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Tutorial 4


1. Who are competitors? How are competitive rivalry, competitive behavior, and competitive
dynamics defined in the chapter?

2. What is market commonality? What is resource similarity? In what way are these concepts the
building blocks for a competitor analysis?

3. How do awareness, motivation, and ability affect the firm’s competitive behavior?

4. What factors affect the likelihood a firm will take a competitive action?

5. What factors affect the likelihood a firm will initiate a competitive response to a competitor’s

6. What competitive dynamics can firms expect to experience when competing in slow-cycle
markets? In fast-cycle markets? In standard-cycle markets?


Select any journal article based Competitive Rivalry and Competitive Dynamics from the Online
databases available in the digital library link from the FNU Website and provide the following
details of the article. You can do this in groups if you wish to do so.

1. Research Area

2. Topic

3. Objectives

4. Literature Review sub-topics

5. Methodology used

6. Findings

7. Conclusion

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