Health Affairs Infographics Article

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By Jennifer J. Otten, Karen Cheng, and Adam Drewnowski

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0642

NO. 11 (2015): –
©2015 Project HOPE—
The People-to-People Health

Infographics And Public Policy: Foundation, Inc.

Using Data Visualization To

Convey Complex Information
Data visualization combines principles from psychology, usability, graphic design, and
statistics to highlight important data in accessible and appealing formats. Doing so
helps bridge knowledge producers with knowledge users, who are often inundated with
information and increasingly pressed for time.

n this issue of the journal, Health Affairs and is directly useful for decision-making pur- Jennifer J. Otten (jotten@ is an assistant
is launching its “DataGraphic” feature— poses (Exhibit 1). Effective infographics are
professor in nutritional
an information graphic (infographic) based on principles from the fields of psycholo- sciences at the University of
summarizing key insights from one or gy, usability, graphic design, and statistics with Washington, in Seattle.
several of the articles presented in the the aim of reducing barriers (limited time, infor-
issue. Infographics are an effective way to pres- mation overload) to understanding important Karen Cheng is a professor in
the Division of Design, School
ent complex data in a visual format that is com- information. They therefore serve an important of Art, Art History, and
pelling, provides rapidly available information, role in bridging the gap between producers and Design, at the University of

Adam Drewnowski is a
Exhibit 1 professor in nutritional
sciences at the University of
Infographic Example 1: A Shocking Quantity Of Food Is Wasted In The United States Each Year Washington.

SOURCE Khaito Gengo, senior undergraduate in visual communication design, University of Washington, Seattle, 2014. NOTE See online
Appendix Exhibit A3 for a complete list of the data sources used to create this exhibit (see Note 1 in text).

N ov em b e r 2 0 1 5 3 4: 1 1 Health Affairs 1
To be added

consumers of information. al processing, well-designed infographics allow

Infographics can take various shapes and viewers to quickly find patterns and trends and
forms but may be grouped into three main types: easily compare groups and quantities.
data graphics, maps, and diagrams. They also All of this provides a vital opportunity for re-
can be static (for print or screen use), animated searchers and visual designers to work together
(for screen use), or interactive (for screen use). to create infographics that can convey key issues
Multiple data visualizations, maps, or diagrams of complicated public and policy interest. By in-
can be combined into an overall visual composi- tegrating quantitative charts with explanatory
tion with illustrations and selected text to convey text and illustrative diagrams, for example, re-
a larger story or narrative. Such large posters, searchers can communicate their findings as en-
panels, or scrolling images are commonly con- gaging, persuasive, or memorable narratives of
sidered to be infographics, although they might discovery. In this way, infographics take advan-
also be called “storygraphics” because they im- tage of the power of stories—our oldest and most
pose a narrative flow on the data. These narra- natural form of sense-making.
tives can be explanatory (seeking to objectively
educate or inform), editorial (suggesting value
judgments), persuasive (seeking to influence or Designing Effective Infographics
sway), or exploratory (testing multiple alterna- Creating a compelling narrative infographic
tive hypotheses). Online Appendix Exhibit A1 from primary research is not a trivial undertak-
provides more details on types of infographics.1 ing. There is the potential for oversimplification
Infographics are not a new concept. Their his- when condensing a large report of advanced sci-
tory can be traced back to William Playfair, an entific research into a single visualization. Addi-
eighteenth-century Scottish engineer and econ- tionally, infographic design typically involves
omist who invented the line chart, bar graph, interpreting numerical data, which can easily
and pie chart.2 Two centuries later, statistician be distorted or made misleading (unintentional-
Edward Tufte defined best practices for commu- ly or otherwise). Numbers can also be made to
nicating quantitative and qualitative informa- appear more precise than they really are.
tion in his authoritative books on information Research investigations and design activities
design,3–6 drawing examples from a portrayal of follow parallel paths. For example, it is critical
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 18127 to the for both activities to focus on specific investiga-
early interface design for the Apple iPhone.8 tive questions, to conduct rigorous analyses, and
Newspapers were among the first media out- to communicate the most important and action-
lets to popularize infographics. USA Today is able results to a specific audience in ways that are
known for its “Snapshots” feature, which uses appropriate to their level of knowledge. (See Ap-
simple graphics to depict public opinion on con- pendix Exhibit A2, which depicts the parallel
temporary issues.9 While USA Today has been processes of research and design.)1 As a viewer
questioned about the accuracy and analysis or user of information, it is critical to evaluate
methods of “Snapshots,” it did lead the way for the credibility of data sources, to examine struc-
other publications, such as the New York Times, tural manipulations (such as the omission of
to develop practices supporting more complex zero), and to be aware of common ways in which
yet accessible information visualizations.10,11 statistics can be used to mislead.15
The most effective infographics help viewers
think critically about a particular subject or data
The Power Of Images set in terms of individual measurements and
The broad accessibility of data and digital tools broader patterns.16 The least effective info-
has dramatically increased the quantity of infor- graphics tend to be visually overwhelming, using
mation directed toward policy makers and the excessive or extraneous data or “noise,” or pres-
general public. By some estimates, the average ent information in a way that is confusing or
person is inundated with the information equiv- makes it appear insignificant.16
alent of 147 newspapers daily.12 Because info- Infographic design should also be informed by
graphics leverage the brain’s most dominant the communication setting. For example, info-
capacity—visual processing—they can be a faster graphics that are part of a presentation are typi-
and more effective way of communicating infor- cally accompanied by spoken explanation. Ac-
mation than text alone. Studies estimate that cordingly, they should be made bold for visual
nearly 50 percent of the brain is involved in impact and succinct for quick comprehension.
processing vision; the human visual system is Infographics in a printed publication can convey
so well developed that people can get the sense far more detail and may need additional annota-
of a visual scene in less than one-tenth of a sec- tion compared to those used in an oral presen-
ond.13,14 Taking advantage of the rapidity of visu- tation.

2 Health A ffairs November 2015 34:11

Specific Examples Of Food Systems the complex story of food waste by breaking it
Infographics down into more easily understandable seg-
Three food-related infographics were developed ments. Each subsegment is distinguished by de-
by graduate and undergraduate students of the scriptive subtitles that guide the viewer through
Visual Communication Design program in col- it in logical sequence. Importantly, the lower
laboration with researchers at the Center for portion of the panel includes a hierarchy of evi-
Public Health Nutrition at the University of dence-backed solutions that call viewers to
Washington, in Seattle. These large printed pan- action.18
els, which primarily employ Sankey or flow dia- The Food Waste Pyramid depicted in Exhibit 4
grams, examine a variety of issues within the US is a conceptual diagram originally created by
food system, including an analysis of the series of environmentalist Tristram Stuart.19 The pyramid
steps a given food item takes on its complex organizes evidence-backed solutions to food
journey from farm to plate and the factors that waste into two distinct categories: waste avoid-
influence postconsumer food waste.17 (The ance and waste management. Within each cate-
sources used to create these exhibits can be gory, beneficial behaviors are prioritized, with
found in Appendix Exhibit A3.)1 more effective and desirable actions at the top of
Exhibit 1 exemplifies a persuasive infographic the pyramid.
that seeks to draw attention to the important
problem of food waste and suggest potential pol-
icy solutions. Graphics and photography create a Conclusion
powerful and compelling narrative explaining Infographics are a powerful way to distill and
the shocking amount of food that is wasted in convey complex scientific information as a visual
the United States. narrative. Infographics provide an effective
Exhibit 2 is an explanatory infographic that means to communicate health and nutrition data
shows the three main methods by which fish to decision makers, who need high-quality infor-
are harvested in the United States: wild fishing, mation but in bite-size and readily accessible
extensive fish farming, and intensive fish farm- forms. Developing the relationships needed
ing. The Sankey diagram shows the relative to create data-sourced infographics, which are
quantities of fish harvested by each method not currently common, requires time and
while presenting a general overview of fishing commitment—not only to develop the final prod-
and farming practices. The narrative presents uct but also to develop the level of cross-expertise
facts in as neutral and objective a manner as that is needed for interdisciplinary teams.20
possible, with the goal of providing easily digest- Funding will be needed to bring the data-driven
ible information in order to set the stage for community into the world of visual communica-
further discussion. tion design and vice versa. While designing an
Exhibit 3 is an editorial infographic that traces information graphic is the initial step, more ef-
the use of corn in America. The Sankey diagram fort is required to promote its effective use. Re-
shows the relative quantities of corn at each of searchers and policy makers must still actively
their final destinations in the food supply chain. engage in ways that bring science by design into
At the center is a color-coded choropleth map the right decision-making pathways at the right
that uses shading to identify the principal loca- time to ensure their use.21
tions where corn is grown. Text and illustrations As societal problems demand more interdisci-
at the periphery of each end node provide brief plinary and collaborative approaches, visual
educational snapshots that help the viewer un- communication design as applied to food and
derstand the advantages and disadvantages of nutrition science offers a number of advantages.
each end use of the corn harvest. The combina- First, the collaborative design process requires
tion of the main flow diagram with annotations that all participants contribute to decisions as
suggests how viewers should think about the the visual representation of data evolves.22 Mul-
corn supply chain and the policy decisions that tiple inputs reduce the possibility that data will
affect this crop. be ambiguous or inaccurately represented. An-
Exhibit 4, which is a subset of Exhibit 1, illus- other factor in the success of these efforts is the
trates how critical pieces of the story are detailed formation of interdisciplinary teams that are
in specific visual subsegments. Other subseg- necessary for the collaboration to work. Finally,
ments of Exhibit 1 illustrate regions of the world collaborative visualization is dynamic and itera-
that are responsible for the most food waste, the tive because the result is subject to evaluation
types of food that are most frequently wasted, and revision at any point in the process. These
how and why food is wasted at specific points in advantages represent exciting possibilities for
the food supply chain, and the monetary value of getting important research findings into the
wasted food. These visual subsegments simplify hands and minds of decision makers. ▪

N ov em b e r 2 0 1 5 3 4: 1 1 Health Affairs 3
To be added

Exhibit 2

Infographic Example 2: There Are Three Main Methods By Which Fish Are Harvested In The United States: Wild Fishing,
Extensive Fish Farming, And Intensive Fish Farming

SOURCE Jason Petz, “Supporting Environmental Conservation with Information Visualization,” Master of Design Thesis at the Univer-
sity of Washington, Seattle, 2014. NOTE See online Appendix Exhibit A3 for a complete list of the data sources used to create this
exhibit (see Note 1 in text).

4 Health Affairs November 2015 34:11

Exhibit 3

Infographic Example 3: The Corn Supply Chain And The Policy Decisions That Affect This Vital US Crop

SOURCE Suzanne Boretz and Allison Weir, senior undergraduates in visual communication design, University of Washington, Seattle, 2014. NOTE See online Appendix
Exhibit A3 for a complete list of the data sources used to create this exhibit (see Note 1 in text).

N ov em b e r 2 0 1 5 3 4: 1 1 Health Affairs 5
To be added

Exhibit 4

Infographic Example 4: The Food Waste Pyramid Organizes Evidence-Backed Solutions To Food Waste Into Two Distinct
Categories: Waste Avoidance And Waste Management

Khaito Gengo, senior undergraduate in Visual Communication Design, University of Washington, Seattle, 2014. NOTE See online
Appendix Exhibit A3 for a list of the data sources used to create this exhibit (see Note 1 in text).

The authors acknowledge Suzanne

Boretz, Khaito Gengo, Jason Petz, and
Allison Weir, University of Washington
students in visual communication design
in the School of Art, Art History, and
Design, for the creation of the
infographics shown in Exhibits 1–4.

6 H ea lt h A f fai r s November 2015 34:11

1 To access the Appendix, click on the 9 Snapshots. USA Today [serial on the Available from:
Appendix link in the box to the right Internet]. [Cited 2015 Sep 9]. Avail- 2014/04/what-makes-the-best-
of the article online. able from: http://usatoday30.usa infographics-so-convincing/
2 Playfair W, Corry J. The commercial 17 The infographics in this article are
and political atlas representing, by 10 Perlmutter DD, Vines EA, Hamilton included as illustrations only. The
means of stained copper-plate JM. Graphics and journalism: in USA subsegments of Exhibit 1 are not
charts, the exports, imports, and Today, some of its “snapshots” have intended here to be readable in size.
general trade of England: the na- not given the full picture [Internet]. The online Appendix (see Note 1)
tional debt, and other public ac- Cambridge (MA): Nieman Reports; contains versions that may be en-
counts, with observations and re- 2002 Sep 15 [cited 2015 Sep 9]. larged to enable reading of the var-
marks. London: Printed for Available from: http://nieman ious component information sec-

J. Debrett, Piccadilly; G. G. and tions of Exhibits 1–4.

J. Robinson, Pater-Noster Row; journalism/ 18 Bachaus J, Otten JJ. Healthy nutri-
J. Sewell, Cornhill; the engraver, S. J. 11 Wilson M. The upshot: where the tion: from farm to fork [Internet].
Neele, No. 352, Strand; W. Creech New York Times is redesigning news Washington (DC): Elevate Health,
and C. Elliot, Edinburgh; and [Internet]. New York (NY): Fast President’s Council on Fitness,
L. White, Dublin; 1786. Company; 2015 Jan 20. [cited 2015 Sports, and Nutrition; 2015 Mar
3 Tufte ER. The visual display of Sep 9]. Available from: http:// [cited 2015 Sep 9]. Available from:
quantitative information. Cheshire https://www.presidentschallenge
(CT): Graphics Press; 1983. the-upshot-where-the-new-york- .org/informed/elevatehealth/docs/
4 Tufte ER. Envisioning information. times-is-redesigning-news 201503elevatehealth.pdf
Cheshire (CT): Graphics Press; 1990. 12 Hilbert M, López P. The world’s 19 Department of Agriculture. Feeding
5 Tufte ER. Beautiful evidence. technological capacity to store, the 5000—food waste pyramid [In-
Cheshire (CT): Graphics Press; communicate, and compute infor- ternet]. Washington (DC): USDA;
2006. mation. Science. 2011;332(6025): [cited 2015 Sep 9]. Available from:
6 Tufte ER. Visual explanations: im- 60–5.
ages and quantities, evidence and 13 Marieb EN, Hoehn KN. Human businesses+casestudies.php
narrative. Cheshire (CT): Graphics anatomy and physiology. Boston 20 Frankel F, Reid R. Distilling mean-
Press; 1997. (MA): Pearson; 2013. ing from data. Nature. 2008;455:30.
7 Minard CJ. Carte figurative des 14 Semetko HA, Scammell M. The 21 Otten JJ, Dodson EA, Fleischhacker
pertes successives en hommes de SAGE handbook of political com- S, Siddiqi S, Quinn EL. Getting re-
l’Armée Française dans la campagne munication. Los Angeles (CA): SAGE search to the policy table: a qualita-
de Russie 1812–1813. Paris: Regnier Publications; 2012. tive study with public health re-
et Dourdet; 1869. 15 Huff D. How to lie with statistics. searchers on engaging with policy
8 Tufte ER. iPhone interface design New York (NY): W. W. Norton and makers. Prev Chronic Dis.
[Internet]. Cheshire (CT): Graphics Company; 1982. 2015;12:E56.
Press; 2008 [cited 2015 Sep 9]. 16 Ovans A. What makes the best info- 22 Trumbo J. Essay: seeing science: re-
Available from: http://www.edward graphics so convincing [Internet]. search opportunities in the visual Boston (MA): Harvard Business Re- communication of science. Science
msg?msg_id=00036T view; 2014 Apr 22 [cited 2015 Sep 9]. Comm. 2000;21(4):379–91.

N ov e m b e r 201 5 3 4 :1 1 H ea lt h A f fai r s 7
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1. The chief copy editor believes that this explanatory note will assist readers, who
might expect to be able to read the infographics.

8 Health A ffairs November 2015 34:11

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