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20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.

1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis


Dasbor / Kursus Yang Saya Ikuti / FAKULTAS ILMU TERAPAN (FIT) / PRODI D3 SISTEM INFORMASI (FIT) / 2223/1

/ UWJXA2-D3SI-46-GAB03 / 4. WHAT I AM STUDYING NOW: COLLOCATION WITH "STUDY" / Quiz 4.1 My major in college

Dimulai pada Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022, 11:07

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Selesai pada Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022, 11:43

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35 min 57 detik

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Soal 1


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

What is the current major of the writer?

Pilih salah satu:

A. Security innovations

B. Autonomous Systems

C. Electrical

D. Security

E. Electrical Engineering 

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: Electrical Engineering 1/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 2


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

Which of the following statement is NOT the reason why the writer choose his current major?

Pilih salah satu:

A. He wanted to improve security through technology.

B. He lived in Mexico.  He wanted to work for a large company.

C. He wanted to contribute to the national security.

D. He wanted to improve his father’s security system

E. He wanted to work for a large company.

C. He wanted to contribute to the national security.

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: He lived in Mexico.

Soal 3


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

Which of the following statement is FALSE according to the text?

Pilih salah satu:

A. The writer wants to improve security through technology.

B. The robbery at the restaurant has inspired the writer to choose his current major. 

C. The writer wants to contribute to the national security.

D. The writer wants to improve his father’s security system,

E. The writer was inspired by his cousin.

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: The robbery at the restaurant has inspired the writer to choose his current major. 2/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 4


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

What is the writer’s cousin majoring in?

Pilih salah satu:

A. Electrical

B. Autonomous Systems 

C. Security innovations

D. Electrical Engineering

E. Security

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: Autonomous Systems

Soal 5


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

What does the word “who” in “…, who now studies Autonomous Systems” refer to?

Pilih salah satu:

A. the writer’s cousin 

B. the writer

C. the writer’s father

D. the writer’s friend

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: the writer’s cousin 3/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 6


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

What does the word “who” in “…, who would break in multiple times a year” refer to?

Pilih salah satu:

A. the friend

B. the robbers 

C. the writer

D. the father

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: the robbers

Soal 7


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

My decision to major in Electrical Engineering was inspired by my desire to improve security through technology.
When I lived in Mexico, my father’s restaurant security system lacked the ability to protect our property from robbers,
who would break in multiple times a year. Thanks to the influence of my cousin, who now studies Autonomous
Systems, I developed an interest in electrical engineering. I am inspired to not only improve my father’s security
system, but contributing to security innovations for larger companies and perhaps, one day, national security.

The word “to improve” in the first sentence can best be replaced by __________.

Pilih salah satu:

A. to contribute to the advancement of 

B. to develop

C. to contribute


E. to increase

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: to contribute to the advancement of 4/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 8


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

What does “this” in “… this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless” refer to?

Pilih salah satu:

a. the condition of newborns with extreme neurological deficits 

b. the plight of healthcare in developing nations

c. the challenge of finding treatments for extreme neurological deficits

d. the growing epidemic

e. the significance of prenatal care

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: the condition of newborns with extreme neurological deficits 5/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 9

Tidak benar

Poin 0,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal
migration in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children
secure the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

According to the text, a neurologist is ________.

Pilih salah satu:

A. an expert in neural tube development

B. an expert in neuroscience

C. an expert in pediatric care 

D. an expert in HIV and polio

E. an expert who work for humanitarian organizations

Your answer is incorrect.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: an expert in neuroscience 6/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 10


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

What is the best title for the essay?

Pilih salah satu:

A. I love the stars

B. The amazing brain

C. My condition

D. Why neuroscience 

E. I want to help children

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: Why neuroscience 7/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 11


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

Why did the writer tell us the story of her cortical dysplasia?

Pilih salah satu:

A. It is the first reason that stimulate her curiosity about neuroscience. 

B. to articulate her whites

C. to highlight the danger of cortical dysplasia

D. to express her feelings about cortical dysplasia

E. She wants to share her experience

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: It is the first reason that stimulate her curiosity about neuroscience. 8/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 12

Tidak benar

Poin 0,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

What is the topic of the second paragraph?

Pilih salah satu:

A. the writer’s school experienc 

B. the significance of prenatal care

C. how the neuroscience program inspired the writer to choose her major

D. how the writer was fascinated with the healthcare in developing countries

E. the future growing pandemic

Your answer is incorrect.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: how the neuroscience program inspired the writer to choose her major 9/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 13

Tidak benar

Poin 0,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

The following statement is true, EXCEPT ________.

Pilih salah satu:

A. The writer wants to be a neurologist

B. The writer is majoring in Biology

C. The writer wants to work for humanitarian organizations

D. The writer wants to help children of a developing country 

E. The writer is majoring in Neuroscience

Your answer is incorrect.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: The writer is majoring in Biology 10/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 14


Poin 1,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

The word “firsthand” in “… this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, …” can best be replaced by ________.

Pilih salah satu:

A. firstly

B. directly 

C. indirect

D. handy

Your answer is correct.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: directly 11/12
20/10/22 11.43 Quiz 4.1 My major in college: Ulasan hasil pengerjaan kuis

Soal 15

Tidak benar

Poin 0,00 dari 1,00

Imagine all the stars in the universe. The brain has a thousand times the number of synapses, making neurological
errors a near certainty. I learned this fact firsthand as a 14 year-old, when I suffered from sleepless nights because of
an uncomfortable, indescribable feeling in my leg. It took months of appointments and tests to be told it was a
condition called cortical dysplasia. Even after the diagnosis, there is no cure.

I am lucky. My condition does not severely affect my quality of life. However, I know this is not the case for everyone.
After this experience, I took Advanced Program in Biology and attended a neuroscience program, which reinforced
the subject as my future calling. One of the most impactful lectures discussed the plight of healthcare in developing
nations. Newborns with extreme neurological deficits are common, but finding treatments is not. Without prenatal
care, this is becoming a growing epidemic, leaving millions of children helpless.

With a degree in neuroscience, I will gain a strong understanding of neural tube development and neuronal migration
in infants. I will then become a neurologist, specializing in pediatric care. I hope to work for humanitarian
organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders, in Africa, where HIV and polio are rampant, as are numerous other

Imagine the stars once more. From across the world, I will look at the same stars in the future, as I help children secure
the ability to not only look at the stars, but do much more.

What does the word “which” in “…., which reinforced the subject as my future calling” refer to?

Pilih salah satu:

A. experience

B. Advanced Program

C. the subject

D. a neuroscience program

E. Biologya neuroscience program 

Your answer is incorrect.

Pilihan terbaik adalah: a neuroscience program

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