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Environmental Public Health



To: 2100866 Alberta Ltd.

“the Owner”

Shiju Myladum Para

“the Owner”

Sajai Sebastian
“the Owner”

RE: The food establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as:
Savoy's South Indian Kitchen
102 - 4655 54 Avenue NE

WHEREAS I, an Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services, have inspected the above noted
premises pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Act, RSA 2000, c. P-37, as amended;

AND WHEREAS such inspection disclosed that the following conditions exist in and about the above
noted premises which are or may become injurious or dangerous to the public health or which might
hinder in any manner the prevention or suppression of disease, namely:

a. The second floor food storage areas of the food establishment were infested with mice.
Mouse droppings were noted on food items, and some packaged foods were compromised
and consumed by mice.
b. A large quantity of high-risk foods were stored at room temperature on food preparation
counters. Several pans of cooked rice ranged between 21°C and 47°C, jugs and cartons of
milk and cream ranged between 11°C and 29°C, containers of raw meat measured 18°C.
c. The air temperature of the preparation line cooler measured between 17°C and 18°C, and
high-risk foods stored inside the unit ranged between 12°C and 17°C; specifically, raw
shrimp measured 15°C, raw fish measured 16°C, paneer measured 17°C, and raw garlic
batter measured 12°C.
d. The bottom compartment of the preparation line cooler was not lit, it was very difficult to
observe the interior surfaces and contents of the cooler without a flashlight.
e. The air temperature in the double door preparation cooler measured 12°C, and high-risk
foods stored inside the unit ranged between 9°C and 11°C.
f. Bare, unfinished pieces of wood were used as handles on the double door preparation
g. The ambient air temperature in the walk-in cooler measured between 11°C and 13°C, and
high-risk foods stored inside the unit measured as high as 11°C.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 2 of 11

h. High-risk foods that were ordered by the Alberta Health Services Executive Officer to be
discarded were saved and hidden in the recycling and dishwashing areas, and/or
continuously used to complete incoming orders.
i. A sanitizer solution was not provided at the kitchen preparation lines.
j. Cooking tongs with food debris on the surfaces were stored in a pail of murky water that
measured 32°C.
k. Previously juiced limes were carelessly tossed into the same milk crate that contained
processed onions.
l. Staff personal items including cell phones, lunch bags, and snacks were stored on food
preparation and storage surfaces.
m. Food handlers with visibly soiled hands were wiping hands on dirty towels hung around the
waist of their aprons and were not washing their hands at the handwashing sink as needed.
n. Food preparation surfaces and counters were cluttered and contaminated with old food
o. A knife that was visibly contaminated with food debris and was tied to a string was stored
among pens in a holder on the food preparation counter.
p. Foods including bags of onions and containers of meat were stored directly on the kitchen
floor and next to and touching a dirty mop pail.
q. Unused, open foods were left inside the original tin cans.
r. Cooking pots were stored directly next to a dirty mop pail.
s. Cooking pot lids and baking pans were stored directly on the floor in the space beneath the
t. The painted walls and ceiling in the space beneath the staircase where cooking equipment
was stored were badly chipped and damaged.
u. The divider wall across from the staircase void and next to the 2 compartment food
preparation sink was badly damaged and was missing baseboards.
v. There was a heavy accumulation of food debris, grease and grime under the food cooking
and preparation equipment, on doors, under shelving units, and in hard-to-reach areas
throughout the kitchen, food storage areas, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, and the
dishwashing area.
w. There was an accumulation of grease and dust on the ventilation canopy filters.
x. Staff were not sanitizing food preparation equipment and utensils in the manual wash
y. The food establishment was using large cooking pots that could not be properly washed in
the dishwashing sinks.
z. A light fixture in the dishwashing area was missing a cover.
aa. The ceiling in the dry storage room next to the dishwashing area was water damaged and
parts of the stipple ceiling finish was crumbling.
bb. The silicone and caulking along the dishwashing sinks backsplash were mouldy and
separating from the wall.
cc. The overhead shelf for clean equipment storage in the dishwashing area was covered with
grime and dust.
dd. The kitchen back door was left open and the screen in place was in a state of disrepair.
ee. The lighting in the second floor dry storage area accessible from the kitchen was very dim.
ff. Food and food packaging materials were stored directly on the floor in both second floor
dry storage areas.
gg. The interior of an unused chest freezer in a second floor dry storage area was
contaminated with mouldy food debris and a foul odour emanated from it when opened.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 3 of 11

hh. A service case for scooping ice cream was located in the dining area where an easily
accessible handwashing sink was not readily available.
ii. The soap and paper towel dispensers for the staff bathrooms were not stocked with soap
and/or paper towels.
jj. There was a general lack of food safety and sanitation knowledge among the kitchen staff.

AND WHEREAS such inspection disclosed that the following breaches of the Public Health Act and the
Food Regulation, Alberta Regulation 31/2006, the Food Retail and Foodservices Code, and the Nuisance
and General Sanitation Regulation, Alberta Regulation 243/2003 exist in and about the above noted
premises, namely:

a. The second floor food storage areas of the food establishment were infested with mice.
Mouse droppings were noted on food items, and some packaged foods were compromised
and consumed by mic. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
21(2), which states that: a commercial food establishment must be kept free of pests and of
conditions that lead to the harbouring or breeding of pests.

b. A large quantity of high-risk foods were stored at room temperature on food preparation
counters. Several pans of cooked rice ranged between 21°C and 47°C, jugs and cartons of
milk and cream ranged between 11°C and 29°C, containers of raw meat measured 18°C.
This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 25(1) which states that:
All high-risk food must be stored, displayed and transported at a temperature of (a) not
more than 4ºC or such higher temperature, or (b) not less than 60ºC or such lower

c. The air temperature of the preparation line cooler measured between 17°C and 18°C, and
high-risk foods stored inside the unit ranged between 12°C and 17°C; specifically, raw
shrimp measured 15°C, raw fish measured 16°C, paneer measured 17°C, and raw garlic
batter measured 12°C. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
25(1) which states that: All high-risk food must be stored, displayed and transported at a
temperature of (a) not more than 4ºC or such higher temperature, or (b) not less than 60ºC
or such lower temperature.

d. The bottom compartment of the preparation line cooler was not lit, it was very difficult to
observe the interior surfaces and contents of the cooler without a flashlight. This is in
contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 17(1)(f)(iii), which states that: An
operator must ensure that, before operation of the commercial food establishment
commences, the commercial food establishment is equipped with lighting that is adequate
in intensity to enable the sanitary operation and maintenance of the food handling areas.

e. The air temperature in the double door preparation cooler measured 12°C, and high-risk
foods stored inside the unit ranged between 9°C and 11°C. This is in contravention of the
Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 25(1) which states that: All high-risk food must be
stored, displayed and transported at a temperature of (a) not more than 4ºC or such higher
temperature, or (b) not less than 60ºC or such lower temperature.

f. Bare, unfinished, damaged pieces of wood were used as handles on the double door
preparation cooler. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 4 of 11

28(3), which states that: All equipment and utensils in a commercial food establishment
must be (a) kept in good working order and condition, and (b) maintained in a manner that
ensures the safe and sanitary handling of food.

g. The ambient air temperature in the walk-in cooler measured between 11°C and 13°C, and
high-risk foods stored inside the unit measured as high as 11°C. This is in contravention of
the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 25(1) which states that: All high-risk food must be
stored, displayed and transported at a temperature of (a) not more than 4ºC or such higher
temperature, or (b) not less than 60ºC or such lower temperature.

h. High risk foods that were ordered by the Alberta Health Services Executive Officer to be
discarded were saved and hidden in the recycling and dishwashing areas, and/or
continuously used to complete incoming orders. This is in contravention of the Public
Health Act RSA 2000 Chapter P-37 Section 71, which states that: No person shall obstruct,
molest, hinder or interfere with a person in the execution of any duty imposed or in the
exercise of any power conferred on the person by this Act or the regulations.

i. A sanitizer solution was not provided at the kitchen preparation lines. This is in
contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 28(2), which states that: A
commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in it with
which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and, without
limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes

j. Cooking tongs with food debris on the surfaces were stored in a pail of murky water that
measured 32°C. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 28(2),
which states that: A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all
surfaces in it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition
and, without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that
removes contamination.

k. Previously juiced limes were carelessly tossed into the same milk crate that contained
processed onions. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
23(1), which states: All food used or to be used in a commercial food establishment must
be protected from contamination and handled in a sanitary manner.

l. Staff personal items including cell phones, lunch bags, and snacks were stored on food
preparation and storage surfaces. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR
31/2006 Section 20(1), which states: All articles and materials in a commercial food
establishment that are not associated with or required for the operation or maintenance of
the food areas must be stored separately from the food and the food areas and in a
manner that contaminates neither.

m. Food handlers with visibly soiled hands were wiping hands on dirty towels hung around the
waist of their aprons and were not washing their hands at the handwashing sink as needed.
This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 30(1)(d), which states:
A food handler must wash hands as often as necessary to prevent the contamination of
food or food areas.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 5 of 11

n. Food preparation surfaces and counters were cluttered and contaminated with old food
debris. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 28(2), which
states: A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in
it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and,
without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes

o. A knife that was visibly contaminated with food debris and was tied to a string was stored
among pens in a holder on the food preparation counter. This is in contravention of the
Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 28(2), which states: A commercial food
establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in it with which food comes
into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and, without limiting the foregoing,
must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes contamination.

p. Foods including bags of onions and containers of meat were stored directly on the kitchen
floor and next to and touching a dirty mop pail. This is in contravention of the Food
Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 23(1), which states that: All food used or to be used in a
commercial food establishment must be protected from contamination and handled in a
sanitary manner.

q. Unused, open foods were left inside the original tin cans. This is in contravention of the
Food Regulation AR 31/2006 section 23(1), which states: All food used or to be used in a
commercial food establishment must be protected from contamination and handled in a
sanitary manner.

r. Cooking pots were stored directly next to a dirty mop pail. This is in contravention of the
Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 28(3)(a) and (b), which states: All equipment and
utensils in a commercial food establishment must be kept in good working order and
condition, and maintained in a manner that ensures the safe and sanitary handling of food.

s. Cooking pot lids and baking pans were stored directly on the floor in the space beneath the
staircase. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 28(3)(a) and
(b), which states: All equipment and utensils in a commercial food establishment must be
kept in good working order and condition, and maintained in a manner that ensures the
safe and sanitary handling of food.

t. The painted walls and ceiling in the space beneath the staircase where cooking equipment
was stored were badly chipped and damaged. This is in contravention of the Food
Regulation AR 31/2006, section 17(1)(a), which states that: An operator must ensure that,
before operation of the commercial food establishment commences, the commercial food
establishment is of sound construction and in a good state of repair.

u. The divider wall across from the staircase void and next to the 2 compartment food
preparation sink was badly damaged and was missing baseboards. This is in contravention
of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006, section 17(1)(a), which states that: An operator must
ensure that, before operation of the commercial food establishment commences, the
commercial food establishment is of sound construction and in a good state of repair.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 6 of 11

v. There was a heavy accumulation of food debris, grease and grime under the food cooking
and preparation equipment, on doors, under shelving units, and in hard-to-reach areas
throughout the kitchen, food storage areas, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, and the
dishwashing area. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
28(2), which states: A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and
all surfaces in it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary
condition and, without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner
that removes contamination.

w. There was an accumulation of grease and dust on the ventilation canopy filters. This is in
contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 28(2), which states: A
commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in it with
which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and, without
limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes

x. Staff were not sanitizing food preparation equipment and utensils in the manual wash
procedure. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 28(2),
which states: A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all
surfaces in it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition
and, without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that
removes contamination.

y. The food establishment was using large cooking pots that could not be properly washed in
the dishwashing sinks. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
28(1) and (2), which states: (1) A commercial food establishment must have all the
facilities, equipment and utensils that are necessary to ensure its safe operation and
maintenance, and (2) A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and
all surfaces in it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary
condition and, without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner
that removes contamination.

z. A light fixture in the dishwashing area was missing a cover. This is in contravention of the
Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 23(1), which states that: All food used or to be used
in a commercial food establishment must be (a) protected from contamination, and (b)
handled in a sanitary manner.

aa. The ceiling in the dry storage room next to the dishwashing area was water damaged and
parts of the stipple ceiling finish was crumbling. This is in contravention of the Food
Regulation AR 31/2006, section 17(1)(a), which states that: An operator must ensure that,
before operation of the commercial food establishment commences, the commercial food
establishment is of sound construction and in a good state of repair.

bb. The silicone and caulking along the dishwashing sinks backsplash were mouldy and
separating from the wall. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006
Sections 17(1)(a) and28(2), which states: 17(1)(a) An operator must ensure that, before
operation of the commercial food establishment commences, the commercial food
establishment is of sound construction and in a good state of repair, and 28(2) A
commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in it with
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 7 of 11

which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and, without
limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes

cc. The overhead shelf for clean equipment storage in the dishwashing area was covered with
grime and dust. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 28(2),
which states: A commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all
surfaces in it with which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition
and, without limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that
removes contamination.

dd. The kitchen back door was left open and the screen in place was in a state of disrepair.
This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 17(2), which states
that: …the operator must ensure that the commercial food establishment is constructed to
control the entry of pests.

ee. The lighting in the second floor dry storage area accessible from the kitchen was very dim.
This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 17(1)(f)(iii), which
states that: An operator must ensure that, before operation of the commercial food
establishment commences, the commercial food establishment is equipped with lighting
that is adequate in intensity to enable the sanitary operation and maintenance of the food
handling areas.

ff. Food and food packaging materials were stored directly on the floor in both second floor
dry storage areas. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
23(1), which states: All food used or to be used in a commercial food establishment must
be protected from contamination and handled in a sanitary manner.

gg. The interior of an unused chest freezer in a second floor dry storage area was
contaminated with mouldy food debris and a foul odour emanated from it when opened.
This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 28(2), which states: A
commercial food establishment, all equipment and utensils in it and all surfaces in it with
which food comes into contact must be maintained in a sanitary condition and, without
limiting the foregoing, must be washed and sanitized in a manner that removes

hh. A service case for scooping ice cream was located in the dining area where an easily
accessible handwashing sink was not readily available. This is in contravention of the Food
Regulation AR 31/2006 Section 17(1)(e), which states that: An operator must ensure that,
before operation of the commercial food establishment commences, the commercial food
establishment has handwashing stations that are adequate in number and situated so as to
ensure convenient access by all food handlers.

ii. The soap and paper towel dispensers for the staff bathrooms were not stocked with soap
and/or paper towels. This is in contravention of the Food Regulation AR 31/2006 Section
30(4), which states that: The hand washing stations referred to in section 17(1)(e) must be
maintained and kept supplied.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 8 of 11

jj. There was a general lack of food safety and sanitation knowledge among the kitchen staff.
This is in contravention of the Nuisance and General Sanitation Regulation AR 243/2003
Section 2(1), which states that: No person shall create, commit or maintain a nuisance.

AND WHEREAS, by virtue of the foregoing, the above noted premises are hereby declared to be


1. That the Owner immediately close the above noted premises.

2. That the Owner immediately undertake and diligently pursue the completion of the following
work in and about the above noted premises, namely:

a. Clean and disinfect all surfaces contaminated with mouse feces.

b. Examine foods and food packaging material for pest damage. Discard all food and
food packaging materials that were compromised by mice.
c. Discard all high risk foods that were left in the temperature danger zone. Store high
risk foods at 4°C or less or at/above 60°C.
d. Do not obstruct, molest, hinder or interfere an Executive Officer of Alberta Health
Services in the execution of their duties.
e. Repair or install interior lighting for the bottom cooler compartment of the
preparation line cooler for the safe and sanitary handling of food and to facilitate
effective cleaning of the area.
f. Remove the wooden door handles from the double door preparation cooler and
install proper handles that are durable and easily cleanable.
g. Ensure that an approved sanitizing solution (i.e. 100 parts per million bleach or 200
parts per million Quaternary Ammonium Compounds) is prepared whenever food
handling is occurring. Refresh the solution frequently, especially when it is
contaminated with food debris.
h. Clean and sanitize cooking tongs and knives as needed and store all food
preparation utensils in a sanitary manner.
i. Discard used/unwanted food items and store foods in a sanitary manner.
j. Store personal food and items in separate areas that limit the contamination of
public food and food areas.
k. Remove hand towels from around aprons and ensure that staff are washing their
hands as required at designated handwashing sinks. Food handlers are to
thoroughly wash their hands before commencing work. In particular, food handlers
shall wash their hands each time after using the washroom, after returning from a
break, after snacking or eating, after handling raw food products, or after any other
activity or instance where hands may become soiled.
l. Thoroughly clean and declutter the entire kitchen and storage areas, including
walls, under equipment, shelving units and in hard-to-reach areas to remove any
evidence of dust, grease, grime, and/or food debris.
m. Store foods off the floor and in such a manner that prevents contamination. Do not
store foods in areas that are not sanitary such as in the dishwashing area or next to
a mop and/or mop pail.
n. Transfer unused portions of canned food into acceptable food grade containers.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 9 of 11

o. Store cooking pots, cooking pot lids, baking pans, and other food equipment off the
floor and in a sanitary manner.
p. Repair and apply an appropriate smooth, easily cleanable finish to all damaged
ceiling and walls. Install baseboards in kitchen and food storage areas where they
are missing.
q. Clean the exhaust ventilation canopy filters to remove all contamination.
r. Ensure that staff are following the proper manual dishwashing method. Food
equipment should be:
1. Thoroughly scraped clean of visible foreign materials and food
2. Washed in the first compartment sink in detergent solution capable
of removing grease and food particles and that is maintained at a
temperature of not less than 45°C (113°F);
3. Rinsed in the first compartment sink in clean potable water
maintained at a temperature of not less than 45°C (113°F); and
4. Sanitized in the second compartment sink by immersion, in one of
the following methods:
a. for at least 2 minutes in water at a temperature of at least
77°C (171°F);
b. for at least 2 minutes in a chlorine solution of 100 - 200 mg/L
available chlorine at a temperature of not less than 45°C
c. for at least 2 minutes in a solution containing a quaternary
ammonium compound having a strength of not higher than
200 mg/L consistent with efficacy at a temperature of not less
than 45°C (113° F);
d. for at least 2 minutes in a solution containing not higher than
25 mg/L iodine at a temperature of not less than 45°C
(113°F); or
e. in accordance with any other method that has been
scientifically proven to produce results equivalent to those
achieved by use of any of the methods in this subclause.
5. air-dried.
s. Either remove the large cooking pots that cannot be properly washed and sanitized
in the current dishwashing sinks, or install a separate double sink of non-corrodible
metal of sufficient size to permit complete immersion of the equipment to be
washed and sanitized. If the latter option is taken, submit plans to an Alberta Health
Services Executive Officer for review before installation is done.
t. Install a light cover over the light fixture in the dishwashing area.
u. Repair the ceiling in the dry storage room next to the dishwashing area.
v. Remove and replace the caulking along the dishwashing sinks.
w. Clean and sanitize the overhead shelf for equipment storage in the dishwashing
x. Repair the kitchen door screen so it is tight fitting and in good condition.
y. Install adequate lighting for the second floor dry storage area that is accessible from
the kitchen side.
z. Store foods and food packaging materials off the floor and in a sanitary manner.
aa. Thoroughly clean and sanitize the interior of the chest freezers in the second floor
dry storage area.
Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 10 of 11

bb. Remove or relocate the service case for ice cream to an area approved by an
Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services.
cc. Ensure all handwashing stations are stocked with hand soap and paper towels at all
dd. Have all food handlers complete, at minimum, the Alberta Health Services Food
Safety Basics Interactive Course (registration link to course: Provide copies of
completion certificates to an Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services.

3. That until such time as the work referred to above is completed to the satisfaction of an
Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services; the above noted premises shall remain

The above conditions were noted at the time of inspection and may not necessarily reflect all
deficiencies. You are advised that further work may be required to ensure full compliance with the
Public Health Act and regulations, or to prevent a public health nuisance.

DATED at Calgary, Alberta, July 12, 2023.

Confirmation of a verbal order issued to Nitto Thomas and Joby Bastian on July 10, 2023.

Executive Officer
Alberta Health Services

You have the right to appeal

A person who a) is directly affected by a decision of a Regional Health Authority, and

b) feels himself aggrieved by the decision

may appeal the decision by submitting a Notice of Appeal form within ten (10) days after receiving the order to:

Public Health Appeal Board

c/o Central Reception
Main Floor, ATB Place North Tower
10025 Jasper Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 1S6
Phone: 780-222-5186
Fax: 780-422-0914

A Notice of Appeal form may be obtained by contacting the Public Health Appeal Board or visiting their

Health Legislation, Regulations and Standards

Order of an Executive Officer – Notice of Closure
RE: The Food Establishment located in Calgary, Alberta and municipally described as: Savoy’s South Indian Kitchen, 102 - 4655 54
Avenue NE
Page 11 of 11

Electronic versions of the Public Health Act and Regulations are available at the Alberta King's Printer
Bookstore 10611 - 98 Avenue, Main Floor, Park Plaza, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2P7 or

Health Legislation and regulations are available for purchase. Please contact Alberta King's Printer Bookstore
10611 - 98 Avenue, Main Floor, Park Plaza, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2P7 or

Copies of standards are available by visiting:

Calgary • Southport • Environmental Public Health

10101 Southport Road SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2W 3N2

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