7.5 Podcast

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Make a Podcast
2 You will learn …

 how to plan a podcast by creating an outline and script

 how to record digital audio using computer
 how to edit and improve digital audio recordings using DAW software
 how to use feedback to improve podcast

Learning outcome: create digital media; improve digital media for an

3 What is podcast

 A podcast is a sound recording

similar to a radio programme.
 A podcast is shared over the world
wide web.
 Podcasts are usually made as a
series of episodes.
 They can be pusblished daily, weekly
or monthly.
 https://podcasts.google.com/
4 How to use podcast ?

 can download a podcast file to the device or stream it from a podcast

hosting service.
 can record and share podcasts
 just need access to recording equipment and the internet
6 Making and sharing a podcast

 audio editor/digital audio workstation (DAW) for recording

 record speech and music separately – edit – combine

How to plan a podcast

1. aim - purpose
 things to know/understand after listening
2. objective
 things needed to tell listeners to achieve aim
3. constraints
 time limit to focus most important content
7 Options for presenting content

 Presentation style
 solo presentation
 co-hosting
 interview
 Location
 In the studio/ on location
 Mood
 formal and informative
 informal and entertaining
8 Plan your recording

 podcast should have a structure

 need to carefully plan the order of the different parts of the podcast
 parts of a show = segments

Make an outline plan

 Intro – who you are/ what the show is about
 Jingle (or sting) – short piece of music to help people recognise and
remember the podcast
 Topic segments – one/more segments to cover the subjects.
- segments can have different types of content such as an
interview or solo presentation
 Outro – short summary
 Closing remarks – thank the audience, encourage to listen next
Write a script
 podcasts – informal , conversational
 but useful to write a script
 script – include some/all of the exact words to say
– write like speaking, use short sentences, avoid jargon

in outline plan,
 where do you want to use music in your podcast?
 what kind of mood are you trying to create?
12 How is sound captured digitally?
13 Digital Audio Format
14 How to use computer to record sound?
15 Recording software

 simple voice recorder – record and play back one track of audio
 In podcast,
 > one track
 each track contain pieces of audio (clips)
 arrange and mix the tracks together to create final audio project (multi-
16 DAW software

 DAW – Digital Audio Workstation

 audio-editing apps - Audacity, WavePad, Ocenaudio, Wavosaur
- GarageBand (iOS)
 Eg./ https://www.audacityteam.org/download/
20 Steps to record a podcast

 set up recording equipment in a quiet place with very little background

 decide how the segments will be recorded
 each segment on a separate track
 all segments on one track then separate them for editing later
 practise
 record

Trim tracks

Edit audio
in a track
25 Move audio in a track

Add a jingle
27 Adding effects to audio tracks
29 Apply the efffects
30 Mixing

 find the right balance between the volume levels of the different parts of
the project: speech, music and sound effects
Export project to a sound file

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