AI Solutions Class 10 - Part B

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Artificial Intelligence

CLASS - 10
Artificial Intelligence
Book 10 Answer Key

Chapter 1

Worksheet 1

All the actions require intelligence.

Scenario 1

I will have to report on my friend, because he is doing something which is illegal.

Scenario 2

I will report the test leakage to the teacher. For hard test, I will take extra efforts to study and
prepare myself. Passing the test based on the leaked test is illegal and unethical.

Worksheet 2


Playing Chess
PS Who will
find it easy
to perform


AI would run on predefined algorithms and will continue to

do so efficiently, whereas humans may get tired and may
also make mistakes by playing the wrong chess move.

Walking Humans It is natural for humans to walk. AI, not being a physical
entity, would depend on the functioning and built of its
mechanical structure when made to walk.

Calculating Test AI AI would calculate tests more efficiently as there is no scope

of mistake. As per the predefined rules it has been given, it
will continue to calculate tests without tiring.

Checking Papers Both AI will find MCQs easy, humans will find Essay type easy
submitted by

Performing Both Surgery requires both skills and precision. Humans can
Surgery provide better skills and AI better precision.

Developing Both AI will find calculation part easy. Humans will find the rest
Vaccines easy

Washing Clothes AI AI would be able to wash clothes better as it would follow a

process and would also be able to do it faster than humans

Recognising a Humans For humans it is very easy to recognise a chair as it would

Chair take less than a second for the brain the process this kind of
information. For AI models, the efficiency of recognising a

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chair would depend on the type and amount of training data

Solving Complex AI For AI, with its vast computational power, it would be quite
Mathematical easy to solve complex mathematical problem.

Creating Complex AI For AI, with its vast computational power and memory
Passwords capabilities, it would be quite easy to create complex

Prescribing Both Both Humans and AI would be able to prescribe medicines

Medicines equally well.

Writing News Humans Humans will be able to write news reports in a much better
Report and reliable way.

Worksheet 3




Google Image

Google Next


Technology Used

Computer Vision, Data Science

Natural Language Processing, Data Science

3. Clever Bot Rollo Natural Language Processing, Data Science


4. Waymo Alphabet Computer Vision, Data Science

5. Siri Apple Natural Language Processing, Data Science

6. Elsa Speak Elsa Corp Natural Language Processing, Data Science

7. Socratic Google Text and Speech recognition (Natural language

Processing), Data Science

8. Fyle Fyle Data Science

9. Hound SoundHound Natural Language Processing, Data Science


10. Youper Youper Inc Data Science

Worksheet 4

1. What do you know about artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a human made intelligence which can reason and integrate
knowledge. Artificial Intelligence should ideally depict some of the human behaviours and
perform tasks which human beings can do.
2. Why do you think artificial intelligence is important?

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I think that Artificial Intelligence is important because it can make human life better and
easier by taking over the work done by human beings. For example, AI bases personal
assistants and AI driven cars.
3. How do you use artificial intelligence in your daily life?
I use many Artificial Intelligence based services and products in my daily life. I use Google
Maps for commuting to my school, Apple Siri for managing my schedules and mobile phone,
Google Lens for product identification etc.

Worksheet 5

Sr. Product Developer Technology Used

1 Lens Google Computer Vision

2 Chimp Conservation X Project Computer Vision


3 Envision Envision Technologies Computer Vision, Data Science


5 Aibo

Worksheet 6
Translate Google

Data Science

Data Science, Computer Vision, Natural Language


Sr. Technology Product/Services

1 Deep Learning Yelp, Watson, Netflix

2 Natural Language Processing Hello Barbie, Cortana

3 Neural Network Pinterest, You Tube

Worksheet 7

Sr. Service/Company Information

1 Facebook Addresses, Name, Friends information, birthday, wedding, vacations etc.

2 Amazon Product preferences, consumption pattern, income patterns etc.

3 Google maps Work and home address, travel,

4 Bing Search History,

5 TikTok Name, images, videos,

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QUIZ 3: Fill-in-Table Exercise

Sr Predominantly Moderately Used Minimally Used


1. Number Plate Computer Vision Data Science Natural Language

Detection Processing

2. Email Spam Filter Data Science Natural Language Computer Vision


3. Google Translator Data Science Computer Vision Natural Language


4. Google Photos Computer Vision Data Science Natural Language


Emoji Scavenger

QUIZ 4: Activity
Computer Vision Data Science Natural Language

1. A
2. B
3. C

AI Ready

Activity 1:
Q1. What was the controversy created by Twitter’s chatbot ‘Tay’?

Tay was an experimental chatbot developed by Microsoft. The idea was to produce an AI based
chatbot capable of learning and growing. Within 24 hours of its release it developed a racial
misogynist personality based on user interactions with it.

Q2. Which problems are easier to solve: Structured decision problems or Unstructured decision
problems? Why?

Structured decision problems are easier to solve because they have a known solution. Unstructured
decision problems on the other hand are difficult to solve because they do not have any agreed
upon solution, but rather they depend on the choice of the decision-maker.

Q3. Explain the Black Box problem and its implications.

AI algorithms are complex and self-learning in nature. It is almost impossible for human beings to
understand how or why an AI comes to a particular decision in real life situation. This problem is
known as Black Box problem. This has significant implication in AI ethics. For example, assume that

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an AI rejects a lower caste candidate for a promotion. The Black Box problem will make it impossible
for us to find out if AI had a caste prejudice or if there were other considerations for its decision.

Q4. Differentiate between machine learning and algorithm.

Algorithm refers to computer programming code in AI systems. They are used for making
calculations or for solving problems. Machine learning on the other hand is the process by which the
AI algorithm uses the provided data for learning and improving itself.

Q5. Differentiate between supervised and unsupervised learning.

In supervised learning, the AI system is provided with both questions and correct answers in
advance. In this the AI system establishes various patterns which aids it in answering future

In unsupervised learning on the other hand, the AI system is not trained by providing correct
answers. The AI system rather establishes patterns based on efficiency parameters.

Q6. Write a short note on good AI policy.

A good AI policy is a policy which is transparent in nature i.e. a policy in which the AI only uses the
data over which it has right and the data should be collected and used only for the stated purposes.
Further on the consumers must have the right to leave the AI system and for requesting data

Q7. What is Natural Language Processing? How is it different from Natural Language Understanding?

Natural Language Processing or NLP deals with the development of the Artificial Intelligence Systems
capable of communicating with human beings using natural language as opposed to computer
language. Natural Language Understanding or NLU is one component of the NLP and its deals with
understanding the spoken and written language.

Q8. What are the different abilities generally associated with intelligence?

The different abilities generally associated with intelligence are logic, reasoning, problem solving,
planning etc. These abilities are expressed in learning from experience, in identifying problems and
solving them.

Q9. Write a short note on everything that the AI cannot do.

At the current level of development, the Artificial Intelligence can only mimic human behaviour
based on the rules created by human beings. They cannot think, feel or even deal with unexpected
situations. AI systems are incapable of understanding causations.

Q10. Differentiate between AI, ML, and DL.

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. These systems are designed to mimic the behaviour of human
minds. ML stands for Machine Learning. ML is what happens when the AI system used data for
forming patterns and deciding on how to solve problems. DL stands for Deep Learning. DL is part of
ML or sometimes seen as its extension. It deals with applying the patterns and the learned problem-
solving techniques for actually solving the problems.

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ACTIVITY 2: Project Writing

You have been asked to design an AI-based smart security system for your colony/village. What are
the different ethical concerns that can arise out of such a system?

Possible Ethical Concerns:

1. The AI system will monitor the residents of the colony/village round the clock. This has
ethical concerns related to privacy.
2. The AI system will store the data related to the residents of the colony, including the
entry/exit timings, the people who accompany them, the dress they wear (if smart video is
used) etc. The ethical use of this data can be a concern
3. The data related to the residents cannot be collected and used by the AI system without
their approval or permission. This can lead to unethical collection and use of data.

Chapter 2

Worksheet 1
1. Write the name of the five stages of the AI Project Cycle.

2. Add the sub-stages of Problem Scoping, Data Acquisition, Data Exploration, Modelling and
Evaluation Deployment to the five stages.

3. Add the different components of the sub-stages.

• Problem Scoping
• Business or Project

• Analytics Approach to Products
• Data Acquisition
• Data Requirment
• Data Collection

• Data Exploration

• Exploratory Data Analytics
• Data Preparation
• Data Modelling
• Model Selection

Testing • Evaluation
• Project Evaluation
• System Tuning

• Deployment

Deploy • Project
• Project Review

Worksheet 2

Explain how problem scoping is beneficial for an AI project?

Problem scoping is part of the project planning stage. This stage allows for establishing project goals
i.e. what has to be achieved? Identifying different stakeholders, the existing measures for solving the
problem and the ethical concerns related to the project.

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Worksheet 3

Two examples of Structured Data

1. Class Attendance Register

2. Student Mark Sheets

Two examples of Unstructured Data

1. Medial Records of the patients

2. Social Media data of users

Two examples of Big Data

1. All the data related to students with the school (including exam and test answer sheets)
2. All the data on the mobile phone.

Worksheet 4

Sr. Name Developer

1 Power Bi
PS Microsoft

2 Tableau Tableau Software

3 Excel Microsoft

4 Data Studio Google

5 Qlik Sense QlikTech International

Worksheet 5

Identify and name the different sections of the following Decision Tree

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Worksheet 6

1. How can Project evaluation help in boosting research area?

Project evaluation helps in finding out the answers to three important questions. First, what
went right, second what went wrong and third what was challenging. The answers to these
questions help in boosting the different research areas. What went right has to be
duplicated, what went wrong has to be corrected and what was challenging has to be
simplified. This will in turn boost the research.

2. How can Project evaluation help in gathering knowledge for accumulation?

Project evaluation deals with collection of information and its evaluation. This helps in
identifying the correct knowledge for accumulation in different forms. For example, the
successes can be retained for replication and failures can be accumulated for avoidance.

3. Name some companies that use neural networks and mention how they use it
1. Facebook: The neural network is used for facial recognition.
2. Instagram: The neural network and deep learning is used for identifying the contextual
context of the emoji

AI Quiz
3. Amazon: The neural network is used for brining recommendations to the customers
4. Google Translate: The neural network is used for automating translations

QUIZ 3: Activity

Identify the Sustainable Development Goals associated with each of the following themes:

Environment: SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG
7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), SDG 12
(Responsible Consumption and Production), SDG 13 (Climate Action), SDG 14 (Life Below
Water), SDG 15 (Life on Land)
Economy: SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy),
SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industrial Innovation and
Infrastructure), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and production),

Equality: SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 10
(Reduced Inequalities

Quiz 4: Identify and Write

You are designing an AI-based smart security system for your school. Identify the stakeholders for
this project.

• Senior Management
• Teachers
• Students
• Parents of students
• Support Workers

AI Ready

ACTIVITY 1: Writing Subjective Responses

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Q1. How is an AI project cycle different from a normal IT project cycle?

Normally, IT project cycle ends with the deployment phase. Any change after the deployment phase
is treated as a separate project. The AI Projects on the other hand are cyclic in nature i.e. they do not
end with the deployment phase. After deploying the system learns, then testing and deployment is
again repeated.

Q2. Can we do goal setting before scoping the problem? Justify.

Goal setting is one of the stages of the problem scoping. The goals of the project are established
after the identification of the problem. These goals set the boundary of the project i.e. what is and
what is not going to be done.

Q3. Can we design AI systems without Data Visualisation? Why?

Strictly speaking data visualisation is not required for designing the AI systems. Data visualisation
assist in understanding of data and in recognising patterns in it. AI cannot understand data. It can
identify patterns, and human beings have to make sense of these patterns. The use of the data
visualisation will depend on the type of data system which is being designed.

Q4. Are the neural networks the best rule-based systems? Why?
Artificial Intelligence systems can either be rules-based systems or they can be learning based
systems. In rules-based systems the selections or processing of data is based on user defined rules.
In neural networks, the selections or processing is based on the learning done by these networks.

Q5. How is reinforced learning different from supervised learning?

In supervised learning, the AI systems are provided with the problems and the correct solution. The
AI system will establish patterns in the system and use them for finding solutions after training. In
reinforced learning, AI systems do not receive the correct solutions. Rather the right action or
decision is provided with positive reinforcement (positive weight) and incorrect action or decision is
rewarded with negative reinforcement (negative weight).
Q6. Write a short note on learning-based systems.

Learning based AI systems are not dependent on user established rules for processing data. These
systems rather learn by themselves. They are also known as adaptive intelligence. This learning can
take be supervised, unsupervised or reinforced learning.

Q7. How does the complexity of data influence data visualisation?

Data Visualisation is dependent on the number of variables or parameters involved. Less complex
data is easier to visualise. Complex data will have to be simplified for making meaningful data
visualisation. This can be done through different techniques data segregation and classification.

Q8. Write a short note on Big Data.

Big data is the term used for referring to huge amount of data which cannot be stored or managed in
traditional database management systems. The Big data is continuously generated in real life. It can
be both structured/unstructured or semi-structured. It can come from various sources. This data is
very important because machine learning systems depend on it.

Q9. How are sustainable development goals linked with artificial intelligence?

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Artificial Intelligence can provide significant help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of
the United Nations. AI systems among other things can assist in, managing disasters (SDG 9),
creating and maintaining sustainable habitats (SDG 11), assisting the differently abled (SDG 10),
improving productivity (SDG 9), providing better access to education (SDG 4) etc.

Q10. Differentiate between Data Acquisition and Data Exploring.

Data Acquisition deals with collecting or obtaining data from different sources. This is based on the
need on the project. For example, traffic data for traffic lights management system. Data Exploration
deals on the other hand deals with finding patterns/trends from the acquired data. The AI system
will use these findings for solving the given problems.

ACTIVITY 2: Project Writing

You have been asked to develop a Smart Student Grading System for your school. For developing
this system:

1. Set goals
1. Calculating correct grades for student tests/papers
2. Storing student grades for a minimum of 10 years
3. Communicating the student grades to teachers, students, parents, school administration
4. Protection against unauthorised tempering and access
2. Identify the stakeholders
1. Teachers
2. Students
3. Parents of students
4. School Administration
3. Identify the existing measures
1. Storing of student grades in database
2. Using emails and SMS for communicating student grades to parents
4. Identify the ethical concerns
1. Privacy of the students might be affected
5. Identify the data needs
1. Previous test papers, answer sheets and the provided grading
2. List of students along with relevant details
6. Identify the sources of data
1. School records
7. Visualise mock data
Students will have to create mock data and visualise it in any of the data visualisation

ACTIVITY 3: Project Writing

Download data from any of the sources listed in Section 1.2 Data Acquisition. Use the data
visualisation tools for drawing insights from this data. Share the insight with the others in the class.

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Explanation: This is for students to try on their own. Responses may vary.

Chapter 3

Worksheet 1

Try yourself

Worksheet 2

Try yourself

*NOTE: All problems and exercises of the chapter have been solved inside the book.

Chapter 4

Worksheet 1
Apply to Data Science
• Works with both structured Do Not apply to Data
and unstructured data Science
• Makes use of machine • Only applicable to businesses
• Cannot use raw data
• Is made up of various
• Starts with the visualisation of
• Assists in decision-making
• Can be used for solving
• Draw conclusion and psychiatric problems
• Provides meaningful insights

Worksheet 2

Find out at least three uses of Data Science in the following sectors:

1. Education: Providing adaptive learning opportunities to students. Assisting in improving teacher


2. Hospitality: Assisting hotels in predicting demand and customer behaviour. Automated dynamic
pricing systems for ensuring maximum revenue generation.

3. Defence: Assisting in smart targeting of enemy installations. Assisting in threat risk assessments.

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4. Real Estate: Providing help with property valuations. Risk mitigation based on predictive models.

5. Law Enforcement: Smart surveillance systems. Assisting with criminal identification.

Worksheet 3

Recently, several unauthorised persons were seen roaming around in your colony. For dealing with
this situation, you have been asked to design a smart security system, which will allow only
authorised people to enter the colony.

Q1. What data will you need for designing and implementing the system?

1. The images of all the individuals authorised to enter the colony

2. The details of all the individuals authorised to enter the colony

Q2. From where will you collect this data?

1. Colony records or asking the authorised individuals to provide information.

Worksheet 4
Mean: sum of all the terms/number of terms

Median: {(n+1)/2)}th value. N= number of values in the data set

Mode: The most frequently occurring value/observation

Standard Deviation: � Where ∑ = sum of, x = value in the data set, 𝜇𝜇 = mean of the data set
and N = number of data points
∑(𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 −𝑥𝑥)2
Variance: 𝑆𝑆 2 = 𝑛𝑛−1
where 𝑆𝑆 2 = sample variance, 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 = the value of one observation, 𝑥𝑥 = the mean
value of all observations and 𝑛𝑛 = the number of observations.

Worksheet 5

Identify the plots

Sr. Type

1 Line

2 Column

3 Histogram

4 Box & Whiskers

5 X Y Scatters

Worksheet 6

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Browse the internet and find out the names of five personality structure models like the Big Five
Model. Also, find out the name of the people who introduced the model.

1. Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (Raymond Cattell)

2. Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers)

3. Keirsey Temperament Sorter (Keirsey)

4. Enneagram of Personality (Oscar Ichazo is generally recognised for making this model known)

5. Type A and Type B personality theory (Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman)


Find out the five uses of the K-Nearest Neighbour model.

1. Used for smart surveillance. For example, detecting hidden packages at the bottom of shopping
2. For creating recommendation systems based on what the customer buys/watches/listens etc.

3. For finding documents which are semantically identical.

4. Predicting illnesses, for example breast cancer cases

5. Stock market predictions for trading


QUIZ 4: Activity





ACTIVITY 1: Writing Subjective Responses

Q1. Distinguish between data acquisition and data exploration.

Data Acquisition deals with collecting or obtaining data from different sources. This is based on the
need on the project. For example, traffic data for traffic lights management system. Data Exploration
deals on the other hand deals with finding patterns/trends from the acquired data. The AI system
will use these findings for solving the given problems.

Q2. How are NumPy arrays better than Python lists?

NumPy arrays have number of advantages over the Python lists. They are more convenient to use,
they are much faster than Python lists and the memory consumed by them is less because their data
structure takes less space.

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Q3. Explain some errors that can occur during data collection.

Some of the errors possible in data collection are:

1. Collection of incorrect values

2. Collecting invalid or null values
3. Data missing from dataset cells
4. Out of range data in the datasets

Q4. Explain the KNN model.

KNN or K-Nearest Neighbours is an algorithm used for supervised machine learning. KNN can be
used with both regression and classification tasks. This method evaluates the labels of a selected
number of data points around a target data point to predict the class on which the data point falls.

Q5. Write a short note on the Five-Factor Model.

The Five Factor Model is used for measuring the following five personality traits:

Openness: The trait of an individual to accept new things

Conscientiousness: The trait of being particular, organised, watchful etc.
Extroversion: The trait related to being social and outgoing
Agreeableness: The trait measuring friendliness of people with each other
Neuroticism: The trait related to controlling ones’ own emotions

Q6. In what ways can an AI capture data?

AI systems can collect or capture data from multiple sources. For example, eye-tracking sensors can
be used for capturing the movement of eye and body language, smartphones can be used for
capturing the usage data of the user, smart cameras can be used for capturing video data, data
streams can be used for capturing live data etc.

Q7. What is data visualisation? How can we use Python for data visualisation?
Data visualisation is a technique used for understanding and getting insights from the data. The two
most basic forms of data visualisation are graphs and charts. Python provides different plots for the
data visualisation, like Line plot, Histogram Plot, Scatter Plot, Bar Chart, Box and Whisker Plot etc.

Q8. What are Pandas and SciPy? Why are they used?

Pandas and SciPy are python libraries for assisting in scientific computations and data analysis.
Pandas deals with structured data operations and manipulations. It provides facility for data cleaning
and preparation. SciPy is one of the commonly used libraries for advanced-level science and
engineering functions. It provides access to Linear Algebra, Optimisation, Sparse Matrices etc.

Q9. Explain at least three different uses of data science in the financial sector.

The use of data science in the financial sector include:

Risk Analytics: this deals with analysing the risk associated with financial transactions like providing
loans or insuring something.

Fraud Detection: analysis of big data allows the financial sector to reduce frauds and scams.

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Personalised Services: financial sector use data science for providing personalised services to the
clients at the best possible rate.

Q10. What is problem scoping?

Problem scoping is part of the planning stage of the AI projects. It starts once the problem is
identified and includes establishing of goals, identification of stakeholders, finding out what is being
currently done for dealing with the problem and the ethical concerns related to the problem.
Problem Scoping establishes the limit of the problem.

ACTIVITY 2: Project Writing

For this project, collect the marksheets of five of your classmates. Use Data Visualisation tools (plots)
in Python for showing these marksheets on the computer screen. Which of these tools provides the
best visualisation for your data? Why?

Explanation: This is for students to try on their own. Responses may vary.

ACTIVITY 3: Project Writing

For this project, collect the roll numbers and age of all the students in your class. Use Data
Visualisation tools (plots) in Python for showing this data on the computer screen. Which of these
tools provides the best visualisation for your data? Why? Was the result of this the same as the
result of Project given above? Why?

Explanation: This is for students to try on their own. Responses may vary.
Chapter 5

Worksheet 1

Try yourself

Worksheet 2

Try yourself

Worksheet 3





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Worksheet 4

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True

QUIZ 3: Mini Projects

How would you use computer vision in your school for improving discipline among the students?

1. I will set goals by asking the question: How can we improve discipline among the students?
Possible goals can include:
--Identify students outside class when the class is going on
--Taking smart attendance of students
--Identifying cases of incorrect behaviour in the school campus
2. The second step will involve identifying stakeholders, ethical concerns etc. for complete
problem scoping.
3. Then for the actual project, I will use cameras in all the strategic locations. The data from
these cameras will be forwarded to a CNN for identifying the students and their actions. The
CNN will mark the actions showing deviance from normal behaviour for review by teachers
or school administration.

QUIZ 4: Design-Activity

How can you use computer vision for making your home child safe?

First, I will identify strategic locations in the house for installing smart cameras.

Second, I will link these cameras with the CNN based computer vision system
The CNN based computer vision can

--predict accidents before they take place, and I seniors can intervene for making the child safe.

--alert seniors if unauthorised individuals try to enter the home premise

--monitor the child for alerting the seniors if child needs something which is not within the reach of
the child.


ACTIVITY 1: Writing Subjective Responses

Q1. How is the concept of convolution related to the concept of CNN?

Convulsion is a mathematical operation used for multiplying two matrices of numbers. This
operation is used on images for creating filtered images. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is part
of the machine/deep learning which uses multiple convulsion layers for assisting in Artificial
Intelligence based Computer Vision.

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Q2. What are pixels? How are they related to 4K and 8K image resolutions?

A computer image is made up of a rectangular array of dots. These dots are known as pixels. These
dots are the essential building blocks of digital image. Image resolutions depict the number of pixels
which an image has. 4K image will have 3840 X 2160 pixels whereas an 8K image will have 7680 X
4320 pixels.

Q3. How is computer vision related to human vision?

Computer vision is an artificially designed system which tries to mimic the functioning of natural
human vision. It has three components; visual information retrieval system (eye in human vision is
replaced by sensors in computer vision), interpretation of the visual information (the role of brain in
human vision is mimicked by artificial neural networks in computer vision) and outputting the

Q4. Write a short note on the applications of computer vision in sports.

In sports, the computer vision is used for tracking the movement of players and the movement of
the sport equipment in the field. The information generated helps players and managers to enhance
their performance, umpires and referees to provide better decisions and the viewers to experience
the sports in a better manner.

Q5. What is Kernel? How is it related to CNN?

Kernel is as matrix used for extracting different features from an image in the Convolution Neural
Network. This matrix carries out the dot-product with the sub-region of the input data and provides
the output as the matrix of the dot-products. Kernel uses stride value for processing the input data.
The effects such as blurring, sharpening, embossing etc. are applied on images using Kernel.

Q6. How is manufacturing industry using computer vision?

In manufacturing sector, the Computer Vision is used for performing predictive maintenance.
Computer Vision assists in monitoring the machinery in real time and predict maintenance before
the breakdown takes place. It is also used for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for improving the
production workflow.

Q7. What is meant by pixels?

Pixels are the building blocks of digital images. Every digital image is a rectangular array made of
dots called pixels. Each dot represents a value for the colour or light at that point. An image with the
resolution of 1,024 X 768 will be made of an array of 1,024 columns and 768 rows. This array will
have a total of 7,86,432 pixels. Pixels do not refer to physical dimensions of the image.

Q8. Write a short note on the layers of CNN.

A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is normally made up of the following layers:

Convolution layer: This is the layer where the convolution processing of the image takes place. Here
the pixels of the input image are changed.

Rectified Linear Unit Function: In the ReLU layer, non-linearity is introduced in to the image. All the
negative values are changed to 0 and all blacks are removed.

Pooling Layer: In this layer, a set width of pixels scans over the image and the max, sum, or average
of those pixels is obtained as a representation of that portion of the image.

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Fully Connected Layer: This is the final layer of the CNN.

Q9. Write a short note on how the computers see images.

Computer sees or identifies images by mimicking the behaviour of the human eyes. The computer
receives visual information in form of input images from sensors (cameras) and processes it. While
processing, the image is broken down into three basic colour channels i.e. Red, Green and Blue. Each
of the colour channel is then linked to the pixel in the image. Computer identifies the value related
to each pixel and determine its size.

Q10. What are image features?

Image features are relevant information in the image. For example, points, edges, objects etc. The
features are normally classified into two main categories:

1. Features that are in specific locations in the image

2. Features that are correlated on the basis of their orientation and location.

Activity 2: Try Yourself

Try yourself PS

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Chapter 6

Worksheet 1

Worksheet 2
Machine TranslationThe translation of text by a computer; with no human involvement

Automatic SummarisationSummarising the contextual meaning of documents and information.

Also understanding the emotional meaning hidden inside the information.

Sentiment Analysis Find sentiment among the numerous posts or even in the same post where
emotion is not always clearly expressed.

Text ClassificationAssign predefined categories to a document.

Virtual AssistantsCreating a constant and interactive interface between humans with machines

Worksheet 3

A. Problem Scoping

B. Data Acquisition

C. Data Exploration

D. Modelling

E. Evaluation

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Worksheet 4





Worksheet 5

We use many programming languages in our projects. Most of these languages have abbreviated
names, which become so popular that we tend to forget or choose to ignore their full forms. Given
below are such programming languages, can you write their full forms?

1. BASIC: Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code

2. FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation
3. COBOL: COmmon Business-Oriented Language
4. AMOS: AmigaOS
5. SAIL: Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
2. Give some examples of cases of different syntax and same semantics and vice-versa.

A+B = B+A
Amit is the father of Sunil = Sunil is the son of Amit

3. Mention some words which can have multiple meanings and explain the meanings by using them
in sentences.

Subsequent to or after: The development of computer systems picked speed post 19th
Job or paid employment: He resigned from the post of Inspector
A timber/metal piece in the ground used as a marker: Follow the green post and turn right

An equipment for playing sports: A cricket bat
A mammal: The bats fly in night time
Fluttering (of eyelashes or eyelids): She batted her eyelashes at him

Light: She has a fair complexion
Fine and dry: The weather was fair
An event for public entertainment: The fair was held on the school grounds.

4. Given some examples of sentences having correct syntax and incorrect semantics.

The cars were washing the shoes

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Pink balls came in square sizes
The circle was a right triangle

Worksheet 6

Fill in the blanks.

1. Corpus
2. Bag of words
3. Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF)
4. Text Classification
5. Increases


ACTIVITY 1: Writing Subjective Responses

Q1. Differentiate between Sentence Tokenisation and Word Tokenisation.

In Sentence Tokenisation (sentence segmentation) a string of written language is divided into

component sentences. The idea is to split a sentence into smaller sentences. In Word Tokenisation
(word segmentation), each sentence is divided into component words or tokens.

Q2. How is Automatic Summarisation of text helpful?

We are living in information age where information overload is common. In such a situation
separating relevant information from irrelevant information becomes very important. Automatic
summarisation helps in this by summarising the contextual meaning of documents and information
along with the emotional meaning hidden in the document.

Q3. Explain the Bag of words model.

Bag of words is a commonly used model for converting raw text into vector numbers. Machine
Learning Algorithms suffer from a fundamental problem on not being able to process raw text. Bag
of words model help in overcoming this problem. In this model first text is normalised, then a
dictionary is created. After this vector are created for the documents.

Q4. Write down the applications of TFIDF.

Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) is a statistical measure used for finding
out the importance of a word to a document in a corpus. TFIDF helps in document searching by
retrieving the most relevant results. It is used for keyword extraction from documents for indexing
or identification. It can also be used for document classification, topic modelling, stopword filtering

Q5. Explain how sentiment analysis is used by companies and why.

Sentiment analysis is used for identifying emotions/sentiment in the text in which the emotions are
not generally clearly expressed. Companies use this analysis for understanding the opinions and
sentiments regarding them, their products and their services online. This allows the companies to
judge reactions and address them appropriately. The analysis also helps companies to understand
the purchasing decisions of the customers.

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ACTIVITY 2: Project Writing

You have been asked to design a chatbot for an online shopping website. What different processes
will be involved in developing this chatbot and what features will you include?

The following processes will be involved in developing a smart chatbot for the online shopping

--Lexical Analysis
--Syntactic Analysis
--Semantic Analysis
--Discourse Integration
--Pragmatic Analysis

I will recommend the following features for the chatbot

1. Ability to identify the products stocked by the website

2. Ability to recommend products based on the user preference
3. Ability to predict user emotions for providing correct responses
4. Ability to handle customer queries and provide online support
PS Chapter 7

Worksheet 1

Answer these questions to gauge your understanding of the subject.

Q1. Why is the process of evaluation important in any AI model?

In AI projects, data modelling and evaluation are two closely related stages. The trained data models
have to be evaluated to see if they meet the project requirements i.e. if the answers provided by
them are useful. The evaluation criteria or the parameters as such become the basis of selecting the
data model to be used and the evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected data models.

Q2. Fill in the correct terms in the table given below.

Prediction Reality Conclusion

Yes Yes True Positive

No Yes False Negative

Yes No False Positive

No No True Negative

*NOTE: There is a correction in the activity. True negative (the highlighted text) is mentioned as False negative
in the activity in the book.

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Worksheet 2

Scenario TP TN `FP FN

1. Machine predicts correctly that the car is red in colour X

2. Machine predicts that the car is red in colour, but in reality, the car is not X
red in colour

3. Machine predicts that the car is not red in colour, but in reality, the car is X
red in colour

4. Machine predicts that the car is not red in colour and in reality, car is not X
red in colour

*NOTE: There is correct in the activity. The highlighted text (and in reality, car is not red in colour) is
missing from the activity in the book

Worksheet 3
Answer the following questions:

Q1. Is high accuracy equivalent to good performance?

Accuracy tells us the percentage of correct predictions out of the total observations. High
percentage of accuracy is desirable, but by itself, it does not tell us if the Ai model is performing
good, mediocre, poor or terrible because it does not take into account, the actual number of
observations into account.

Q2. What percentage of accuracy is reasonable for representing a good performance?

The food performance cannot be measured on the basis of the accuracy alone. A model might
generate 100% accuracy with 96% of predictions being false positive/negative. In such cases the high
accuracy will not make the AI model a good performing one.

Q3. Is good precision equivalent to good model performance? Why?

Good precision by itself does not translate into good performance of the AI model. Precision
measures all the true performance scenarios in the case under study. The problem with this measure
is that it does not take into account false positives. For example, in a rain AI model with 100 percent
precision means that every positive prediction of rain comes true i.e. it rains whenever the model
predicts rainfall. But this does not translate into good performance if it fails to predict rainfall in
cases where it actually rains.

Q4. What is the difference between Precision and Recall?

Precision measures true positive cases out of the total positive cases. Recall on the other hand
measures the ratio of true positives to true positives and false negatives. High recall shows small
number of false negatives. High recall and low precision will show that there most of the positive
examples were correctly recognised but there were many false positives. Low recall with high
precision will show that we miss many positive examples, but those which we predict are in fact


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ACTIVITY: Writing Subjective Responses

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Sample Test 1

Employability Skills: (10 Marks)

A. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. (1 × 4 = 4)

1. Amplitude
2. Self-awareness
3. Verbal
4. Preposition
5. Coping Strategies
6. Anti-Virus

B. Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each. (2 × 3 = 6)

7. Why should an entrepreneur be open-minded?

Open-minded is a personality trait which allows individuals to accept new things. An open-minded
entrepreneur will be willing to try new things and adapt to the changing environment. The two
things which are required for business success.

8. Differentiate between moving and copying a file.

Moving a file means shifting a file from one location to another. The original file is no longer
available at the original location. Whereas copying a file refers to creating an identical copy of the
file in a new location. In copying the original file remains at the original location.

9. Write any two characteristics of an independent person.

1. Independent persons prefer to handle their own affair themselves. They are willing to take help
from others, but only after trying things themselves rather than immediately asking others for help.

2. Independent persons are not quickly influenced by the opinion and thoughts of others. They
prefer to think things through and arrive at their own opinion.

10. What do you understand by team management?

I understand team management as an ability of assist or work with a group of people in a manner
that the given task is performed. Team management involves number of skills like communication,
organisation, delegation, openness etc.

11. What are the two most important qualities to become a successful entrepreneur?

A successful entrepreneur should be willing to try new things and he or she should be willing to
adapt to the changing environment.


Subject Skills: (40 Marks)

C. Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each. (1 × 10 = 10)

12. Which of the following is not an application of NLP?

a. Machine Translation b. Text classification

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c. Automatic summarization d. Self-driving cars

13. Which of the following technology is based on the adaption of how the human brain works?

a. Supercomputing b. Smart technology

c. Super networks d. Neural networks

14. …………………......……. is a filter used for extracting the features from the images in a Convolutional
neural network.

a. Kernel b. Pixel

c. Convolution d. Pool

15. ……………….........….... is a specific branch of computer science that focuses on developing systems
that are capable of collecting data and making decisions and solving problems.

a. Artificial Intelligence b. Cybersecurity

c. Computer Networks d. None of the above

16. In a decision tree, the final node is called?

a. Child node b. Leaf node

c. Root d. Interior node

17. The type of machine learning in which the input used for training the model is neither classified
or labelled is called?

a. Reinforcement Learning b. Supervised Learning

c. Unsupervised Learning d. Both a and c

*NOTE: The answer choices in the book are incorrect. Both Reinforcement learning and
unsupervised learning uses unlabelled datasets.
18. The Turing Test was developed by ……………….........….... in 1950s. Alan Turing

19. ……………….........….... makes use of past data to solve a problem with the help of statistical
methods and trained algorithm model. Machine learning

20. We use ……………….........…...., a type of convolutional layer, when we need to crop the size of
volume which can make computation quicker, reduces memory, and checks overfitting. Pool layer

21. The full form of GUI is ……………….........….... Graphic User Interface

22. The length or size of a string can be found out by the ……………….........….... method. Len()

23. State whether True or False (0.5 Marks each):

a. A scripted chatbot can easily perform a task that has not been written in its code. (True/False)

b. Language translation applications like Google Translate make use of NLP. (True/False)

D. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 2 marks each. (2 × 4 = 8)

24. Mention some applications of AI that you see every day.

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The everyday applications of AI seen every day include:

--Smart assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana etc.

--AI powered apps like Google Maps and Google Translate

--AI powered toys like Sony’s Aibo

25. Explain the Black Box problem.

AI algorithms are complex in nature. It is almost impossible for human beings to understand how the
AI system arrived at a particular decision based on the given input. This is known as the Black Box

26. Give two examples where NLP is used and explain them.

Language translation applications use Natural Language Processing for translating text from one
language to other.

AI based Personal Assistants use Natural Language Processing for understanding natural language
and performing tasks.
27. What is the Turing Test?

Turing Test is a test which measures the ability of Artificial Intelligence Systems to mimic humans.
Originally the test checked if conversation with Artificial Intelligence could fool human beings

28. What are scripted chatbots?

Scripted chatbots are not AI based chatbots which follow the predetermined processes or
procedures for communicating with the users.

29. Define Rectified Linear Unit Function.

Rectified Linear Unit Function is a layer in the CNN used for introducing non-linearity into the feature
map. All the negative values in the map are changed to zero.
E. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 3 marks each. (3 × 4 = 12)

30. Mention some ethical concerns related to adopting AI systems.

Some of the ethical concerns related to adopting AI systems are:

Job Loss: Many people argue that use of AI systems is unethical because it deprives human beings of
job and means of livelihood. This argument has been going on since the introduction of AI systems.
There is no consensus on it.

Increased Inequalities: Some people argue that current economic system provides economic
benefits based on the contribution to the economy. With the advent of AI the, the contribution
made by individuals will be taken over by AI’s managed by companies. As such economic benefit will
also shift from individuals to companies.

Negative Adoption: There is significant ethical concern regarding negative use of AI systems. For
example, AI systems used for spreading terror or for hacking systems.

31. Describe the Neural Network technology and how it has taken its inspiration from the human

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Neural Network Technology involves creating of computer AI systems capable of mimicking human
mind. In human brain the calculations are made by millions of neurons communicating with each
other. Neural Networks involve creation of artificial neurons capable of communicating with each
other. These group of neurons are trained (through supervised, unsupervised, reinforced etc.
learnings) with the help of training data. Once trained these networks are able to solve problems
based on new data.

32. Mention the three domains of Artificial Intelligence and write a short note on each.

The three domains of Artificial Intelligence are:

Data Science: This domain deals with collection, maintenance and manipulation of data for obtaining
meaning out of it. This involves both data systems and processes.

Computer Vision: This domain deals with processing visual data for the purpose of identification and
classification. Google Photos, Facebook, Snapchat, Smart Security Systems etc. all depend on
computer vision.

Natural Language Processing: This domain deals with the ability of the AI systems to communicate
with human beings using natural languages rather than computer languages.
33. Write a short note on Deep Learning.

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning which is normally based on artificial neural networks.
The deep learning systems learn from the data supplied to them. They improve their functioning and
efficiency with time. The research in this area is focused on creating Truly Intelligent systems
capable of performing all the tasks performed by human mind.

34. Explain the Bag of Words problem.

The Machine learning algorithms are incapable of processing raw text. For dealing with this the raw
text is first converted into vectors of numbers through a process known as extraction. Bag of Words
is one of the popular methods of this extraction. The Bag of Words model requires the following
1. Text Normalisation: This involves collection and pre-processing of data
2. Creating Dictionary: This involves listing of all the unique words in the corpus
3. Creating document vectors: Frequency of each unique word in every document in the corpus
is found.
4. Vectors are created for all of the documents in the corpus

35. Differentiate between Sentence Tokenisation and Word Tokenisation.

In Sentence Tokenisation (sentence segmentation) a string of written language is divided into

component sentences. The idea is to split a sentence into smaller sentences. In Word Tokenisation
(word segmentation), each sentence is divided into component words or tokens.

F. Answer any 2 questions out of the given 4 questions of 5 marks each.

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Sample Test 2


Employability Skills: (10 Marks)

A. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 1 mark each. (1 × 4 = 4)

1. ............................ refers to a word or phrase that expresses a strong emotion. Interjection

2. ............................ is a natural and inexpensive way that provides immunity to stress. Meditation
3. The full form of CUI is ............................ User Interface. Character
4. Deleted files can be restored from ............................ Recycle Bin
5. The undesirable development results in the depletion of the already limited ............................
resources globally. Natural
6. Entrepreneurs realise that every event and situation is a business ............................ Opportunity

B. Answer any 3 questions out of the given 5 questions of 2 marks each. (2 × 3 = 6)

7. How can you have effective written communication?

The following should be kept in mind for making effective written communication:
--Clear and easy to understand
--Free from grammatical and other errors
--Correct tone and avoidance of offensive language

8. List any four elements that keep a person motivated.

The four elements for keeping a person motivated are clear purpose, competence, adequate
feedback and clear rewards.

9. What is the difference between a file and folder?

A file is a container for storing specific data in digital memory. A file may store images, videos, text
documents, audio etc. Folder is a container for organising computer memory. A folder can contain
files and other folders.

10. What do you understand by sustainable development?

Sustainable development can be best explained as the development for meeting the needs of the
today without negatively affecting the ability of future generations to meet their need.

11. How can you protect your computer against virus?

Using anti-virus software is the best way of protecting computer against viruses.


Subject Skills: (40 Marks)

C. Answer any 10 questions out of the given 12 questions of 1 mark each. (1 × 10 = 10)

12. Which of the following is not a Python library?

a. Matplotlib b. NumPy

c. Boost d. SciPy

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13. …………………......……. charts are used for summarising the distribution of data samples.

a. Bar b. Histogram

c. Scatter plot d. Line

14. …………………......……. is a field of study that enables computers to imitate the human visual

a. Machine Learning b. Natural Language Processing

c. Data Science d. Computer Vision

15. Which of the following is an application of neural networks?

a. email spam filtering b. facial recognition

c. Data mining d. All of the above

16. Which of the following is a machine learning algorithm that can be used in both regression and
classification tasks?
a. Convolution b. K-Nearest Neighbour

c. Supervised learning algorithm d. Black Box

17. An 8-bit colour depth utilises the numbers ……………….........….... for each colour channel in a pixel.

a. 0-127 b. 0-255

c. 1-128 d. 1-256

18. ……………….........….... is a machine learning method and algorithm that we use in both regression
and classification tasks. K-Nearest Neighbour

19. The conversion of raw text into vectors of numbers to aid in machine learning algorithms is
called ……………….........….... Feature extraction
20. The full form of NLTK is ……………….........….... Natural Language Tool Kit

21. Resolution of an image is measured in terms of ……………….........….... Pixels

22. In Python, a histogram plot can be designed by calling the ……………….........….... function and
passing in a list or array that shows the data sample. Hist()

23. State whether True or False: (0.5 Marks each)

a. Seaborn library is used for data visualisation. (True/False)

b. In an AI Project Cycle, stakeholder identification comes under the Data Acquisition process.

D. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 2 marks each. (2 × 4 = 8)

24. What do you understand by Big Data?

Big data is the term used for referring to huge amount of data which cannot be stored or managed in
traditional database management systems. The Big data is continuously generated in real life. It can
be structured/unstructured or semi-structured.

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25. What is Data Science?

Data science is a domain of computer science used for extracting information (patterns, tends etc.)
from the given data with the help of scientific methods, algorithms and statistics.

26. Define virtual environment. Why is it used?

Virtual environment is a tool in Python which assists in keeping the dependencies required by
different Python projects isolated from one other.

27. What is Computer Programming Language?

A programming language is a vocabulary and set of grammatical rules with the help of which a
computer or computing device performs specific tasks.

28. Write a short note on OpenCV.

Open Source Computer Vision (OpenCV) is a Python package for image processing. It supervises the
overall functions that concentrate on real-time computer vision. It focuses on image processing,
video capture and analysis including features like face detection and object detection.

29. Differentiate between Supervised and Unsupervised learning models.

Supervised learning models use labelled dataset for training computer models. In this model the AI
system is provided with both problems and solutions. Unsupervised learning models use unlabelled
data for training computer models.

E. Answer any 4 questions out of the given 6 questions of 3 marks each. (3 × 4 = 12)

30. List out the advantages and disadvantages of KNN model.

Advantages and disadvantages of KNN model is as follows:


• KNN can be useful in both regression and classification tasks, in contrast to some other
supervised learning algorithms.
• KNN is exceptionally accurate and easy to use. It is simple to interpret, understand, and
• KNN does not make any assumptions about the data. It can be used for a broad range of


• KNN has to keep most or all of the data, which requires a lot of storage space, and it is
computationally expensive. Large datasets can also cause predictions to take longer time.
• KNN is very sensitive to the scale of the dataset. It can be junked by irrelevant features quite
easily in comparison to the other models.

31. What are NumPy and Matplotlib? Where are they used?

NumPy and Matplotlib are Python libraires. NumPy contains essential linear algebra functions,
Fourier transforms, and advanced random number capabilities. They are also used for integrating
with the other basic level languages, such as Fortran, C, and C++ and for handling n-dimensional

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Matplotlib is a library used for plotting a wide variety of graphs, from histograms to line plots to heat
plots. It helps us to use Pylab feature in ipython notebook. It also allows for use of the Latex

32. Write a short note on Jupyter Notebooks.

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that enables us to create and share
documents with live codes, equations, visualisations, etc. This platform is used for data cleaning and
transformation, statistical modelling, data visualisation, machine learning, and a lot more. Jupyter
supports more than 40 different programming languages including Python.

33. Discuss the applications of Computer Vision.

CV is the capacity of computers to perceive, process, and predict images and videos. Almost every
business sector uses CV, which is transforming the way the industries work. Almost all companies
have adopted CV, and the demand for CV and similar technologies has been rising very fast. Its
ability to solve problems on large scale, accurately, quickly, and in an affordable manner is the
primary reasons for its fast pace and growth. With computer power becoming affordable, more
accessible, and portable, an increasing number of computer vision applications for businesses,
smart-city surveillance, health service, automobile industries, analytical imaging tools, etc. can be
expected in the near future

34. What is the difference between rule-based and learning-based algorithm?

Rule based algorithms use set of predefined rules for processing data and finding solutions to
complex problems. Learning based algorithms on the other hand are not restricted to predefined
rules but rather are based on algorithms which learn from the data fed to them. They solve
problems based on patterns, trends and insights gained from the training data.

35. Discuss the various evaluation methods used to check the functioning of an AI system.

The evaluation methods used for checking the functioning of the AI systems are:
Accuracy: This measures the percentage of correct predictions out of the observations made.
Precision. This measures the percentage of true positive cases out of all the predictive positive cases.
Recall: This measures the ratio of total number of correctly classified positive examples to the total
number of positive examples.
F1 Score: This measures the balance between the precision and Recall

F. Answer any 2 questions out of the given 4 questions of 5 marks each.

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