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Get You Going Car Towing Nov 21, 2022

Cars break down and are left in the When a person's car breaks down, Doesn't matter who broke it- We Due to having close relationships
middle of the road. they will be able to call a number can tow it. with the head of the port
Traffic is normally bad and caused that will dispatch a tow truck to Big or small- We can handle the authority, getting vehicles through
by broken down cars the area. haul! customs would be a breeze.
There are no available tow There will be an app for people to Eliminate the stress, no matter the
services in the country. use, sort of like Waze, to report mess- get a tow truck or car parts
broken down cars. Once reported, in 30 minutes or less
dispatch will send a tow truck to
come pick up the car clear it out of
the road.
Being the first actual tow
company, we marketing would be
simple. We could then franchise
out the company to other parts of
the the city/ country.

at least 250,000$ per year for the

first three years

People will typically leave their car, Its like Superman coming to the
hop in a taxi and return later with the rescue, but we are here to save
required parts to fix the issue. your car.
People normally will work on the car
where it is broken down.
Depending on where the car is
broken down, people will push the
car to a more convenient location.

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