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Why criminal check is important before hiring.

Criminal check:
It is the vital element of effective selection process in which the employer checks criminal
history of the candidates before hiring them. it may include: traffic offences, misdemeanors,
felonies etc. Criminal check holds grave important because it helps to screen out the candidates
which could be potential threat to the safety and progress of the institute. The global employment
screening service worth $4.06 billion in 2018 and it is estimated that it will worth $7.46 billion
by 2026. There are several vital reasons which make criminal check an important element of the
effective selection process such as;
workplace safety:
process of criminal check before hiring helps in maintaining the safety of workplace. It is the
responsibility of the employer to look for the criminal record in the selection process because a
candidate with criminal record is potential threat to the safety of the colleague employees,
visitors and customers. It includes checking of the violent criminal history, psychological issues,
temper issues etc. safety of the workplace is the basic necessity of any institute to keep a friendly
environment both for the employees and the customers but a person with criminal history can
disturb this balance which in turn will affect the progress of the institute and business.
trust and integrity:
criminal check shows its importance in the pre-employment screening because it helps in
building a trustworthy team. Team work is really important element in progress and company
can relay on the people with good and trustworthy behaviour. Criminal check is a compulsory
step in selection process because it will help the employer to screen out candidates who cannot
be trusted because of their criminal record. Such people can damage employee-customer relation,
bring down morale of the team and can pose a grave threat to the integrity and reputation of the
Threat of corruption:
Most of the business is in the hands of the employees, they keep a check and make sure that the
business runs smoothly. a candidate with criminal record of robbery, embezzlement etc. can
always be threat to the business, for instance, work theft, wasting the resources etc. It makes it
vital to check the criminal record because candidates with such nature of criminal history can be
involved in corruption and embezzlement which will not only cause economic loss but will cause
serious damage to the image and discipline of the institute.
Lower the risk of lawsuit:
Employers have the constitutional right to check the criminal record of the candidates in the pre-
employment selection. They must be reasonably careful in selecting candidates which may
present threat to the public. This makes the company responsible for any mishap from the side of
employees. For instance, if an employee is found scamming people, then the company will be
held responsible for that mishap. Criminal check before the selection lowers the risk of selecting
candidates which can hold the institute responsible due to the irresponsibility of the candidate.
Criminal check helps to filter out the candidates with criminal history of this nature which can
also save business from economic loss and lawsuits.
Increase the productivity:
The main concern of any institute and business is productivity and progress in their respective
field. The employers are responsible for selecting candidates which qualities which can help the
business to boost their progress and development. A good team helps the institute to achieve its
goals and increase the audience. One of the key elements is maintaining a friendly environment
and building a trust relation with the customers and the visitors. Criminal check helps to identify
any criminal record which can be hindrance in achieving the institute’s goal and progress. It
helps the employer to filter out candidates which can not be trusted and their criminal behaviour
can be a potential threat to the reputation and productivity of the institute.
Association with terrorist organizations:
Criminal check becomes necessary in pre-employment process because it aids the employer to
avoid selecting people who have some association with terrorist association. Such candidate is
not only a potential threat to the institute but to the public as well. They usually have psychic
issues which makes it hard for the colleague employees to work in team and their violent
behaviour can pose threat to the safety of the work place, employees and the customers.
Furthermore, such people use different platforms for their terrorist activities which can hold the
institute responsible in court.
criminal check is a chief element in the contemporary effective pre-employment selection
process. Employers are responsible for selecting potential candidates who can help the institute
to achieve its goals. These candidates are responsible for maintaining a friendly environment and
comply with the rules and regulation. Criminal check is important to screen out the candidates
with could pose potential threat to the progress and development of the institute due to their
criminal history and behaviour.

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