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EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT StarAgri F AGREEMENT EXECUTION O! reement only Wt ‘sagreement wi be we forthe worehae venue hating arble PY eementwitbe wedtoeseae wich ae olen on base The aprernentberveen tssee ot ane B sathginwhichvarenowe areca taken on ace bas by lessee ‘ynirentwabe onFueaamount oF verte bis ‘nogt Management Services: nts ropa we wienter the WS. apemert vat Chet as there rec. iremencberven Giere& WH Owner WAREHOUSE VIABILITY. ins/aM wal fi the vablity sheet in [AGRIGATES for a type of proposals snd after submission it wal be eevarded to SH/RH for futher approval ‘Alter approval of RhA/SH in AGRIGATES, it all be forwarded by system to Product Head/ Business Head after final approval. wall be reflected to PW desk for further process. For WH proposal of corporate ents, Proposal will be approved by Corporate Business Head in System. CLIENT ENROLLMENT PROCESS StarAgri eed fi CUENT hegetration 108M (CAF (Cch.ond need 1 provide Address Prot POA) | chert wile caled"armer” Nhe eponts the ) ick en ntivcal rame i} ‘ Proof of Address and Proof of Identity poem J Fannerdip teed nese cf paterson and Wokincaia hecrony Types of Insurance Policies (wth speci pert) the andord ply whichis een oe a WYER exrenton rater vwarthowes Reler Dac fot kus as pr Ferma Ho 7008) am sured should be 100% lth aszetvae rst xs 2sMeanbe acepied subject tosumatswred odd be 300% Ary detion insur assured sallbeaperoved by ‘coo. ik team shall be responsible Tor tely renewal f the Sanapt corpontersunince poly on bed bass Policy Renewal ae WEIGHBRIDGE EMPANELMENT stirAgri y rita act in wa Id be properly monitored by WHS/WHM. Process of Welghbridge empaneiment & otto Merty wiht lor WIM a proiethe requis ra eet ie 4 Intnation of etection fncome pees eee Shallbe dane a pe Collection so relation ceri roppinin the rte WAREHOUSE SUPERVISORS MANAGEMENT oppure nance rage igi 8 RE geo om 4 Mead, Operations. mvc SEE (6) Fas Yrch Indation of sppoecad WI haba done by WAM sna warshouse for more than 3 year, WHE once BNA be doped gan st same lcatoy WM fr 3 martha. aed WN ae sad ud tara ape fo -© 6 Oz. Rater bans in Wrenerer he W/W artes nego, hha ta hard ovr warehouse scar WHS ‘Seva canddata tbe spgaed by HR she vernon of Jocaracts tnd Dctgred dace ae STOCK INWARD StarAgri starAgri FORMS & REGISTERS TO BE UPDATED DURING INWARD. PROCESS OVERVIEW — PW -INWARD TE Client — registration with CRF Vehicle arrival Gate Pass, Stack allocation 2 > waretoe D > Welghment slip ‘And unloading sompling duet Unloading ofsteck > Mobile App Entry) Grscreation > Qc Report DC to verify mobile E-Cls Generate Tooe DP iiyopsataniy, > DD renivgian Insurance & Valuation & Submit in FastTrack If pledged nar ees QC TESTING StarAgri Mentioned below are the steps included in QC testing: Quality Assessment + SpotAnahsisat Werehouse Sampling * Anshysis at Lab (at the time of inward) Quality Certification Running sample shal be drawn vehi ws from Based on results provided by the QA/WHS or uploaded ‘randomly selected bogs by WH Superiser/OC. ‘bythe DC, WRY/SR shal provide the quality certificate to the dient. . stirAgri SR-WR ISSUANCE Steps for issuing SR-WR are as follows: GrS-tnward entry at branch, eto ent the deals of -GTS Inward as entered by WH supervisor at WH level, GTS toward Verification and approval tree earn shal yen and approve 0S In stem based on the supporting documents uploaded by the DC wiyst Wshall be prepared by WRYSR team in case cargo Is stored In Star Agr leaze/Owned warehouse. WIYSR to be sent to dient but physical print out shall not be taken, unless client requested for WR. awe: NWR shall be lsued only In WORA accredited warehouses for notified commodities only. Editingin WIYSR Ho editing shall be done In system post generation of WIYSR, however as an| amendms es coceptional case, rent can be done with prior written Fot all refunding eates (Book transfers/WR renewal ent request letter needs to obtain by the WHM before proceeding further. stirAgri STOCK MONITORING = Zoe ee Ee ——$ asad on commer aa Wits should vit and oo woissnatenure Gove Wire rcesed ee Warthouia Activation warthowes hanied by Gack warehouses en asntnen of educate WHS about Team shall monitor Ws, Wi ha ere aay bis and update Warehouse/s foding the ageing and send price ‘war Wis sha epen the day vskin atoated to him, comeneras variation report as per vwarabouses on nly AGRIGATE opp with seheoed by WDA, Warehoure Aaiation ee cermed eheasre ae photet of warehoute team: ailthe firancal ‘monitring lutions. Ses —— —_ —t er STOCK SHIFTING [DC shal send a mail request to COPs asking for shifting permision of funded stock Upon verification of shifting request, COPS shall send request to Fl with reason fo shifting of stock .WHM, AM shall ensure that proper transit Insurance obtained by client/SA prior to shifting. Based on shifting order provided by COPs, informs WHM to alow for shifting of ‘commodity with remarks “Cargo shifted to— Wo name”, Wiis shall raise new GTS Inward for shifted goods ‘After receipt of confirmation mail from Fland post stock shifting confirmation by DC. Validity of SR/WR for shifted stock should be balance period of commodity tenure from previous SR/WR ‘DC shall send the detalls to WHIM and WHS for updation of records at warehouse. FUMIGATION / SPRAYING Trophyiacre vewmmesnouring mere & rodeet covert wrndy wa to ensure Speayre/ Ae COTES one as per scneled trequeney in ooo. ing eamatend ecemat Frigion Cesk Da Ferd bors US reper of gation, RENEE Gent at tnd mercy MES management Femigntion request: Work order wit Be (cated theogh De syzEM ard BAO ‘emai wil be sent to Concern Branch. Period Quy Assessment WHM a ras Bat merthy vax ect ef comedies Bo be ona, stirAgri {TAT mal be mentored by Ferigation est and senda frngeon achat report to Head PWN weekty Baa Creating tigation effcay: Post henigation fat depehe iedom sampling cf tha eigaed mck ‘shal be Bec craw by the Furigation Manager eda WAYS. EASE STOCK RELI tha authentication cf erica tang receipe, DISASTER MANAGEMENT Forts / bar! “The Wik upandie tl rate he sama to AM aed WL AAs] Wid at rote acer t2 SHR, Het Ops, CoP, esd rk, Goo Hand P? Dest, exchange es Corparnta a WENO ned reach arouse acta. a atangwatn AMY SH ‘al appre ta ea polee ron ard stn 8 woman complirtineert of Thats pany WH arg wh AU] Bat approach the Fee Ered tion feel easter management an Woo sat arangefestiing clisaged conmecey epost oie quay 12 warehouse Mt paaret posible Gestinaten onl ate weit, spprovlct asd Ops The commancamart of commecssy ‘iting oud be conmaricrted by WOR ta (Cos Fler ence desk. Fak tam shale the Iraurarce chim ard ‘range foetha seveyors vi toh ncsenes te wth lesmation to WHA AM. Wo0d /AM bat penontyeerethe Incuraea purveyor ar prowdereqante tat Rakleam Shalfoow vp wtehesurance company fo the sechemere of ures daenlodged ed conterntba dai, amend oF B Aw cet2¢00), Fojorecers. GENERAL POINT TO BE TAKEN CARE ‘cael fr trek et, emacs) borm tara Fe gnc fea over ) prone, peing hen proper adores and location ad landmark rts, Pet bese tpert hdd beta trea tH ) Cerwerd nec hort epee eft ha sen nevert Peay spec he ac. = Caret cru the eddences tt toca pote vk tha warehouse. Banat try > se cgenthe warbouse ‘retegragh showing tha brctan lek shut /er, ete uct be taken tetera paring To pet te boryary chim reomburtad lot hapganed becouse ef atrce spurs propery | pesen. > sai pandas wou omc vngt ipa iy ataing th lciser shold ba obtsned. ssa star 90 any rm te daa ot FIR pote maharses reese Mana ert [foul report. Tit oud be tect tnd orward ta ora one STOCK RELEASE 4 och en remewal (RO That vend ba PO to DRS tae om Ba hear, ‘Des team shad hac he Grea prodded By Bank Ary Mismstch fo extn shal be revecionnly conveyed 19 Fy DAS tua on mal, weed an sal mur a core tox ba pend Oct wary wpesion of Ord beta Bove el pe On. For tardng cant, shoe procedure Pout be flowed prior ta phyla of cargo from warehouse. In ce ef pon ‘undod commedty, Copackar need t2 marendar orginal WR ore CS [RWRi rex ened] wah orignal choy ea. ve wat pcan Compe wet O.reart nema parins fog tn ream wil ue STE WAS, patoptacng WAG emt Hop SUN WG a Re apy ef GT Outward 1 Cony ar appro of ‘Cpermeen ed / COO} 9] cre pers ating cet daar cf reamed comes 3 WAL Wit pice the Wit or chaching tha atensicaton of penn taling reeet, sirAgri FUMIGATION / SPRAYING Prophyluctetrestmert-curing storage Fodert cotral Wn WIS to enaare Spray) A charging one 1s per schedtted frequency in podown. Fangnion request: Werk order walbe x aes ested rough hesyzem ad nto da krngase weer pert aad Pon ‘emals wl be sent to concern brench. Advaea hangation panning WHOM tad forcast Remguton tegaremart based on artcpced, (ropased depaiton of commodity Sea ean yout and seed update repartee Aamabie cht harigtion eck eating ht rgureert Sptage Cotection Empty Gunny Bagt and Recerdng: WHS thal mantan ecard of spoge bag emery Bunny bag acd mart eas" MADE UP ar. Peco Canty Astesmere: WM shal ‘eur Dat moet wna ack ef ‘coeredties shoud be dona (aang reared wc ecemat Frigton Gest at and erehy MS rar of eatin furiion (esha band marty UES marogerart ar ees COMMODITY CARE StarAgri nce. WHM & ne responsibility, and this s ¢ taken care any negl " take care below y care as per the norn eco FEY crn trmcncin Se, on SS cpreote son as Peerage iy enon usb commode FEPGY vost at vatetnann pet bem mtd ca etiam eee eee pened meet [Nramigation by WHE Revdara boy WHOM and commrmunication 12 Prophylactic treatment Spraying, ‘he Ranga de rae ston ear ape ommene STOCK SHIFTING @ @ © [DC shal send a mail request to COPS asking for shiting permiasion of funded stock ‘Upon venfation of shifting request, COPS shall send request to Fl with reason for shifting cf stock Wht, AM shall ensure that proper transit Insurance obtained by clent/SA price to shifting. Based on shifting order provided by COPs, Cinders WHM to alow for shifong of ©6080 siirAgri ais shall ise new GTS Inward for shifted rood ‘ter receipt of confirmation mail from Fland post stock shifting confirmation by DC. Validity of SR/WR for shifted stock should be balance period of commodity tenure from previous SR/WR (OC shall send the details to WHIM and WHS. for updation of records at warehouse. yee StarAgri STOCK MONITORING stirAgri SR-WR ISSUANCE Steps for tof e-GTS Inward as entered by WH supervisor at Wil level 75 mard Verification aed approval WRUSR tear shall verily ard approve Cin -n bated on the supporting document wy ena be prepared by WA/SR team in case ago s stored In tar Agr lease/Owned warehouse, sh tobe sent to dient but pha pit cut shal taken, unless client requested for WR. ow ‘Btw shal be sued only In WORA accredited warehouses for notified cornmodites only roa ibe don arte post enertion of WAUSR however at an exeptona ease, amendment cn be done with ptr writen permision of Head Ops For all refunding cates [Book wanslers/WR renewal before proceeding further. hent request etter needs to cbtaln by the Wi QC TESTING uded In QCte Mentioned below are the steps Ine Quality Assessment 5 alan eace see ~ Quality Certification awe sere al ela ced cates rode bythe OA by Wi pence) OC. tne 0G WAYR shad provide the quay Cert

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