Citation 257449747

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Bex, Floris & Verheij, Bart. (2012).

Solving a Murder Case by Asking Critical

Questions: An Approach to Fact-Finding in Terms of Argumentation and Story Schemes.
Argumentation. 26. 325-353. 10.1007/s10503-011-9257-0. In this paper, we look at
reasoning with evidence and facts in criminal cases. We show how this reasoning may
be analysed in a dialectical way by means of critical questions that point to
typical sources of doubt. We discuss critical questions about the evidential
arguments adduced, about the narrative accounts of the facts considered, and about
the way in which the arguments and narratives are connected in an analysis. Our
treatment shows how two different types of knowledge, represented as schemes, play
a role in reasoning with evidence: argumentation schemes and story schemes.

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