Newsletter 2011 October 5

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Wednesday 5 October 2011 Dear Parents and Caregivers, Term 3 ends this coming Friday and one of our

Year 8 students, Shweta Kumar, has a very good idea to which I have said yes. She suggested that on the last day of term all students dress up in the colours of the country that they have been supporting or will still support in the Rugby World Cup. So come on everyone get behind your favourite rugby team for one last time before the finals by coming to school dressed in the colours of your team. Both Shweta and I would like to see our school ablaze with colour and flags.


Principals News
I joined Bailey Road School in October 2006 and have enjoyed the 5 years. In that time I have led the school through two successful Education Review Office visits, and the roll has grown and remained stable. After 5 years principals are able to apply for a Terms sabbatical. During the sabbatical principals need to complete a research project for 5 weeks and are then able to use the other 5 weeks to rejuvenate. I applied for a sabbatical stating that I wanted to learn more st about Adaptive Leadership and 21 Century Learning. My application was successful and the Board of Trustees has granted me leave during Term 1 of 2012. During my absence our Deputy Principal, Mrs Facon, will become the acting principal. I have full confidence in her ability to principal the school while I am on sabbatical. I will return to Bailey Road School at the beginning of Term 2 in 2012 refreshed and armed with extra knowledge to carry on leading our school. Principals performance review: Roween Higgie of The Education Group Ltd was employed by the Board of Trustees to review my performance as the schools principal. It was a rigorous process that involved all the staff, the Board of Trustees and even students. The Board of Trustees received her report and I have shared the results with the staff. It is a very positive report acknowledging my strengths and she has made very good recommendations for me to work on.

Bailey Road HEART

Aff irma tions / W ha ka tika:
Jaap Skinner and Khian Barnfield of Room 9: for coming up with a clever design and technical drawing for a Pulse Machine Jacob Tupai, Livalose Melelosa & Charity Faamautainu of Room 21: for a good reading report on frogs.

World Cup Supporters Dress Up Day on Friday 7th October.

No donation required lets celebrate the Rugby World Cup and enjoy the day as a thank you for raising so much money in the Thon. The latest figure for the Thon fundraiser is $6,500, well-done Bailey Road School.

Rugby League Competition Yr 7 & 8

On 29 September a team of Yr 7 & 8 boys participated in a very big Rugby League Tournament. They played three games and lost against Sir Edmund Hillary, Manurewa and Kelston Intermediates. Thank you to Mr D Muir and one of our parents Mr Tony Prasad for coaching and taking the boys to the tournament.

ICAS Exam Results ~ Extension

At our school we provide an extension programme for students with ability. Part of this programme is to expose our students to an international competition that is run by the University of New South Wales in Australia. Students from twenty countries around the world

Term 4 starts back on Wednesday 23rd October.

participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) programme, so the results below are truly outstanding!

Monalisa Kabir Melinda Li Daniel Fonua Karlena Latu

Yr 8 Yr 7 Yr 6 Yr 5

Distinction Abbey Grainger Kaia Harvey Credit Mohana Kolli Samantha Cosgrove Jasleen Minhas Karlena Latu Kiahn Barnfield Jaapie Skinner Yr 8 Yr 4 Yr 8 Yr 8 Yr 7 Yr 5 Yr 4 Yr 4

University of Otagos Problem Solving Challenge

Excellence Abbey Grainger Samantha Cosgrove Ariana Guptill Aikendrix Nelisi Merit Jade Bennett Mohana Kolli Melinda Li Priyasha Prasad Akansha Kumar Jakob Robin Jennifer Chea Maanvi Kumar Yr 8 Yr 8 Yr 6 Yr 6 Yr 8 Yr 8 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 6 Yr 7 Yr 6

High Distinction Abbey Grainger Yr 8

Credit Mohana Kolli Yr 8 Samantha Cosgrove Yr 8 Jade Bennett Yr 8

Congratulations to the above-mentioned students on your excellent results, I am very proud of you.

Distinction Melinda Li Kiahn Barnfield Ashley Whyte Melesela Muller Credit Mohana Kolli Samantha Cosgrove Jasleen Minhas Priyasha Prasad Ariana Guptill Daniel Fonua Jacob Dela Rosa Angelina Noomaara Pearl-Marli Waetford Dylan Lee Aneka Maea Shukrullah Rezaie Julio Romero Lily Zheng Yr 7 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 8 Yr 8 Yr 7 Yr 7 Yr 6 Yr 6 Yr 6 Yr 6 Yr 6 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 4 Yr 4

Distinction Samantha Cosgrove Yr 8 Credit Abbey Grainger Mohana Kolli Yr 8 Yr 8

To our students and staff have a relaxing break!

Derek Linington Principal

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