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Period derivative: - 0.

0149446 10−6 (seconds)

Note: Mid of eclipse is not at phase 1

Period derivative: - 0.0149446 (seconds)

Note: Error
Warning: TIMEDEL (or DELTIME) keyword not found.
Warning: Setting Integration time to 0. This may result in division by 0...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Period derivative: 0.0000000149446 (seconds)
Note: Accurate
Code to import a text file and plot the data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

X, Y,err = [], [],[]

for line in open('data_plot.txt', 'r'):
values = [float(s) for s in line.split()]

plt.plot(X, Y, '.',c='r')
plt.errorbar(X, Y, err, fmt='o', ecolor = 'black', markersize='0.1', capsize= 1.5)

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