Information Sheet 1

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Lesson 1

A computer is an electronic machine that works according to the instructions that we give. It can
do various types of work because of which fit has become more frequently used in the past few
Let’s Think of it!
Okay, so let's think of a computer like a smart friend who can do lots of calculations and remember
things really well. Imagine your brain, it helps you think and remember stuff. Now, think of a big
library with many books. Each book has different information, like stories or facts.

How the Computer Works:

Imagine you want to draw a picture on a computer. You use the mouse to tell the computer where
to draw, and you use the keyboard to pick colors.
Activity: Draw your favourite character using keyboard and mouse. Shows it to your friend on the
Parts of a Computer:
1. Keyboard:
A set of buttons to type and talk to the computer.
2. Mouse:
A little tool to move an arrow on the screen and click on things.
3. Screen:
A big TV where you see and do fun stuff on the computer!

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