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ONG AI-MING ONG AI-MING © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. First Published 2007 Reprinted 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009 twice), 2010 (twice) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 (twice), 2019 ISBN 978.981-4218-68-9 Published and distributed by: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4 member of Popular Holdings Limited (UEN 199607189) 15 Serangoon North Avenue 5 Singapore 554360 Tel: 6462 9608 ‘Website: Printed in Singapore NOTE To PARENTS | Grammar for Kindergarten is specially written for 5- to 6-year-old children to help them build a strong foundation in their grammar skills. This book covers all the necessary grammar items that children at this level should master. The grammar items are divided into units with explanatory notes to teach children the rules of grammar usage in different contexts. The various practice exercises that follow help children to internalise and apply what has been taught. Grammar for Kindergarten ensures that children cross the grammar milestones before they enter primary school and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead in school. _ CONTENTS © Nouns 1 Common and Proper Nouns. 2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns 3. Singular ANd Plural NOUNS... 4 Collective Nouns..... 5 GENET eerie Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives 6, Personal Pronouns... 7. Demonstrative Pronouns.. 8. Possessive Adjectives ...... Articles 9. Aand An... Adjectives 10, Describing Words... 11. Comparison of Adjectives. Verbs 12. Is, Are and AM... 13. Has and Have..... 14, DO ON DOES vesressessesesrsreeeessesiesiesneinssersneseesieecrenes Tenses 15, Simple Present Tense... 10 14 22 28 34 44 52 56 62 72 78 84 92 16. Simple Past TENSC..ecsssssssessesssssseuunsseissssssussetssssessseee 17, Present COntinUOUs TENSE. .....ecseesecsesseecseeesneseneeeeneennees 18. Past COntinUOUs TENSE... 19. Simple FUTUTE TENSE... eeseecsteeseeeneessteeeneesneenneeeneeeneeenes Modals 20. Can and Cannot Adverbs 21, Adverbs of Manner. Connectors 22, And, Or and But...... Prepositions 23. — Prepositions Of POSItIONS........08 Questions and Answers 24, WHh- QUESTIONS ....sscsssesssreeseessneesseesnsessneeseeensacenenseneeseneessnes 25. Capital Letters and Full stops Revision 26. Revision One 27, REVISION TWO cescsesseesssncsssnsestnssanscseecsneassnsensessanensaneesceceneesents 28. — Revision Three..... 29, Revision Four 30. Revision Five. Answers 104 116 122 128 134 140 146 152 160 170 176 184 192 198 204 210 UNIT 1 ‘g » Common and Proper Nouns Nouns are words we use to name various things. They are also called naming words. Common nouns are words for people, things, places or animals. Common nouns do not begin with a capital letter. EXAMPLES . mug cap bicycle © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid - -< «© ¢ _& ~» * Nouns Proper nouns are special names of people and places. All proper nouns begin with a capital letter. _ EXAMPLES . We like to visit the Singapore Zoological Gardens. Mr Sim is my teacher. Peter and Daniel are best friends. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid ” EXERCISE 1 Fill in each blank with a suitable common noun. 1. Jenny has a 2. Peter is reading a 3. This is a 4, Thatisa 5. |have q______. & 6. My SS is very active. “A 7. The BE chips every morning. So 8. Timothy is carrying a _____ ». © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd y. EXERCISE 2 Underline the proper noun in each sentence. ile Ps Samuel is my class monitor. Aunt Polly lives in Penang. These sea creatures can be found in the Underwater World, = Gia My parents work in Malaysia. Shanti and Rashid are my cousins. Tom's pet dog is called Tippy. a “ We like to eat at McDonald's. Li Ping lives in Ang Mo Kio. Bryan's best friend is Ryan. 10. We like to visit the Botanic Gardens. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid bl Countable and q Uncountable Nouns Countable nouns are things which you can count one by one. EXAMPLES | one chair one balloon one cap WwW eb Sa one bicycle one cat © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd . c © «& - © « Nouns Uncountable nouns are things which you cannot count one by one. EXAMPLES ~ sugar © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (5 EXERCISE 1 Colour the countable nouns green. Colour the uncountable nouns blue. © @ 1g House Pte Lid (EXERCISE 2 Look at the pictures carefully. Circle ‘Yes’ if the object is a countable noun. Circle ‘No’ if the object is an uncountable noun. ll Sh Yes / No hen 2. Yes / No 3. Yes / No Cy Yes / No dress 5 Yes / No © Educational Publishing House Pte id UNIT 3 ° Singular and Plural Nouns Singular nouns refer to one person, a thing or an animal. EXAMPLES - ey a cat a car a pen Plural nouns refer to two or more people, things or animals. EXAMPLES t f _ 4 Sa @ two cats three cars many pens © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid c Nouns Some nouns are changed when they are plural. EXAMPLES | Singular CG; Lo Cy one man ae one mouse <} one foot (© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid Plural ee O £8, two men three mice ENS two feet (5. EXERCISE 1 Look at each picture. Then colour singular or plural. singular plural singular plural singular plural 4, singular plural 12. aa ed” 8. ¢ (© Educational Publishing House Ple Lid Tele? singular plural singular plural singular plural singular plural ("EXERCISE 2 Match each picture with the correct noun. ° bird « ° birds » @) * balls » * ball ° Ke * banana ° S SVE * bananas © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd 3 ea * sweets ° os * sweet ° kay, * bicycle » ee * bicycles « Gis © Educational Publishing House Pte ltd The ( dog , dogs ) is barking loudly. 7 / That ( tree , trees ) is shady. My pet (cat, cats ) is hungry. These are (ruler , rulers ). ‘© Educational Publishing House Pre Ltd 5. 6. 7 8. The ( door, doors ) is open. The ( boy, boys ) is cycling. These ( book, books ) are interesting. The (children, child ) are playing. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 4 a° Collective Nouns Collective nouns are used to describe a group of people, animals or things. Collective nouns are used for groups of people. EXAMPLES | a band of musicians a team of players an army of soldiers use Pre Lid Nouns Collective nouns are used for groups of animals. EXAMPLES | Bo Se Gees, a flock of birds a pack of wolves Collective nouns are used for groups of things. EXAMPLES | a string of beads a bunch of flowers {© Educational Publishing House Pte td EXERCISE 1 Match the collective noun with the correct picture. ' ts % ihe a collection of ) e e eye 2. fish ashoalof )¢ e 3. stamps (oP aflockof pe e age £3 4. sheep a brood of )e e 5. apackof )e e chickens ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid G EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with the correct collective noun. swarm gaggle crew litter ~~ nest {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid "° EXERCISE 3 Fill in each blank with the correct collective noun. army band choir pride bunch fleet comb gang loa of musicians 20a of bananas —e 30a __ of lions & Cy © Fdlucational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4, q________ of flowers 5. an___________ of soldiers 6. a —___________ of ships 7. Q@_______of singers 8. g___________ of robbers © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 5 <° Gender Gender nouns are words that refer to males and females. EXAMPLES . Male grandfather grandmother = © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd nephew dog bull pig brother uncle tiger tailor rooster barber ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lcd actress niece bitch cow sow sister aunt tigress seamstress hen hairdresser fa "EXERCISE 1 Look at each picture. Then write the word ‘male’ or ‘female’ in the box. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd © Educational Publishing House Pre Lid rooster or EXERCISE 2 Colour all the female genders. GE EXERCISE 3 Write the correct noun in each bia ink. duck waitress 1. 2. 3. 4 boy 5. father a ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 6 cM Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns take the place of the nouns so that the nouns are not used repeatedly. A personal pronoun is used as the subject in a sentence. EXAMPLES | This is Sally. She is reading. The cow is hungry. It is grazing. This is John. He is smiling. 3a) © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives A personal pronoun can also be used as the object of the verb in a sentence. EXAMPLES | The book belongs to Mary. I will return it to her. Jon is sleeping. Please wake him up later. Uncle Tom and Tina will be at the cinema. We shall meet them there. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd EXERCISE 1 Fill in each blank with the correct personal pronoun. (they You He She It | we) 1. Peter is walking. is walking to school. fs Nisha has a doll. GS a) Fae LBS loves it very much. bo 3 My pen is lost. will look for it. them well. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Tony is my best friend. is very kind. “Are _________ going to the party tonight?” Lisa asks me. Please wash that cup. is diirty. = am going to put the books on the shelf. Amos has a new bag. will use it today. My sister and | are going out. are going to visit our grandparents. Fill in each blank with the correct personal pronoun. ( you it them her him us me 1. The rat scampers into the hole. will come out again at night. 2. Tell Peter that | cannot come. | willsee ___ ater today. 3. Show me your pen. I like ___-_____ very much. 4, Salmah is going out. She is going to meet ______ friends. 5. The shells are very pretty. lam going to take _________ home, GB — £3 & SO a © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 6. Father bought ___________ ano therr rabbit. We have two rabbits now. Sea “ShHhas 7. Is someone looking for ___? | was having a shower just now. 8. The boys are hungry. Please give ________ some. food. 9. Are ________ sure this is your bag? 10. The dog is barking loudly. sees a stranger at the door. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Circle the correct answer. Then write out each sentence in the space below. 1. Uncle is sleeping. ( He, She ) is not drawing. 2. The birds are chirping now. ( It, They ) are chirping happily. 3. Sue has a new walkman. ( She, He ) shares it with her sister. 1© Educational Publishing Mouse Pte id 4. The boys are in the field. ( They, It ) are playing baseball. 5. (1, He ) am Ravi. This is my bag. 6. The kettle is on the stove. ( They, It ) is hot. «© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid 2 My (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid is cooking in the kitchen My mother 4. | teddy bear favourite eH ¢ © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd UNIT 1 ee Demonstrative Pronouns ‘This’, ‘that’, ‘these’ and ‘those’ are demonstrative pronouns. They are used to ‘point to’ something. ‘This’ and ‘these’ are used when we refer to something near us. We use ‘this’ when we refer to one thing or one person. We use ‘these’ when we refer to many things or people. Pr wsueeces EXAMPLES | This is a flower. These are my parents. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd < ~ “Pronouns and i 4 _ “ Possessive Adjectives K ‘That’ and ‘those’ are used when we refer to something far away. We use ‘that’ when we refer to one thing or one person. We use ‘those’ when we refer to many things or people. EXAMPLES . r a That is a bird. Those swans are in the pond. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 7” EXERCISE 1 Tick |“ | the correct demonstrative pronoun in each sentence. This That ) Z OX ef is Dawn’s doll. This That is a chair. This That is a party hat. ey is my teddy bear. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Bobo? z Cy This ae C iy monkey is very playful. That 6 2. mn ball belongs to That John. ie is is Mike’s school bag. That This 8. & dog is very fierce. 3 a That | “9 8 YS & (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid oF EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with ‘This’ or ‘That’. 1. is an ic / empty cup. D a tall man. 3. dog is digging in the den | Bay os 6 Ejibe lady over there is my mother. «© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 5. —__ is a dirty bowl. short tree, 7, cat is sleeping on the floor. —_______ man over there is my co S s ES LJ cat uncle. . 5 © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd apples are very sweet. cats are looking for food. ______ pencils belong to Paul. Lo (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4, sd bags on the floor are mine. 5. caps on the sofa belong to Toby. ey 6. ____________are my keys. ch Ex © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 8 >: Possessive Adjectives Possessive Adjectives tell us more about something. They tell us whom the thing belongs to. EXAMPLES - I have a bag. A) This is my bag. 4\) That is John's father. His father is tall. — My neighbours have a car. a Their car is parked at the car park. You left your wallet behind. Your money was in it. LD > © Educational Publishing Personal Pronouns and 7 c - Possessive Adjectives _ EXAMPLES | We have a rabbit. Our rabbit is very active. This is Sulin’s dress. Her dress has ribbons on it. My sister and I have a dog. We bought a big kennel for our dog. Look at the elephant! Its trunk is long. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Tick iin 5a \. EXERCISE 1 v | the correct answer. This is Marcus. His Her Its he children are busy now. painting is nice. hey are doing | OUr he rabbit has hurt | his It is limping now. Julie falls down, She grazes their homework. his your leg. its 00 (7 your Lay his legs. Sel its ~ © Educational Publishing House Pte Led (0 EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with the correct possessive adjective. her its their our my his 1. Do not take Annie's dress. That is ________ dress, 2, —________ father is taking us to the park later. 3. Look at ________ new doll. Aunt Jane bought it for me. 4. The dog is looking for _______ puppies. 5. Peter cuts _____ own hair. 6. Alice and Ann buy a new car. car is big. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd UNIT 9 c.- A and An N ‘W and ‘An’ are articles. We use them with singular nouns such as one person, one thing or one animal. EXAMPLES | Tom is a boy. @:) 25 Tippy is a dog. That is an elephant. This is an orange. 1 educational Publishing House Pte Lid . ~ Articles We use ‘a’ with words starting with a consonant sound. a table a lion We use ‘an’ with words starting with a vowel sound. U EXAMPLES | an igloo an ant © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd ;. EXERCISE 1 Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ below each picture. 1 2. pen cup 3. 4, egg 5. 6. ge —_____ bib —______ crab 5a. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (; EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1. Joel draws __________ picture of a dog. 2. She writes ________. good story. 3. Alice ate —______ cake. this morning. 4, This is __________ grasshopper. 5. Have you seen ______ eel before? 6. | have ________ blue rubber. 7. Shawn is ________ obedient boy. 8, Terry bought __________ new pencil case. 9. Father took __________ apple from the basket. 10, Kim can draw —______ ostrich. (© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid (© EXERCISE 3 Choose the correct answer. Then write out the sentence. 1. Singapore is (a, an) island. 2. It is raining. | need (a, an) umbrella. 3. This is (a, an) short dress. © Educational Publishing Hou 4. He is (a, an) pilot. 5. Lily took (a, an) aeroplane to Japan. 6. We like to swim in (a, an) lake. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Srcommveromrscumesansan eRe (gusemnnsermenanmntencascmnnaorteny 7 eens ees UNIT 10 qo Describing Words Adjectives are describing words. They describe the size, shape or age of nouns. EXAMPLES | This is a hat. This is a hat. It is a pointed hat. It is a round hat. More examples: This is a tall tree. Sue has beautiful hair. | The boys live in a big house. 3 Publishing House Pte Ud < ~ £ ¢ _ = — * Adjectives S 2S c F This is a dog. This is a dog. It is a small dog. It is a big dog. Mrs Tan is wearing a long dress. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ud Sa EXERCISE 1 secon Match each picture with the correct adjective. ° poisonous: 2. - ee 3, ° happy 4, 2 small ish 2 ty ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 0 EXERCISE 2 Look at the picture. Then circle the correct answer. It is a ( sunny, rainy ) day. Mother uses a ( torn, small ) umbrella for herself. Shan is wearing a ( small, big ) raincoat. Shan is also wearing a pair of ( rubber, leather ) boots. She is splashing in the ( dirty, clean ) puddles of water. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid © EXERCISE 3 Underline the adjective in each sentence. © 1. The weak boy cannot walk. Ag Cr ih 2. The strong man lifted the car. 3. That tall tree has a nest in it. y 4. The old man is walking alone. © Feducational Publishing House Pee Ltd 5. The kind boy is helping the old lady. The new cars are in the workshop. Te Mikki has a beautiful dress. Those thick books belong to Miss Tan. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid a. EXERCISE 4 Circle the correct adjective in the brackets. 1. The sky is ( blue , dark ). It is going to rain. 2, The shirt is ( dirty , red ) | need to wash it. 3. That is an ( old , young ) man. He walks slowly. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4. The carpet is ( huge, tiny ) It fills the room completely. 5, These noodles are ( delicious , tasteless ). Can | have another plate of noodles, please? 6. Those ( new , old ) shoes are beautiful. I shall wear them for Chinese New Year. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Fill in each blank with the correct adjective. shy fast dirty funny beautiful tall fat expensive 1. Pauline is q_—__ (A>) a girl. She does not speak to KC other children. 2. The toys are —__. Please wash them. 3, Rashid and Rahmat can run very They win many prizes. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 4. The _____ cows are wearing bells. 5. Thatisa flower. 6. The —_______ clown makes us laugh. 7. The —____ coconut FRX trees have many fruits. \ * 8. This is an ——___ watch. It costs $1000. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT N ‘ EXERCISE 1 Put a tick |“ | in the correct box. am 1. Sally and is playing chess. are am 2. The cat Is drowning. ~ a” AS are CAP “Ss am 3. Jack is having a shower. are am 4. | is going to school. are @ {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid am © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 5. The dog is barking. are am 6. The ball is mine. are am 7. The grapes is sweet. are am 8. The shirt is dirty. are VW 3 ae 2 S Circle the correct answer. Then write the correct sentence. 1. | (is, are, am) running with Sam. 2. The fish (is , are , am ) in the tank. 3. Rachel and | (is, are , am ) at the park. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 4. The gate (is, are , am) open. 5. Cats (is, are , am) my favourite animals. 6. The barber (is, are , am ) cutting Andy’s hair. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 13 o° Has and Have We use ‘has’ with singular nouns. _ EXAMPLES He has a teddy bear. Sally has a new dress. The cat has a short tail. Aunt Lim has short hair. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid e < _ . < Verbs We use ‘have’ with plural nouns. EXAMPLES | They have many books. = = The trees have many fruits. The children have many toys. The boys have a new teacher. © Educational Publishing House Pre Ltd - EXERCISE 1 Circle the correct answer. 1. The tree ( has , have ) flowers. 2, Peter and his sister (has , have ) a piano. 3. Goldfish ( has , have ) big eyes. 4. Mary (has, have ) three cats. Cee? KY my J 5. This bicycle ( has , have ) A two wheels. '© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd (5 EXERCISE 2 “ Underline the correct answer. 1. He (has, have ) a new pair A of spectacles. 2. Naomi (has, have ) no money with her. sisters, 3. John (has , have ) three gS & 4. We (has, have ) plans to ~ - oof go to the swimming pool later. 5. Both Eleanor and Oliver ( has , have ) many toys. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd EXERCISE 3 Colour the correct answer. ile 2. 3. 4, has All the boys have shorts, has ; Sally have | 2 Pair of new shoes. has The stamps Ravel ; has A durian Rava thorns, © Feducational Publishing House Pee Ltd , has , - . 5. My shirt Rave dirty stains on it. Has ao 6. hove they seen the movie? has 7. My brother nave on his face. , has 8. The fairy have her hand. © Fducational Publishing House Pte Ld * EXERCISE 4 Fill in each blank with ‘has’. Then read the sentences aloud. 1. Jane ——_____ a pink ribbon. 2. Hea teddy bear. 3. The mouse _________ a piece of cheese. 4. Dad —_________ to go to work. 5. The baby ——_______ learnt how to crawl. 6. Diana __________ to go home now. 7. The cow __________ black spots on its body. 8. My dress __________ two pockets on it. oa) © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd EXERCISE 5 Fill in each blank with ‘have’. Then read the sentences aloud. 1 o'clock, 2. You 3. James and John to the zoo. 4. They afternoon. 5. We 6. — Shirley and Paul lessons today. 7. The trees 8. Cats and dogs ——___ '© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd my breakfast at seven a new wallet. free tickets piano lessons in the six baby chicks. no swimming no leaves, whiskers. UNIT 4 = ° Do and Does ‘Does’ is used with singular nouns in a statement or question. EXAMPLES - My sister does the ironing. Does Jonathan know how to put on a shirt? Yes, he does. © Educational Publishing House Pee Ltd We ~“ © ¢ - “© « Verbs ‘Do’ is used with plural nouns in a statement or question. EXAMPLES My brother and I do the household chores every week. Do Mary and Mark leave the books on the table after reading? No, they don’t. © Educational ishing House Pte Lid EXERCISE 1 Colour the correct answer in each sentence. 1. the children go to the playground every week? ey 2. Do you the dishes yourself? 3, John knows how to the sums. 4, that pen write well on paper? oy Paul cry when he falls? © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid o : (Does) you wash the car with your father at night? 7. the rabbit bite? 8. The girls the laundry themselves. 9. those dogs bark at strangers? 10. Ralph his morning exercise © Fducational Publishing House Pte Ltd as ey. EXERCISE 2 Underline the correct answer in the brackets below. 1. (Does, Do ) oy lions attack smaller animals? 2. Father ( does , do ) the housework every day. 3. ( Does, Do ) WR butterflies flit from flower to flower? 4. (Does, Do ) Karim eat vegetables? 5. (Does, Do ) the girls love swimming? 6. 1 (does, do ) my best at school. 7. Mother ( does, do ) the cooking every day. © Fdlucationa Publishing House Pte Ltd 8. Sharon and Shawn (do, does ) very well in school. 9. The workers ( do, does ) their jobs well. They are promoted by the manager. 10. (Does, Do ) the doll talk? 11. My sister (do , does ) her homework after she has her lunch. 12, Uncle Sam likes his house to be clean, He (do , does ) the cleaning all by himself. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Ld UNIT IS ry Simple Present Tense \ We use the Simple Present Tense when an action happens or takes place all the time. EXAMPLES | Peter reads a storybook every day. The children walk to school every day. Rahimah cleans the house every week. Tenses We also use the Simple Present Tense to refer to things or events taking place now. EXAMPLES _ Mark runs fast. ul Y The kites fly high. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid ” EXERCISE 1 Underline the correct Simple Present Tense in the brackets. 1, That boy (run, runs ) fast. ¢* 2 This candle ( burn , burns ) brightly. 3. My shoes (is, are ) new. eS 4, G4 fe) The kettle ( use , uses ) electricity lu to boil water. 5. Those carrots ( look , looks ) fresh. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid > EXERCISE 2 Colour the correct answer. m wel 2. The birds 3. Dad's car (break ) (was) 3 (breaks ) down very often. 4. The monkey (elim ”) Coma aey up the tree. 5. Hitam every Sunday morning. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (| EXERCISE 3 Fill in each blank with the correct Simple Present Tense. loves bark drinks fly jog 4 1. Charlie _______ to sing. ~@&) A> 2. Samy and Ali ____-_____._ att the park every Sunday morning. 3. Those dogs ________ loudly every night. 4, John loves milk. He _________ it in the morning before he goes to school. 5. The papers __________ when the wind blows. 1 (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Fill in each blank with the correct Simple Present Tense. sing celebrates perform arrive River Kindergarten (1)____ Children’s Day on 1 October. All the students should (2)___ in school. There is a concert for the students that morning where Sally and Kevin (3)_______ a few _ songs on stage. Children from other classes (4) ___ a dance item too. Everyone looks foward to having a good time that day. © Flucational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 16 @.: Simple Past Tense We use the Simple Past Tense when an action has happened. _ EXAMPLES eS Bobby left the books _ on the table. a BE The man parked his car at the car park. Rhea threw the rotten apple away. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 7 << - x Tenses We use words such as ‘last night’, ‘last week’, ‘yesterday’ and ‘just now’ to show that an action is completed. 4 EXAMPLES | The eggs were still fresh a few days ago. ul AY Ze The kites flew high \ yesterday. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Underline the Simple Past Tense in each sentence. 1. Jason (go, went ) for a swim yesterday. SAS: 2 OR These rabbits CTT T]~ rl | hy ( play , played ) in the OUx sz garden this morning. FED 3. | (leave , left ) my books ae on the table last night. Wr SF Sam and Sunita (go, went ) to the park for a game of football last night. {© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 5. There ( was , were ) many clowns at the circus. Mr Lee ( takes , took ) his dog for a walk last evening. 7. The children (was , were ) at the library yesterday. 8. Mr Lee ( drive , drove ) very fast just now. © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid Ge EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with the correct Simple Past Tense. saw looked used wiped played bloomed borrowed ran 1. Aminah ———___ the computer for two hours yesterday. The clouds _ dark yesterday. 3. We —_______ many colourful birds at the bird park last week. 4. > —) Sally ________ the. LIES _ table this morning. © Educational Publishing House Pee Ltd 5, Fiona to the bus stop last night. (q@emewrsantcrmenmensioseemcntonlaos | Ranjit ___ my | pencil yesterday. | 7. The flowers —__ last week. \ | | Joe —_________ on _ the swing yesterday. 1 Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Penny (sang. sings ) at the concert yesterday. My uncle ( drove , drives ) very quickly just now. The cat ( ate , eats ) up the fish just now. Fiona ( skipped , skips ) — for ten minutes last night. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 5. 6. 7. 8. Those children ( play , played ) at the playground yesterday. The girls ( collect , collected ) ity Zo seashells last week, He ( planted , plants ) __ some vegetables last week. Tom ( grew , grows ) two centimetres last year. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid EXERCISE 4 Colour the correct answer. danced Lot at the Children’s Day dances concert last week. draw drew pictures 2, We in school yesterday. eat 3. Those hamsters ate up all the seeds just now. swam AA\ 4, John swims at the Ore 4 a swimming pool yesterday. © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd enjoyed 5. The children enjoy the outing yesterday. say 6. Peter us paint the wall this morning. want 7. The girls the show last night. said he could help wanted to watch hit 8. The children hits drums very hard just now. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid the . EXERCISE 5 Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the box. ( landed went threw drew sold ) 1. Angie ___-_______ a picture just now. 2. The aeroplane —— at the airport a while ago. 3. Those eggs smell terrible. Mother ————___ them away just now. 4, Geetha __— fora movie with her friends last night. 5, Uncle Lai _________ alll the fish this morning. 1” © Educational Publishing House Pre Lid - EXERCISE 6 Fill in each blank with the correct answer. Sherry likes to sing. She (took, takes) part in a singing competition last month. Sherry (sings, sang) ~~. beautifully and (comes, came) —______—_ in first. The audience (loved, loves) ____ her performance and (clap, clapped) ___ loudly for her. Sherry (was, were) very happy. Sherry wishes to be a singer when she grows up. Her parents are very proud of her. Gs © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd UNIT 11 “q+ Present Continuous Tense We use the Present Continuous Tense to refer to an action that is happening now. EXAMPLES » Serene is singing. Peter is running. The water is overflowing. 1) area 7s Pas . < e - Tenses The birds are flying James is fixing his car. in the sky. Miss Lee is looking for The men are pushing her glasses. the car. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid EXERCISE 1 Fill in each blank with the correct answer. hanging washing looking running playing swimming 1. Mr Tan is his car now. 2. The tourists are at the tall trees. They are at least a hundred years old. 3. Those kittens are after a ball of yarn. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 4. The children are in the playground now. 5. Mother is out the clothes to dry. 6. My cousin is in the pool. (© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid - EXERCISE 2 Colour the box with the correct answer. 7 DN is readin @B 1. Dawn 9g a storybook now. Se are reading om is crying &. 2. Andrew are crying because PY rr he is afraid. are drinking , 3, The cats is drinking some milk. is sitting 4. The boy are sifting on the elephant. © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid are packing 5. We is packing our toys. is baking ; 6. The cake are baking in the oven. @ B ; is running 7. That child are running to his mother. is washing 8. Anna the dishes. are washing © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 18 “g> Past Continuous Tense We use the Past Continuous Tense to refer to an action that was happening at a certain time in the past. EXAMPLES | The children were paying attention to their teacher just now. The cows were grazing in the field last week. iD © Fao ublshng Howe Pe - a Tenses The children were The bee was flying cycling at the park last around the flower just week. now. Mr Singh was hiding The soldiers were behind the wall just marching in the field now. yesterday. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (EXERCISE 1 Circle the correct Past Continuous Tense in the brackets. 1. Troy ( were helping , was helping ) his father in the workshop just now. i, rae COs 2. All the plants ( was growing , were growing ) well in the garden last month. 3, Preema ( were walking , was walking ) to school alone yesterday morning. © Feducational Publishing House Pte Ltd 5. 6. 7. 8. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Mother ( were tidying , was tidying ) the children’s room last night. My neighbour ( were watching , was watching ) television yesterday afternoon. Gwen ( were looking , was looking ) for her favourite bag just now. The cats ( were hiding , was hiding ) from the big dog this morning. (EXERCISE 2 Underline the correct Past Continuous Tense. Then write the correct sentence. 1. Walter ( were digging , was digging ) in the garden yesterday. 2. They ( was rushing , were rushing ) to see the pop star last night. © Flucational Publishing House Pte Ltd 3. Sally’s baby ( were crawling , was crawling ) on the floor just now. 4, Kimberly ( were washing , was washing ) the dishes a while ago. 5. Rahimah ( were taking , was taking ) some photographs last week. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT Ig oe Simple Future Tense We use ‘will’ and ‘shail’ to refer to an action that will happen later. _ EXAMPLES | . It will rain today. ean VN ‘ \ We shall go for dinner later. The girl will jog with her father in the park. re) ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd - ~ € ¢& f « ~ Tenses We use ‘shall’ for nouns such as ‘I’ and ‘We’. However, ‘will’ can be used for all other nouns. _ EXAMPLES - I shall visit Japan this June. We shall play chess today. I shall finish my homework by this afternoon. These elephants will trumpet loudly when they see the zookeeper. We shall visit Julie at the hospital tomorrow. Mr Tan and his family will move out from their house next week. - © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid |” EXERCISE 1 Look at the picture. Circle ‘Yes’ if the picture matches the sentence. Circle ‘No’ if the picture does not match the sentence. after dinner. Father will take the cat for a walk Yes No Xavier will carry the bag for me. Yes No Yes No Mr Raju will teach us to Our class will clean the park today. day. Yes No | shall keep these toys now. Yes No © Educational Publishing House Pee Ltd ile en os 4. Tammy ———_____- sing for us tomorrow. The birds _________ fly away if you go too close. We ___________ visit our teacher on Teachers’ Day. Linda —___ wash the dishes later. |__ gg jogging later. © Feucational Publishing House Pte Lid 1 oN Circle the correct answer. Then write the sentence. We shall ( take , took ) a holiday next June. 2. Be Le, Wy MW ae 3 Walt we Gare Ai, “SEMI AS ey! o ae They will (come , came ) to Kota Tinggi. wD 1© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Sue will ( complete , completes ) her work today. 4. | shall ( take , takes ) Olivia with me to the cinema. 5. * Rabit a ce Carine and Chelsea will ( help , helps ) Mrs Lim to wipe the board. © Fducational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 20 Ga Can and Cannot ‘Can’ and ‘Cannot’ are used in sentences to show an ability or inability to do something. EXAMPLES | A ship cannot fly. A cat cannot bark. The aeroplane can fly Gta very high. ¢ Suresh can paint a picture. © Educational Publishing House Pee Ltd Modals Modals can also be used when asking questions or giving answers. EXAMPLES — Can I go cycling later? 8 No, you cannot. ~ XX No, you cannot. Can I bring this camera along @ with me? ah i W Can this old video recorder still be used? Ty fy Yes, it can. Sy Can your bird sing? Dp iS Yes, it can. oO ce 3s © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid - j. EXERCISE 1 Look at each picture carefully. Then tick |“| the correct answer. 1. Mother ______ cook. can cannot 2, John —______ climb a tree. can cannot 3. The lantern _____ bounce. can cannot 4. The table lamp can cannot © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 5. Apig swim. can So cannot 6, The bird sing very well. xR can cannot 7. The baby walk yet. can cannot 8. The rag doll talk. can cannot © Educational Publishing House Pte id EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with ‘can’ or ‘cannot’. 1], —____ you help me to carry the bag? Yes, | 7 No, you —______. Ss No, it 4, __ a snake hiss? Bete We Yes, it {© Educational Publishing House Pte td Yes, he 6, —_______ Janet drive a car? Yes, she 7, __________ a fish live out of water? No, it at? CBs 8. __ Dennis ride a bicyle? (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 21 @.: Adverbs of Manner Adverbs are used to tell us more about the verbs. They tell us how an action is done. J EXAMPLES \ Peter runs quickly. The word ‘quickly’ tells us how fast Peter is running. Sharon dances gracefully. The word ‘gracefully’ tells us more about the way Sharon dances. ia) Fda Rng Howe Re La e ~ © ¢ - @ ~ Adverbs The birds chirp happily. The word ‘happily’ tells us how happy the birds are singing away. Matthew speaks softly. The word ‘softly’ tells us how Matthew speaks. Miss Lee writes neatly. The word ‘neatly’ tells us more about the way Miss Lee writes. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Match to complete the sentence. , EXERCISE 1 June is whispering Ahmad and Raj are doing their homework Cheryl dances e The lion roared The children are listening ee carefully. attentively. loudly. gracefully. softly. '© Educational Publishing Howse Pte Ltd = EXERCISE 2 Look at the picture. Then fill in each blank with the correct word. smiling happily attentively swiftly The children are running ____ in the garden. They are playing tag. Their teacher is standing nearby watching them play. The children are all ______. Wei Keong is running _______ —.. His friend, Sam. cannot catch him. The children are having an enjoyable time together. Their teacher promised to bring them out again if they listen _________ in class. en . Seana +) EXERCISE 3 Fill in each blank with the correct word. softly gracefully slowly attentively dangerously quickly 1. The bus driver is driving The passengers are very afraid. 2. The girls are talking —_____ in the library. 3. Those swans swim in the Me ———_—— S) pond. ae ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 4, My grandmother walks —_________ because her legs are not strong. 5. The children are listening to their teacher. 6. Those students cross the road \© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid UNIT 22 Ga: And, Or and But ‘And’, ‘or’ and ‘but’ are connectors. We use them to join two sentences into one. EXAMPLES » Peter is tall. Peter is handsome. Peter is tall and handsome. Joey and Cynthia are nea Joey and Cynthia are tidy Joey and Cynthia are neat and tidy. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd c © « ; c Connectors The car is small. The car is fast. The car is small but fast. Sam is short. Sam is strong. Sam is short but strong. Mary may go swimming. Cuming jogging S ° Mary may go jogging. Mary may go swimming J or jogging. Sam may eat the apple. COn3 C83 Sam may eat the orange. a 5 PRICE Sam may eat the apple or ° ° the orange. r © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Fill in each blank with ‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘but’. 1. Peter is feeling thirsty & hot sy Ao The girls are walking talking. 3. Is the chef baking washing? 4. ICS Apples can be sweet sour. © Educational Publishing House Pre Ltd 5, The children like to eat ice cream cycle. Rachel is smart she is also proud. 7. The cups are cracked PD ity. : Hp SD Gen 8. A) My parents are old weak. 2 © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd (.) EXERCISE 2 Join the sentences into one using the connector provided. ib Peter reads very well. Peter writes very well. and Katrina is tall. Katrina is sweet. and 8 The box is useful. It is too big. but (© Educational Publishing House Pee Ltd The room is messy. The room is dirty. and 5. The fish is fresh. The fish is delicious. and 6. Do you like to wear long pants? Do you like to wear dresses? © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid “ My dog sits on the cloth. under © Flucational Publishing House Pte Lid Walter leaves his bag pases the chair. above | in seat Put the dirty plates this sink. under Peter kicks the bat|___"°_| the goal, between © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid UNIT 24 = ° Wh- Questions Question-words are used to ask questions about things, people, places, time and matters. © Why is used to ask for reasons. e Where is used to ask about places. ¢ When is used to ask about time. ¢ What is used to ask about people and things. ¢ Which is used to ask about things. ¢ Who is used to ask about people. EXAMPLES | Why did you break the window? I was not careful. CP Where is the cinema? It is near the shopping mall. DP © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Questions and Answers ————— When are you going to London? ee What happened to Maggie? ———— Which car is yours? Who is that lady with the umbrella? — Iam going to = London next AX “XR week. \ (a> ———— She fell and < ——_—_=—_. That small car is mine. hee” hurt her knees, SS She is my aunt. \ SS i XZ 1 Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd a Match to complete the sentence. - EXERCISE 1 is Peter doing? He is fishing. | coming? is Sally She is coming at 9 o’clock. does Mother keep that dress? She keeps it in the | cupboard. e F Where When © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd 4. © Fducational Publishing House Pte Lid oo | is cooking in the kitchen? Mother is cooking in the | kitchen. | bicycle | do you like? | like the blue bicycle. are you | smiling? lam smiling because lam happy. e Who GF eZ Und EXERCISE 2 lerline the correct answer in the brackets. ( Who , When ) is standing there? A girl is standing there. (Who , Where ) are the children? The children are in the classroom. ( Who , When ) is the bus coming? The bus is coming soon. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 4, (When, What ) is Ahmad carrying? Ahmad is carrying a bag. 5. (When, Why ) is Salmah running? Salmah is late for school. 6. (What, When ) is Peter holding? Peter is holding some seashells in his hands. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Fill in each blank with ‘Where’, ‘When’, ‘Why’, ‘What’, ‘Who’ or ‘Which’. Ze x SS do tomorrow] the cinema Y jorereen’ for a show | tomorrow — afternoon. | 2 ) do you 4 §e 4 keep those x | pencils? 168). are} ——______, oe you going to| || am going to | keep them in | the drawer. | © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid I like the red car. do you like? dress belongs The purple to you? dress belongs tome. Ger {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid om ey $6 is Pamela running so fast? A are | { you going for your holiday? ! Pamela is afraid of the dog. lam going for my holiday this May. MAY 02 MoNnDay ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Preeya’s doll is missing. is Preeya crying? | eS Lynn is shouting. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ld UNIT 25 “g » Capital Letters and Full Stops We use capital letters when we start a new sentence and when we write the names of people, date or place. EXAMPLES | This cap belongs to Peter. O®> This is the Singapore Bird Park. Leon has a dog. Latifah goes to Sin Min Primary School. Clara goes to church every Sunday. 170) © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd Capitalisation and Punctuation Full Stops We use a full stop to show the end of a sentence. EXAMPLES _ This pair of shoes belongs to Swee Lee. ep Michael is Milly’s cousin. June is doing her homework. Mr Tan is my English teacher. My father wants me to wash the car with him. Gn © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd “ EXERCISE 1 o Rewrite each sentence. Remember to use the capital letter and full stop where necessary. 2. my sister is playing with her doll & 1, ella has a pencil ONG 3. that cute puppy is called spot L) Se w 4. please write your name here 5 5. the house is on the hill 6. my coat is wet 7. the door is open 8. sam’‘s cat is on the mat © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (© EXERCISE 2 Circle the letters that need to be changed to capital letters. 1. father has a new car. 2, my friend is coming today. 3. that bag belongs to peter. 4, the principal is very kind. 5. john writes with a pencil. \¥ 6. that boat is sailing away. Gy 7. calvin’s shirt is dirty. @ '© lucational Publishing House Pe Ltd > 8. these are my pet fish. = [= 9. that rat is running away. 10. remember to bring an umbrella. 11. tom is smiling. 12. this is a cucumber. 2 13, mr tan is my teacher. 14. the balloon is oval. O 15. mrs lee is at the dentist. {© Educational Publishing House Pre Lid ee Revision One EXERCISE 1 Circle the correct answer in the brackets. 1. There (is, are ) a dog in that kennel. 2. Ben and Adrian (is, are ) best friends. 3. Those shoes (is , are ) dirty. Please wash them. 4. My sister ( buy , buys ) me an ice cream. 5. Fred ( kick , kicks ) the ball well. © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd 10. Regan and Megan ( visit, visits ) the zoo every month. The kittens ( drink, drinks ) up all the milk. My bag (is, are ) heavy. That pillow (is, are ) very soft. Jonathan ( ride, rides ) the bicycle well. © Educational Publishing House Pre Lid 7 Peter ( stays , stayed ) at home to watch television yesterday. Reuben (has, had ) a fever last night. Krishnan (is , was ) at the swimming pool this morning. The box (is , was ) empty yesterday. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 5. Moira’s hat (is , was ) very pretty. 6. Lily (takes , took ) a pen from Sam’‘s pencil box just now. 7. The trees ( have , has ) fruits on them. 8. Jane ( play , played ) chess with Bob last night. © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd (o> EXERCISE 3 Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions that follow. Tricia and Dione go to the library together every Friday. Their parents meet at the library and have tea while the girls go around looking for books they like. The two girls enjoy reading and sharing the stories with their parents. They always have a very good time at the library. © Educational Publishing House Pe Ltd 1. Where do Tricia and Dione go every Friday? They go to 2. What do their parents do when they are looking around for books? Their parents 3. What do the two girls enjoy doing at the library? They like to 4. Whom do they share the stories with? They share 5. Do they enjoy their visits to the library? © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd > EXERCISE 4 Your family is holding a birthday party for your mother. Your sister is going to bake a birthday cake for her. What does she need? In five sentences, write a recipe for your sister. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid © Educational Publishing House Pe Ud ° Revision Two | EXERCISE 1 Underline the correct answer. Then write the sentence on the lines provided. 1. Aunt Sharon (buy , bought ) a new car last week. 2. | will help Sally with (this , that ) big bag. 3, My brother ( like , likes ) to collect stickers. (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 4. (This , That ) is a lovely ~~ Sa) bird on the tree. CA 5. (These , Those ) boys are playing happily in the field. 6. My teacher (is, are ) very kind. © Educational Publishing House Pte id (1). EXERCISE 2 Fill in each blank with the correct answer. My School canteen field dustbins benches tables washbasin This is my school. It has a clean (1). that we can eat in. There are (2)_____ and (3) that we can use when we eat. We wash our hands at the (4)________ nearby. We throw rubbish into the (5)_______ to keep the school clean. | like the big (6)____. | run and play there. | like my school very much. 188) © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. The Park cycling A, There are many people at the park. The children are playing at the playground. There are some (1)________ standing on the (2)___. I like to sit on the (3). | see some people (4). My brother likes to jog in the park. My (S)__________ join us at the park. They like to take slow walks. Ger © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid > EXERCISE 4 oy Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions that follow. Michael has a puppy. Its name is Bobby. He got it as a birthday present from his parents last year, Bobby has big eyes and a furry body. It is brown in colour. Bobby is a playful puppy. It loves to play with Michael. Michael brings Bobby to the park every evening for a stroll. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte id 1. What is the puppy’s name? Its 2. Who gave Bobby to Michael? 3. How does Bobby look like? Bobby 4, What does Bobby like to do? Bobby 5. Where does Michael bring Bobby to every evening? © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid Look at the picture. Use the helping words below and write five sentences about it. ( pail picnic swam sandcastles family XX {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid © Educational Publishing House Pte Ld og Revision Three EXERCISE 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. My Family sofa television brother fan table family This is my family. We like to sit on the (1) — and watch (2) programmes together. My (3)_______. enjoys drawing at the (4). , Father buys a new (5)________. It keeps the room cool. | love my (6)——________. @ © educational Publish EXERCISE 2 Rearrange the words to form the correct sentence. 1. sam | smiling | | are | [and Mary | sam Kab Ge) AS cat - r 1 2. [are walking [ students | Those | Those 3. | parents My © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid ~ EXERCISE 3 Read the passage carefully. Answer the questions that follow. Peter and his cousins went swimming at the Townsville Swimming Club last week. They brought a huge whale float and a red ball with them. Peter’s cousins had a great time throwing and chasing the ball. They played till the sun set in the evening. Mother cooked a delicious meal of spaghetti and fried chicken wings for them. What a wonderful day they had that day! Ug F 1 B-atpD- ee {© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 1, Who went swimming last week? went swimming last week. 2. Where did Peter and his cousins swim? They swam at —— 3, What did they bring with them? They brought with them a 4, What did Mother cook for them that day? Mother cooked — 5. Did Peter and his cousins have a good time? 1© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid ee a EXERCISE 4 Look at each picture. Then write two sentences on each picture. SS ma oo = ia “77 “eA > 4 Aas ce Xna\ NWS Saha, © Educational Publishing ‘© Educational Publishing Mouse Pte Lid qe Revision Four y. EXERCISE 1 Unscramble these letters and write the correct answer on the lines. 1, Shanti and Teddy have a pet (dgo) —____. Those (sheos) ———___ are dirty. 3. My mother loves our (atc) Peter (hlpes) the old lady. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 5. Put that (pne) in the drawer. 6. The baby likes his toy (oatb) 7. That (puc) on the table is a present from S Grandmother. —— Sam has a (tersis) in his school. .© Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (oY. EXERCISE 2 Rearrange the words to form the correct sentence. 1. [1] [schoot] [40] [a bus | | take] 2. [to wipe] [Mother] [table | [Shirley] | helps {the | Shirley 3. | Please hold | | crossing [when | | Harry's hand the road Please hold © Eeducational Publishing House Pe Ltd

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