Glizenne DLP 1

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Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

Name: Glizenne Danica G. Opaon Class Schedule:

Date: August 3, 2023 School Year: 2022- 2023

Year and Section: BTLED 1A Number of Students: 15

Period: 4 hours

Detailed Lesson Plan for Family and Consumer Life Skills

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, 95% of the students will be able to:
a. understand the importance of assessing the quality of food product
before purchasing;
b. identify key factors to consider when buying meat, fruits, and other food
items; and
c. develop critical thinking skills to make informed choices while shopping
for groceries

II. Subject Matter

Topic References Materials

Quality Laptop

Buying Meat, when-buying-meat-and-how-to-buy-the-best-quality/ DLP
Fruits and Printer
Other Food You-Need-to-Know-About-the-Food-Safety-of-Canned-

III. Procedures/Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminaries
A.1 Prayer

“Let us all be aware of the Lord’s “Let us put ourselves in the holy
presence. May I request Mr. presence of our Lord. In the name of
Anadia to lead us the prayer.” the Father, the Son and of the Holy
Spirit. Amen. Dear Lord, we honor and
praise you today. Please be with us as
we continue our education. Guide our
teacher and may you give him wisdom
as he teaches us new lesson and
discovery. Help us to be attentive and
bless our discussion today. Amen.”
A.2 Classroom Management

“Thank you. Before you take
your seat, kindly pick up some (Students pick up pieces of papers and
pieces of papers on the floor and arrange the chairs properly.)
arrange your chairs properly.”

“Thank you class.”

A.2.1 Customary Greetings

“Good morning class.” “Good morning ma’am.”

“How are you today?” “We are doing great ma’am.”

“That is good to hear. I

hope all of you will be
participative and attentive
in today’s discussion.”

A.3 Checking of Attendance

“But before that, let me check (Students state their cravings as their
your attendance first but of attendance)
course, with a twist. Instead of
saying present ma’am, kindly
state your cravings at the moment

A.4 Review of the Previous

“Now let us have our 2-minute
popcorn recap. When we say
popcorn recap, each one of you
must say something regarding the
last topic. You have 7 seconds
each to share, and this will also
serve as your understanding of
the previous discussion." “Yes ma’am!”

“Are we clear?”

B. Lesson Proper

B.1 Motivation

B.1.1. Pictionary
“Yes ma’am!”
“Before we start our formal
discussion, let us have a
short activity first. Do you
want that?”

(Student’s listen attentively to the rules
“Great. This activity is called of the game)
What Word AM I. So you will
be divided into two groups.”
(Student’s form two groups)
“Count yourself from 1 to 2.
Kindly go to your group now.”

“This activity is a guessing (Student’s listen attentively to the rules

game. I have five words for of the game)
you to guess. The first group
who will get the score of 3
will be the winner”
“Yes sir”
“Are my instructions clear?”
(Group representatives comes in front
“Very good. Let us now start.”

QUALITY “1,2,3 ... 1,2,3 very good. Very good.”

“Very good. Congratulations

group 2. Kindly give group 2
a very good clap. Do you
know how to execute the very
good clap?”

“The clap goes like this. Clap

3 times, 1,2,3 and stamp 3
times, 1,2,3. Very good. Very
good. Now your turn.”

“Very good.”

B.2 Presentation
“Great ma’am.”
“Thank you class for your
participation. Now, how do you “Fun ma’am.”
find the activity?”
“Enjoyable ma’am.”
“I am glad that you enjoyed the
(Students listen attentively)
“So, based on our first activity,
what do you think our new topic ( Students raises their hands)


(Randomly pick students who

raises their hands)

“Yes! Very Good!”

“Who else? How about this side?”

Okay, our new topic today is

about Quality of buying meat,
fruits and other food related

B.3 Discussion Proper

(Directed Discussion)
(Students listen attentively)
“Before anything else, allow me to
read the objectives of today.
Number one, understand the
importance of assessing the
quality of food product before
purchasing; identify key factors to
consider when buying meat,
fruits, and other food items; and
(Student raises their hands)
develop critical thinking skills to
make informed choices while
shopping for groceries”
(Ms. Barcelon states her answer)

“I have a question, what are your

experiences buying foods and
how do you decide on what to

“ Yes Ms. Barcelon?”

“Thank you Ms. Barcelon.”
(short reinforcement)

“Quality food is packed with

nutrients, vitamins, and minerals
needed to keep a body
functioning at peak capacity.
Eating clean and avoiding
processed and refined foods can
drastically improve your quality of
life. Quality foods have been
shown to boost immunity and
stave off sickness.”

“Assessing the quality of meat is

crucial to ensure that it is safe for
consumption and retains its
nutritional value. Here are the
Things to Look Out for When

Buying Meat (And How to Buy the
Best Quality)”

1. The color of the meat

2. The smell
3. Meat texture
4. The packaging and storage
5. The use-by-date

“but of course, we're going to

discuss them one by one” (students raises their hands)

“The first one is color. Why do

you think that color is one of the
things to look out for when buying (Mr. Heredero states his answer)

“Yes Mr. Heredero?” “Yes ma’am!”

“Thank you Mr. Heredero”
“Do you agree with that class?”

“Yes! The color of the meat can

indicate its freshness and quality.
Fresh meat typically exhibits
vibrant and consistent colors.”

(Shows picture to differentiate) (students raises their hands)

“The second one is the smell.

Why do you think that smell can
be one of the things to look out for
(Ms. Malay states her answer)
when buying meat?”

“Yes Ms. Maloay?” “Yes ma’am!”

“Thank you Ms. Maloay”

“Do you agree with that class?”

“Yes, the smell of meat is a vital

indicator of its freshness and
potential spoilage. High-quality
meat has a neutral or slightly
sweet smell. If the meat has a
strong smell or unpleasant odor, it
may be an indication of rotting

(shows picture)

“The third one is the meat texture”

“The texture of meat can give

clues about its tenderness and
quality. If the meat is slimy or

sticky, then rather stay away.”

(shows picture)

“The next one is the packaging

and storage. Examine the
packaging of the meat to ensure it
is intact, free from leaks, and
properly sealed. Avoid packages
with torn or damaged seals, as it
could compromise the meat’s
safety and freshness.
If you notice that the fridges are
slightly warmer than usual, or you
see water dripping from the
freezers, there could be a
technical issue, which means
your meat might not be so fresh.”
(students raises their hands)
(shows picture)

“The last one is the use-by-date.

Why do you think that use-by-
date is important to look out for (Mr. Albores states his answer)
when buying meat?”

“Yes Mr. Albores?”

“Thank you Mr. Albores”

“Yes, the use-by-date is

important, since it’s an indication
of how close the meat is to being
spoiled. You should always
consume meat before, or on, this
use-by date. After this date has
passed, it’s very risky to
consume.” “None ma’am”

(shows picture)
( color, smell,texture,packaging and
“Questions so far?” storage, and use-by-date)

“What are the things to look out

for when buying meat?”
(students raises their hands)
“ Okay now let’s proceed to
quality in buying fruits”

“Class, what are some qualities (Ms. Brignas states her answer)
you look for when purchasing

“Yes Ms. Brignas?”

(short reinforcement)

“These are some of the qualities
you look for when buying fruits”

Size and Shape
Skin Texture

“and we’re going to discuss them

one by one”

“The first one is freshness.

Always choose fruits that are firm,
vibrant in color, and have a
pleasant aroma. Avoid fruits with
bruises, blemishes, or signs of (students raises their hands)

(shows picture)
(Ms. Sabuero states her answer)
“The second one is the ripeness.
Any ideas from the class? Why is
it necessary to look for ripeness in
buying fruits?”

“Yes Ms. Sabuero?”

“Thank you Ms. Sabuero. Yes,
always check for the desired level
of ripeness based on your
preference. Some fruits like
bananas, should be ripe, while
others, like avocados, might need
to ripen at home”

(shows picture)

“The third one is Size and Shape.

Always look for fruits that are
uniform in size and shape, as
irregularities could indicate
possible issues with growth or (Students raises their hands)
(shows picture) (Ms. Redondo states her answer)

“The next one is skin texture. Any

ideas from the class?”

“Yes Ms. Redondo?”

“Thank you Ms. Redondo. Yes,
opted for fruits with smooth,
unblemished skin, as rough
textures or cuts might suggest
damage or decay.”

(shows picture)

“The last one is weight. Choose
fruits that feel heavy for their size,
as this indicates they are juicy “None ma’am”
and ripe.”

(shows picture)
(Freshness, Ripeness, Size and
“Those are some qualities you
Shape, Skin Texture, and Weight)
need to look for when purchasing
fruits. Any questions so far?
before we proceed to our last

“What are the qualities you need (Students listen attentively)

to look for when purchasing

“Very good!”

“Now let’s proceed to our last

topic which is the quality you
need to look for when buying
other food related goods
specifically canned goods and
dairy products”

“Let’s start off with canned goods.

When purchasing canned goods,
always look for its storage and
food label”

“Storage for the best quality

canned food, store in a cool and
dry place - not near pipes, the
stove or range, a furnace or in
direct sunlight. Keeping cans dry
to avoid the metal lids from
rusting. Rust can cause leaks and
food spoilage. Properly stored
canned foods will almost always
be safe to eat.”

(shows picture)

A “best before” date is a way of

expressing the durable life of a
product. The durable life is
described as the number of days
(starting with the day food is
packaged) that the food will keep
its quality, taste and nutrition - as
long as it’s stored properly.”

(shows picture)

“Next is the dairy products. There

are 3 common qualities you need
to look for when purchasing dairy
products namely the proper
packaging, storage and expiration

“Proper packaging is important

because it helps ensure the
product’s freshness, safety, and
quality. It will also help us to
prevent contamination and

(shows picture)

“Storage is also important to

consider when purchasing dairy (Student raises their hands)
products because proper storage
conditions can greatly impact the
freshness, safety, and quality of
these products.” (Mr. Lainay states his answer)
“Yes Ma’am!”
(shows picture)

“The last one is the expiration

date. Why is the expiration date
important to look for when
purchasing dairy products?”

“Yes Mr. Lainay?”

“Thank you Mr. Lainay. Do you

“None ma’am”
agree with that class?”
“Yes Mr. Lainay is correct.
Expiration date is important
because consuming dairy
products past their expiration date
can pose health risks due to
potential bacterial growth,
spoilage, and etc.”

(shows picture) (storage and food label)

“That ends our discussion. Any (proper packaging, storage and

questions? clarifications? violent expiration date)
reactions class?”

“What are the qualities you need

to look for when purchasing
canned goods?”

“Very good! How about dairy


( color, smell,texture,packaging and
“Good job! “ storage, and use-by-date)

B.4 Generalization (Freshness, Ripeness, Size and

Shape, Skin Texture, and Weight)
“Give me one quality to look for (storage and food label)
when buying meat. (proper packaging, storage and
“How about fruits?” expiration date)

“Canned goods?” (Students listen attentively to the

“Dairy products?” instructions given)

IV. Application
“Now let's have our activity. Same
group you have with earlier.”
“Our activity is called Purchase
Me. Perform the activity by
answering the question, “How will
you encourage buyers that your
meat, fruits or other food related
goods are in good quality?”

“I will give you 5 minutes to

prepare and 2 minutes each to

“Allow me to read the criteria for

Creativity - 40%
Uniqueness - 30%
Teamwork - 20%
Time Management - 10%
Total of 100%”

“Your time starts now”

“Your time is up. Go back to your
proper seat. I need one volunteer
each group to come in front for
picking of numbers”

(2 groups are done presenting)

(Awarding of winners)
V. Assessment
1. Proper storage conditions can
greatly impact the freshness,
safety, and quality of these
Answer: True
2. Purchase packages with torn or
damaged seals, as it could
compromise the meat’s safety
and freshness.
Answer: False - Avoid
3. If the meat has a strong smell or

unpleasant odor, it may be an indication
of fresh meat.
Answer: False - rotting
4. The smell of meat can give clues
about its tenderness and quality. If the
meat is slimy or sticky, then rather stay
Answer: False - Texture
5. The use-by-date is important, since
it’s an indication of how close the meat is
to being spoiled
Answer: True

VI. Agreement

“ For your assignment, conduct research

on food safety practices and government
regulations related to food quality.”

Prepared by:

Glizenne Danica G. Opaon

(Signature over Printed Name)
Year and Section

Approved by:

Mrs. Madel L. Bongcawel



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