Lesson 2 Sex Roles and Gender Roles

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Sex roles and Gender roles


MODULE 1 2 3
Define the differences Define concepts of Identify and illustrate the
OBJECTIVES: between sex roles and socialization and social agents of socialization
gender roles processes
Sex roles

Sex roles refer to socially coded behaviors and

practices often related to a person's reproductive
capacities, such as women with the roles of
motherhood and men with fatherhood.
Gender Roles

refers to society’s concept of

how men and women are
expected to act and how they
should behave.
A. Gender division of labor
The division of labor refers to the way each society
divides work among men and women, boys and
girls, according to socially-established gender roles
or what is considered suitable and valuable for
each sex.
Gender Exclusive Tasks:

Men generally handle heavier tasks that are often

dangerous. They generally engage in warfare and
usually exercise political leadership.
Women generally handle domestic duties and rear
children. Often the tasks they handle are compatible
with child care.
B. Socialization and
Socialization Agents

Socialization is the lifelong process

through which people learn the
values and norms of a given society.
Social Group

The family gets the baby first. Hence the process

of socialization begins in the family. A child is
born with some basic abilities that are
genetically transmitted through
germplasm. These abilities and capacities are
shaped in ways determined by culture.
Peer Group
As the child grows older, his contemporaries
begin to influence him. He spends most of
his spare hours outside his work and study
schedule with his peers in the playground
and places outside his home. The attraction of
peers is virtually irresistible to him.
When the child comes to the school, his formal
indoctrination into the culture of the
society begins. He is formally introduced to the lore
and the learning, the arts and the sciences, the values
and the beliefs, the customs and taboos of the society
from a wider circle, his teachers play a
very significant role.
Religion While some religions are informal
institutions, here we focus on practices
followed by formal institutions. Religion is an
important avenue of socialization for many
Mass Media
Mass media distribute impersonal information
to a wide audience, via television, newspapers,
radio, and the Internet.

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