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Quarterly exom-2023 Mcp masters : on @ Youtube TN Cls¢12 Minpotant aueslio +) chemisbouy( eh 1,23), 61/8/12) Ch-1 (Metattuvgy): "DIFF bly mineral +4 ove (2) Thist the steps involwed in the exhachon of metal from ove (2) 3 Define Gangue 4 slag (3) % What & Grrawity Separation ? (2) 5° Explasn Froth flotation (4) > Define Ccamentation (s) ‘. 7 Explain magnetic Separation (6) B DIGS blo Roasting 4 caleination Ce) 1. Define smelting (8) 10-uthat is the vole of Reo limestone in the extachon of Fe from Feo, " tuhat is aluminothermic provss 709) Pefine Auto reducton (10) . "Elliagham diagram funy) (12,13) » Hau- Herowt proms (14) * Electrolytic refining (ts) "Kone refining (16) (Mend 4 Vvan-Arkal jrrocess (16,11) 1@ Uses of A zn(p Ch-2 (P- Blotk ~ 2) ' Desevibe the medallic nature of P-Block Elements (29) 2 write the anomalous properties Of First elements(aq) 3 Detina Trey pair effect (oq 4 How Bown form hypiriclas ? (Ba) S* Give the uses of Borax (34) 6. sthal ts the achoal-op & ammonia 09 BlOH)s? (34, 25 ‘ 2 ¢2 T How iil you icantify Borate radical /EHiy! Borale +t? cox) S How will you Prepose Borazine ? (3%) t Usen of Borie aed (a5) Oo Hydeve borehion (37) l. Structure ef Br Diborane. (37) 12. Explat McAfea Process (39) IS Writ the prep. 2 uses of Alwns.(3) 4 hat iS Catenaton ? Conditions fox Casenahen (4). (= Structure 16. oF Graphite 4 diamond. (41) CO Se reducing agent - (43) '7- Fischer -vopsth Synthesis (qq) | 8 Structure of co 462 C44) 19. Usex of Gilicone (43) Re. Types af Silicater % Co-iay] chapter- 4 4 Ca Ff block)! ' Define d-block/transihon elements . (101) Ziewhyd-bleck elements exhibit varioble oxrdabon states? (106) % Define Stantand elechode potent . Cio) 4: probiems based on B= Vncnay Pg-lo Grabutar) %- & Cokalyoe properties (eg) : (1) reachona C+ what ane intesstha Compouncls 2 properties: (1) T preparation oF kyemo, (12) Bi ftuchive of cua 1 Chromyl chloride test city), eo Uses of Kacri0, & Kemnay (ny) Wr oxidising benaviour of Kminoy Cony tue egy (ne,n4) 2+. Bayer’ Teagent Um) (117) 13 uthok ane F block /Tney transition Clemenh 2enay \ Justify the pesttion ef Lasthaneids tn periodic table (tux) + Tush: pe “ (14) 15 dantharcid Contradhion ~ Causes 4 Constay (nus . noida (122) ‘6 DISt bly Lanthancida LACK Ao! CB-B- Sto, (F117, 22 26,27) Ch-¢ Csclid Stak): * Crgstalline 4 Amorphous Solids (173) 2 Tsohopy < Anisohopy (172) 3 chanackerister of ganic cgolvels Cg) + Typ 2} molecular solids Cingy S"Deting unite & Coordination number.( see) 6. Primitive 2 non. Primitive wit cel Cat) T Seven primitie Crptal systons C4 be) Co pst (18) © Ne-of- atom: in Sc, Bec, Fee writ cat (122) 4. Stat Breggs Reachon of Glyco) —» Guyco) +o Ethene Guyco! Fo diniho Glycol. 4 i Giycot +o. oxi rane, Ethanat, dioxane, formalolehyde 120 B Gnvert Glycerol > TVG 5 Crald — Acrolan J: Dows process , prep OF phenol from Gumene (126) 1O* Phenot+ zn —p Sthotten Baumann Teachen (127) Williamson ether csmthesia. (127) "Convert Phenol to picric acct (129) (B-B-1,3,7,16,11, 24) 2 eolbed clechalubte method (130) Rieme Tiemenn Raach’on (130) Phthaten vreachon (13) ) Coupling veackon a3) is: Tests te digy aeshe! & phenol (131) Mt Asbo oxidation Of Strers (137) Ghee, Tupac Nomen ctahire (146) SP rip of. aldehudes + Rasermund vesuthion Stephens veachen Shard ~X9, Grattermana-hody rxn ( Iny 3 Friedot crafts 1x0 (Isr) 4+ Urohopine- prep, shuchire 4 Uses (ice). S Stats popefft ule (Isq) G clemmonsen 4 Wolf - Kishnen redushion (16)) Ts Hateforn xn C16). & Aldo] % Cannaxo reaction With mechonicm (11) Ct 6a) J. Clatsen- Stamidt Condensthron. (163) Benz0in Constensahon (rey) Perking ‘reaction $ Ces) Kroerenag at vreachon le How Benzatdehyde forma Sniffi base 2 Tes) Ws Hoes cottt gow prep. malachite Tree dye CD 12: Tests for aldehydes (166) 1B- Ester freahton (173) , (B-B-2,c,57 nis au, (q. Keolbes elecrolyhe meted Cis) 'S*HVZ Reachion CI76), 16+ Reducing ection Of Formic es rl C179) 'Ts Tests for Grbexylie aca (44), l@ Tren ehfrcahan dex) ee Seudansatron ¢1g¢) Be Hediroanns dayradahon (196)

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