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Code Title
ECTS/Credits Language
6/4 English

1. Hydraulic machines; 2. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics and heat transfer
3. Fundamentals of electrical techniques; 4. Power supply systems
Attending modality

Workload distribution
Total hours per module
(1 ECTS = 25 workload hours)
Teaching in Tutorial Laboratory Homework Project Work Final exam
50 hours 3 hours 12 hours 88 hours 0 2 hours

Specific teaching Objectives of the course

Understanding the basic concept of wind and solar energy technologies and application
Understanding the underlying principles of wind turbine operation including turbine sitting, grid
integration, and economics.

Main topics
Chapter 1: Wind energy resources: theory, history and applications (5 hours)
1.1 Wind sources (1 hour)
1.2 Power in the wind – Betz limit (2 hours)
1.3 Wind turbines and applications (2 hours)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 2: Wind turbine systems:, structure and dynamic model (5 hours)
2.1 Turbines types and components (2 hours)
2.2 Dynamic model of the wind turbine system (3 hours)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 3: Technologies and methods used in wind resource assessment (4 hours)
3.1 Wind resource assessment (2 hours)
3.2 Characteristics of the site (2 hours)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 4: Laboratory activities (6 hours)
Chapter 5: Economic analysis of wind systems (5 hours)
5.1 Economic sustainability of wind systems (2 hours)
5.2 Methods Analysis (2 hours)

“This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication
[communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held
responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
5.3 National Potential (wind maps, distribution and future goals) (1 hour)
Case study and home works (8 hours)
Chapter 6: Line side converters in wind power applications (4 hours)
6.1 Line side converters (2 hours)
6.2 Control techniques (2 hours)
Examples and home works (8 hours)
Chapter 7: Off-shore and environmental issues (4 hours)
7.1 Off shore systems (1 hour)
7.2 On-shore vs Off shore (2 hours)
7.3 Environmental Impacts (1 hour)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 8: Introduction on photovoltaic systems (4 hours)
8.1 Solar Potential and diagram (2 hours)
8.2 Characteristic angles and shadow (1 hours)
8.3 Overview on Photovoltaic system (1 hour)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 9: Electricity generation with solar source (4 hours)
9.1 Photovoltaic conversion (2 hours)
9.2 Electrical curves (2 hours)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 10: The photovoltaic module (7 hours)
10.1 Photovoltaic circuitry connection (1 hour)
10.2 PV modules (2.5 hours)
10.3 Inverters (1.5 hours)
10.4 Energy Storage (1 hour)
10.5 Charge controllers (1 hour)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 11: Stand-alone system (3 hours)
11.1 System analysis and design (3 hours)
Home works (8 hours)
Chapter 12: Laboratory activities (6 hours)
Chapter 13: Grid-connected systems (5 hours)
13.1 Grid-tied PV economic feasibility (2 hours)
13.2 Grid-interconnection issues (1 hour)
13.3 Grid-connected system design (2 hours)
Home works (8 hours)

Course description
This course gives students the basic knowledge of two of the various renewable energy based
generation technologies and application: wind and solar energy.
Section 1 provides a general overview of the wind power technology and application, in which the
classification of wind turbines is described in detail with the fundamentals of wind power systems, their
design aspects, the modelling methods of the wind phenomenon and turbine mechanical system, and
the wake effect from wind turbines on overhead lines.
Section 2 is on the extensive experiments for the subject of solar energy, a complete solution for
physics and chemistry lessons. The lessons form a complete solar-hydrogen energy conversion chain
and can be flexibly combines with one another.

ERASMUS Plus Programme – ECO RED Project number: 561571-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Methodology applied in laboratory activities and project work
 Pre-lab: consists of tests and questions carried out previously that are related to the
 In lab: consists of development, in groups, of experimental activities
 Post-lab: consists of data acquisition interpretation, hypothesis testing, drawing conclusions
and make decisions

The final grade of the student depends on the following metrics:
1. 5% homework assignment
2. 10% class attendance
3. 15% middle term exam
4. 70% final exam

Recommended literature
[1] Bube, R.H., 1998. Photovoltaic Materials. Imperial College Press, London, UK.
[2] Hansen, M.O.L., 2008. Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines, 2nd ed. Earthscan, London, UK.
[3] Hau, E., 2013. Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics, 3rd ed.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
[4] Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J.G., Rogers, A.L., 2009. Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and
Application, 2nd ed. Wiley, UK.
[5] Luque, A., Hegedus, S. (Eds.), 2003. Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, 1st ed.
Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
[6] Nelson, J., 2003. The Physics of Solar Cells. Imperial College Press, London, UK.
[7] Ngoc, N., 2013. Wind Power and Windmills. Bach Khoa Publishing House, Hanoi, Vietnam (in
[8] Wenham, S.R., Green, M.A., Watt, M.E., Corkish, R. (Eds.), 2006. Applied Photovoltaics, 2nd ed.
Routledge, London; Sterling, VA.

ERASMUS Plus Programme – ECO RED Project number: 561571-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

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