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Delhi Public School, Udaipur

Periodic Test -I
Subject- English
Time: 1 Hr. MM 20
Q1. Read the following passage carefully :-
Proper food is the basic requirement of health. Health does not mean the
absence of diseases, it rather means the presence of energy and vitality. Most
of the food we eat daily does not contain essential nutrients needed for the
preservation of health and preservation of diseases. There are various kinds
of foods. Protective foods are essential for prevention of diseases and are
needed both by the healthy and the sick. They are rich in proteins , vitamins
and minerals. Energy giving foods are rich in carbohydrates and are needed
by those who are engaged in hard physical labour. Body building foods are
rich in proteins. Diet of growing children , adolescents and nursing mothers
should contain sufficient quantity of protein for growth, repair and
maintenance of body tissues.
1. Choose and write the correct option of the following questions :- (1x4=4)
Q.(i) Health means presence of _______
(a) disease.
(b) nutrition.
(c) energy.
(d) protection.
Q(ii) Body building food are rich in _____ .
(c) vitamins
(d) proteins
Q(iii) Those who do hard physical labour must be given ________.
(a) proteins
(b) fats
(c) carbohydrates
(d) vitamins
Q(iv) Which word in the passage means the same as 'of growing youth '?
(a) Children growing
(b) Adolescents
(c) Children
(d) Grown ups
Q2) Rewrite these sentences changing the underlined nouns to their opposite
gender : (½ x 4=2)
i) The __lion__ roared.
ii) Fox is a clever animal.
iii) The bride was planning for a long drive.
iv) People could not see the widow crying.
Q3) Write the gender of the underlined nouns : (½ x 4=2)
i) The child was sitting on a chair.
ii) His niece had a dog .
Q 4) Write the plural form of the following words : (½ x 4=2)
i) Leaf
ii) Army
iii) Ox
iv) P
Q 5) Write the singular form of the following words: (½ x 4=2)
iii) Children
Q.(6) Reference to the context: (1x3=3)
What is a house?
It's brick and stone
and wood that's hard.
Some window glass
and perhaps a yard.
(i)Write the name of the poem and the poet of the above given lines.
(ii)What is a house made of ?
(iii) Which word from the above stanza means the same as ' garden or corridor outside
the house'?
Q7) Answer the following questions in short :- . (1 x 3=3)
i) What was Patrick's wish?
ii) What is a home made of ?
iii) Name the games which Patrick liked to play.

Q8) Answer the following questions in detail : (2x1= 2 )
(i) Who do you think did Patrick's homework - the little man or Patrick himself ?
Give reason for your answer.


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