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The following is the receipts and payments account of

Entertainment Club for the year ended 31st March, 2011:

The following additional information is provided to you:

(i) On 31st March, 2011, apart from cash in hand and at Bank as
shown in receipts and payments account, the club held the
following assets:
Furniture Rs 1,80,000; Equipment’s Rs 1,20,000; Fixed Deposits with Bank
Rs 3,00,000; Entertainment Material Rs 49,000; Stock of Stationery Rs
1,000; Subscriptions in Arrear Rs 15,000 and Unexpired Insurance Rs 5,600.

The club had no liability on that date:

(ii) The club has 220 members, each paying Rs 3,000 as yearly subscription.

(iii) On 31st March, 2011 stock of entertainment material was valued at Rs

52,000. Stock of stationery with the club on that date was Rs 2,100. Rent
amounting to Rs 9,000 for March, 2011 was outstanding on that date.

(iv) Depreciation is provided on furniture @ 10% p.a. and on equipment’s @

15% p.a. Depreciation on equipment’s purchased during the year is to be
provided for 6 months.

You are required to prepare income and expenditure account for the year
ended 31st March, 2011 and balance sheet as at that date.
Income and Expenditure: Problem and Solution # 5.
From the following Receipts and Payments Account and the
additional information pertaining to Janakpuri Football Club,
prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st
March, 2012 and Balance Sheet as at that date:

Additional Information:
(i) Subscriptions received include Rs 9,000 outstanding subscriptions for the
year 2010-2011. Subscriptions for the year 2011-2012 amounting to Rs 16,000
are still outstanding. Some members have paid subscriptions for the year
2012-2013 amounting to Rs 8,000 which is included in the subscriptions

(ii) Face value of 12% Investments on 31st March 2011 was Rs 15,000 (cost
price, Rs 12,000).

(iii) Book value of furniture sold on 1 April, 2011 was Rs 12,000, depreciation
being 20% p.a. Provide depreciation on new furniture at the same rate.

(iv) Telephone bill for one quarter is outstanding, the amount outstanding
being Rs 300. The charge for each quarter is the same both for 2010-2011 and

(v) Unpresented cheques for periodicals being Rs 4,000 for 2010-2011 and Rs
12 000 for 2011-2012.

(v) Stock of balls with the club on 31st March, 2012 amounted to Rs 6,000.

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