall in
hematocrit) During pregnancy. Those even the total HB
mass increase during pregnancy to the extend of 18 %
to 20%. There is a apparent fall in HB concentration at
term the fall is above 2gm % from the non pregnancy
state known as physiological anemia.
34. Define normal labour
Labour is called as normal when it fulfills the
following character
1. Spontaneous in onset and at the term
2. With vertex presentation
3. Without undue prolongation
4. Natural termination with minimal aids
5. Without having any complication affecting the
health of the mother and the baby

35. Define trial labour

It is a conduction of spontaneous labor in a minor
to moderate degree of CPD in an institution under
super vision with the watch full expectancy hoping for
the vaginal delivery.

36. HELLP syndrome

✓ Hemolysis elevated liver enzyme and low platelet
✓ It is a severe form of preeclampsia characterized
by hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme,
✓ Hemolysis : abnormal PBS>1.2mg/dl
✓ Thrombocytopenia: platelet<1 lakh/mm3
✓ Elevated liver enzyme: AST.70u/l,LDH500u/l

37. List four positions of vertex presentation

38. What is Rh Incompatibility?
• Rh incompatibility is a condition occur during
pregnancy when the mother has Rh negative blood
group and her baby has Rh Positive blood group. Rh
factor is a protein in the RBC. The difference in Rh
blood group type between the mother and baby
will cause hemolytic deices of a new born.
39. Abnormalities of umbilical cord
a) Single umblical artery
b) Four vesselel umblical cord
c) Vasaprevia
d) Hypoplactic umblial artery
e) Umblical vein varices
f) Cord Cust
g) Umblical cord terratomas
h) Congenitad hernia of umblical cord

40. Warning signs of eclampsia.

Severe persistent head-ache, Hyper reflexia,
Proteinuria, Edema, Clonus, Visual disturbance,
Epigastric pain

41. Define normal Labour
• Labour is called as normal when it fulfills the
following character
1. Spontaneous in onset and at the term
2. With vertex presentation
3. Without undue prolongation
4. Natural termination with minimal aids
5. Without having any complication affecting the
health of the mother and the baby.
42. List four advantages of forceps delivery
o Forceps are unlikely to detach from head
o Can be sized to premature cranium
o Result in less cephal hematoma and retinal
o Do not aggravate bleeding from scalp
o May be undue for rotation
43. Name four destructive operations
Craniotomy ,symphysiotomy , cleitotomy,
decapitation, spondylectomy,evisceration
44. Give the meaning for (a) pica (b) chloasma
✓ PICA: Pica is eating of substance with no
nutritional value such as soil, soap, ash
✓ CHOLASMA: Irregular brownish or blackish
spots especially in face appear during
45. Birth injuries of a newborn
✓ Retinal hemorrhage
✓ Brachial plexus injury
✓ Cephal hematoma
✓ Horner syndrome
✓ Facial nerve injury
✓ Shoulder dystocia, cerebral palsy

46. Name 2 drugs in each group (a) oxytocics (b)

OXYTOCICS: oxytocin, ergotamine, PGE2,
ANTIHYPERTENSIVE: labetalol, nifedipine,
hydralazine, methydopa
47. Premature rupture of membranes
Rupture of membrane any time after 37 weeks
but before the onset of spontaneous contraction
48. Mention two differences between true & false


Contraction occur at regular Contraction occur at irregular
interval interval
Intervals gradually shorten Interval remain long
Intensity gradually increases Intensity remain unchanged
Cervix dilate Cervix does not dilate

49. Lightening
Lightening is defined as the fetal presenting part
begins to descend in maternal pelvis
50. Four causes of female infertility
PCOS, PID, uterine fibroids, endometriasis, poor
cervical mucus quality, uterine infection
51. Maternal mortality Rate
According to WHO the death of women while
pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy termination
irrespective of site and duration of pregnancy from any
cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its
management but not from accidental or incidental
52. Caput succedaneum
Edema of newborn scalp crosses the suture line
during vaginal delivery.it may involve wide areas of
53. Macrosomia
• Abnormally large size baby weighing more than 4
Kg is considered as macrosomia.
54. Precipitate Labour
• A labour is called as precipitate when the
combined duration of first and second stage
labour is less than 3 hours
55. Abnormalities of placenta
✓ Placenta Previa
✓ Placenta Accrete
✓ Placenta Increta
✓ Placenta Percreta
✓ Placental abrubtion
✓ Circumvalliate placenta.
56. Any four reflexes of newborn
• Moro reflex,
• Babinski,
• Tonic neck,
• rooting,
• sucking,
• swallowing ,
• blinking,
• glabellar
57. Any two causes of unstable lie
• Multiparity,
• uterine abnormality,
• placenta previa,
• pelvic contractures ,
• polyhydromnias,
• anencephaly
58. Four types of breech
• complete
• incomplete
• footling
• kneeling
59. Any two Tocolytic drugs
Mgso4, nifedipine, nicardine, terbutaline,
retrodrine, indomethacin, aspirin.
60. Physiological jaundice.
Yellowish staining of newborn skin and sclera
on second day of newborn lifem it is due to breakdown
of RBC’S and to immaturity of newborn liver.
61. Mention the Diameters of inlet of female pelvis

Anteroposterio Extend from the lower 110mm

or conjucate dm margin of pubic
symphysis to the
sacrococcygeal joint
Transverse dm Extend across the 135mm
greatest width of the
syperior aperture from
the middle of the brim
on obneside to the same
point of opposite
Oblique dm Extend from the 125mm
iliopectenial eminenceof
one side to the sacroiliac
aiticulation of opposite
Anatomical Extend from the pubic 120mm
conjucate symphysis to the sacral
Diagonal Extend from the inferior 130mm
conjucate pubic ligament to
Straight Extend from the lower 95mm
conjucate border of the pubic
symphysis to the tip of
the coccyx
62. Write four pre-requisities of forceps
• The head must be engaged
• The cervix must be fully dilated and retracted
• The position of the head must be known
• The membrane must be ruptured
• Bladder must be emptied
• Pain relief
• Size of baby must be known.
63. Name four postnatal complications
PPH, Post natal blues, mastitis, sub-involution,
puerperal sepsis
64. What is white leg?
Phlegmasia albadolens is otherwise called white-
leg syndrome.it is a part of spectrum of disease related
to DVT. Inflammation characterized by swollen, pale,
painful, limb following parturition.
65. Describe Chadwick’s sign and Osiander sign
CHADWICKS SIGN: Vaginal mucosa become
congested and via laceous or bluish to purplish in
OSIANDER SIGN: Increased pulsation felt through
the lateralfornices
66. What is the effect of GDM on foetus?
Macrosomia, neonatal hypoglycemia, congenital
anomalies, jaundice, polycythemia, prematurity,
hyaline membrane disease,
67. Causes of obstructed labour
MATERNAL: Contracted pelvis, abnormal shaped
pelvis, polio, congenital deformity of bony pelvis, pelvic
mass, cervical stenosis,vaginal stenosis ,adhesion
FETAL: Macrosomia, malpresentation,
hydrocephaly, fetal hydrops, ascities, conjoint twins
68. Types of placenta
• Monoamnitic/ monochorionic
• Dichorionic/diamniotic
• Monochorionic/diamniotic
69. Write four non pharmacological methods of pain
management during labour
• Hydrotherapy, hypno birthing, patterned
breathing, relaxation, visualization,
massaging, back rub
70. Immunization schedule
• TT at 5th and 7th month of
71. List methods of induction of labour.
• Medical induction: prostaglandin,
mifepristone, oxytocin
• Surgical induction: membrane stripping, ARM
• Combined method: oxytocin infusion with
72. Write two functions of Amniotic fluid.
• Act as a shock absorber to protect the fetus from
external injury
• Maintain the fetal temperature
• Allow free movement and growing of fetus
• Prevent adhesion formation between fetal parts
and amniotic sac
• Has some nutritive value because of small amount
of protein and salt

73. Define moulding.

It is a process which effectively reduces the
diameter of fetal skull and encourages progress of
delivery through maternal pelvis without harming the
fetal brain
74. Complications of face presentation.
MATERNAL: PROM, prolapse of cord,
prolonged labour, operative vginal delivery,
FETAL: congenital anomalies, fetal heart rate
anomalies, facial edema, laryngeal edema, tracheal
75. Signs of placental separation.
▪ A gush of blood come from vaginal
▪ Umblical cord gets lnger
▪ Uterus rises over abdomen
▪ Uterus become round in shape

76. What are the complications of Intrauterine

Contraceptive Device?
Perforation, expulsion, PID, infection, increased
white discharge,
77. Classify the types of abortion.
Spontaneous induced

Isolated Recurrent Legal


Threatened inevitable complete incomplete missed

78. Define hydatidiform mole.
A hydatidiform mole represents a non invasive
abnormal placenta characterized by grossy evident
hydropic swelling of chorionic villi accompanied by
trophoblastic perforation.
79. What is fetus papyraceous?
It is a rare condition which describes a
mummified fetus in a multiple gestation pregnancy
in which one of the fetus dies and become flattened
between the membranes of the other fetus and
utrerine wall.
80. List the advantages of Ventouse over forceps.
o It can be used in un rotated and mal rotated
occipito posterior position
o It can be applied even in incompletely dilated
o Lesser traction force is needed(10kg)
o Safe even when head is high in second baby of
o Injuries to the mother is less
o Require less technical skill
o Fetal complications are less
81. Mention the four types of Breech presentation.
• complete
• incomplete
• footling
• kneeling
82. What are the methods of contraception?
PERMANENT: vasectomy, tubectomy
NATURAL METHOD: rhythm method, calendar
metod, basal body temperature method, cervical
mucous method
female condoms, diaphragm, (CHEMICAL)vaginal
foams, jellies
IUD’S: 1ST GEN-lippes loop, 2nd GEN- copper
iud, 3rd GEN-levonorgecterol iud
only pill, once a month pill, combined pill, male pill
83. What is TORCH?
• T- Toxoplasmosis
• O- Others ( hep.B, syphilis )
• R- RubeLla
• C- Cytomegalovirus
• H- Herpes simplex virus.
84. What are the Birth injuries?
• Cerebral palsy
• Shoulder dystocia
• Brachial plexus injuries
• Hypoxia
• caput succedenum
85. Nursing management for breast engorgement.
➢ Massage the breast firmly
➢ Apply hot compress on breast
➢ Initiate breast feeding as early as possible
➢ support the breast with binders or brassiers
➢ advice to give regular feed
86. Write two psychiatric complications that occurs
in post partum.
• Postnatal blues
• postpartum depression
• puerperal psychosis.
87. Define Episiotomy.
A surgically planned incision on the perineum and
posterior vaginal wall during the second stage of
labour is called episiotomy.
88. What is Kangaroo care?
It refer to the practice of providing continuous skin
to skin contact between mother and baby, exclusive
breast feeding and early discharge from hospital. The
baby is kept in continuous skin to skin contact with the
mother and feed exclusively
89. What is fertilization?
It is a process by which the sperm of male and
ovum of female meet and fose to form zygote.
90. Describe Homan’s sign.
It is an indication of incipient or established
thrombosis in the leg veins in which site pain occurs at
the back of knee or calf when with the knee bent and
the ankle slowly dorsi-flexed.

91. Glucose tolerance test (GTT).
• Glucose tolerance means the ability of body to
utilize glucose in blood circulation.
• The measurement of plasma glucose before and
after a specific amount (75gm) of glucose is given
orally should provide a standard method to evaluate
individuals and specific values for normal and
92. Define HELLP syndrome.
✓ Hemolysis elevated liver enzyme and low platelet
✓ It is a severe form of preeclampsia characterized
by hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme,
✓ Hemolysis : abnormal PBS>1.2mg/dl
✓ Thrombocytopenia: platelet<1 lakh/mm3
✓ Elevated liver enzyme: AST.70u/l,LDH500u/l
93. Define induction of labour.
IOL is defined as the artificial stimulation of uterine
contraction before the onset of labor after 28 weeks of
94. Write four complications of hydatidiform mole.
➢ Haemorrhage,
➢ Infection due to absence of amniotic sac
➢ Perforation of uterus
➢ Hyperthyroidism
➢ Subsequent development of choriocarcinoma.
95. Write four complications of gestational Diabetes
• Macrosomia
• Fetal death
• Hypoglycemi
• Hyperbillirubinemia
• Respiratory problem to fetus.
96. Write four direct causes of maternal mortality in
➢ Haemorrhage
➢ Hypertensive disorders
➢ Ruptured uterus
➢ Anemia
➢ Hepatitis, Sepsis
97. What is Rh immunization?
A condition that happen when a pregnant woman
blood protein is incompatable with the baby’s blood
protein causing her immune system to react and
destroys baby’s blood cell.
98. Write the causes of intrauterine growth
• Placental insufficiency
• Chromosomal disorders
• Intrauterine infections
• Congenital malformation of baby
• Maternal disease like PIH
• Renal disease, Hypothyroidism.
99. Write four obstetrical emergencies.
➢ Vasa previa
➢ Placental abruption
➢ Uterine rupture
➢ Amniotic fluid embolism
➢ Prolapsed cord, Precipitous delivery.
100.Write four complications of multiple pregnancy.
MATERNAL: Anemia, Hydromnios,
Preeclampsia, Preterm labour, PPH, C.section delivery
FETAL: Abortion, Placenta previa, Prematurity,
PROM, Cord prolapse, IUGR, Congenital anomalies.
101. Define postpartum haemorrhage.
PPH is generally defined s blood loss greater than
or equal to 500 ml within 24 hours after birth while
severe PPH blood loss greater than 1000ml within 24
hours ----WHO.
102. Wharton’s Jelly.
It is a gelatinous substance within umblical cord
largely made up of muco polysacrides (hyaluranic acid,
chondroin sulfate). It act as a mucous connective tissue
containing some fibroblast, macrophgesand it’s derived
from extraembryonic mesoderm
103. Events in third stage of labour.
➢ Placental separation
➢ Separation of membranes
➢ Placental expulsion
➢ Mechanism of control of bleeding
104. Precipitate labour.
A labour is called as precipitate when the
combined duration of first and second stage labour is
less than 3 hours
105. Burns-Marshall method.
• This method is used in breech delivery to
deliver the head of the fetus.
• Bring the pt to the edge of the table
,maintain supra pubic pressure, baby is
allowed to hang by its weight to maintain
flexion of head ,when the nape of the
neck is visible then both feet are held and
moved upwards swing the feet in the long
arc upward towards the mothers
abdomen head is born by flexion.
106. Sub-involution of uterus.
Sub involution is a condition in which the uterus
doesn’t revert back to it’s non pregnant state within 42
days of delivery (postnatal period)
107. Braxton-Hicks contractions.
It is a irregular, painless, sporadic contraction and
relaxation of uterine muscles without any effect on
dilation of cervix
108. Engagement.
Engagement is defined as descent of the biparietal
diameter of head to the level of pelvic inlet.
109. List the pelvic joints.
There are 4 pelvic joints
2-sacroilliac joint,
1-pubic symphysis joint,
1-saccrococcygeal joint
110. Difference between sutures and fontanelles.

Sutures are space 2 or more sutures meet a
between the bones of fontanel
Mainly 5 sutures ,it There are 2 fontanelles AF
doesn’t have shape is diamond shape ,PF is
triangular shape

111. Define Hyperemesis.
Hyperemesis variably as vomiting sufficiently severe
to produce weight loss, dehydration, acidosis from
starvation, alkalosis from loss of HCL in vomit and
112. Events in second stage of labour.
Dialatation of cervix, increased intenty and duration
of uterine contraction, expulsion of baby, propulsive
phase, expulsive phase.
113. Complications of occipito posterior position.
MATERNAL: prolonged and complicated labour,
maternal distress, dehydration, ketoacidosis,
obstructed labour, uterine rupture , PPH, maternal
FETAL: marked moulding, cordprolapse, fetal
distress, infection, fetal death
114. Quickening.
The 1st perception of fetal movement within the
uterus by the mother
Primi: 20weeks, Multi: 16 weeks
115. Parts of a forceps.

116. Apgar score.

117. Functions of placenta.
• Gas exchange
• Metabolic transfer
• Hormone secretion
• Fetal protection
• Nutrient and drug transfer.
118. Leopold manoeuver.
It is a systematic method of observation and
palpation to determine fetal
position,presentation,lie,attitude,.it is preferably
performed after 24 week of gestation when fetal
outline can be palpated
119. Couvelaire uterus.
➢ It is otherwise called uteroplacental apoplexy.
➢ Associted with severe form of placental
separartion with widespread extravasation of
blood into the uterine muscles and below the
serous coat of the muscle.
➢ May lead to tetany,shock,fetal death
120. Caput succedaneum.
Swelling or edema of the fetal scalp offen brought
by pressure from the uterus,vaginal wall during the
vertex delivery. It crosses the sutureline.
121. Signs of placental separation.
▪ A gush of blood come from vaginal
▪ Umblical cord gets lnger
▪ Uterus rises over abdomen
▪ Uterus become round in shape
122. What are the complications of Intrauterine
Contraceptive Device ?
Perforation, expulsion, PID, infection, increased
white discharge,
123. Write four obstetrical emergencies.
➢ Vasa previa
➢ Placental abruption
➢ Uterine rupture
➢ Amniotic fluid embolism
➢ Prolapsed cord, Precipitate delivery.

124. Enumerate four minor disorders of Newborn.

• Vomiting
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Physiological jaundice
• Pseudo menstruation
• Conjunctivitis
125. Any two indicators of fetal wellbeing.
• Fetal heart rate reactivity
• Gross body movement
• Quantitative estimation of amniotic fluid
• Breathing movement
• Muscular tone
126. Write four complications of multiple
MATERNAL: Anemia, Hydromnios, Preeclampsia,
Preterm labour, PPH, C.section delivery
FETAL: Abortion, Placenta previa, Prematurity,
PROM, Cord prolapse, IUGR, Congenital anomalies.
127. Name any two tocolytic agents.
a) Ca+ channel blocker: Nifedipine , Nicardipine,
b) Betamimetics: Terbutaline, Ritodrine
c) Oxytocin antagonist: Atosiban
d) Nitric oxide donar: Gyceral trinitrate
e) Magnesium sulfate
f) Indomethacin
128. Name the parts of the fallopian tube.
o Intramural(or) interstitial
o Isthumus
o Infundibullum, Ampulla
129. Macrosomia.
Abnormally large size baby weighing more than 4
Kg is considered as macrosomia
130. Name four postnatal complications.
• Postnatal blues
• PPH ,
• mastitis,
• sub involution,
• puerperal sepsis
• postpartum depression
• puerperal psychosis.

131. Name four types of Pelvis.
• Gynaecoid pelvis
• Android pelvis
• Anthropoid pelvis
• Platypelloid pelvis
132. Name four types of Breech Presentation.
• complete
• incomplete
• footling
• kneeling
133. Any two aims of ante-natal Care.
✓ To optimise the maternal and fetal screening
✓ To make medical and social interventions available
to women where indicated
✓ To improve the women experience of pregnancy
and birth
✓ To prepare the women for motherhood
134. Define HELLP Syndrome.
✓ Hemolysis elevated liver enzyme and low platelet
✓ It is a severe form of preeclampsia characterized
by hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme,
✓ Hemolysis : abnormal PBS>1.2mg/dl
✓ Thrombocytopenia: platelet<1 lakh/mm3
✓ Elevated liver enzyme: AST.70u/l,LDH500u/l

135. Define normal labour.

Labour is called as normal when it fulfills the
following character
1. Spontaneous in onset and at the term
2. With vertex presentation
3. Without undue prolongation
4. Natural termination with minimal aids
5. Without having any complication affecting the
health of the mother and the baby
136. List two positive signs of pregnancy.
Fetal heart sounds, ultrasound scanning of fetus,
palpation of entire fetus, palpation of fetal
movements, actual delivery of an infant.
137. Abnormalities of umbilical cord.
i) Single umblical artery
j) Four vesselel umblical cord
k) Vasaprevia
l) Hypoplactic umblial artery
m) Umblical vein varices
n) Cord Cust
o) Umblical cord terratomas
p) Congenitad hernia of umblical cord
138. List four advantages of forceps delivery.
➢ Forceps are unlikely to detach from head
➢ Can be sized to premature cranium
➢ Result in less cephal hematoma and retinal
➢ Do not aggravate bleeding from scalp
➢ May be undue for rotation
139. Birth injuries of a newborn. Retinal hemorrhage
✓ Brachial plexus injury
✓ Cephal hematoma
✓ Horner syndrome
✓ Facial nerve injury
✓ Shoulder dystocia, cerebral palsy
140. Name Two drugs in each group
a) Oxytocics.
oxytocin, ergotamine, PGE2, methylergotamine
labetalol, nifedipine, hydralazine, methydopa

141. Define anaemia in pregnancy.
Anemia is an insufficient Hb to carry out O2
requirement to the tissues
• WHO definition: Hb concentration <11gm%
during pregnancy is called anemia.
• CDC definition: Hb concentration <11gm%in
1st and 3rd trimester and <10.5gm%in 2nd
trimester is called anemia
142. Define maternal death.
• Maternal health is refers to the health of women
during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal
143. Write the signs and symptoms of hydatidiform
Vaginal bleeding, absence of fetal heart tones,
uterine enlargement, preeclampsia, hyperemesis,
lower abdominal pain, respiratory distress, expulsion of
grape like vesicles per vaginam.
144. What are the abnormal types of pelvis?
• Gynaecoid pelvis
• Android pelvis
• Anthropoid pelvis
• Platypelloid pelvis
145. Write four newborn birth injuries.
✓ Brachial plexus injury
✓ Cephal hematoma
✓ Horner syndrome
✓ Facial nerve injury
✓ Shoulder dystocia, cerebral palsy
146. Write four neo-natal complications of pre-
Preterm delivery, IUGR, hypoxic neurological injury,
perinatal death, low birth weight, IUD, asphyxia
147. Write four causes of disseminated intravascular
Amnioticfluid embolism, abruptio placenta,
postpartum bleeding, HELLP syndrome, preeclampsia,
eclampsia, septic abortion, intra uterine infection,
acute fatty liver of pregnancy.
148. Define post maturity.
A pregnancy that persist for 42 weeks or more from
the onset of last menstrual period is called post
149. What are the causes of post-partum
150. What is medical termination of pregnancy?
MTP is an induced form of abortion by a
medical professional at a government approved
medical facility before 20 weeks of gestation
151. Menstrual Regulation.
Menstrual regulation is the induction of uterine
bleeding that has been delayed up to 14 days from its
anticipated date of onset. It can be accomplished
mechanically and through the administration of drugs.
The most common method of performing MR is by
mini vaccum aspiration.
152. Any four warning signs in pregnancy.
• Missed period
• Spotting
• Breast tenderness
• Nausea, fatigue
• Frequent urination, constipation
• Mood swings, back pain, craving
153. Precipitated Labour.
A labour is called as precipitate when the
combined duration of first and second stage labour is
less than 3 hours
154. Any four advantages of Ventous over forceps.
➢ Incase where moderate traction is required
forced will be more effective
➢ It is safe at any gestational age baby’s
➢ Forceps operation can quickly expedite the
delivery in case of fetal distress where
ventous will be unsuitable and it take longer
➢ It can be employed in anterior face or after
coming head breech presentation where
forceps will be contra indicated.
155. Hegar sign.
Softening of lower uterine segment or isthmus
is called hegar’s sign.
156. Clinical estimation of fetal weight.
FW =FH-12 x 155 > > Johnsons formula
157. White Leg Syndrome.
Phlegmasia albadolens is otherwise called white-
leg syndrome.it is a part of spectrum of disease related
to DVT. Inflammation characterized by swollen, pale,
painful, limb following parturition.
158. Non-Stress Test.
• A screening test is a screening test used in
pregnancy to assess fetal status by means of
the fetal heart rate and its responsiveness.
• It helps to monitor the fetal heart rate and
mobility or movement of the fetus.
159. Perinatal Mortality.
All fetal and early neonatal death weighing 1000gm
or more between 28week of gestation to the 1stweek
of neonatal life.
fetal and yearly neonatal death
PMR: -------------------------------------------*1000
Total birth(live or dead)

160. Magnesium sulphate.

161. Abnormalities of placenta:
• Placenta Previa
• Placenta Accreta
• Placenta Increta
• Placenta Percreta
162. Prolonged Labor:
The labor is said to be prolonged when the
combained duration of the first and second stage is
more than the arbitrary time limit of 18 hours.
163. Menstrual cycle:
The process of ovulation and menstruation in
164. Lightening premonitory sign of labor:
Fetus settles into pelvic cavity.
165. Sign of placenta separation:
Classic pimping questions
• Uterus rises in the abdomen and becomes
• Umbilical cord lengthens
• Gush of blood
166. Vasa-previa:
Is a condition I which fetal blood vessels goes or
run near the internal opening of the uterus.
167. Mention the causes of sub-involution:
• Grand multiparity
• Over distension of uterus as in tuning and
• Ill maternal health
• Uterine prolapse
• Uterine fibroid
168. Two sedative and analgesic used for labor pain:
• Two sedative: Fentanyl and Phenergan
• Two analgesic: Pethidine and Morphine
169. Type of perineal tear:
• 1st degree tear : Affects the perineal skin
• 2nd degree tear : Affects the perineal skin and
perineal muscles
• 3rd degree tear : It extended to external anal
• 4th degree tear : It extended upto external an d
internal anal sphincter
170. Nipple confussion:
Is the tendency of an infant to unsuccessfully adapt
between breast feeding and bottle feeding.

February 2012
171. Define collective bargaining.
• “It is the process of negotiation between employee
and group of employee aimed at agreements to
regulate working salaries,working condition,benefit
and other aspects of wirkers compensation and
rights of worker”.
172. Write four characteristics of a professional
• Having on upto date knowledge of specific and
general in nature
• Being,clean,tidy,well groomed
• Mature physically and emotionally
• Intelligent,self confidence,punctual.
173. Write the channels of communication.
• Sender
• receiver
• message
• feedback
174. List out four principles of audit learning.
• Adult are internally motivated & self directed
• Bring lift expanded and knowledge learning
• Goal oriented
• Adults are practice
• Prior experience of learner
• Need to know
• Readiness to learn
• Orientation to learn
175. Define performance appraised.
• According to Newstrom.,”It is theprocess of
evaluating the performance of employee, sharing
that information with them and searching for ways
to improve their performance”.
176. Write any four clinical facilities.
• College of nursing should have the 100 bedded
patient hospital
• Distribution of bed in different areas for 40anual
intake of,
Medical -30
• Bed occupancy of hospital should minimum 75%
• Affiliation of psychiatry hospital minimum 50beds
177. Define group dynamics.
• Group dynamics is an defined as the “two or more
individual interacting and interdependent who
came together to achieve particular objective”.
178. What is emergency and disaster management?
• Emergency management:
• Defined as discipline & profession of applying
science, technology, planning management to deal
with extreme events that can injure or kill large
number of people, do extensive damage to property
& disrupt community lift.
• Disaster management:
• Organization & management of organization &
management resources and responsible for dealing
all humanitarian aspect of emergencies in
preparedness, response, recovery in order to lessen
to impact.
179. Define inventory control and auditing.
• Supervision of supply, storage & accessibility of
items in order to ensure an adequate supply without
excessive oversupply.

180. List out four objectives of supervision.

• To persist in delivery of high quality of health care
• To assist to help in development of staff to their
highest potential.
• To interpret the policies objectives & needs
• Develop standard of nursing care.
• To plan services co-operatively & develop co-
ordination to avoid overlapping.
181. Explain the four role of Nurse Management.
• Responsible for keeping an adequate amount of
equipment and supplies in ward.
• Make sure that equipment supply in good condition
• Put in requisition for necessary equipment repair &
maintenance when needed.
• Regular inventories of all items.

182. What is Primary Nursing?

• It is configuration of care that promoted greater
professional accountability & autonomy to
improving continuing of care.
183. Define GANTT chart.
• It illustrate a project schedule
• It defined as chart with a series of horizontal lines
shows the amount of work done or production
completed in certain periods of time in relation to
amount planned for those periods.
184. Define mentorship.

• It is the interrelationship between mentor and
mentee that are more experienced or more
knowledgeable person less experienced or less
knowledgeable person respectively, involving
knowledge & experience transformation role
185. Advantages of organizational chart.
• They give clear picture of organization chart.
• To show the levels of authority of relationship
prevailing among employees at glance
• Instructing work is simplified
• It starting point planning / chances
• Strengthen & weakness of organization are
evaluated with help of organization.
186. Four characteristics of planning.
• Management function
• Pervasive
• Continuous activity
• Intellectual process
• Futuristic
• Goal oriented
• Decision making.
187. List down four records used in college of
• Cumulative records
• Continuing records
• Family records
• Health records
188. Define functional nursing.
• It is a method of patient delivery staff members are
assigned to complete certain tasks for group of
patients rather than care for specific patients.
189. Four purposes of Nursing Audit.
• Evaluate nursing care given
• Achieves deserved & feasible quality
• Stimulant to better records
• Contribute to research
• Focuses on care provided
190. Write four functions of community health
• This programme contribute to improving the
health, wellbeing& quality of life for the local
• Improving children and young people with support
of their families & community by promoting social
activities & supporting their bringing
• Strengthen the capacity of local health sector by
contributing to improve accessibility & quality of
medical acre
• Reducing the risk factors of NCD
• Create the safe environment.
191. Write four types of patient assignment
• Level-I: Self care /Minimal care
• Level-II: Moderate care /immediate care
• Level-III: Complete/intensive care
192. Job Specification
• It is a statement minimum acceptable human
qualitities necessary to person a job properly.
193. Write about code of ethics
• Justice
• Beneficience
• Veracity
• Autonomy
• Non malficience
194. Continuing education
• Systematic professional learning experience
designed to argument the knowledge,skills,attitude
of nurses and therefore enrich the nurse & therefore
enrich the nurse contribution to the quality of
health care.
195. Define mentorship
• Mentorship is defined as the guidance provided by
a mentor especiallt an experienced person in a
company or educational institution.
• A period of time during which a person receives
guidance from a mentor.
196. National population policy
• Came into force in 2000
• It states that” immediate objectives off NPP 2000
aas to address the unmet needs for
contraception,healthcare infrastructure&health
personnel & to promote integrated services
delivery for basic reproductive and child health
197. Write four duties /responsibilities of nursing
director in a hospital
• Formation of the aims & objectives policies of the
new nursing services
• Maintaining the supplies&equipment
• Budgeting
• Keeping record & report
• Planning&direction nursing care
• Staffing based on the nursing requirement
• Co ordinate inter departmental activities.
198.Write four elements of staffing
• Human resource planning
• Recruiting
• Orientation
• Training & development
• Performance appraisal
• Compensation
• Employment decision
199. Write four process of job delegation
• Assignment
• Transfer
• Acceptance
• Accountability
200. Write about nursing rounds
• A nursing rounds is one with presents an overview
of certain of the nursing or medical care of all on
the ward or of selected patients.
201. Write the steps of Budgeting
• Assessment
• Develop plan
• Implementation
• Evaluation.
202. Define the term job description
• It is the organized factual statement of
duties&responsibilities off a specific job.it should
be tell what is to done hour it is done&why.
203. Mention four student welfare activities.
• Student health services
• Counselling services
• It NS activities
• Educational tour
• Recreational activities
• Cultural and religious activities
• Adequate sports activities.
204. Define Nursing Rounds
• A nursing round is one which presents an overview
of certain aspects of the nursing or medical care of
all patients on the ward or of selected patient. .
• A nursing rounds is one with presents an overview
of certain of the nursing or medical care of all on
the ward or of selected patients
205. List down the four qualities of a professional
• Confident to take decisions in client care
• Self confidence
• humanity
• honesty
• co operative
• good listener
• supervisor
• keen observer
206. Define the term check-list.
• It is simple instrument consisting prepared list of
expected items of performance or attributer which
are checklist by an evaluator for presence/absence.
207. Define the term functional nursing
• Functional nursing is defined as it is an
organizational mode of assigning the nursing staff
personnel that is task and activity workers trained
in a variety of skills.
• Each person is assigned specific functions
performed for all patients in a given unit, and all
report to the head nurse.
208. Write any two advantages of Organizational
• Show the activities of the organizations.
• Highlight submissions of the organizations.
• Identify the different types of work performed
• provide information about different management
• Show the line of the authority in the organization&
the flow of organizational communication.
• To illustrate the reporting relationship & chains of
command within the organization

209. Write any two leadership styles.

• Chairmatic
• Autocratic
• Democratic
• Participative
• Transformational
• Transanctional
210. List out four characteristics of planning.
• It is a continuous process
• Contributes to objectives
• Forward looking
• Target based
• Pervasive
• Interactive process
• Thinking process distinct from operations

211. Write four characteristics of a professional
• Confident to take decisions in client care
• Self confidence
• humanity
• honesty
• co operative
• good listener
• supervisor
• keen observer
212. Define supervision
• Supervision has been defined as the cooperative
relationship one or more person to accomplish a
particular job.
“Super” means above “Vision” means see
• Supervision means is overseeing defined as “over
seeing or high vision.
• The supervision is observing the subordinates at
work to ensure that they are working according
organization & to help them solving the problem.

213. Define continuing education

• Continuing education is all the learning activities
that occur after an individual has completed his
basic education. -Cooper
• The education which builds a previous education
called continuing education. -Shannon
214. Define triage
• Triage is the process by which patients classified
according to the types& urgency of their conditions
to get the..,
Right patient to the
Right place to the
Right time to the
Right care provider.
215. Write any three advantages of collective
• Contract to guide standards
• Participating in decision making
• Nurse gain control of practice
• Improve professional relationship
• Give economic security
• Provide power.
216. Enlist any three principles of co- ordination.
• Principle of early statge
• Principle of continuity
• Principle of direct contact
• Principle of reciprocal relationship
• Principle of dynamism
• Principle of simplified organization
• Principle of clear cut objectives
• Principle of effective communication and
217. Four purposes of nursing audit
• Evaluating the nursing care given
• Achieved deserved & feasible quality of nursing
• Stimulate to better records not on care provider
• Contribute to research
• Review of professional work.
218. What is the importance of standards?
• Based on experience & best practices
• Help to identify areas of weakness in information
• Provide people organization with a basis for mutual
understanding & are used as tools to facilitate
• Play a important role in economy by facilitating
business interaction.

219. Define the term job description

• Job description is an organized factual statement of
the duties & responsibilities of a specific job.it
should tell what is to be done, low it is done why.
–Edwin Flippo
• It is a set of specific task & responsibilities that are
performed by a particular job holder.
220. List out four characteristics of planning.
• It is a continuous process
• Contributes to objectives
• Forward looking
• Target based
• Pervasive
• Interactive process
• Thinking process distinct from operations
221. Define superannuation
• Superannuation is refers to pension granted upon
• It is a retirement benefit by employer.
• It is contribute made by employer each year on
your behalf towards the group superannuation
policy held by the part of creating wealth for your
222. What is nursing law?
• Nursing law defines as that body of status,
executive orders regulations rule & legal
precedents which have their objective the
promotion & protection of individual &community
by nursing services.
223. Write any four uses of records
• Records serves as a guide for
diagnosis,treatment&education of services.
• It may be used in research.
• Serve as a guide for professional growth.
• Enable to guide the quality&quandity of work
224. List out any four needs of staffing in an
• Effective use of technology&other sources.
• Optimum utilization of human resources.
• The motivation of human resources.
• Specialization.
• Emphasis on human relations.
• Shortage of staff.
225. Write four purposes of clinical experience
• To provide learning experience.
• To improve the problem solving ability
• To prepare nursing care plan
• To provide real life situations
• To understand different equiptment used on
patiebtsto verify previous information class
discussion&conclusion of individual experiences.
226. What is the difference between policy and
Policy Procedure
• Policies are • Procedures are
guiding principles that guide to action.
set a direction • Procedures are
• Top management formulated at the lower
determines the policies managerial level.
• Policies from the • Procedures are
basis for determining follows the policies
the procedures. • Procedures are
• Policies are deterministic
relatively. flexible • Procedures are
• Policies are not dependent on policies.
dependent on • Procedure are
procedure. necessary to speed up
• Policies are the performance.
requires to helping in
taking decisions.

227. Mention the importance of discipline

• Helps to expand knowledge about human
experiences through creative conceptualization&
• To identify & articulate “what self realization can
contribute to nurses& nursing practices.
• Helps to regulation of standards in nursing
228. State any four types of assignments for nursing
• Methods: Case method
Functional method
Team nursing method
Primary care method
Modular method
• Types: preparatory assignment
Study assignment
Revision assignment
Study assignment
Remedial assignment
Common assignment
Individual assignment
229. Write any four purposes of an organization
• Show the activities of the organizations.
• Highlight submissions of the organizations.
• Identify the different types of work performed
• provide information about different management
• Show the line of the authority in the organization&
the flow of organizational communication.
• To illustrate the reporting relationship&chains of
command within the organization

230.Name any two theories of motivation

• Content theory
Maslow’s need theory
Herzberg’s motivation theory
Alderfer’s needs theory
Mc celland’s need theory
• Process theory
Vroom’s theory
Adam’s equity theory
Goal setting theory
Reinforcement theory
Equity theory
Expectancy theory.

231. Write four principles of supervision
• Supervision should meet the individual needs.
• Supervision should be democratic
• Supervision should be well planned 7 adopted to
good planning
• Good supervision respects the personality of an
• Supervision interprets policies & give creative
instructions and it should encourage expression so
as to draw out potential abilities of a worker.
232. Define evidence based practice
• Evidence based practice is using best research
evidence available along with clinical expertize &
patient values to inform decisions regarding
clinical practice.
233. List any four types of Audio visual equipments
• Writing boards
• Flip charts
• OHP transparencies
• 35mm slides
• Video tapes
• Models/real objects
• Audio tapes
• Audio conferencing
• Computers
• Books
• Handouts
234. Name two national and international nursing
• National journal:
1.Asian journal of clinical cardiology
2.Asian journal of nursing education &
3.indian journal of clinical practice
4.indian journal of continuing nursing
5.indian journal of health science.
• International journal:
1.international journal of nursing science
2.international journal of nursing care
3.international journal of nursing &
health care research.

235. What is malpractice?

• Malpractice is an defined as the a negligence or
carelessness by a professional person. So it
concerns professional actions & actions in failure
of a person with professional education& skills to
act in a reasonable & prudent manner.
• Malpractice is professional negligence when the
conduct fails to meet the legal standards of care &
someone is damaged sas a result.
236. Mention four types of planning
• Strategic planning
• Tactical planning
• Operational planning
• Contingency planning
237. Define curriculum
• Curriculum is all planned learning four which the
school responsible.
• Curriculum is all the experience learners have
under the guidance of school. - john
238. State four tools of public relations
• Using photo graph
• Working with individual group
• Using advertising
• Other publicity
• Direct methods of communication
• External media and internal media
• Community relations
• Government relations
(Events, news, publications, speeches)
239. Write any four functions of student nurses
• To help the student nurses learn low the
professional organizations serve.
• To promote close rapport
• To furnish student nurses advise in their course of
study leading up to professional qualifications.
• To encourage leadership ability
240. List out the committees of the teaching
• Curriculum & evaluation committees
• Staff &student selection, recruitment committee
• Research committee
• Ethical committee
• Students welfare committee
• Staff welfare committee
• Core committee of discipline
• Parent-teacher association
• Student nurses association
• Cultural committee
• Guidance and counselling committee
• Alumni association
• Mentor mentee committee.
241. List out four objectives of supervision
• To persist in the delivery of high quality of nursing
• To plan services co-operatively and to develop co-
ordination to avoid overlapping
• To develop standards of nursing care and methods
of evaluation of nursing care and nursing
242. Write four processes of job delegation
• Assignments of tasks
• Delegation of decision making authority
• Creation of obligation
• Creation of accountability
Task people implement inform others

243. Mention four student welfare activities

• Provide free career counselling to students for their
bright future.
• Counselling: ensuring all the students are
counseled well regular counselling session are
arranged for students where they can openly
discuss about their problems.
• Anti-ragging policy
• Vaccination campaigns
• Counselling of student on admission & on regular
• Participation in activities of student nurses
244. Name the recruitment methods used in the
• Job posting
• Transfers promotion
• Skill interventions
245. Name any four methods of evaluating patient
• Screening
• Data management
• Data extension
• Risk of bias assessment
• Data analysis
• Combining studies
• Ongoing studies.
246. Name four principles of management
• Division of work
• Authority & responsibility
• Discipline
• Unity of command
• Unity of direction
• Remuneration
• Order
• Equity
• Initiative.
247. List the advantages of the demonstration
method of teaching
• Enumerate the observation skills
• Stimulate the sense organs
• Helps to bring the clinical situation in the
• Enhance the confidence level of students
• Correlate the theory and practice.
• Clarifies the underlying principles
248. List four leadership styles
• Charismatic leadership
• Autocratic leadership
• Participative leadership
• Transactional leadership
• Laisser-faire leadership.
249. Program evaluation and review technique
• Program evaluation & review technique is a
network analysis technique when there is a high
degree of un certainly about the individual activity
duration estimates.
• PERT uses probabilistic time estimates based on
using optimistic, most likely & pessimistic
estimates of activity durations.
250. Write techniques of communication.
• Listening
• Broad openings
• Restating
• Clarification
• Reflection
• Focusing
• Sharing perception
• Silence
• Informing
• Suggesting
• Conversational skills
• Listening skills
• Technical skills.
251. Two qualities of a good supervisor.
• Technical competence
• Managerial qualities
• Leadership skills
• Emotional skills
• Personal qualifications
• Empathy and compassion
• Thoroughness
• Fairness
• Initiative
• Teaching attitude
• Positive attitude
• Enthusiastic
252. Define job description.
• According to “Edwin flippo” job description is an
organized factual statement of the duties and
responsibilities of a specific job. It should tell what
is to be done, how it is done and why.
• It is a clear, concisely and clearly communicating
written statement of duties and responsibilities and
organizational relationship that constitute a given
job or position.
253. Anecdotal Records.
• An anecdotal records is an observation that is
written like a short. They are descriptions of events
that are important to a person observing.
• Anecdotal records are short objective and as
accurate as possible.

254. List out four principles of audit learning.

• Integrity, objectivity and independence
• Confidentiality
• Skill and competence
• Responsibility of work performed by others
• Documentation
• Planning
• Audit evidence
• Accounting system and internal control
• Audit conclusion
• Audit report

255. List four merits of organization chart.

• Organization chart brings clarity to the
organization relationship
• A chart serve as a quick method of visualization an
organization or facilities ready reference
• It is an easy way to visualize a large number of
• These are useful in familiarizing training new
• Provide specific departmental information that can
be useful for planning organizational changes.
256. List four principles to be followed when
planning clinical assignment for students.
• Select the type of learning experience from simple
to complex.
• Clinical supervisor must be familiar with the
relation plan
• Each student should get all the experience on
relation wise.
• All students should enter and leave the clinical area
at the same time and they should complete the
assignment in time.

257. Collective bargaining.

• The National association of manufactures (USA)
defined as the process of collective bargaining as a
method by which management and labor may
explore each other’s problems and viewpoints,&
develop a framework of employment relations with
in which both may carry on their daily association
in a spirit of cooperative good will and for their
mutual benefit.
• It is the process of negotiating the terms of
employment between an employees and a group of
258. What is emergency and disaster management?
• According to ‘WHO’ disaster can be defined as an
occurance either nature a man made that causes
human suffering and creates human needs that
victim cannot alleviate without assistance.
• Disaster management refers to on the spot rescue
and resuscitation measures adopted by the health
team members for saving life’s of the victim
• Emergency management:
• Defined as discipline & profession of applying
science, technology, planning management to deal
with extreme events that can injure or kill large
number of people, do extensive damage to property
& disrupt community lift.
• Disaster management:
• Organization & management of organization &
management resources and responsible for dealing
all humanitarian aspect of emergencies in
preparedness, response, recovery in order to lessen
to impact.

259. Mention four advantages of doing a nursing
care study.
• The most important advantage if using a care study
is that it simplifies complex concepts.
• It expose the participants to real life situations
which otherwise is difficult
• It truly helps to adding value to the participants
through discussion on concrete subjects.
• The many solution which come out of the case act
as ready reference when participants face similar
problem at work place.
260. Mention four Staff development and welfare
• Motivate & improve the sense of security among
• Adequate reinforcement for the good works done
• Reduce the work load & burden
• Promote staff welfare by reducing staff attrition &

261. List down the types of disciplinary action in
educational institutions.

Positive discipline Negative

Co-operative discipline or Punitive discipline or
creative Determinate discipline
discipline or corrective or
262. Write down the Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of
• Division if work
• Authority
• Discipline
• Unity of command
• Unity of direction
• Order
• Scalar chain
• Centralization
• Remuneration
• Interests
• Initiative
• Esprit decorps.
263. Mention the phases of Disaster management.
• Preparation
• Warning phase
• Impact or consequences
• Emergency response
• Recovery
• Rehabilitation
264. Define brain storming.
• Brain storming is a lateral thinking process. It is
designed to help you break out of thinking patterns
into new ways of looking at things. It is a sudden
inspiration or bright ideas.
265. What are the techniques we will follow to
maintain healthy human relations?
• Equality without discrimination
• Develop the communication skills
• Learn to trust more
• Develop empathy
• Manage mobile technology
• Learn to give and fake feedback
• Listen effectively
266. Define cost effective analysis.
• Cost-effective analysis (CEA) is a form of
economic analysis that compares the relative costs
and outcomes (effects) of two or more courses of
action. It is often used in the field of health
services, where it may be inappropriate to monetize
health effect.
267. Define MBO.
• (Management by objectives)
• It is a result managerial process for the effective
utilization of material , physical and human
resources of the organization by integrating the
individual with the organization & organization
with the environment -SK Chakraborty
• It was introduce by “Peter drucker”
268. Types of budget.
• Incremental
• Flexible
• Rollover
• Open ended
• Fixed
• Performance
• Programme
• Production
• Revenue and expense
• Capital expenditure
• Zero based
• Sunset
• Sales
• Cash

269. Mention any four types of planning.

• Time period involved: Long term planning
Short term planning
• Approach used: Productive planning
Reactive planning
• Degree of formalization: Formal
• Importance of content matters: Strategic and
• Coverage of activities: Business and
Functional planning
270. Enlist the methods of promotion.
• Advertising method
• Personal selling method
• Sales promotion method
• Public relations method
• Direct marketing method
271. Four qualities of supervisor.
• Technical competence
• Managerial qualities
• Leadership skills
• Emotional skills
• Personal qualifications
• Empathy and compassion
• Thoroughness
• Fairness
• Initiative
• Teaching attitude
• Positive attitude
• Enthusiastic

272. Define management.

• According to “Gramber” in 1996 management can
be defined as the process of establishing the
organization objectives and their accomplishment
by working with individual and group creating
atmosphere of effective performance by the people
in such organize group.
273. Four advantages of organizational chart.
• Organization chart brings clarity to the
organization relationship
• A chart serve as a quick method of visualization an
organization or facilities ready reference
• It is an easy way to visualize a large number of
• T hese are useful in familiarizing training new
• Provide specific departmental information that can
be useful for planning organizational changes.
274. Define programme evaluation.
• Programme evaluation is a systematic method for
collecting, analyzing and using information to
answer questions about projects, policies and
programs particularly about their effectiveness and
275. Define deployment.
• Deployment is the realization of an application or
execution of
plan,idea,model,design,specification,,algorithm or
276. Define nursing audit.
• It refers to assessment of the quality of clinical
• It is the process of collecting information from
nursing reports and other document evidence about
patient care and assessing the quality of care by
the use of quality assurance programme.
277. Define accreditation.
• Accreditation is defined as the voluntary review
process of educational programme by professional
organization,accreditatioin means “ to trust” ,”to
give authority to “is accepted.
278. Four principles of adult learning.
• Adult are internally motivated and self-directed
• Adults bring life experience and knowledge to
learning experience
• Adults are goal oriented
• Adults are relevancy oriented
• Adults are practical
• Adult learners wish to respected.
279. Four responsibilities of lecturer.
• Interviewing course applicants
• Lecture planning preparations and research
• Contact and teaching time with students
• Checking and assessing students work
• Encouraging personal development via tutorial or
• Invigilating examinations
• Attending staff meetings.
280. Four purposes of written reports.
• To show the kind and quality of service rendered
over to a specific period
• To show a specific the progress on reaching goals
• As an aid in studying health conditions
• As an aid in planning
• To interpret the services to the public and to other
interested agencies.
281. Define curriculum?
• It is defined as curriculum is a tool in the hands of
artist (teacher) to mold his material (pupil)
according to his ideal (objectives) in this studio

282. Define Bench marking?

• It is defined as bench marketing is the practice of
comparing business process and performance
metrics to industry bests and best practices from
other companies the point of bench marketing is to
identify internal opportunities for improvement

283. Write any three advantages of collective

• It provides nurses the opportunity to have a voice
regarding professional issues of staffing and
working practice as well as wages benefits and
working condition
• Promotes nurse democracy and their participation
in management
• Help in establishing harmonious relationship
between nurse employee and the employees
• Emphasizes on the interests and benefits of both

284. Mention any four factors influencing staffing?

• Type of nursing services
• Number of patient
• Standard of care
• Qualification And job specification
• Supply of personnel
285. List down four leadership styles?
• Autocratic leadership
• Democratic leadership
• Supportive leadership
• Transactional leadership
• Transformational leadership

286. Name any four methods of evaluating patient

• Data collection
• Data extraction
• Data analysis
• Screening
• Ongoing studies

287. Define evidence based practice?

• It is defined as evidence based practice using best
research evidence available along with clinical
expertise and patient values to inform decision
regarding clinical practice
- Sackett
1998, 2000
288. Define superannuation?
• Superannuation refer to a pension granted upon
• Retirement plans may be set up by employers
insurance companies the government or other
institutions such as employer association trade

289. Name two theories of motivation?

• Content theory
Maslow’s need theory
Herzberg’s motivation theory
Alderfer’s needs theory
Mc celland’s need theory
• Process theory
Vroom’s theory
Adam’s equity theory
Goal setting theory
Reinforcement theory
Equity theory
Expectancy theory.

290. List out four characteristics of planning?

• Goal oriented
• Pervasive
• Continuous activity
• Intellectual process
• Decisions making

291. Define Tele-nursing.
• It can be defined as using Tele-communication
devices to provide nursing care, utilizing the
nursing process to care for individual groups of
people. Tele health focuses on delivery
management and co-ordination of services and care
292. Write four advantages of nursing audit.
• Helps to measuring the all areas of nursing
• Useful tool for quality assurance programme in
areas where records are kept
• It is very simple process results are easily
293. Write four importance of delegating
• Effective management
• Employee development
• Motivation of employees
• Facilitation of growth
• Better co-ordination.
294. Define communication.
• Communication is an “exchange of facts, ideas,
opinions or emotions by two or more persons. –
295. Write four types of supervision.
• Direct supervision
• Indirect supervision
• Autocratic
• Laisser-faire
• Democratic
• Bureaucratic
296. Write four functions of Student Nurses
• Helps to students nurses, learn how the
professional organizations serve
• To promote a close rapport
• To furnish student nurses advise in their courses of
study leading up to professional qualifications.
297. Define triage.
• Triage is the word derived from the French verb
trier meaning to or to choose
• It’s the process by which patients classified
according to the type and urgency of their
conditions to get the
Right patient to the
Right place at the
Right time with the
Right care provider.
298. Enlist any four types of patient assignment.
• Episode care
• Acute care / short stay
• Long stay
299. Write any three principles of co-ordination.
• Direct personal
• Early Beginning
• Reciprocity
• continuity
300. Define nursing rounds.
• Nursing rounds are conducted by the head nurse /
nurse teacher for the member of his / her staff or
students for a clear understanding of the disease
process and the effect of nursing care of each
301. Four types of budget?
• Roll over budget
• Sunset budget
• Sales budget
Short term-long term budget
• Capital and revenue budget

302. Define job description?

• Its defined as it refers to the requirements for a
particular job position these requirements include
skill requirements the level of experience needed
and level of education required roles and
responsibilities attached with the job position

303. Define accreditation?

• It’s a process in which certification of competency
authority or credibility is presented it is a voluntary
process where by the standards are usually
regarded as optimal and achievable

304. What do you mean by Tort?

• Tort from French for “wrong” a civil wrong or
wrongful act whether intentional or accidental from
which injury occurs to another

305. Define supervision?

• It defined as guiding the activities of people who
perform the work it includes
- Planning
- Organizing
- Directing
- Controlling the activities of the
sub -ordinates

306. Components of job evaluation?

• Job grading system
• Point system
• Job ranking

307. Define programme evaluation?

• Is an apply research process and systematically
collects analyzes and interpret data
• Address activities characteristics and outcomes of

308. Define in-service education?

• It may be defined as educational activities planned
and organized by the employees to assist them in
learning and or furthering the knowledge skill and
attitudes required for the achievement of the
specific purpose of the organization

309. Four principles of management?

• Centralization
• Order
• Equity
• Stability of tenure
• Scaler chain of command

310. Four functions of human resource

• Man power planning
• Orienting
• Motivating
• Coaching
• Counseling

311. Enumerate any four types of management?
• Strategic Management
• Sales Management
• Marketing Management
• Operation Management
312. Types of inventory control?
• ABC Analysis
• VED Analysis
• SOS Analysis
• GDLF Analysis
• XYZ Analysis
• FSN Analysis

313. List any four purposes of job description?

• It help nurse applicant know about duties and
responsibilities with a particular job position and
clarify work function
• It aids in job and valuation
• It provides basis for manpower planning
• It also help in bench making performance student

314. Define audit?

• It is defined as audit is an evaluation of a person,
organization, system, process enterprise project (or)
• Audit as a formal examination of an organization
or individuals accounts or financial situation
benefits of professional associations

315. Mention any four benefits of professional

• Networking opportunities
• Training and mentoring programs
• Improve public awareness
• Conferences highlight research and sharp

316. Any four measures for effective public

• Articles and mentions
• Advertising comparison
• Content analysis
• Sales results
• Market surveys

317. Specify any four purposes of Consumer

Protection Act?
• To establish legal a frame work for a consumer
market that is fair accessible efficient and
• To promote fair business practices
• To promote social economic and environmental
• To improve consumer awareness and information
and to encourage responsible and informed

318. Any four guidelines for selecting clinical

facilities for students?
• Must be appropriate to objectives and desired
behavioral changes
• Must be in accordance with principle of learning
• Must be in accordance with the capacity of the

319. Name four important accrediting bodies for


• CCNE- The commission on the collegiate nursing

• ACEN- The Accreditation commission for
education in nursing
• COA- The council on accreditation of nurse
anesthesia educational programs
• ACNM-The American college of nurse –midwives
division of accreditation

320. Mention four methods of distribution of

• Direct sales
• Whole sale
• Brokerage
• Dual distribution

321. List down the four qualities of Professional
• Truth fullness loyality and honesty
• Caring
• Compassion
• Creativity

322. Define curriculum?

• It is defined as curriculum is a tool in the hands of
artist (teacher) to mold his material (pupil)
according to his ideal (objectives) in this studio

323. List out any four records used in College of

• Administrative records
• Personnel records
• Clinical records
• Miscellaneous records

324. Define functional Nursing?

• Organizational an mode of assigning nursing
personnel that is task and activities oriented using
axillary health workers trained in variety of skills

325. List down four Student welfare activities?

• Academic excellence
• Student nurture
• SNA Activities
• Student scholarships
• Student exchange programmes

326. Define Superannuation?

• It is defined as It refers to pension granted upon

327. Mention two Leadership styles?

• Relational leadership style
• Transformational leadership
• Resonant leadership
• Emotional intelligence leadership

328. What is Tele Nursing?

• It can be defined as using tele communication
devices to provide nursing care utilizing the
nursing process of care for individuals (or) specific
patient population such as isolated group of people

329. Name any 2 Regulatory bodies in Nursing?

• Indian Nursing Council (INC)
• State Nursing Councils

330. Defining Continuing Education?

• It is defined as systematic professional learning
experiences designed to argument the knowledge
skill attitude of nurses and therefore enrich the
nurse contributing to the quality health care.
331.Factory influencing staffing:
• External factor - Political, Economical, Social
and legal factors.
• Internal factor - Size of the organization,
Education, Technological factors.
• Is a method of teaching by exhibition and
explanation or experiments.
333.Human relation:
• The relation between human being that are
affected by many other factors and help in the
accomplishment of goals of an organization.
334.Thories of motivation:
• Drive theory
• Incentive theory
• Maslow theory of human motivation
• Motivation hygiene theory
335.Check list:
Is a list of statement that describe the
characteristics and performance of employers on the
336.Purpose of clinical experience:
> It can strengthen and internalize theoretical
learning in the classroom.
> knowledge rearing part.
> Increases the knowledge of students and updates
they information.
It’s the process by which patients classified
according to the type and urgency of their conditions to
get the,
➔ Right patient
➔ Right place
➔ Right time
➔ Right care
Is the distribution of health related services and
information via electronic information and
telecommunication technologies.
339.Functional nursing:
An organizational model for assigning nursing
personal that is task and activity oriented, using
auxillary health workers trained in a variety of skills.
340.Purpose of nursing audit:
> Evaluating nursing care give
> Stimulate to better records
> Focus on care provided
> Contributes to research


February 2012
341. Mention four qualities of community health
• Culturally sensitive
• Coping abilities
• Caring abilities
• Compassionate
• Patience

342. Write purpose of standing order.

• The purpose of having standing orders are, other
commercial establishments is to regulate industrial
• This orders regulates the conditions of
employment, grievances, misconduct etc.
• Unsolved grievances can become industrial
343. Write four disease warning signs.

344. Mention four voluntary health agencies.

• Indian redness society
• Family planning association of India
• Tuberculosis association of India
• Central social welfare board.
345. Write abbreviation on UNICEF.
• United Nations International children’s emergency
346. Write the objectives food adulteration act.
• Ensuring pure and wholesome food to the
consumers and to protect them from fraudulent and
deceptive trade practice.
347. Write four importance of maintaining records
and reports.
• Improving accessibility
• Helps in patient care decisions
• Support patient care and community
• Promotes continuity of care.
348. Define health education.
• “a process aimed at encouraged people to want to
be healthy, to know how to stay healthy to what
they can individual and collectively to maintain
heath and seek help when needed. – Alma Ata
349. Define Occupational health.
• According to WHO/ILO “Occupational health
should aim at the promotion and maintenance of
highest degree of physical, mental and social
wellbeing of workers in all occupation.”
350. Define Epidemiology.
• The study of distribution and determinants of heath
related states or events in specified populations and
the applications of this study to the control of
health problems.
351. Define community health nursing.
• It is a synthesis of nursing practice and public
health practices applied to promoting and
preserving the health of population.
352. List down four functions of primary health
• Medical care
• Maternal and child health and family planning.
• Provision of water supply and basic sanitation
• Health education.
353. List down two alternative health care system.
• Homeopathy
• Ayurveda
• Yunani
• Siddha
• Osteopathy
• Yoga
• Meditation
354. Define evidence based approach.
• EBP is “the idea that occupational practices is
judicious use of best evidence making decisions
about the care of individual patients. It means
integrating individual clinical experience with the
best available external evidence for systematic
355. List down four functions of female health
• Maternal and child health related job
• Family planning
• Medical termination of pregnancy
• Immunization related job responsibilities.
356. List down four national health agencies.
• India red cross society
• Tuberculosis association of India
• All India women’s conference
• Professional bodies

357. List down four health committee.

• Bhore committee (1946)
• Mudaliar committee’(1962)
• Chadha committee (1963)
• Mukherjee committee (1965)
358. Write two principles of health education.
• Credibility
• Interest
• Participation
• Motivation
• Known to unknown
359. Write four uses of management of information
• Enhance lash flow
• Cut down the by professional staff time spent in
paper work
• Assist in program planning and budgeting
• Helps in testing the validity of ongoing programs.
360. Write down the objectives of ICDS programme.
• Improve the nutritional and health status of the age
group 0-6 years.
• Reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity,
malnutrition and school dropout
• To lay the foundation for proper psychological,
physical and social development of child.
361. List down four functions of Indian Red-cross
• Relief work
• Milk and medical supplies
• Armed forceps
• Maternal and child welfare society
• Family planning
• Blood bank & first aid
362. Mention four international health agencies
• World health organization
• United nations international children’s emergency
• United nations development program
• Food and agricultural organization
363. Write two objectives of ICDS program
• To improve nutritional and health of children in the
age group 0-6 years
• To reduce mortality malnutrition and school
364. List down four functions of under five clinic
• Supervision of health and promotion of growth
• Prevention of common infections disease of
childhood through immunization
• Early diagnosis and management of common
• Health education
• The issues of food supplementation.
365. Mention four national programmes for
maternal and child
• Janani shishu sureksha karyakaram (JSSK)
• Rashtriya ishor swathya karyakaram (RKSK)
• Rashtriya bal swasthya karyakaram (RBSK)
• Universal immunization programme
• Janani suraksha yojana (JSY)
366. List down four components of RCH program
• Child survival and safe motherhood
• Family planning
• Client oriented approach to health care
• Prevention and management of
367. Define health education
• Health education is any combination of learning
experiences designed to help individual and
communities to improve their health, by increasing
their knowledge or influenzing their attitudes.
• Health education like general education is
concerned with the change in knowledge, feelings
& behavior of people

368. Define primary health care

• Primary health care is defined as the as an essential
health care made universally accessible to
individual and families in the community by means
acceptable to them through their full participation
and at a cost that the community & country can
afford to maintain at every stage of their
development in the spirit of self-determinations.
369. List down four signs and symptoms of dengue
• Undifferentiated fever
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea and vomiting
• Rashes or red spots.
370. List down four functions of Male health worker.
• Prepare maintain, utilize the family records &
village registers containing columns recording
particular concerning family planning,
immunization, vital events, environmental
sanitation, other local health programmes
educational activities services rendered and
achievement etc.
• Assist the health assistant male in the school
immunization programme.
• Educate the community about the importance of
control & preventive measures against
communicable disease & about the importance of
taking regular and complete treatment.
• Survey all the families in his area and collect
general information about each village locality in
his area.
371. Define family planning
• Family planning to regulate the number and
spacing of children in a family through the practice
of contribution or other methods of birth.
372. Three goals for eleventh five year plan.
• To accelerate GDP growth from 8% to9%
• To reduce educated unemployment to below 5%
• Attention on taking are of the older persons
• Reducing disability & integrating disabled.
373. List down four Principles of Primary Health
• Equitable distribution
• Community participation
• Intersectoral coordination
• Appropriate technology
374. List down the objectives of school health
• Early detection and care of students with health
• Development f healthy attitude and healthy
behavior by status
• Ensure healthy environment for children at school
• Prevention of communicable disease at school
375. Principles of bag technique
• Prevention of contamination
• Protection of the care giver
• Make articles readily accessible
• Make follow up care
376. Four functions of WHO
• Prevention & control of specific disease
• Development of comprehensive services
• Family health biochemical research
• Health statistics
• Environmental health
• Cooperation with other organization
377. Define Active case detection
• Active case detection means that health staff reach
out to the community and systematically screen the
population to find cases of leishmaniasis.
378. List down three uses of growth chart.
• Growth monitoring
• Serves as diagnostics tool
• Planning and policy making too
• Educational tool

379. List down four points for prevention of anemia

• Promoting the regular inclusion & consumption of
foods rich in iron
• Iron & folate supplementation to the target group
• Identify and treating of severely anemic cases
• Recommended daily iron and folic acid:
- Adult women: 60mg elemental iron+0.5mg
folic acid
- Children (1-5yrs):20mg elemental iron+0.1mg
folic acid

380. List down four causes of blindness in India.

• Uncorrected refractive errors
• Cataract
• Glaucoma
• Age related macular degeneration

381. Alternative systems of Medicine?
• Acupuncture
• Ayurveda
• Homeopathy
• Naturopathic medicine

382. Name four communicable disease control

• National aids control programme (1987)
• National vector borne disease (2003)
• National leprosy control programme (1954)
• The guinea worm eradication programme (1983)

383. Name four voluntary health agencies?

• India red cross society
• Tuberculosis association of India
• All India women conference
• Professional bodies

384. List four purposes of home visit?

• To fulfill the planned or scheduled visits
• To visit the antenatal or high risk mother who need
continuous support
• To assess the postnatal mother and newborn to
assess their health status
• To screen the contacts for communicable disease

385. What is Vande-mataram scheme?

• The scheme intends to provide free antenatal and
postnatal check counselling on nutrition, breast
feeding, spacing of birth etc… through public
private partnership
• Iron and folic acid tablets, oral pills, TT injection
will be provided for free distribution

386. List four concepts of Primary health care?

• Preventive
• Promotive
• Curative
• Rehabilitative
387. Mention the health problems of adolescents?
• HIV Aids
• Early pregnancy and child birth
• Drug abuse
• Nutrition and micronutrient deficiency
• Violence, depression

388. List four community nutrition programs?

• Vitamin A prophylaxis programme
• Prophylaxis against nutritional anaemia
• Control of iodine deficiency disorder
• ICDS programme
• Mid-day meal programme

389. Name four occupational cancers?

• Lung cancer
• Leukemia
• Bladder cancer
• Skin cancer

390. What is the formula to calculate crude death

Number of deaths during the year
Mid-year population
391. Define Home Visit?
• It is defined as home visit refers to identification
and prioritization of health needs of the individual
and family at their door steps and provision of care
using available resources

392. Define Epidemiology?

• The study of the distribution and determinants of
health related states or events in specified
populations and the application of this study of the
control of health problems

393. Indicators of malnutrition?

• Under weight
• Stunting
• Wasting
• Over weight
394. Vital Components of ORS?
Original Low
Osmolarity ORS
• Glucose anhydrase 20 13.5
• Sodium, chloride 3.5 2.6
• Tri sodium citrate 2.9 2.9
• Potassium chloride 1.5 1.5

395. List out any four Voluntary Health Agencies?

• India red cross society
• Tuberculosis association of India
• All India women’s conference
• Professional bodies

396. Explain – GOBBIF?

• Growth monitoring oral rehydration breast feeding
and immunization female education family spacing
and food supplementation are a selective package
of world health organization primary health care
strategies recommended by UNICEF

397. Write the objectives of RNTCP?

• cure rate of among newly detected smear positive
(infectious) pulmonary TB cases
• case detection of at least 85% of the expected new
smear positive PTB cases in the community

398. Define vital statistics?

• Vital statistics include indicators such as birth rate
natural growth rate life expectancy at birth
mortality and fertility rate

399. Write standing order for diarrhea?

• Monitor the symptoms of dehydration
• Provide ORS to the patient
• It the dehydration is severe or the patient is in the
state of shock refer to hospital
• Food and water should be protected
• People should be educated about the control of files
400. Write any four preventive measures of Dengue?
• Wear long Sleeve shirts and long pants
• Treat clothes with repellents the
• Use EPA- registered mosquito repellent like DEET
• Consider using mosquito netting if you will be in
an areas with many mosquitoes

401. List down any four nutritional programme in
• ICDS Programme
• Vitamin-A Prophylaxis Programme
• Balwadi Nutritional Programme
• Mid-day meal Programme
• National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis
402. Any four functions of PHC
• Medical care
• MCH care & family planning
• Health programme
• Health education & training
• Referral services
403. List down any four functions of Health Worker
• 1. MCH – Register and provide care to pregnant
women throughout the period of pregnancy.
• 2. Family Planning --Spread the message of family
planning to the couple and motivate them.
• 3. Nutrition -- Distribute iron and folic acid to
pregnant women, nursing mother and children( up
to 5 yrs ).
• 4. Universal programme on immunization -- Ensure
injection safely.
404. ICDS
• Integrated child development services is a
government programme in India which provide
food, preschool education, primary health care,
immunization, health checkup, referral services to
children under 6 years of age and their mother.
405. Write any two Qualities of Community health
• Interest in community health nursing
• Good interpersonal relationship skill
• Emotional stability
• Good communicability
• Sensitive observation
406. Define Prevalence Rate
• The total number of all individuals who have an
attribute or disease at a particular time divided by
the population at risk of having the attribute or
disease at this point at the point in time or midway
through the period.
407. Any four danger signs of postnatal mother
• Excessive bleeding
• Fever
• Foul smelling discharge
• Abdominal cramps or pain
• Painful breast or cracked nipples
• Mental disturbance

408. Any four Benefits of ESI Act

• Medical benefit
• Sickness benefit
• Maternity benefit
• Disablement benefit
• Dependent’s benefit
• Funeral benefit
• Rehabilitation benefit
409. Write any four effect of population explosion
• Poverty
• Energy crisis
• Over use of natural resource
• Over population
• Increase in crime rate
410. Define primary Health Care
• Primary health care is essential health care made
universally accessible to individual and acceptable
to them through their full participation and at a cost
the community and country can afford.

411. Uses of Epidemiology.
• It helps to the description of the health status of the
• Evaluation of the intervention ( health care services
• Planning health services, policy and programs.
412. Write four roles and responsibilities of ASHA.
• Create awareness and provide information to the
community people on determinant health such as
nutrition, basic sanitation and healthy living.
• Counsel women on birth preparedness, breast
feeding, immunization, contraceptives, safe
deliveries and RTI infection.
• Provide primary medical care for minor elements.
• Provide DOTs under revised national TB control

413. Define child Abuse.

• The physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or
exploitation, negligent treatment or maltreatment of
a child under the age of 18 by a person who is
responsible for the child’s welfare under
circumstances which indicate that the child’s health
or welfare is harmed or threatened.
414. What is DOTS?
• Directly observed treatment short course is the
name given to the tuberculosis control strategy
recommended by the world health organization.
According to WHO, The most cost effective way to
stop the spread of TB in communities with a high
incidence by going it.
415. Quarantine
• Quarantine is defined as the limitation of freedom
of movement of such well persons or domestic
animals exposed to communicable disease for a
period of time not, longer incubation period of
disease to prevent effective contact.
416. Write an Immunization schedule for the period
of birth to under five.
• At birth – BCG, OPV0,Hep-B
• 6th Week -- DPT-1 ; OPV-1 ; Hep-B ;
Rotavaccine-1 ; IPV-1 ; PCV-1
• 10th Week – DPT2 ; OPV-2 ; Hep-B2 ; Rota-2
• 14th Week – DPT-3 ; OPV-3 ; Hep-B3 ; Rota-3 ;
ipv-2 ; pcv-2
• 9 months – Measles / MRI , Vitamin A one lakh IU
; PCV booster ; JE-1
• Every 6 month – Vit A ( 2 lakh IU ) till 5 years
• 16-24 month – Booster DPT , Booster OPV ,
Measles-2 , JE-2
• 5 years – Booster DPT
417. Write any four methods of health education.
• Individual approach – Personal, home visit, personal
• Group approach – Chalk and talk ,symposium ,
group discussion , panel discussion , workshop ,
demonstration , role play , conference.
• Mass approach – TV, Radio, News Paper, Internet.
418. Write the standing order for fever.
• Check vital sings
• Gather information about symptoms accompanying
headache , nausea , vomiting , shivering , cold ,
running nose , allergy , skin infection , jaundice , fit
, cough.
• Provide rest and light meal
• Prepare blood slide to examine malaria, parasite.
• Give paracetamol
• Give lots of liquid
• If more then 102*F Tepid sponge
419. Write any two functions of central council of
• To consider and recommend broad outline of
policy related to environment hygiene, nutrition
and health education.
• To make proposal for legislation relating to
medical and public health matters.
• To make recommendation to the central
government regarding distribution of grant in aid.
420. Maternal mortality rate.
• Total no .of female death due to complication of
pregnancy, child birth within 42 days of delivery
during puerperal cause in area during a given year
MMR =---------------------------------------------X 1000
Total no .of live birth in the same area and year
421. Directly observed treatment short course
• Short course chemotherapy is a ingredient in the
tuberculosis control strategy known as directly
observed treatment short course (DOTS).
• Direct observation ensures treatment for entire
course with the right drugs in the right intervals.
422. Farmer’s lung.
• Farmer lungs is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis
induced by the inhalation of biologic dusts coming
from hay dust (or) mold spores (or) any other
agricultural products.
423. Mass Drug Administration in Filaria.
• Mass drug administration (MDA) is being
implemented in India since year 2004. In 2007
India changed its strategy from delivery of diethyl
Carbamazibine (DEC) alone to delivery of DEC
plus Albendazole. Since that time, the number of
people treated with combination therapy has
increased steadily.
424. Any two health problems of elderly.
• Problems due to the aging process. Senile cataract
• Problems associated with long term illness-
diabetes, cancer, diseases of Loco-motor system,
respiratory problems.
• Psychological problems- mental changes sexual
adjustment, emotional disorder.
425. Barriers to communication.
• Physiological – difficulties in hearing, expression.
• Psychological – emotional disturbances, neurosis,
comprehension difficulties.
• Environmental – noise, congestion.
• Cultural – illiteracy, level of knowledge and
understanding, customs, language and variations.
426. What do you mean by referral system?
• Referral system is defined as a system of
transferring cases which are beyond the technical
competence of one infrastructure to a higher level
institution/infrastructure having technical
competency and all other resources to provide
desired health services.
• Community health
Worker (ANM,ASHA) - Sub center - PHC -
CHC - Hosp.
427. Name any two food adulterants.
Food Material Common
Dhal Coal –tar dyes, Khesari
Turmeric powder dhal
Coffee powder Lead chromatic powder
Butter Date dust, chicory
Starch – animal fat

428. Mention any four substances commonly abused.
• Alcohol – nicotine – inhalants
• Hallucinogens – sedative - hypnotics
429. List two objectives of National Mental Health
• To ensure availability and accessibility of
minimum mental health are for all in the
foreseeable future, particularly to the most
vulnerable and under privileged sections of
• To encourage application of mental health
knowledge in general health care and in social
430. Weaning.
• Weaning is defined as the systematic process of
introduction of suitable food at the right time I
addition to mothers milk on order to provide
needed nutrients to the baby.-UNICEF
431. List down four voluntary health agencies.
• IRC-Indian cross society- Indian council for child
• Tuberculosis association of India-all India blind
relief society
432. Mention the qualities of community health
• Good IPR Skills
• Emotional stability
• Good communicability
• Good listener
• Resourcefulness
• Endurance and patience.
433. Write four principles of health education.
• Credibility
• Interest
• Participation
• Motivation
• Comprehension
• Reinforcement
434. Define Epidemiology.
• Epidemiology is the “study of the distribution and
determinants of health related states or events in
specific population and the applications of this
study to the control of health problem. –John
.M. Last(1998)
435. List out the alternative system of medicine.
• Acupuncture
• Homeopathy
• Ayurveda
• Naturopathic medicine
436. Write the staffing pattern of sub center.
• 1 female health worker – axillary nurse midwife
• 1 male health worker – multipurpose worker
• Voluntary worker to help the axillary nurse
437. Define eligible couple.
• An eligible couple “is a newly married couple
where in thee wife is in the reproductive age
between 15 and 45 years.
438. List down the functioning bodies at village level.
• The Panchayat raj at the village level consist of;
A Gram Sabha
The Gram Panchayat
The Nyaya Panchayat
439. Mention four occupational hazards.
• Physical hazards-Heat ,cold, and light
• Chemical hazards- dermatitis, eczema, ulcer
• Biological hazards-brucellosis. Anthrax,
• Psychological hazards
• Mechanical hazards.
440. Define community health nursing.
• Community health nurse nursing is a defined as the
synthesis of nursing practice and pubic heath
practice, applied to promoting and preserving the
health of populations.
441. Define management information system?
• A management information system in an
information system used for decision making
and for the co-ordination central analysis and
visualization of information in an organization
442. Mention the maintenance of health records in
primary health center?
• Minor ailments treatment register
• Family and eligible couple register
• Vital statistics register
• Disease surveillance register

443. Components of ORS?

Original Low
osmolarity ORS
• Glucose anhydrase 20 13.5
• Sodium, chloride 3.5 2.6
• Tri sodium citrate 2.9 2.9
• Potassium chloride 1.5 1.5

444. Write objectives of ICDS programme?

• To improve the nutritional and health status of
children in the age group of 0-6 yr
• To dry the foundation for proper
psychological and physical social
development of the children
• To reduce mortality and morbidity
malnutrition and school
• To achieve an effective co-ordination of
policy and implementation among various
departments working for the promotion of
child development
• To enhance the capacity of the mother and
nutritionals needs of the child through proper
nutrition and health education

445. Mention the four data collection methods?

• Questionnaries
• Survey
• Interviews
• Census

446. Define infant mortality rate?

• The rate of infant death registered in given year to
the total number of the birth registered in the same
• Formula (write)
Number of deaths of children less than
one year of age in a year
Number of live births in the same year
447. Source of vital statistics?
• Population census- notification of diseases
• Civil registration system- hospital records
• Sample registration system- disease registers
• Health survey- population survey
• Demographic sample surveys such as those
conducted by national sample surveys
448. Elements of communication?
• Sender
• Ideas
• Encoding
• Decoding
• Communication channel
• Receiver
• Feedback.

449. Define standing orders?

• Standing order are direction and order of specific
measure on the basis of these and the non-
availability of nurses/doctor health workers can
provide treatment at home hospitals or health
institution community.

450. Common causes of maternal death?

• Severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after child birth)
• Infection (usually after child birth)
• High blood pressure during pregnancy (Pre-
• Complication from delivery
• Un safe abortion

451. Define community health nursing?
• Its defined as community health nursing is a
synthesis of nursing practice and public health
practice applied to promoting and preserving the
health of populations

452. Enlist any four functions of community health

• To provide specialist service (routine emergency
cases in surgery medicine)
• Laboratory and x-ray service
• Blood storage facility
• Referral services
• Training and continuing education of health team

453. Enlist four health committees?

Bhore committee
• Mudaliar committee
• Chadha committee
• Mukherji committee
• Jungalwalla committee
• Karthar singh committee

454. Enlist four principles of primary health care?

• Intersectoral collaboration
• Appropriate use of technology
• Health promotion
• Public community participation
• Accessibility

455. What is problem solving approach?

• Problem solving approach is a method of planning
work involving assessment problem identification
planning implementation and evaluation

456. Classify the types of waste?

• Domestic – biodegradable ,non-biodegradable
• Industry – hazardous, non-hazardous
• Medical – hazardous

457. Mention the importance of home visit?

• To find out needs of individual family and
community in relation to health socio economic
and cultural aspects
• To provide domiciliary midwifery as care for
pregnant delivery and puerperal mother and infant
• To give care to the post-partum mother and her
newborn with the view teach a responsible family
member to give subsequent care
• To provide counselling on family planning
immunization nutrition

458. Mention the levels of prevention?

• Primordial prevention
• Primary prevention
• Secondary prevention
• Tertiary prevention
459. Enlist any four reasons for female foeticide?

• Girls are considered a financial obligation

• Poverty lack of proper education
• Gender discrimination
• Female is considered responsibility than is male
mainly due to security issues

460. Mention any four records maintained in the sub

• Eligible couple records
• Birth record
• Death record
• Antenatal care record
• Medical termination of cases record

461. List out the two functions of red-cross.
• Relief work
• Milk and medical supplies
• Armed forceps
• Maternal and child welfare society
• Family planning
• Blood bank & first aid
462. Mention the coverage population of Primary
health center.
• There is one PHC for every 30,000 of population.
• Each PHC has five or six sub centers staffed by
health workers from outreach services like
immunization, basic curative services and maternal
and child health services and preventive services.
• Every 20,000 population in hilly, tribal and
backward areas.
463. Enumerate the four components of
environmental sanitation.
• Collection and sanitary disposal of waste, including
solid waste, liquid wastes, excreta, industrial
wastes, health care hazardous wastes.
• Storm water drainage
• Cleansing of thoroughfares, markets and other
public spaces.
464. Mention the four recommendations of Bhore
• The short term plan:
• A PHC for every 40000 population
• PHC to be manned by 2 doctors, 4 PHN, 4
Midwife, 1Nurse and others.
• The long term plan:
• A primary health unit for every 10-20 thousand
population with 75 beds.
• Secondary unit with 650 bedded hospital.
• District unit with 2500 bedded hospital.
465. Define epidemiology.
• The study of distribution and determinants of heath
related states or events in specified populations and
the applications of this study to the control of
health problems
• It is a synthesis of nursing practice and public
health practices applied to promoting and
preserving the health of population

466. List the four principles of health education.

• Credibility
• Interest
• Participation
• Motivation
• Known to unknown

467. Define cold chain.

• Cold chain is a system of keeping vaccines at their
recommended temperature from the point of
manufacturing to the point of vaccination of the
468. Enlist the four occupational health hazards.
• Physical hazards-Heat ,cold, and light
• Chemical hazards- dermatitis, eczema, ulcer
• Biological hazards-brucellosis. Anthrax,
• Psychological hazards
• Mechanical hazards.
469. Mention the four referral services.
• Direct referral: A direct referral program is the type
where you simply state to your existing clients an
offer fe the act of creating a referral that turns into
a client
• Implied referrals: This type of referral is terribly
• Tangible referral
• Community referral.
470. Write the staffing pattern of health sub-center.
• 1 female health worker – axillary nurse midwife
• 1 male health worker – multipurpose worker
• Voluntary worker to help the axillary nurse

471. Write two main functions of Family Planning
Association of India.
• It conduct medical mobile camp in rural area.
• It runs clinics providing family welfare services
including MTP and sterilization.it publish quarterly
journals related family welafare.
472. Write any two purposes of standing order.
• The purpose of having standing orders are, other
commercial establishments is to regulate industrial
• This orders regulates the conditions of
employment, grievances, misconduct etc.
• Unsolved grievances can become industrial

473. Define Maternal Mortality Rate.

• Total no .of female death due to complication of
pregnancy, child birth within 42 days of delivery,
during puerperal cause in area during a given year
MMR = -----------------------------------------X 1000
Total no .of live birth in the same area and year

474. Mention two functions of Central Council of

• To consider and recommend broad outline of
policy related to environment hygiene, nutrition
and health education.
• To make proposal for legislation relating to
medical and public health matters.
• To make recommendation to the central
government regarding distribution of grant in aid.

475. Write four uses of Management Information

• Enhance lash flow
• Cut down the by professional staff time spent in
paper work
• Assist in program planning and budgeting
• Helps in testing the validity of ongoing programs.

476. Mention any four principles of bag technique.

• Prevention of contamination
• Protection of the care giver
• Make articles readily accessible
• Make follow up care

477. Define occupational health.

• According to WHO/ILO “Occupational health
should aim at the promotion and maintenance of
highest degree of physical, mental and social
wellbeing of workers in all occupation.”

478. List down any four adulterated food.

• Milk – diluted water, detergent, fat and even urea.
• Tea / coffee – Tea leaves
• Pulses – Khesari dhal
• Honey – Sugar, Water
• Turmeric – Yellow soil
479. What is Vandemaadharam scheme?
• The scheme intends to provide free antenatal and
postnatal check counselling on nutrition, breast
feeding, spacing of birth etc… through public
private partnership
• Iron and folic acid tablets, oral pills, TT injection
will be provided for free distribution

480. List down four causes of blindness in India.

Uncorrected refractive errors
• Cataract
• Glaucoma
• Age related macular degeneration

481. Define community health.
• Community health s an defined as the complete
state of physical, mental, social, emotional and
spiritual wellbeing not merely the absence of
disease and infirmity among the community
individual, family and community people.
482. Name four types of malarial parasite.
• Plasmodium vivax
• Plasmodium falciparum
• Plasmodium ovale
• Plasmodium malariae
483. Define women empowerment.
• The term “empowering of women” refers to the
process of providing over to woman to become free
to control f others, that is to assume power t control
her own life and to determine her conditions.
484. Enlist four records maintained in the Primary
Health Centre.
• Minor ailments treatment register
• Family and eligible couple register
• Vital statistics register
• Disease surveillance register

485. Enlist the four components in RCH package.

• Child survival and safe motherhood
• Family planning
• Client oriented approach to health care
• Prevention and management of

486. What is evidence based approach?

• EBP is “the idea that occupational practices is
judicious use of best evidence making decisions
about the care of individual patients. It means
integrating individual clinical experience with the
best available external evidence for systematic

487. Enlist four major health problems in India.

• Nutrition problems (Malnutrition)
• Poverty’
• Population explosion
• Environmental sanitation problem
• Communicable diseases
• Non communicable diseases ( obesity, DM.
488. Mention any four scope of community health
• Health promotion, illness prevention and
restoration of health of individual, families and
Industrial nursing
Domiciliary nursing
Mental health nursing
School health nursing
MCH and Family planning services
Nursing care
Home care.
489. Enumerate any two functions of Health Sub-
• 1 female health worker – axillary nurse midwife
• 1 male health worker – multipurpose worker
• Voluntary worker to help the axillary nurse
490. Expand AYUSH.
• Ayurveda
• Yoga and naturopathy
• Unani
• Siddha
• Homeopathy
491. Enlist the two millennium developmental goals.
• To achieve universal primary education
• Ro eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
• To reduce the child mortality
• To improve maternal health
• To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
• To ensure environmental sustainability
• To develop a global partnership for development
• To promote gender equality and empower women
492. Mention the four recommendations of Mudaliar
• Strengthening of the district hospital with
specialists services
• To improve the quality of health care provided by
• Integration of medical and health services
• Each PHC not to serve more than 40,000
493. Write the four qualities of Community Health
• Culturally sensitive
• Coping abilities
• Caring abilities
• Compassionate
• Patience
494. Define Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).
• The rate of infant death registered in given year to
the total number of the birth registered in the same
• Formula (write)
Number of deaths of children less than
one year of age in a year

Number of live births in the same year

495. Mention the coverage population of Community

Health Center.
• Each Community health center should cover a
population of 8000 to 1.2 lakhs.
• It is manned by four medical specialist like
surgeon, physician, gynecologist, Pediatrician and
supported by pharmacist and other staffs.
496. List the four uses of Epidemiology.
• To find the causation of the disease
• To describe natural history
• Description of health status of populations
• Evaluation of intervention
• Community diagnosis
• Lanning and evaluation.
497. Enlist the National Health Problems.
• Alcohol related problem
• Food safety
• Health care associated infections
• Heart diseases and stroke
• Motor vehicle injuries
• Nutrition, physical activity and obesity
498. Write the expansion of ASHA.
• Accredited social health activist.
499. List down the functions of Defense Service.
• This department was responsible for providing the
military forces needed to war.
• Protect the security of our country
• Three major elements:
1. Army
2. Navy
3. Marine corps
4. Air force.
500. Write the four usages of Records and Reports.
• Improving accessibility
• Helps in patient care decisions
• Support patient care and community
• Promotes continuity of care.

501. Functions of control council of health and
family welfare:
• International health relation and administration
of parts
• Encouragement of research
• Arrangements of post quarantine
502. Elements of PHC :
• Education
• Water and Sanitation
o >Nutrition
o >Treatment
• Immunization
• Maternal and child health
503. Alternative health care system:
• Ayrveda
• Naturopathy
• Homeopathy
• Siddha
• Yoga
• Unani
504. Warning signs of leprosy:
• Hypopigmented anesthetic patches
• Partial on total loss of sensation
• Thickned or palpable peripheral nerve
505. Dr.Muthulakshmi maternity benefit scheme:
Aim to provide optimal nutrition for pregnant and
lactating women and compensates the wage loss during
506. WHO’s six regional organization and
• African region
• Region of the America
• South east Asia region
• European region
• Eastern Mediterranean region
• Western pacific region
507.Model menu for mid-day school meal:
• Food staff - g/day/child
• Cereals and milks – 75
• Pulses – 30
• Oil and fat - 8
• Leafy vegetables – 30
• Non leafy vegetables – 30
508.Benefit of ICD scheme:
Medical, Sickness, Maternity, Disablement and
Despendent benefit
509.National health agencies:
• Indian redcross society
• Indian council for child welfare
• Bharat sevak samaj
• Tha Kasturba memorial fund
510.Food adulteration methods:
• Mixing – Mixing of clay, stones, sand
• Substitution – Cheaper substance replaced
whodly or partially with ggod ones
• Decomposed food – Mainly in fruits and

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