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The 4 most common English prefixes are: dis-, in-, re-, and un-.

Prefix Meaning Examples

anti- against anticlimax, antidote, antithesis

auto- self autobiography, automobile

bi- two bilingualism, biculturalism, bi-metalism

co- joint co-founder, co-owner, co-descendant

counter- against counter-argument, counter-example, counter-proposal

dis- the converse of discomfort, dislike

ex- former ex-chairman, ex-hunter

hyper- extreme hyperinflation, hypersurface

in- the converse of inattention, incoherence, incompatibility

in- inside inpatient,

inter- between interaction, inter-change, interference

kilo- thousand kilobyte

mal- bad malfunction, maltreatment, malnutrition

mega- million megabyte

mis- wrong misconduct, misdeed, mismanagement

mini- small mini-publication, mini-theory

mono- one monosyllable, monograph, monogamy

neo- new neo-colonialism, neo-impressionism

out- separate outbuilding,
poly- many polysyllable
pseudo- false pseudo-expert
re- again re-organisation, re-assessment, re-examination
semi- half semicircle, semi-darkness
sub- below subset, subdivision
super- more than, above superset, superimposition, superpowers
sur- over and above surtax
tele- distant telecommunications,
tri- three tripartism
ultra- beyond ultrasound
under- below, too little underpayment, under-development, undergraduate
vice- deputy vice-president
1. Reading is an (active) that I do every morning.
2. They are working on the (improve) of the application.
3. Throughout his career he has demonstrated a (willing) to compromise.
4. Exploring the space is a major scientific (achieve) .
5. The government failed to reach (agree) with the unions
6. Emigrating is a difficult (choose) to make.
7. She has been suffering from (depress) for a long time.
8. We don't tolerate anti social (behave) in our school.
9. The author is announcing the (publicize) of his new novel.
10. To succeed you must have a thirst for (know) .
11. She had an unhappy (child) .
12. There is widespread (unhappy) with the government's economic policy.
13. You will certainly be asked to give (prove) of your identity
14. There was laughter at his (respond) to the question.
15. There is no easy (solve) to the government's financial crisis.
16. The final round of the (champion) will be in Japan.
17. The markets offer a (vary) of fresh fruits and vegetables.
18. The area of a rectangle is its height times its (wide).
19. After the (arrive) of the United Nations soldiers, tension in the area began to ease.
20. It was obvious that the (attend) at the meeting was rather thin.

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