Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the Problem

This study determines the level of computer literacy and its effect on the academic

performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students of Kapitan Eddie T. Reyes Integrated

School. Specific questions that the researchers aim to answer include the following:

1. What is the statistic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 gender;

1.2 track and strand

2. What is the level of computer literacy of the respondents in terms of:

2.1 use of Microsoft office

2.2 Knowledge about software

3. What is the effect of computer literacy in terms of:

3.1 Academic performance

4. Is there a significant relationship between the respondent’s computer literacy

and the academic performance?


We appreciate your participation and assistance in completing this questionnaire. We'd

want to learn more about your computer expertise, knowledge, and skills. Individual students

will not be identifiable in any report or publication as a result of your comments. Please answer

all questions as completely as possible.

Q.1 Gender

Male Female

Q.2 Track or Strand


Q.3 How knowledgeable you are in using software’s (Word, Excel, etc)?

Q.4 Knowledge about software? (Rate 1 – 10)

Q.5 The effect of computer software’s on your academic performance?

Q.6 How would you rate your computer literacy? (Rate 1 – 10)

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