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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

1. In a practical voltage source, the terminal voltage

A. Cannot be less than the source voltage

B. Cannot be higher than the source voltage
C. Is always less than source voltage
D. Is always equal to source voltage

2. A capacitor is generally a

A. Bilateral and active network element

B. Active, passive, linear and non-linear network element
C. Linear and bilateral network element
D. Non-linear and active network element

3. The current wave shape shown in figure (1) is applied to a network element. The voltage
across the element is shown in figure (2). The element is

i v

t t
4 sec 4 sec
(1) (2)

A. Resistor B. Inductor

C. Capacitor D. Diode

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

4. Two networks can be dual when

A. Their nodal equations are the same.

B. The loop equations of one network are nodal equation for the other
C. Their loop equations are the same.
D. None of these

5. The linear network as shown below has only resistors. If I 1 8 A and I 2 12 A ; V is found

to be 80V . V 0V when I 1 8 A and I 2 4 A . Then the value of V when I 1 I2 10 A


I1 Network I2

A. 25V B. 50V

C. 75V D. 100V

6. A voltage source of 10 sin (100t ) has an internal impedance of 4 j3 . What

amount of purely resistive load in should be connected for a maximum power to be

extracted from this source?

A. 3 B. 4

C. 5 D. 7

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

7. A series RL network has H (s ) , the steady state value of a response for an
s 3
excitation of sin (2t ) is

A. 8 B.

C. 0 D. 8

8. Which one of the following is correct about series connection of two-port network?

A. All individual z-parameters of overall connections are the sum of

individual respective z-parameters
B. All individual y-parameters of overall connections are the sum of
individual respective y-parameters
C. All individual h-parameters of overall connections are the sum of
individual respective h-parameters
D. All individual ABCD-parameters of overall connections are the
sum of individual respective ABCD-parameters

9. The current wave shown in figure is applied to a 0.1F capacitor at t 0 . At t 0 ,

the voltage across the capacitor is:

A. 0V B. 4V

C. 10V D. 20V

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

10. In the circuit of figure, the switch is closed at t = 0. At t = 0+ the current through C is

A. 4A B. 2.5 A

C. 3.1A D. 0

1 s 4 3
11. The initial value of a voltage with a transfer function is . The value of k is
s s k 4

A. 3 B. 16
16 3

C. 4 D. 1

V2 (s )
12. The transfer function of the network shown below is
V1 (s )
100 F


V1(s ) V2 (s )
100 F

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

0.5s 1 3s 6
A. s 1 B. s 2

s 2 s 1
C. s 1 D. s 2

13. The network shown in Figure below has zeros at

A. s 0 and s B. s 0 and s
R 1
C. s and s
L D. s and s

14. Which of the following network functions is positive real?

(s 1)(s 2) (s 1)(s 2)
A. 2 B.
(s 1)2 s2 1

s 4 s2 1 s 1
C. D.
(s 1)(s 2)(s 3) s2 1

15. If a network function contains only poles whose real parts are zero or negative, the
network is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

A. Always stable
B. Stable, if the jw axis poles are simple
C. Stable, if the jw axis poles are at most multiplicity 2
D. Always unstable

16. The network of type shown in Figure below is

A. A low-pass filter B. A high-pass filter

C. An all-pass filter D. A band-pass filter

17. A series RLC network has a bandwidth of 300 rad / sec at a resonant frequency of

3000 rad / sec when excited by a voltage source of 100V . The inductance of the coil is

0.1H . The value of R and the voltage across C respectively are

A. 10 , 100V B. 30 , 100V

C. 30 , 1000V D. 300 , 1000V

18. The driving point impedance Z (s ) of a network has a pole-zero locations as shown in the
figure. If Z (0) 3 , the Z (s ) is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

x 1

3 1

x 1

3(s 3) 2(s 3)
A. B.
s2 2s 3 s2 2s 2

3(s 3) 2(s 3)
C. 2 D. 2
s 2s 2 s 2s 3

19. Which of the following is correct for a driving point functions?

A. The real parts of all poles must be negative

B. The real parts of all poles and zeros must be negative
C. The real parts of all poles and zeros must be negative or zero
D. The real parts of all zeros must be negative

20. In the following figure, C 1 and C 2 are ideal capacitors. C 1 has been charged to 12V before
the ideal switch S is closed at t 0 . The current i(t ) for all t is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

A. Zero
B. A step function
C. An exponentially decaying function
D. An impulse function

21. The circuit shown below is driven by a sinusoidal input vi Vpcos (t / RC ) . The steady
state output vo is

A. (Vp / 3)cos (t / RC ) B. (Vp / 3)sin (t / RC )

C. (Vp / 2)cos (t / RC ) D. (Vp / 2)sin (t / RC )

Vo (s ) 1
22. If the transfer function of the following network is , The value of the
Vi (s ) 2 sCR
load resistor RL is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

A. 4 B. 2

C. R D. 2R

23. The driving point impedance of the following network is given by Z (s ) 2
s 0.1s 2

A. L 5 H, R 0.5 ,C 0.1 F

B. L 0.1 H , R 0.5 ,C 5F

C. L 5 H, R 2 ,C 0.1 F

D. L 0.1 H , R 2 ,C 5F

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

Use the following data to answer questions 24 and 25:

A two-port network shown below is excited by external DC source. The voltage and the current
are measured with voltmeters V1 , V2 and ammeters A1 , A2 (all assumed to be ideal), as indicated

A1 A2
1 2
V1 V2 1.5V
1' 2'

The following reading were obtained under the specified conditions:

(1) S1 Open S2 Closed : A1 0 A, V1 4.5V , V2 1.5V , A2 1A

(2) S1 Closed S2 Open : A1 4 A, V1 6V , V2 6V , A2 0A

24. The Z - parameter matrix for this network is

1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5

A. B.
4.5 1.5 1.5 4.5

1.5 4.5 4.5 1.5

C. D.
1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5

25. The h - parameter matrix for this network is

3 3 3 1
A. B.
1 0.67 3 0.67

3 3 3 1
C. D.
1 0.67 3 0.67

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

26. An RC circuit is charged by a voltage E . After a long time, the battery is removed and
a short circuit is placed across R C . Then

A. The polarity of voltage across R is the same during discharge and

during charge
B. The polarity of voltage across R during discharge is opposite to
during charge
C. The polarity of voltage across R depends on time constant RC
D. None of the above

27. Consider the following statements

I. Transfer impedance is the reciprocal of transfer admittance
II. One can derive transfer impedance of a network if its driving point impedance and
admittance are known.
III. Driving point impedance is the ratio of the Laplace transform of voltage and current
functions at the input port.
Of these statements,
A. I, II, and III are correct
B. I and II are correct
C. II and III are correct
D. III alone is correct

28. A square pulse of 3 volts amplitude is applied to C R circuit show in figure. The
capacitor is initially uncharged. The output voltage V2 at time t 2 sec is

0.1 F


V1 1k V2


(1) (2)

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A. 3V B. 3V

C. 4V D. 4V

29. The rage of k for the following polynomial in s to be Hurwitz

P(s) s 3 3s 2 2s k

A. s 0 s 6 B. s 0

C. 0 s 6 D. s 6

30. Zeros in the right half of s- plae are possible only for

A. Driving point impedance functions.

B. Driving point admittance functions.
C. Driving point impedance and admittance functions.
D. Transfer functions.

31. If F1(s ) and F2 (s ) are positive real, then which of the following are positive real?

A. 1 1 B. F1(s ) F2 (s )
F1(s ) F2 (s )

C. F1 (s )F2 (s ) D. All of the

F1 (s ) F2 (s ) above

32. The condition on R, L, and C such that the step response y (t ) in the figure has no
oscillation is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

1 L L
A. R B. R
2 C C

L 1
C. R 2 D. R

Use the following data for questions 33 and 34

With a 10V dc connected at port A in the linear non reciprocal two port network shown
below, the following were observed:
I. 1 connected at B draws a current of 3 A
II. 2.5 connected at B draws a current of 2 A

33. With 10V DC connected at port A , the current drawn by 7 connected at port B is:

3 5
A. A B. A
7 7

C. 1A D. A

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

34. For the same network, with 6V DC connected at port A , 1 connected at port B draws
A . If 8V DC is connected to port A , the open circuit voltage at port B is

3 5
A. A B. A
7 7

C. 1A D. A

35. A 2 mH inductor with some initial current can be represented as shown below, where s
is the Laplace transform variable. The value of initial current is

A. 0.5 A B. 1.0V

C. 2.0V D. 0.0V

s2 1
36. If the driving point admittance Y (s ) , the network has

A. 1H inductor and 1F capacitor in parallel

B. 1H inductor and 1F capacitor in series

C. 1H inductor and 1 resistor in parallel

D. 1H inductor and 1 resistor in series

s 2 2s 6
37. The driving point impedance of a network is Z (s ) . The number of energy
s(s 3)
storing elements in the network is

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam

A. 1 B. 2

C. 3 D. 4

38. If the driving point impedance Z (s ) has a pole at the origin, the realization leads to

A. A resistance in series
B. An inductance in series
C. A capacitance in series
D. A resistance and capacitance in series

39. The network function Z (s ) has a pole at infinity if,

A. The degree of numerator and denominator of Z (s ) are equal

B. The numerator of Z (s ) is one degree higher than denominator
C. The denominator of Z (s ) is one degree higher than numerator
D. The degree of numerator and denominator are either equal or differ
by one

40. Superposition theorem is only applied

A. Resistive elements
B. Passive elements
C. Nonlinear elements
D. Linear and bilateral elements

41. The differential equation for the current i(t ) in the circuit of figure below

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Network analysis and synthesis Model Exit Exam


i(t) 2


d 2i(t ) di(t )
2 2 i(t ) sin(t )
A. dt 2 dt

d 2i(t ) di(t )
2 2i(t ) cos(t )
B. dt 2 dt

d 2i(t ) di(t )
2 2 i(t ) cos(t )
C. dt 2 dt

d 2i(t ) di(t )
2 2i(t ) sin(t )
D. dt 2 dt

42. Figure below shows a pole zero plot of I (s ) . The likely current response in time domain

A. i(t ) 1 3t B. 1 2t
e e i(t ) e 2e

C. i(t ) 1 2t D. i(t ) 1 4t
e e e e

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43. A system has transfer function . The DC gain is:
(s 1)(s 2)

A. 1 B. 2

C. 5 D. 10

44. In a linear bilateral passive element two port network which of the following holds for z

A. z11 z 22 B. z12z 22 z11z 22

C. z11z12 z 21z 22 D. z12 z 21

45. If the ratio p(s ) / q(s ) represents a transfer function then

A. The degree of p(s ) may be as small as zero, independent of degree

of q (s )
B. The degree of p(s ) and q (s ) must be equal
C. The degrees of p(s ) and q (s ) must not be equal
D. the degrees p(s ) and p(s ) must differ by at least two

46. For an RC driving point impedance function, the poles and zeros

A. Should alternate on real axis

B. Should alternate only on negative real axis
C. Should alternate on imaginary axis
none of the above

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47. In an RC impedance function

A. The highest critical frequency is a pole

B. The highest critical frequency is a zero
C. The highest critical frequency is a pole or zero
D. The highest critical frequency is a pole at s = 0

48. Which one of the following functions is RC driving point impedance?

s(s 3)(s 4) (s 3)(s 4)

A. (s 1)(s 2) B. (s 1)(s 2)

(s 2)(s 4)
(s 3)(s 4) D. (s 1)(s 3)
C. s(s 1)(s 2)

49. Given the following polynomials in s

P(s) s 4 s 3 2s 2 4s 3
Q(s) s4 2s 3 s

A. Both P(s) and Q(s) are Hurwitz

B. Both P(s) and Q(s) are non-Hurwitz
C. P(s) is Hurwitz but Q(s) is non-Hurwitz
D. P(s) is non-Hurwitz but Q(s) is Hurwitz

50. A two-port network is symmetrical if

A. z11z12 z12z 21 1 B. AD BC 1

C. h h h12h21 1 D. y y y12y21 1
11 22 11 22

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