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Department of Social Work

St. Xavier’s University


Name of the Student: Anjana Biswas

Name of the Agency: Udayani

Agency Supervisor: Father Anburaj Manuel.
Internal Supervisor: Dr. Suchita Paul

Date: 18th August 2023

Time: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Concurrent Field Work Report No:2

Plan for the Day: The plan for today is to attend a meeting conducted between the employees of
Udayani. The conference is on systematization where the objective is to categorically summarize
the organization’s activities for the past 10 years (2011-2023) and make a comprehensive report
of the same.

Activities Carried Out/Nature of Work Done: The worker observed Rev. Dr. Joseph Xavier and
the Udayani team reviewing past campaigns, analyzing project reports, and providing feedback.
Valuable insights were noted by Rev. Dr. Joseph Xavier for a systematization report. The action
points included gathering more data on specific topics with a flexible deadline. The end goal is to
create a knowledge product. The meeting adjourned with a plan to resume on September 24th for
the second phase. Marking the end of Phase 1 of the project.

Observation and Analysis: In the meeting, the worker witnessed effective teamwork among
organization members for optimal outcomes. Various tasks were assigned in conducting
beneficiary interviews to understand past procedures, and gathering statistical data for program
success. This highlighted the significance of systematization. The session also touched on the
process of creating a well-structured report with proper narration.

Learning: As mentioned the worker learned about what is systematization, it’s important in an
organization working for years. worker also learned summarization, effective leadership, and team
management. The worker also learned about empathetic narration while making reports for NGOs,
and lastly about the benefits of systematization reports in general.

Challenges/Limitations: No challenges were faced by the worker

Future Plan: No future plans were discussed.

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