01 Intro To Electrotherapy

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Prepared by: Jellen R.

Agbuya, PTRP
 Discuss membrane potential of muscles and nerves
 Basis for resting membrane potential
 Events during discharge of action potential
 Events during propagation of action potential
 Differentiate nerve from muscle action potential
 Discuss effects of electrical current stimulation on nerves and
 Explain the ionic effects of electrical currents.
 Define electrotherapy
 Define common terms used in electrotherapy.
 Discuss electrical currents used in PT in terms of:
 Frequency
 Waveforms
 Purpose
 Define the various types and uses of MFCs and LFCs.
 Explain the two types of electrical stimulator devices.
Review of Physiology of Nerve and Muscle

Basic Concepts in Electrotherapy

Introduction to Low Frequency Currents (LFCs) and

Medium Frequency Currents (MFCs)
 Biological tissues exhibit electrical characteristics

 Bioelectric activity is essential to cell/tissue form and function

 Behavior and response to adverse events (injury, pathology)

 Influence on the practice of electrotherapy

 Cell Membrane
 Ions move in and out of the cell
membrane depending on their
permeability, affecting its charge

 Extracellular: More Na+, K+

and Ca++ ions
 Intracellular: Few K+ ions
 Cell Membrane
 Readily permeable to K+ ions
 Slightly permeable to Na+ ions
 Non-permeable to large negative proteins and phosphates

 Movement of ions may be through:

▪ Passive diffusion
▪ Active transport (uses ATP)
 Resting membrane potential
 Actively generated
 Dependent on voltage-gated Na+-K+ ATPase pump
 Negative !
▪ peripheral nerve fibers: -75mV
▪ muscle fibers: -90mV
Chemical disturbance, activation of synapse or receptor, other
disturbance (eg. electrical impulse)
Depolar- Reduction of negative charge Must reach threshold to initiate
ization due to influx of Na+ ions AP (10-15mV)
polarizati Influx of K+ ions causing membrane potential to become negative
ization Na-K pump returns ions to original concentrations
 Action potential in one region of an excitable membrane can
trigger an AP in a neighboring region
 If a nerve or muscle fiber is large: AP can be propagated over the
entire membrane

 Types of Propagation:
 Orthodromic conduction – normal direction
 Antidromic conduction – occurs in opposite direction; can be evoked
by electrical stimulation
 Important observations:
 Ionic current always flows down the ion’s concentration gradient
 Membrane potential only changes when there is capacitive current
• Nerve fiber diameter
• Small fibers vs. larger fibers
• Presence of myelin sheath
• Myelinated vs. unmyelinated
• Membrane resistance
• Lower resistance vs. higher resistance
• Type of fiber
• Muscle fiber vs. nerve fiber
• Temperature
• High vs. low
 Nerve action potential passes rapidly along peripheral axons
and sweeps over the membrane of motor nerve terminals
producing muscle contraction
 Purpose
 Induce an outward capacitive current across the membrane
 Electrotherapy
 Application of electricity for therapeutic purposes
 Use of outdated, vague and erroneous terms brought confusion
and misunderstanding when used to describe electrophysical

 American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) commissioned

its Section on Clinical Electrophysiology in 1990
 Monograph of Terminology
Recommended Term Outdated, Erroneous Term

Direct current (DC) Galvanic current

Pulsed Biphasic Asymmetric Balanced

Faradic current

High-Voltage Pulsed Current High-Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Current

Pulse duration Pulse width; pulse length

Recommended Term Outdated, Erroneous Term

Current amplitude Current intensity

Frequency Rate

Waveform Impulse

ON:OFF ratio Mark-space ratio

Ramp Surge
 High Frequency Current (HFC)

 Medium Frequency Current (MFC)

 IFC and TENS

 Low Frequency Current (LFC)

 DC-innervated, ES, FES, NMES
 Electrical Current
 Flow (current) of electrons from an electron source (stimulator) to the
wires and electrodes used to deliver such an electric current to soft
 Unit of measurement: Ampere (A)

 Biological Current
 Flow (current) of ions (biological) in the targeted tissues resulting from
the passage of the electrical current
 Interaction
 Flow of electrical current is transformed, within the soft tissues, into a
flow of biological current.
 Electrical energy  Bioelectrical energy (for therapeutic purposes)

 Charge
 Carried by ions
 May be (+) or (-)
 Unit of measurement: Coulumb (C)
 Electromotive Force
 A difference in the potential between two ends or at any two points of
a circuit
 Driving force required for a continuous flow of charges
 Measure of maximum work per unit charge
 Unit of measurement: Volts (V)
 Resistance
 Hindrance to current flow encountered in direct current (DC) circuit
 Unit of measurement: Ohm (Ω)

 Impedance
 Hindrance to current flow encountered in alternating current (AC)
 Unit of measurement: Ohm (Ω)
 Capacitance
 Enables a device or circuit to store electrical charges in an electrostatic
 Unit of measurement: Farads (F)

 Inductance
 Enables a device or circuit to store electrical energy in an
electromagnetic field
 Unit of measurement: Henries (H)
 Pulse
 Current flow in each direction of the phases for a determined period
of time
 Can be monophasic or biphasic

 Cycle
 A pulse that is always biphasic
 Pulse/Cycle Duration
 Time elapsed from the beginning to the end of the two phases within a
pulse or cycle, including the interphase duration if present

0 t

 Pulsed current
 Noncontinuous, interrupted, or periodic flow of DC or AC currents

0 t

 Phase
 Current flow in one direction for a determined period of time

0 t

 Phase Duration
 Determined period of time elapsing from the beginning to the end of
one phase, usually expressed in microseconds or milliseconds
0 t

 Interphase Duration
 Time elapsed between two successive phases, usually expressed in
microseconds or milliseconds.
0 t

 Phase Rise Time
 Time it takes for the leading edge of phase to rise from the zero
baseline to its maximum amplitude.
 Related to nerve accommodation

0 t

 Phase Decay Time
 Time it takes for the trailing edge of phase to decay from maximum
amplitude to the zero baseline

0 t

 Burst
 Successive delivery of pulses or cycles at a pre-set amplitude, frequency
or duration during a determined period of time
 Aka interrupted train

0 t
 Burst Duration
 Time elapsed between the beginning of the first and at the end of the
last pulse or cycle within the burst

0 t
 Interburst Duration
 Time elapsed between two successive bursts

0 t
 Beat
 Summation of 2 or more sinusoidal AC delivered at different
frequencies and intersecting during a determined period of time.

 Interbeat Duration
 Does not exist!
 Each beat ends with the beginning of the next beat

• Frequency
• Number of times per second that a pulse, cycle, burst or beat will
repeat itself

• Period
• Phase duration + interphase duration
• Cycle duration + intercycle duration

• Pulse Frequency
• Number of pulses per second (pps)
 Cycle Frequency (cps)
 Number of cycles per second
 Expressed in Hertz

 Burst frequency
 Number of bursts per second

 Beat Frequency
 Number of beats per second
• Amplitude
• Magnitude of current relative to the isoelectric zero (0) baseline
• Expressed in amperes (A)

• Train
• Continuous series of pulses, cycles, bursts or beats delivered over time

• Duty cycle
• Ratio of ON-time to the summation of ON-time plus OFF-time,
expressed in percentage
 Modulation
 Random and successive variations of waveform parameters such as
current amplitude, pulse duration, and pulse frequency over time.
 Modulation can be done individually, in pairs or all together
 Commonly used in TENS to optimize comfort while reducing sensory
habituation and nerve accommodation to the pattern of stimulation
over time.
 Waveform
 Geometrical description of current
 Can be:
▪ Monophasic
▪ Biphasic
▪ Polyphasic
 Monophasic
 A pulse or cycle that moves in only one direction
 From zero (0) baseline towards (+) or (-) polarity
 Returns to zero baseline after finite amount of time
 Includes CDC
 Biphasic
 A pulse or cycle that moves in one direction and then in the opposite
 From zero (0) baseline towards (+) or (-) polarity
 Returns to zero baseline after finite amount of time
 Includes even and uneven AC
0 t

 Symmetrical
 Has positive phase geometrically identical to its negative phase
 Always balanced

0 t

 Asymmetrical
 Has one of its two phases geometrically different from the other
 Can be balanced or unbalanced

0 t

 Balanced Assymetrical
 Has equal electrical charges in each phase

0 t

 Unbalanced Assymetrical
 Has unequal electrical charges in each phase

0 t

 Polyphasic
 Has many phases
 Includes interferential current (IFC) and Russian currents

0 t

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Aka Galvanic Current
 Continuous, unidirectional flow of charged particles
 1 sec or longer
 Polarity determines direction of current
 Commonly used for wound healing, weakness
+ t

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Always monophasic
 Includes Iontophoresis
0 t
0 t
 Iontophoresis
 Is the transfer of ions of drugs into the body through the skin through
the use of a constant DC.
 Principle is based on the fact that ions will migrate to the electrode of
opposite charge under the influence of an electromotive force.
 Since ions migrate to the oppositely-charged electrode, the positive
ions must be introduced from the (+) electrode and the negative ions
from the (-) electrode.

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
0 t

0 t

0 t

0 t

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Aka Faradic-type of current
 Frequency: 50-70Hz
 Pulse duration: 0.5-1ms
 Includes:
 Russian Current
 Russian Current
 Used for muscle spasm and strengthening of muscles
 Utilizes a twin spike/peak
 Always polyphasic
 Uses 2500 Hz
 HVPC (High Voltage Pulse Current)/HVPGC
 Produces high voltage current with a high peak amplitude but a low
average current, and a very short pulse duration
 Produces a twin pulse/peak that can reach up to 300-400mA
▪ Safe due to very short PD
 Not polyphasic (unlike Russian current)
 Can stimulate deep nerves and innervated muscles
 Cannot contract denervated muscles
 Faradism Under Pressure (FUP)
 ES with compresion at:
▪ Arm: Biceps brachii
▪ Forearm: Anterior aspect
▪ Wrist: Dorsal aspect
▪ Thigh: Anterior aspect
▪ Leg: Gastrocnemius
▪ Foot: Dorsum of foot

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
• Pulse duration: 1-3000ms
• Principles:
• Excitation
• Nerve: -70mV
• Muscle: -90mV
• Accommodation
• Nerve (sensory): Greater accommodation
• Muscle (motor): Lesser accommodation
• Firing
• Normal: asynchronous firing (Type I  Type II)
• With electricity: synchronous firing (Type II  Type I)
 If there would be sudden variance or change in current, muscle
contraction will be produced.

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Used for innervated muscles
 Includes FES/NMES
 For innervated weak muscle
 Used to:
▪ Retard muscle atrophy
▪ Muscle re-education
▪ Increase muscle strength
▪ Increase endurance
▪ Decrease spasticity
 For innervated weak muscle
 Used as an orthotic substitute

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Uses EPC (Exponential Progressive Current)
 For denervated muscles
 Includes ES to retard muscle atrophy

0 t

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Continuous, bidirectional flow of charged particles
 1 sec or longer
 Relative to the isoelectric (zero) baseline
 Commonly used for pain and skeletal healing
0 t
 Aka Even AC / Sinusoidal Current
 Typical AC
 May be delivered in various shapes
 Sinusoidal
 Rectangular
 Trapezoidal 0 t
 Triangular -
 Interferential Current (IFC)
 4100 Hz + 4000Hz to overcome skin resistance = 1-100 Hz (beat
frequency) interferenctal current
 2 sinusoidal waves with mixing
 Slightly out of phase
 Used for:
▪ Pain (diffused)
▪ Muscle re-educaiton
▪ Muscle strengthening
▪ Bone/fx healing
 Frequency: 100pps
 Pulse duration: 40 microseconds
 Used for:
▪ Pain (Gate Control Theory)

Direct Current (DC)/Galvanic Current Alternating Current (AC)

Continuous DC Interrupted DC Even/Symmetrical Uneven/ Asymmetrical

(CDC) (IDC) AC/Sinusoidal current AC/Faradic current

Short IDC /Faradic- Long IDC

Rectified LIDC Exponential LIDC
 Aka Uneven AC / Faradic Current
 May be delivered in various shapes
 Sinusoidal
 Rectangular
 Trapezoidal
 Triangular 0 t

 Constant Current (CC) Stimulator
 Device that delivers an electric current that flows at the same
amplitude regardless of changes in tissue impedance over time
 Most commonly used today
 Provide consistent level of amplitude throughout therapeutic
▪ More comfortable for the patient and predictable for the PT
 Constant Voltage (CV) Stimulator
 Device that delivers a source of voltage at the same amplitude
regardless of changes in tissue impedance over time

Revised for instruction by:

Jellen R. Agbuya, PTRP

 Belanger, A.Y., 2010. Therapeutic physical agents: Evidence behind practice,
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
 Cameron, M.H., 2009, Physical agents in rehabilitation: From research to practice
Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri.
 Hecox, B., Mehreteab, T. A., & Weisberg, J., 1990, Physical agents: A comprehensive
text for physical therapists, SLACK Incorporated, New Jersey.
 Kitchen, S. & Bazin, S., 2002, Clayton’s electrotherapy, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
 Low, R. Reed, A.,1995, Electrotherapy explained: Principles and practice, 2nd edn.,
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford.
 Nelson, R.M., & Currier, D.P., 1994, Clinical electrotherapy , Appleton & Lange,
Norwalk, Connecticut.
 Wadsworth, H. & Chanmugam, A.P.P., 1988, Electrophysical agents in physiotherapy:
Therapeutic & diagnostic use , 2nd edn., Science Press, Marrickville, NSW.
 Watson, T., 1988, Electrotherapy: Evidence-based practice, 12th edn., Science Press,

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