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Abortion and Postabortion

Care in Malawi

■■ Malawi’s maternal mortality ratio rates for Eastern Africa (34) and ■■ A 2009 study estimated that more
remains one of the highest in the Southern Africa (35). than one in four women who reached
world—574 maternal deaths per a health care facility for postabor-
100,000 live births in 2014—and ■■ A 2009 study estimated a substantially tion care had severe or moderate
maternal deaths present a major pub- lower abortion rate in Malawi than the complications.
lic health challenge for the country. new estimated rate for 2015. Due to
several methodological differences ■■ The majority of Malawi’s postabortion
■■ The majority of induced abortion between the two studies, it is not pos- care cases are treated at district hos-
procedures in Malawi are performed sible to infer a trend on the basis of pitals (35%), health centers (22%) and
under clandestine and unsafe condi- these two studies. clinics (20%).
tions. Complications from abortions
have been estimated to account for Availability of postabortion care ■■ Treating complications of unsafe abor-
between 6% and 18% of maternal ■■ Out of the estimated 141,000 abortions tion represents a significant financial
deaths in Malawi. performed in Malawi in 2015, approxi- burden for the national health system
mately 60% resulted in complications in Malawi. A 2009 study estimated
■■ Abortion is only legal in Malawi to that required medical treatment in a that a liberalized abortion law and
save a woman’s life. Obtaining an health facility. access to safe abortion in public
abortion for any other reason is health facilities would yield a 20–30%
punishable by 7–14 years in prison. ■■ An estimated one-third of the women decrease in postabortion care costs
who experienced complications from for the healthIntended
system. pregnancies ending in misc
■■ A national debate is currently under an abortion did not receive the medi-
way on whether or not to liberalize cal treatment they needed. Unintendedpregnancy
Impact of unintended pregnacy ending in misc
Malawi’s abortion law by providing ■■ Globally, most abortions are the result
more exceptions under which an ■■ The annual treatment rate for compli- of unintendedUnintended
pregnancy. pregnancy
In Malawi, ending in ab
abortion could be legally obtained. cations from abortion was estimated 53% of pregnancies in 2015 were unin-
to be 14 per 1,000 women aged tended, and close to one-third (30%) of
Incidence of induced abortion 15–49 in 2015. these unintended pregnancies ended
■■ In Malawi, an estimated 141,000 abor- in abortion.
tions were performed in 2015. This
number translates to a rate of 38 abor-
tions per 1,000 women aged 15–49.
Almost one in every six pregnancies end in abortion.
■■ Within Malawi, abortion rates vary
widely by region, from 29 per 1,000
women in the Central region to 61 in 16%
the Northern region.
Unintended pregnancy ending
■■ In Malawi in 2015, 39% of pregnan- in abortion
cies ended in planned births, 30% in 47% Unintended pregnancy ending
unplanned births, 16% in abortion and in miscarriage or unplanned birth
15% in miscarriages. 37%
Intended pregnancy ending
in miscarriage or birth
■■ Malawi’s abortion rate is similar to
other countries in the region, including
Tanzania (36 per 1,000 women) and
Uganda (39), as well as to the regional 886,000 pregnancies

APRIL 2017
■■ Modern contraceptive use have an unmet need for ■■ Expand postabortion care SOURCES
has increased substan- contraception. That is, they services by guarantee- Most data in this fact sheet are
tially over the past decade want to avoid a pregnancy ing that all health facilities from Polis C et al., Incidence
in Malawi. Among mar- but are not using any con- are fully stocked with the of induced abortion in Malawi,
2015, PLOS ONE, 2017,
ried women aged 15–49, traceptive method. necessary medications,
12(4), doi:10.1371/journal.
modern contraceptive supplies and equipment to pone.0173639. Additional
use increased from 28% Recommendations provide this care, and that resources can be found in the
in 2004 to 58% in 2015. ■■ Ensure that free or afford- staff are trained in how to version available at https://
Among sexually active able family planning ser- provide postabortion care
unmarried women in this vices reach all individuals according to World Health sheet/abortion-malawi.
age-group, usage increased to reduce unmet need for Organization guidelines.
from 24% in 2004 to 43% contraception and lower ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
in 2015. Use of traditional the incidence of unintended ■■ Ensure that policy discus- The study on which this fact
contraceptive methods— pregnancy. Programs should sions in Malawi on abortion sheet is based was made
which can have high failure offer comprehensive family consider the full range of possible by grants from the
UK Government, the Dutch
rates—is extremely low in planning services—including available evidence around
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Malawi. counseling for and avail- reducing maternal mortality the Norwegian Agency for
ability of a wide range of and morbidity, and acknowl- Development Cooperation.
■■ Meeting women’s contra- contraceptive methods—to edge that expanding access The findings and conclusions
ceptive needs is a critical enable women and couples to safe abortion care would contained within do not
step toward decreasing the to choose the methods that reduce the number of necessarily reflect the positions
incidence of unintended work best for them, to use women who experience and policies of the donors.
pregnancies, as well as methods effectively and complications from unsafe
the unsafe abortions and to switch methods when abortion.
maternal deaths and inju- desired. These programs
ries that often result from should make special efforts
these pregnancies. to reach rural and poor
Malawian women, who
■■ In Malawi, one in five mar- experience higher levels of
ried women and two in five unmet need for family plan-
sexually active unmarried ning than their urban and
women of reproductive age nonpoor counterparts.

University of Malawi
Centre for Reproductive Health
College of Medicine
The majority of abortions in Malawi result Mahatma Gandhi Road
P/Bag 360, Chichiri,
in complications that require treatment in Blantyre 3, Malawi
a health facility. Tel: +265.1.871.911

No complication

80 40 43 42 Treated complication

Untreated complication

38 43 32 Female
40 40
Good reproductive health
20 policy starts with credible
22 26 research
17 21
125 Maiden Lane
National Northern Central Southern New York, NY 10038
212.248.1 11 1
% of abortions
No Treated Untreated
complication complication complication


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