Ra 7920 Summary

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Republic Act No. 7920 is an act providing for a more responsive and comprehensive regulation
for the practice, licensing, and registration of electrical engineers and electrician. Under the law is the
6 Article namely, Article 1: Title and Definition of terms , Article 2: Board of Electrical Engineering,
Article 3: Examination and Registration, Article 4: Summary Provisions Relative to the practice of
Electrical Engineering, Article 5: Transitory Provisions and Article 6: Final Provisions.
There are some significant changes of this proposed new law from that of RA 7920, first we have
the wider definition of terms used as reference in regulating the practice of the electrical profession.
The proposed new law manifests more comprehensive definition of terms surrounding the
profession, from 15 terms defined in Ra 920 to 55 in this proposed law. Second, we have the more
substantive provisions for the field of practice of responsible character of electrical practitioners.
Then, we also have the clearer mandate on who are authorized to practice electrical technology and
electrical engineering profession, as well as who are authorized to teach electrical engineering
courses in colleges and universities. And Lastly we have the much improve employ-ability amongst
licensed electrical practitioners, as emboided in the provision for minimum complement of licensed
practitioners in power plants, industrial plants, transmission/distribution systems and commercial
Moreover, electrical engineers must practice and implement everything that was written on the
IRR of RA 7920. If doing so, the safeness and overall performance of doing the work of an electrical
engineer will highly be guaranteed.


A more detailed and responsive regulation for the employment, licensing, and
registration of electrical engineers and electricians is provided by Republic Act No.
7920. The articles 1 through 6 of the law are titled: Article 1: Title and Definition of
Terms; Article 2: Board of Electrical Engineering; Article 3: Examination and
Registration; Article 4: Summary Provisions Relative to the Practice of Electrical
Engineering; Article 5: Transitory Provisions; and Article 6: Final Provisions.

This proposed new law differs significantly from RA 7920 in a number of important
ways, starting with the expanded definition of words used as a guide in regulating the
practice of the electrical profession. From 15 terms described in Ra 920 to 55 terms
explained in this proposed law, the proposed new law shows a more comprehensive
explanation of terms relating to the profession.The second set of provisions pertains to
the sphere of practice and the appropriate conduct of electrical practitioners.
Additionally, there is a clearer mandate on who can teach electrical engineering
courses in colleges and universities as well as who can practice electrical technology
and electrical engineering as a career. Finally, we have the significantly improved
employability of licensed electrical practitioners, as evidenced by the requirement for
a minimum number of licensed practitioners in power plants, industrial facilities,
transmission/distribution networks, and commercial complexes.

Furthermore, all of the requirements listed on the IRR of RA 7920 must be practiced
and implemented by electrical engineers. The performance and safety of an electrical
engineer's work will be highly ensured if this is done.

Republic Act No. 7832 is an act penalizing the pilferage of electricity and theft of electric power
transmission lines/ materials, nationalizing system losses by phasing out pilferage losses as a
component thereof, and for other purposes. This act is also known as the Anti-Pilferage Act of 1994
which prohibits and penalizes the stealing, selling, and buying of any transmission tower and line part.
The act was signed into a law on December 8, 1994.
Furthermore, RA 7832 is composed of 17 sections namely; Section 1: Short Title, Section 2: Illegal
Use of Electricity, Section 3: Theft of Electric Power Transmission hcuchcuc

In this line with this, RA 7832 was passed into law during the 9 th congress with the legislative intent to
curb the illegal use of electricity and theft of electric power transmission lines and materials as well as
provide penalties to discourage perpetrator form committing those offenses.

Republic Act No. 7832 is a law that criminalizes the theft of electricity and materials used in
electric power transmission, nationalizes system losses by eliminating theft losses as a part of those
losses, among other things. The Anti-Pilferage Act of 1994 is another name for this law, which makes
it illegal to steal, sell, or purchase any transmission tower or line component. On December 8, 1994,
the measure was officially declared a law.
Additionally, RA 7832 is divided into 17 sections, including Section 1:

In keeping with this, RA 7832 was enacted into law during the 9th Congress with the legislative
goal to curtail the unauthorized use of energy and the theft of materials and transmission lines used
in the distribution of electric power, as well as to provide sanctions to deter offenders from
committing those acts.

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