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As I grew older learning about history, I realize that many of us often overlooked or unappreciated

history by many others, However, my personal experience with studying history has taught me that it is
an essential field of study that offers valuable insight into the world we live in today, In this this
reflective essay, I will share my thoughts and opinion studying the history and my thoughts on the
relevance studying the history. Initially, I knew quite a bit about history but I didn't know much of it and
its importance of it to us and how history shaped the world we live in today. As I grew older, I began to
realize the importance of history and I became more fascinated by the stories of the past and its
complexity it, studying history has taught me many valuable lesson and appreciation on to what they
have done to our country, to have our own independence and freedom without them we don't have any
of this what we are having right now. I guess one of the most significant lesson is the impact of the past
on the present and gain a better understanding of the world around us, history also allows us to
recognize patterns of human behavior which can help us to be informed about the decision we make
and the decision we make in the future, Moreover, studying history has helped me appreciate the
diversity of human experience and cultures by learning about different cultures and historical events..
Reflecting on the relevance of studying history I have come to appreciate the things that the people in
the past have done, the importance of studying and learning from past mistakes, history provide us with
important and valuable lesson that we can use to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future , by
understanding our past we can develop a sense of pride in our culture, religion and heritage, In
conclusion, studying history has been transformative experience for me it has taught me valuable lesson
about how the world evolve or change over the past years and to the world we live in today and helped
me develop a deeper appreciation to the people fought for our country and the complexity of the past,
the relevance of studying the history cannot be overestimated or unappreciated the essential of it had a
great impact on us today

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