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3.4.Additional technical information

3.4.1 LIMS Communications
Specifications for the A15 programme communication with a computer management system (LIMS –
Laboratory Information Management Systems software).

This section explains how to perform bidirectional communication from the A15 analyser to a centralised
computer management system. This communication establishes a system for programming work sessions
with the A15 and for exporting the concentration results obtained with the analyser.

Communication is by copying flat text documents into a system folder. To make the communication, the
computer must have a network connection with the central system in order to be able to make copies of the

The following folders show the locations of the documents in order to be able to make the communication:

Folder where the application is installed

C:\Program files\A15

Folder where the document for import is copied

C:\Program files\A15 \Import

Folder where all the export documents are stored

C:\Program files\A15 \Export

Folder where the memorised sessions are stored

C:\Program files\A15 \Memo

Import process

To import a work session to the A15 analyser program, a flat text document must be copied into the Import
folder with the name “import.txt”. On the screen for entering New samples, the Import session button is
activated to load the import file samples when there is a new import document in the Import folder.

The format of the import document must be as follows:

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3.4. Additional technical information Page 2 of 5

No. of
Field Values
‘U’: Urgent Patient
Sample class =1
‘N’: Normal Patient
‘SER’: Serum
‘URI’: Urine
Sample Type =3 ‘SEM": Semen
"WBL"; Whole Blood
‘LIQ": Biological liquids
Patient Alphanumeric string (any
identifier character except #)
Technique Alphanumeric string (any
identifier character allowed)
"PED": Paediatric tube
Test tube type =3 "T13": Tube 13
"T15": Tube 15

The import file must contain one row per test and the fields must be separated by a tab (ASCII code 09).

The size of the Patient identifier and Test identifier fields must be a maximum of 16 characters. The other
fields must have the exact size indicated in the table.

Sample import file:

We have a patient PAC1234 considered urgent for ALT and GLUCOSE tests. The sample is SERUM type
and is placed in a DIAMETER 15 tube.



Import file error control

The programme checks that the information in the Import.txt file is correct and generates a file (Errors.txt) in
the \IMPORT folder if it detects an error in syntax or incompatibility with the tests programmed in the
application. If an error is found in the import document, the Import errors button is enabled.

List of errors:

Error Solution
Line > maximum length of 41 Check the size of all fields
characters and/or tabs
U (Urgent)

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Incorrect CLASS N (Normal)

Incorrect TYPE
T15 (Diameter 15)
Incorrect tube T13 (Diameter 13)
PED (Paediatric)
Incorrect PatientID size (> 16
Reduce PatientID size
Incorrect TestID size (> 16 chars.) Reduce TestID size
TestID DOES NOT exist in test
Check programmed test
Type indicated is NOT programmed Check Types
for the test indicated. programmed for the test.

Export process

Once it has been reset, an export document is automatically generated in the \Export folder (EXPAuto
(DateSession).txt). This document is automatically deleted after one week.

If the user wishes to export a specific work session, he/she can use the Export results button, which
generates a document called Exp(aa-mm-dd hh-mm).txt.

For example:

Exp(2004-01-28 14-24).txt

file exported on 28/01/2004 at 14:24

Said document has the following format

The export file has one line per test applied to each patient.

No. of
Field Values
Alphanumeric string (any
Patient identifier ≤ 16
character except #)
Technique Alphanumeric string (any
≤ 16
identifier character allowed)
‘SER’: Serum
‘URI’: Urine
Sample Type =3
‘SEM": Semen
"WBL"; Whole Blood

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‘LIQ": Biological liquids

≤ 10
≤ 10
Result date ≤ 19 dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss

The export file has one line per test applied to each patient and the fields are separated by a tab and have
the size shown in the table.

Sample export file:

PAC1234 ALT SER 121,4717 U/L 19/09/2003 12:19:46

PAC1234 GLUCOSE SER 261,3174 mg/dL 19/09/2003 12:19:46

Online export process

Unlike the previous one, this export process exports results as they are being obtained, with no need to
reset. The export process can be automatic or manual.

The export process can be configured in the configuration screen of the A15 session.

The user chooses whether the process is automatic or manual.

When choosing the automatic process, the user has also to choose the frequency of exportation of results:

l Whenever a result is obtained

l Whenever a patient is finished
l Whenever the session is finished

The document generated in the online export is a flat text document with the same fields as in the export
process and the folder:

C:\program files\A15\Export

The name of the document generated in the online export is:

online(Login DateHour) _n.txt

The date and hour of the document name is in format yy-mm-dd hh-mm

The number at the end of the name (_n) is increased only when, if saving new data, the A15 program finds
an error opening the file in writing mode. When this takes place, a new file is generated with the same name,
but increasing the final number.


Online(09-04-06 11-54) _1.txt

Online(09-04-06 11-54) _2.txt

it is generated if there has been an error at the time of writing the file

Online(09-04-06 11-54) _1.txt

In the online export, only a file is generated and it is added in the end to each new result.

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The laboratory management program carries out the following management with the interchange file:

l Opening the file online(Login DateHour)_n.txt in reading mode.

l Deleting this file, once the session is finished.
l Once the session is finished, deleting all files generated from the session.

If more than one, it shows that there has been an error when opening the file.

Manual export

In this kind of export, the user selects what and when to export.

In the screen of results, it appears a column where the user carries out the validation of results. To do so, the
user selects the result which he/she wants to export.

By default, all generated results are selected. In case the user does not want to export a result, then he/she
has to deselect the result in the related box.

In order to export to the file, the user presses the export button located in the same screen.

Whenever a result is exported, the text “exp” will appear next to the selected box. When there is a repetition,
the repeated result appears as selected by default.

If the first result was already exported, the user can export this repetition again. In the export file, it will
appear a second line with the same patient code and technique, but with the new concentration value.

It will differ from the first one in the date and hour. When there is a recalculation of a result -due to a change
of blank or of calibrator or some cancellation of replicate- and this result was already exported, the “exp”
mark disappears from the screen of results.

The user will be able to export this concentration value manually again.

Automatic export

In this kind of export, a new line is generated in the export file whenever there is a new result. The writing
frequency of the file will depend on the option selected in the session configuration.

When there are manual repetitions or recalculations, or a replicate is cancelled, a new concentration value is
exported again.

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