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‘The Chosen’ TV Series Special on News Nation by Lucus Louize

The Chosen TV series has aired in a special on the News Nation channel and website.
The News Nation special ‘The Chosen Phenomenon’ gives a more detailed look into the
Chosen show and their actors and writers.

I highly recommend the show because the show was recommended to me by an

undercover Confederation good friend and brother. Season one of the show has also been
given a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

News Nation has also covered the gentleman Mr. Grusch in his first public interview. See
‘We are not alone: The UFO whistleblower speaks. NewsNation Prime’

Since the Alliance brothers are working behind the scenes in making the topic of UAP’s
more credible, I recommend News Nation because it is a credible source of information
since what they generally release is supported by the Alliance program. Thanks to the
Alliance within the first 5 years since the Alliance starting their program publicly behind
the scenes through being involved with the release of UAP videos (Go Fast, Gimbal, Flir)
through To The Stars Academy, the DoD (AARO UAP website), NASA (UAP
Independent Report), the Congress (UAP Hearings), and the US Customs and Boarder
Protection are all taking UAPs more seriously.

Undercover Confederation brothers and sisters have recommended the teachings of Jesus.
Both the Confederation and the Alliance recommend the teachings of Jesus. For the
Alliance please see the article ‘On God and Religions’ by brother Arkay from brother
Bob’s excellent TerraKor Files official Alliance website.

What we are witnessing here in my humble opinion is God’s Mathew 23:23 plan for
Earth. In Mathew 23:23 Jesus states:

“But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and

I’m my humble opinion the Alliance represents God’s Justice, the Confederation
represents God’s Mercy, and the Earth people represent God’s Faith.

The Alliance is involved in working behind the scenes with their undercover operatives
to remove the Omegan undercover operatives. The Confederation undercover operatives
have registering discs to read thoughts in order to answer prayers with their undercover
operatives for all those sincere in following the teachings of Jesus, and they also help
protect people from the Omegans. The Earth people are to have faith in Jesus and his
Mercy (the Confederation) and his Justice (the Alliance).
The evil Omegans also have registering discs to read thoughts. Be careful of undercover
Omegans that pretend to be undercover Confederation and Alliance operatives. There are
many, many undercover Omegan operatives here on Earth. (See ‘Project Terra Status
Report’ from the TerraKor files site and also my article ‘Omegan Empirical Data
Numbers’ or the video on my Libertad450 YouTube channel)

If you wish to have potential contact with undercover Confederation operatives sincerely
follow the teachings by a of Jesus the best you can and pray to God that you wish to be
friends with them and they may influence your subconscious from a distance or send an
undercover Confederation operative or both. Real undercover Confederation operatives
radiate powerful good energy from their bodies and we can feel energy from everything
including all the different ET groups even through pictures or websites, because
everything is connected by God’s energy. The real undercover operatives are physical
people and will never openly you give high level intel because you are not part of their
group they however will do a ‘co-incidence’ so you will know it’s them. (Be careful of
undercover Omegans pretending to be them. Real undercover Confederation operatives
only do moral things.) Both the Confederation and Alliance operatives eat meat in order
to relate to Earth people but their eventual goal is to have the planet become vegetarian
like their planets. I recommend eating healthier foods and/or also eating vegetarian meat
brands like Beyond Meat or Impossible brand vegetarian meats.

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