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OFF SAS RENE OBMEENE COMPANY LIMITED csp a FOREIGN SECTION A ee AANNEXURE A" ‘Swe Bid Bond Amount: US $ 12,000/= (United States Dollar Twelve Thousand Only) or equivalent Pak Rupees valid up to210 Days {rom the date of technical bid opening 2, Mode of Bidding: Single stage two Envelope basis. 3, Evaluation Criteria: - Full Consignment wise C&F By Sea 4, Delivery Period: 2%e days from establishment of LC 5. Bid Validity; 480 Days : Bidders are advised to carefully read all the terms and conditions ofthe Master Set Of Foreign Tender Document (Press-Single ‘Stage Two Envelop) available on OGDCL website which isan integral part of this Schedule of Requirement, 1 ‘TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) ‘SCOPE OF SUPPL\ 1.4. Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 02 No. of Generators (one diesel ‘and_one gas engine.) set with an output power rating of minimum 600 KVA {400KW) at 52 °C for continuous operation at maximum site ambient conditions ‘long with switch gear, contol panel (load breaker, switch, MCCBVACB) Bus bars, Power cables and all connection accessories etc, etc. Bidder to evaluate and ‘confirm the makeiMedel of engine to delver the requred OUTPUT Le. ‘SOOKVA/400KW after deration 4.2. All power and contol cables having tentative length of 50 meters trom new Generator set to Generator Remote Control Panel 1.3, All instalation material fr completion of jb Ike cable glands, lugs et. 14. One set of spare parts (each for every Genset) to cover pre-commissioning, ‘commissioning and performance testing, (The spare parts lst should be fully detailed wit tem wise price & quantity) 1.5. Two years recommended spare parts (01 Set Each for every Genset) with ist (The ‘spare pars list should be fully detalled wit tem wise price & quanti). 118. Foreign & Local supply component should be cleary mentioned in te bid. 41.7. The required generator sets shall be utlzed to deliver the power to ESP (Electical ‘Submersible Pumps). The oad of ESP is main Inductive type. ‘CODES AND STANDARDS: = APL * Relevant British standard specifications & code of practioes| = Iso + IEEE = ANSI = ASME ‘SITE CONDITIONS: 8. Design Ambient temperature = 52 C (Athough temp, may go upto 53°C for few hours during Summer) ». Design Minimum Ambient temperature = ©. Alttude (above mean sea level) = 222 5 feet 4, Average barometric pressure= 14.38 Psi c Page 1 of 16 Nan Hazardous area (Gensets wil be installed in wel Ventilated covered area / open shed) Fuel gas pressure avaiable = 100 Pel Max 20 Psi in ‘4. FUEL GAS COMPosmion: Methane =88.166 Mole %) Ethane =5.517 Propane = 0.495 |s0 Butane =0.017 Nebutane = 0.017 's0 Pentane = 0.007, Nepentane = 0.01 (O- Hexane plus = 0.265, Nitrogen = 2.912 C02 = 2663, Caloric value Dry= 1017.08 btu? Calorie Value Saturated: 999.38 btu Gross ideal Heat value: 1013.91 btu Specific Gravity: 0.6302 5 EQS LIMITS FOR ENGINE EXVAUST is Pr Seas 2016, ‘Sr. No | Par fer [Unit “[NEQS Vatue ian CO = | Wann] 700-—— Wanna Note: Incase above values difers then ne the_prosent ears tandodeof Pakistan shall be conde for Enns Eee (Both tor ‘Sas. and Diese, ©. ENGINE: 1 Vander to specty the mekatnodel ofthe engnes (Gas & Dice that shoud be Capable of developing suficlent horse power to dive the akemator on ful edn coe naan te ambient condtions in continuous operation for producing cutout of 500 kVa (400 KW) @ 52 «0, 62, The engine should be turbocharged, 63. The engine should be designed for most suitable number ad layout of cylinders SY Page 2 of 16 54 The engine should be equipped with each cyinder temperature clispiay meter at engine skid, 85. The engine should be minimum equipped vith folowing system: * Gooing tystem (ncicng raitor syatim / Heat Exchanger /Cooing tow) Wier cooled, with level switches, thermostats for prealarm & trip. expansion tank, pressure gauges etc. Lbrating system with lube ol firaton, pressure & temperature gauges coolers, level switch. Fuel G88 system (fter & pressure regulator to regulate the avaliable 80-100 bs Wel 928 pressure, Expansion tank, Manual 8 Automatic SD vahes, ping & pressure & temperature gauges etc) ‘ Gennet hal be encosed in oie level below BSBA at tmeterThe canopy hall be sized to have adequate tree space for maintenance, \. Batteries for engine cranking/starting system, Wi At inlet system with a fitraton and refit for dusty environment condone & indicators, i, Control system should be Controler based / PLC based, 6 The Generater control pane wl be insted at abou distance of §0 metre inthe saparste contol room. The generator sets should be provided with an engine fRovumert pane, remote Generator cone pana and eyncronzaton pant fo Zrrerronzing bth dese! and Gas Genet of 500 KVA). The engine conto! panel re be skid mounted on antuvbraton mounings. All necessary equprente Setting but not ited to alarnsht down, start pushbutton, stop push buton Sam acknowledge, hours run meter, Engine mounted generator civat breaker rear, Cost indicators, Lacalremote selection switch, enertor CB opentose, {requency meter, P.F, KW, KVAR & WH meters etc. 87 Melecng eystom shal ince but not lied to; Ammeters, Voters, Watt neler, Frequency meters, PF indicator, Watt ir meter, Temperature indeator, Keeney voage and acive power recorder, Temperature Insealr, wing temperature meter, bearing temperature meter etc: 58 Al Engine requirement, Characteristics, stator, rote, excitations, terminal ores, battery charging, voltage regulation system, Govemon, Genera, Gartol Panel, Control system, protections, manuals, tools & softwere [nstrumentation should be as per detail in Annexure-A, 8 & C. However the, is minimum requirement & bidder / Manufacturer must provide late ‘adzltional control protection / securities for smooth operation & contro, 7. ALTERNATOR: 7-1. The generator shall be designed for 416 VAC, 50 HZ, S-phase, dare, PF 20.8 ‘led output at SOOKVA at 52°C continuous operation at specified ste condone S/ Page 3 of 16 7, Tie slectical power generator should be rated on a continuous running duty basis. 7.4. Insulation class of aerator =H, 7, The aforator shall have siclfticated constuction, set. cooled ‘ype. All material Tran he construction shal be designed for use in dusty erironnony 7 7-6. The generator should be synctronous type wth brush has ‘excitation system and ventilation system, 7a, Possbliy of automatic and marual operation shal be provided 78, The ower and contol cables between generator, contol vane! ete should be Provided by supplier. 79. The power cable shouldbe compatible with gen set power rating both for Gas & Diese! Genset. THO-AI lypes of powarnsiument cables requ‘ed for both generator sets and reeponsibilty of supplier. TA Taminal box shoul be abe to peri suitable entrance of several lengths, TABI necessary CT's forthe vatage register for messtring and prong shall be rovded in terminal box 7-13, The output signal shal be practically sinusoidal 71a Tre Mang shal cary embedded themal sensor to protect it againat overheating, 7-16 The aerator shall be abi owithtand an overspeed of 20 oe rated speed for some time. 7.46, Space heater shall be provided, 71g re excl shoud be shat mounted, brushless revoing amature ‘ype, BIDDER QUALIFICATION CRITERIA; tier who intends to paticpate i this supply, instalation & commissioning ofthe Bilder arose, i Us ful he folowing requirement! parameter he ‘qualification, conoueenUld Provide documentary proot wih techcal bar, wall be folowing aae,2chncaly non-responsive and wil be rejected, The bade n> Provide the following mandatory data for evakition/quaiication 8.1. Bidder to provide de-rating chart of 500 KVa. output power at 52°C. 82 Bilder must submit the Authorzaton Later rom the Package favor of bidder to bid for Subjected Case, SY Pope 4 of 16 8.3. The Bidder offered Manufacturer/OEM shall have at least Twenty (20) years of experience of Manufacturing & supply of generators. 84. The offered brand must have well reputation in oll & gas plants, refneries & Petrochemical sector in Pakistan, bidder to provide verifiable proot. 8.5. Atleast 05 Gas Gen sets (min, 500 KVa capacity) of the offered OEMBrand should have supplied to ol & gas sector, refineries & Petrochemical sector with in Pakistan ‘during last 10 years. Verfiable proof should be provided. Duration of 10 years wll ‘be considered from the date of bid opening. 86. At least 05 Diesel Gen sets (min, 500 KVa capacity) of the offered OEM/Brand ‘should have supplied to ol & gas sector, refineries & Petrochemical sector within Pakistan during last 10 years. Vertiable proof should be provided. Duration of last 10 years will be considered from the date of bid opening, 87. Bidder offered Manufacturer/OEM should have established dedicated 35 (Sale/SparesiServices) workshop facies since last 10 years for both Gen sets (Gas & Diesel) with in Pakistan. Duration of ast 10 years willbe considered from the date of bid opening. Bidder has to provide the documentary eveidenace in support ofthis. 8.8. Provide OEM Authorization letter showing confirmation and verifiable contact details of existing after sales services facilities in Pakistan, 29. The workshops of the ManufactureOEM should have sufcient qualified manpower, all tools, equipment, testing facity, overhead eranee, cleaning facity et. for maintenance, top end & major overhauling ofthe gas engines & generators, OGDCL reserved the right to visit the workshop facility to verify the submited deta OEM Confirmation letter for availabilty of such facies in Pakistan shall be rovided with techrica bid regarding overhauing services to be provided, 8.10, The bidder should submit the satisfactory performance certiicates trom the cents {or the after sale services through the workshop facility within Pakistan. In cave bidder is not the authorized Dealer of OEM, then Authorization letter from OEM wil be required, showing the availabilty of Aer Sales services in Pakistan, 8.11. List of al the offices and service agencies across Pakistan, 812, Bidder to submit a ceriicate stating thatthe quoted generator wil perform as per the offered specifications. kager of Ger 8.13, The bidder offered Packager shall have st least Ten (10) Years packaging ‘experience of Renowned ManufactureriOEM 8.14.At least 05 Gensets (min. 500 KVa capacity) of the Renowned OEM/Brand Packaged by the same packager should be in use in oll & gas sector refineries & Petrochemical sector with in Pakistan during Inet 10 Years. Verifiable proof should be provided. Atleast 03 gensets must be in operation for last 03 years. Supply of Gensets outside Pakistan wil not be considered cy Page $ of 6 8.16. In case of bid submitted by any Joint venture companies, the experience of ne COMPANY will gover e.g Thiteen years’ experience of one COMPANY & Seven years of the other COMPANY will not be considered as twenty years. 8.16, COMPANY shall provide certfied copy of valid NTNIGST certificates (In case of local bidders) £8.17. Liste status of the COMPANY / other COMPANY profile, £8.18. Bidder shall submit the HSEQ policy ofthe Packager. 18.19, Bidder declared as black listed at PPRA website wil not be entertained. 18.20, Bidder aha have strong financial strength to meet the execution of Contract & later ‘on maintenance services, evidence should be provided. 9, OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 9.1. The cost of 02 years spare parts with lst should also be provided (This cost wil not ‘be considered in evaluation) the spare parts ist should be fully detailed with item Wise price & quantity. 9.2. De-rating chart should be provided along with technica bid 8.3. The manufacturer should guarantee the equipment against all defects of material or ‘matfunction and agains fully construction for 0-year operation or 18 months ater ‘shipment (Whichever is earier). During quarantee period, the remedy to these faults should be responsitity of supplier including replacement of fauty pattstrensportation, 9.4, The OEM/supplier should provide 02 sets of operation and maintenancelinstruction manuals (Hard copy and soft copy) with all P&ID's, all mechanicalinstruments ‘lectical drawings, Quality plan, list of recommended lubricants/chemical, installation drawings & PLC / Controller sotware etc 8.5. The fret fil of ol & radiator coolant should be responsibilty of supplerseler. 9.8. Any type of civil work involved will be performed by OGDCL.. Bidder to provide foundation drawings soon after placement of purchase order. 8.7. Installation, leveling, alignment, grouting terminations, tie-in, startup/eommissioning ‘on Full Load / Off Load willbe supplier responsibilty, along with all associated material 9.8, Supplier should arrange load bank at OGOCL site for ful load testing ofthe Ganset til successtul commissioning of both Gen sets. 9.9. OGDCL will provide Unloading, Water, fuel, electricity for commissioning & installation activites at ste ony. 9.10. Food & accommodation for the installation & commissioning provided by OGDCL at st. 9.11, Earting wil be OGDCL responsibility. 9.12. All the necessary special and ordinary tools during startup activites wil be supplier responsibilty Oy Page 6 of 16, \ 1m will also be 19.19, Third party inspection will be carried out at manufacturer works by any third party Inspector deputed by OGDCL. Supplier should make arrangements & provide ‘cease to cary out TPL 8.14. Bidder should arrange factory acceptance test at manufacturerpackager’s works, ‘The factory scoaptance test shall be witnessed by Two OGDGL engineers! TP! (Thi Party Inspector). Al cost including air tickets, boarding, lodging at destination will be in OGDCL’s scope for OGDCL engineers. All other arrangements, pick 8. ‘drop from Airport to site and back, local transportation, test equipment, ‘documentation for FAT wil also be in bidder scope. 19.15, Delivery period for Materia: 240 days after estabishment of LIC. Commissioring & Startup of the offered Gensets must be completed within 03 months after receiving cof material at te, Bid validity should be 180 days from Bid opening date. 19.16, The following tests and checks shall be performed at Manufacturers works 98 @ minimus | Insulation resistance i, Measurement of winding resistance Determination of short cult characteristics \v. Fuel system test +, Measurement of nominal no-load speed, 1. Oil low, temperature and pressure measurements. vil. Testing of all control and protective devices. il. Testing of control and logic cuits, I Operation of the completed generator package at % load for 20 minutes, Ye ‘and % load for 1 hour, fl load for 4 hours and 110% overload test for one hour x. Voltage and frequency measurements. 28, Temperature rise at rated losd and frequency. il, Measurement of fel consumption. xl, Measurement of exhaust gas temperature. wv. Phase sequence, Determination of efficiency and power factor at 100%, 75% and 50% of full load. 1, Parallel operation and load sharing -xvil, Measurement of vibration. Measurement of noise 10. SYNCHRONIZATION PANEL: ‘Bidder to provide the synchronization panel for synchronization of the both Gen ‘Sets cap: 500 KVA (Gas and Diesel as per SOR Line item # 01 and 02). Al the specifications must be prepared according to the technical specication of both ‘gen sets for panel. Bidder shall provide al the drawings end technical specification in his technical bid for technical evaluation, The panel must be according to the preveling intemational codes and Standards. Page 7 of 16 Financial Evaluation wil be based on Sr. # Fs | ©2 No. of Generators (One deaar ‘engine driven | ———— and One 988 engine civen) sets with Power and Scope Panels, Fuel gas regulation & fiter mplete package) having capacity min (400 KW) @ 52 °C (each) with Smmehroniztion panel along with One set of spare arts (or each tet) to cover pre-commissioning, | Commissioning and performance testing. ‘metalation, leveling, age Uni Price ‘Special Tools and TP! wil be on OGDCL choice Engine Requirements 1-2 ony, selection of 02 Year Spare parts General Type Power (BHP) Ne Power (BHP) rated RPM Drive ae Page 8 of 16 7_| Synchronization requirement | Paral [8 | Engine as ERS ai 1 | Turbocharged Required 2. | After cooler Reauired 3_| Exhaust manifold Water cooled 4 | Rated speed Max | 1800 RPM aaa |Site Location cs + | Intaiation ‘Land Based jnside open shed 2_| Elevation 2258 : (WBC t0 83°C) max, (lor Design = 9. | Ambient Temp: ail 4 | Barometric Pressure 1421 Min, 1455 Max PSIA | Atmosphere Non Corr @ [Coating stand: Mant 7_ [Noize Specs APLOIS 8 | Cop: Alloy ‘Allowed 9 | Elect: Area | Nor-ciass f | Soa 10 | Emission Contr! D_| Fuel Gas System 1 | Fiter 2 | Pressure Regulator Valve 3 [ Manual $.0.Valve 4 | Automatic $.0.VaWve 8 | Piping & eae 1 2 3 Air inlet Filter Mounting ‘skid I Type Oy Sages Two (Gysone + Eonar) | F | Spark Areting Exhaust Secor 1_| Mounting ‘Skid — L omer 2 ie Tobe supply vendor 2 [Isao Teauiea él ol Page 9 of 16 CV (BTUSCF) Average 863,33 |_| Starting System a ie 1 _{ Mounting | | Skid 2 [Metod —~Teny 3 [startor (2 Nos. Electic Type” Oty can eee | be accepted tc Venton sec 4 [Noo 15 sec stars 6 | Te be supplied by vendor Tead 5 [Beteries eres § | High tension leadsipugs | Unshieldea 7 [Tike charger ‘Tobe supplied by vendor, 240 V-i Phase -60 R= 30-07 “| S| Tl charger amps @ | Vendor Standard teas Ga requirement | Cooting System 02 Nos, ResisiveTypo, 25 amps 1 | Jacket water heaters @ 240-1-50 Vendor Standard to eet the requirement 2. | Water cooler ia Separately —Tetalea 2.1 | Mounting pei 22 | Supplier | Tobe supped by vendor, | 23 | Sing vendor's standard 24/7) Horzontal ype, Ar Cooled = uae integral with JW cooler! Vendor 25 | After Cooler Standard 26 [Peng =| Tobe supped by vendor Manus Took ENTE Lee ation 7 rane | 02 Hard Copies & 1 |v, maruat Tea | ©, Alternators & all accessories | COS —1___ ol Page 10 of 16 Over current y Loss of Feld exctation Winding Temperature Generator ‘Bearing Temperature Emergency Stop Fire detectors Cooler 7 radiator fan [Acceptance Deviation if any ‘Synchronous Speed (rpm) Frequency (Hz) ‘Service Neutral Grounding Paral operation Cooling method [Auvomate Votage Regulation | Ye ‘Ambient Protection Casing Orientation Bearing Type insulation Giass Winding Temperature Sensor ‘Bearing Temperature Sensor Winding Connection ‘Ant: Condensation Heater Yes, 220 Vas Rotor Winding Material ‘Copper. Insulation Class F Excitation % Page 12 6f 16 23 Excitation Settexciation! PMG Base 24 | Exciter Brushless Type 25_| Exciter insulation Class F Terminal Boxes 28 | Protection Type p23 27 [Cable Giana Brass L Battery Charging 28 [Recto 29 | Input | 30_| Output 7 24 Vee # 1% 31 | Batteries Ni-Cd, Lead Att 32 | Battery Box Yes (Boh Tapat aa input and ~ float charging ‘Automatic Boost charging and Noe L Shaina of contol panel in contol rom must be aaivaled by uilaing power oT per ‘et or else (it required). All the required power cables Ht SOUrce other than these gen sets Is avaliable at ste Voltage Regulation Sytem be supplier's responsibilty. No RR Yes HOW oad 40 [Notnd ope asiomen |= 3 4 |o-10% teas 35 2 ona] 12 | Sia8y ate regiaton Tor] at noma comma tate arse atten ig ——— Sten pear nor, %, of gan E ome _ 45% nominal a 4 [ane vote oer |S 45 | OverEscaionpriecion as : S ‘Over’ J@ protection Yes _ ae 2 Yeteae ~ Also AVR is acceptable ur protectin |e aout ove tompertre sr fonreae rts |v | a [Const senangpreecten as —— = 1 [Under Fequens prtecon ——| er =| 0 Essai te agers“ Yor Page 13 of 16 Protection ‘Governor Electrons Type Yes. ‘Steady load condition | 0.25% of 50H Rated speed Yes ide Speed Yee ‘Acceleration ramp tine Deceleration ramp ume ‘Start fuel iit ‘Actuator compensation alalelelalalelels Load gain Droop “ee jenerator Control Par Remote Control Panel ‘contol panel Distance between Generator and Floor Mounting glee] 2 |e Ready wire type ‘Air Circuit Bresker 3/3 T Coniroler based 7 PLC be 7 | Control system ‘sequence control 72 |Manual Auto atarvatop 73 | Load / unload ramping corival | Yes 74 | Alarm and trip indication 75 | Load Sharing and speed con tral 76. | Excitation Control synchronization 77 |Manual 7 ——~“Rutomati} 78 | Monitoring equipments emergency stop push-button and | ves 78 | Automatic cycle crank control | Up to 3 erank '80_| Automatic standoy mode ‘81_| Temperature monitoring ‘82_| Metering system [Aerator Reverse Power Alarm / Shutdown Page 14 of 16 24 | Over/Under Voge ‘Ala / Shutdown 85 | Over/Under Freque ‘Alar Shutdown 6 | Dire Curent ‘Alarm [Shutdown 87_| Overcurrent ‘Alem /Shatdown 88 | Loss of Field excitation [alarm 7 Shutdown 88 | Winding Temperature — ‘Alam [Shutdown 90" | Generator Bearing Temperature Alarm Shutdowr 81 | Winding Temperature [Alam Shutdown zi 2 | Stator Ean Fut “Alor Shutdown “| 85 | Rotor Earh Faut ‘ie / Shutdown [94 [Low Oil Pressure ‘Alarm / Shutdown z| 85 | High Engine Oi Temperature | Alar Shutdown 96 | High Jacket Water Temperature lars Salou . 97 | Engine Over speed ~ [Alarm 7 Shutdown 6 Low Jacket Water Level ‘Alar Shutdown 89 | Low evel of ieson of | lr Shuler 1 400 | Over Cranking (Star fale) | Alarm / Shutdown a [701 | Emergency Stop {Ase Shutdown 102 | Fue Gas Pressure ‘Ale Shutdown 105 | Fre detectors ‘Aer Shutdown 106 [Engine Vibration ‘Als / Shutdown 4108 | Coole radiator fan Vibration | Alam/ Shutdown 106 | Engine exhaust temperature | Alarm / Shutdown 107 | Shor cireuit ‘Alarm / Shutdown a Manual Toole /Software 406 | Controller 7PLC Software comvo, 1 407 | Interface Gable Ye 108 | Lapton “109 | Operation Sones maintenance procedures Maral _ 110 | Spare parts Manual = 411 | Complete circuit & —Tagie iagrams _ | “12 | Manufacturer Data Records (MOR) ‘Canopy (Genset shall bo enclosed in Canopy) 1 | noiae levet [Below S608 ot ‘meter _ 2 | Adeauate Space Yor] Maintenance il oO Page 15 of 16 Page 16 of 16

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