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1 Look at these comments and decide

whether a teenager or the
parent of.
teenager made them. Write T or p a

1 You don't understand me!

2 Whatever!

3 Turn it down!
4 Why so many rules?
5 You treat this place like a hotel
6 'No texting at the dinner table!"
7 T'm not a taxi service!'
8 You're grounded
9 T'm not a baby!'

2 What do you and your parents say to

each other? Tell your partner.

3 Read the article about the teenage years. Are any of the ideas in 1 mentioned in the text? Which one

Terrible Teens?
The teenage years can often be a difficult time for families. Here parents
and children talk about their experiences.

Mark, 14, describes some common problems. 'I know my mum really
loves but she treats me like a little kid. She doesn't realise í
me, still
can make my own decisions and she doesn't trust me to make my own
friends. She's always asking questions about my friends and activities.
I believe she prefers me to stay at home. But if I stay at home, she
complains that I spend too much time in my room on the computer.
I love playing games and chatting, but she's always shouting at me.
Whatever I do, she's never happy!

Nick has two teenage stepsons. 'I don't know if my experience as a

B stepdad to teenagers is typical. I am quite strict with them, but they
the rules
accept appear happier than some of their friends, whose
parents are more relaxed. Young people tend to rebel, but deep down
they also want to feel safe. Of course they form strong friendships with
other teenagers, but they know that the family is always there to suppus
them. It's easy for me, because we have similar interests. We often
go fishing, and it's during quiet times like these that teenagers often
share their feelings with adults. I think it's important to keep a post
attitude, let them spread their wings and make their own mistakes:

hen I
C Julia, 15, has two working parents. 'I'm an only child, so even whe
was little I had a lot of friends outside the home. The difference now
iS that I am more independent and often spend whole weekends n
friends' houses. My parents know where I
am, of course, ana They
et me spend time with
my friends if I've done all my schoo wo MY
always welcome my friends in our home, too, so they know them
parents are cool, they support me but they're never tive.
Read the article again to find the following information.
Which person mentions

inportance of listening to teenage children?

the 1 2
who don't accept that their children DOWNLOAD
are changing?
of rules?
When you do a multiple
5 6 matching task, look for
parents who have changed their behaviour? 7 similar ideas in more than
n2tents who understand teenagers' need one text. Highlight them
in the same colour. For
for friendship?
8 9
example, here two texts
mention rules. Highlight
c Complete the sentences with these words. these parts in pink.
Check which questions
attitude communication rebel have two answers and if
responsibility treat trust
they talk about 'rules. Try
to answer questions with
1 We no longer a friend who lied to us.
two answers first.
important for good relationships.
3 A positive sometimes helps people
to succeed.

4 People who do not feel free sometimes

5 It is the parents to bring up their children.
6 Teenagers feel sad if their friends
them badly.

6 Work in groups of three. Student A is a

teenager, Student B is their parent and
Student C is their teenage friend. Imagine
that Student A asks the others' opinions
about something. Write a short dialogue and
then act it out in front of the class. Use these
ideas to help you.
clothes computer games jewellery
music pets phones

Doyou like my new

No, I don't!

Rachel has three teenage daughters. " When

Our first daughter became a teenager, she
changed overnight. We no longer recognised
Our good-natured child. Children sometimes
rebel and refuse to talk to their parents. When
the first child wants independence, parents
ind it hard and that causes arguments. I'm
afraid we made a lot of mistakes. Now the
others are going through the same, we're
nandling the situation better. We always
eep the lines of communication open, we U
dge less and listen more. We often sit
wn as a family and work out our 'house
les. For instance, the girls never go out
e on school nights, but they have a lot

rreedom at weekends. When you discuss

Sues calmly with
teenagers, they respect
Ou and accept that with rights they also have

A2Vocabulary 1
1 Which words go together? Complete the table and
then use some of the words to complete the sentences.

aunt bride brother-in-law daughter-in-law

father-in-law nephew step-father wife

Male Female
uncle 1

2 niece

3 sister-in-law

6 mother-in-law


9 My sister's husband is my
10 When I met my boyfriend's parents, I didn't know that one day they would be my
11 It was a beautiful wedding; the wore a white dress and the
looked handsome in a dark grey suit.
12 Those are my brother's
children; the little boy is my.
Mike, and the
little girl is my .

2 Complete the sentences with both words.

1 relaxed anxious
My nephew, George, is normally a calm .
-person, but at exam time he
gets very nervous and
2 lazy hard-working
I've got one brother-in-law who's
very .

and always busy, and I've got another

and never does one who's
anything but sleep!
3 impatient patient
Aunt Marge is afn) .
person who doesn't mind waiting when she
very and gets angry when he has to has to; Uncle Ted, however,
wait for anything.
4 old-fashioned modern
Families are
funny-Grandma Kate is cool and
while my ten-year-old cousin, Steve, Is

serious and.
5 generous mean
My father-in-law is the most .
man in
law hates to part with
money; she's so .
the world- he'd give you anything, but my moul
6 outgoing shy

people find it hard to make

of attention. but. people are always the cente

3 Circle the odd ones out.

1slim over weight thin
2 ugly handsome 5 well-built weak fit
3 dark
pretty 6 moustache
pierced fair wrinkles beard
4 straight 7 blonde
plump black elderly
Curly 8 blue
tattooed sparkling
Present simple & present continuous
Grammar 1
1 Read about the uses of the present simple and present continuous.

Present simple Present continuous

.habits and things that happen regularly Something that is happening now, at exactly
I often help my mum make dinner. this moment
how to
things that are always or usually true Are you showing your litle brother
Sheila doesn't live with her grandparents. play the game?
facts and general truths temporary situations
this summer.
Water boils at 100°C. Jimmy is working ina shop
timetables and future programmed events annoying habits, often with always
My cousin's train leaves at eight o'clock. My brother is always borrowing my
future plans and
Time expressions: adverbs of frequency Are you driving to the party tonight?
(always, usually, etc), every day/week, in the
morning/afternoon, at night, at the weekend, on Time expressions: now, right now at the
Monday, in (the) winter, in August, once/twice/ moment, today/tonight,
these days, this week, at
time being
three times a week present, nowadays, for now for the

2 Do we
use the present simple or the present continuous with words like often, never, haraly
and seldom?

Read 1.1-1.2 of the Grammar Reference before you do the tasks.

Use the present simple the present continuous.

3 Complete the sentences. or

Joey/ usually play) with his sister in the evening?

2 Our dog (always bark)!
(not ride) our bikes to school.
3 We
(they/ visit) their grandparents on Sundays?
(kiss) her mother and - (go) to bed.
5 The little girl.
(Billy/stay) with his Aunt Edna this weekend?
(always get up) at seven o'clock in the morning.
(you/ eat) lunch at home every day?
9 Debbie and Sue had an argument and now they. - (not talk) to each other.

10 It (get) dark at night.

4Read the blog and circle the correct words.

Patricia's bIO9
Hi everyone! I 'usually write/write usually my blog on Saturday night but this weekend
study/ 'm studying so | S'm blogging/ blogs today! I want to tell you about some of my
relatives who is living/ live in Los Angeles, America. My Uncle Joseph and my Aunt Fiona

are working/ work in their flower shop: Fiona's Flowers. They $are often sending/ often
beautiful flowers to celebrities in Hollywood. My aunt and uncle have two children.
Mycousin Joey is a baby and he "'is always crying always cries! My cousin Nancy is six
years old. She ®don't get/ doesn't get angry when Joey cries/ cry. She l0usually picks/
usually picking him up, "is kissing/ kisses him and tries to make him laugh. My relatives
always visit are always visiting us in the summer, but this year they
are travelling/ travel to Canada. 14Do / Does your relatives come to
yOur house, or 15you are planning/ are you planning to visit your
relatives this year?
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UNIT 1 9

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