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From then onwards, all sporting events would have

The battle under to serve the interests of the state. These would once again
include speeches, marches, and the anthem. One example is
the first Taiwan Provincial Sports Games track and field

the Olympic Flame

competition held at Taiwan University in 1946, the speech
started by trying to make the citizens of Taiwan Believe in
themselves once again, the speech was done by Chiang Kai
Shek president and Madam Sung. Just before that, the
How have sports become such an official KMT publications called for people to seek
“reeducation, for their minds had been polluted and had
important part of a Taiwanese been coerced to receive twisted thoughts” (New Taiwan
Monthly, 1946: 1-3) Overall this situation highlights how
identity? the KMT manipulated the sport that all loved, baseball, into
a tool which helped them to spread their ideology and
The way the Japanese used sports to implement ideology, later In 1949 the People’s Republic of China (PRC), for
on used by the KMT to spread propaganda, and now a beacon the first time entered back into the Olympic Games family
of hope.
and competed in the Los Angeles Games in 1984. This was
the first time when the “Two Chinas” issue emerged for the
By: Bartol Hosi first time. At the time Taiwan was competing with the
Republic of China (ROC), as named by the first KMT
leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The conflict continued into the arena

of the games, as both were claiming to be the sole
representative of China. From then onwards it was a back-
Sports are not just a topic that is widely discussed
and-forth fight between who has the right to what name,
amongst families, but it is a tool used to spread political
flag, anthem, etc, but especially which country each team
views and propaganda. In many countries, talks about sports
are more commonly excepted than talking about politics, yet
As the cultural revolution happened in China, much
politicians love when they are at the center of attention. The
respect for the sporting system started to change and was
same can be said for Taiwan, and its issues with an “identity
much less appreciated. When athletes quit, equipment was
crisis”, where most people do not know where they belong,
or what is their identity. With mixed debates about these
issues, however, one thing can be said for sure, and that is, Hsu at Rio, weightlifting. Photo Credit: CNN Photo
that throughout history sports were often a way to
implement a certain identity by the government, or nations.
sense of ethnic belonging. With the Japanese invasion in intellectuals, Japan irrefutably represented the modern, as
It all started when the Japanese invaded Taiwan,
1895, the sports curriculum was drastically changed and compared to the colonizing West”. However soon after
and implemented many of their ways of education into
was used to implement the Japanese identity amongst young other sports gained popularity, such as football, swimming,
Taiwan’s schooling system. Before the Japanese, Taiwan
Taiwanese individuals. Marking the first time that sports basketball, etc, but one stood out of all of them, which was
had minimal contact with modern ideas and movements. At
were actively systematically promoted in Taiwan. So how baseball. The sport kept on being the people’s favorite even
the time, Taiwan could have been considered an ideal
come sports could be used in a way to promote political after the Second World War. However, the Japanese-like
colony, as stated by John King Fairbank (1989), who
views, and to spread the acceptance of the Japanese sports curriculum had less to do with implementing the
mentioned that Taiwan residents did not possess a clear
occupation? Japanese identity, and more to make Taiwanese become
loyal, obedient, industrious Japanese subjects.
John King Fairbank (1989) focused on Sports had a similar purpose in the following years
as well, however this time not for Japan, but for the KMT
how, in the late nineteenth century, (Chinese Nationalist Party). Originally KMT wanted to take
Taiwan was an ideal colony, in that its the sport over (Lin Chi-wen, 1995). However ended up
trying to utilize it the same way that the Japanese did, hence
residents did not possess a clear sense of decided to streamline the sport instead, therefore creating
ethnic belongingness. the National Baseball Ass ociation, which was made to
oversee the process. With the introduction of martial law in
Sports meetings in schools were often regarded as 1947, Taiwanese speech, publication, religious faith,
important events, and at these events the Japanese flag was gatherings, and so forth were banned and highly restricted,
raised, accompanied by the national anthem of Japan. At however, sports became the main way of spreading Taiwan participating in the Winter Games in Beijing, as Chinese Taipei.
propaganda by the KMT. Photo Credits: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times
larger-scale sporting events, military marches were done to
showcase the new uniforms and regimented sporting
formations. All of this was done to promote the obedience destroyed, and many sports collages closed, however, this
of Taiwanese citizens to the Japanese nation. More “You have now returned to the embrace began to change as China, for the first time went abroad for
traditional sports from Japan were also being introduced to the competition. They went to Scandinavian Open
the Taiwanese society, such as judo, fencing, sumo of your motherland, and have become the Championship in Sweden in 1970 for table tennis. This thus
Sketch of children participating in school sporting curriculums in Taiwan during
wrestling, and archery, which were implemented into the owners of the Republic of China.” increased China's interest in sports worldwide, and hence
students' sporting curriculum, to further promote the the issue of “two Chinas”, was once again brought into
the Japanese invasion.
Photo Credit: Edited by Kimura Jiro, Sketch Recollections on Internment Japanization movement, also known as “Kominka”.
- Chiang Kai Shek discussion.
Experiences in India: 1941.12.8-1946.5.19 (Printed Paper Collection), without The question was how it could work out, as
page number, picture 131.
As Ching notes (2001: 29), “Regardless of Japan’s
ambivalent relationship to the West, for the Taiwanese obviously “Two Chinas” or “One China, One Taiwan” was
Chinese Taipei Flag flying higher then the Chinese flag at July 13th 2021
Photo Credit: CNA Photo

not tolerated. At this moment, Japan, the betrayed or second place. My goal is to showcase Taiwan on
lover, betrayed Taiwan, stating how they believe the international stage. When Taiwan is seen around
that China should be welcomed, and Taiwan the world, it is a wonderful feeling for me.”
expelled. However, in the end, a common ground The popularity of changing the name from
was set, which both PRC and ROC can accept. So Chinese Taipei has gone so far with the hashtag on
in the end, Taiwan can go to the Olympics under the social media #TeamTaiwan, which many athletes
name Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee, with a use in their posts and tweets. One post by President
different flag and anthem. Hence the creation of the Tsai Ing-wen said, “Taiwan was standing on the
Olympic flag for Taiwan in 1979. world stage, and we all shared a feeling of pride.”
Which China immediately felt was a threat and
responded in an instant. Even though there was no
“We are Taiwanese. It is our name” mention of her desire of changing the name, China
took offense and responded. “Using dirty tricks to
- Chi Cheng scheme toward ‘independence’ during sporting
events is a dead end,” Saying how they believe that
the post was a sneaky way of implementing this
In the present, although the Chinese are ideology, and stating how there is no way that this
satisfied with the name “Chinese Taipei”, many would in any way happen. Later adding that it was
Taiwanese believe that it is unjust and dishonest, as agreed upon with IOC (International Olympic
the only reason for its creation was due to pressure Committee), hence it would be pointless to try to
from China. This then misrepresents many of the change it.
Taiwanese athletes, as it doesn’t represent their
identity, background, or hometown. Furthermore, in
the name, the capital of Taiwan is mentioned, “Using dirty tricks to scheme toward
Taipei, yet many of the athletes that compete in ‘independence’ during sporting
these global rounds tend to not be located in the
capital, yet were raised by struggling families from events is a dead end,”
the south. Research carried out by a Thinktank in - China’s Taiwan Affairs Office
December of 2020, gathered how 80% of athletes
that compete in the national rounds identify as In Taiwan as in many other countries,
Taiwanese, with only 8.7% of people who identify sports were often a way to spread ideology and
as Chinese. Many do choose to not bring it up, but were used strategically to manifest ideas and
for those who shout, voices echo. ideology into the minds of the citizens. In Taiwan, it
The Olympic medalist Chi Cheng (紀政), confused the locals in terms of their socio-cultural
was not scared to raise her voice about the identity. Being used to the extreme of spreading
mistreatment of Taiwan when it comes to the global ideology during the invasion of the Japanese, later
scale. Who spoke on many occasions, fighting for on, used to spread propaganda by the KMT.
the rights of Taiwanese athletes. “We are However the constant debate about Taiwan’s
Taiwanese. It is our name,” Even more popular identity and sense of belonging has gone on till
athletes in the 20th century also tend to promote today, but many brave souls try to use the few
Taiwan as a country on its own, one example would minutes that they have on the national stage, at
sporting events, to spread the idea of Taiwan being
be the badminton gold-medalist Tai Tzu-Ying (戴資 an independent country. Strong enough to stand on
穎) always returns to her hometown of Kaohsiung. its own. International sporting events are rarely just
In 2017, after the championship, she mentioned about the medals, but it is one of the most visible
how her goal it to show the world the beauty of the expressions of nationalism.
island of Formosa. “It is not just about winning first

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