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Anger Management Skills for Adults

It is very difficult to combat anger. You usually don’t have time to think through all your options.
You need to have some skills ready to go in the moment. Additionally, there are actions you can
take regularly to help prevent anger episodes from occurring. The following are common anger
management skills. Pick at least two short-term and long-term skills and try them out.
Like any skill, practice will help them work when you need them.

In the Moment
1. Deep breathing (breath in through your nose filling up your abdomen,
wait three seconds then breath out through your mouth). Repeat three times.
2. Count backwards from 100.
3. Think about your happiest memory/place.
4. Walk around the block.
5. Remove yourself from the situation (if appropriate).
6. Have empathy for the person with whom you are angry.
7. Repeat a mantra to yourself that will help you prevent anger from escalating
(e.g., “I will remain calm”, “this is not worth it”).
8. Examine the Pros and Cons of acting on your anger.
9. Reframe your thoughts (e.g., Is this situation really worth my anger?).

Long - Term (To Do Regularly)

1. Talk to a friend or family member (or therapist) if something is bothering you.
2. Express your anger through art.
3. Exercise (e.g., walking, playing a sport, working out)
4. Relaxation exercises/meditation.
5. Keep a journal to write down thoughts and feelings.
6. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night

TheraPlatform: Mental Health Software

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