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 Task: Completing the flow chart using the correct words from the passage.
 Skills:
 locating specific information in the passage
 choosing appropriate words
 understanding details and order of information
 Tips:
 identify the type of word needed for each part of the flow chart
 scan the passage for information
 answers do not always come in order
 use the direction of the arrows and boxes to follow the order of information in the
 select the appropriate words from the passage
 check the number of words that can be used for each answer


Questions 9-10

Complete the flow chart. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Candidates complete an application form and send it with (9) ___________________

Candidates receive ‘induction pack’ which contains:

 A psychological evaluation form
 Instructions on (10) ___________________

Candidates receive full details of their placement

 Model  Virtual  Simultaneous
 Consistency  Simulation  tracks


Walking with Dinosaurs

Falkingham uses computational techniques to model a volume of mud and
control the moisture content, consistency, and other conditions to simulate
the mud of prehistoric times. A footprint is then made in the digital mud by
a virtual foot. This footprint can be chopped up and viewed from any angle
and stress values can be extracted and calculated from inside it. By running
hundreds of these simulations simultaneously on supercomputers,
Falkingham can start to understand what types of footprint would be
expected if an animal moved in a certain way over a given kind of ground.
Looking at the variation in the virtual tracks, researchers can make sense of
fossil tracks with greater confidence.

Complete the flow - chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Mud is simulated with attention to its texture and

thickness and how much 1. ___________ it contains.

A virtual foot produces a footprint in the mud.

The footprint is dissected and examined from all angles.

Levels of 2. __________ are measured within the footprint

Multiple simulations relate footprints to different types

of 3.____________

More accurate interpretation of 4.____________ is possible.


 Task: Labelling a diagram

 Skills:
 locating information in the passage
 relating the information to the diagram
 choosing appropriate words
 Tips:
 identify the type of word needed for the answer
 find the information in the passage
 the information is usually located in one specific paragraph or two in the passage
 check how many words you can use for the answer
 answer do not always come in order


Questions 21-24

Label the diagram below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage
for each answer.

The Mouse

(21) _____________
from mouse mode to
presenter mode
4-way (24) _________

(22) ______________

(23) ____________
 Congestion  Ventilation  Elements
 Lanes  Intervals  reinforce
Label the diagram below
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.
New Tunnels under City Centre

A new eight-kilometre road is under construction linking the port area with
the motorway system. This is expected to carry 20,000 trucks and cars a day,
significantly reducing congestion in the city centre. As part of the project, two four-
kilometre road tunnels are being bored below the central area of the city, one for
northbound traffic, the other for southbound. The two tunnels are approximately
20m below the surface and are nearly 12 m wide, providing for two lanes of traffic in
each direction.
In the upper part of the tunnel two ventilation ducts remove vehicle exhaust
fumes and maintain quality of air inside the tunnel. The lighting is at the top of the
tunnel, virtually at its highest point. There will also be electronic signs at frequent
intervals, indicating traffic conditions ahead, and clearly visible to drivers. The wall is
made up of four main elements, including a waterproofing membrane and, on the
inside of the tunnel, a concrete lining.
Each tunnel is roughly circular, with the lower part somewhat flattened. The
road surface lies on the base slab, which is of concrete reinforced with steel. Mains
drainage, just below the road surface on one side, removes any excess liquid,
particularly water. In the event of fire, the fire main, which is made of steel, pipes
water to numerous fire hydrant stations at regular intervals along the length of the
tunnel. The fire main is at the side of the tunnel, at the level of the road surface.
Other systems in the tunnel will include emergency phones.
Label the diagram below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Example: Cross-section of proposed tunnel

0 ventilation ducts 0 1
1 _____________
2 _____________on the tunnel side of the wall
3 _____________
4 _____________ 2

Road Surface
5 _____________

5 3

 Culinary  Deter  Bark
 Thrives  Livestock  delicacy

The Many Uses of the Moringa Tree
The Moringa tree, Saragawa, or Drumstick tree, is relatively unknown in the
West, despite the fact that it is incredibly useful. Miriam Tayne reports about its
culinary, medicinal and other uses.
The Moringa tree is a relatively small tree that typically grows to between
three and ten metres tall. Its flowers are creamy-coloured and have been compared to
small orchids. The plant has long and round green pods that can grow to 30cms and
which look a bit like drumsticks, hence the tree’s common name. The pods consist of
three parts, which contain round, dark brown seeds. Planting needs to be done in
sandy or muddy soil, using these seeds or tree cuttings. The plant does not tolerate
frost but thrives in hot climates. It is very common in South and South-East Asia,
Africa and America.
The leaves are reputed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties,
so are used for eye and ear infections, fevers, etc. They are also held against the
forehead to reduce headaches, or made into treat stomach complaints. As they contain
a lot of iron they have been used for treatment of anemia, a medical condition in
which there are few red cells in the blood, causing tiredness. The plant also contains
many other nutrients, such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C.
The ground-up seeds are commonly used to treat certain skin infections, but
can be used for much more. Ground seeds can be mixed with salt or oils to apply to
the body to treat cramp, back ache and forms of arthritis, a medical condition in which
the joints are swollen and painful. The oil, called Ben oil because it contains behenic
acid, is also used as a hair treatment or a perfume, and to deter mosquitoes and treat
their bites. The by-products of the oil manufacturing process are used for fertilization
and water purification.
The roots work in exactly the same way as the seeds, but are much stronger, so
are not used as often. They have additional uses for heart and circulation problems,
whereas the gum is sometimes used to treat asthma. The bark has quite a pleasant
taste and is sometimes eaten to encourage digestion.
The plant’s main use is as food: for livestock, and for human beings, because
it contains high concentrations of fibre and protein. The drumsticks are eaten in soup
and/or as green beans, often in combination with shrimp, whereas the seeds are eaten
like peas, or roasted. The leaves are eaten fresh or cooked in similar ways to spinach.
Chopped, they are used as a garnish on soups and salads. They are often pickled or
dried so that they are always available to use in sauces, stir-fries, soups and in sweet
and sour or spicy curries.
Like every other part of the tree, its flowers are not just decorative but also
functional. They taste a bit like wild mushrooms and are considered a delicacy. They
are used to make tea to treat the common cold, mixed with honey to make cough
medicine, and made into juice to be drunk during breastfeeding as it is said to increase
milk flow.
There is not a part of the tree that is not used. The Moringa tree is probably the
most beneficial tree in the world.
Using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage, complete each gap in the
Moringa Tree
These so-called (1)……………………, because of their shape, are actually
(2)…………….. which are eaten in similar ways to (3)……………………… .

These contain vitamins, minerals and other (4)……………….. .

They can be preserved in different ways, e.g. (5)…..……..... or (6)
In their whole form, they can be compared to another green leaf: (7)
These are used to treat arthritis and other aches as well as (8)
………………. .
They can help relieve pain and the swelling of (9)…………….. .

If eaten, this can aid (10)…………………………… .

Its taste is said to be (11) …………………………… .

These can be made into a liquid, taken by mothers to stimulate (12)

……….…… .
These flowers are considered a (13)……………………. .

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