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Department Of Chemical Engineering

UCH-506 Process Instrumentation & Control

Tutorial Sheet No 5 Course Coordinator: Parminder Singh

Q.1 The differential equations governing the dynamic behavior of two systems are
given below. Determine the natural frequency, damping coefficient and steady state
gain for each system. If the system is over-damped, find the effective time constants.

(a) + 4Y = 20 (b) + 6Y = 30

Q.2 Which of the following second order systems are equivalent to two first order
systems in series and why?

(a) G(s) = (b) G(s) =

(c) G(s) = (d) G(s) =

Q.3 A step change of magnitude 4 is introduced into a system having the transfer
function Y(s) / X(s) = . Determine (a) % O.S (b) Rise time (c) Maximum

value of Y(t), (d) ultimate value of Y(t) and (e) period of oscillation.

Q.4 Consider a thermocouple inside a thermo well as shown in the following figure.
Assume that the resistance to heat transfer

does not come only from the external film between the surrounding fluid and the thermo
well wall but also from the internal film between the thermo well wall and the
thermocouple. Let he and hi be the heat transfer coefficient for these two films.

(a) Show that the thermocouple reading, Tm follows a second order dynamic
behavior with respect to any changes in the surrounding fluid temperature T.
(b) Is it an over-damped, under-damped or critically damped system and why?
(c) Design the thermocouple in such a way that it exhibits a slightly over-damped
behavior. ( e.g., ζ = 1.2)
Q.5 The two tank system as shown in the following figure is operating at steady state.
At time t = 0, 10 m³ of water is quickly added to the first tank. Determine the
maximum deviation in levels (in cm) in both tanks from the ultimate steady state
values and the time at which each maximum occurs.
Given: A1 = A2 = 10m², R1 = 0.1m/ (m³/min) and R2 = 0.35 m/ (m³/min).

Q.6 Determine Y (0), Y (0.6) and Y (∞) if

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