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Berto is big and strong.
He eats good breakfast before he goes to school.
He drinks milk.
He eats vegetables, too.
He plays in the yard.
These things help Berto become big and strong.

1. Who is the boy in the yard?
a. Tito b. Berto c.Lito
2. Which one tells about him?
a. He is big and strong.
b. He is small and thin.
c. He is lazy.
3. What does Berto eat before he goes to school?
a. A good dinner.
b. A good breakfast.
c. A good supper.
4. What other things make Berto big and strong?
a. Milk and vegetables.
b. Coffee and candy.
c. Milk and coffee.
5. Where does Berto play?
a. In the house.
b. In the yard.
c. Under the sun.

The bees live in a big family. There are many bees in the family. We cannot
count them. The bee family is called a swarm. The swarm lives in the hive. The hive
hangs on the tree. Each swarm has a mother bee. She is called the queen bee. She
is the mother of all the bees in the swarm. There are two kinds of bees. The busy
bees are called workers. The lazy bees are called drones. The workers do not like
the drones. They sting the lazy drones. The workers gather nectar from flowers.
They put the nectar in the hive. The bees make the nectar into honey. Honey is
sweet. It is the food of the young bees.

1. Which word tells about the bee family?
a. Big
b. Happy
c. Little
2. How many bees are in the family?
a. Few bees
b. 100 bees
c. we cannot count
3. What is a bee family called?
a. hive
b. swarm
c. workers
4. What is the house of the bees called?
a. Pen
b. Nest
c. Hive
5. Who is the mother of all bees?
a. Worker
b. Drone
c. Queen bee


It was Saturday.
Andrea, Anita and Ben were at home.
“Father and I are going to the city,” Mother said. “We shall come home this
afternoon. What will you do in the house?”
“I shall clean the living room,” said Anita.
“I shall clean the yard,” said Andrea.
Ben was quiet. He wanted to swim in the river.
“Ben will clean the garden,” Father said. “I will take you all to the carnival
tonight. But you must help in the house today.”
Andrea and Anita finished their work. Ben swam in the river. He forgot his
work in the garden.
In the evening, Father took Andrea and Anita to the carnival.
“Ben will not go to the carnival. He was not helpful today,” said Father.

1. Why were the children at home?
a. It was holiday
b. It was Sunday
c. It was Saturday
2. Where were Father and Mother going?
a. To the city
b. To the farm
c. To the show
3. When were they coming back?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the evening
4. What did Anita do?
a. Cleaned the kitchen
b. Cleaned the bedroom
c. Cleaned the living room
5. What did Andrea clean?
a. Yard
b. Kitchen
c. Living room

Lino went with Mother to market. They bought some vegetables. Mother said,
“I was able to buy only some with my money. Vegetables cost much now.”
Lino was very sorry for Mother. They did not have much money. So, he said,
“Let’s plant vegetables in our backyard. Then we will not have to buy them in the
So, Lino planted three plots of tomatoes, two plots of eggplants and a plot of
pechay. He had some amargoso climbing on the bamboo fence. Lino worked on his
garden after class every afternoon. He grew more vegetables than they could eat.
Mother sold some in the market.

1. Where did Mother and Lino go?
a. Church
b. School
c. Market
2. What did they buy?
a. Fish
b. Meat
c. Vegetables
3. Where did Lino plant vegetables?
a. In school
b. On the backyard
c. On the farm
4. How many plots of tomatoes did he plant?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
5. What vegetables were climbing on the fence?
a. Beans
b. Squash
c. Amargoso

June 11, 2022

Attention: Girl Scouts

All Girl Scouts must join in the Independence Day parade tomorrow
afternoon. Come in full Girl Scout uniform. The parade will start at 2:00 in the
afternoon from our school and end at the Luneta. Let us all meet at 1:00 in front of
our school. Please come on time.

Miss Tan
Girl Scout Leader

1. For whom was the notice written?
a. For the Girl Scouts
b. For the Boy Scouts
c. For the Cub Scouts
2. When was the notice written?
a. June 11, 2022
b. July 3, 2022
c. July 4, 2022
3. When is Independence Day?
a. July 2
b. July 12
c. June 12
4. What were the Girl Scouts told to do so?
a. Join the parade
b. Watch the parade
c. Attend a meeting
5. What will the girls wear?
a. Any dress
b. School uniform
c. Girl Scout uniform

“Let us fly our kites,” said Cielo.
“It is good to fly kites now. The wind will help us fly our kites.” The boys
made their kites fly. They had blue kites, red kites, green kites and yellow kites.
Their kites went up, up in the sky. They looked like birds up in the sky.

1. Who asked the boy to fly kites?
a. Cielo
b. Celso
c. Cenon
2. What helped them fly kites?
a. Wind
b. Rain
c. Clouds
3. What are the colors of the kites?
a. White, black, orange
b. Green, white, yellow
c. Blue, red, green, yellow
4. Where did the kites fly?
a. Up in the sky
b. Up on the trees
c. Up on the houses
5. What did the kites look like?
a. Birds
b. Clouds
c. Sheep


Long time ago, there was a farmer who had a wide corn field. He grew big
and sweet corn. One day, he saw some of his corn gone. Many corn plants had no
more fruits. He wanted to catch whoever stole his corn.
The next day, he hid behind a big mango tree. He carried a stick. He watched
and watched until he saw a man coming. The man passed through a broken part of
the fence. The man began to pick some corn.
The farmer went from behind the mango tree and walked towards the man.
The farmer ran after him but he could not watch with him. Then he threw the stick
at the man. The stick hit the man’s back and became a tail.
The man went up the three. He became smaller and smaller until he became
a monkey.

1. When did the story happen?
a. Last year
b. A few years ago
c. A long time ago
2. What did the farmer have?
a. A rice fields
b. A corn fields
c. A camote fields
3. What words tell about his corn?
a. Big and sweet
b. Small and sweet
c. Sweet and yellow
4. What happened to his corn?
a. Were stolen
b. Destroyed by insects
c. Destroyed by the wind
5. Where did the farmer hide one day?
a. Up a mango tree
b. Behind the guava tree
c. Behind the mango tree

It was a rainy day. The children could not go out to play. So, Lucy, Zeny and
Perla stayed in the house.
Let us cut our paper fruits for our store, said Lucy.
So, the girls got their paper, scissors and crayons. Lucy cut out 5 apples. She
colored them red. Zeny cut out 6 mangoes. She colored them yellow. Perla cut out 4
guavas. She colored them green. Then they counted their paper fruits.
Now we have many pretty paper fruits in our store, said Perla.

1. What kind of a day was it?
a. Rainy
b. Sunny
c. Bright
2. How many girls are in the story?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
3. Where did the girls stay?
a. In school
b. In the yard
c. In the house
4. What did Lucy cut out?
a. 4 guavas
b. 5 apples
c. 6 mangoes
5. What color were the apples?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Yellow


Do you have an uncle living far away? Miriam has. His name is Max. Miriam
calls him Uncle Max. He lives in New York.
Last Christmas, Uncle Max sent Miriam a gift. It came in a heavy bag. Father
helped open the box.
Then they saw something very pretty. It was a big doll. It had round blue
eyes and a small red mouth. It had a blue lace dress and curly black hair. Miriam
called it Curly. She loved to play with it. What Miriam liked best was the way Curly
walked. Miriam would hold one of its hands and they would walk together around
the living room. Curly made Miriam happy.

1. Who is Curly?
a. A dog
b. A doll
c. A cat
2. Who gave Curly to Miriam?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Uncle
3. Where does Uncle Max live?
a. Cebu
b. Manila
c. New York
4. On what occasion was Curly given?
a. Birthday
b. Christmas
c. Graduation
5. Who helped Miriam open the box?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Uncle Max


Victor lives on a farm. He lives with his parents in a little nipa house. Victor
has an elder sister named Nora. Victor and Nora help their parents. They help take
care of their animals. They have a carabao, a horse, a goat and some chickens.
Father takes care of the horse. Victor takes care of the carabao. Mother takes care
of the chickens. Nora takes care of the goat. Their animals are all fat and healthy.
Each one takes care of his animal very well.

1. Where does Victor lives?
a. In the city
b. On a farm
c. Near the sea
2. Which word tells about their house?
a. Nipa
b. Cement
c. Wooden
3. Who is Victor’s sister?
a. Nina
b. Nora
c. Nida
4. Who is older, Victor or Nora?
a. Nora
b. Victor
c. Does not tell
5. Who takes care of the chickens?
a. Nora
b. Victor
c. Mother


At five o’clock in the afternoon, the train arrives in Naga City. The train carries
the newspapers from Manila. Alfredo, a Grade Four pupil, sells newspapers after
class in the afternoon. He sells for two hours at seven o’clock, he goes home. He has
time to study his lessons.
Alfredo earns one hundred pesos a day. He wants to give his money to
mother. But mother told him to put his money in his piggy bank. Alfredo’s parents
are not poor. They can give him the money he needs, but Alfredo wants to sell
newspapers. He wants to earn his own money.

1. Where does Alfredo live?
a. In Manila
b. In Naga City
c. On a farm
2. What time does the train arrive in Naga City?
a. Four o’clock
b. Five o’clock
c. Six o’clock
3. What carries the newspapers to Naga City?
a. A car
b. A truck
c. A train
4. Where does the newspaper come from?
a. Manila
b. Cebu City
c. Pasay City
5. What does Alfredo do?
a. Sells fruits
b. Sells candies
c. Sells newspapers

Fowls are animals. They are animals with two feet and two wings. Their
bodies covered with feathers. They give us eggs. Their meat is good to eat.
Chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese are fowls. They eat grains such as palay and
corn. Chickens like worms. They scratch in the ground to look for worms. Ducks like
to stay in the water. They are water birds so they have webbed feet. Turkeys have
beautiful feathers. The male turkey spreads its tail like a fan. Geese are good
watchers. They make loud noise when people come near. Fowls are good to raise.
Many people get rich because of poultry raising.


1. What are fowls?

a. Plant
b. Trees
c. Animals
2. How many feet do fowls have?
a. Two
b. Four
c. Many
3. What make them fly?
a. Feet
b. Wings
c. Feathers
4. Why do chickens scratch in the ground?
a. To look for fish
b. To look for water
c. To look for worms
5. Which is not grain?
a. Corn
b. Meat
c. Palay

Antonio was the eldest child. They were six children in the family. His family
was poor. His father was sick. His mother worked hard to earn money. She washed
clothes for other people.
But mother sent Antonio to school. He was in Grade four. Antonio helped
Mother earn money. He worked after classes in the afternoon. When he arrived from
school, he usually carried his box and shouted “Shine! Shine!” He earned eighty
pesos or more on school days. On Saturdays and Sundays, he earned three times as
Would you like a boy like Antonio for a friend?

1. Which word tells about Antonio’s family?
a. Rich
b. Poor
c. Wealthy
2. What happened to his father?
a. Got sick
b. Was killed
c. Went away
3. How many children were in the family?
a. Four
b. Five
c. Six
4. Which word tells about Antonio?
a. Youngest
b. Second
c. Eldest
5. Who worked hard to earn money?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Antonio

The moon was big and bright. The children played in the moonlight. They
played hide and seek. Mario hid behind the acacia tree. Andres hid behind some
bushes. Isabel hid behind a pile of hollow blocks. Rita is behind some banana plants.
Edmund looked around but he found no one. Just then, someone moved behind the
bushes. Edmund ran to see who it was and found Andres. “One, two, three!” he
said. “Now you are ‘it’ Andres”. The children played and played. How happy they

1. What time of the day was it?
a. Night
b. Morning
c. Afternoon
2. Where did the children play?
a. In the rain
b. In the sunshine
c. In the moonlight
3. What game did the children play?
a. Hide and seek
b. Jump the spine
c. Cat and mouse
4. Who was the first it?
a. Mario
b. Andres
c. Edmund
5. How did the children feel?
a. Tired
b. Happy
c. Sleepy

One morning, Miss Luna said to her grade three class. I got a letter from
Teresa’s mother. Teresa cannot come to school. She is sick. The doctor told her to
stay in bed for a few days. What shall we do for Teresa?
Let us visit her this afternoon, said Linda.
Yes, let us visit her, said the other children.
That afternoon, the children went to visit Teresa. The girls bought her some
fruits. The boys brought her a can of biscuits. Miss Luna brought her some roses.
Teresa was sleeping when they arrived. Soon, she woke up. She was happy
to see her teacher and classmates.

1. Who is Miss Luna?
a. A nurse
b. A mother
c. A teacher
2. What did she get one morning?
a. A letter
b. A telegram
c. A newspaper
3. Who sent the letter?
a. Teresa
b. Teresa’s Mother
c. Teresa’s Father
4. What did the girls buy?
a. Roses
b. Biscuits
c. Fruits
5. What did Miss Luna buy?
a. Roses
b. Biscuits
c. Fruits

The coconut is a tall palm tree. It has no branches. The trunk is strong. It
makes a good post. We get oil from the ripe coconut milk. The young coconut meat
is good to eat. It is good for making candies and salad. Doormats are made out of
the coconut husk. The long coconut leaves are woven into baskets. Brooms are
made from the midribs of the long leaves. Coconut shells are made into buttons,
coconut shell banks, ash trays and many others. The stalk of the leaves is good for
fuel. How useful the coconut is! Every part of it can be used.

1. What word tells about the coconut tree?
a. Short
b. Tall
c. Small
2. Does the coconut tree is good for a post?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Does not tell
3. From where can we get oil?
a. From coconut husk
b. From ripe coconut milk
c. From young coconut meat
4. Which is good to eat?
a. Coconut husk
b. Coconut shell
c. Coconut meat
5. What part is made from the midribs?
a. Buttons
b. Brooms
c. Candies

The children in Grade-III had finished planting on their plots. The girls
planted peanuts. The boys planted pechay.
“We must take care of our plants,” said Mr. Alba.
“Plants have enemies. We must protect our plants from their enemies.”
“What are the enemies of plants?” the students wanted to know.
“Weeds and insects, water and animals could be enemies of plants,” said
“Weeds eat the food of plants in the soil. They outgrow the plants,” said Luis.
Insects eat the leaves, stem and roots of plants,” said Maria.
“Water drowns the plants when there is a flood, while animals sometimes
step on them,” said Julio.
“Now I know the enemies of plants,” said Elsa.

1. In what grade are the children?
a. Grade two
b. Grade three
c. Grade four
2. What had they finished?
a. Digging the soil
b. Making fence
c. Planting in their plots
3. What did the boys’ plants?
a. Corn
b. Pechay
c. Peanuts
4. What did the girls’ plants?
a. Radish
b. Pechay
c. Peanuts
5. Who wanted to know the enemies of plants?
a. Elsa
b. Romeo
c. Maria

Christmas was soon coming. The school was going to have a lantern show on
Christmas Eve.
One day, Miss Villa brought to class a beautiful lantern. “This is a Christmas
lantern,” said Miss Villa. “It is like a star. It is made of paper and bamboo. It can
hold a candle. I made lantern.”
“Let us make lanterns like that for the lantern show,” said Pedro.
“Let us make them of different colors,” Paz said.
“Mine will be orange,” said Rene.
Everyone wanted a different color. The children worked and worked. Then the
lanterns were finished. How happy the children were to see their lanterns in the
lantern show.

1. What was the school going to have?
a. A lantern show
b. A Christmas show
c. A Christmas program
2. What was the lantern look like?
a. A star
b. A moon
c. A fruit
3. What can a lantern hold?
a. A bulk
b. A lamp
c. A candle
4. When will the lantern show be?
a. On Christmas day
b. On Christmas Eve
c. On the last day of school
5. Who will make a red lantern?
a. Paz
b. Pedro
c. Rene

Nestor was not a healthy boy. He was pale and thin. His parents were worried
about him. One day, Mother took him to a doctor. The doctor examined him.
He said, “You are not sick, Nestor. But you’re not strong and healthy. You will
be strong and healthy if you follow the health rules. Do you know the health rules?”
“Yes, Doctor,” said Nestor. “I learned them in school.” But I do not follow
“It is easy to follow them,” said the doctor. At home Mother said, “What will
do to become healthy? Let’s see if you know.” Nestor said, “I will drink milk. I will
sleep ten hours every night. I will eat fruits and vegetables. I will play under the
sunshine. Then I will be healthy.”

1. Which word tells Nestor?
a. A weak boy
b. A strong boy
c. A healthy boy
2. Who were worried about him?
a. His parents
b. His sister
c. His friends
3. Who took him to a Doctor?
a. Father
b. Mother
c. Teacher
4. Who examined Nestor?
a. Mother
b. The Doctor
c. The teacher
5. How many hours will he sleep?
a. Six
b. Eight
c. Ten


Lina’s father wanted to grow strong and healthy. One day, he started a
walkathon with a group of friends. Every morning, they walked fast from their places
to the schoolhouse. Then they turned around a wide circle along the park and back
to their own places. They did this every morning when other people were still
After sometime, their small group became big when other neighbors joined
them. Their little group of six became a big group of forty members.
Lina’s father was not only one who grow strong and healthy, but his
neighbors as well.

1. What did Lina’s father want to become?
a. A walkathon member
b. Strong and healthy
c. A fast runner
2. With whom did he start a walkathon?
a. His neighbors
b. A group of friends
c. A group of parents
3. When did they have their walkathon?
a. Every other day
b. Every afternoon
c. Every morning
4. How much exercise did he have after they started the walkathon?
a. Little
b. Much
c. Enough
5. From where did they start their walk?
a. From the schoolhouse
b. From the town
c. From their own places


Most plants have bright-colored flowers. They open during the day. There are
also plants with flowers that bloom at night. Their flowers are either white or light-
colored. They smell very sweet. Some of these are the dama de noche, sampaguita
and camia.
Dama de Noche means “lady of the night”. Its little star-like flowers open at
night. They give out a sweet odor that can be smelled from a distance. By its
fragrance, you can feel that there is a dama de noche plant nearby. In the morning,
the flowers lose their fragrance.

1. When do most flowers open?
a. Daytime
b. Afternoon
c. Night
2. What kind of flowers bloom at night?
a. White or light colored
b. Bad-smelling
c. Bright-colored
3. Which of these flowers smell sweet?
a. Daisy
b. Gumamela
c. Dama de Noche
4. Which of these flowers open at night?
a. Dama De Noche
b. Bougainvilla
c. Sampaguita
5. What does dama de noche mean?
a. Lady of the night
b. Queen of the day
c. Queen of the night


Ants are interesting insects. They live in groups. White ants, for example,
have their own queen that lay eggs. The worker ants take care of the eggs. They
look for food and feed the queen and baby ants that hatch from the eggs. Soon,
these baby ants grow into worker and soldier ants.
Some ants know how to grow mushrooms inside their anthills. They use
mushroom for food. Other white ants eat dead trees and even growing ones.
White ants destroy books, furniture and even houses. To destroy white ants,
the queen should be found and killed.

1. What kind of insects are ants?
a. Funny
b. Interesting
c. Quarrelsome
2. How do ants live?
a. Alone
b. In pairs
c. In group
3. Which of the white ants lays eggs?
a. A worker ant
b. Queen ant
c. Baby ant
4. What hatch from eggs?
a. Worms
b. Kittens
c. Baby ants
5. Who take care of the eggs?
a. Slave ants
b. Soldier ants
c. Worker ants


It was Rizal Day. Mr. Santos and his two sons, Victor and Luis, rode in a taxi
to the Rizal Park. They would attend the flag raising ceremony at the Luneta that
day. It would be held in front of the Rizal monument at seven o’clock in the
It was still early but the crowd was already getting bigger. There were many
small children with their parents. They would play in the park after the ceremony.
The three took their places near the monument. When the band played the
National Anthem, everybody stood at attention. The flag went up quickly till it
reached the top of the pole. Soon the anthem was over and people began to move

1. Where did Mr. Santos and his sons go?
a. Rizal Stadium
b. Rizal Park
c. Rizal Avenue
2. Where did Mr. Santos and the boys stay?
a. Near the monument
b. Far from the monument
c. Away from the crowd
3. At what time did the ceremony began?
a. Five o’clock in the afternoon
b. Seven o’clock in the morning
c. Ten o’clock in the morning
4. What would Mr. Santos and his sons attend?
a. Flag contest
b. Flag ceremony
c. Rizal Day program
5. Where did they ride?
a. Taxi
b. Truck
c. Bus


Years and years ago, man never thought they could travel in space.
Rocketship were only for the comic books. Now, Rocketship travel in space. They
have orbited Earth and landed on moon.
Men who travel in space are called astronauts or cosmonauts. They are very
brave men. The first man to orbit our Earth in a spaceship was a Russian
cosmonaut. The man to land on the moon was an American astronaut. These men
have become international heroes.

1. In what place did man think he could not travel?
a. Around the earth
b. In the sky
c. In the space
2. Where have Rocketship orbited?
a. Around the earth
b. Around the sun
c. Around the star
3. What kind of men are astronauts?
a. Very kind
b. Very brave
c. Afraid to die
4. Who was the first to land in the moon?
a. A Russian
b. An American
c. An African
5. What is the Russian name for astronaut?
a. Pilot
b. Filer
c. Cosmonaut

Lydia saw a flash of bright light. Clap! Br-r-m-m! The sound of the thunder
rolled on. Lydia covered her ears with her hands and ran to the mother.
“What’s wrong, Lydia?” asked Mother. “You are safe in the house. The
lightning won’t hurt you here.”
“Mother, why won’t the lightning hurt me?”
“First of all, you are in the house,” explained Mother. More often, lightning
strikes people in an open space. It finds the highest place to strike. Farmers walking
alone in the field or riding on carabaos are often struck by lightning. If a farmer is
caught in a thunderstorm, he lies down on the ground and wait until it is over. He
should stay from his carabao and avoid staying under a tree.

1. What did Lydia see?
a. A flash of bright light
b. Lightning and thunder
c. Lightning the street
2. What did Lydia do?
a. Closed her eyes
b. Jumped with joy
c. Covered her ears
3. Where was Lydia?
a. In the yard
b. On the street
c. In the house
4. Was Lydia safe there?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Does not tell
5. Where does lightning often strike?
a. In a closed space
b. In an open space
c. In a crowded place


This is a true story about a very big fish. Sometime in 1968, some fishermen
were fishing in the sea not far away from Sorsogon in the Bicol Peninsula. They
caught a very big fish. It measured six feet long and 65 inches. Its weight was 200
kilos. The fish was kalatang which is the largest kinds of Lapu-lapu.
When it was being taken down from the ship at the pier in Manila, people
could not believe it was real fish. It is believed to be largest of its kind in the
Philippine water.
1. When was the fish caught?
a. 1958
b. 1968
c. 1978
2. Where is Sorsogon?
a. In Mindanao
b. In the Bicol Peninsula
c. In the Visayan Islands
3. How long was the fish?
a. Six feet long
b. Ten feet long
c. Eight feet long
4. What was the fish called?
a. Kitang
b. Talakitok
c. Kalatang
5. Is this fish a kind of Lapu-lapu?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe


Milk is almost complete food. It is good for everybody. Mother’s milk is the
best food for babies. The best animal milk that can take the place of mother’s milk is
goat milk.
In the Philippines, there is not enough fresh milk foe everyone. Fresh cow
and carabao milk in bottles and cartons can be bought now in cities and other big
towns. Imported canned milk are sold everywhere. They are mostly evaporated and
condensed milk. Powdered milk too, can be bought in cans as well as in cartons.
There are factories now in the Philippines that make evaporated and condensed milk
out powdered milk.

1. What kind of food is milk?
a. Cheapest
b. Almost complete
c. Very delicious
2. Which is the best milk for babies?
a. Goat milk
b. Mother’s milk
c. Carabao milk
3. Do we have fresh milk in the Philippines?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Perhaps
4. What milk is sold everywhere?
a. Fresh milk
b. Local milk
c. Imported canned milk
5. What kind of milk are most these?
a. Fresh
b. Powdered
c. Evaporated and condensed


Melchora Aquino was known as Tandang Sora. She was called “The Mother of
Katipunan”. The Katipuneros knew her as a friend and helper. They chose her house
as their meeting place. They were in the house when their secret society was found
out by the Spaniards. Many of the men would go to her house to hide. Her house
was like a hospital too. There, Tandang Sora treated the soldiers’s wounds.
She was not afraid to help the men who were fighting for freedom. She was
eighty-four years old then, but her age did not stop her from helping her

1. How was Melchora Aquino?
a. Sister of the katipuneros
b. Daughter of the revolution
c. Mother of the Katipunan
2. Was she very old that time?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The story does not tell
3. Was the Katipunan a secret society?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The story does not tell
4. What were the men fighting for?
a. Money
b. A better place to live in
c. Freedom for our country
5. Was her house like a hospital?
a. Yes
b. No
c. The story does not tell


Francisco Balagtas was a writer of poems. He wrote the long poem “Florante
at Laura”. This made him to be known as the “Prince of Tagalog Poets”.
It is said that he was put in prison by someone who disliked him. It was there
that he wrote his well-known poem.
He also wrote Moro-Moro plays which were shown in barrio and town fiestas.
People liked many of his awits and corridos. He also wrote a Spanish novel to earn
money for his family.
Many of his fine works were kept in a trunk in Orion, Bataan, but they were
all burned when a big fire broke out in that place.

1. Which poem was written by Balagtas?
a. Noli Me Tangere
b. Florante at Laura
c. El Filibusterismo
2. How is Balagtas known?
a. King Tagalog writers
b. Prince of Tagalog writers
c. Prince of Tagalog Poets
3. What is “Florante at Laura”?
a. A long poem
b. A novel
c. A long story
4. Where did he write his “Florante at Laura”?
a. In his house
b. In a hide out
c. In prison
5. Who had him put in prison?
a. His friend
b. Someone who dislike him
c. His parents

One day in 1968, a man is hunting in mountain area of Ibajay, Aklan. He

caught a giant bird. It had a metal band on its left leg which showed the name of
the place where it came from. Other people saw the band and believed that the bird
and some other birds of its kind might have been set free in Hongkong by a group of
scientists. They were studying the habits of these birds. They wanted to know how
far and where the birds would fly.
The capture of this giant birds in the Philippines, in the province of Aklan,
proved that birds can fly thousands of miles across the sea.

1. Where was the man hunting?
a. In a barrio of Ibajay
b. In a rice field of Ibajay
c. In the mountain area of Ibajay
2. In what province is the town located?
a. Mindoro
b. Aklan
c. Palawan
3. When did this happen?
a. 1948
b. 1958
c. 1968
4. What was caught by the man?
a. A small bird
b. A giant bird
c. A wild bird
5. What were they studying?
a. Habits of birds
b. Songs of birds
c. Length of bird wings


The residents of Naranghita Street were proud and happy. They worked hard
together to keep their place clean and attractive. For their good work, they were
awarded first prize in the cleanliness contest in their district.
Everyone cooperated with the barrio captain when he asked for their help to
make their place beautiful and clean. Each house was provided with a covered
garbage can. Everyone avoided throwing anything on the sidewalks. Each one made
it his duty to remove from the street in front of his house anything scattered there.
The people also planted ornamental and flowering plants in their garden and

1. How did they keep their place clean and attractive?
a. Hiring workers
b. Working hard together
c. Asking help for the government
2. What prize did they get?
a. Third prize
b. Second prize
c. First prize
3. What was provided from each house?
a. A big room
b. A covered garbage can
c. A pushcart
4. What were planted in the gardens along sidewalks?
a. Fruit trees
b. Vegetables plants
c. Ornamental and Flowering plants
5. Who planted them?
a. The mayor
b. The people
c. The barrio captain


Many people wear glasses to help them see things clearly. Some wear glasses
only for reading. Other people need them all the time. Still, other use them to
protect their eyes from dust and strong light.
A nearsighted person can see only things that are near. Far objects look
blurred to him. He can read a book but he cannot see clearly a tree across the
street. He needs glasses so he can see far objects.
A farsighted person can see far objects very well. Things that near him look
blurred. He can see across the street but he cannot read the book he is holding. He,
too, needs glasses.
1. Why do many people need glasses?
a. To look beautiful
b. To cover their eyes
c. To help them see things clearly
2. Should all people wear glasses?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Perhaps
3. Can farsighted person read a book without glasses?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
4. How do things that are near look to a farsighted person?
a. Clear
b. Blurred
c. Bright
5. Can a farsighted person use the glasses to a nearsighted person?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Perhaps


Have you ever wondered how the Philippines came to be? Long time ago, a
bird was flying in the sky. It became tired and wanted to rest, but there was nothing
to rest on. At last the bird thought of a plan.
The bird made the sea and sky quarrel. So angry was the sea that it tossed
waves up in the sky. The sky too, became very angry that it threw big rocks at the
sea. It was on these rocks that the bird was able to rest. These rocks now form the
islands of the Philippines.

1. This story is about?
a. Birds
b. Rocks
c. The Philippines
2. When did the story happen?
a. Last year
b. During the war
c. Long time ago
3. Which of these quarreled?
a. Sky and sea
b. Bird and sky
c. Bird and sea
4. Which threw rocks at its enemy?
a. Sky
b. Sea
c. Bird
5. The ________ became the islands of the Philippines.
a. Rocks
b. Pebbles
c. Sand


Pal is my baby brother. He is only one and half years old but he talks and acts
like an older boy.
Pal enjoys sports and I think he will be a good player someday. He can throw
a big ball quite high. He can ride in his little tricycle. He can run thirty steps without
falling even once.
Pal is a bright boy. He can tell stories using few words with plenty of actions.
He can do what he is asked to do.

1. My baby brother’s name?
a. Pal
b. Val
c. Carl
2. Pal likes _______.
a. Playing
b. Sports
c. Eating
3. Pal can run _______.
a. Twenty steps
b. Thirty steps
c. Forty steps
4. Pal can tell _______.
a. Stories
b. Lies
c. Gossips
5. How can you describe Pal?
a. He is playful.
b. He is bright boy.
c. He is cheerful.


Tagpi was a dog who live with a farmer and his wife, a vendor. Everyday as
the woman sold rice cakes in the barrio, Tagpi followed behind.
One day, Tagpi found a big piece of bone along the way. The dog decided to
go home at once with his bone.
On his way home, Tagpi crossed a bamboo bridge over a creek. In the clear
water of the creek, he saw another dog just like him with another bone. Wanting to
get the bone of the dog he barked.
Down fell his piece of bone!

1. The man who owned Tagpi was a _________.
a. Driver
b. Farmer
c. Fisherman
2. The man’s wife was a __________.
a. Vendor
b. Teacher
c. Dressmaker
3. Tagpi found the bone __________.
a. By a river
b. In a market
c. Bamboo bridge
4. Tagpi crossed a ___________.
a. Stell bridge
b. Wooden bridge
c. Bamboo bridge
5. The big piece of bone ___________.
a. Fell into the creek
b. Was buried in the yard
c. Was eaten by the other dog

Leon Ma. Guerrero finished his studies in pharmacy in 1875 and became the
first Filipino pharmacist.
While working for the Spanish government, he made the plan for the Manila
Botanical and Zoological Garden. This later became known as the Mehan Garden.
It was beautiful. People living in Manila as well as those from other places
used to visit it. It was destroyed, however, during the last war. Recently, the garden
was redeveloped and once more, it has its past beauty.
Guerrero’s studies on plants and birds made him known all over the world. As
a scientist, he was able to make tikitiki, a vitamin food, from rice barn for babies.

1. Who was Leon Ma. Guerrero?
a. A well-known doctor
b. A well-known Filipino writer
c. The first Filipino pharmacist
2. What studies did he finish in 1875?
a. Law
b. Medicine
c. Pharmacist
3. What plan did he make?
a. Manila Zoo
b. Manila Botanical and Zoological Garden
c. Corriedo Fountain
4. What is tikitiki?
a. Vitamin food for adult
b. Vitamin food for animals
c. Vitamin food for babies
5. What was used in making tikitiki?
a. Corn barn
b. Wheat barn
c. Rice barn


One rainy afternoon, Juan did not go straight home from school. He had his
raincoat on, so he did not get wet. Then he saw a kitten trembling in the grass. He
stopped and looked at it. It began to mew very softly.
Juan was sorry for the kitten. He picked it up and put it under his raincoat. He
brought it home. He put it near the stove with fire. The kitten looked at Juan and
said, “Mew, mew”. It wanted to say, “Thank you”. From that time on, the kitten
became his pet. He loved his pet very much.
1. What time of the day was it?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
2. What kind of afternoon was it?
a. Sunny day
b. Rainy day
c. Windy day
3. Where was Juan going?
a. Home
b. School
c. Neighbor
4. What was Juan wearing?
a. Jacket
b. Shirt
c. Raincoat
5. What did Juan see on the way?
a. Cow
b. Kitten
c. Dog


Pedro and Jose came to school early. There were no other pupils in school
“Look!” said Pedro. “There is a handbag under the stairs. It is a girl’s
Jose got the handbag. He opened it. There was a red pencil, a pink
handkerchief and fifty pesos in it.
“Let us look for the owner of this handbag”, said Pedro. Just then, the school
principal arrived.
“Good morning, Mr. Cruz. We found this bag under the stairs”, said Jose.
Mr. Cruz smiled and said, “Thank you, boys. I shall help you find the owner”.

1. What time of the day was it?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
2. Who are the boys in the story?
a. Peter and Jose
b. Pedro and Jose
c. Pedro and Josie
3. What did the boys find?
a. Belt bag
b. Hand bag
c. Shoulder bag
4. Where was the handbag found?
a. Under the stair
b. Over the stair
c. Stair way
5. What kind of handbag was it?
a. Boys handbag
b. Children’s handbag
c. Girl’s handbag
6. Which word tells about the pencil?
a. Red
b. Pink
c. Blue


Celso was eating bananas one evening. He threw the peelings out of the
window. The next morning, Celso got ready for school. He did not want to be late
for school. He walked fast.
“Ouch!” Celso cried as he stepped on some banana peelings. Down he fell.
His clothes became dirty. His books dropped.
“Are you hurt?” Mother asked running to him. “No, Mother, I am not hurt,”
Celso said as he got up. He looked at the banana peelings.
“Somebody did not use the garbage can,” Mother said.
“I threw these peelings last night, Mother. Next time, I will use the garbage
can,” said Celso.

1. What did Celso eat?
a. Mango
b. Apple
c. Banana
2. When did he eat the fruit?
a. One morning
b. One afternoon
c. One evening
3. When did he throw the peelings?
a. Window
b. Door
c. Room
4. Where was Celso going?
a. School
b. Neighbor
c. Playground
5. Who stepped on the banana peelings?
a. Cesar
b. Celina
c. Celso


Do you know who made the first Philippine flag? It was made by Marcela
Agoncillo and Delfina Natividad. At that time, Mrs. Agoncillo was in Hongkong where
her husband, Felipe Agoncillo, was exiled.
It took the two women five days to finish the flag. The colors used were red,
white, and blue. A right triangle was sewed at the left side. At the right side, the
upper half was blue and the lower half was red. A sun with 8 rays was sewn in the
middle of the trianle. There was also a star in each corner of the triangle.
This was the flag used when Philippine Independence was proclaimed in
Kawit, Cavite on June 1898.

1. Marcela and Delfina made the ___________ Philippine national flag.
a. Last
b. First
c. Fourth
2. At the time they were in ____________.
a. Manila
b. Baguio
c. Hongkong
3. It took the two women ____________ days to finish the flag.
a. Five
b. Four
c. Three
4. The flag had ____________ colors.
a. Five
b. Four
c. Three
5. In the middle of the triangle was a _____________.
a. Star
b. Moon
c. Sun

We all fear the little mice,

They look harmless with their size,
But they destroy the things we keep,
With their strong and tiny teeth.
Their tails are long, their faces small,
They seem to have no chin at all,
Their ears are big and somewhat round,
They can hear the slightest sound.
They run about the house at night,
Keeping away from the cat’s sight,
And if they see the cat at all,
Away they run back to their hole.

1. What are mice?
a. Birds
b. Insects
c. Animals
2. Why do mice look harmless?
a. Because they hide
b. Because they are big
c. Because they are little
3. With what do they destroy our things?
a. With their feet
b. With their eyes
c. With their teeth
4. Which word tells about their tails?
a. Big
b. Short
c. Long
5. Which part do they seen not to have?
a. Ears
b. Chin
c. Nose


Norma’s fever was high. She kept tossing in bed. After a while, she feels
asleep. Then she began talking in her sleep.
“Oh, Mother, please buy me a box of chocolate”, she said.
Mother heard her. She went to the store as fast as she could. She was back
before Norma woke up.
“Is it mine, Mother?” Norma asked when she woke up. She was holding

1. What was Norma holding?
a. A beautiful dress
b. A bunch of flowers
c. A box of chocolate
2. What was she likely to do with it?
a. Eat it
b. Keep it
c. Play with it
3. How do you think did Norma feel?
a. She felt sad
b. She felt angry
c. She felt happy
4. What do you think did Norma tell Mother?
a. Sorry
b. Thank you
c. Welcome
5. When was the story happened?
a. At night
b. At daytime
c. At noon


Pepe climbed the guava tree near his house. It had many ripe fruits. He
picked as many as he could and put them in his pockets. Then he sat on a branch
and began eating them.
While he was eating, he felt the branch break. He did not know it was a dead
Down, down he fell!
After that, he did not know what happened. When he woke up, he was in
hospital bed. His two arms were in cast.

1. Who climbed the guava tree?
a. Pepe
b. Pepe’s friend
c. Pepe’s brother
2. Where was the guava tree?
a. Near Pepe’s house
b. In his neighbor’s yard
c. Near his friend’s house
3. What were on the tree?
a. Ripe fruit
b. Green fruit
c. Many birds
4. What happened to him?
a. He fell
b. He died
c. He jumped
5. When he woke up, where was he?
a. In his house
b. In a hospital bed
c. In his friend’s house


One day, Lito invited his cousin, Dan, to his father’s farm in the barrio. Dan
lived in the town.
“Let’s ride on my horse,” Lito said.
“I don’t know how to ride a horse,” said Dan.
“It’s easy! I’m going to teach you”.
Lito got his horse and rode easily on its back. “Come on! Hold my hand and
place one foot on mine while I pull you up,” he said.
At first Dan was afraid, but when he tried, he found it easy. He did not feel
afraid anymore.
Together they rode far across the field. It was already dark when they
reached home.

1. What were Dan and Lito?
a. Friends
b. Cousins
c. Neighbors
2. Where did Dan live?
a. In the city
b. In the town
c. In the barrio
3. How did Lito ride on the horse?
a. Easily
b. Badly
c. Carelessly
4. Did Dan know how to ride a horse?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Not very well
5. Where did they go riding?
a. To the town
b. To the next barrio
c. Far across the field


When it was summer in the city

And people feel the heat,
The ice cream vendor with his cart,
Goes pushing down the street.

R-r-ring r-r-ring goes the bell

Calling children to come near,
And through the window the children peep
If it is the ice cream vendor they hear.

“Mama, Mama,” a little girl call.

“Give me money for a popsicle,”
To the yellow cart she trolls,
To buy something to keep her cool.

1. Where does the story in this poem take place?
a. In the town
b. In the city
c. In the farm
2. What does summer mean?
a. It’s hot
b. It’s rainy
c. It’s cool
3. What does he carry with him?
a. A bell
b. A drum
c. An umbrella
4. Whom did the little girl call?
a. Sister
b. Father
c. Mother
5. What color is the cart?
a. Green
b. Blue
c. Yellow


Linda went to the garden one morning. She saw that only few leaves were
left on the plant. Many leaves were eaten. She looked behind the leaves. She saw a
big caterpillar. It was green. She thought it was a worm. She got the caterpillar
gently with a stick and put it inside a box. She put some leaves with it. Every
morning, she looked inside the box. She found the leaves gone. So, she put new
leaves every day. One day, she found the leaves still there. She thought the
caterpillar had died sleeping inside a rolled leaf. She left it alone. After several days,
she saw a butterfly on the wall of the box. The caterpillar was gone. It had grown.

1. Where did Linda go?
a. To school
b. To the river
c. To the garden
2. What happened to the leaves of a plant?
a. Were torn
b. Were eaten
c. Were picked
3. What did she see?
a. A bird
b. A worm
c. A caterpillar
4. What color was it?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Yellow
5. What do caterpillar eat?
a. Fruits
b. Flowers
c. Leaves

A monkey wanted to cross a river. But there was no bridge and he could not
swim. Then a crocodile swam to the river bank. The monkey asked the crocodile if it
could take him to the other side of the river. He wanted to visit his friends.
The crocodile told the monkey to jump on its back. When they are in the
middle of the river, the crocodile stopped swimming.
“You foolish monkey”, said the crocodile. “Do you know that I am hungry? I’m
going to eat”.
“Wait, I have a friend at the riverbank. Let us get him and you will get two for
lunch”, said the monkey.
“Very well,” said the crocodile. “Let us get him.”
So, the crocodile swam fast. When they reached the bank, the monkey
jumped away and said, “Goodbye, Crocodile. Next time use your head.”

1. Who wanted to cross the river?
a. Crocodile
b. A friend
c. A monkey
2. Who took him to the other side?
a. A banca
b. A crocodile
c. Another monkey
3. Why did crocodile stop?
a. He was tired
b. He wanted to rest
c. He wanted to eat the monkey
4. Who was hungry?
a. Friend
b. Monkey
c. Crocodile
5. Did the crocodile eat the monkey?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Does not tell


I love to see the birds fly. I love to hear their pretty songs. Birds are our
friends. They eat harmful insects on our plants. They are very pretty. They make us
happy. We must be kind to birds.

1. What do we love to see?
a. Birds
b. Chickens
c. Geese
2. What do birds do?
a. They talk
b. They fly
c. They swim
3. What do we love to hear?
a. Bird’s songs
b. Bird’s talk
c. Bird’s call
4. What do birds do for us?
a. They make us sad
b. They make us happy
c. They make us angry
5. How do birds help us?
a. They eat sweet fruits
b. They eat harmful insects
c. They eat green plants


The public playground was full of children. They were shouting with joy. The
smaller children were playing in the sand. They were digging the sand and filling
their pails. The bigger boys and girls were having fun riding on swing.
Some big boys were chinning the bar. Others were climbing the big tower and
were sliding down. Some of them were busy playing on the seesaws, going up and
going down. Some girls in bathing suits were swimming in the pool.

1. Where were the children?
a. In school
b. At the Rizal Park
c. At the public playground
2. How did they show they were happy?
a. They shouted with joy.
b. They ran and jumped.
c. They ran here and there.
3. Who chinned the bar?
a. A big boy
b. Some big boys
c. Some big girls
4. What went up and down?
a. Sliding
b. Running
c. Jumping
5. What were they wearing?
a. Shorts
b. Play suits
c. Bathing suits


The sun was shining through the window when Tony woke up. He jumped
out of bed. He pulled the towel and ran to the bathroom. To take a bath. He looked
at the wall clock. It was seven-twenty in the morning.
“Only ten minutes more”, he said to himself. So, he just splashed water on his
face. He ran back to the bedroom to change his clothes. He did not finish tying his
shoe lace. He grabbed his school bag and ran downstairs to eat his breakfast. He
had finished only one of his glass of milk when he heard the school bell ring. He ran
out of the house as fast as he could. The children were singing when Tony reached
his classroom. As he sat down he said to himself, “I will never watch television late
at night again”.

1. How did Tony get out of bed?
a. Slowly
b. Lazily
c. Jumped out
2. What time was it when Tony got up?
a. 7:00 am
b. 7:20 am
c. 7:30 am
3. How much of his milk did he finish?
a. All
b. One half
c. One third
4. What did he not finish tying?
a. His bag
b. His books
c. His shoe laces
5. What were the children doing when he came?
a. Reciting
b. Playing
c. Singing


It was getting dark. Isabel lighted the lamp. She put the lamp on the table.
Soon a moth flew into the room. It flew through the window. Then it flew around
the lamp.
“Look at the little butterfly. It goes around and around the lamp”, said Isabel.
“No, it’s not a butterfly. It is a moth.” Mother said.
“But it looks like a butterfly”, Isabel said.
“Yes, it looks like a butterfly, but it is not a butterfly. Look at its body and
wings. They are covered with dust. It does not fold its wings when it rests. The
moth sleeps at daytime. It flies to the light at night.” Mother said.
“Does the flame not burn the moth?” asked Isabel.
“It does”. It burns the moth when it gets too near it.” said Mother.

1. What did Isabel light?
a. Lamp
b. Candle
c. Tobacco
2. Where did she put the lamp?
a. On the floor
b. On the wall
c. On the table
3. What flew into the room?
a. A bird
b. A moth
c. A butterfly
4. When does the moth sleep?
a. Never
b. At night
c. At daytime
5. Where did the moth fly?
a. Around Isabel
b. Around the lamp
c. Around the moon

Almost all animals eat plants. But are there plants that eat animals?
There are some plants that have an appetite for live animals, especially
insects. This extra food helps them survive in poor soils. We call these plants meat-
eating plants. The meat-eating plants trick their victims into deadly traps. They have
digestive juices that turn the bodies of their prey into liquids.
An example of meat-eating plants is the sundew plants. It traps insects in
sticky red hairs that cover its leaves. The hairs curl over the insects when the insects
tries to free itself. It takes a day or two for sundew to eat insect.

1. What do most animals eat?
a. Plants
b. People
c. Insects
2. Are there plants that eat animals?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
3. What kind of animals do meat-eating plants like?
a. Live birds
b. Live insects
c. Dead worms
4. What do meat-eating plants use to trap their victims?
a. Juices
b. Stick hairs
c. Long tongues
5. How many days does it take a sundew to eat an insect?
a. Two days
b. Two weeks
c. A month

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