Self Study Topics

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1. Hospitalization of the child

2. Family centred care/child centred care
3. Child developmental theories
4. Special considerations when conducting health assessment of children at different
5. TB
6. Otitis media
7. Pneumocystic pneumonia (PJP)
8. Rheumatic fever
9. Septicaemia
10. Cleft lip and palate
11. Imperforate anus
12. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS)
13. Tetanus
14. Seizures
15. Epilepsy
16. Spina bifida (occulta, meningocele, myelomeningocele)
17. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
18. Diabetes
19. Measles
20. Renal failure
21. Scabies
22. Chicken pox
23. septic arthritis
24. Asphyxia
25. Sepsis
26. Prematurity
27. RDS
28. Jaundice

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