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Dela Cruz, Jericho V.

BAENT1A 1ST YEAR BS Entrepreneurship

The day that you were born

So as far as I remember, when my father telling a story about their life situation when I was born he said
that about the price of basic necessities were cheaper compared today i remember he said that 1000
pesos is much enough to buy groceries that can last for atleast a week, the rice is about 25 pesos per kilo
I think the NFA rice he is talking about, the canned goods, and others. but he also said that it’s hard to
find a job at that time but even so they still manage to survive their day to day life. Their life is simple
nothing more nothing less, I ask them how about the transportation, the traffic is not that heavy and
they can travel to work with ease and the issue about the society he said that when they living in the
Malabon there’s always riot in there and some of people in the street making trouble violently. He tell
us that before the EDSA dos when the president is Joseph Estrada it so difficult to find a job my father is
jobless for 8 months relying on our relatives for their daily lives they only one child at that time, and on
his opinion that’s the reason why Joseph Estrada is ousted on his power.

The Philippine economy turned In a strong performance in 2001 despite generally weak global
conditions and challenges in the domestic front, including a political transition and concerns about the
peace and order situation. The economy grew by 3.4 percent, surpassing the 3.3 percent target for the
year. The average inflation of 6.1 percent was at the lower end of the 6.0-7.0 percent target range. The
benign inflation environment and outlook paved the way for cautious monetary easing, providing broad
support to the economy’s growth objectives.

As the report stated above the economy grew for 0.1% and the average inflation was also lower, so it is
no wonder why the basic necessities is cheaper before.

Car ownership has increased dramatically over the recent years most especially in Metro
Manila. According to the Land Transportation Office (LTO), Metro Manila has more than
30% (1.2 million) of all vehicles registered in the country, for the year 2001, more than 65% of
Which is registered as private vehicle. From 1991 to 2001, the average growth rate of vehicle
registration is approximately 5% annually.
Even though there’s increase in car ownership in 2001, the volume of the cars at that time is not that
much thus the traffic is not that heavy, that’s why the travel to work is easier than today.

In early October 2000, reports emerged that Estrada had been gambling and improperly using finances
directly derived from taxpayers’ money. On 4 October Governor Luis Chavit Singson, a well-known
friend of Estrada, went public with accusations.
Cardinal Sin’s call to action was the primary initiator in motivating the people to begin People Power
II.Filipinos, using cell phones and text messages, convinced their friends and neighbors to participate in
the revolution. Thus forcing joseph Estrada to resign.

In the stated above Joseph Estrada is accused of gambling and improperly using finances if this
accusations were true then this must be the reason why finding job at that time were difficult.

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