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unit0 2
8 Have you heard about the latest medical discovery?

9 A final search for evidence at the scene of the crime proved fruitless.

10 You remind me of myself when I was your age.

Gramm ar Revision (Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time)

S ee G r a m m a r R e v i e w p a g e 14 8

A R ead th e t e x t b e lo w a n d c o m p le te e a ch b la n k w it h o n e w o rd . A l l th e m is s in g w o rd s a re r e la tiv e p ro n o u n :
o r a d v e r b s.

Marilyn Monroe, (1) ___________who ___________ was one of the world’s most famous film stars, was born in 1926.

Marilyn, (2 ) __________whose__________ real name was Norma Jean Baker, had a miserable childh ood . She grew up

in Los Angeles, (3 ) __________ where __________ she spent most of her early years in foster homes. That’s

( 4 ) ____________wh y__________ she still felt lonely even when she became famous. She worked as a model and also

played m inor roles in various films before m aking "Niagara”, the film ( 5 ) ________ which/that ________ made her very

popular. In 1954 she ma rried Joe di Ma ggio, with (6) __________ whom __________ She entertained American troop s

fightin g in Korea. She wen t on to make many films, some of ( 7 )__________ which __________ were very successful sue

as “Some Like it Hot”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “Bus Stop”. Her film career ended tragically in 1962,

( 8 ) __________ when __________ she died at the age of thirty six.

B C h o o se A, B , C o r D t o c o m p l e t e t h e f o l lo w i n g s e n te n c e s.

1 As____________ Celia was driving t o the airp ort, she realised that she had left her passport at home.

A As s oon as C§) As C Dur ing D Unt il

2 I will have finished stu dy ing ________ by the time ________ the film starts.

A unt il B w hi le © b y th e tim e D once

3 The audience started cla pp ing _______ the m oment________the singer came on stage.

A by th e tim e (JB)the m om ent C w hi le D ju st

4 Peter won ’t leav e __________ until___________ he has finished all his work.

(^A) un til B by C ju st as D wh en

5 I haven’t heard from h im __________ since__________ we finished school.

A be fore B as soon as C after © s in c e

6 Jane was wo rking as a jou rn a list __________ while___________she was wr iting her firs t book.

A dur in g © w h il e C ju st as D once

7 My mother used to c ry ________ whenever ________ she heard this song.

A by th e tim e B th e m om en t th at © w henever D un til

8 The police office r returned my driving licen ce ___________after__________ he had checked it.

A ju st as B unt il C w hile (D )a ft e r

9 She burst out lau gh ing ________ as soon as________ she saw the clown.

© a ss o o n a s B since C until D while

10 ________By the time ________ we got back to the hotel, it was already dark.

A The m om en t t h a t B As soon as © B y th e tim e D Once

& My brother, who j^fi s a chemical engineer, works The room (which/that) he works in is small./
for a multinational company, (subject: who) The-foem-in w here he-works is-smaB.--
Jennifer’s brother, who you met at her party last T-he-foem wh ere he-works-in is-smalt. -
week, is an engineer, (object: who) Tke-i ©©in-in-that- fre-works-fe small.— »
(Have on ly one word for the subject or the object of
the relative clause.) P I have 3,000 stamps, some of which are valuable. /
€> Ann’s father, who/whom w e met last week, is ill. / (expressions o f q uantity+whom/wh ich/whose)
Ann-’s father, that w e -meHastweekris-rtl-. -..
(That is not used in n on-d efining relative clauses.) >Wh en I grow up, I want to beco me a dentist. /
Wherrf-wi ll grow -u-pi-f-warrt-iaberomeadenttst:^
& The man with whom she is talking is her He said he wou ld call as soon as he returned. /
husband. / Iie-said-ii*.would^ail»aS'-se©H-a-ske-wouklretuFH,
(preposition + whom/wh ich) (Never use will and would after time words)
Th era an w ith wh o/tha»-3hetstaftcingTSiter-^
husbandr- >I visited two museum s while I was on holiday. /

The man (who(m)/that) she is talking with is her I visited two museums du ring my holiday. /

husband. / Ivisite^frwe-m-Hsettms-dwingl-wasonh-olid-ay:- —

(wh o/who m/wh ich/that + prepositions) (during + noun )

& The room wher e he works is small. /

The room in whic h he works is small. /

Key Transformations

& Students who w ish to go on the day-trip should She alway s watched TV after she did /had done her
write their names on this list. homework.
Students wishing to go on the day-trip should write
their names o n this list. & I will sign the document when I read /have read it.
I will sign the do cume nt after I read /have read it.
@ She always did her homewor k first and then she I won ’t sign the document befo re I read /have read
watched TV. it.
She never watched T V until she did / had done her I won ’t sign the document until I read / have read it.
She never watched TV be fore doing / having done <
q Andre w left after/before breakfast.
her homework. Andre w left after/before having (had ) breakfast.
She wo uld n ever watch TV before she did /had Andre w left after/before he (ha d) ha d breakfast.
done her homework.
She always watched T V after doing / having done
her homework.

unit 0 2

Examination Practice

A Choose the correct answer.

1 The Smiths built a huge house on the outskirts 6 The elect ricity will be reconn ected when you pay

of the town. the bill.

a. in Vb; on a. when you will pay b. when you pay
c. at d. to c. when you are paying d. during you pay
2 Once the y come we’ll talk to them about it. 7 There are people who manage to get by
a. came b. will come on very little money.
(cjcome d. are coming a. with b. over
3 The man who is sitting jn the fron t row is c. round (d)by
Mrs Davidson's nephew. 8 The hotel in which we stayed was perfect,
(a.) who is sitting b. where is sitting a. in where (b ) in which
c. who sitting d. that sitting c. which d. that
4 From now 0n, yOU w on 't be allow ed to use 9 The students left as soon as the y finished the test,

your mob ile phones at school!" the headmaster warned (a) as soon as b. as
the students. c. while d. until
a. By b. For 10 "What did you do on Saturday?"
c. At ( d. From "We visited the town where our grandfathe r
the sleeves
5 My grand mo ther knitted me a jumpe r of which grew up.
are too long, a. which b. that
a. which the sleeves b. that the sleeves (c ) where d. when
c. the sleeves of tha t d)th e sleeves of which

B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given
unchanged. You must use betwee n two and five words, including the word given.

1 Here’s the house where I lived as a child.

in Here’s the house _____________________ in which I lived_____________________ as a child.

2 I don’t know wh at made her qu it her job.

reason I don’t __________________ know the reason why__________________ she quit her job.

3 Passengers wish ing to g et up can do so afte r the seat belt ligh t has gone off.
who Passen gers_________________w ho wish to get up__________________ can d o so af te r th e se at b elt lig h t has g on e i

4 He did n’t study enou gh for his exams, so he failed two of them.

caused He didn’t study enough fo r his exams________________ which caused him to fail _______________ two o f them.

5 He always checked his car tyres be fore settin g of f on a journey.

until He never set off on a jou rne y ____________ until he (had) checked___________ his car tyres.

6 I’ve read all of Jane Auste n’s novels and there were on ly a coup le tha t I didn ’t enjoy.
most I’ve read a ll o f Jane A uste n’s nove ls,______________________most of which _____________________ I enjoyed.

7 Dr Williams is a card iolog ist and has his surg ery on the second floor.

whose Dr Williams,____________________whose surgery is____________________ on t he second floor, is a card iolog ist.

8 Last wee k Phil too k part in a spelling com pe tition and wo n first prize,
in Phil won first prize in a spelling com petition (that/wh ich) he took part in/in which he took part |ast week.

unit0 2

.Vords easily c onfu sed

. se t h e c o r r e c t fo r m o f t h e w o r d s i n t h e b o x e s t o c o m p l e te t h e s e n t e nc e s in e a ch g r o u p A-G b e l o w . Y o u m a y
. se so m e o f t h e w o r d s m o r e t h a n o n c e . I n s o m e c a se s, m o r e t h a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o r r e c t .

look see watch notice regard stare glance observe

11 .Ve spent weeks in A fr ic a _______ observing _______ the way lions catch their prey.

; Did y o u _______ see/notice _______ the tie he was wearing? It had pink elephants on it!

3 "he stud ents regarded/watched/observed the new teach er with curiosity.

4 - w a y s __________look__________left and the n righ t before crossing the road.

5 Don’t _________ stare__________at pe op le lik e th at ! It ’s rea lly rud e.

saw/watched______ a great science fiction film last night.

~ Before I bou ght the magazine, I glanced/looked thro ug h it quickly.

IB I cou ldn’t h e lp ________ noticing________ the big red spots on his face.

glanced/looked at his watch and started runn ing. He was late fo r school.

find out invent discover detect

Many serious illnesses may be cured if they a re ________ detected_______ early enough.

2 We m u s t ________ find out________ as much as we can about the gang,” said the detective.
3 Was it Captain Cook w h o _______ discovered ______ Au stra lia?

t The first cam era, the Kodak 1, w a s ________ invented _______ by G. Eastman in 1888.

explore investigate look for look up (do) research

• The police came t o _______ investigate _______the murder immediately.

2 I still h a v e ________ research________to do for my project on sharks.

3 I m u s t ________ look up________ this word in the d ictionary, because I don’t rem emb er what it means.

4 Mum, I’m _______ looking for ______ my trainers. Have you seen them?

5 As soon as the five friend s go t to the cave, they decided t o ________ explore ________ it.

attempt effort trial experiment

1 It takes a lot o f _________ effort _________ and patience to learn how to play a musical instrument.

2 Joh n’s case came t o __________ trial __________and in the end he was found innocent.

3 The athlete failed in his la s t ________ attempt _______ to break the world record.

4 Many cosmetic companies claim they don’t carry o u t ______ experiments ______ on animals.

5 I worked for the company for a( n ) __________ tna]__________ period of tw o w eeks before I was fully employed.

unit 0 2

audience spectators viewers sightseers onlookers witnesses

1 T h e _______spectators _______ disagreed with the referee’s decision and inte rrupted the footb all match.

2 The two teenagers claimed they were ju s t _____ onlookers_________and had nothing to do with the fight.

3 Paris attracts thousands o f ______ sightseers________all year round.

4 At the end of the play, th e _______ audience _______ applauded enthusiastically.

5 T h e _______ witnesses _______ were asked to give a detailed description of the accident.

6 The concert was broadcast on TV and attracted one b illio n ________ viewers ________ worldwide.

F mem orise remind recall recognise

1 I d id n’t _______ recognise________her at first. She had changed a lot.

2 I had t o _______ memorise _______ his phone number because I didn't have a pen to write it down.

3 I’ll ring Dad t o ________ remind _________him to b uy coffee, otherwise he’ll forget.

4 My grandfather can s ti ll _________ recall_________ scenes of World War II.

G view sight image vision scene

1 T he sun af fe ct s m y ______ vision/sight ______ when I’m driving , so I always wear sunglasses.

2 We have a su pe rb _________ view__________0f the sea from our balcony.

3 The child started to cry at th e _________ sight _________ of the dogs.

4 The television show was abou t t h e _________ sights_________ you can visit in Rome.

5 The police arrived at th e ________ scene_________ of the accident with in m inutes.

6 An a cto r's _________ image________ js im p o rt a nt f o r his care er.

7 I ran out of paint, so I could n’t finish the sky for the ba ck gro un d________ scene__________jn th e play.

8 When we were leaving the flowe r show, we were asked to fill in a que stionna ire to give o u r_________ views

on w hat we had seen.

Derivatives are formed from noun roots, adj ectiv e roots and verb roots. In this unit we w ill d eal with
adjectives, adverbs and nouns which derive from certain noun roots.

Noun Root Adjective = Noun + -ful Adjective = Noun + -less

Describing a qu ality or Having enough o f that quality or Not having that quality or
characteristic (often abstract nouns) characteristic characteristic
care careful careless
Adv erbs Noun + -fully t Adv erb = Noun + -lessly
carefully carelessly

• Some other co mm on nouns that form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: colour, harm,
hope, meaning, pain, power and use.
• The noun d o u b t forms the adjective in -ful and the adverb in - f u l l y and in -less.
d o u b t 4 doubtful 4 doubtfully - doubtless
• In some cases only one of the two adjectives - and corresponding adverbs derives from the n oun root,
not both.
beau ty bea utiful - begs&tess / b e a u t if u ll y - b e ^ f i g $ s l y end - endless / enitMT y - endlessly
In the same way: de lightful, dutifu l, grateful, aimless, effortless, heartless, homeless, nameless, pointless
and shapeless.
• The opposite of some adjectives in -ful is un + n o u n r o o t + ful, not noun roo t + less.
success 4 successful * unsuccessful skill 4 skilful t unskilful truth 4 truthful * untruthful
• Sometimes both adjective forms ( n o u n r o o t + less and un + n o u n r o o t + ful) derive from the same noun.
In such cases the two adjectives have different meanings. The adjective form un + n o u n r o o t + ful is the
opposite of the a djective in -ful.
h e lp -} helpful (= sb who gives help) * unh elpful (= sb who doesn 't give help)
helpless (= sb who needs help)
• The oppo site of some adjectives in -less is n o u n r o o t + -y or n o u n r o o t + - b l e , not n o u n r o o t + -ful.
gu ilt guiltless gu ilty sleep -4 sleepless * sleepy
sense 4 senseless * sensible value -4 valueless * valuable (note the changes in sp elling)
• Be careful with the meaning of the adjectives derived from price.
price -4 pricey (=expensive)
4 priceless (= too valuable to have a price )

Noun Root Noun = Noun + -ship

1 S om eb od y in a c er ta in p os it io n / oc cu pa tio n 1 S tate o f b ein g in c er ta in po sit io n / o cc up at io n

author authorship
2 Somebody having a relationship with sb else 2 Relationship between tw o people
friend friendship

• Some commo n nouns th at form nouns in the same way as author are: citizen, leader, member and owner.
• Some comm on nouns that form nouns in the same way as friend are: companion, partne r and relation.
• Some nouns fo rm nouns in - ship with a different m eaning: champion, scholar and sponsor.

[J IJ J 3 When you are asked to com plete a sentence w ith a suitable word deriving from a given root, read
the sentence carefully to decide: 1) what part of speech the missing word is (noun, verb, adjective or
adverb), 2) if the missing w ord has the same m eaning as the g iven r oo t (e.g. success-successful) or the
opp osite m eaning (e.g. success-unsuccessful).

unit0 2
C o m p l e te t h e s e n te n c es w i t h t h e c o r r e c t f o r m o f t h e w o r d s i n c a p i ta ls .

1 The to p model w a s ________ beautifully _________ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY

2 My street is _________ peaceful__________ because it’s far from any main roads. PEACE

3 Our footb all team won the ______ championship ________ at the end of the season and received CHAMPION

_______ sponsorship _________ from a large company. SPONSOR

4 There are thousa nds o f _________homeless__________ people sleeping in the streets. HOME

5 I bo ugh t a colourful . dress but its colours faded after I washed it. COLOUR

6 I was fine d because I was dri vin g carelessly __________ . CARE

7 The direct ions you gave us were rather ________unh elp ful___________as we still got lost. HELP

8 I am feeling q u ite __________ sleepy because I didn’t get enough sleep last night. SLEEP

9 I got into a bu sine ss ______ partnership __ with my cousin b ut it ended up PARTNER

being unsuccessful SUCCESS

10 The musical performance was so powerful . that the audience gave POWER

the orchestra a standing ovation.

11 The witnes s’ state m ent did n’t help the police in the inve stigatio n, so it proved to

be ________ valueless __________ . VALUE

12 The man was found __________ guilty ___________ of sho plifting and sentenced GUILT

to one month in prison.

13 He has ______ successfully__________complete d his postg radua te studies. SUCCESS

14 The new lazer treatm ent can extract teeth ________ painlessly__________ . PAIN

15 It ’s ju st a harmless . dog. There is no need to panic. HARM

Examination P ractice

A R ea d t h e t ex t b e l o w a n d d e c i d e w h i c h a n s w e r A, B, C o r D b e s t f i t s e a c h s p a c e .


Going to the thea tre brings back happy mem ories, as it (1)________ reminds . me of my ve ry first perform ance on

stage, (2 ) _________ which _________ was thirty years ago. Parts of that p articular night are so vivid th at I can still picture

myself as thoug h it were yesterday. The excitem ent am ongst the actors, the (3 )_______ audience's______ applause and

t he p a r ty a ft e r t he o pe n in g n ig h t a re m e m or ie s w h ic h w il l r em a in w i th m e f o r ( 4) _ life

I don’t know how we managed to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we thoug ht that

we could just have two rehearsals a week (5 ) _________ when_________ in fact we needed more. The background

( 6 )_________scenes________ to the last act weren’t ready until an hour before the beginning of the play despite the set

builder’s best (7)_________efforts_________. The d ir ec to r w as no t s at isf ie d ( 8 )__________ with __________ anything and he

didn ’t even want to show up on the first night. Adm ittedly, I wo uldn ’t have wanted to either.

( 9 ) _________ When_________ the nig ht finally arrived, we were all a bit worried. I remem ber (10 )_____ glancing

through the curtain ten minutes before the start and being amazed (11)___________at ___________th e

( 12) _ sight . of a full house. Finally, it was time f or the curta in to go up. In the end, we prove d the dire cto r

wrong and everything went like clockwork.

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