007 春~节~

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G1 节日_Spring Festival 春节

作者: Wendy Wong

朗读者:Judy Luxton
Lexile: 390L





Welcome to ALO7’s Power to Learn! Today’s story is The Red Envelope

Hunt, written by Wendy Wong and narrated by Judy Luxton.

Li Mei loves Spring Festival. Every year, she watches the fireworks with
her sister Lily. They watch the dragon dances. But Li Mei’s favorite thing
about Spring Festival is the Red Envelope Hunt.

The night before Chinese New Year, Li Mei’s father puts lucky money
into a red envelope. He hides it in the house for Li Mei to find. Li Mei
loves to hunt for the red envelope. It is so much fun!

On New Year’s Day, Li Mei wakes up early. She is very excited. Where
is her red envelope?

Li Mei gets dressed. She puts on her favorite jeans and a red sweater.
She looks in the closet. Where is her red envelope?

She looks under the blanket. She looks under the pillow. Where is her
red envelope?
Li Mei looks in her desk. She looks behind the curtains. She looks under
the bed. Where is her red envelope?

Li Mei says hello to her pet bird. “Happy New Year!” she says. “Have you
seen my red envelope?”

Li Mei looks into Lily’s bedroom. “Happy New Year!” she says. “Have
you seen my red envelope?”

“Did you look under your pillow? That’s where I found mine!” Lily holds
up her red envelope.

Li Mei goes to the living room. She looks under the sofa. She
looks on the coffee table. Where is her red envelope?

Li Mei’s father is making breakfast in the kitchen. “Happy New Year, Mei
Mei!” he says.

“Happy New Year, Daddy!” says Li Mei. “Have you seen my red

“Of course I have!” he says. “Should I give you a clue?”

“Yes, please!” says Li Mei. “I looked everywhere!”

“Well, you might sit on it,” says Dad.

“Oh!” says Li Mei. She looks on the chairs. She looks on the sofa. She
looks on the beds. She even looks on the toilet! Where is her red
Li Mei goes back to the kitchen. “I can’t find it!” she says. She sits down
on a chair. Something feels strange. She stands up. Li Mei puts her
hand into the back pocket of her jeans. She pulls out her red envelope!

“Here it is!” she says.

“I said you might sit on it!” says her father. “Happy New Year, Mei Mei!”

The End

Question: What is your favorite thing to do during Spring Festival? Why?


firework n. 烟火

envelope n. 信 封 , 包 裹 物

hide v. 把 … … 藏 起 来 , 遮 掩

hunt for 寻 找 , 搜 寻

closet n. 壁 橱 , 橱

blanket n. 毯 子 , 毛 毯

curtain n. 窗 帘

clue n. ( 有 助 于 解 决 疑 案 、 问 题 等 的 ) 线 索 , 提 示

might v.aux ( 语 气 比 may 更 婉 转 、 迟 疑 ) 可 以

strange adj. 奇 怪 的 , 不 平 常 的

pull out 拉 出 , 抽 出
Have you seen my red envelope? 你 见 到 我 的 红 包 了 么 ? have+过 去


That’ s where I found mine! 我 就 是 从 那 里 找 到 我 的 红 包 的 !

mine 代 指 my red envelope, 避 免 重 复 。

Of course I have! 我 当 然 见 到 了 ! have 后 面 省 略 了 seen your

red envelope, 避 免 重 复 。

Something feels strange. 某 样 东 西 感 觉 起 来 不 对 劲 儿 。 feel 为


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