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Name: Dolan Jay Salturio


Philippines Indigenous Communities

Enrichment 2

A. Explain the Landownership Policy from each

Historical Timeline.

Precolonial Philippines - Prior to Spanish colonization,

indigenous communities already had
customary concepts and practices of
land use and ownership.
- The indigenous concept of
landownership was one of
collectivism, where private
ownership by one or a few individuals
seemed alien.
And thru tribal wars on that time they obtain lands thru
tribal wars.
Spanish Period All pueblo lands were
Protected lands; they could
Not be alienated because
They belonged to the King. Meaning to say all the pueblo
lands that were protected lands are belong to the king of

American Period System of Land Registration Philippine Act No. 496, 1902
all lands subject lands to the Torens system and part
empowered the State to issue to had any legitimate
claimant a proof of title over a exploit parcel of land.
Philippine Commission Act No. 178, 1903
all unregistered lands become part of the public right
domain, and that public only the State mining had the
authority to classify or exploit the same
Public Lands Act of 1913, 1919, 1925
All unoccupied lands of Mindanao became unavailable to
purposes homesteaders and corporations

1935 Constitution Article XII, Section 1

No all agricultural, timber, and mineral lands of the public
domain, waters, minerals, coal, petroleum, and other
mineral oils, all forces of potential energy, and other
natural resources or of the Philippines belong to the State.

PD 705
no lands of slope of 18% he public domain with a or more
shall be classified as alienable and disposable, nor any
forest land 50%or more in slope, as grazing land

1987 Constitution Article XII, Section 2

The Lands of the public domain, Cultural waters, minerals,
coal, petroleum, and other unity mineral oils, all forces of
potential energy, fisheries, forests or timber, wildlife, flora
and fauna, and other natural resources are Owned by the
Article Il, Section 22
The rights of indigenous Cultural communities within The
framework of national Unity and development.


1. How the lgorot maintained being unconquered by

The Spanish Kingdom?

- Because natives of the mountains, like the lgorots of the Cordillera, put up a strong resistance against
colonial intrusions against their territories.

Notorious headhunters Bamboo Lances and Wooden Shields (Kahimyang Project)

Defensive Blockades (Tree Trunks and Boulders)

Feigned Retreat (Ambush Style)

2. Explain how the reduccion policy started the

Discrimination for the minority groups.

- Because

3. What are the policies from the past regarding land

System that still exist today? Justify your answer.

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