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In this assignment, I will investigate and evaluate the cultural, power, and political situations of FPT
Telecom using Schein's model, Handy's model, power sources, and power techniques. These
characteristics have a substantial influence on individual and team behavior and productivity, as well as
the attainment of corporate goals. The interaction of culture, politics, and power is studied in order to
make recommendations that can effectively achieve organizational goals. In this work, an interview will
be done with Ms. My, who is the Secretary to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The goal of this
interview is to acquire complete data about FPT Telecom's internal environment and organizational
1 Introduction to FPT Telecom....................................................................................................5

2 Culture......................................................................................................................................5

2.1 Schein’s Model..................................................................................................................5

2.1.1 Level 1: Artifacts.......................................................................................................6

2.1.2 Level 2: Espoused values...........................................................................................8

2.1.3 Basic underlying assumptions...................................................................................9

2.2 Handy’s Model..................................................................................................................9

2.3 POWER...........................................................................................................................11

2.3.1 Formal Power and Personal Power..........................................................................12

2.3.2 Power Tactic............................................................................................................12

2.4 Politics.............................................................................................................................15

3 The relationship between power, culture and politic.............................................................17

3.1 The cultural-power relationship......................................................................................17

3.2 The politic-power relationship........................................................................................18

4 Recommendation...................................................................................................................19

5 Reference List........................................................................................................................20
1 Introduction to FPT Telecom

International transaction name: FPT Telecom

Industry: Telecommunication - Information Technology

Founded: January 31, 1997

Headquarters: PVI Building, No. 1 Pham Van Bach Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Vietnam


FPT Telecom Joint Stock Company (FPT Telecom) is currently one of the most reputable and
well-known telecom companies in Vietnam and the neighbouring area. After 24 years in business, FPT
Telecom has over 9,000 full-time employees, over 220 transaction offices in 59 provinces and cities, and
over 90 business divisions. With the pioneering mission of bringing the Internet to the people of Vietnam
and the desire that every Vietnamese family use at least one FPT Telecom service, as well as the motto
"Customer is the focus," they invest continuously in infrastructure, improve the quality of products and
services, and increase the use of new technologies to provide customers with exceptional product and
service experiences. In addition, the FPT's culture is encapsulated in six words: "Respectful - Innovative
- Team-spirited - Objective - Exemplary - Wise," which translates to "Respect individual -
Innovative spirit - Team spirit" In addition, FPT is committed to becoming a digital enterprise by 2030
and to rating among the top 50 global providers of end-to-end DX solutions and services. (FPT Telecom,

2 Culture

There are numerous definitions of organizational culture, but it is commonly understood to be the
transmission of corporate values via conventions, artifacts, and behavioral patterns. They function as
social concepts or philosophies that regulate behavior and provide a comprehensive framework for
organizational protocols and practices. Managers can instigate the construction of a corporate culture that
has a significant and persuasive impact on employee conduct by promoting particular values and
developing associated norms for expected behavior. (Hogan and Coote, 2014)

2.1 Schein’s Model

Edgar Schein asserts that businesses do not establish a culture in a single day; instead, it evolves
as employees acclimate to the external environment and surmount obstacles. They implement what they
have learned from past experiences daily, thus shaping the workplace ethos. The new employees work
hard to adjust to the company's culture and live a stress-free existence. (Robbins and Judge, 2018)

Schein asserts that there are three layers to an organization’s culture.

Figure 1: Schein’s Culture Triangle (Tutor2u, 2018)

2.1.1 Level 1: Artifacts


Figure 2: FPT Telecom's Logo

Three distinct colours represent the essential elements of the FPT brand, each with its
significance: orange represents vitality, creativity, and community sharing; green represents
transformation and advancement; and dark blue represents wisdom, sustainability, and unification.
Additionally, "Blue is the colour of corporate communications, stability is a symbol of leadership, and the
colour of the business is used to signify sustainability." Green is associated with sociability, the
environment, and health. Orange is a colour with excellent retail visibility." The colour green denotes the
company's partner-friendliness. The three colours of the FPT logo—blue, orange, and green—represent
the message that the organization wishes to convey. A successful, prominent retail company is always a
dependable and loyal partner and customer. Moreover, the three colours flow parallel, signifying the
Vietnamese people's global oneness. The curved lines of the FPT logo, which are derived from
converging circles, are intended to expand the community's access to technical applications. They are a
series of bendable arcs that tend to ascend like a blaze of vibrant and energising fire. The well-known
three-colour block pattern is slanted 13 degrees from vertical, creating the illusion of continuous
advancement. The objective is for everyone to have a favourable impression upon initial contact and
remember the address as dependable and available for further engagement as a business partner or guest.
(FPT Telecom, n.d.).


Figure 3: FPT Telecom's Slogan

FPT utilised to have numerous slogans. "FPT always provides value," for instance, sounds too
formulaic, too familiar, and is too long and difficult to remember. The company subsequently adopted the
slogan "Together to Success." It is also a straightforward, concise, and direct motto. In order to emphasise
the new vision, the company's motto was also updated in addition to the logo redesign. The executives of
FPT all agree that telecommunications is one of the most valuable aspects of information technology, and
they all want FPT to have a separate brand statement and develop a unified brand. Consequently, JWT
created the brand notion "Energizing Life" for FPT. On September 20, 2010, celebrating its 22nd
anniversary, FPT Company formally introduced a new brand strategy with the slogan "Inspiring vitality."
Due to this strategy, the corporation acknowledges that "the old shirt is no longer appropriate" and that a
new shirt is required. Changing the logo and slogan "Inspire Vitality" is a crucial initial stage in FPT's
redesign. A modernised, dynamic, and customer-friendly FPT. (FPT Telecom, n.d.).


Festivals play a significant role in FPT culture. Annually, on special occasions, all Group
members get together to socialise, have fun, and experience the FPT spirit. The FPT Department of
Communication and Community is responsible for cultivating and preserving FPT culture. Each year, the
FPT Communications and Community Department organises cultural and sporting events to enrich FPT
employees' spiritual lives, corporate loyalty, optimism for the future, and business success. FPT. Annually,
FPT Telecom hosts various cultural events that celebrate the nation's and the company's historical values,
thereby enhancing the spiritual lives of all employees. Community Day (March 13), FPT Sports Day
(March 26), Day Towards the Foundations (March 10 in the lunar calendar), FPT Culture Day (May 19),
New Employee's Day (first Saturday of the month), FPT Family Day (third Saturday of November), and
FPT Village Festival (June 3) are all official FPT holidays (December 22 of the lunar calendar), ….. (FPT
Telecom, n.d.).

Every FPT Telecom employee is dedicated to a worthy cause, works tirelessly, is inventive, and
contributes to the growth of individuals, institutions, and the nation. Each individual interacts closely with
the others to construct the FPT Telecom value system - a firm foundation for FPT Telecom's corporate

2.1.2 Level 2: Espoused values Goal
Throughout its history, FPT has endeavoured to provide clients with the finest technological
products, services, and solutions. In the meantime, FPT continues to explore and pioneer new
technological trends that contribute to Vietnam's position in the fourth industrial revolution - the Digital
Revolution. FPT will be a global pioneer in providing comprehensive digital transformation services to
businesses and corporations. (FPT Telecom, n.d.). Vision and mission

FPT's vision and mission are to create a new type of organization, abundant in creative labour
endeavours in science and technology, to gratify consumers, to contribute to the national economy, and to
provide the finest talent development conditions and a complete material existence for all of its members.
FPT strives to attain the highest level of client satisfaction by delivering the finest technological services,
products, and solutions. In addition, FPT is constantly investigating and pioneering new technological
trends, solidifying Vietnam's position on the global technology map. (FPT Telecom, n.d.). Core value

The essential values of FPT are the eternal principles that contribute to the company's success and
define the distinctive essence of the FPT brand. On the one hand, they are moulded by experience and
education and polished by their challenges. Nonetheless, they are the ideals and guiding principles the
business must adhere to. Respectful - Innovative - Team-spirited, and Objective - Exemplary - Wise,
where "Tôn Chỉ Đồng" represents "Respect the person - Innovative spirit - Team spirit," which are
qualities held by all FPTers. "Chí Gương Sáng" translates to "Objectivity - Exemplariness - Wisdom,"
which are attributes expected of FPT leaders. (FPT Telecom, n.d.).

2.1.3 Basic underlying assumptions

Regarding time's substance, it is up to the individual to define what time is, how it is measured,
how many categories exist, and how to utilise time. In FPT, how a member spends his time is less
essential than whether or not his task is completed on time. However, fundamental responsibilities, such
as meeting on time and seeing clients, must always be fulfilled on schedule. Due to the flexibility of
working hours, this culture strongly influences employees; employees are not limited in their working
scope, they are comfortable, and they can exert more effort into improving their work efficiency to enjoy
the flexibility of working hours and achieve higher performance. (FPT Telecom, n.d.).

Moreover, regarding human nature, FPT assumes humans are naturally creative and self-
motivated. This is evident across the listed Philosopher of Talents FPT Generation sets. (FPT Telecom,

Regarding the substance of interpersonal relationships, this assumption attempts to answer

several questions, such as what is appropriate for a man about others, whether a life of struggle or
cooperation is superior, whether individualism or collectivism is superior, and how conflicts should be
resolved. Why and how decisions must be made, and who has authority... And FPT solutions will be
founded on the professed values of democracy, brotherhood, and ingenuity. In a democracy, there is no
distinction between individuality and collectivism, and interpersonal relationships are emphasised. In
addition, it is a dispute resolution process. Implicit facts and truths further influence the decision-making
process. Decisions are typically reached through discussion and consideration of the members'
perspectives. The other members will respond swiftly if the leader decides based on his evaluation of the
situation. In the FPT context, there is effectively no unconditional obedience. The quantity also depends
on each group's method of operation. The authority transfer within an organization is based on
performance, not inheritance. (FPT Telecom, n.d.).

2.2 Handy’s Model

Researchers related organizational structure to culture using Charles Handy's perspective on
culture. Handy identified four types of cultures: the "Power Culture," the "Role Culture," the "Task
Culture," and the "Person Culture." (Robbins and Judge, 2019)

Figure 4 Handy’s theory of management (Cacciattolo, 2014)

Figure 5:FPT Telecom’s organizational structure

Employees adhere to the rules and exhibit little originality, the organization’s structure is well-
defined, and each employee's authority is delineated in bureaucratic organizations. Additionally, a
person's position within an organization determines their authority and influence, and decision-making
and risk-taking are frequently delayed and discouraged. (Robbins and Judge, 2019) FPT Telecom adheres
to a role culture based on the group's organizational structure, typically exemplified by highly formalised
and centralised organizations, such as bureaucracies or large, stable corporations. There are well-
established formal norms and procedures and a well-defined organizational structure that is widely
recognised and strictly enforced. Mr Hoang Nam Tien is the Chairman of FPT Telecom's Board of
Directors, and his responsibilities are delegated to the Supervisory Board, General Director, and Internal
Audit Committee. Each division has control and decision-making authority, including sales and customer
service, new products and services, technology and infrastructure, subsidiaries, and other subsidiary
divisions. Employees at FPT are decentralised within a clearly defined framework, and cultural authority
derives from an individual's position and is contingent on organizational structure and employee conduct
at work. What they should or shouldn’t do were clearly described. Therefore, each department is
responsible for planning and executing according to its expertise. Additionally, Mr Tien has emphasised
the significance of adhering to established protocols at FPT; consequently, conversations are civil and
precise, and decisions are based on solid reasoning. Therefore, individuals are held to extremely high
compliance standards, serving their performance as the primary metric for rewards and punishments.
(FPT Telecom, 2023)

This model has increased the consistency and clarity of the company's operations,
allowing everyone to carry out their responsibilities efficiently and to the best of their abilities. In addition
to assisting, directing, and advising the profit and loss activities, the Central Office departments supervise
the assessment, monitoring, and approval of Councils and working groups. Decisions that affect the
operations or profitability of the Group. Since then, the task has been accomplished effectively and on
time. However, this strategy has significant defects that occasionally cause organizational issues. Because
Vietnam is a developing nation with a high level of integration, businesses must react swiftly to
unanticipated economic changes. Due to the requirement to report to superiors, role culture is frequently
more resistant to change and can be detrimental to businesses.


In organizational behavior, power is A's ability to influence B's behavior to follow A's desires.
Therefore, an individual may possess a skill but not employ it, known as capacity or potential. The most
crucial aspect of management is its dependence on dependence; the greater B's reliance on A, the greater
A's influence over the relationship. Support depends on B's perception of the alternatives and the weight
B allocates to the option A controls. If a person possesses something you covet, they have sway over you.
(Robbins and Judge, 2019)
2.3.1 Formal Power and Personal Power

Figure 6: 5 Types of Power

2.3.2 Power Tactic

Figure 7: Power Tactic

FPT Telecom case

Mr Hoang Nam Tien wields Legitimate Power within FPT Telecom, as he holds the highest-
ranking position within the organization, Chairman of the board of FPT Telecom. This individual can
authorise personnel appointment decisions, organise staff, and enhance standard compensation and
benefits for this position. In addition, he acts as the organization’s legitimate representative in
negotiations and the execution of business contracts. Before deployment, it is necessary to assess and
evaluate all newly proposed services and projects and obtain Mr Tien's approval. Legal authority gives Mr
Tien a clear comprehension of the organizational hierarchy and alleviates his concerns regarding
disobedience. If Mr Tien engaged in misconduct, the relationship between employer and employee could
become strained. In addition, it is common for specific individuals to have an innate aversion to
authoritative figures. Even if Mr Tien demonstrates extraordinary leadership qualities, it is possible that
he will not command respect from his subordinates. (FPT Telecom, 2023)

In addition, Reward Power has been observed in FPT Telecom's actions. This authority is
derived from various organizational functions, including but not limited to those of the branch manager,
department head, and other comparable positions. The company has implemented a "three bonus, one
penalty" policy, according to Ms My, secretary to the CEO of FPT Telecom Ha Noi. Previously, the
exceptional achievement was acknowledged with awards, expressions of gratitude, and monetary
incentives. All of these processes are now conducted through the myFPT portal. Depending on the user's
degree of engagement and effort, it will manifest as either Gold (which can be exchanged for cash at 1
Gold for 1,000 VND) or an emblem within the application. (FOXNEWS, 2020) The objective is for other
unit and organization members to observe management recognising high-performing employees. The
preceding is a digital document sent routinely to acknowledge academic achievement. Personnel will
exert great effort to be accepted on the myFPT platform. Even if a gold medal lacks inherent beauty, it is
preferable not to be recognised for one's efforts. Additionally, gold may be converted into currency and
added to a basic salary. Through the myFPT application, the honour recipients will be shared with the
group. A reprimand notice includes criticism and a reminder, whereas a reprimand with a bonus deduction
includes criticism, a reminder, and a bonus deduction. This statement details the procedure for handling
violations under the purview of the individual being disciplined, the individual receiving reprimand, and
the relevant department or unit officials. (FOXNEWS, 2020) Utilising reward authority can increase
employee satisfaction and satisfaction. Employees feel a solid connection to the organization.
Implementing a compensation system alleviates their fears of being undervalued and underappreciated.
When reward authority is used, employees feel financially secure. Their contentment and job satisfaction
both increase. Other workers may feel demotivated if an award is based on performance. Some workers
may be misled into believing they are underperforming. Those who lack confidence in their abilities may
experience despondency. The incentive may be sufficient to motivate confident employees, but those who
think they have no opportunity may be less motivated. Moreover, incentives may lose their effectiveness
over time. If employees are repeatedly targeted with incentive programs, the incentives may lose their
effectiveness over time.
FPT Telecom utilises personal power, Expert Power in addition to its numerous positional
capabilities. This authority is demonstrated by the promotions of senior FPT employees based on their
experience and abilities. Mr Vo Dang Phat, Director of Communications - Marketing, was chosen as a
director for 2021-2024 due to his outstanding leadership. Mr Phat has held positions ranging from
programmer to manager in both domestic and international markets. He is a natural leader who can adapt
quickly to shifting circumstances. Numerous outstanding achievements have marked Mr Vo Dang Phat's
ten-year tenure at FPT; as a result, all employees and subordinates respect and accept his decisions. Mr
Phat's expert authority may enhance the performance of his associates by instilling confidence in them. It
is more likely that employees will be enthusiastic about a project if the supervisor creates objectives and
strategies using their skills and knowledge. Unfortunately, such powers must be maintained, necessitating
specialists, whether supervisors or employees, to increase their knowledge and skills to preserve their
credibility. (Chungta, 2022)

Moreover, Ms My also mentioned that FPT Telecom employs Inspirational Appeals to increase
motivation by appealing to emotions, cognition, and values. The cultivation of a culture of working
inspiration has emerged as an essential aspect of FPT, permeating all levels of the organisation, from
senior management to entry-level employees. The task of encouraging motivation is crucial because it
increases the productivity of individual employees. A good source of inspiration can serve as a potent
motivator for pursuing professional objectives. The administrators at FPT Telecom maintain regular
communication with their employees through CFRs (Conversation - Feedback - Recognition) because
they believe that conversing with staff can result in a mental shift, leading to behavioral changes. In
addition, the company selects a "key" group to incentivise individuals to work, as evidenced by FPT's
frequent organisation of teambuilding events designed to cultivate employee unity and emphasize
quarterly objectives. In addition, FPT offers a unique incentive strategy by "licensing" the concept to its
employees. Senior leaders frequently prioritise "speaking big and doing big" and are always willing to
authorise ambitious objectives. Every employee in the organisation is believed to have a passion
corresponding to its ultimate goals. (Chungta, 2021) Besides that, at FPT, leaders respect individuals,
value each team member's uniqueness, and employ a progressive working style to discuss with employees
instead of continually instructing them on what to do and how to do it. Mr Tien also uses the Ingratiation
tactic within the framework of Reward power to motivate, compensate, and offer inducements to his staff
through additional monthly bonuses, Tet bonuses, and extended vacation time to enhance their disposition
and motivation to pursue the organization's goals. This strategy fosters a positive environment and
ultimately results in improved performance. Consequently, he uses Consultation, a technique for
obtaining support by incorporating the objective when determining how to implement your strategy. This
will encourage workers to think creatively and advocate for their rights. The leader will acknowledge and
support the employees' suggestions if the ideas are accepted. (Chungta, 2013)

 In business, authority wields considerable influence and is often instrumental in

attaining organizational goals. These energy sources and strategies implemented by FPT Telecom
have both positive and negative effects on businesses. Administrators of FPT Telecom can
significantly increase productivity by exercising their authority effectively, thereby attaining the
organization's goals. Due to the intensifying competition in the telecommunications industry, a
small number of FPT Telecom employees have decided to depart the company. The supervisor's
considerate and respectful treatment of employees fosters an environment that encourages
exchanging ideas, resulting in favourable working conditions. In addition, employees receive
competitive compensation and benefits proportional to their contributions. Furthermore,
employees can benefit from the ability to exert influence over others. However, it is necessary to
undergo both organizational and personal objectives. Implementing Rewards and Expert power in
the context of FPT may motivate additional workers to demonstrate a higher level of commitment
to their respective responsibilities. Moreover, the other employees' confidence in the company has
decreased. When particular individuals possess relevant specialized skills, it has been observed
that empowering employees reduces organizational bureaucratic barriers. With the aid of
executive authority, employee inventiveness is encouraged. It is, therefore, possible for
individuals to exploit their power within an organization, diminishing its overall effectiveness.
Consequently, it is regarded as the biggest disadvantage of authority.

2.4 Politics
Organizational political behavior comprises actions that are not required as part of an individual's
official responsibilities but instead seek to influence the distribution of benefits and disadvantages within
the organization. (Chang and Rosen and Levy, 2009) The chart below illustrates three typical political
Networking is the predominant political behavior at FPT Telecom. Members of the Control
Board, Mr Tien, and other personnel within the organization strive to cultivate strong professional
relationships with their coworkers and superiors while effectively carrying out their duties. In addition,
the organization offers a specific Workplace page to facilitate departmental communication regarding
corporate events. FPT promotes a pleasant workplace where colleagues and supervisors support each
other professionally and personally. The FPT Communications and Community Department organizes
annual cultural and athletic events to provide FPT employees with various spiritual experiences, a sense
of organization loyalty, optimistic perspectives, and FPT-related accomplishments. This activity helps
FPT Telecom cultivate positive interpersonal relationships within the organization, resulting in increased
task support from colleagues, which contributes to enhanced job performance and behavior and increased
employee and manager motivation.

The concept of reciprocity, as it relates to political behavior, has demonstrated mutual support
for attaining goals that generate the most significant benefits for all parties. When FPT managers and
employees face personal challenges in the workplace or their personal affairs, they may seek assistance
from their professional networks to complete tasks. In exchange, they are expected to assist when their
counterparts are similarly occupied in the future. According to Malhotra (2009), internal and external
factors can influence the political behavior of employees. The willingness of FPT employees to assist
others enhances the company's reputation and promotes workplace cohesion. Therefore, individuals feel
obligated to uphold this behavior consistently. Implementing a system that provides consistent incentives
for desired behaviors effectively encourages positive conduct and boosts employee satisfaction, resulting
in increased performance.

Evaluate the impacts of Political behavior.

Political behavior can vary among individuals within an organization, family, or community.
According to George and Jones (2005) and Robbins et al. (2008), effective political behaviour or
strategies can facilitate achieving organizational or personal goals. In contrast, applying unfavorable
tactics or conduct will likely contribute to achieving organizational goals. Instead, this may engender
dread, animosity, and resentment among employees, creating an inhospitable work environment that can
negatively affect employee performance and organizational productivity. The FPT's political influence
can be demonstrated. Networking facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience among network
members and nurtures closer professional relationships. This can lead to the formation of new
partnerships and alliances among colleagues. Additionally, reciprocity may encourage individuals to seek
assistance and support from others instead of relying on their efforts to achieve their objectives.
Individuals can be motivated to increase their work output with the help of incentives provided by
political actions. These incentives may include both monetary and nonmonetary rewards, resulting in
improved flexibility, job satisfaction, and stress management skills. Consequently, these political
endeavours promote commercial objectives, induce institutional changes, enhance efficiency, and
expedite results. Despite this, political participation can have negative consequences. As employees
become more preoccupied with organizational politics, their productivity may decline. Due to the
prevalence of negative factors, the influence of political behavior on productivity may result in a decline
in overall performance. (J Stewart Black et al., 2019)

3 The relationship between power, culture and politic

3.1 The cultural-power relationship

According to Story (2010), a person's authority can be determined by observing their actions and
words. Potentially, culture could be enhanced by fostering and cultivating subordinates' confidence in
their abilities by exercising leadership authority. The advancement and improvement of civilization could
be facilitated by the selfless use of power by those in positions of authority for the greater benefit of
society. Culture is influential because it enables people to fathom the concept of authority as it pertains to
them. According to their respective cultural contexts, individuals' perceptions of authority diverge. In
situations of subjugation or maltreatment, a particular demographic's cultural preferences invariably
influence their perception of power dynamics and subsequent behavior toward authorities. (Walsh et al.,
1981) According to the antecedent text, FPT Telecom has a Role culture in which all positions are
explicitly defined, specified, and institutionalized. In addition, they must consistently and expeditiously
report any roadblocks to higher-level executives to expedite their resolution. The organization's influence
is centered on formal authority due to FPT's role culture. Due to the hierarchical structure of
organizations, this type of influence is commonly observed in the business world. There is a relationship
between high status and high authority. Formal authority enables leaders to wield significant influence
over subordinates. Because FPT uses role culture, the leader will have an influence on the company's
standard practice, office layout, and so on. Employee behavior will alter as a result of the leader's capacity
to influence organizational culture. It is essential to observe that despite the concentration of power
among a few FPT executives, employees continue to enjoy legitimate and acknowledged benefits. In
contrast to the Power culture, the organization has no positions of authority. However, if they employ
astute political strategies, they may still be able to influence the company’s employee community. This
statement has no consequence on the leadership team's effectiveness. Moreover, FPT Telecom's leadership
cultivates a work environment that encourages employee adaptability and creativity despite having
substantial authority. According to the antecedent text, FPT Telecom has a Role culture in which all
positions are explicitly defined, specified, and institutionalized. In addition, they must consistently and
expeditiously report any roadblocks to higher-level executives to expedite their resolution. The
organization's influence is centered on formal authority due to FPT's role culture. Due to the hierarchical
structure of organizations, this type of influence is commonly observed in the business world. There is a
relationship between high status and high authority. Formal authority enables leaders to wield significant
influence over subordinates. It is essential to observe that despite the concentration of power among a few
FPT executives, employees continue to enjoy legitimate and acknowledged benefits. In contrast to the
Power culture, the organization has no positions of authority. However, if they employ astute political
strategies, they may still be able to influence the company’s employee community. This statement has no
consequence on the leadership team's effectiveness. Moreover, FPT Telecom's leadership cultivates a
work environment that encourages employee adaptability and creativity despite having substantial

3.2 The politic-power relationship

Organizational politics is the strategic use of power and loyalty to influence the policies and
domains of an organization. Organizational politics refers to members' self-serving behavior. Politicians
are primarily concerned with acquiring and retaining power. Consequently, it can exacerbate intragroup
discord and spark a struggle for authority within the organization. According to Levy (2011), this
phenomenon has numerous adverse effects on the organization. It is recommended that organizations
provide highly motivated managers to provide their employees with a high level of responsiveness. This
strategy can simultaneously reduce political behavior while increasing employee confidence and
productivity. Power dynamics and political factors profoundly impact aspects such as the nature of
decision-making processes and employee interactions. Examines the impact of politics on corporate
power dynamics and successful promotion. (Olorunleke, 2015) To increase employee productivity, senior
management at FPT Telecom grants employees autonomy in making crucial decisions and rewards
outstanding performance. As a result, the employee would be motivated to perform their duties with the
utmost efficiency and productivity, resulting in positive outcomes.
4 Recommendation

FPT has been recognized as a pioneer in advancing organizational cultures for the past two
decades. An advantage of FPT is that it respects the uniqueness and individuality of each team member
and employs a progressive working style. Talented people always desire a clean working environment,
various duties, and opportunities to showcase their abilities and personalities. However, it is essential to
acknowledge that FPT has significant limitations in addition to its benefits and achievements. FPT
Telecom provides a pleasant and practical work environment for its employees. Occasionally, the
corporate culture of autonomy is misappropriated and misinterpreted. At FPT, it was typical for disputes
to last for an extended period. Certain managers at FPT exhibit negative behavior towards their
subordinates, such as aggressive gesturing, elevated voices, and disruptive interruptions. Frequently,
managers conflate positive and negative feedback. As a result, the interpersonal relationships between the
labor force and their supervisors have suffered. The potential dangers posed by the connections mentioned
above could endanger the organization.

FPT should establish rules for the acceptable degree of risk in all members' activities in order to
mitigate the repercussions of questionable control and poor direction. This indicates that when an
individual has total control over a choice, they might be highly imaginative while posing a huge risk since
the behavior has never been evaluated. As a result, a policy governing the permissible degree of risk
connected with such action should be in place. Although the risk is difficult to define, it can be linked to
the company's loss and a reasonable penalty is applied for each failure. This may encourage members to
reevaluate their actions, especially if their innovation costs are high or they must make too many
compromises. This is the beginning point for reducing undesirable out-of-control behaviours.
5 Reference List

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